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Ok, throwing my hat in the ring with my blind occultist, Nikolos Eisley.
Having been held in suspended animation during the crashlanding of the Divinity, Niko knows little of Golarion and was awoken by back-up systems kicking in. He was awake only long enough to stumble outside and see the bombs fall - an event that took his sight.
Now he is mastering his racial psychic powers to 'see' the history of objects he finds in the wilderness and is drawn by an aura that rises like mist on the horizon - from Prevail itself.
Nikolos Eisley
Male lashunta occultist 1 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary 25, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 46)
CG Medium humanoid (lashunta)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+3/19-20) or
warhammer +3 (1d8+3/×3)
Ranged sling +1 (1d4+3)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
At will—daze (DC 9), mage hand
1/day—detect thoughts (DC 11)
Implement Schools (6 generic focus)
Abjuration (Amulet, 0 points) Resonant—warding talisman; Focus—aegis +1, mind barrier
Transmutation (Sword, 0 points) Resonant—physical enhancement (strength); Focus—legacy weapon
Occultist Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (2/day)—alarm, lead blades[APG]
0 (at will)—mending, resistance
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Extra Mental Focus[OA]
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Craft (glass) +5, Disable Device -3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (religion) +9, Perception +3, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Knowledge (religion)
Languages Custom Language, Dwarven, Elven, Lashunta, Undercommon; limited telepathy
SQ implements 2, mental focus (6/day)
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, longsword, sling, warhammer, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, occultist's implement[OA], occultist's implement[OA], trail rations (5), waterskin, 16 gp, 3 sp
Special Abilities
Abjuration (Amulet) Abjuration implements are objects associated with protection and wards.
Implements: Amulet, armor, bell, bracers, brooch, cloak, holy symbol, shield.
Aegis +1 (Su) 1 focus: Grant armor or shield enh. bonus and special ability.
Implements (Su) Gain a series of items which grant access to schools and powers.
Legacy Weapon +1 (Su) 1 focus: weapon touched gains enhancement bonus plus a special ability.
Limited Telepathy (30 feet) (Su) A lashunta is able to mentally communicate with any creature within 30 feet with whom she shares a language. Otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability.
Mental Focus (6/day) (Su) You have a pool of points that activate your focus powers.
Mind Barrier (-2 damage) (Sp) 1 focus, swift action: Reduce next damage taken before next turn. 2 for Imm.
Physical Enhancement (Strength) (Su) Implement grants bearer enhancement to one physical attribute.
Transmutation (Sword) Transmutation implements can alter the properties of both objects and creatures.
Implements: Belt, boots, sandals, vest, weapon.
Warding Talisman (Su) Implement grants Resistance bonus to saves.
Niko is going to be pretty versatile. He has 6th level casting and a good selection of skills. However he will primarily be a front line combatant.
He is rugged and rough. He stands at just over five feet tall but like all male lashuntas he is broad and thickly muscled. His eyes are a ruin, something he hides beneath a scrap of cloth not due to his own discomfort but because he sense the change seeing his disfigured face has in people's auras. He has greying hair, a scraggly beard (think Geralt of Rivia) but his rough demeanour belies an intelligence and thirst for knowledge and beauty that all his people harbour.
Any questions, please let me know. I didn't know whether to create an actual profile for this character if we are playing on discord
"I am alone in a darkness you cannot fathom. But I am on your world - one that I cannot comprehend. Perhaps we are as blind as eachother, in a way." the rugged man said. He stands just over five feet tall but his shoulders are broad and fill his armour as though he were poured into it. He wears his greying hair pulled back into a neat braid but just where the crown meets the forehead, a pair of antennae jut out, twitching constantly like the whiskers of a cat.
The younger man, sitting across the fire, was half-elf most likely, Niko had some trouble seeing his aura. It had been a long time since he had been so reliant on the senses that granted him more than sight. And he had cursed himself for becoming so complacent over the years. Still, the steel of a good sword remains strong, it only needs honing to once again carry an edge. And so it is with his abilities. He takes some comfort in that, the only comfort he can find in this wretched wasteland.
"You're... you-you're from another planet?" the boy asked nervously.
Niko nods and smiles wanly. "Yes. I come from a place called the Green. A beautiful world of jungle and steam. But a day came where a great ship descended on my city. But the ocean it navigated was the night and in place of it's sails there were pits of fire that propelled it into the sky."
"Creatures came the likes of which we had never seen. My brothers and I knew of the so called 'elf gates' of course - portals that linked our world to others. We knew we were not alone. But none had seen anything like this."
"They came with weapons we could not defend against that spat fire and lightning and our defences were ravaged in less than an hour. Hundreds of us were rounded up like cattle and marched into the silver tyrant."
"My life was over then, as it was at least. There is a resonance to all things, did you know that? A power that dwells in memory and flesh and earth alike. My people have long been able to harness it, to a greater or lesser degree. But aboard that ship, when I reached out, I felt nothing but a cold, dead intelligence. Even as we hurtled into the vastness of of the stars, it was the thing that frightened me most."
He smiles then, perhaps surprisingly given the story he is telling and the boy waits patiently for more. Niko pokes at the fire and enjoys the burst of heat on his skin. He can no longer see, but with each passing moment he feels his dormant senses reawakening - much as he himself had.
"But by the grace of Shelyn, aboard that ship I saw beauty too. From a window that looked out into perpetual night. I saw shooting stars streak past us, the fire that birthed them like liquid. I saw beams of light glitter off the shoulder of Ardacondis - that constellation, there..." he points without seeing and the boy cranes his neck to the shape of the great warrior wrestling the Kraken who would destroy all of creation. "Yes, boy. There are other worlds than this. Now get some sleep, I will take first watch and will wake you in four hours and you can watch over the rest of them." a half dozen other shapes were bundled in threadbare blankets in the darkness.
Time drew out like a blade. In the days and weeks and months since he had awoken Nikolos had often wondered if he had been killed on that silver ship and now languished in one of the upper circles of Hell. For no world could be like this.
He awoke in a tube of metal and glass, wires in his skin and some foul liquid in his mouth - like lamp oil. He retched it up and screamed and kicked the glass until it shattered. Half dazed, barely able to walk and his mind full of mist, he stumbled through metal corridors lit with flickering light. Niko didn't remember much of that, save for the fear that crawled up from somewhere deep inside him and settled on his back like a weight. Every now and then he would get a flash of resonance, a memory, a feeling, anger, pain, joy, hate, love and yet more fear.
When his entropied legs would allow it he ran. He ran until his bare feet were bleeding and when he finally came to a great rent in the metal wall of his nightmarish prison he stumbled out into a rocky field and fell to his knees. As he raised his head and took his first glance at this world, and the last vision of his lifetime, he saw a flash on the horizon that burst up like a cloud. There was a tremendous rush of heat and dust and wind and the violence of it all tore skin from his body and liquified his eyes.
And when it passed he was alone in the greatest agony of his life. Blind, half-naked, disoriented - a man not of this world and a world now turned to ash. If this were not Hell then what other horrors could await in the Abyss?
In those first days he could barely function at all and spent hours just trying to find the crack he had emerged from some 10 feet away. But once inside he forced his mind to quiet and forced his pain to subside. He tried to remember all the Old Ways. The lessons he had been taught as a boy - to feel the resonance of all things, to see without seeing. And over the course of days, he did begin to see. Colours and memories and intangible snatches of energy that formed into shapes he couldn't describe.
He searched and found fetid water. He continued and found a sword, shield and armour from a place he couldn't know but somewhere he knew the owner was a man like him - taken from his world. Niko began to adapt, slowly, but surely.
Months had passed now and though he knew there was still much for him to do, he had begun sharpening his mind as a smith would sharpen steel. He saw colours everywhere now, mostly dull and lifeless and allowed the smell of this place to permeate him - especially that of the roamers who were all that were left of whatever disaster befell this planet. But occasionally he would see blues and yellows such as with this boy. And similarly he would comes across a shoe or broach or piece of pottery and know about the former owner, their hopes and fears - now unrealised. He continued to learn and to adapt. Niko was still alive and life will always find a way.
Something was drawing him. When he allowed his mind's eye to glance to the horizon he saw a flare of colour there. Greens and reds and blues and yellows. It was small, like the spark of a fire about to take hold. But it was there.
Nikolos was not leading this small band. But he was doing what he could to protect them and he knew that if they just reached that flare of colour then perhaps, just perhaps there would be a spark that could light the fire that will reforge this world anew.
"Where there is life there is beauty. Where there is beauty there is hope. And while there is hope there is possibility... that I might one day find my way home." he says to himself, watching those hues dance on the horizon.

GM Mustache |

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GM Mustache wrote:Phrasing!flooraboleth wrote:With my greater mutation I deal 1d2 con damage and heal 1d4 would I still heal if they are immune to con damagegood clarification question, and the answer is no. (So you don't heal by sucking on zombies in other words.)
Is perfect! :)

chunky04 |
I feel I would likely not be able to play due to it being on Discord and my Timezone likely being inconvenient (East Coast Australia) but this looks cool and fun as hell, so if you don’t mind I’d at least like to make a character for this - at worst you’ll have an NPC made up that you could use.
Mutations: 1d40 ⇒ 2

GM Mustache |

I feel I would likely not be able to play due to it being on Discord and my Timezone likely being inconvenient (East Coast Australia) but this looks cool and fun as hell, so if you don’t mind I’d at least like to make a character for this - at worst you’ll have an NPC made my up that you could use.
I don't think your time zone will be an issue. I like a moving game but not one where there is immediate back and forth. Maybe some pc conversations at the bar could go down like that but not gameplay. Late here, will give you those mutations tomorrow.

GM Mustache |

Oh wow, lightbulb moment. I’d always assumed playing on Discord meant it was a voice comms based games, sounds like this is still PBP using Discord though? That I could definitely do.
You are not the only one to think that. I have tried to clarify but I can see it as an easy assumption to make.
2 is taken, I will give you the next available on the list:
14. The green energy has stolen your skin's pigment and made your eyes very sensitive, while providing almost angel like wings.
Greater: Flawless skin: You have unusually thin and transparent delicate skin, giving permanent +2 charisma and +1 to diplomacy and bluff.
Lesser: Weak Feathery Wings: Your wings don't have propulsion, but do allow you to glide, give you permanent feather-falling and you can move horizontally at your movement speed when falling.
Bad: Albinism: Your skin and hair is extremely pale, and your eyes are sensitive to the light . You are dazzled outside when the sun is shining or within the radius of a daylight spell.

Phntm888 |
I'm going to back out. I've had complete writer's block on coming up with a backstory for my submission, and if I haven't come up with something in three weeks, I don't think that's going to change in the next couple. My mutation was the Kangaroo one:
Caught in a green energy the same time as a passing marsupial, your DNR intermingled with its. Strangely enough, you had a fear of heights before you gained this amazing leaping ability, and it hasn't gone away. Going too high up in the air or standing on the edge of a cliff or roof of a tall house, etc makes you dizzy and sweaty! It seems the gods have a very bad sense of humor.
Greater: Kangaroo: Your powerful legs allow you to bound across the battlefield. When you move, you can choose to leap 10 feet in the air over medium sized friend and foes. You go the horizontal distance equal to your movement speed. You provoke an attack of opportunity if you leave a threatened square but you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you land or as you move. Exception: Large (tall) or larger enemies get an attack of opportunity if you jump through or past their squares.
Lesser Leaper: You automatically make any jump going your horizontal movement speed or 10 feet vertical. DC's for all further or higher jumps are reduced by 20.
Bad: Phobia: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character to avoid being shaken. Failure by 5 causes you to be frightened , with a new save each turn. Phobia: Heights over 10 feet tall.
Best of luck gaming, everyone!

Tormast |

Hi , finally got a backstory together and a character set up.
i would like to submit Brior for consideration . Druid skinwalker.
I have created a profile for him which is almost complete , just need to sort equipment.
Anything that doesnt sit right or needs changing etc please let me know and i can re work things :)
Skinwalker druid 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5)
CN Medium humanoid (shapechanger, skinwalker)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +2
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d8+5)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
1/day—speak with animals
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st—entangle (DC 13), goodberryD, shillelagh (DC 13)
0 (at will)—create water, mending, purify food and drink (DC 12)
D Domain spell; Domain Weather (Seasons domainAPG subdomain)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Toughness
Skills Craft (carpentry) +3, Handle Animal +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +2, Survival +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Handle Animal
Languages Common, Druidic, Elven
SQ change shape, change shape (+1 natural armor), change shape (attributes), change shape (claws), change shape (darkvision), nature bond (Seasons domainAPG), nature sense, untouched by the seasons, wild empathy +4
Other Gear quarterstaff
Special Abilities
Change Shape (+1 Natural Armor) (Su) You can choose to gain +1 natural armor when shifting into bestial form.
Change Shape (Attributes, Strength) (Su) In bestial form, a skinwalker gains a +2 racial bonus to her choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
Change Shape (Claws) (Su) You choose to gain 2 claw attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage when shifting into bestial form.
Change Shape (Darkvision) (Su) You can choose to gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet when shifting into bestial form.
Change Shape (Su) Shapeshift into bestial form, granting animal-like powers.
Druid Domain (Seasons)
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Nature Sense (Ex) A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.
Untouched by the Seasons (1 hours, 5/day) (Su) As per Endure Elements
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
The vast expanse of the Verduran forest lay before them as they emerged from the large hawthorn bush that stood alongside the ruined homestead that sat on the edge of the vast woodland.
Their journey had been almost instantaneous, one moment they had been gathered before a similar thorny bush on the edge of the Fangwood and then as Stallis drew upon the power of the land he merged them into the plant and with a strange sensation of dislocation they were transported hundreds of miles in an instant.
Brior felt oddly queasy as he tried to regain his equilibrium. He had never experienced this kind of travel before.
Stallis led them on this expedition, the tall rangy man was all but family.
Stallis was his fathers oldest friend and though not related by blood he was considered Briors uncle and had been a great mentor and friend to him, he had included Brior on this expedition to commune with other Green faith Druids, the blight within the Fangwood was not getting any better and something had to be done before it spread.
His uncle had been tasked by the arch-druid Aspen Zora to head out from Crystalhurst and seek guidance from another grove.
Brior had jumped at the chance to accompany his uncle, the opportunity to explore another land, to walk amongst the trees of the Verduran forest , to meet the elder druids of the wild wood lodge was a great honour.
you look a little sick Lad, take a breath, travelling this way takes some getting used to. I remember your father being quite ill the first time we travelled this way, he was as green as the grass he threw up on Stallis said laughing as he looked at his nephews pallid complexion.
Brior straightened up and swept back his thick fur like hair. He was fast becoming an accomplished Druid , his ties to the land growing stronger with every season that passed and he did not want to appear weak before his uncle and he tried to cover his nausea.
i am fine, just getting my bearings back. It is a strange feeling but it will pass.[/b} he said , drawing in a deep breath. The scents of the land filling his senses and he began to feel at peace again.
Nearing 20 summers old, Brior stood almost 6 feet in height, broad of shoulder and narrow waisted he moved with an almost animal like gait, a remnant of his lycanthropic heritage.
His eyes were a golden hazel brown and his face was strong and angular, and heavily bearded. The thick dark facial hair grew almost up to his eyes and covered much of his chest and arms and he looked a little bear like.
[b]I’m fine uncle, lets get going. I’d like to reach the forest before night falls
Grasping his oak staff Brior led the way toward the forest.
They had been walking for less than an hour when suddenly the hairs on Briors arms and neck stood up, bristling as a strange feeling of something dreadfully wrong began to grow within him.
Stallis ...something is wrong... he said as he gripped his staff tightly, his fingernails darkening and growing into sharp claws as he began to growl deep within his throat the muscles bunching beneath his leathers as his body automatically prepared itself for flight or fight. An involuntary reaction that gripped him suddenly.
The forest before them began to shudder as if buffeted by an immense wind and scores of animals burst from its edge, fleeing In desperation. The skies too were filled with flocks of birds that shrieked their warnings to the skies as they fled. then a great rumble crashed across the heavens and the ground trembled with a sudden violence.
Thrown from his feet Brior cried out in fear and confusion as all around him the earth seemed to writhe in pain as it heaved and cracked, great fissures tearing open across the landscape like wounds.
Turning to his uncle he saw his own fear echoed in his face and then a heart beat later he saw the roiling green wave of energy rolling like a tsunami across the horizon.
Brior watched frozen in terror as the green energy storm swept toward them. His uncle turned and grabbed at him , hauling him to his feet and half dragging him along as they sprinted away from the storm.
Brior! RUN!
They ran blindly across the heaving ground, stumbling and scrambling away from the certain death that approached, half turning back he looked for his uncle and saw him running a few yards behind him and the green mass was almost upon them, with a cry he stumbled as the ground beneath him gave way as another fissure ripped open and he fell backwards into darkness he saw his Uncle fall beneath the green wave as it tore him apart and then the green energy filled the sky above him and an agony such as he had never felt before ripped through his body as his eyes seemed to burn in their sockets, they filled with the green light until it seemed like his head would burst.
He crashed into the ground and darkness descended on him as the world above ended.
Several hours later he awoke, bruised and bloodied and as he opened his eyes his vision swam, he could see the rough earthen walls of the fissure all around him, the exposed torn roots hanging around him like spiders webs and he reached out for them, trying to pull himself upright but his hands closed on nothing but air as he missed them by several Inches.
Trying again he finally managed to pull himself upright, he was used to seeing in total darkness but not like this. Everything seemed rimmed with a green glow and he knew something was terribly different within him, something was wrong and frantically he rubbed at his eyes only to discover, to his horror that he now had but one.
situated in the centre of his forehead above his nose.
He cried out toward the sky in grief and fear and confusion and sagging back into the earth he wept bitterly as he felt the pain of his uncles death and the the pain of the land itself as it cried out like a wounded animal.
Eventually he came back to himself and realised he had to get out. The land would endure and so must he.
Clawing his way out of the fissure he emerged forever changed by the green energy that had destroyed the lands around him and gingerly he took his first steps into this new world.
He knew he had to get back home. Back to his own grove, he had to know if there was anyone left.
Several months passed as he travelled back toward the Fangwood. Moving mostly at night, resting during the day he hid from the hoards of undead that wandered the lands.
It was a time of constant fear and desperation and yet his connection to the earth was ever present, he and the land were one. The devastation had not severed that link and he drew upon its power more than ever before as he made his way home.
Eventually he drew near the borders of his own lands and as he moved through the blighted landscape he began to see signs for a place he did not recognise, a place called Prevail and there seemed there was some hope that he was not alone ...

Lessah |

I'm currently considering going Magus since that class is fun and looks to be free. The more I think on it the more I feel like trying the Kensai + Bladed Brush kind, it's been at the back of my mind for a while.
And a bit of memory loss and zombie apocalypse would really justify the tormented artist trope. Now only to make something that doesn't become zombie food too fast - and that's fun to be around of course ^^

GM Mustache |

I'm currently considering going Magus since that class is fun and looks to be free. The more I think on it the more I feel like trying the Kensai + Bladed Brush kind, it's been at the back of my mind for a while.
And a bit of memory loss and zombie apocalypse would really justify the tormented artist trope. Now only to make something that doesn't become zombie food too fast - and that's fun to be around of course ^^
What race? Still plenty of races that no one has gone for!

chunky04 |
I have an Aasimar Cleric of Asmodeus that I am working on that I think makes good use of that ethereal skin ability in the concept.
I have some stats done up, but I'm fairly new so don't necessarily have access to a lot of books yet, as most of my purchases so far have been more setting based information I use for GMing than stuff for players. For Crafting feats and background skills, what would be the best source of information on those?

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The Archives of Nethys and
the PFSRD are two common websites for materials reference. Just know that the names of things on the PFSRD may vary slightly as they don't have permission to use non-open licensed stuff, but they're search is better (imho). The archives will have all the proper names, but their search function can be a little less friendly.

GM Mustache |

I have an Aasimar Cleric of Asmodeus that I am working on that I think makes good use of that ethereal skin ability in the concept.
I have some stats done up, but I'm fairly new so don't necessarily have access to a lot of books yet, as most of my purchases so far have been more setting based information I use for GMing than stuff for players. For Crafting feats and background skills, what would be the best source of information on those?
Castr4life is an Aasimar cleric already. I don't want to crap all over your idea, but we won't need TWO aasimar clerics. Two clerics is great though. How about a different race?
And Choon is absolutely right. You can play pathfinder completely based on those two websites. PCGen helps too.

Lessah |

@Character race - Well I was thinking of being lazy and picking elf.
But that's not terribly exciting is it?
I've also considered Merfolk - but that has a small pile of *uh* complications. Would probably have to rethink my build into something that doesn't need to move much to actually be helpful.
I'll think on it : )
edit: I added some notes to the sheet about my uncertainty :P

GM Mustache |

OK, looking through, I notice there are no Barbrians yet on the spreadsheet, and also no Nagaji, which seem like they have barbaric tendencies already - unless Nagaji are some mega OP thing I am uaware of I assume this is acceptable?
They are one of the races that don't have race points assigned, but looking through it, it is certainly less powerful than a drow or aasimar, which are the max race power I am allowing. So go for it! That sounds like a neat one. Barbarians are a little boring too, so try to put some twist on it or some unusual archetype to make it different.

GM Mustache |

@Character race - Well I was thinking of being lazy and picking elf.
But that's not terribly exciting is it?
I've also considered Merfolk - but that has a small pile of *uh* complications. Would probably have to rethink my build into something that doesn't need to move much to actually be helpful.
I'll think on it : )
edit: I added some notes to the sheet about my uncertainty :P
Yeah, merfolk won't work. Someone else mentioned that to me too and I had to say no... But what about a Gillman? It has a water dependence which is really interesting and we could make it work.

chunky04 |
You did not appear to be overly enthusiastic about the Nagaji build, so I have gone in a different direction.
I now have a glorious Catman Barbarian named Mufasa Rowr who with his Silver fur and Lion's mane will be the gorgeous face of the group (preferably with someone much smarter and wiser telling him what to say)
With the Unchained Barbarian enabling Dex barbs he can even fight with Cat's claws giving him additional attacks.
Now just need to work out how he got here.

GM Mustache |

You did not appear to be overly enthusiastic about the Nagaji build, so I have gone in a different direction.
I now have a glorious Catman Barbarian named Mufasa Rowr who with his Silver fur and Lion's mane will be the gorgeous face of the group (preferably with someone much smarter and wiser telling him what to say)
With the Unchained Barbarian enabling Dex barbs he can even fight with Cat's claws giving him additional attacks.
Now just need to work out how he got here.
I like a cat barbarian! Very flavorful. Also, it wasn't the Nagaji I didn't like, I was just leery of another greataxe wielding dumb barbarian (no fault of your own, but almost every game I am in has one of these right now. No offense to Wulf,Reg, and Tormyn!)

GM Mustache |

I am now wondering in my own head why I have these bias against THF fighters and barbarians. I guess the reason is, at these low levels, they are super powerful in combat, rarely miss, and can one shot most opponents. But nothing wrong with that, I just have to get over it. Never said I was a perfect GM. That's the game!
Yup, getting close to launch! Should be crazy crazy, but I am confident that this will work.

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Keante just put together a nice list of what races and classes have been submitted, and what haven't been. It is a great place to go if someone is still considering how they could make something different than the other submissions. It is in the linked spreadsheet.
About this, I realized that my lists of races and classes were not very well updated because I was going off of the spreadsheet for people's race/class selections and a lot weren't filled in.
Now I have spent some time going through the thread and I have a lot more updated in the rows of that first page on the spreadsheet, and then the race/class lists on the second page updated accordingly.
Anyway, if you're working on a character for this, it will help everyone's planning if you can check on that spreadsheet and make sure your row looks correct. They're in alphabetical order by player name (not character/alias name). If there isn't a row with your name on it, then go ahead and add one.

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Tormast wrote:[dice=mutation] 20d40not many unclaimed sets left anymore actually...I think I assigned this one already but that person ended up withdrawing. If I am wrong, someone please tell me.
2. ... (the Cyclops mutation)
I'm just commenting on this now because I noticed while going through everything:
Mutation #2 was originally given to Lekkric18 on Dec 11 (see post here). I never saw Lekkric18 officially withdraw, but he also hasn't made any posts at all (in this thread or otherwise) since that one on Dec 11 when he rolled for the mutation. So it's probably safe for Tormast to have it for his character, Brior. You'll just have to work it out if Lekkric18 does return and wants it still.
Therbin Warrack |

Here is the start of Agamer70's warpriest. Still need to buy equipment once I see where I'm at after crafting. Also need to finish my back story and generally clean up the sheet.
My first attempt at crafting, so let me know if I do something wrong.
Dwarven Double Waraxe: 600 sp / DC15 / Cost for materials 20gp
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 18x15=270
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 15x15=225+270=495
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 21x15=315+495=810=done
Light Crossbow: 350 sp / DC15 / Cost for materials 11.67gp
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21 21x15=315
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 17x15=255+315=570=done
Dwarven Maulaxe: 250 sp / DC15 / Cost for materials 8.34gp
Craft (weapons): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 24x15=360=done
Well that's a good start. I still need a reach weapon, but the dwarven ones don't have brace which I think he would have as a defender of Lastwall. I don't think I have the skill to add that to an existing weapon or create a new one so I'll probably just take a lucerne hammer.
I don't think I've seen anyone with craft armor. I was going to focus on weapons but can also take armor if needed. I probably wasn't going to be much help on knowledge checks anyway.

Kaelmourn A'Darith Celairdir |

Ictoo here just posting my Drow Alchemist. Hope everything is right.
Kaelmourn A'Darith Celairdir
Male drow alchemist (beastmorph, vivisectionist) 1
CN Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +7
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longspear +2 (1d8+3/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
1/day—cloak of shade APG (DC 10), dust of twilight APG (DC 11), ghost sound (DC 9)
Alchemist (Beastmorph, Vivisectionist) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st—cure light wounds , shield
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Brew Potion, Iron Will, Throw Anything
Skills Craft (alchemy) +6 (+7 to create alchemical items), Craft (leather) +4, Heal +5, Knowledge (arcana)
+6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +7, Spellcraft +6, Survival +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Undercommon
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), ancestral grudge ARG, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 10 minutes)
Combat Gear mutagenAPG; Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor UC, longspear, alchemist starting formula
book, alchemy crafting kit APG, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kit UE, pot,
soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Ancestral Grudge +1 to attack rolls vs. humanoids with the dwarf or elf (non-drow) subtype.
Darkvision (120 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Drow Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Mutagen (DC 12) (Su) Mutagen adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes, and +2 nat. armor for 10
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
The green energy has given you excessive growths... both in and out of your control!
Greater: Self-Multiplication: Once a month, multiply yourself into d4 clones plus your original. Your brain is limited though, and you can't get all of yourselves to act simultaneously. You get the normal standard action and move action with one of yourselves, and an extra move action for a different self. You decide which of yourselves moves and attacks. And hey, only one of you has to survive for you to make it to the next day! The next morning, all of yourselves die but one. Might not be the original. Which one is the real you, anyway?.
Lesser: Extra arm coming out of your torso. Hold more items at a time. (doesn't affect # of attacks)
Bad: New PC: You have a completely new body slowly growing deep within current body; eventually it will begin to push its way out...but what will it be? And what will happen to you?
Kaelmourn laughs as a rock glanced off the top of his head, a numb pounding pain spreading from the wound. A stream of dark crimson blood begins to flow from the deep gash, washing over his silvery, matted hair. ”Any time now… I’d appreciate any help you wish to give.” He speaks softly, with no worry in his voice but a sense of frustration beginning to show on his face. After a long pause, he begins to struggle as if attempting to throw himself out of his rope restraints.
His captor - an abnormally large armed man - had been watching all of this after his rock just misses its mark. Shouting out in a thick accent for Kaelmourn to keep still, he pelts another large rock, again seeing it fly past its target. He curses loudly and turns to look for a more appropriate rock to throw. ”Look maybe we can talk? I know I might have been a bit forward. But I can’t really remember much and I just wanted to see how you worked…” Kaelmourn could see his words fell on deaf ears. But his attention turned quickly to thoughts of how interesting it was for such small framed and a clearly malnourished man to have such large and muscled arms, another quirk of the green mist he could only surmise.
His mind then began to wander. Thinking back he wasn't clear on all the details of how he found himself incarcerated and in such a strange predicament. The large man with the rocks had the upper hand on him and it was clear he was not long for this world. Then deep down he felt it, an intense nauseous feeling as though his skin were being ripped from him and then just as the pain was becoming too much to bare it was over. His head fell forward as he began to takes long deep breaths.
He only snaps out of his daze when he feels the binding holding him get cut. Before he can fall over face first, an arm grabs him and helps him steady himself. Standing firmly on both feet he pulls off the rope from his hands his begins to dust himself off, taking out a dirty handkerchief and wiping away from blood from his brow, bringing back some semblance of normalcy to the way he looks.
As he walks forward he staggers slightly, attempting to get the feeling back in his legs. The large-armed man now on the floor and crying out in pain. Standing over the man he can see his huge, flat hands wrapped around his own throat, desperately trying to staunch the bleeding. large arms desperate to stop the blood gushing from his throat. ”Now.” He smiles, looking down at the man and inspecting him as a scientist might inspect a specimen. ”How about a more civilised introduction. My names Kaelmourn A'Darith Celairdir. Head of the Ministry of Improvement, 2nd seat of the House of Flesh, 63rd in line for the council of Zirnakaynin.”
A confused look washes over the dying man as another figure steps into sight, an exact copy of the Kaelmourn. ”Ah, I see this all seems a little shocking to you. This is me.” He gestures to the clone and laughs. ”Now now, I think you’ve got that the wrong way round. You are me.” the second Kaelmorn says holding up a pointed finger.
Fear and shock hit the man hard now as he tries to shout for help. ”I wouldn't try that, the wound was intended to kill. Just let it happen.” The first kneels down as the second cleans his dagger with a dirty handkerchief. ”I was simply on my way to a town called Prevail - I had hoped a new place of civility. I didn't mean for this to get so out of hand.” He laughs again as his shirt falls apart and a third arm is revealed, it instantly lashes out at the dying man attempting to pull his hands away from his throat, pummeling him. ”I’m sorry about that.” The first Kaelmourn pulls back the mutant arm, looking a little embarrassed. ”I don’t really have control over it. Another side effect of the green mist I suppose. It seems to have a mind of its own and likes to... lash out.” He smiles as the arm settles down.
He looks up at the other version of himself and then down at the man, most of the fight leaving him now as he settles down and accepts his fate. ”This is a new world. I understand my new place in it. But I still expect to be treated in a certain way. Maybe this was all my fault.” He gestures down to the dying man, the duplicate version simultaneously stepping forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. ”Don’t blame yourself, he was too proud. I think you were too kind. Let’s not let dwell on this.” Standing up now he sighs while taking out a tattered journal and begins to sketch the dying man, making precise notes around the page. ”You will be preserved make no worry of that.” the first speaks down to the man softly attempting to put any fear out of his mind as he fades away.
Finishing up his notes he closes his journal, making sure to come back to it later. Then with a few moments of thinking, he turns to his clone. ”While I have you. I was tied up on that post and for the life of me I couldn't remember how we got here.” He brushes away some of his matted hair rubbing at the stubble under his chin. The clone copies his mannerisms exactly and both men attempting to remember something just out of reach. ”I suppose I remember just as much as you.” the clone states matter of factly. ”This whole back and forth is getting a little less strange. It’s quite nice talking to someone as reasonable as myself.” They both look at each other and smile understanding how absurd that sounded.
As the blood of the freshly killed man pooled at their feet, they take a step back from the body. The duplicate Kaelmourn continues: ”But you must remember the night we woke to the blast. It was loud even deep in the Underdark. Then the chaos as the houses started attacking each other for power we hardly got out of there when the above races rushed to get to safety.” The first nods, remembering it in pieces but remembering nonetheless. ”I nearly went back for Ilvaria.” He turns away as his clone then places a hand on his shoulder. ”There was no saving her before all this and you knew she was gone.” the clone says.
Kaelmourn steps away. ”I don't want to talk about it. We made it out, we left a lot to die but we made it.” He brushes at his tattered clothes again, trying to collect himself. ”The true shame was all our research was left behind, but we’ll rebuild.”
They both hold on to their own thoughts for a moment. Kaelmourn then turns and pats the other him on the back. ”Now we can’t be standing around all day, we still have our destination to reach. You remember why we’re out here don’t you.”
The clone smiles. ”I remember. This town or village called Prevail. I’ll be honest I’m no fan of the name but I’m sure it’s something we can work with.”
Kaelmourn turns, holding up a hand. ”Now now, we talked about this - we’re changed. We have to show some class and civility to the savages up here. There’s also so much more work for us after all this green mist mixed everything up. We can’t be wandering around talking to ourselves forever, while you might be the most interesting person to talk to, we need a new place to start over where our research will flourish. I’m now the first seat to the House of Flesh and all that. Remember, the flesh is the key. It holds the secrets, the hidden words.” Kaelmourn smiles as he moves to pick up his backpack and throws it to his clone. ”You carry it for a while, we’ve got quite a way to go yet. I’ve got a lot to think about before we reach this new place.”
Kaelmourn is a typical Drow. He shares the slender build and features of elves. His eyes lack pupils and are solid white, his hair of a long and silvery. While his skin is dusky purple. He holds himself as a man in a high station, but there is something about him when looked at closer he has scars along his body, that all seem made with a purpose.
Kaelmourn is going to be a front liner, he will be buffing himself and augmenting himself with his discoveries. He will have skills to augment the team.

Mufasa Rowr |

chunky04 here, this is Mufasa's alias and stats
CR 1/2
XP 200
Male catfolk barbarian (invulnerable rager) (urban barbarian) 1
NG Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, Perception -1
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 14 (1d12+2)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +5 (1d6/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/x3)
Melee claw +5/+5 (1d4)
Special Attacks cat's claws
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Artistry +0 , Diplomacy +7 , Diplomacy (Potentially Sexually Attracted) +8 , Intimidate +7 , Profession (Brewer) 3, Artistry (Hair Styling) 0
Traits charming, fencer, unscathed
Languages Catfolk, Common
SQ cat's luck, controlled rage, crowd control, low-light vision, rage, scent, skills, sprinter
Gear leather, rapier (2), shortbow, claw, outfit (traveler's)
Cat's Claws (Ex) You have a pair of claws that deal 1d4 damage.
Cat's Luck Once per day when a catfolk makes a Reflex saving throw, he can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.
Charming Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Controlled Rage (Ex) When an urban barbarian rages, instead of making a normal rage she applies a +4 morale bonus to her Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This bonus increases to +6 when she gains greater rage and +8 when she gains mighty rage. She may apply the full bonus to one ability score or may split the bonus between several scores in increments of +2. When using a controlled rage, an urban barbarian gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills. This ability otherwise follows the normal rules for rage. This ability alters rage.
Crowd Control (Ex) At 1st level, an urban barbarian gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC when adjacent to two or more enemies. In addition, her movement is not impeded by crowds, and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her barbarian level on Intimidate checks to influence crowds (Core Rulebook 436). This ability replaces fast movement
Fencer You trained long hours as a youth with blades, either taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents or by being taken under the wing of a disenfranchised fencer who may have turned to a life of crime. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons.
Unchained Rage You can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting you additional combat prowess. You can rage for 5 rounds per day. You can enter a rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive. While in a rage, you gain a a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, you take a -2 penalty to Armor Class. You also gain 2 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points are lost first when you take damage, disappear when the rage ends, and are not replenished if you enter a rage again within 1 minute of your previous rage. While in a rage, you cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration (such as spellcasting). You can end your rage as a free action, and are fatigued for 1 minute after a rage ends. You can't enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted, but can otherwise enter a rage multiple times per day. If you fall unconscious, your rage immediately ends.
Scent Some catfolk favor a keen sense of smell over sensitive sight. Catfolk with this racial trait gain the scent ability. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.
Unscathed [Not Implemented] You are amazingly resistant to energy attacks because of either your upbringing or magical experimentation. Each type of energy resistance you have (if any) increases by 2 points. Note this ability has no effect currently
Vain You are sensitive about the way others perceive you. Whenever you fail an opposed Charisma-based check, you take a -2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 24 hours.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency An urban barbarian is not proficient with medium armor.
Mufasa makes for an interesting face with a solid Diplomacy, though he would need to be given solid instructions or magical help for his low INT and WIS. He should also still be able to fight OK as a Dex based Barbarian build.

haydenmccullen |

It has taken a while, but here we go!
Lilian Cooper, a half-elf/half-zombie Paladin (Chosen One) of Shelyn!
She succeeded in various amounts with each child.
Lilian grew up a focused boy, but one who loved art and craft. He felt that discipline married to expression produced the greatest, longest-lasting, and most inspirational works. Both his mother and father were proud of him, though his father occasionally shook his head at his son’s nearly-obsessive focus. With natural dexterity stemming from his Elven heritage, he became a sculptor, trimming both wood and stone down into beautiful shapes. He also learned metalworking, crafting delicate blades rather than the heavy ones Raistlen preferred.
From a traveling Elven smith, he learned how to make a sharp, jagged blade, unusual among humans but which fit his hand naturally. He practiced with it, imagining himself a soldier, fighting with Raistlen against the hordes of undead...but he knew he had no true stomach for it. He was not strong, like they were; he had no real wish to fight. It was just a fantasy.
Then, the Green Bombs landed.
The explosions rocked Golarion, decimating the population. Lastwall was destroyed, leveled; the humans either died or rose again as the very creatures they had sworn to destroy. Lilian cowered, hiding in the storage room of the smithy as explosion after explosion destroyed his home.
He didn’t come out for three days. Hunger gnawed at him; he felt sick, woozy. He wondered if it was the End Times.
When he emerged from hiding, his formerly prosperous city was a wasteland. Devastation, destruction, and death met his eyes from every angle. He saw no one. Nothing was left standing, save a few barren walls that screamed rebellion against whatever forced had leveled the rest.
Lilian was so hungry.
I hear you. The voice whispered in his ear, or was it his mind? He didn’t know. Not until a small, glossy-black bird landed in front of him, tilting its head to stare into his eyes. Do you hear me?
The boy’s hand reached out, but the creature seemed unafraid. “Am I dead? Or just crazy?”
Neither. Its song rang out in his ears, but he could understand clearly. You are Chosen. Go and find the others. Build again. Love again.
“How?” Lilian sat back in despair, his eyes roaming the desolation. “Everything’s...everything’s gone.”
Bring beauty out of this chaos, Lilian Cooper. The bird fluttered to his shoulder. Help others to see life is still worthwhile. If you can do this, then the sacrifices will be honored. Your family’s life. All the lives lost. You must Prevail.
Righteous certainty combated the fear Lilian felt, the despair that threatened to consume his soul. “All right. I’ll...I’ll try.”

GM Mustache |

We have 18 strong submissions, so if no one else applies, nearly everyone is getting in.
Anyone can still apply through next week Tuesday (the 15th).
I realize that this is starting to be an old thread on the recruitment page but others are still welcome to apply. You don't need to read the whole thread, just the first post, and then check out the running spreadsheet, which shows you what other people have already submitted.
To maximize chances of getting in, pick a race and class that no one else has done yet.