
Mufasa Rowr's page

1 post. Alias of chunky04.

Full Name

Mufasa Rowr




Unchained Barbarian 1 - HP 14/14, AC 16, T 14, F 12  Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1 Init +4; Scent, Perception -1







Special Abilities

Cats Luck, Unchained Rage OR Controlled Rage, Crowd Control, Charming, Fencer, Sprinter, Unscathed (Inactive), Vain


Neautral Good


Cayden Cailean




Catfolk, Common


Brewer (Profession: Brewer 3), Hair Savant (Artistry: Hair 0)

Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Mufasa Rowr

Mufasa is most beautiful Catfolk in the world. This not as impressive since bright thing comes.

Mufasa raised in Realm of Mammoth Lords. Learn off rest of tribe how to fight, how to hunt, use claws, grow strong! Mufasa’s coming age raid not go well. Regained consciousness and found rest of raiding party dead. Not remember how to get home. Also found out Mane much more pretty when not full of icicles.

Wander Storval Plateua, find Urglin village before starve. Get free trip to Kaer Maga after plait Chief’s wife hair and backrub. Make friend Jorril in Kaer Maga, teaches how to live in city, and Mufasa help him do odd jobs on occasion sometimes fight. Discover human god Cadyn Cailean, learn how to make beer – amazing! Many beer, backrubs, fights. Eventually have to leave Kaer Maga, Jorril gets big score and wants to go Korvosa to sell.

Mufasa wait outside of Korvosa while Jorril go sell big score. Wait a few days, then the bright thing happens. Go looking for Jorril, find him. He try and bite Mufasa, have to chop him up. Try and go to Korvosa, many more zombies, run away. Less and less zombies as move towards mountains. Much foods still around, but have to chop up zombies sometimes, run away other times.

Go into Mountains, not much zombies, but not much food. Find Dwarf hold, but full of weird monsters covered in green goo – run away, green goo smell funny. Get some on me though. Fur turns silver colour – Mufasa even more beautiful! Leave mountains though, hungry. Seems less zombies now, head for forest in distance. Come across sign says PREVAIL. Decide to go that way, Mufasa want city, no beer, no backrubs. Fighting zombies boring.