A Medieval Post-Apocalyptic Kingmaker Adventure. Recruitment for PREVAIL! with GM Mustache.


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Recruitment for PREVAIL! with GM Mustache. A Medieval Post-Apocalyptic Kingmaker Adventure

This is a long recruitment period because it goes through the holidays and because we want the best 16 Pathfinder PBP players out there! The end date is JANUARY 15 (midnight eastern US timezone).

Summary: The year is 4715, and the place is Golarion. What if... the heroes lose the Iron Gods Campaign? This is a Kingmaker-styled sandbox game for 16 players, inspired by Fallout and the Walking Dead, but set in medieval fantasy Golarion. The 16 players will band together to start a new town, and eventually a civilization, and bring back hope to the few remaining survivors of Golarion. Parties of 4 will be sent out into the wilderness to search for the resources to survive. They PCs will be able to mix and match party compositions to work with different people. And they will have to work together in massive 16 PC battles to properly defend their town against ravaging hordes of zombies! Interested? Keep reading!

Setting:Heavy spoilers specific to the Iron Gods Campaign, not needed to play the game but help sets the stage for those that want to know.:
7000 years ago, a huge spaceship crashed into Golarion. Pieces broke-off and scattered technological marvels across what would become known as Numeria, but the biggest part of the spaceship stayed intact and smashed into the ground. Fearing the technology, barbarian tribes buried the ship under rock and rubble over thousands of years, and the resulting mountain became known as the Silver Mount.

The powerful artificial intelligence codenamed Unity that facilitated day to day operations on the ship did not perish, but went into stand-by mode. With nothing else to do for thousands of years, Unity created simulations of planets, created heroes and monsters, and played out war games within its core systems. (Yes indeed, it played Pathfinder by itself for 5000 years). The resulting loneliness drove the AI mad. And strangely enough, creating such simulations eventually gave the AI some power over its surroundings, and it found itself able to exert some sort of godlike influence over the ship itself.

With new found power, Unity discovered that some descendants of the ships original inhabitants had survived in its ruin. Unity presented itself as a god and provided divine powers to his followers. In return, their worship brought Unity more power. Unity's influence grew and grew over time. It made plans to spread his influence beyond the Silver Mount and to control all of the mortals who lived outside.

A group of Heroes became aware of Unity's plot, and fought their way through the Silver Mount to oppose Unity. They fought Unity and destroyed it by uploading their consciousness to the computer core and deleting Unity’s source code.

However, little did the heroes know that Unity had spent the last 500 years creating an emergency backup of itself and directing its followers to create an orbital rocket and nuclear bombs. With Unity’s code destroyed, the emergency contingency came into effect, the backup was uploaded into the rocket, and the rocket was launched from the Silver Mount. Once in orbit, as revenge, Unity dropped its full payload on the surface of Golarion, targeting each and every urban center on the planet. Including Silver Mount. The heroes were incinerated instantly.

Light Iron Gods spoilers, but all players need to know:

In 4715, hundreds of technological advanced bombs fall from the sky and explode on the surface of Golarion. The mushroom shaped explosions kill 50% of the civilized folk of the world and untold amounts of the uncilivilized ones! A powerful energy, dubbed green energy by the survivors, washed over the land, contaminating water, crops, and inflicting strange and disturbing changes to their bodies and minds. Starvation, thirst, and uncontrolled mutations claim another 49% of the world's population. Those that live are those that seem to be inherently immune against minor green energy effects; those able to drink contaminated water and food without ill effect; and those that receive relatively few alterations to their DNA. No one escapes from the green energy entirely though... Even those that live are changed forever.

The green energy even affects races and monsters normally found underground. The green energy settles into the Darklands, into the Five Kings Mountains, into all underground places. All the underground sentient races and the underground monsters are forced toward the surface.

But humans must have been particularly susceptible to the bombs and the resulting green energy. The entire human race was wiped out... but due to some unknown reason, they rose in undeath as wandering, mindless brain-hungry zombies...seemingly set on ending all life.

The time is six months after the bombs have dropped. Food storages are disappearing, and survivors are being forced by their stomachs to emerge from their hiding places. They begin to band together to survive. Drow and Svirneblin are seen coming together with Elves and Gnomes. Goblins and Dwarves form truces of convenience. But the world has only grown more dangerous since the bombs fell! The weak and disorganized are torn to pieces by the zombies. Only the strongest of the strongest survive.

What of the gods? Followers of good and neutral gods have largely abandoned their worship, though a few devout individuals hold onto their beliefs. Since the gods did not intervene in the apocalypse, nearly all sentient creatures have lost their belief in the good gods-- not that they exist, but rather that they care. On the other hand, more people worship evil gods and empyreal lords, searching for power in order to keep themselves alive.

In central Lastwall, along the eastern edge of the Fangwood Forest, as survivors begin to wander the landscape and fighting off rampaging zombies and mutated monsters, they find signs pointing to a town called "Prevail". An unknown person has put out a call. Those that can reach him in Prevail are welcome to join him in rebuilding the New World.

The game structure will be homebrewed for quite some time, but will eventually follow Kingmaker campaign stats and rules, including mass combat at some points in the campaign. The starting leader is picked by the GM, and the leader will assign leadership positions, adventuring groups, and sets the goals of the new kingdom as he/she sees fit. Each year of game time (which generally ticks by in monthly increments), the players will hold their own elections to keep the old leader or embrace a new one. 16 players will be brought into the game at the start, and will be able to go out in groups of 4 to explore the wilderness and bring back the resources needed to survive and rebuild. Along the way... stuff will happen.

Character creation. :

15 point buy (Before mutations, no starting stat greater than 18 or lower than 8. Mutations may put you higher or lower.)

Classes: Any Paizo class and archetype.

Average starting wealth.

HP: Full HP at level 1, and 1/2 HD +1 HP at other level ups.

Background skills:Yes. (And at least one background skill must be a profession or crafting- you need to contribute to a growing colony! Pick something that will help you and your friends survive the wasteland!).

Milestone Leveling.

Comprehend Languages is banned because I hate it.(Nullifies the entire language system).

Races: NO HUMANS. They are all dead. Otherwise, any core race or any race listed here with less than or equal to 15 race points including the monster races listed here. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/

Traits: No traits. When you express interest in applying, each player should roll a d40 to be randomly assigned two generally positive mutations and 1 negative mutation that will affect their build. Some mutations are better or worse than others but nothing will completely OP or gimp a character. Many mutations' functions are to unlock character ideas and RP potential. Players will then design their build around these (or in spite of) these mutations. GM reserves the right to adjust DCs on negative or positive mutations abilities to achieve a good balance; we will figure this out as we play.

Firearms: Emerging firearms.(edited)

Alignment: Any alignment, though important note: Evil players who grief other players can be voted out of the game by a majority rules player vote. Their PC will be banished and become an NPC enemy of Prevail. As GM, I also reserve the right to ban in-character griefers or out-of-character excessive whiners and trolls.

Backstory: What was life like before the bombs hit? How did you survive the bombs and the resulting waves of "green energy" (radiation) What was running through your mind when you discovered how the green energy change you? How did you end up in central Lastwall, where this campaign is set? End the backstory wandering in the wilderness to find this rumored "Prevail" settlement. Looking for well written, reasonably concise stories (1 page or less please but more than a handful of sentences!)

Crafting feats: It would be a good idea to take one of these feats at a low level (the party can communicate with each other on this after they are selected). Since the world is in shambles, there are no shops. If you want something specific and can't find it, you will need to build it! The party will scavenge materials that will allow them to conduct crafting of all sorts. (Instead of gold, you will find "Crafting Points" as you scavenge, bits of iron, wood, alchemical reagents, radiated plants, cloth, bits of arcane material, etc that will be the equivalent of the gold normally used for crafting). All crafting feats can be taken at level 1.

Leadership feat: Is for non-combat use only.

Other things you need to know and agree to:

Tools: The gameplay will happen in Discord (with multiple channels going on for multiple simultaneous parties). You have to be willing to download/install/sign up for/use Discord which is a free program. You will be expected to use Google Spreadsheets and Roll20. Players who don't use these ancillary tools will be thrown over the walls to the zombie swarm. Don't plan on doing this whole adventure on a phone. You need regular computer access. People need to appreciate the value of tracking things on spreadsheets, and though they don't have to love them, that is a bonus.

Kingdom Building: The city and kingdom building begins immediately, but uses an alternative rules set because no economy exists at the beginning of the game. The PCs are the only people around! Eventually, the rule set will migrate over to Ultimate Campaign kingdom building combined with a handful of my own homebrew rules.

Be active: Players who are not active will suffer gruesome deaths or banishment and new players will be sought to keep the # of active players at about 16. Expected posting rate is 1 day but there is forgiveness for exams, business, and vacations. But, you can't be 100% busy week after week. Capeesh?

GM involvement in your backstory: It is more and more common for GMs to give you a personalized experience in exploring your character and backstory and helping you achieve personal growth. I do this in my other games and enjoy it. However, in a game of 16 people, I won't have that bandwith to provide that experience for you, but you can do that for each other. Players are encouraged to start friendships and rivalries with each other.

A comment on player death: I do not expect player death to be high, but it will probably happen. It is important to note: In this game, zombies and animal predators prefer the weak. If someone drops unconscious, mindless enemies will not stop attacking, but instead prefer to focus their attacks on the downed PC. Their focus is to eat, and an unconscious PC is the best target… Generally speaking, an intelligent enemy will not finish off a unconscious PC, preferring instead to target threats, though unconscious PCs can get caught in area of effect spells easily enough.

Picking Players: I will certainly be looking for a diversity of classes, and I really look forward to seeing a variety of races especially those on the weaker side of the spectrum. In fact, I would be surprised if I picked more than 1 of the same class, and I really like creativity and seeing new ideas over optimized standard builds. Don't fixate on stronger races because they are stronger. I will look to be taking a wide range of races as well as classes. Take a look at what other people have submitted and do something different. With 16 players, and up to 4 adventuring parties running simultaneously, healers will always be welcome of course!

Don't play a cleric of Groetus, as tempting as that may seem, or follow other gods that are distinctly anti-civilization, or play another character that hates civilization, because building a civilization is precisely what you are doing. If your character would rather live in a wasteland by themselves, then you don't need to join Prevail. In anyone builds a human, I will just throw your character out because it means you aren't reading this.

Submission: First, roll a d40. I will look up your mutations on a table and report them here. If you notice that someone else has already rolled your number, roll again. Each applicant will get their own set of mutations. Then, build your character's stats and background in an alias and let me know on this thread.

Deadline: January 15

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I am all over this.
Mutations: 1d40 ⇒ 23

Would love to get in on this.
Proposed character concept: Ifrit Witch (hex channeler)
Patron: will have to get back to you, I want to pick something appropriate to this story.
Mutations: 1d40 ⇒ 27

Sounds intriguing. 1d40 ⇒ 21

Grand Lodge

Sounds like a cool idea!
Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 6

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Completely in. Going the cleric route.

Shameless plug to those interested:

I've played in multiple games as player or GM with GM Mustache and he's as good as you're going to find on these boards. YOU MUST APPLY. He puts a lot more effort and thought into the game than 95% of other GMs. It's good stuff.

Mutations: 1d40 ⇒ 38

Couple of gameplay questions:

Race: I assume yes, but just to check: were Half-Orcs/Elves also affected by the green energy like full-blooded humans?

Location: Is this still set in the stolen lands (i.e. are characters dealing with Brevoy and Rostland issues from pre-cataclysm)

Lol you're insane and I love it. Also, starting level?

1Mutation!: 1d40 ⇒ 24

Also? Since you said 15rp max, does that mean no androids? They're 16. I only ask because of the iron gods connection

This looks amazing. Let's see what nasty mutation I've acquired!

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 2

Let's hope low numbers are good :)

Ha ha, this is great. So the mutation table is totally random. A low number is not better than a high number. (Though each and every mutation is not completely balanced against each other, there will be better and worse but # has nothing to do with it).

No androids, yeah... they are just too powerful.

Half-Orcs and half-elves are alive and kicking. I would give them worse mutations because of their human ancestry, but I am not sure how to work that mechanically because you are getting your mutations first. So, we will hand wave that away. (go away, logical problems. wave wave).

haydenmccullen wrote:

I am all over this.

[dice=Mutations] 1d40

Interesting. Since I know hayden likes heroic characters, what will he do with this? You get ALL of these things.

23. The green energy has half turned you into a zombie! You maintain all your mental capacity, but physically your organs are shifting around in your body and your digestive system craves fresh flesh! (Makes great logical sense with a half-elf or half-orc race choice, but you do not have to pick that race!)

Greater: Speaker With the Dead: The nuclear blasts have left you with one foot in the underworld. If you concentrate and enter a trance, after ten minutes of astrally searching the planes of the afterlife you can sometimes find a missing soul and and speak to it. If you are touching the body of the deceased you have a 50% chance of success. If you are not, only a 25% chance of success. If you fail, this means the soul is outside your capabilities to find and you can't try again. If the soul of the dead still lingers on the mortal plane, you are unable to speak to it. While you search for the soul, your corporeal body remains still and defenseless.

Lesser: Rearranged Organs: Enemies have a hard time hitting your most vulnerable areas, because they are not where they should be! Enemies subtract one number off of their threat range when attacking you (Natural 20 is still always a crit). However, anyone treating you with the Heal skill takes a -2 to their roll.

Bad: Zombie Gut- Your digestive system is more akin to a zombie than a living creature. Fresh flesh is the only thing that keeps you alive. You need to eat fresh flesh each month or become Fatigued. If two months pass you are Exhausted . If three months or more pass, you are Staggered.

Vexanar wrote:

Would love to get in on this.

Proposed character concept: Ifrit Witch (hex channeler)
Patron: will have to get back to you, I want to pick something appropriate to this story.
Mutations: 1d40

27. The green energy has dramatically changed you; making you a true anomaly among others of your race. You are strange and quirky, people are always calling you "cute" which you may like or hate, and you really have a thing for cleaning.

Greater: Exceptionally small: Pick a medium sized race and permanently gain the reduce person effect, an additional +2 charisma, a -2 constitution, a -10 movement speed, and a +2 stealth.

Lesser: Nimble Hands: You gain disable device as a class skill and get a +2 bonus in it.

Bad: Obsessive: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character level to avoid doing something obsessive compulsive. Cleaning Supplies: You are obsessed with cleanliness, and must clean whatever nearby that is dirtiest when when see a cleaning supply (broom, mop, etc). Being unable to clean will give you the fascinated condition. If this happens in battle, you get a new will save each turn.

Ouachitonian wrote:
Sounds intriguing. 1d40

21. The green energy has practically left you a god among men, but ever since the bombs fell you have lost your ability to hear or speak.

Greater: Achilles: After the bombs, your skin became so tough and sturdy, that it could stop nearly any lesser blow. Gain 5 DR/magic. However, your left leg was left strangely vulnerable. With every hit, on a 1 on a d4, the enemy strikes your vulnerable leg, ignores the DR, and does 25% more damage.

Lesser: Beefy Constitution: You gain +2 Fortitude save on all Disease and Poison saves.

Bad: Deaf and Mute. The green energy has removed your ability to communicate like you once did. You get sign-language as a bonus language, but can't talk or hear. You automatically fail sound based perception checks, you can't cast spells with verbal components, and you now have a real serious roleplaying challenge for the rest of this game.

Sigurd Jarlson wrote:

Sounds like a cool idea!


6. The green energy has infected you, and still remains in your body at a very high concentration!

Greater : You radiate green energy at all times. Any creature (friendly or unfriendly) who isn't immune to poison effects and who is within 5 feet of you must make a fortitude save of DC8+your level or take 1 constitution damage every round.

Lesser: Glowing: Your skin always give off 10 ft of bright light and an additional 10 feet of dim light, and unless covered you always take a -5 to visual based stealth checks during the day and a -10 at night.

Bad: Magic Resistant: Any buff or debuff lasts 1/2 the allotted normal time. (Min 1 round).

caster4life wrote:

Completely in. Going the cleric route.

Full disclosure, caster4life is the person I have selected ahead of time to be Prevail's first leader. His mutations were picked intentionally and not random. He is going to help me run numerous aspects of the game, cause with 16 people I'll need assistance.

5. The green energy has focused some parts of your brain, confused others, and the mysterious visions and dreams you experience fundamentally have changed how you view the world.

Greater: Vision Experienced: When the bombs hit, the green energy drops you into a coma for several months,during which you dream of the life of a great hero (your choice). When you come to, many of the memories still sit in you, and the experiences can still guide you. You are always one level ahead of all the other PCs. In addition, different memories come to you when you engage in battle. At the beginning of every battle roll a d5. 1= +2 green energy bonus to hit; 2= +2 green energy bonus to AC; 3=+1 green energy bonus to DCs; 4=+2 green energy bonus to all saves, 5=no effect.

Lesser: Extremely Competent: Green energy has helped focus a certain aspect of your brain; gain +5 bonus to a profession of your choice.

Bad: Head in the Clouds: You are often distracted and lost in your experiences and visions. -4 initiative at all times; -2 penalty to Perception checks to avoid being surprised and opposed stealth checks.

Jagael wrote:



Green energy has turned you into a living weapon, but the power has drained the strength from your body.

Greater: Green Energy Blast: As a standard action 3 times a day, you can pull green energy from your body and coalesce it into a glowing ball of green energy, and throw it as a ranged touch attack to deal d4 constitution damage. Range: 30 feet. Provokes an AoO. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Green Energy Belly: Your stomach is roiling with green energy, but it does not consume you. As a swift action 3 times a day, you can breathe a 15 ft cone of green energy that deals 1d2 constitution damage, Reflex DC 12+ 1/2 level for half, minimum 1. Provokes AoO. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Bad: Fragile consitution: When you fail a Reflex save, you fall prone. When you fail a Fortitude save, you are staggered for 1 round.

Garfaulk Sharpstone wrote:

Lol you're insane and I love it. Also, starting level?

Starting level 1, my friend! I hope you enjoy this utterly insane mutation.

24. The green energy has caused your hair to grow intensely fast, but you have amazing control over it. Your hair is such a distinguising feature for you that sometimes you simply forget what race you even are.

Greater: Mutated Hair Follicles: You permanently gain the effects of Prehensile Hair, a witch hex.

Lesser: Racially Altered: You can ignore your race's normal starting ability modifiers, and instead put +2 in two ability scores of your choice and -2 in another.

Bad: Hairy Body. No matter how much you shave or cut it, your hairy grows thick and coarse, all over your body.On fall and spring days when the weather is normal or in a heat-wave, and every day in the summer, make a Fortitude DC12 + 1/2 character level or be Fatigued for the day.

Lekkric18 wrote:

This looks amazing. Let's see what nasty mutation I've acquired!

Our first of the X-Men!

2. The green energy has rearranged your face, but has given your one remaining eye great power.

Greater: Concussive Blast: Your eye produces a red blast of concussive energy. As a ranged touch attack of max 10 feet, you deal d8 force damage upon a successful hit. On a hit, roll a bullrush CMB check with an added bonus of 5+Character level. This ability now acts like a rules as written bullrush and can be modified by feats that affect a bullrush. Prerequsites for bullrush feats are lowered; you only need to meet the BAB and not other bullrush feat prerequisites.

Lesser: Radiation sensor: Your eye can see the green energy emanating off of all creatures-living and undead, giving you darkvision 60 ft.

Bad: Cyclops- You only have one eye, in the center of your face, and as a result your depth perception is atrocious. -4 Perception and -2 to-hit on all ranged attacks (including your concussive blast!)

Wow. Echoes of Thundarr and Gamma World, ever so slightly. :)

Ok, I'll start with the mutation and see where that leads. :D

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 38

Rolling again!

Mutation: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Alright, I'm crazy interested. This hits a lot of points I find interesting in game concepts.

1d40 ⇒ 35

Wow! This sounds like a blast. If there's still room I'd like in. Thinking of a ratfolk wizard if everything works out. ??

I love the large group with landing party type smaller groups on exploration missions.... Tried a similar concept several years ago on a different board.

Mutation roll: 1d40 ⇒ 29

1d40 ⇒ 15
Here we go!

You have guns as emerging so I am thinking of going Musket Master Gunslinger, but if your real preference is no guns all together, I can switch that to Bolt Ace.

Jagael wrote:
You have guns as emerging so I am thinking of going Musket Master Gunslinger, but if your real preference is no guns all together, I can switch that to Bolt Ace.

I don't mind guns. Just know the chances of finding them in the world are very low, so plan on crafting.

Axolotl wrote:

Rolling again!


9. Caught in a green energy wave with a passing butterfly, your DNA mingled with its and left you with several insectoid attributes.

Greater: Butterfly wings: You have colorful wings that give you limited flight. You can fly (average) at your movement speed for 2 rounds; you must land at the end of your 2nd round or fall and go prone. You must stay on the ground for 1 full round to rest before you have the strength to do it again.

Lesser: Hollow bones. Fly is a class skill, gain +2 to fly skills, and take 1/2 damage from all falls

Bad: Fragile bones: You take an additional +25% damage from all bludgeoning attacks.

Helix Missionary wrote:

Alright, I'm crazy interested. This hits a lot of points I find interesting in game concepts.


welcome Colossus.

The green energy left a thin layer of steel across your entire body, for good and ill!

Greater: Steelskin. You gain DR2/, +1 green energy bonus to AC, and a +1 stacking Armor Check Penalty.

Lesser: Energy Resistance and Vulnerability: You gain a green energy bonus 2 to Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, Acid, and 10% vulnerability to Sonic and Electricity damage.

Bad: Missing Toes: The steel sheathe across your body failed to cover your toes; instead, it chopped them off. You take a -4 to all dexterity based skill checks.

Jagael wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

I think GM missed your question. Setting is Lastwall.

AGM Lemming wrote:

Wow! This sounds like a blast. If there's still room I'd like in. Thinking of a ratfolk wizard if everything works out. ??

I love the large group with landing party type smaller groups on exploration missions.... Tried a similar concept several years ago on a different board.

[dice=Mutation roll]1d40

You'll have to rethink the ratfolk idea, but I bet you can come up with something better!

29. More than anyone else you have met, the green energy fundamentally altered you. You are incredibly adaptable to whatever environment you find yourself in. But you seem to be the only one of your kind.

Greater: Mimicry. Eating at piece of an enemy grants you some version of one of their special abilities (GM picks); the new special ability overwrites the previous one. However, you can save pieces of your enemies to eat for future ability swapping. Retrieving and eating an enemy part is a full round action.

Lesser: Odd Dexterity: You can use your hands and feet interchangably, and gain a climb speed of 5.

Bad: You have become the first of your own gender and race. It is a lonely existence. (No mechanistic effects, just RP (your backstory has to be strong!) Pick the human race with its mechanisms and reflavor it to your liking.).

I have a notion.

A shabti, made in the image of a vain Chelaxian noble. Left in a treasure vault, which was cracked open by the bombs.

Tizianus Vulso is tired of being a puppet. He wants to be *someone*.

Ironically, he may end up being a better replica of the 'real' Tizianus than anticipated...

Mechanically, thinking Imperious bloodline if that is acceptable.

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charles Caskgrip wrote:


Here we go!

this is one of my personal favorites!

15 .The green energy has dramatically changed you; making you a true anomaly among others of your race. Your unusual features make you hard to remember; though people usually remember how you deal with doors. Word of advice: If you want to be a spy, stay away from doors!

Greater: Exceptionally large: Pick a small race and permanently gain the enlarge person spell effect plus an additional +2 strength and +2 constitution, a -2 charisma, and +10 movement speed.

Lesser Confusing Features: Your face is so unremarkable, so indistinct, that no one can remember what you look like. +10 to disguise skill and +10 stealth when blending into a crowd.

Bad: Obsessive: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character level to avoid doing something obsessive compulsive. Doors: Every time you go through a door, you open and close it three times (open-close-open), or four times if it starts closed (close-open-close-open). In battle, it is a move action to close or open a door. If the door is open, you can reroll the save once a round and if you succeed you can pass through. If the door is blocked/ocked and you can't open and close it, you get the fascinated condition and stare at the door.

I told you the End Times were coming!

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 36

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Decimus Observet wrote:

I have a notion.

A shabti, made in the image of a vain Chelaxian noble. Left in a treasure vault, which was cracked open by the bombs.

Tizianus Vulso is tired of being a puppet. He wants to be *someone*.

Ironically, he may end up being a better replica of the 'real' Tizianus than anticipated...

Mechanically, thinking Imperious bloodline if that is acceptable.

interesting, interesting... you can form your backstory around that. You still can't be human, though. Even a fake human. Because if that was the case, you would have come alive only to die immediately from the radiation.

Your number was taken already. reroll: 1d40 ⇒ 9 ha. 9 again...

1d40 ⇒ 20

20. Your body was broken by the green energy, but it sharpened your mind and enhanced your spellcasting.

Greater: Green Energy Debuffer: You lace your spells with green energy! You may choose to reduce the DC of your debuff spell by 2; When failing the save, the enemy takes 1 con damage. Furthermore, for every round affected they must make the save again or be dealt another 1 con damage. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Focused Mind: When you fail a concentration check while casting, you don't lose the spell.

Bad: Lungful Inferioritis: You are easily winded. Taking a double movement action, full-withdrawal, or sprint causes you to be staggered for your next turn.

Ok, I'll bite, or gnaw depending on the results.

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 23 taken
Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 18

Ezekiel "Zeke" Smith wrote:

I told you the End Times were coming!


Only because you messed things up, Zeke.

i'm afraid this one type-casts you bit.

Green energy has altered your relationship to magic! You are enthralled with the art of enhancing your allies abilities, and love doing using wands!

Greater: Green Energy Buffer: You can harness the power of green energy to make your allies stronger or faster. When you cast a buff spell, including from wands or scroll, or ability like a bard song, you can give the affected allies +1 strength, +1 con, +1 dexterity, or +1 initiative (all green energy bonus). All allies get the same bonus. The effects last as long as your buff lasts.

Lesser: Magically Vulnerable: Any buff/debuff cast on you lasts twice the normal allotted normal time.

Bad: Obsessive: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character level to avoid doing something obsessive compulsive. Wands: When you see a new wand, you are filled with an intense desire to use it on yourself, whether for good or ill (you keep using it until you succeed in its use, but get a new Will save for every use). You must spend one skill point on the Use Magic Device every time you level. If you can't get your hands on the wand, you get the fascinated condition and stare at it.

Fortibus Favet.
Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 17

AGamer70 wrote:

Ok, I'll bite, or gnaw depending on the results.

[dice=Mutation]1d40 taken

18. You use the green energy infesting your body as a weapon against your enemies. However, the first month after the bombs was particularly tramatic for you. You have never come to terms with being trapped in a pitch black basement for the month after the bombs fell.

Greater: Green Energy Weapon: Once a day as swift action, you can imbue your melee or projectile attacks with a cloud of green energy. A successful hit deals constitution damage equal to your weapon dice roll. The cloud only lasts for one hit attempt and dissipates whether you hit or miss. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Green Energy rush: When you succeed at a savings throw while in battle, gain +2 green energy bonus to Dexterity and Strength until the end of your next turn.

Bad: Phobia: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character to avoid being shaken. Failure by 5 causes you to be frightened , with a new save each turn. Phobia: Darkness or dim light.

Helikon wrote:

Fortibus Favet.


17. A caster before the bombs fell, you have found that the green energy has only made you more powerful. You are obsessed with it.

Greater: Combustible Radiation: You can lace any elemental evocation spell with Green Energy. When you do so, reduce the DC of the spell by 2 and automatically deal 1 constituttion damage per spell level in addition to the spells normal effects. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Radiation Surge: Once a day, you can release a green energy power surge that gives you a +8 bonus to one d20 roll

Bad: Obsessive: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character level to avoid doing something obsessive compulsive. Green Energy: When you see a concentration of green energy, you must enter the cloud and stay there for at least 30 seconds. Being unable to approach will give you the fascinated condition and you will instead stare at it from afar. If this happens in battle, you get a new will save each turn.

This is interesting...all Gameplay will occur in Discord, yes?

Mutation: 1d40 ⇒ 16

GM Mustache wrote:
Decimus Observet wrote:

I have a notion.

A shabti, made in the image of a vain Chelaxian noble. Left in a treasure vault, which was cracked open by the bombs.

Tizianus Vulso is tired of being a puppet. He wants to be *someone*.

Ironically, he may end up being a better replica of the 'real' Tizianus than anticipated...

Mechanically, thinking Imperious bloodline if that is acceptable.

interesting, interesting... you can form your backstory around that. You still can't be human, though. Even a fake human. Because if that was the case, you would have come alive only to die immediately from the radiation.

Your number was taken already. reroll: d40 ha. 9 again...


20. Your body was broken by the green energy, but it sharpened your mind and enhanced your spellcasting.

Greater: Green Energy Debuffer: You lace your spells with green energy! You may choose to reduce the DC of your debuff spell by 2; When failing the save, the enemy takes 1 con damage. Furthermore, for every round affected they must make the save again or be dealt another 1 con damage. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Focused Mind: When you fail a concentration check while casting, you don't lose the spell.

Bad: Lungful Inferioritis: You are easily winded. Taking a double movement action, full-withdrawal, or sprint causes you to be staggered for your next turn.

Sounds good!

Just to clarify, does that mean shabti is out? Or just ones that look especially human?

Axolotl wrote:

Rolling again!


Wait, we can reroll? I was just about to ask about playing a Lashunta, so I could get around being deaf with telepathy. Might just reroll instead.

Decimus Observet wrote:
GM Mustache wrote:
Decimus Observet wrote:

Just to clarify, does that mean shabti is out? Or just ones that look especially human?

I like the shabti idea. But right, not a human one.


Would imperious bloodline be okay?

Ouachitonian wrote:
Axolotl wrote:

Rolling again!


Wait, we can reroll? I was just about to ask about playing a Lashunta, so I could get around being deaf with telepathy. Might just reroll instead.

No, sorry. "Reroll" in this instance means someone already took his number.

Can't reroll to get a new set. Deaf and mute is one of the more challenging ones. Maybe most challenging? I would encourage you to not short-circuit it by going with a lashunta (is that even in the list?). Try to really play a character who really is deaf and mute. I'm sure your fellow players will help you do it. Maybe you want to teach a few friends sign language.

Decimus Observet wrote:


Would imperious bloodline be okay?

Sorry, because it requires being human, I just don't think so. Keep looking...

Phntm888 wrote:

This is interesting...all Gameplay will occur in Discord, yes?


yes, discord only (after recruitment)

16. Caught in a green energy the same time as a passing marsupial, your DNR intermingled with its. Strangely enough, you had a fear of heights before you gained this amazing leaping ability, and it hasn't gone away. Going too high up in the air or standing on the edge of a cliff or roof of a tall house, etc makes you dizzy and sweaty! It seems the gods have a very bad sense of humor.

Greater: Kangaroo: Your powerful legs allow you to bound across the battlefield. When you move, you can choose to leap 10 feet in the air over medium sized friend and foes. You go the horizontal distance equal to your movement speed. You provoke an attack of opportunity if you leave a threatened square but you do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you land or as you move. Exception: Large (tall) or larger enemies get an attack of opportunity if you jump through or past their squares.

Lesser Leaper: You automatically make any jump going your horizontal movement speed or 10 feet vertical. DC's for all further or higher jumps are reduced by 20.

Bad: Phobia: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character to avoid being shaken. Failure by 5 causes you to be frightened , with a new save each turn. Phobia: Heights over 10 feet tall.

Hmmm...an ability like that says "Monk", but building a Monk is hard on a 15 point buy. Might be able to make it work...I'll have to see what I come up with.

GM Mustache wrote:
Decimus Observet wrote:


Would imperious bloodline be okay?

Sorry, because it requires being human, I just don't think so. Keep looking...


How about maestro? His voice is a potent weapon...

Now thinking elemental and smiting with tainted magic!

GM Mustache wrote:
AGamer70 wrote:

Ok, I'll bite, or gnaw depending on the results.

[dice=Mutation]1d40 taken

18. You use the green energy infesting your body as a weapon against your enemies. However, the first month after the bombs was particularly tramatic for you. You have never come to terms with being trapped in a pitch black basement for the month after the bombs fell.

Greater: Green Energy Weapon: Once a day as swift action, you can imbue your melee or projectile attacks with a cloud of green energy. A successful hit deals constitution damage equal to your weapon dice roll. The cloud only lasts for one hit attempt and dissipates whether you hit or miss. Enemies immune to poison are unaffected.

Lesser: Green Energy rush: When you succeed at a savings throw while in battle, gain +2 green energy bonus to Dexterity and Strength until the end of your next turn.

Bad: Phobia: When presented by a common place item or situation, you must make a Will Save DC12+ 1/2 character to avoid being shaken. Failure by 5 causes you to be frightened , with a new save each turn. Phobia: Darkness or dim light.

I'm thinking a race without darkvision would be most prone to this phobia. Do I have to be stuck in a basement or will a small cave work too?

AGamer70 wrote:

I'm thinking a race without darkvision would be most prone to this phobia. Do I have to be stuck in a basement or will a small cave work too?

I think a cave is okay.

Right, if you have darkvision that sort of defeats the purpose. Maybe it should be said that if people do whatever they can to counteract their problems... like taking improved initiative when they are stuck with -4 initiative... isn't very fun. I'm not looking for power gamers, but people who want to play interesting characters!

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