About Ezekiel "Zeke" SmithRace: Half-Elf Alignment: Chaotic Good Class(es): Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) 3 / Wizard (Spellslinger) 2 Favored Class: Wizard, +2 hp Ability Scores: Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0) HP: 39 (3d8+2d6+12) AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 armor) Initiative: +4* (+2 when underground) Speed: 30' Saves (Fractional): +7 (4.16 + 2 +1 resistance) Fortitude / +4 (1.66 + 2 + 1 resistance) Reflex / +7 (4.50 + 2 + 1 resistance) Will* (+2 vs mind-affecting, +2 vs emotion or mind-affecting, +2 vs illusion, +2 vs enchantment) BAB (Fractional): +3 (3.25) Weapons
Race Traits: Alert for Betrayal (+2 saves vs illusion, Perception is class skill), Elf Blood (count as both human and elf), Elven Immunities (immune to magic sleep effects, +2 saves vs enchantment), Low-Light Vision, Multidisciplined (+1 CL to all classes, max character level), Underworld Guide (+2 initiative, +2 saves vs traps and hazards when underground) Traits: Called (reroll a natural 1 on an attack roll, 1/1 remaining), Elven Reflexes (+2 initiative), Magical Knack: Wizard (+2 CL, max character level), Skymetal Smith (+2 saves vs emotion or mind-affecting effects as long as he has his item) Feats: Agile Maneuvers*, Additional Traits (Called, Magical Knack), Blind-Fighting* (bonus from Darkness domain), Combat Expertise*, Deadly Aim*, Power Attack*, Weapon Finesse*; Exotic Weapon Proficiency* (firearms), Gunsmithing*; Craft Wondrous Items; Reach Spell Skills: Craft Mechanical 5+7, Diplomacy 1+4, Heal 5+5, Knowledge Arcana 3+7, Knowledge Dungeoneering 3+7, Knowledge Engineering 5+7, Knowledge Local 3+7, Knowledge Religion 4+7, Linguistics 1+7, Perception 5+5, Spellcraft 5+7 Languages: Androffan (from Linguistics), Common, Elven, Hallit, Orc, Undercommon Cleric (Ecclesitheurge) abilities: CL 3+1, spells 4/2+1(obscuring mist, true strike)/1+1(blindness, shatter), aura (chaotic), blessing of the faithful, channel positive energy (1d6 or 3d6 with <10hp, 3/3 remaining), deity (Groetus), domains (darkness/loss, void), domain mastery (darkness/loss primary, destruction secondary), domain powers (guarded mind; touch of darkness, 5/5 remaining), ecclesitheurge's vow, spontaneous spells; bonded holy symbol (any cleric spell he can cast, 1/1 remaining) Cleric spells prepared
Wizard (Spellslinger) abilities: CL 2+3, spells 2, arcane gun (one, x3 critical), mage bullets, school of the gun (opposition schools: abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, evocation) Wizard spells prepared
Wizard spells in spellbook
Equipment: artisan's clothing, battery x2, black powder and bullet x4, brown flexible rectangle, cloak of resistance +1, dagger, flashlight, gunsmithing kit, house sigil (feather fall 0/1 remaining, levitation 0/1 remaining), medlance (loaded with potion of cure moderate wounds), paper alchemical cartridges x13, pearl of power (1st, 0/1 remaining), +1 pistol and skymetal holy symbol, potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of coin shot x2, scroll of coin shot (masterwork, +2 attack/+2 damage), scroll of heightened awareness x2, scroll of heightened awareness (masterwork, bonus increased by 2), scroll of mage armor x2, scroll of mage armor (masterwork, bonus increased by 2), spellbook, stun gun (timeworn, 5/7 charges), trauma pack plus (1/5 charges remaining), wand of cure light wounds (2 charges remaining), wand of cure light wounds (7 charges remaining), waterproof bag, wizard's kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, ink, inkpen, mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, 8x torches, 5x trail rations, waterskin); belt pouch contains: 21pp, 21gp, 15sp, 25cp Old Stuff:
Greetings! I am submitting Ezekiel ("Zeke") Smith, a half-elf Ecclesitheurge Cleric/Spellslinger Wizard aimed at the Mystic Theurge prestige class. Like his lost parents he is a follower of Groetus (the god of the apocalypse) and has grown up believing that the end of the world will come soon. As a matter of religious observance, he is driven to make the most of the time he has left-- and, with a clean shot between the eyes, cut short the time remaining to those who would do harm to him or his community. Background
Young Zeke often wondered who his real father was, and why his mother would leave him in Numeria instead of raising him underground. If he is faithful to their god, he believes that one day Groetus will grant him the knowledge he seeks. Perhaps his father lived in Numeria and didn't know Zeke was there, he imagined. He could be someone important in the Technic League, though Zeke hoped that wasn't the case. He wanted to respect his father, and the League seemed to him to be dedicated to solely selfish and destructive ends. Today Zeke dresses like a blacksmith, which reflects his obsession with skymetal and his pride on having successfully crafted an item from the mysterious substance. (He made a silvery orb about the size of a coin with a skull inscribed into the surface, which he has since set into a ring.) He spends most of his time at the forges, trying to craft himself a working pistol, but he has not yet succeeded and his prototype is still a useless hunk of metal. His fair skin and white hair are often black with soot, making him appear more like his drow mother than his human father. He has something of an adventurous spirit, and many times he has sneaked away from the village to explore the nearby caves, even though Khonnir Baine absolutely forbid it. He wonders where he can find the entrance to the Darklands that his mother used years before, for he would dearly love to see her again and ask her questions about his origins. He has never seen a dark elf since his early childhood and is curious what they are really like. He is quick to laugh among his friends, though he is not especially outgoing. He is also very fond of strong drink, causing his sister Val to joke that he is actually studying to be a "ginslinger." (The two of them have a lighthearted sibling rivalry, having competed for their father's attention most of their lives. They don't hate each other, but their incessant teasing often forced Khonnir to separate them.) When drunk, Zeke often tries to warn those he cares about that Groetus will come soon, urging them to "make it count, make the time count." He tries to set a good example and lives each day like it is his last. When Khonnir Baine went into the caves beneath Black Hill to try to reignite the flame, Zeke begged him to come along. So did Val, of course, and unfortunately this led to the two of them arguing about which of them was better suited for the journey, and Khonnir got so frustrated with their bickering that he refused to take either of them. Zeke feels very guilty, and is now united with Val in his worry about their father's fate. He accepts that they could all die tomorrow, but he still wants to see Khonnir one more time. Build Notes