Is it time for Pathfinder 3.0?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Obligatory. My apologies.

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9 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you. After years of "is it time for 2nd edition" someone needed to put this forward.

heretic witch burn him/her

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm holding out for 3.5 to fix all the bugs in 3rd.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm holding out for Pathfinderfinder Unchained to fix the issues that had in its initial release.

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Is it 2009 again already?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

At least someone started this vital discussion early.

Oh, wow. Evil Lincoln stopped posting in 2013, KnightErrantJR in 2012 and Aelryinth in 2016? How the year fly by...

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Clearly I'm waiting for Pathfinder 5th Edition.

I'll skip 2, 3, 3.5, and 4. . .

The 5th edition changes to Pathfinder were horrible, I'm sticking to my shelf of 4th edition Pathfinder.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Definitely time for Third Edition. Second Edition is getting tired, although sometimes it feels like it was just announced yesterday.

Liberty's Edge

2e is bloat who needs 12 classes all you need is tank dps healer

I like were this is going.

Can't wait to subscribe for my weekly "Let's talk about something never discussed: Paladins" and don't forget "OMG Casters vs Martials, much disparity, such imabalance, wow".

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Soon they'll come out with something new every time I get my tax return money. Sheesh.

Let's just skip 2 and go straight to 3.

magnuskn wrote:

At least someone started this vital discussion early.

Oh, wow. Evil Lincoln stopped posting in 2013, KnightErrantJR in 2012 and Aelryinth in 2016? How the year fly by...

I was certain seen EvilLincoln recently but it was probably a necro. Aelryinth was banned if I remember, around the same time as Ashiel

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GypsyMischief wrote:
Let's just skip 2 and go straight to 3.

Or 6E - to make WotC nervous.

I'm outraged by this talk of 3rd edition and will be burning all my 2nd edition books immediately!

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There will never be a Pathfinder 3.0. Remember, everyone who plays Pathfinder 2.0 is doing so because they hate switching editions. That's why all of them switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, and then from Pathfinder 1 to Pathfinder 2. As we all know, past action is never an indicator of future action. That's why if someone switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, you know they will never switch to Pathfinder 2, because they hate switching so much! Similarly, if anyone switches to Pathfinder 2, you know that those same people would be unwilling ever to switch systems again. Paizo knows this too, which is why they will never release a Pathfinder 3.

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I'm just waiting for a group of diehard 1e dev's to break off and form their own company Oziap and create their own RPG based off 1st ed called Dungeons and Pathfinders.

bonebrah wrote:
I'm just waiting for a group of diehard 1e dev's to break off and form their own company Oziap and create their own RPG based off 1st ed called Dungeons and Pathfinders.

I think we should just call it "Little Wars"

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Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
There will never be a Pathfinder 3.0. Remember, everyone who plays Pathfinder 2.0 is doing so because they hate switching editions. That's why all of them switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, and then from Pathfinder 1 to Pathfinder 2. As we all know, past action is never an indicator of future action. That's why if someone switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, you know they will never switch to Pathfinder 2, because they hate switching so much! Similarly, if anyone switches to Pathfinder 2, you know that those same people would be unwilling ever to switch systems again. Paizo knows this too, which is why they will never release a Pathfinder 3.

Would you mind reposting this under the alias "MojoJojo"? : D

Scarab Sages

blahpers wrote:
Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
There will never be a Pathfinder 3.0. Remember, everyone who plays Pathfinder 2.0 is doing so because they hate switching editions. That's why all of them switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, and then from Pathfinder 1 to Pathfinder 2. As we all know, past action is never an indicator of future action. That's why if someone switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder 1, you know they will never switch to Pathfinder 2, because they hate switching so much! Similarly, if anyone switches to Pathfinder 2, you know that those same people would be unwilling ever to switch systems again. Paizo knows this too, which is why they will never release a Pathfinder 3.
Would you mind reposting this under the alias "MojoJojo"? : D

I definitely just read his entire post out loud as MojoJojo. Thankfully the misses is asleep in another room. XD

This thread made me laugh more than it should have.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So true! I just hope that in 3.0 they give us back those things they took away in 2.0 that were so great in 1.0.

And they finally get rid of alignments.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
necromental wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

At least someone started this vital discussion early.

Oh, wow. Evil Lincoln stopped posting in 2013, KnightErrantJR in 2012 and Aelryinth in 2016? How the year fly by...

I was certain seen EvilLincoln recently but it was probably a necro. Aelryinth was banned if I remember, around the same time as Ashiel

Yeah, I better don't get into that last thing. :-/ Still salty about that decision.

Grand Lodge

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3rd edition is sorely needed. Since they removed my beloved Alignment system in 2.755487 ed. the game hasn't been the same. In addition to the traditional alignments coming back Paizo needs to add a situational ethics variation.

Of course, if the rumored purchase by Facebook is true I won't play the new stuff anyway.

So did Sincubus leave or was he banned?

Sovereign Court

Yes! I was disappointed with the removal of the trading card system 2.5.1 offered in 2.5.2 and I think paizo really needs to to be a little more empathetic for the players who found collecting and using the cards in society a good time. Please make 3rd edition!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

All I really want from 3rd edition is a way to ban the robots from joining play-by-post games. They post multiple times a day and never lose track of whose turn it is. Makes it really hard for the rest of us.

Well, wake me up when it is...until then I am playing Pathfinder.


Shadow Lodge

What fresh hell...

Guys, do I need to remind you that Pathfinder has been running on a system that it 18 years old? Yeah, the "D20 system" has been around since D&D 3E.

Of course it's time for them to change and to get up to speed. The D20 system is showing its age.

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I just don't want all my PF2 books to be invalidated before they're even printed. I have whole shelves of them planned!

JiCi wrote:

Guys, do I need to remind you that Pathfinder has been running on a system that it 18 years old? Yeah, the "D20 system" has been around since D&D 3E.

Of course it's time for them to change and to get up to speed. The D20 system is showing its age.

Ending is better than mending. @_@

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