
Skuttzilla's page

8 posts. No reviews. 6 lists. 1 wishlist.


Yes! The short version would simply say...

Now that it is basically a complete system, what are your favorite rules, game mechanics, charts, etc. of the Pathfinder game?

Or...what is the best thing about the Pathfinder game?

Also...what are some house rules that you use to tweak existing by the book rules, game mechanics, charts, etc?


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I am 48, a casual player (about ten hours per month), and I have heavily invested in Pathfinder material. I have been collecting Pathfinder stuff for almost five years, but have only recently begun to put it to good use. I have a somewhat limited knowledge of old school D&D. Played it from the Red Box, but never as much as I would have liked.
I will be sticking to Pathfinder, quite possibly forever, at least when I DM with my playgroup. (Not looking to stir up that debate, just saying.)

I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about how I wish to craft my game. My players are almost all casual and inexperienced, so there is a good amount of wiggle room to create the game as I wish it to be. As we wish it to be. My players are energetic, but so far very easy as far as rules and how they are applied. In short, my table is a fresh start and a clean slate.

Currently, as I sift through the mountains of material that I have, I am trying to find and focus on those elements of the game that I like the best.

So far, without doubt, the one thing that I love best about Pathfinder is the Bestiaries, and specifically the monster stat blocks. I have little doubt that these tomes alone will keep my group going with this version for quite some time. I feel that the monster stat blocks are well developed, and easy to use and when necessary, adapt. Also that the monsters are all unique within the statistical framework, crafted to be what they are supposed to be, and outfitted with the power and abilities that they should have.
In other words, the Bestiaries and the monsters within are awesome and definitely to my liking.
Which all and all is a very easy one to single out and shout about.

So....I would love to hear from long time players what rules, mechanics, tables, charts, etc are tried and true and loved the most.
Also feel free to add house rules, including those that modify an existing by the book rule.
Also, I am equally interested in 3rd party material as well as stock PF material. (I have a fairly extensive Frog God collection going as well.)
It is worth mentioning that I fully expect my game to be heavily modified as it develops.

I would prefer to keep it positive. If I get some feedback that really helps, maybe I will start another thread focusing on what doesn't work for other DMs and players.

Thank you for your input.

nighttree wrote:
Skuttzilla wrote:
That's me and my group, and I already bought enough stuff to play for the next ten years and beyond. We just started in October 2017, and we are having a blast. I have been collecting material for almost five years little by little hoping it would eventually get put to good use. Now it is.

That's more or less what pulled me out of being very upset at the news.

I'm old enough....I have enough unused material to probably get me through the rest of my gaming life ( have bought just about everything that's come out) :P

I originally had plans to still look at 2E, was trying to keep an open mind. But I've seen enough of the material to know I'm not interested in it.

Same on all. I have played enough versions of this game to realize that no version is going to be fully satisfying, or what I would consider perfect. Pathfinder is about as close as it will ever get, and I already have all the stuff.

I do get the excitement of playing a living, breathing, expanding product. I play MTGO, and the constant freshness is a big plus.
For someone as OCD as myself, there is also a certain satisfaction to owning and playing a complete, finished product.

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blahpers wrote:
Whee, more "it's old therefore it sucks" posts. Pathfinder isn't bread. If you're bored with it because you've been playing it for a long time, that's one thing, but a new player in 2018 can have just as much fun starting out as a new player in 2009.

That's me and my group, and I already bought enough stuff to play for the next ten years and beyond. We just started in October 2017, and we are having a blast. I have been collecting material for almost five years little by little hoping it would eventually get put to good use. Now it is.

I wish Paizo and everyone into it nothing but the best with PF2.
I see no downside to a new version. I do get those into PFS, conventions, and living versions of the game feeling a little different, but this change was inevitable.

We already had the discussion. We will be playing Pathfinder at least until PF3 comes out.

Well, wake me up when it is...until then I am playing Pathfinder.

Calybos1 wrote:
Setting. Golarion's nations, cultures, history, races, factions... all of it. I snap up every nation book I can find. Some dismiss it as 'fluff'--I call it the core of the game and its main attraction.


Going all the way back to the 70s, none of the D&D settings ever did it for me. As much as I love world building my own creations, there was/is never enough time to get it right.
Pathfinder nails it with it Golarion. As above, I can't get enough of this stuff, and I just like to read it whether it's for game prep or pure enjoyment. I also find that despite all the detail, it is very easy to drop my own creations into the setting as well. A village here, a city there, a cult faction here, a thieves guild there....

The mechanics of the game work fine for me, either in all their glorious detail, or it's really not that hard to scale them back if that's your thing. I always feel that as a DM in a house game, you can use or not use whatever systems you want, as long as you make it clear to the players.

Also...the pawns. Miniatures are great when you can afford them, but having coverage for almost everything at very reasonable prices was actually the thing that put Pathfinder over the top for me when choosing a system.

Rush - Signals

The listing for Rappan Athuk for Pathfinder does not give a clear indication of availability. Is the print addition still available? I am considering the print/pdf bundle. Also, will you be carrying the expansion that Frog God has published? Thanks!!!!