Farael the Fallen |

Okay guys, let's get one thing straight right away. I am not Anti-Vegetarian. In fact, many of my best friends are Vegetarians or Vegans or Fruitarians or whatever. I totally hear the ethical arguments against eating meat. What difference is there really between a pig and a dog? And I also agree that it is a healthier way of eating.
However, those discussions inevitably end up in arguments and that's not what Paizo.com is all about. So effective immediately all discussions about or indirectly related to Veganism, Vegetarianism, Fruitism, and/ or whateverism are no longer hosted on Paizo.com. Discussions about eating healthy in general are okay, but once the thread starts venturing into a "meatless" diet the alarm bells will start ringing.
You may now proceed with your regularly scheduled thread posts...

Celestial Hippeh Lawyer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vegetables can still post on Paizo.com. That is okay. But if a vegetable starts saying that they are the only foods that should be eaten, then it would not be allowed.
So, you're prohibiting only vegetable advocates of suicidal consumption, but not animal advocates of suicidal consumption?! That's outright discriminatory!

Vidmaster7 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Fruitarians are weird. They don't want plants to die for them just so they can eat so instead they eat fruit. The unsprouted baby plants...
It gets weirder the more you think about it. The trees are making baby trees (fruits) for the express purpose so that you will eat them and excrete them later in hopes of making a bigger tree. They literally want you to eat them.

Farael the Fallen |

Farael the Fallen wrote:Vegetables can still post on Paizo.com. That is okay. But if a vegetable starts saying that they are the only foods that should be eaten, then it would not be allowed.So, you're prohibiting only vegetable advocates of suicidal consumption, but not animal advocates of suicidal consumption?! That's outright discriminatory!
No its not discriminatory at all. Based on Supreme Court decisions, animals do not have civil rights! Therefore, they do not have the legal authority and quite frankly the mental capacity to advocate for their own suicide, which is still illegal by the way.
I would like to add that this is the specific reason that Vegetarian posts were banned from Paizo.com, and I believe this should put the issue to rest.

Farael the Fallen |

I consume nothing but sunlight and water soluble vitamins, and that's why I'm bursting - BURSTING! - with Lawful Good health!
You'd never be able to see my twinkly aura if I started eating the flesh of animals slain in anger.
Pumpkin the Paladin, this post was dangerously close to advocating vegetarianism. Personally I think your overall health would improve if you ate some steak once in a while...

Pumpkin the Paladin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pumpkin the Paladin wrote:Pumpkin the Paladin, this post was dangerously close to advocating vegetarianism. Personally I think your overall health would improve if you ate some steak once in a while...I consume nothing but sunlight and water soluble vitamins, and that's why I'm bursting - BURSTING! - with Lawful Good health!
You'd never be able to see my twinkly aura if I started eating the flesh of animals slain in anger.
Maybe, but I'd lose my Smite Naughty Vegetables ability, so I hardly think it's worth it.

Farael the Fallen |

I mean, it's just like, vegans are better people...
I must interject here that Faustia is giving her opinion about Vegans being better people. It is not a provable fact. The same goes for Vegetarians, Piscateians, and Fruitarians. If she can provide evidence proving her claim, I'd like to see it.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Banshee Pizza Delivery Girl wrote:Please to not curdle my subjects.Amby's Brain wrote:{pours out fresh beans onto fresh plate, commences overthinking them}{issues bean curdling scream, examines new bean curd} I'm kinda surprised that worked.
Imo the best part about this alias is that portrait actually looks a lot like Rowan Atkinson.

Limeylongears |

Lord President Beans wrote:Imo the best part about this alias is that portrait actually looks a lot like Rowan Atkinson.Banshee Pizza Delivery Girl wrote:Please to not curdle my subjects.Amby's Brain wrote:{pours out fresh beans onto fresh plate, commences overthinking them}{issues bean curdling scream, examines new bean curd} I'm kinda surprised that worked.
It's the only good part about that alias, to be fair.

Farael the Fallen |

Orthos wrote:It's the only good part about that alias, to be fair.Lord President Beans wrote:Imo the best part about this alias is that portrait actually looks a lot like Rowan Atkinson.Banshee Pizza Delivery Girl wrote:Please to not curdle my subjects.Amby's Brain wrote:{pours out fresh beans onto fresh plate, commences overthinking them}{issues bean curdling scream, examines new bean curd} I'm kinda surprised that worked.
If we are being fair, your alias looks like Admiral Ackbar.

Tiny Coffee Golem |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Faustia wrote:I mean, it's just like, vegans are better people...I must interject here that Faustia is giving her opinion about Vegans being better people. It is not a provable fact. The same goes for Vegetarians, Piscateians, and Fruitarians. If she can provide evidence proving her claim, I'd like to see it.
It’s a joke from a movie. Something something saved the word I think

Farael the Fallen |

Farael the Fallen wrote:It’s a joke from a movie. Something something saved the word I thinkFaustia wrote:I mean, it's just like, vegans are better people...I must interject here that Faustia is giving her opinion about Vegans being better people. It is not a provable fact. The same goes for Vegetarians, Piscateians, and Fruitarians. If she can provide evidence proving her claim, I'd like to see it.
Do you want to hear a joke? Decaf. The end.