
Myrtle, Man Eating Cow's page

49 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Syrus Terrigan wrote:
all this bull$#!7 is going to make a cattle farmer of me yet.

Or, maybe the opposite...

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Kefka Palazzo wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I have the perfect solution. People should stop having babies. After a few years there won't be need for teachers anymore. No kids, no problem.



Why are you looking at me like that?!

Even better idea, just get rid of the people. No people, no kids! No kids, no problem!

No, don't get rid of the kids! Since they invented Fortnite I've developed a taste for veal and I don't think I can go back.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
My choice is to prevent disease and make things better.
You can do that while I splash you with Worcestershire sauce, right?

Don't forget the garlic!

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Nylarthotep wrote:
On a scale of one to upset, how upset should a new mother be that the nanny poured out four ounces of breast milk that had just been pumped?

I'd kill them, but I might be biased.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Man. I am hungry.

I feel you, man.

Limeylongears wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Your late with them today.

Leave me alone I'm working.

Also its *You're* because it started a sentence.

I think we've established my occasional ambivalence towards capitalization.
If I accept that you would have to accept my ambivalence for " ' " and since I don't see that happening here we are!
Ah, but capitalization (or lack thereof) does not typically change one word into another. A change in spelling can.

"china", uncapitalized, is a plate. "China", capitalized, is a country.

"comet" is an astronomical object. "Comet" is a cleaning powder.
"burgundy" is a color, and a wine of that color. "Burgundy" is the French region that produces the wine.
Similarly, "cheddar" is a cheese, and "Cheddar" is an English city where the cheese became known.
A "jack" lifts cars up, but if a "Jack" can do that I wouldn't want to fight him.
"coke" is most properly the term for a fuel product made from destructive distillation of coal via high heat. "Coke" is the well-known synonym for Coca-Cola, which gets its name from the original (but LONG since discontinued) use of coca leaf extracts (i.e. cocaine) in the drink.

Cheddar isn't a city, it's a small-ish town, with a gorge. They like to age the cheeses in nearby caves. (To be a city in the UK, you need to have a cathedral, or I think you can get city status on the whim of the Monarch as well).

In other news, I saw the world champion sandwich board wearer today, checking his phone while carrying around a sign saying:


On his back.

Or, and I'm just thinking outside the box here, get in this huge iron kettle with free Wi-Fi to twiddle on your phone while you baste... I mean, marinate, yourselves.

You can even check your Facebook status while you're cooking... I mean, relaxing.

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Lacy Pellazar wrote:
I am TERRIFIED of cows.

There's nothing to be afraid of dearie! Just climb into this pot and you'll be safe!

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I'd rather starve then eat a politician or lawyer.

Who cares about the staff, I'd rather know what the community would be as divinities.

... We're not talking about the same thing here, are we...

Will you be a dear and check the inside of this oven.

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Well, why don't you climb into this industrial sized cast iron pot and we can get started.

Would you mind basting yourself while I tidy up...

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Ordinary Rabbit wrote:

*devours Shia LaBeouf*

*is adorable*

Great! Now I'm going to have to eat Jesse Eisenberg!

Puts on noise cancelling headphones.

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Tom Cruise?

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Sets up couch with glue, a camera pointing at it, and inflatable Oprah and studio audience.

Tom Cruise.

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Evil Kjeldorn wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
Yes, homemade butter cookies with coarse cane sugar and cinnamon on top.


Can I have some?

No, they are my cookies!

*shoves cookies into his mouth, until his cheeks balloon out*

Good, good!

Adds Stuffed Nordic Horse Castrator to the menu.

Does this rag smell like Chloroform?

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Let's see about that...

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Oh, come on! I just ate!

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Who's milking who now b&~*&es!!

kicks dead Molthuni soldiers.

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Puts out a mop in the shape of a female Kobold, complete with poorly done makeup, with a sixer of Pabst, all beneath a crudely hid cage.

Rubs hooves together in anticipation.

Good, good! it's only a matter of time until i catch the appetizers!

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puts out a plate of bratwurst next to a sixer of beer with a t.v. blaring a sportsball game under an obviously hidden cage.

Rubs hooves together in anticipation.

Good, good! It's only a matter of time...

Mmm... Lucky marmalade...

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Raw = Delicious.

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Mmmm, so delicious!

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I get the loser!

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I'm totally going to Canada. Here get in and start basting... er, here have some garlic... for... your... pores...

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C'mon, just one sip won't hurt... don't mind the casually placed fronds underneath the glass... they're just... decorative...

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sets up camp outside Lynora's brick oven building.

Now, how does the timer work on these... no matter, I'll just wait...

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Orthos wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Meat can be marinated with anything.
While this is 100% true... there is a VAST difference between "can be" and "should be" ;)

A nice chili rub works wonders.

It clearly says man eating cow.

Just don't invitation a goat, they'll eat everything! Even for me, they're pretty.. dark.

It's true, I will eat someone.

Mmm, people are so deliciously gullible.

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I'm down for eating dwarves.


Now you can see my udder.

Well, someone better start milking, I don't *snicker* bite.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I'm sleepy this morning. Is it time for bed yet?

is it because we parties hard last night?!

CH and I took on manhattan last night and met up at the strat! Then we went to koreatown- sometimes called k-town- for Korean food! It was my first time exploring the maze food mall that contains numerous eateries to get something other than buns. CH surprised me with a birthday present - a mass effect N7 shirt AND A TALKING ELCOR PLUSH!

Sincere request: Can we go see Blasto 6? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

We dined on delicious Korean food- exotic to my Japanese and Chinese loving palate, but familiar to CH- and chatted the night away, talking about Fawtl business and gaming and inquisition and mass effect. It was a wonderful surprise and gift and I look forward to one upping him when it is his birthday!

Thank you, now I know what's for lunch. Korean bbq.

puts a small dog, the newest smartphone and a pack of cigarettes in a cage

So am I!

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Slimy Schlongears wrote:
Gratuitous Alias #239 wrote:
But they're ever so delicious and keep you warm in the winter.
Are we still talking about Belgians?

I'll get the syrup.

June Cleaver wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Treppa wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I wanna try that coffee that's digested by monkeys, who then s%@@ it out, which people then sift out so they can roast them immediately.
I thought it was civits.
Well something's gonna crap out my coffee, and I can't be depended on for it.
Hell... For the right price, I'll s$+# out some coffee beans for you.

Here, s&&% in this cage... good, good!... now rub down with some cumin and red chili powder for a few hours and I'll be back with a pot... I mean candy and hookers and lots of cold hard cash.

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Oh man, I could really go for someone RAW....

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
, but it's starting to turn a pretty color.
Let me guess... eggplant

Mmm... Eggplant Toes!

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That's what they said about me too, boy they were way off...

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You should see what the chicken eats, if you thought I was dark, just wait...

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Eh, when in doubt eat them both.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
John's boss took us out for a celebratory steak dinner. Yay!

presses face up against glass wall at restaurant


Presses snout against window next to Freehold


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grabs a club, some salt, paprika and a soup stone

Go on.....

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You gonna eat that corpse, after you're done using it as a Divan that is. No hurry, I'll wait :-)

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Yes.... they might surprise indeed...

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54. They're getting wise to Craigslist...

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Is it Ironic if i use A-1 Steak sauce on my next meal?

Neither can I