Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
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Are there any rules/archetypes for a more natural attack focused skinwalker? Possibly even something like a "Werelord" (full hybrid abilities as well as natural attacks and whatnot).
Well there's the beastwalker druid archetype that modifies wildshape to become a bipedal hybrid form of an animal.
Then there's the kinetic assailant soulknife archetype that lets you grow wolverine (x-men) style claws. Not exactly what you are looking for, but close.
Three of four new barbarian/skald powers let the character do different things to those they hit with their natural weapons.
Feats: Grappling Bite lets you make a free grapple attempt with a bite attack. Masterful Claws lets a monk skinwalker use their claws as unarmed strikes (basicly it changes the damage type). Seize prey lets you make a trip attempt with your natural weapon as an attack of opportunity. Skinwalker Pounce lets you make a full attack with your natural weapons after a charge.
The scar of the full moon is more effective if cast by someone with a natural weapon (cast by a bloodrager, magus, shaman, or witch).
Also, all the deities have natural weapons as their favored weapons.