Zwordsman |
yakno. if there were better ways to make Heal check faster, and more often than twice a day.. I would absolutely have to make a Oozemorph that heals people. GoeyDoc
Granted the lack of item usage and such would also make it kind of hard to get away with I suppose....
but the visuals of a lil glob coming up to an injuried person, sprouting several goo arms and going into surgery/healing/etc is just a great visual idea.

Zwordsman |
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VMC= Varient Multi Classing. allows you to trade feats for specific abilities from other classes.
True. Lay on Hands would work. Albiet I don't really like Paladins often.. (Mainly code issues with my GM.. I like the idea of a paladin that follows his own code of conduct that falls iwthin the lines of Lawful Good.. and I dislike worshiping dieties since I don't know how to RP that at all and haven't had fun with it in the past.)
I do quite like that idea though.. Granted such a late start to the paladin for loh.
VMC is a fun idea though. I've looked at a few.
Honestly I really kind of enjoy the idea of Magus VMC. Get that elemtal touch attack thingy.. get my acid damage back.
Granted spell strike doesn't work great with mass of natural attacks..
but if the Eratta to Oozemorph includes Morphic Weapons being buffed a bit.. and preferably including the WONDERFUL IDEA of fusing multiple hits into one big one instead.. it would be great again for me.
Last bit being a question
"An oozemorph’s base form is not that of her race but rather that of a protoplasmic blob that has the same volume and weight"
Sooo..... are you a puddle of ooze? or is this implying you are the same shape and form of your previous form.. just compeltely oozy?
I'm sort of assuming your just in a pile of gloop ala Dragon Quest

nighttree |

VMC= Varient Multi Classing. allows you to trade feats for specific abilities from other classes.
Huh....not something we have ever used....where are the rules for this ?
Last bit being a question
"An oozemorph’s base form is not that of her race but rather that of a protoplasmic blob that has the same volume and weight"Sooo..... are you a puddle of ooze? or is this implying you are the same shape and form of your previous form.. just compeltely oozy?
I'm sort of assuming your just in a pile of gloop ala Dragon Quest
Unknown.....as I am currently working it (until we get a FAQ or errata) you are a puddle of ooze, that has the same mechanical characteristics of the base race you build the character (in my case...Yaddithian)...
I'm just trying to see what I can do with the class and a huge dose of very liberal RAI.....

45ur4 |
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Zwordsman wrote:VMC= Varient Multi Classing. allows you to trade feats for specific abilities from other classes.
-----Huh....not something we have ever used....where are the rules for this ?
Pathfinder Unchained book, you can read them also here in d20pfsrd

45ur4 |

VMC= Varient Multi Classing. allows you to trade feats for specific abilities from other classes.
-----True. Lay on Hands would work. Albiet I don't really like Paladins often.. (Mainly code issues with my GM.. I like the idea of a paladin that follows his own code of conduct that falls iwthin the lines of Lawful Good.. and I dislike worshiping dieties since I don't know how to RP that at all and haven't had fun with it in the past.)
I do quite like that idea though.. Granted such a late start to the paladin for loh.
VMC is a fun idea though. I've looked at a few.Honestly I really kind of enjoy the idea of Magus VMC. Get that elemtal touch attack thingy.. get my acid damage back.
Granted spell strike doesn't work great with mass of natural attacks..
but if the Eratta to Oozemorph includes Morphic Weapons being buffed a bit.. and preferably including the WONDERFUL IDEA of fusing multiple hits into one big one instead.. it would be great again for me.---------
Last bit being a question
"An oozemorph’s base form is not that of her race but rather that of a protoplasmic blob that has the same volume and weight"Sooo..... are you a puddle of ooze? or is this implying you are the same shape and form of your previous form.. just compeltely oozy?
I'm sort of assuming your just in a pile of gloop ala Dragon Quest
Each of those bosses is actually a Shifter Oozemorph with a VMC attached to it and each one maxing one different stat.
The strength one is built around dazing assault and VMC Fighter.
The dexterity is a small race (we dont know the true identities) with VMC rogue and some feats to do ambushes ( maybe owl style? ).
The constitution oozemorph is the dumbest, but more brutal with VMC barbarian and the rage power to add constitution to damage rolls.
The wisdom oozemorph boss is a flying one, it has VMC monk and some style feats to add wisdom to damage rolls and do some counterattacks.
The charisma one, is for sure a kitsune with all magic tails feats, maybe it has VMC paladin or bard, not sure yet, but some buff for attack and damage (this bastard is one of the most hated so far, because he assumes a lot of different identities with changing forms and with his high charisma he always has an edge on our investigations).
Finally there's the scientist who started all this crazyiness, an oozemorph focused on intelligence, with a lot of skills, VMC unknown, with kirin style feat to add intelligence to damage as soon as he wins knowledge checks and some other feats to do crazy high rolls on combat maneuvers.

graystone |

I think oozemorph is required to take shield proficiency, medium and heavy armor proficiencies, and power attack.
Shield prof is unneeded in most cases as a Darkwood Shield/Buckler doesn't need prof for use. You can also throw cash into mithral along with ACP reduction traits, Nimble armor mod and Comfort enchant to avoid having to use armor feats.

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I think this thread needs more cute slimes.
In terms of other fun races to use for an Oozemorph, I think the Suli bears a mention. With a generous translation of their Elemental Assault ability (not the best way to go in PFS, admittedly) you can slap a d6 of energy damage on each of their multitude of attacks. I'd say Claws should count for this, considering the way the ability is flavored.
Also, one might be able to get an amusing character out of Oozemorph 1/Unchained Barbarian X. ANGRY BUBBLING NOISES! Plus, you could make an argument for Fast Movement letting your slime move at a speed of 10 if the GM is being really harsh with the rules.

WatersLethe |

Rosc wrote:YepI think this thread needs more cute slimes.
Aww, what a hungry boy!

nighttree |

In terms of other fun races to use for an Oozemorph, I think the Suli bears a mention. With a generous translation of their Elemental Assault ability (not the best way to go in PFS, admittedly) you can slap a d6 of energy damage on each of their multitude of attacks. I'd say Claws should count for this, considering the way the ability is flavored.
Also, one might be able to get an amusing character out of Oozemorph 1/Unchained Barbarian X. ANGRY BUBBLING NOISES! Plus, you could make an argument for Fast Movement letting your slime move at a speed of 10 if the GM is being really harsh with the rules.
Suli, Android, and Duergar, are all options I looked at. They all lend interesting things to your base "protoplasmic blob" form.....I finally went with Yaddithian because I liked the idea of having the Aberration type, and the no breath ability.....
Question....would the "can't cast spells" claus apply to spell like abilities and SU abilities ?

Darksol the Painbringer |

Question....would the "can't cast spells" clause apply to spell like abilities and SU abilities ?
Fixed the spelling. (Yes, it's important.)
As for the answer, Spell-Like Abilities would, because they function identical to spells and are treated as spells except in certain instances (such as PRCs requiring 1st level arcane spells). Supernatural Abilities wouldn't. They're magical, but they aren't spells, so they can still be done.

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Another question that occurred to me as I'm working on my build....can you perform Combat maneuvers in Ooze form ?
I know you can't carry or equip...but can you grapple, trip, etc ?
Technically speaking you can grab a kicking and screaming goblin and pin the thing to the ground, but you can't operate a door handle. I am really worried about this getting into PFS.
It really seems like an Oozemorph should be able to use a Kinetic Blast, since all you need for those is a "prehensile appendage" for which Morphic Weapons should count.
I mean for all your "Oozemorph/Kineticist" multiclass-with-absolutely-no-synergy purposes.
You know what? I think a lot of this would have worked out better if we just got an ooze Kineticist element. You could throw slime as a physical, or acid as energy. Give some substance infusions that make your slime sticky like tanglefoot bags. Utility powers that let you create 'webs' to catch enemies or 'ropes' to move around on.

graystone |

Rysky wrote:You can still attack, so yes.Well at least that gives a build direction to go in.....
Just remember that a "Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll." Now your type doesn't change so... Maybe if you picked an outsider to play. ;)

nighttree |

nighttree wrote:Just remember that a "Humanoid creatures without two free hands attempting to grapple a foe take a –4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll." Now your type doesn't change so... Maybe if you picked an outsider to play. ;)Rysky wrote:You can still attack, so yes.Well at least that gives a build direction to go in.....
Abberation...so I should be good there ;)

nighttree |

nighttree wrote:Abberation...so I should be good there ;)Doesn't matter as you're still counted as humanoid and they take the penalty. [you don't check for exclusion but inclusion] Stupid? You bet, but those are the poorly worded rules. ;)
Type is Aberration....
Form is a blob.....so I can't see how it would be counted as "humanoid" ?

graystone |

graystone wrote:nighttree wrote:Abberation...so I should be good there ;)Doesn't matter as you're still counted as humanoid and they take the penalty. [you don't check for exclusion but inclusion] Stupid? You bet, but those are the poorly worded rules. ;)???
Type is Aberration....
Form is a blob.....so I can't see how it would be counted as "humanoid" ?
"An oozemorph treats her creature type as both ooze and her base creature type from her race for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as bane weapons and a ranger’s favored enemy)." Your type doesn't change. The ONLY time ooze comes into play is for "effects targeting creatures by type" and grapple isn't that. At no point are you counted as an Aberration.

nighttree |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

nighttree wrote:"An oozemorph treats her creature type as both ooze and her base creature type from her race for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as bane weapons and a ranger’s favored enemy)." Your type doesn't change. The ONLY time ooze comes into play is for "effects targeting creatures by type" and grapple isn't that. At no point are you counted as an Aberration.graystone wrote:nighttree wrote:Abberation...so I should be good there ;)Doesn't matter as you're still counted as humanoid and they take the penalty. [you don't check for exclusion but inclusion] Stupid? You bet, but those are the poorly worded rules. ;)???
Type is Aberration....
Form is a blob.....so I can't see how it would be counted as "humanoid" ?
My base race is Yaddithian....which is an Aberration ;)

PossibleCabbage |
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Nobody did build Oozemorph with an optimization attempt?
I've tried a few on paper and haven't been happy. It seems like what you want to do is make a whole bunch of attacks combining weapon attacks, morphic weapons, and take multiattack to make those morphic weapons hit sometimes.
Being feat starved really hurts, but if you're a half-orc oozemorph with a greataxe who wants to be an oozy barbarian, you run the problem where you need to buy a magic axe and a AoMF. Plus you don't have access to beast totem, and what you'd really like is pounce.
So I tried to do an oozemorph with a one-level scaled fist dip (to get Wis and Cha to AC) so I can just use the AoMF for all my attacks. But I got discouraged when I realized that Pummeling Charge probably would not work no matter what I did (the errata to pummeling style was pretty clear on "NOTHING BUT UNARMED STRIKES" which morphic weapons are not, I think.)
I think my current plan is for a Scaled Fist 1/Oozemorph 19 (probably a Kitsune once I figure out how that should work with Fluidic Form) with high dex, wis, and cha who uses crane style, an agile AoMF, and Osyluth Guile to be legitimately difficult to hit since you're going to be eating a lot of full attacks. Not sure how this is really better than just "playing a monk" though. So I'm just going to wait for clarifications, errata, more tech before I play an Oozemorph I think. The only shifter I've built that I'm happy with so far is the Elementalist.

Rhedyn |
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1. Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus(Stealth), Compression, Fluidic Body 1/day, Morphic Weaponry two, Ooze Empathy,
2. Damage Reduction 4/Slashing, Track
3. Medium Armor Proficiency
4. Clinging Ooze, Fluidic Body 2/day, Damage Reduction 6/Slashing
5. Heavy Armor Proficiency, Trackless Step
6. Fluidic Body 3/day
7. Power Attack
8. Skill Focus(UMD), Fluidic Body 4/day Beast Shape I, Damage Reduction 8/Slashing
9. Fast Learner(Craft Alchemy)
10. Fluidic Body 5/day
11. Improvisation
12. Fluidic Body 6/day, Damage Reduction 10/Slashing
13. Improved Improvisation
14. Fluidic Body 7/day
15. Defiant Luck, Fluidic Body Beast Shape II and Giant Form I
16. Skill Focus(Perception), Fluidic Body 8/day, Damage Reduction 12/Slashing
17. Inexplicable Luck
18. Fluidic Body 9/day
19. Surge of Success
20. Fluidic Body 10/day, Damage Reduction 14/Slashing
I see the oozemorph as more of a fighter/scout. By max level your UMD caps at +33 with a circlet of persuasion. Inexplicable Luck allows you to cast one 9th level Divine scroll per day at no risk.
At level 10 your UMD is at +20 which opens up all wand use and all 3rd spell level cleric scrolls 80% of the time.
Will a shield and plate, your alterself form has decent melee damage and AC.
IDK seems like it can work.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:That's probably coming in Ultimate Ooziness.Blood of the Ooze
Nobody did build Oozemorph with an optimization attempt?
I really want to, but I keep getting stuck at the "cheese a race to negate the penalties of ooze form" and I feel like that's against the spirit. I'll spend some thing pouring over old books to see if there are some fun options that I've been missing until now.

PossibleCabbage |

Am I understanding how this works right, that if you are an oozemorph in human form wearing plate armor with a weapon and shield, that when you revert to ooze form that stuff will be absorbed and your speed will go from 20 to 30? But when you shift back into human (or whatever) form you will be wearing them again?
That does seem like an effective scout, but if your stuff falls off when you're oozy, it seems like you'd spend a lot of time getting dressed.