101 in-universe reasons Bull's Strength doesn't exist anymore.

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Why is Bull's Strength gone? Some possible in-universe explanations.
1. Casters forgot how to cast it.
2. Mucking about with temporary boosts to your body interferes with permanent improvements.
3. The spells only improved shortcomings that no longer exist thanks to better conditions and technology, and thus don't work anymore.
4. The spell interacts poorly with implants and organ transplants, and has fallen out of favor due to medical risks.
5. Bull's Strength causes cancer.
6. Irori got sick of people taking shortcuts and broke the spell.
7. Aroden invented the spell, and it's been weakening since his death.
8. The magic has been improved and is now taken for granted. (The ability score increases from leveling and that can be purchased don't stack.)
9. People have better spells to study than short small boosts to a stat.
10. The spell never existed in the Starfinder universe. Magic just doesn't work in a way that treats people as having six attributes that can be instantly, temporarily improved individually without transforming the subject in some broader fashion.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

11) There are no space bulls.

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All children are inoculated at birth against a broad spectrum of transmutation effects and the loss of bull's strength is a side effect of that.

... Wide spread anti-buffer propaganda has resulted in the spell being made illegal despite literally no evidence that there are any problems with the spell and that it has in fact saved several thousand generations of adventurers in the past.

Eloritu wanted the procedure kept secret, which, without the procedure in hand, meant the compound could not be approved by safety authorities.

15. It turned out that the name "Bull's Strength" was a bit too literal and every casting of the spell killed a bull to sap that bull's strength. As the number of casters grew, bulls quickly went extinct and the spell stopped working.

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Excessive use of ability score augmenting magic lead to greatly increased transmutation threshold in known species, pushing the amount of magic needed to increase ability scores past the mortal spellcasting capability.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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16. One single spellcaster propagated false results of testing that indicated Bull's Strength caused genetic mutations and it was snapped up and repeated by various new age science and magic illiterates.

17) Connecting to the Drift has altered the prime material plane, changing how magic works, so the old spells work differently now or not at all. This is similar to what happened to the Worldwound, where the traits of the Abyss bleed into Golarion.

18) When everyone's brains were fried to create the Gap, the changes were permanent and hereditary, so no-one can do the old magic anymore. The changes have to be hereditary, otherwise Samsarans could undo the gap with their memories of past lives.

19. During the Gap, a spellplagued Wizard from Forgotten Realms tried to escape to safety by an experimental planar travel spell and ended up in Golarion, infecting everyone with the spellplague and changing how magic works.

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19) The Magefire Wars were so named because some spells were literally burned from existence. Bulls strength was one such loss. There's a giant Memorial Stone Scroll on Absalom Station is a list of the spells lost in battle. [Just playing along]

Harley Quinn X wrote:
11) There are no space bulls.

Bull shit!!!

Dammit...I mean Space Bull shit!!!!!

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Due to the fact that it is effective on cattle, which already have the strength of a bull, there was a huge debate about the name. No-one could agree, so the spell was scrapped altogether

20 something) Norgorber stole the spell

Scarab Sages

Harley Quinn X wrote:
11) There are no space bulls.

Watch out - we're the SPACE BUUUUUULLLLLLLLLSSS!!!!!

22. It "went the plaid."

22. In space, no one can hear you go "HRRRRRGGGGHHHNNNN!!!"

Scarab Sages

25. Shadow Corporation's extensive lobbying campaign resulted in the spell becoming illegal in the pact worlds, despite there being only one study with questionable results indicating negative side effects.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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26. Anthropomorphic race of bull peopled (maybe something like...minotaurs) peacefully rallied against the connotations the name and effect that spell had with their race.

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theheadkase wrote:
26. Anthropomorphic race of bull peopled (maybe something like...minotaurs) peacefully rallied against the connotations the name and effect that spell had with their race.

So... you're saying the minotaurs had a beef with it?

Harley Quinn X wrote:
11) There are no space bulls.

27) Space bulls exist (and are scary), but the spell clearly references standard bulls. Those all went away with the planet.

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Perhaps it is simply no longer worth casting in a world with so much technology, so it gradually fell by the wayside.

29) Because there's an app for that.

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30) An error in transcription by a wizard's apprentice caused the creation of the spell "Bull's Length".

After the human population of Golarion was decimated over the next millennia due to inability to have children, the Gods stepped in and isolated Golarion to prevent the spread of the spell while they sorted it all out.

It was decided to erase the memory of Bull's Strength to prevent a recurrence, but, humans being what they are, to be on the safe side, *all* knowledge was erased from the "Expansionist" era.

Thus the Gap.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

31) Such spells fell out of favor due to a combination of being less effective given more modern armor and being a mess of special exceptions. Other spells were much easier to cast using the generalized theory of thaumaturgy along with some advanced principles of transmutation.

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Ithnaar wrote:

30) An error in transcription by a wizard's apprentice caused the creation of the spell "Bull's Length".

After the human population of Golarion was decimated over the next millennia due to inability to have children, the Gods stepped in and isolated Golarion to prevent the spread of the spell while they sorted it all out.

It was decided to erase the memory of Bull's Strength to prevent a recurrence, but, humans being what they are, to be on the safe side, *all* knowledge was erased from the "Expansionist" era.

Uh... relative to body size, bulls aren't particularly endowed, at least not in 'length.' Their sacks are big, but the member is rather puny. This is something I'd rather not know, but alas I live on a farm and I've been present for 'sample collections'

So it would be the 'reductionist' era, if it adjusted proportionately, or not-particularly noteworthy if it didn't. Maybe some girth issues.

Really, if that's the sort of thing you're into, you want horses. Or zebras, which are frankly terrifying.

As for bull's strength, it doesn't really need an in-universe reason. There are many ways for magic to do similar things in more interesting and functional fashions.

32.) The Cybernetic Space Bulls won the war with the Pact Worlds. It's better to not make them angry.

Voss wrote:
Ithnaar wrote:

30) An error in transcription by a wizard's apprentice caused the creation of the spell "Bull's Length".

After the human population of Golarion was decimated over the next millennia due to inability to have children, the Gods stepped in and isolated Golarion to prevent the spread of the spell while they sorted it all out.

It was decided to erase the memory of Bull's Strength to prevent a recurrence, but, humans being what they are, to be on the safe side, *all* knowledge was erased from the "Expansionist" era.

Uh... relative to body size, bulls aren't particularly endowed, at least not in 'length.' Their sacks are big, but the member is rather puny. This is something I'd rather not know, but alas I live on a farm and I've been present for 'sample collections'

So it would be the 'reductionist' era, if it adjusted proportionately, or not-particularly noteworthy if it didn't. Maybe some girth issues.

Really, if that's the sort of thing you're into, you want horses. Or zebras, which are frankly terrifying.

As for bull's strength, it doesn't really need an in-universe reason. There are many ways for magic to do similar things in more interesting and functional fashions.

Why not Elephants?

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33. An insane wizard cursed all bulls with exceptional weakness. As an unintended side effect, this applied to the spell Bull's Strength, which now weakens anyone affected by it instead of making them stronger.

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34) New set rotation. Bull's Strength can still be cast in Legacy.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
QuidEst wrote:
34) New set rotation. Bull's Strength can still be cast in Legacy.

And Vintage!

Silver Crusade

35. Jason Bulmahn was not involved as much with Starfinder so there was no one to champion giving bulls cool things.

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