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This new CRPG developed by Owlcat Games and game designer Chris Avalone has just been announced!
Check the press release here.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
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Saw this. It seems pretty cool, though there isn't much information yet.
I thought Obsidian had the license to do video games based on PF though?
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
There are licenses and exclusive licenses. A while back, Obsidian ran a survey which vaguely pointed towards a Pathfinder CRPG, but maybe plans got changed and they prefer to expand the Pillars of Eternity universe.
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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
This looks absolutely balling! I just hope that a Mac version gets developed concurrently. I don't want to have to wait to play it!
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Ok this has awesome potential, I just have to hope it has a console release otherwise it's going to really hurt my wallet.
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The CRPG is real!
Looks like Owlcat games is helming the development with Chris Avallone as the narrative designer!
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My reaction. I'll be doing this for a while. Not sure how long. Could be months. Could be years. We'll just have to see.
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Yesssss!! Exciting! Now I just hope they stay as close to the rule set as possible!
Interesting choice to put kingdom building in there. From what I heard, people were not too happy with the mechanics. I wonder how they change them for the CRPG!
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Owlcat Games announced today that they are developing an isometric crpg in the Pathfinder universe.
I for one am super excited! I'm a big fan of games like Divinity: Original Sin, Neverwinter Nights, etc. I hope it has a lot of character customization and great companion interactions. Of course, even better would be multiplayer functionality (even if it was just 2 player). The kingdom-building mechanics should be really interesting, too.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I wouldn't put many eggs in the ruleset basket, using OGL in video games is pretty far in the "it depends, you'll find out when and if WotC sues you" territory.
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Hmm. Interesting. Though, using some new developer instead of partnering again with Obsidian (who excels at making this type of game) doesn't inspire my confidence off the bat.
That said, I'm still curious to see how this shakes out.
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Merged my thread with the bag's (and a couple others). Sorry for any visual wonkiness, folks! The forums were fighting really good to keep me from doing so. Also, yes, this is a legit announcement! KERMIT FLAIL!
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Well, with the references they give (Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale) I hope it gives us an idea about the gameplay. Here's hoping!
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Chris Lambertz wrote: Merged my thread with the bag's (and a couple others). Sorry for any visual wonkiness, folks! The forums were fighting really good to keep me from doing so. Also, yes, this is a legit announcement! KERMIT FLAIL! Thankies Roobit ^w^
Also love the positioning of your's and the bag's posts :3
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Other than Avallone the folks are fairly unknown. I guess we'll see if they can pull this off.
I hope they can, a good CRPG set in the Pathfinder world would open the doors to all kinds of new developments.
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote: Merged my thread with the bag's (and a couple others). Sorry for any visual wonkiness, folks! The forums were fighting really good to keep me from doing so. Also, yes, this is a legit announcement! KERMIT FLAIL! Merged thread with the bag ... PHRASING!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
They really like making video games on the Kingmaker AP don't they.
Though I am looking forward to the Video game I wish they would pick a different AP to base a video game on.
I like how the picture at the top of their page is from the "RELEASE THE OWLBEAR!" moment in the game.
(Well, anyway, when I ran Kingmaker, the PCs performed such a moment. It was delightful chaos. Everything was on fire.)
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Man, hope my aging laptop can play this.
Kingmaker? Ehhh, If it's not real time with pause or has co-op I'll get it otherwise I'll pass (which really means I'll only guy one copy because my girlfriend will get it either way)
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Looks good hope it gets a console release.
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Please please please please please please make it so!
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My own kingmaker game is set to end this very Saturday. This announcement will really put some wind into everyone's sails.
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Cautiously optimistic.
Avallone + PF IP = Pathfinder: New Vegas? If so, consider me very yes!
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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I hope it gets a Linux release.
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Picking Kingmaker as the base is an interesting decision. It seems to be too sandboxy for a traditional, quest-driven computer RPG like Baldur's Gate, but fits better with the relative freedom of a MMORPG. I guess it's not only about the AP's popularity but also about the additional game element of kingdom building. And who knows how much Kingmaker feeling you will actually experience in the final game (for good and bad).
That said, I really look forward to Pathfinder rules being implemented in a computer game. Ok, they likely won't include 200 rulebooks, but it's still more appealing to going back to Neverwinter Night's implemention of 3.0. And opposed to Pathfinder Online (PVP in Pathfinder? WHY?) nothing about the announcement seems off...
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I am so hopeful for an Amiga release!
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SheepishEidolon wrote: Picking Kingmaker as the base is an interesting decision. It seems to be too sandboxy for a traditional, quest-driven computer RPG like Baldur's Gate, but fits better with the relative freedom of a MMORPG. Check out Neverwinter Nights 2 (also an Avellone project). While not perfect, it did get a sense of how you can pull off an open world adventure (at least from 10 years ago). I'd say it has a lot of promise based on that game alone.
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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Please be turn based. Please be turn based. Please be turn based.
That's a dying breed of RPGs thats in serious need of revival. And it suits the PF system more faithfully than anything real time.
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Nope. In the reddit announcement they said real time with pause. Combine that with pregen companions that aren't the iconics and my interest is rapidly fading. Cooperative or bust.
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It has to avoid Pathfinder mechanics for legal WotC licensing reasons. Not being turn-based is almost inevitable.
I'm glad to not have the iconics as companions, personally. Nice as they are, I'd rather see new characters written for the roles.
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I sure hope the pathfinder iconic would make sense in one of the most iconic pathfinder adventure paths.
My last hold out is multiplayer because honestly if it's a single player game with no iconic companions and a system that barely resembles the actual game then what am I playing it for? River Kingdoms?
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
You're not the target.
Like any spinoff to other media, the cRPG is primarily aimed at getting video gamers to know Pathfinder. Existing Pathfinder fans are a secondary target group.
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As far as not using iconics, isn't that the iconic barbarian on the left of the header image on the website?
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Definitely wasn't thinking I would see something like this today. Very cool.
Congrats Paizo, hopefully this is just the beginning of breaking into other media types.
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Well then I hope the market for isometric real time with pause rpgs is a lot larger than I think it is
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
It's not super big, but even a small slice of the video games market is much bigger than the entire PNP RPG industry.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
So this is confusing .-. I thought that Obsidian was doing something Pathfinder related, if they aren't thats disappointing. Second thing to be confused about is that whats up with new studio composed of veterans from random not that notable games? Like Avellone is most notable of bunch, but apparently their game is adaption of AP instead of original touch so I don't think his writing style will come through as much as normally?
My understanding is Obsidian was doing the CARD game, not necessarily a full on Pathfinder game. Whether or not that still is the case...is unclear.
As for it not being original...eh. I mean it is Kingmaker! Lots of room for things, in my book.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Like I don't mind it not being original, just surprised they went with Kingmaker as first game instead of something like RotR that has gotten adapted to almost every form of media by now xD (or at least adventure card game & audio drama)

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The names behind the team make me excited. They may not be too familiar for Western players but Nival Interactive was arguably the leading Russian videogame developer for almost a decade. I can vouch for all the pre-2010 games as being very well-designed and ahead of their time in some elements. Haven't played the online ones as I'm not an MMO fan.
However... RTwP, no iconics, and possibly a different ruleset if what Gorbacz says is true (but how did Pierre Begue make his OGL-based game then?) all make me skeptical. Choosing Kingmaker makes sense as a fairly generic backdrop for Mr. Avellone to flesh out / customize the story with his subversive touch, and add a strategy layer to the gameplay. I just hope that Paizo will maintain some creative oversight and it will still be recognizable as Pathfinder (unlike the ill-advised attempt to make an EVE clone disguised as Golarion).
What I want from a PF game most of all is a module editor a-la NWN1... The community has elevated that game so far beyond its release state, and PF has one of the strongest communities around it. Co-op and/or DM client would also be amazing features.
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CorvusMask wrote: So this is confusing .-. I thought that Obsidian was doing something Pathfinder related, if they aren't thats disappointing. Second thing to be confused about is that whats up with new studio composed of veterans from random not that notable games? Like Avellone is most notable of bunch, but apparently their game is adaption of AP instead of original touch so I don't think his writing style will come through as much as normally? Obsidian still has the rights to do their own CRPG, but they are non-exclusive. Owl Cat Games is a part of my.com, which has done a ton of games over the years. Here is some info from their Wikipedia page.
Owl Cat Games will be at PaizoCon in just a few short days and they have a playable demo of the game already set to go. :) We got to play it here in the offices a few months back and everybody was impressed.
Very happy that we are finally going to be able to scratch that CRPG itch!