
Laurial's page

Organized Play Member. 92 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Scarab Sages

Have to agree with some others- the enormous logo covering all the art has kept my husband and I from purchasing Paizo apparel in the past, and will here as well. Putting the logo on the back or at least separating it from the art a little bit would be nice. I've always loved official Bioware apparel as an example of art style & quality.

Some more dynamic poses for the iconics or maybe abstract designs (Pharasman spirals) would be fun!

Scarab Sages

Updated the app to include a notes section for characters! Now you can add a backstory, session notes, etc.

Scarab Sages

Hey Rednal,

At this time, domains are independent of alignment, and Law/Good/Chaos/Evil/Neutral aren't possible domains (although you could edit a domain to be so, I didn't want to take up the limited slots with alignment-specific options). I could add a feature to allow more domains/increase the number to five.

Scarab Sages

I just published an app on the Google Play Store. It's a system neutral character/deity generator, for players or GMs that need some inspiration. Whether you're trying to create a personality on the fly for an NPC the players decided to chat up, or are prepping some characters in advance, I think you'll find this helpful at the table. Characters can be created individually or in bulk groups called Communities so you can even roll up an entire town/evil cult/college/etc at will.

Characters get a name, motivation, 3 attributes, and a profession. There's also a feature that allows you to add relationships between characters (and all Community characters are created with at least 1 relationship to another character). Deities get a name, region, 3 domains, an animal, and an alignment. Every field can be rerolled for new results or directly edited if you have something particular in mind.

Thanks for your time and happy gaming!

Scarab Sages

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They've mentioned there will be art, some will be b&w/"unfinished" pieces.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I like that Resonance will create a unified system for tracking magic item use instead of every item having a x/day to track. I also think it will encourage more thoughtful magic item usage, and hopefully allows me to use my favorite magic items more often instead of "just" 1-3x/day. We definitely need to see how magic items and consumables will be changing in 2e to see if the potion problem will actually be a problem, but so far I'm looking forward to seeing how it works in the playtest. For example, the difference between an item that is being wielded vs worn that the devs brought up but didn't really elaborate on. Does that mean offensive magic consumables like fireball wands/scrolls don't count toward Resonance?

Does anyone know what the next blog post will be about? Hopefully it's on Resonance & magic items!

Scarab Sages

I also like making knowledge skills available to roll on untrained. If a player can justify why their character would have that knowledge, I have no issue with them attempting it. Plus there's always the chance they have some random trivia stored away from watching Golarian Jeopardy while they were home sick from school. I think every skill should have some wiggle room for PCs, especially if they're willing to risk the new skill fumble rules.

Scarab Sages

Leedwashere wrote:
Fuzzypaws wrote:
Maybe the number of potions you can have per day should be equal to half your Constitution score instead of spending Resonance? That way it's not spending this uber important resource you need for all your /other/ magic. Perhaps further extend this (maybe as an optional rule) that if you try to drink potions beyond your Constitution limit that you start rolling on something like ye olde Potion Miscibility mishap tables?

I think separate pool is a fine alternative to a complete exemption from the normal rules from potions, and basing it on CON feels rather natural. If your CHA affects your ability to get magic items to do their thing for you, then your CON affects your ability to handle the amount of stuff the existing magic which a potion can impart. It also acknowledges the dichotomy between the way in which potions (already cast magic) and wands/scrolls (stored potential to cast magic) work.

Although, after thinking about things a bit more, I guess the current system doesn't feel as much like a 'gotcha' when it comes to potions as it felt from my first reaction to it. When you go to drink that extra potion, you know you're at risk of wasting it. You get to decide whether you're desperate enough to roll those dice. So, while I feel like I've talked myself out of thinking that there's need for an exemption or separate pool in an absolute sense, I think I (and some of my players who suffer from "frozen pea syndrome") would be rather happier if it was there. Especially at low levels.

I'm with you in that I could go either way with this. On one hand, I kind of like the idea of taking a risk/pushing your luck with potions. On the other, I also worry about wasting items, especially at low levels. But it could make those low levels more challenging and rewarding to survive.

Scarab Sages

I would definitely enjoy a larger bestiary book to start with, and would be willing to pay $60-70 for it. I also would love more monster lore to be included with creatures. I do think there is a risk of making too large a book, which could lead to binding issues or problems carrying books around. I would certainly not complain if it contained more player races (kobolds, kitsune, tengu, GRIPPLI, dhampir, the elemental races, and I guess tieflings & aasmir), unless you want to make my day and release an updated racial book as one of the first/second year hardcovers.

I think the suggested idea of an "Essential Beasties" book that is smaller and cheaper for newbies could work well. Maybe it has just the stats and no fluff so it can fit 20 different creatures of various CR levels?

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Matrix Dragon wrote:
shaventalz wrote:
Derry L. Zimeye wrote:
Can someone explain what they think they meant with the revisiting Ancestry comment? I'm a little confused by that one!

I haven't listened to the interview itself (and won't, because length), but the bullet points linked earlier almost make it look like a separate advancement track. Almost a second "racial class" type of thing in addition to the "real" class.

I am all for auto-progression of racial abilities. Currently a lot of the most flavorful stuff for Kitsune and Aasimar are hidden behind racial feats that you have to give up actual combat ability to get.

Agreed! I love the idea of introducing more racial abilities into the game as well. They talk about dwarves "becoming more dwarfy", and that makes me hopeful that we'll get some meaningful racial abilities for every race now! And, since Ancestry can refer to you being not just a dwarf, but also a Chelaxian, it opens up opportunities for tying characters more deeply to a region.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

PossibleCabbage wrote:

Volkard Abendroth wrote:

Reading the other tidbits of information that have been posted so far, if you soak with your shield, your shield eats the damage, potentially being destroyed in the process.

Not only are you giving up actions that could be used to attack, if you soak damage you are giving up your shield.

If these rules remain, shields will be an option that results in everyone else at the table pointing and laughing.

Doesn't that depend on how many hits your shield can take, how easy or hard it is to repair your shield, and how expensive it is to replace a shield that can't be fixed?

Like if a shield will last a whole day and can be restored to full strength with a single 1st level spell or a successful craft check, then absolutely this is a thing you'll want to do.

A lot of this stuff isn't worth being concerned about because it comes down to specifics.

Or maybe the shield ignores damage done to it that falls below it's hardness rating?

That's exactly how it worked in the podcast example. His shield had hardness 9, so it would only be damaged by an attack that did 10+ damage. It wasn't spelled out exactly how much HP the shield had, or how it could be repaired, but the implication was that it would take multiple hits to break and damage could be repaired.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm really not a fan of goblins, and I feel there are about a dozen other races that I would prefer to be core. However, it's not going to effect me much since no one I play with really enjoys goblins either.

Scarab Sages

Mark Seifter wrote:
In Jason's podcast group, the fighter is the one who had a relevant reaction in that situation (Attack of Opportunity), and only the fighter is certain to have it. Without revealing too much, at least one other class can just pick it up for a feat, and everyone else could in theory gain access if they are willing to commit to that style of play (flexibility is key for the new system!). But they might not want to do that if they have a reaction or reactions they like better, since at some point, you'll have enough reactions competing for use that you won't necessarily be prioritizing getting more of them. Whether you have a reaction to take in a given situation will depend on your choices, both in character building (did you choose that reaction ability or the cool action instead?) and in play (did you decide to use a shield, for example?).

This is how I interpreted it. As long as there don't end up being huge feat chains/taxes for further reactions, I like the idea of allowing other characters to pick up relevant reactions through feats. And obviously not every character will have a relevant reaction every round!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I LOVE the idea of reactions. I can easily see monster creation allowing you to pick & choose different reactions based on a monster's kit. Also, it could make fights so much more deadly/interesting than a creature simply making a physical AOO. Imagine a dragon's reaction allowing it to reactively use it's breath weapon if enemies enter an ideal configuration. A gelatinous cube that engulfs enemies if they remain too close. A creature that bullrushes as a reaction to push you off an edge if you have bad positioning. Also, I love the idea of different classes granting access to different reactions as a form of customization. You could even have a subclass of feats that grant reactions, so that say all martial classes have access to AOO reactions, or w/e.

Personally I'm all for the simplified action economy. I hated trying to keep track of what class abilities were immediate/swift/standard. I also disliked not being able to move-attack-move. I think this will also help reduce turn time.

Scarab Sages

Please cancel my current subscriptions.

Scarab Sages

Agreed, it's nice to have the numbers to know if I need to pull money out of the mattress!

Scarab Sages

It does mention some flavor dimorphism in the Vesk. Females are larger and have brighter colorings than males. I'm not sure about how I feel about sexual dimorphism being codified in actual abilities/rules, but perhaps when alien archives drops we'll get some races like that. If it's not just women=pretty men=Meatheads I'd be more interested.

Scarab Sages

I have to say, loving the layout/formatting of this book so far! It's so much easier to read than the original Pathfinder core book. There are so many little QOL changes! For example, the bonus spells table is in the class section instead of a separate chapter. No more flipping between chapters to try and find the right table!! Things like this are huge to me, because I am lazy ;) . I haven't made it past the class section yet, so I'm not very far into the book. I like how each class has theme/build suggestions. That's great for newbies, or when I'm in a hurry to play so I don't have time to read 100 feat or spell entries...

Surprisingly, mechanic is my favorite class so far! I can't wait to play a Shirren or a Vesk character, this book has got my imagination in overdrive. Thanks Paizo!!

Scarab Sages

Thanks, I've added the subscription.

Scarab Sages


I was wondering if instead of pre-ordering the Starfinder Core Rulebook I could add the Starfinder Roleplaying Game subscription and get the PDF? I didn't want to manually add it because it looked like it was going to charge me for another Starfinder Core Rulebook. If it's too late, that's fine. Thank you and good luck with Gencon!!

Scarab Sages

I love the plant/fungal minis! So cool! I also like the eel.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Vic, way to break my heart on Grippli :( :(

Oh well, there will hopefully be a couple cool races.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for keeping an ongoing list of information about the project, Statagemini!

Scarab Sages

I hope in addition to evil dragons there will be lots of good dragons for the party to work with (would really like to get use out of my 3pp dragonrider book...just saying). Looking forward to this one, I love dragons.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Owlcat Games announced today that they are developing an isometric crpg in the Pathfinder universe.

I for one am super excited! I'm a big fan of games like Divinity: Original Sin, Neverwinter Nights, etc. I hope it has a lot of character customization and great companion interactions. Of course, even better would be multiplayer functionality (even if it was just 2 player). The kingdom-building mechanics should be really interesting, too.

Scarab Sages

Please cancel my AP subscription. Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Thank you for the update and the explanation, Diego. I'll keep the order then, I had completely forgotten about it being business days vs. regular days and when I saw the out of stock item under my order status I was worried that it would be months before you got more books.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes! The last Mummy Mask book has its stats. Archive of Nethys has it here

Scarab Sages

I think ammut is statted in one of the mummy mask APS. When I get home I'll double check.

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the response!

Scarab Sages

I purchased the Spheres of Power hardcover+PDF bundle Nov 30th. It went from saying ships in 14-28 days to now saying out of stock in my order summary. However the product page doesn't list it out of stock. Is this book actually still available? If not, any ETA on when it might be? Otherwise, I'd like to cancel my order and just get the PDF. Really bummed about this because it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my husband. If I'd known it was out of stock, I could have gotten him a present.


Scarab Sages

Ectar, same here. I purchased the PDF+hardcover book on Nov 30th and it went from 14-28 day shipping to out of stock

Scarab Sages


Please cancel my pawn subscription starting with the upcoming Curse of the Crimson Throne set. I'm keeping my other subscriptions, but with the holidays around the corner I need to tighten my yesterday. :) Thank you.

Scarab Sages

very excited for this!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Have a trailer! onquest-seeso/83813706/

Apologies for lack of clicky link I'm on mobile and too tired to remember how to do it on Paizos boards.

Scarab Sages

It's called HarmonQuest and it's Dan Harmon (created/wrote Community and Rick and Morty) playing with celebs and friends. If you want an idea of what to expect, check out his podcas, Harmontown. They've been playing for a long time. It's hilarious. The show will feature animated sequences and them live at the table. The only downside is it's only being released on NBC(?)s streaming service which requires a subscription. It will air on July

Scarab Sages

Picked up a brick + one booster yesterday. Fantastic job on all the humanoid figures this time. All the characters were very evocative and fun. I didn't catch any with bendy sword syndrome. All the figures had great details. I was a little bummed in that one of my boxes was a complete dupe of the other (the riding horse, bugbear mystic, dwarf bard, and barrel). But what can you do. I ended up with 3 dwarf bards, two dancing girls, a serving girl, the draft horse, wagon, silver dragon, owlbear/beaky, kobold devilspeaker, kobold trapmaker, farmer, ghoul huntsman, ghoul monarch, two bunyips, vampire spawn, two pious guards, guard, dwarf wizard, aristocrat, riding dog, bugbear tyrant, frost giant ice mage, bugbear flesh glutton, flesh golem, Ranzak, and Cayden Cailen.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm excited about this. I only have 3 issues in print of this AP. I do hope if they make more hardback compilations they do Legacy of Fire next. That was my first AP to play :3

Scarab Sages

love the clockwork dragon!! As soon as I saw the picture I just went "WOW"! How much does a case cost with a subscription? I see for preorder they are $399?

Scarab Sages

Ok, thanks for the heads up!

Scarab Sages


According to my order info, this shipped on the 12th. I haven't seen it yet. Should I keep waiting (I know there's been a lot of bad weather, not sure if it would impact delivery here) for now? Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Hello, please cancel my Campaign Setting subscription. Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Thank you Diego. Glad this was resolved so quickly!

Scarab Sages

Thanks Diego! Do I need to return the WOTR deck?

Scarab Sages

I had the same issue-- I received the Midnight Isles ACG deck instead of Monster Codex pawns today. My order number was 3685109.

Scarab Sages

I am really excited about this pawn collection! I can't wait to have an army of kobolds and gnolls to use. I would also love a Carrion Crown pawn set or a "classic ap collection box". As much as I love buying minis, it's way too expensive for me to get into seriously, so the pawns are fantastic replacements.

Scarab Sages

Dragon Codex
Dinosaur Adventure/Codex

....I have simple needs

Scarab Sages

they are anticipating sending the kickstarter backers' books next month, not sure if they'd be fulfilling regular orders then as well or not. the PDFs are available.

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