zainale |
so i have been playing with this group for what seems like a year now. anyways through this time my character has been romancing an npc he fancies. anyways he decides he is going to buy a gift for his lady love and perhaps move their relationship to the next level and through npc interactions and a well placed perception check was able to find a magic ring that the merchant did not know how valuable it was (a diamond encrusted ring of regeneration). so anyways i made my perception roll walked over to where the npc guide was looking at the ring leaving this other table letting him shop and make my appraise not to good to know what the ring really is but enough to know that its valuable and magical and probably something my character's lady love might adore (i don't think she is human btw) anyways i start bartering with the merchant you know common place bazaar banter he wanted 160 gp for the ring and i was working him down to 145 gp when my wizard friend suddenly rushes over after hearing or seeing what i was bartering for and buys the ring for 200 gp right as i was going to close the deal hand have a wonderful proposal gift. i am kinda upset at this sniping and i think my character would be angry enough to stab this guy in his sleep because he stole the ring he wanted to give to his lady as a token of his affection to her. of course he is not going to kill a fellow party member but he as the party's doctor can just let this teifling (insert f word here) die while he helps everyone and their mounts but him. i think there is a saying out there "don't piss of the cleric or the guy that cooks your meals." or something think that. am i in character justified in not helping this other character when he needs help?

zainale |
just to clarify the merchant did not know what he had i (in character and out) did not know what he had other then that it was magic and expensive. i did not know out of character what i was going to buy until the mage came over and bought it right as i was about to close the deal and identified it. (i had enough money to buy the ring out right but bantering was making the interaction fun. but getting in a barter war with the person who holds the parties funds means he has more money then i do.)

Sangerine |

Have my characters ever felt the urge to stab another PC? Absolutely.
Would your character be justified in intentionally endangering the party, or at the very least lowering its effectiveness in combat? No. Not even remotely, at least in my opinion. The party's lives and well being is far more important than a petty feud over jewelry. (Especially considering regeneration is much more useful in the field than a townhouse).
Would it be in character to do so though? Sounds like it. Your character sounds like a bit of a dick. If he gets pissy enough over this incident to consider slaughtering them at least.

Proley |

We were running a 2-man team through a campaign: My CN Aasimar Swashbuckler and buddies Tiefling Devil-Blooded Sorc. Their divergent personalities, playstyles, and general approaches have led to many occasions where there was interparty turmoil. On the whole though, he'd "accidentally" catch me in the blast radius of his spells, and I'd "Accidentally" fall behind in combat leaving him as the frontliner. It was all in good fun, and provided a fun dynamic between the two. It got to the point where we were building around being able to take each other out, which as a byproduct came in handy against some of our biggest threats (Him v. Martials, Me v. Casters).
We've outright threatened each other IC, but kept the OOC jovial. If you can walk the same line, go for it, but don't get the party killed. It would make sense if given the choice of healing the cute pony, or healing the jerk wizard who stole your engagement ring, maybe the pony comes out ahead. Deprioritization can get the point across without compromising party efficacy to a point.

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In a CoCT campaign, the LE hellknight aspirant inquisitor of Asmodeus gave my CG Caydenite gunslinger quite the itchy trigger finger.
In the end though, I fought valiantly to keep our inquisitor from being ripped apart by tentacles, but it wasn't enough, and not enough of his body could be recovered for a raise dead.

Níðhöggr |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I think you're overreacting. would you stab someone in a jewelry store if they grabbed the ring you were eyeing there? No? Then you're a reasonable human being, and would just buy something else, and maybe be grumpy for a day.
Why would your character be any different?
My character kills people/creatures for a living and lives in a dog-eat-dog world, I don't.

Blake's Tiger |

A character? Yes. That was her go-to means of solving disputes. My job, assigned to me when I designed her as a serial killer, was to find relatively creative reasons why she didn't stab them all the time.
As a player, no.
It seems to me that the player got upset that his plans were derailed by the other player, and that's bleeding over into his character "wanting" to stab another PC.
Character knew he was getting a magical ring for cheap, and other character out bid him. Normal character would buy a different ring and move on, possibly talking to the other character. Grumpy character might punch him (as was suggested above) and then buy a different ring. Sociopathic or psychotic characters might stab him in his sleep or watch him bleed out while smirking (as the OP pondered).
My assessment is that the player is mad enough to flip the board, but the character is not mad enough for homocide.

zainale |
he did not even out bid me. i was closing the deal and he practically dropped what he was doing across the street and "i will buy that for 200 gold." as i was counting out the gold to close the deal. all because out of character he saw i was buying a magic ring for a npc character i fancied that looked like a woman's wedding ring. now this jimrod will be in the party wearing the wedding ring on his hand reminding me of what he did all the time.

D@rK-SePHiRoTH- |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stabbing someone for such a reason is psychotic.
If your character is a psycho, go for it.
Some more normal reactions you might want to consider:
"I pity this guy, he sucks and is a terrible person. I'm going to buy a different ring soon, but won't trust him anymore. I'll just move on as I'm a much better and more mature individual"
"I hate this guy and I hope bad things happen to him, but I'm unwilling to confront him" assume passive aggressive behavior and make sure to let everyone understand you're roleplaying being snarky and cynical to him because you're mad at him for something.
Do not show personal involvement, it's a in-character thing.
"This really got me mad. I'm gonna confront him" -> proceed to expose character's anger in a straightforward way.

zainale |
You're the cook. Make his life a living hell. Only cook stuff his character hates to eat. Burn his coffee. "Accidentally" spill really hot food on him. Make sure he's always served last.
And be sure that this only affects him, never the other PCs. That part is key.
nice suggestions. i like your style.

Doki-Chan |

Suggest everyone carries their own funds (split equally) later on. Why is this guy carrying them anyway? (although you did say you had some money as you were "counting out the gold to close the deal"); if this is the case the wizard gazumped you as you already had a deal with the merchant, and the merchant (GM) backed out of their side of the deal too.
When you say "Deal!" is when the deal is struck, not when you are counting your pennies out afterwards...
Actually what would be more interesting is to spread about loudly in town that the merchant does not stick to his deals and watch his business suffer as a result. In full view of the wizard. This will indicate your displeasure in an indirect way, and would be better to sow discontent amongst the other PCs later when the wizard does it again.
Just... don't tick off the other Players while/if you do that...
Oh, you also never mention what character class or alignment you all are, or other PC/Player reactions... (unless I skim-missed that...)
On my own shenanigans though:
A PC of mine did want to "get rid" of a Paladin in the party; he was our best meat-shield though, and imperative for getting through the scenario to the unique true names of demons my boss wanted so I just simmered in silence so as not to break my cover... (I had to fight really hard to not zap him in a throne trap I was trying to suss out using UMD and pretending to be Iggwilv)

Helikon |

As a char. And now and then as a person.
Latest in character. Diplomatic sorcerer trying to deflect blame on the pathfinder society. Bossy wizard starts initmidating people on the street.
As a person.
My daughter refused to sleep and cried for about 90 minutes, although my wive or I would sit with her. The person made jokes about it, mind you no own children. My nerves were getting VERY raw. In the end.... nothing happened, as we know that he can´t keep his mouth shut even if we tape it!

zainale |
i am a neutral good human alchemist archetype bomber.
he is a ??? tiefling wizard. he never said or will show what his alignment is but from how he acts i would say chaotic neutral or neutral evil.
i pretty much try to stick with my alignment and try to be the good doctor for my group. but i also cook and disarm traps.

Bandw2 |

I'd totally have killed him, right there even, then probably the merchant to for allowing the deal, then followed by the witnesses.
wait wait, what was your alignment? Neutral good? oh, and here I was Chaotic evil and also a douchebag. well if you're none of those I guess I wouldn't kill him.
Since you're the party healer I'd stab him a few times with the scalpel "on accident" before actually patching him up though. I mean, he's a tiefling, you might just forget he doesn't get healed by negative channeling once or twice.

zainale |
ohh no! your leg got slashed in the last fight..... ohh deary me. gangrene seems to have set in we will have to amputate. (in truth it would be a minor scratch.) maybe for now on every time he is hurt and he needs my healing he will need amputation. it would not matter since he is wearing a woman's wedding ring of regeneration.

Bandw2 |

ohh no! your leg got slashed in the last fight..... ohh deary me. gangrene seems to have set in we will have to amputate. (in truth it would be a minor scratch.) maybe for now on every time he is hurt and he needs my healing he will need amputation. it would not matter since he is wearing a woman's wedding ring of regeneration.
Help, i'm dying(from stifling laughter at 2AM)

Vidmaster7 |

I had a character that was responsible for 3 character deaths (all the same person's character) two handed sword fighter monkey grip cleave big damage (3.5)
the first kill: We were surrounded by orks so perfect situation for me couldn't of planned it better. only problem is his PC was in my cleave of death dealing doom arc DM said id hit him to if i tried to cleave to many of them No problem me: I yell duck he says quack....wrong answer..
kill the second: so he made a new character he wanted something evil I was neutral he was too evil and obvious not much of a story there...
kill 3 return of the kill: he wanted to play something different he thought something tougher he wanted to play a monstrous race so Minotaur the DM gave him a introduction had a mini fight on his own finally saw us in the distance got excited and Ran up to us full speed to say from out perspective A Minotaur is charging the party at this point I had comet collision I set for his charge I crit... that character got nicknamed PC killer...
I still say it was as much the DM's and players fault more then mine.
...but it was hilarious...

Mysterious Stranger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you are the parties “doctor” then use that to get some petty revenge. I am not talking about letting him die, but just being a little rough. Next time you’re bandaging his wounds make it a little tight. When you are cleaning the wounds make sure you use plenty of rubbing alcohol to sterilize the wound, and of course you need to wipe down the wound really well to make sure it is clean. Be sure that any medicine you give him tastes absolutely foul. Don’t actually do any harm, and make sure whatever you do is actually something that works, just make it painful and uncomfortable.

Rogar Valertis |
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I suppose the important question here is IF your fellow player knew about the hidden value of the ring and decided to "steal" it for himself. If so the player acted out of personal greed wanting to get an advantage for himself while not caring for you as a fellow player. This would be really bad and it would suggest problems that cannot be solved by "stabbing" his character in retaliation or even denying him help. A player who does such things on the table is a problem player 99% of the time and he's bound to do it again with someone else as his philosophy is "me first, second and third, the others are there to provide for ME!", but then if that's the issue you need GM intervention, escalating things in play won't do any good.
If he didn't do this out of pure Greed (with capital G) you still need to understand why he did this. Did he do it because he wanted to just mess with you in order to get a reaction? Did he fancy the same NPC your character does? Is his character the sort who would jump at anything resembling a "good bargain" (not actually knowing what the ring truly was)? Did he know the ring was worth more than the price the merchant was asking?
Besides that, what about the GM? Did he just state it made sense for the merchant to sell at an higher price? Did he actually endorse your fellow player actions? If so why? Did he declare the ring was a regeneration ring (worth 90.000 gp IIRC...) after only after the wizard bought it? Did he give you a chance to counter the wizard's offer? Knowing the GM position is vital if you really want to solve the issue, so let him know how you feel about what happened. If you don't trust his rulings or his neutrality, if you suspect him to be on the wizard player's side then you have better consider changing your gaming group.

zainale |
"me first, second and third, the others are there to provide for ME!" that is a good way for how he acts most the time.
like i said i was looking to buy a proposal gift. i rolled perception while walking through the bazaar searching for something nice. the DM asked me to roll perception and i noticed our city guide oggling something so i walked over leaving the wizard on the other side of the street to check and see what our guide found. dm says "your young guide found a pretty ring."so i appraised it and did really well the dm said "your appraisal lets you know that it cost about 30k. so my character played it cool and bluffed to not show his reaction and then rolled knowledge arcane i got like a 15 so i knew i had something magical i then asked if the merchant knew if he knew what he had there. the dm said "not the merchant has no idea what he had. and somehow from across the street through a busy street because i was rolling knowledge arcane he rolled as well and got a 35 so he had an inkling of what i was looking at. and while he worked himself over or magically appeared i had worked the merchant down from his asking price through some great bartering role play and as i was about to close the deal. the wizard was like "i will buy that for 200 gold." of coarse the merchants going to sell to the guy that offers 55 more gp then the guy that was counting out his gold to buy the ring moments before. i stopped role playing then and said to the wizard's controller "damn it, this is just like the time two sessions ago when you lead me into a hidden pit trap. you just scooped my deal. ruined my fun." but then i put that aside. and i bought a comb and ring for my lady. then when the rest of the party had gather later i happened to sell my old expensive armor two retrofit the whole party with new armor and weapons. because i had replace it with lighter better armor and i had already bought the party's healing supplies in the last town.

Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

My anthropormophic cerberus magus considered shanking the kitsune rogue in his sleep.
Our party consisted of very unusual characters such as a vampire general resurrected as a mortal, a kobold, and an arms dealer who had to fake his death to evade a dangerous enemy with significant political power. Our adventures involved extremely sensitive information concerning artifacts that could be used to cause massive devastation. Needless to say, discretion is absolutely mandatory.
However, our rogue was a member of some kind of "hero's guild" filled with pompous Lawful Stupids that have been long suspected of being corrupt and filled with enemy spies. We found out that the rogue had been secretly sending sensitive information about our adventures to them and even told them about the arms dealer's true identity. For some reason, the rogue didnt see anything wrong with it and thought we were all jerks for browbashing him for it. It also didn't help that both the rogue and his player proven themselves as highly untrustworthy. To my character, the rogue was a massive liability.
So, I plotted to use dimension door+invisibility+silence to sneak into the rogue's room, shank him in his sleep, stuff his body into a bag of holding I made specifically for carrying bodies. In a quiet location, I planned to burn the body and then rupture the bag of holding to forever cast the remains into the astral plane. I later found out that the arms dealer's player had also planned to leave the campaign by putting a bullet in the rogue's head and then fleeing.
Sadly, none of this came to pass because the campaign ended when Sarenrae accidentally TPK'd the party when trying to save us. But that's another story.

Blake's Tiger |

he did not even out bid me. i was closing the deal and he practically dropped what he was doing across the street and "i will buy that for 200 gold." as i was counting out the gold to close the deal. all because out of character he saw i was buying a magic ring for a npc character i fancied that looked like a woman's wedding ring. now this jimrod will be in the party wearing the wedding ring on his hand reminding me of what he did all the time.
This shows me that it is what I suspect: the player wants to stab the other player's character to get revenge for the other player taking OOC knowledge and interfering with his plans.
The solution is to talk to the GM and the other player and explain that you're frustrated with the other player for inserting himself into a personal RP scene that his character wouldn't have been able to overhear--or possibly see--and interrupt so quickly. In addition, you're frustrated with the GM for allowing the other player to use OOC knowledge to scoop the ring from you and for RPing the merchant as such that he would stop haggling with you and immediately sell it to the other player. The goal of the conversation is not to get the ring back, but for everyone to agree to be more careful with OOC knowledge in the future.
Your NG alchemist healer would NOT stab the other character in his sleep. That is a NE or CE thing to do. If he was a gnome or prankster type of person, he might put extra pepper in the wizard's meals. More likely, though, as NG, he would, upon discovering that the ring was a ring of regeneration, decide that it was indeed better for the ring to be used by the party rather than on the subject of his affection's finger and go buy a mundane ring. He might also argue that it is better served being on your front line fighter's finger since he takes more beatings per day than the wizard.

Thornborn |

Seems to me the wizard swung in through the proscenium to claim the prize you'd unearthed. You can blame him for that.
He is probably too shallow-souled to have given any thought to the ring's emotional value to your character. You can't blame him for that. You can pity him.
Your GM ought not have PCs that teleport from scene to scene, but it can be very handy when all the PCs are needed for the planned battle, and that's a sacrifice of logic to fun, so please be understanding that the GM may not have even thought about this.
The wizard has a ring of regeneration, now. He really doesn't need as much care and effort as the others. Triage puts regenerators last, right?

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Only once did I have a character carefully craft for one character's demise. The witch had finally been granted his wish of entirely life as a lich, untouchable by all the other characters and most everything in the game.
And he was clearly evil, turned his whole family tree into undead beings against their will. This character threatened my character's freedom more than once, casting dominate on my poor will save if I didn't agree to what he did all the time. Terrible stuff, really.
But nobody questioned why my character had to separate from the group a little and live somewhere else. Just a day away though, literally the next city over. My rogue got himself a house (by stealing it), and started to sell poisons through the awesome money making machine that is the guild poisoner. And he bought so many nice things.
After awhile, you have to start thinking on how to manage a lich who can't die and is immune to everything your class can do. Even a rogue realizes, sometimes, that life would be better for so many people if this lich wasn't around.
The Plan: It came down to the lich's love for teleportation. Less time to prepare for his arrival and fairly instant and easy. Besides, he can't die, permanently, because he had his little glass bottle "somewhere" which meant he had it nowhere. Too bad. But my rogue was able to construct an "teleportation adjustment trap" that he sorta lied about to the high level wizards about having people not just pop into his house. And the DM has this anti-magic material stone stuff (special dwarf stone) that shut down all magic. Having thefted tons of the stuff, my rogue made a box of it and pushed it over the designated spot to where the person would land (in the basement). Then the box, with the helpless lich inside, would be escorted to the nearest lake and be dropped off to stew in the middle of that lake for a very, very, very long time.
It's like killing a character, adventure wise, but it's sometimes necessary.

SorrySleeping |

1) Talk to your DM. Merchants shouldn't resell an item if you already bought it. Doesn't matter what purpose. Also talk to the DM about what the wizard is doing. A dick bag PC is okay if you aren't ruining other players fun. Your DM will hopefully start siding against the wizard if he is ruining others fun.
2) Next time the wizard does this s$~+, tell the dm to roll a perception check first. He could detect magic, but why? He had no business to unless he overheard, which he probably didn't in a busy bazaar that you bluffed your way through. You gave no sign that the ring was amazong, it was just a pretty ring. Wizard should have to roll another perception check to see if the ring is useful. Do everything to keep him rolling to do his stuff and keep it from being Knowledge Arcana.
3) Refuse to heal the wizard. He has a ring of forever healing and is clearly not looking out for your character. Don't do a single action to help him out ever. You are NG, not Lawful Stupid. The dude double crossed you twice now, with a merchant clearly going against the rules of selling s+%+.
4) Ask in character for other PCS to help you while the wizard isn't in the room (in character and person so you don't have to deal with his s!~!). At the very start, someone should take the party loot away from him, as he is clearly mismanagement it.
5) Have a in character chat with the wizard. Unless you a little s&+* of a character that can't bring himself to confront anyone, you will have an in character chat with the wizard, asking him why he did his actions and to explain himself.

zainale |
i just might piss in his waterskin. but i will play it off as him buying it for me first. just taking the ring handing him the ammount he paid and thanking him.and if he insists that the ring his his or "the party's" then i will piss in his water skin , over salt and pepper his food, and bind his wounds way too tight. i understand that if we where the lvl to have a ring of regeneration that the meat shield or front liner should get it. but if is given to a player character it would ruin..... the dc or the whatsit, and make already hard combat even worse. if it is given to a party npc it would assure that party npc follower's survival rate thing. and the npc's level is more suited to having such a powerful magical item.