Why the Small Race Melee Hate?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Too bad the Ant beats them all. We going to say that Ant PCs are the most optimized martial now?

And I never said halflings were. I never even inferred it. I was making a simple observation based on the math in the game. I never said that they were optimal. Just that the fact was interesting.

Chill out man. It is merely an amusing observation.

Plus ants are not a core race anyways. ;-)

(Sorry I did not read all of the posts just about the first 20 or so...so if this has come up in some of the posts I did not read I am sorry.)
Note: These are my opinions and in no way is it my intent to disparage anyone and or any class of people.
It can really depend on the the system and how much the system either provides a bonus to small races and or makes them more realistic.
First: All weapons cause damage but that damage can be greatly influenced by the mass backing it up.
Second: Momentum is also a fairly large part of dealing damage and being able to move a weapon through a larger arc can generate a lore more momentum.
Three: Reach, is huge. If you can damage an opponent and stay out of the range in which they can damage you you should win every combat (except for the highly unusual cases)

Now, small races should be equal to larger races in finding weak spots and dealing significant damage but larger races generally do a better job in the three areas above.
Also most systems cater to the idea the playing a small race should be fun and possible (Because of the Lord of the Rings) and somewhat balanced vs other larger races but in reality it is more often like a 18 year old fighting a 6 year old (or worse). In reality the 6 year old needs a lot more training and often luck to beat the 18 year old in combat.
IMHO, In real life a shorter race (2'-4') would have to use some terrain, animals, magic, super weapon, disease, etc to their advantage to survive wars with larger races.
For Example: This of normal human sized troop trying to take over a star-ship run by 2' being in which the hallways were designed for them based on their military standards, ie probably 2 1/2' to 3' high and 2' wide. And now imagine normal sized humans in space suits trying to squeeze into those access ways (if they even could) to get at the smaller race. Most often I think the larger race would simply opt to destroying the smaller ship and not taking any prisoners because of the sheer number of casualties that the smaller race would inflict from their protective "burrow" star-ship.


Gilfalas wrote:
When was he last time your light load rating was three times your own body weight?

I have a half-orc barbarian whose light load rating is more than 4 times his own body weight when raging (only about twice when not). And his weight is near max (I rolled 22 on 2d12 and decided to go with it). If his weight was average, the ratios would be over 5 and 2.5, respectively.

Khudzlin wrote:
Gilfalas wrote:
When was he last time your light load rating was three times your own body weight?
I have a half-orc barbarian whose light load rating is more than 4 times his own body weight when raging (only about twice when not). And his weight is near max (I rolled 22 on 2d12 and decided to go with it). If his weight was average, the ratios would be over 5 and 2.5, respectively.

Can I ask what level and what str?

Reason I ask is if I am reading it right, assuming your 1/2 orc is 304 pounds that makes his light load about 1216 pounds. Meaning as a medium size biped you would have a strength score of around 36 - 37 while raging.

This would seem to be rather exceptional and has less to do with your race and more to do with yout items, level and powers.

Assuming a similar roll for weight (say a 7 on 2D4) and a similar str score a halfing would have a light load of 912 but the body weight to light load ratio would be about 24.6 to 1. Still technically pound for pound stronger than a half orc.

Which is an interesting anecdote and something to definitely RP with as a halfling but not an optimizing point, in case someone mistakes it for one.

137ben wrote:

I must admit I don't understand what the OP is saying. We're in the Pathfinder board so I assume they are talking about Pathfinder. In Pathfinder, small-sized characters are worse in melee. That's a fact. It is not a matter of emotion, nor is it a matter of opinion.

Is the OP stating that some group of people "hate" the fact that small characters get penalties to melee-relevant stats? Is the OP asserting that some game designers "hate" small characters, and hence created small-size penalties to make them worse in melee?
Is the OP asserting that some unspecified group of people "hate" the idea of "small" characters in melee combat, regardless of the physics of the game system? If it's that option, then this thread is probably in the wrong forum.

What exactly is the OP asserting is being hated, and who does the OP believe is doing the hating?

Can anyone explain?

Zautos' wrote:
-2 str

Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

Zautos' wrote:
and one step lower dmg dice

Yeah, but neither Power Attack nor Pirhana Strike scale down with size. Nor does Risky Striker. Also, Sneak Attack Damage doesn't scale down with size.

So, you can use twin Kukris with Pirhana Strike and Risky Striker, Improved Crit, Crit Focus, and those special Halfling Low Blow Feats. Be an Eldritch Guardian Fighter, and take Outflank, and you have a Critting, Flanking buddy: your Mauler Familiar who will know all the Combat Feats you know.

Flanking Buddy? Hey, Sneak Attack Damage doesn't scale Down with size either! Yeah, now I'm talking about talking levels in Rogue or Ninja or something rather than Fighter. But I'm also talking about straightforward pain delivery. Take Dirty Trick Feats, make your opponents Blind, and you lock in Sneak Attack Damage that way.

You (and your Familiar) can take Harder they Fall, and now you can Trip or Bull Rush creatures regardless of size.

Zautos' wrote:
and need to grow 2 sizes to get 10ft reach.

All characters might run into creatures with greater Reach than theirs. That's what bows are for.

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Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

Don't halflings get an additional -2 Str due to their size?

Trent formaldehime wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

Don't halflings get an additional -2 Str due to their size?

No, you just change the start (by -2) as the entry describe, nothing more nothing less.

Scarab Sages

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Anton Wine-Maul wrote:
One of my favorite characters to DM was my friend Ian made a Goblin Paladin of Iomadae The character, Sir Boogoo Raven-Blade, was such a hilarious clash of race and class that melded into a beautiful character who retired at level 19.

Amusingly I recall an adventure in which a priest of Desna preached to a group of goblin prisoners who all decided to begin worshipping Desna the Destroyer! What? What are you thinking? I know, I know. well for Desna to be as impressive as the priest said, and to make such a long lasting impression on the goblins, then Desna had to be pretty powerful and, as far as a goblin is concerned, there's nothing more powerful than destroying stuff.

And thus the cult of Desna the Destroyer was born.

Gilfalas wrote:
Khudzlin wrote:
Gilfalas wrote:
When was he last time your light load rating was three times your own body weight?
I have a half-orc barbarian whose light load rating is more than 4 times his own body weight when raging (only about twice when not). And his weight is near max (I rolled 22 on 2d12 and decided to go with it). If his weight was average, the ratios would be over 5 and 2.5, respectively.

Can I ask what level and what str?

Reason I ask is if I am reading it right, assuming your 1/2 orc is 304 pounds that makes his light load about 1216 pounds. Meaning as a medium size biped you would have a strength score of around 36 - 37 while raging.

This would seem to be rather exceptional and has less to do with your race and more to do with yout items, level and powers.

Assuming a similar roll for weight (say a 7 on 2D4) and a similar str score a halfing would have a light load of 912 but the body weight to light load ratio would be about 24.6 to 1. Still technically pound for pound stronger than a half orc.

Which is an interesting anecdote and something to definitely RP with as a halfling but not an optimizing point, in case someone mistakes it for one.

I've joked about this, but my current character's actually in this situation. Human, 18 Str at level 1 ... and rolled as minimum on the weight table as possible: 110lbs. She's now at level 7, so you can guess where the bonus point went.

As far as small melee hate? I think it's pointed towards fear of failing, as mentioned before. I've seen the mood start to sour around my game's board when the d20 starts rolling as if it were a d4, and this is a group that's not as experienced. (And which can at times be annoyingly risk adverse. We're working on that.) Honestly, one reason I picked up a copy of D&D 5th was to see just how viable a Strength-based halfling barbarian would be. And liking the results.

Personally, I wouldn't mind exploring the idea, although again I'm a little leery of the 'not doing my job properly' aspect. It's hard to remember that 'good enough' is good enough.

I've also seen players complain that small races are too cute and can't be taken seriously. I suppose some players have very specific rules of machismo, but this really can't be the major part. Fear of failure combined with very specific optimized tactics are probably the biggest deal. A halfling knight sent out on a dog like that could really mess up a set piece strategy.

Daw wrote:
I've also seen players complain that small races are too cute and can't be taken seriously.

Whoever thinks that has never read Order of the Stick. Case in point.

thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

I don't normally start my characters with any ability scores about 16. My melee characters will generally have a 16 ST/14 Dex or the other way around.

I really like Attacks of Opportunity, and for AoO builds more Dex = more attacks. More ST still equals more Damage/Attack, so I like to grow both.

I don't normally lower any ability score under 10

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Scott Wilhelm wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

I don't normally start my characters with any ability scores about 16. My melee characters will generally have a 16 ST/14 Dex or the other way around.

I really like Attacks of Opportunity, and for AoO builds more Dex = more attacks. More ST still equals more Damage/Attack, so I like to grow both.

I don't normally lower any ability score under 10

To get a 16 STR/14 Dex costs your halfling 19 points and your human 10. It's a big difference. Far from barely matters at all.

If you're focusing on DEX, sure a halfling will do all right. Though a human still comes out ahead: 16 Dex/14 Str costs the halfling 15 and the human 10. 5 isn't as big a deal as 9, but it's still not "barely matters".
But mostly, I just don't understand the original point of why using point-buy makes race modifiers less important.

thejeff wrote:

To get a 16 STR/14 Dex costs your halfling 19 points and your human 10. It's a big difference. Far from barely matters at all.

If you're focusing on DEX, sure a halfling will do all right. Though a human still comes out ahead: 16 Dex/14 Str costs the halfling 15 and the human 10. 5 isn't as big a deal as 9, but it's still not "barely matters".
But mostly, I just don't understand the original point of why using point-buy makes race modifiers less important.

The easiest way to make racial modifiers matter less is to just let everyone pick their ability scores within a certain range. That means that the maximum in a score is effectively two points higher for races with a bonus to that score, and two points lower for races with a penalty to that score, but as long as you stay within the normal range it doesn't matter.

I agree with you, though: when using point-buy, racial ability modifiers matter a lot.

thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

I don't normally start my characters with any ability scores about 16. My melee characters will generally have a 16 ST/14 Dex or the other way around.

I really like Attacks of Opportunity, and for AoO builds more Dex = more attacks. More ST still equals more Damage/Attack, so I like to grow both.

I don't normally lower any ability score under 10

To get a 16 STR/14 Dex costs your halfling 19 points and your human 10. It's a big difference. Far from barely matters at all.

If you're focusing on DEX, sure a halfling will do all right. Though a human still comes out ahead: 16 Dex/14 Str costs the halfling 15 and the human 10. 5 isn't as big a deal as 9, but it's still not "barely matters".
But mostly, I just don't understand the original point of why using point-buy makes race modifiers less important.

That just means that my character has a 16 Dex and 14 ST. Whatever. For an AoO build, that means I get more attacks that do slightly less damage: perfectly acceptable.

It might mean I should take the Agile Maneuvers Feat, or Fury's Fall if I want a Trip build. That's fine, too.

I don't see anything wrong with your facts. But these things still fall under the category of "barely matters" in my book. As a completely unapologetic min-maxer, Halflings are not off my pallet for melee character builds.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
-2 str
Usually, I make characters with a point-buy system. The Race Modifiers to my Ability Scores barely matter at all.

I don't understand.

Halfling: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it down to a 14.

Human: I pay 10 points to get a 16 STR, adjust it up to a 18.

More likely, I'd actually shell out the 17 points to get a 16 str as a Halfling, if I was going the strength martial route.

No idea how the race modifiers don't matter.

I don't normally start my characters with any ability scores about 16. My melee characters will generally have a 16 ST/14 Dex or the other way around.

I really like Attacks of Opportunity, and for AoO builds more Dex = more attacks. More ST still equals more Damage/Attack, so I like to grow both.

I don't normally lower any ability score under 10

To get a 16 STR/14 Dex costs your halfling 19 points and your human 10. It's a big difference. Far from barely matters at all.

If you're focusing on DEX, sure a halfling will do all right. Though a human still comes out ahead: 16 Dex/14 Str costs the halfling 15 and the human 10. 5 isn't as big a deal as 9, but it's still not "barely matters".
But mostly, I just don't understand the original point of why using point-buy makes race modifiers less important.

That just means that my character has a 16 Dex and 14 ST. Whatever. For an AoO build, that means I get more attacks that do slightly less damage: perfectly acceptable.

It might mean I should take the Agile Maneuvers Feat, or Fury's Fall if I want a Trip build. That's fine, too.

I don't see anything wrong with your facts. But these things still fall under the category of "barely matters" in my book. As a completely unapologetic min-maxer, Halflings are not off my pallet for melee character builds.

Not off my palette either. I've got a 2Hander halfing barbarian I need to play more.

Still, even that Dex build costs more. That's my point. Probably be better to go all the way and build for Dex to Damage.

any small melee with starting str of 14 will do fine. size offer +1 to hit and the total damage isnt matter.
ofc, one can play it's power place.
go mounted.
go dex build
go rogue.

Wouldn't an AoO build benefit from easier access to a 10' reach, for a bigger AoO "Zone of Nope"?

Also, you could just go with another class with +2 Dex, but without the -2 Str, for more AoOs.

Depending on what I'm trying to do I will consider a small race. While a GM of mine disliked my deep gnome thinking the stat loss didn't compinsate for it's abilities I disagreed. We were both right my abilities did make a difference but for the class the stats spread hurt a bit. Had a Paladin Halfling people stopped making fun of him after a few combats being rather effective in combat.

Sovereign Court

After reading these I need a halfling whip fighter (lore warden / martial master) with a Napoleon complex.

Righty_ wrote:
After reading these I need a halfling whip fighter (lore warden / martial master) with a Napoleon complex.

I've been thinking of a setting where the halflings are essentially Romans. A WHOLE race of Napoleon complexes.

Community Manager

Removed a post. Please be civil to each other, thank you!

KahnyaGnorc wrote:
Righty_ wrote:
After reading these I need a halfling whip fighter (lore warden / martial master) with a Napoleon complex.
I've been thinking of a setting where the halflings are essentially Romans. A WHOLE race of Napoleon complexes.

Halflings: When will they ever learn?

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Athaleon wrote:
KahnyaGnorc wrote:
Righty_ wrote:
After reading these I need a halfling whip fighter (lore warden / martial master) with a Napoleon complex.
I've been thinking of a setting where the halflings are essentially Romans. A WHOLE race of Napoleon complexes.
Halflings: When will they ever learn?

After they try and fail to conquer Russia, presumably.

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To address the original post:

Because people transpose their personal playstyle onto other players. And those people can take their extra damage die and roll em up where the sun don't shine.

I play Gnomes, and I'm the first one to admit that we cannot play like Medium Characters and hope to come out on top; there's better DEX races out there and heaven forbid one of us tries out for the DPS Olympics in STR events. About one of the few instances where we'd shine (again, a situational) is the land of 5' corridors attacking with Mounts/ACs.

Any time you have to pursue an extra feat-tree, the opposing build you are competing against just pulled ahead that much further.

Does that stop me from going toe-to-toe? Hell naw! Nothing funnier than the GNOME Oracle stepping up and TANKING for the team that prioritized DPS. Pint-sized Divine Casters are Blessed for how protected they are.

I play tactically; I apply enough defensive schemes/layers that because the DM is tired of missing my character, I've figured out I could be the anti-kite that maneuvers mooks and BBEG around himself. Our true hole in our defenses are CMB effects.

Getting back to the point: unless they as a Player cannot handle an unoptimal concept, what's the harm? It's another stylistic fight, much like the constant C/M-D debates... oh Cayden Cailean I've said it out loud.

An aside question: Small Template does not automatically impose an STR penalty, I thought that's just factored into the featured Races. Doesn't Blood of Angels state that Aasimars need not be humans, but could also be the offspring of other races, ex: Gnomes and Halflings... so an Angelkin Aasimar of munchkin parentage would have a corresponding +2 bonus instead of a -2 pentalty?

Avaricious wrote:

An aside question: Small Template does not automatically impose an STR penalty, I thought that's just factored into the featured Races. Doesn't Blood of Angels state that Aasimars need not be humans, but could also be the offspring of other races, ex: Gnomes and Halflings... so an Angelkin Aasimar of munchkin parentage would have a corresponding +2 bonus instead of a -2 pentalty?

..aaaand now I'm thinking of trying that on an aasimar with halfling or gnome or goblin blood. As some sort of fighty brawly sort.

My wife's gnome titan mauler does just fine.

As long as you're not so fixated on min/maxing that 2-3 points of damage breaks the game for you, there is absolutely no reason you cannot play a small character as pure melee.

Avaricious wrote:
Because people transpose their personal playstyle onto other players. And those people can take their extra damage die and roll em up where the sun don't shine.

Since you mentioned it... I think most people who are like that just fail at math. The obsession with high base damage, regardless of circumstances, is a surprisingly widespread thing. I remember a thread where someone wanted to spend two feats just to increase his damage from d2 to d6, as well as multiple people taking EWP Bastard Sword for +1 average damage over a longsword.

Whether this desire for the biggest weapon damage dice is merely a form of compensation, I leave for others to decide.

Ooooo... Weapon shrinkage

More seriously, with small characters it's lower base die damage on top of Str penalty.

A 1st level halfling with a 14 STR and a greatsword does 1d10+3 (avg 8.5).
A 1st level human with the same point cost in str has an 18 and her greatsword does 2d6+6 (avg 13).

That's an extreme case - two handing makes it worse, but then two handing is generally the best reliable damage option.

Doesn't mean you can't play a small melee character. I've done so. Even Str based one, but the challenges are real.

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Derklord wrote:
Avaricious wrote:
Because people transpose their personal playstyle onto other players. And those people can take their extra damage die and roll em up where the sun don't shine.

Since you mentioned it... I think most people who are like that just fail at math. The obsession with high base damage, regardless of circumstances, is a surprisingly widespread thing. I remember a thread where someone wanted to spend two feats just to increase his damage from d2 to d6, as well as multiple people taking EWP Bastard Sword for +1 average damage over a longsword.

Whether this desire for the biggest weapon damage dice is merely a form of compensation, I leave for others to decide.

If the issue was compensation, they would all be walking around with greatswords. Why have a slightly longer sword when you can have the biggest sword you can comfortably wield. One that is so large that you need a specialized sheath to carry it, encoraging you to simply walk around with it in the open, there for all others to see and gawk at as you ok I will stop now.

I would instead blame them being terrible at maths.

That said, its not as little as a small damage dice decrease, at least as far as the core races are concerned. Small and -2 str vs Medium and +2 Str costs you +1 Attack and +4.5 average damage in the case of a Greatsword wielder, which amounts to around 3 feats. That is pretty bad, especially during the very early levels, when that loss will amount to 1/10th of your hits missing instead and 1/3rd of your damage when you do hit being lost. The loss of damage dice is an extra kick in the pants on top of the -2 strength penalty.

Snowblind wrote:
Small and -2 str vs Medium and +2 Str costs you +1 Attack and +4.5 average damage in the case of a Greatsword wielder,

No penalty to attack, +1 to AC.

You get +1 to-hit and AC for being small.

Snowlilly wrote:
Snowblind wrote:
Small and -2 str vs Medium and +2 Str costs you +1 Attack and +4.5 average damage in the case of a Greatsword wielder,

No penalty to attack, +1 to AC.

You get +1 to-hit and AC for being small.

-1 to attack compared to a race that gets +2 to Str. That's a 4 point difference in Str.

The +1 to AC is there. For halflings, it's reasonable to call it a +2, since they get +2 Dex.

Snowlilly wrote:
My wife's gnome titan mauler does just fine.

Titan Mauler is probably more effective for Small races than for Medium ones. While weapon base damage is increased less, good Medium sized weapons are way easier to get than good Large ones.

This assumes there is nobody in the party who doesn't create magical weapons efficiently.

SheepishEidolon wrote:
Snowlilly wrote:
My wife's gnome titan mauler does just fine.

Titan Mauler is probably more effective for Small races than for Medium ones. While weapon base damage is increased less, good Medium sized weapons are way easier to get than good Large ones.

This assumes there is nobody in the party who doesn't create magical weapons efficiently.

Or that you aren't having to custom commission stuff anyways. If Bob wants a keen spell storing scimitar, Alice needs two returning agile starknives, and Douglas needs a dragonhide breastplate and barding for a miniature allosaurus they're not getting them from the random loot/merchandise table so it doesn't really make much difference if Eve needs a large bastard sword or a medium.

KahnyaGnorc wrote:
Wouldn't an AoO build benefit from easier access to a 10' reach, for a bigger AoO "Zone of Nope"?

My way of dealing with opponents with greater Reach than I have is to shoot them. For shooting them with AoOs, that would mean Snap Shot Feats.

KahnyaGnorc wrote:
Also, you could just go with another class with +2 Dex, but without the -2 Str, for more AoOs.

Maybe, but Halflings and other Races offer special options. Halflings in particular can take Risky Striker, and Low Blow Feats. They are small (+1 Attack, +4Stealth), but they can take a trait that raises their Movement back up to 30'. They get a saving throw bonus. I could probably think of others.

The point is, Halflings have lovely qualities that are lovely for some builds.

The halfling paladin with a holy sword was fine. The smiting, laying on hands, and such made up for the size difference.

Spiny the Gnome was like a mini tank. He was a favorite with elvish archers because they could fire over him while melee based enemies couldn't get past him. Also, his armor spikes discouraged evil monks.

With base damage, going from d3 to d4 (2 avg to 2.5 avg), or d6 to d8 (3.5 avg to 4.5 avg) isn't a big change (and therefore not a big deal if downsized). However, d8 to 2d6 (4.5 avg to 7 avg) or d12 to 3d6 (6.5 avg to 10.5 avg) IS a big change in overall damage. It is a large part of why the 3.5 Ed feat Monkey Grip and the Half-Giant's Powerful build racial are so great.

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I wouldn't say I hate small races in melee builds. Thematically, I love the image of a halfling or kitsune or Grippli warrior pounding bigger opponents into oblivion.

Mechanically, they are terrible though, unfortunately.

HeHateMe wrote:
Mechanically, they are terrible though, unfortunately.

How do you figure that? They get a bonus to AC and attack in exchange for their losses.

Going melee as a small race is a horrible idea, but that's mostly because going melee is a horrible idea. Either go archery or go spells.

I kid, I kid. Someone was to get in the way of the monsters so the heroes can do their thing after all.

Okay, okay, I'm done taking potshots at melee for real now. Though Paizo sure isn't! Stay tuned to the FAQs where they rule that the weapon proficiency feats don't actually give you real weapon proficiency! = w=

Grand Lodge

I'm rolling a halfling avenger vigilante for Hell's Rebels, so we'll see how that goes.

Liberty's Edge

thejeff wrote:

Ooooo... Weapon shrinkage

More seriously, with small characters it's lower base die damage on top of Str penalty.

A 1st level halfling with a 14 STR and a greatsword does 1d10+3 (avg 8.5).
A 1st level human with the same point cost in str has an 18 and her greatsword does 2d6+6 (avg 13).

That's an extreme case - two handing makes it worse, but then two handing is generally the best reliable damage option.

Doesn't mean you can't play a small melee character. I've done so. Even Str based one, but the challenges are real.

Well, sure at 1st level, as a Str character. Even assuming Str, by 4th, the Halfling has Risky Striker and this looks more like this:

Halfling: 14 Str, Power Attack, Risky Striker: 1d10+13 (18.5)
Human: 18 Str, Power Attack, 2 other Feats that can't add to damage too much: 2d6+12 (19)

Now, the Human has better to-hit (by +1) and a couple of free Feats, as well as the same AC...but the damage is super similar, the Halfling has better Saves and Perception, and if they both go Nodachi (which is a better weapon choice) the damage goes to 17.5 for the Halfling...and an identical 17.5 for the Human.

That's not to say Halflings are super great at Str-based melee in isolation. They are not. Humans are better...but not miles better.

And all that is leaving aside Dex/Cha melee, which is super effective for several builds (Paladin, Dervish Dancer Bard, Swashbuckler, Daring Champion Cavalier, etc.) and ranged characters (where Small folks have a big advantage in where they can easily take their mounts).

So is Small sized melee viable? Absolutely (though more on Halfling than Gnome...Gnomes lack anything like Risky Striker to close the damage gap). Is it optimal? Only if going Dex-based or having a Mount. Especially if you take a side order of Charisma based abilities.

HyperMissingno wrote:

Going melee as a small race is a horrible idea, but that's mostly because going melee is a horrible idea. Either go archery or go spells.

I kid, I kid. Someone was to get in the way of the monsters so the heroes can do their thing after all.

Okay, okay, I'm done taking potshots at melee for real now. Though Paizo sure isn't! Stay tuned to the FAQs where they rule that the weapon proficiency feats don't actually give you real weapon proficiency! = w=

Having played almost exclusively melee characters...huh?

You wanna argue martials get screwed, you kinda have a point, but melee as a whole? That doesn't match my experiences. Wild Shape Druids seem to do fine. As do Magi. And my Investigator is doing fine in the game I'm playing in (though admittedly, we're only 7th level).

They're not quite the equal of a God Wizard...but then, nothing is. And they do easily on par with most other builds most of the time.

Excuse me while I nitpick a little.

Deadmanwalking wrote:


Halfling: 14 Str, Power Attack, Risky Striker: 1d10+13 (18.5)
Human: 18 Str, Power Attack, 2 other Feats that can't add to damage too much: 2d6+12 (19)

Now, the Human has better to-hit (by +1) and a couple of free Feats, as well as the same AC...but the damage is super similar, the Halfling has better Saves and Perception, and if they both go Nodachi (which is a better weapon choice) the damage goes to 17.5 for the Halfling...and an identical 17.5 for the Human.

That's not to say Halflings are super great at Str-based melee in isolation. They are not. Humans are better...but not miles better.

Two feats is a lot. Two feats is Weapon Focus and Furious Focus, for example, which gives another +3 to the human's only attack for the round. If the target has 17 AC, then the human has a 75% chance of connecting, vs a 55% chance for the halfing. That is a difference of 20%, or about 4 rounds vs 5-6 rounds for the ~3 hits necessary to kill a CR4 monster. Giving the opponent another 25-50% more time to act is not trivial.

Liberty's Edge

Snowblind wrote:
Two feats is a lot. Two feats is Weapon Focus and Furious Focus, for example, which gives another +3 to the human's only attack for the round. If the target has 17 AC, then the human has a 75% chance of connecting, vs a 55% chance for the halfing. That is a difference of 20%, or about 4 rounds vs 5-6 rounds for the ~3 hits necessary to kill a CR4 monster. Giving the opponent another 25-50% more time to act is not trivial.

Sure, but if both are, say, Paladins, the Halfling has +2 to all saves (1 from Race, 1 from better Cha), 1 more LoH a day, and slightly better Smites. The +2 to all Saves alone is worth 3 Feats or so.

If he's a Class that has no use for Cha, he's in somewhat worse shape (though I'll note that if both are Fighters, the Halfling can grab the Feats you note and Weapon Specialization, leaving the Fighter with two more Feats, but almost nothing directly offensive to spend them on)...but I never said he wasn't.

My point wasn't that Str-based melee sans mount was a really good plan for a Halfling. It isn't. It's viable, which is to say workable, but by no means optimal.

My point was that people were vastly exaggerating the gap between a Human and a Halfling. And that (given how close that gap is), Dex based melee or mounted combat are both advantage enough to make a Halfling an excellent melee combatant.

2d6 is better than 1d10 in probabilities as well, not just damage range or average.

Chance of roll 2 or worse:
1d10 - 20%
2d6 - ~2.8%

Chance of rolling 10 or higher:
1d10 - 10%
2d6 - ~17%

Grand Lodge

Deadmanwalking wrote:
thejeff wrote:

Ooooo... Weapon shrinkage

More seriously, with small characters it's lower base die damage on top of Str penalty.

A 1st level halfling with a 14 STR and a greatsword does 1d10+3 (avg 8.5).
A 1st level human with the same point cost in str has an 18 and her greatsword does 2d6+6 (avg 13).

That's an extreme case - two handing makes it worse, but then two handing is generally the best reliable damage option.

Doesn't mean you can't play a small melee character. I've done so. Even Str based one, but the challenges are real.

Well, sure at 1st level, as a Str character. Even assuming Str, by 4th, the Halfling has Risky Striker and this looks more like this:

Halfling: 14 Str, Power Attack, Risky Striker: 1d10+13 (18.5)
Human: 18 Str, Power Attack, 2 other Feats that can't add to damage too much: 2d6+12 (19)

Risky striker only works on large+ size categories? Based on the games I've played more than 50% of enemies are medium or smaller.

Silver Crusade

One of my players is playing a Halfling Swashbuckler, he's very happy with him. I dunno why people don't want to play small characters, there are so many options that switch out Dex for Str anyway.

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