Vagabond? |
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As listed in the title; You have 30 rounds to save the world from complete destruction. The entire nuclear arsenal of the world, fifteen thousand nukes, have been launched, and is directed to burn the world in fire. All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess have been teleported with you.
If you do not save the earth, you cease to exist.
You only have to save 40% of the population.
-No Wishes (Edit: Or miracles, or similar abilities).
-You can cast spells on earth; After you finish casting spells, so can anyone else.
-After this, gods, the planes, all of it applies to earth suddenly.
-No custom magic items.
-It actually doesn't have to be wizard, but wizard seems most applicable.
-DSP materials is available. As is Spheres of Power.
-Otherwise, follow RAW. Abuse the rules in any way you can to save the world.
If three minutes is not enough time, is 10? 30? What's the lowest amount of time you'd need.

Drahliana Moonrunner |
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As listed in the title; You have 30 rounds to save the world from complete destruction. The entire nuclear arsenal of the world, fifteen thousand nukes, have been launched, and is directed to burn the world in fire. All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess.
If you do not save the earth, you cease to exist.
-No Wishes (Edit: Or miracles, or similar abilities).
-You can cast spells on earth; After you finish casting spells, so can anyone else.
-After this, gods, the planes, all of it applies to earth suddenly.
-No custom magic items.
-It actually doesn't have to be wizard, but wizard seems most applicable.
-DSP materials is available. As is Spheres of Power.
This is where you find that Wizards played by rules DO have limits on how much they can alter reality with just a "twist of the finger".

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There are essentially 2 methods. 1) stopping the nukes, 2) protecting the targets.
1) 15,000 nukes / 30 rounds = 500 nukes per round. Impossible under given parameters. About as close as you could get would be if you had max Leadership, 163 followers +1 cohort, all of a race with flight and rings of telekinesis. You spend all your rounds teleporting them into low orbit to use their rings of telekinesis to kinetic kill the nukes and hope fratricide will destroy more than one nuke per follower per round. Problematic because 3 minutes remaining means that the nukes are way close to detonation, therefore more dispersed geographically, so fratricide is less likely. Also fallout would prob still wipe out all life, it'd just take longer.
2) 15,000 nukes with MIRV warheads = 15k x ?? targets. Also impossible.
But tbh reacting to a worst case scenario is not how wizards operate. Preventing it is. The earlier you can prevent, the easier it is. For instance, the followers-with-rings-of-telekinesis kinetic kill tactic works much better if you can hit them at launch, thus destroying the other nukes that haven't yet been launched from each launch site. Also less problem with fallout in that case because launch sites tend to be fairly remote, afaik. Even easier if you can get them before launch; it doesn't take much imagination to see how something as simple as charm person in the right place could prevent the whole mess.

Avoron |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |
Rule 1: Wizards Cheat
The optimized 20th level wizard looks at this situation and laughs. Then they plane shift to one of their private demiplanes, give a command to a simulacrum a great wyrm time dragon, and travel back in time to whenever they please, preventing the nuclear apocalypse before it even begins.

Alleran |
11 people marked this as a favorite. |
1) Okay, I, by which I assume you mean my body, ceases to exist. Then my clone wakes up and I go about my day.
Assuming for some reason that "ceasing to exist" includes every single contingency I ever designed, including contingencies against "ceasing to exist" for this very purpose, I go with (2), below.
2) There'll be an abort button somewhere. I cast Discern Location to find it, Greater Teleport to teleport to it. I push it. I spend the next twenty-eight rounds summoning succubi to grapple in celebration of my victory.

Loren Pechtel |
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There's only one hope and it might very well not be possible:
If the missiles have some sort of abort capability you port in to the Kremlin and the White House, control the leaders and make them use the abort.
Nothing else is within the realm of possibility, you simply don't have as many actions as there are missiles to kill before they impact and no two missiles will be close enough to each other to be hit by a single effect.

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1) Okay, I, by which I assume you mean my body, ceases to exist. Then my clone wakes up and I go about my day.
Assuming for some reason that "ceasing to exist" includes every single contingency I ever designed, including contingencies against "ceasing to exist" for this very purpose, I go with (2), below.
2) There'll be an abort button somewhere. I cast Discern Location to find it, Greater Teleport to teleport to it. I push it. I spend the next twenty-eight rounds summoning succubi to grapple in celebration of my victory.
This is what any tier 1 class would do. They should never die if they use their powers.

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Can we have Mythic Tiers? Because Mythic boosted Time stop can help buy some time relative to the Wizard.
Loren's Dominate person seems to be the best option, teleport to the leaders of the 8 or 9 nations with missiles and Dominate the leaders to order the abort self destruct on the missiles.
Afterwards, Tech Handbook has remove radiation spells to try to start cleaning up 15,000 Dirty Bombs fallout.

Tacticslion |
9 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm really surprised no one has said "chain gate, commence" or something similar, yet.
I mean, if we're presupposing RAW, it's... weird.
Like, if I, as myself, suddenly gained *poof* 20 levels of wizard + "appropriate equipment" (and the baseline necessary stats to do such a thing) what does that mean, exactly?
Have I been presumed to always have been a wizard, just no custom magic items? Do I just spontaneously, lacking any history of wizardry, start as if I gained all the levels at once? Do I spend WBL?
Because that changes everything, and it does so with whatever scenario you place in front of us.
The easiest thing to point at is an infinite (or near enough to not care) army of simulacra that a wizard who's trying to "break the system" already has by this point.
With nothing but simulacrum and WBL, I can get (880,000/500 =) 1760 HD-worth of creatures.
That's 103 of those previously-linked gate archons (and an extra 9 HD), meaning 103 gate spells at my command, each generating 17-34 (depending on what I called) HD of creatures to help out. Per day.
Heck, even if you presume the CL goes down in an equal manner for some reason (a valid guess from certain GMs' perspectives), that's still 103*8 = 824 HD-worth of creatures (at minimum) that could be called... including more gate archons (an aside: though they'd be uncontrolled, I would tend to think they'd want to stop a nuclear apocalypse).
Given that they can greater teleport and plane shift (and can gate in more gate archons)... each round, you'd double your previous "host" of archons that are added to those summoned (so, going for minimum, here), by round:
- (0) 48 ->
- (1) 48+96=144 ->
- (2) 48+96+192=336 ->
- (3) 48+96+192+384=720 ->
- (4) 48+96+192+384+768=1488 ->
- (5) 48+96+192+384+768+1536=3024 ->
- (6) 48+96+192+384+768+1536+3072=6096 ->
- (7) 48+96+...+3072+6144=12240 ->
- (8) 48+...+6144+12288=24528 ->
- (9) 48+...+12288+24576=49104 ->
- (10) 48+...+24576+49152=98256
By round 10, you've enough archons to cover all the missiles multiples of times with archons (specifically 6.5504 times over, given the 15k number mentioned in the OP).
As for stopping it, you've got a metric ton of archons (specifically 49152) who haven't used their gate abilities for the day, and all the archons with plane shift and teleport - teleport to a missile and plane shift it out somewhere that it doesn't matter, or just open up gates directly in the flight paths thereof to somewhere that can get blown up or have toxic waste dumped everywhere and no one will care.
That is one possibility. Note that this is presuming a wizard who is not really prepared, but has time to instantly recreate his backstory with no custom items or anything.
Incidentally, some may call into question the idea of a wizard having 880k to spend on simulacrum when, usually, a wizard needs to spend money to, you know, survive. Given that we a) can bend RAW however we like, b) have no backstory for this wizard (and thus must make our own), especially since said wizard has been placed in a situation that makes no contextual sense, this cry of "foul" rings a bit hollow... but I can easily answer it, nonetheless. A wizard with access to simulacra and gate who, somehow, manages not to have 880k in addition to normal WBL, is either not trying to accrue wealth in any reasonable or demonstrable way - if nothing else, by selling the spellcasting services of an artificially high number of CL 17 - oh, I'm sorry, that's "power gaming" - CL 8 (much better) cleric-like creatures - or has a GM that is artificially restricting said wizard for various reasons (that may or may not be legitimate, depending on the table's preferences, the GM's temperament, and other factors). Using creatures that can freely wander the planes and mine things for you is another. Or just craft stuff for you and sell it on the open market while you do your adventuring thing. Daggum: you've got a celestial army that doesn't need to eat or sleep... you can monetize this.

Renegadeshepherd |
Renegadeshepherd wrote:How about I just move the earth after the missiles are launched? As silly as that sounds with enough strength that can be done.According to the challenge, you have to show how you can do it within the rules and the conditions provided.
Well I can show ways to make strength enough to be able to lift weight that is comparable to big moons or small planets, depends on how big this world with nukes and magic is.

Shasf |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hmm.... if leadership is allowed. Then this can be done at level 15, with copious amounts of followers and cohorts. But, we'll go to level 20.
Class X 5 levels/Noble Scion 10 levels/Class Y 5 levels
With its "Greater Leadership" ability, you now have a cohort of equal level.
We now have countless Cohorts, Followers, and Servitors. With those we now have nigh-unlimited funds.
Everyone will have extended Delay Poison or Neutralize Poison cast upon them, since according to the Technology Guide, radiation is a poison effect. Copious amounts of Resist Energy and Protection from Energy as well.
Anyone that dies can be reincarnated or raised.
They all just cast Rebuke Technology. The "Legion" would have enough castings of the spell through scrolls or wands or personally casting the spell that the nuke assault will fail.
Using antitech field they can put themselves in the path of the nukes. They'll either detonate or fall harmlessly to the ground, either case. That'll be round one, during the nuke launches.

Renegadeshepherd |
Btw reverse gravity with time stop could depending on how far spread out make them just fly outside orbit. Any means to put marbles across all the sky would destroy the missiles as they hit at 20,000+mph. Call Zon-Kuthon and say "for some reason you are dead if you don't interfere. And btw you can't torture anyone". How about I divines this would happen before hand an stop it? Again if the missiles are bein fired in a right pattern use meteor swarm. Go take the Starstone test and become a deity!
I mean I think I need some real context here because I make this absolutely ludicrous.

zainale |
figure out who f!*+ed up. time travel and put a fireball up the ass of that person on their first day of mad villain day. time travel back to my time rinse repeat till the time line where earth is not destroyed happens. the character can figure out how to do it i am just the idea man. and don't f+!+ it up make sure the little shits dead along with his family because you don't wana die before you can succeed.

Renegadeshepherd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Oh here is another one for the LOLz....
Go use interplanetary transport to teleport Cthulu, Azothoth, or something BiG. Azothoth is supposedly as big as a star so he could literally absorb all the nukes on at least one side and if you are quick enough we can port him to the other sides. He is asleep and doesn't care for anything so I would count him as willing for the first port at least.

Cel'Daren |
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True Round 1: I cast Planeshift to move myself to my Permanent Greater Demiplane with the "Timeless" quality in relation to Magic.
True Round 2: I cast Time Stop. Due to the "Timeless" quality of my Demi Plane the effect is permanent until I choose to remove it. The entire universe stands still, except for me.
Apparent Round 3-30: I realize I no longer have just 30 rounds in which to deal with this problem, and calm myself down by brewing up a nice hot cup of tea, since anything I carried with me at the casting of Time Stop was also affected and every wizard is prepared to prepare tea.
Apparent Round 31-??: Anything I want. I could choose to research a specific high level spell in order to handle the problem such as "Mass Call Object", in order to bring all of the missiles to my Demiplane where I can deal with them by merely petrifying them or transmuting them into something interesting like flora for my Demiplane.
True Round 3: I dispel my Time Stop effect and wait for the world to realize that it's entire stock of Nuclear weapons has effectively ceased to exist. I probably take steps to protect myself since apparently now everyone on Earth is going to realize that magic is a thing now, and things are going to go to hell in a hand basket no matter what I do anymore.

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Rule 1: Wizards Cheat
The optimized 20th level wizard looks at this situation and laughs. Then they plane shift to one of their private demiplanes, give a command to a simulacrum a great wyrm time dragon, and travel back in time to whenever they please, preventing the nuclear apocalypse before it even begins.
Yup Wizard would know better, no need to panic, there's a great wyrm time dragon in Glorian, ah! 3 minutes? just enough to make myself a cup of tea.

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I am a level 20 wizard, which means i obviously have the immortality discovery,
1st round starndard action, empower maximize summon monster to sommon
9 angels and have them follow me and say to ppl to get in the gate.
2nd round i teleport me and the angels to some major city (using a scroll of it that i obvioulsy have saved from my infinite down time)
3rd round I would gate using my scroll and the angels would say their lines, k, one city saved
4th and 5th round. repeat 2 and 3.

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If the missiles have some sort of abort capability you port in to the Kremlin and the White House, control the leaders and make them use the abort.
Pretty much this: nine greater teleports and nine dominate persons, so 18 rounds (less if you quicken a bunch of them with rods). Start by holding your actions for 12+ rounds to make it more dramatic.

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MuertoXSky wrote:I have enjoyed all the repleis here, all i have to say ... I f****** love Scry and fry.My classical understanding of "Scry and Fry" - use Scry, buff, then teleport to the target of your Scry - is no longer valid. Rules in Ultimate Intrigue make it clear that it doesn't work.
oohh :(.
could you attach a link to verify that?.
Still, it is a valid option, perhaps not in this case.

Alleran |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
MeanMutton wrote:MuertoXSky wrote:I have enjoyed all the repleis here, all i have to say ... I f****** love Scry and fry.My classical understanding of "Scry and Fry" - use Scry, buff, then teleport to the target of your Scry - is no longer valid. Rules in Ultimate Intrigue make it clear that it doesn't work.oohh :(.
could you attach a link to verify that?.
Still, it is a valid option, perhaps not in this case.
"Scrying can be enormously useful for a spy, if the circumstances all align well for the scryer, but it isn’t particularly useful on its own for a potential teleport. The 10-foot-radius visual requires the target to move in order to provide a clear idea of the layout of the destination, and the spell doesn’t directly indicate the location."
It depends on your GM's interpretation of the teleport spell:
"“Studied carefully” is a place you know well, either because you can currently physically see it or you've been there often. “Seen casually” is a place that you have seen more than once but with which you are not very familiar. “Viewed once” is a place that you have seen once, possibly using magic such as scrying."
It depends on the conflict between what Ultimate Intrigue's guideline* section says - that scrying isn't enough on its own - and what the wording of the teleport spell says, which is that it is enough for a Viewed Once teleport.
Until the teleport wording is officially errata'd, you should expect table variation.
* It is specifically advice: "The following section offers advice on certain spells particularly likely to see use in an intrigue-focused game, organized by level of play and spell school."

Tacticslion |
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... okay, I was curious.
... sorry. I'm weak.
Ahem. Right. Numbers.
Last time:
- (10) 48+...+24576+49152=98256
- (11) +98304
- (12) +196608
- (13) +393216
- (14) +786432
- (15) +1572864
- (16) +3145728
- (17) +6291456
- (18) +12582912
- (19) +25165824
- (20) +50331648
- (21) +100,663,296
- (22) +201,326,592
- (23) +402,653,184
- (24) +805,306,368
- (25) +1,610,612,736
- (26) +3,221,225,472
- (27) +6,442,450,944
- (28) +12,884,901,888
- (29) +25,769,803,776
- round 30; have 25 billion+ magical gates open up, simultaneously. Profit.
(Also, by default, as I've now exceeded the population of earth almost three-and-a-half times, if the archons alone survive, I'll definitely eclipse my 40%-or-higher mark...)
And, just so my four-year-old can type the last "plus double the previous" number...
- (30) +51,539,607,552
Oh, and two clarifications on my previous post.
Or just craft stuff for you and sell it on the open market while you do your adventuring thing.
This does not refer to crafting magical items - just to crafting regular items. This is actually quite valid, because...
Or just craft stuff for you and sell it on the open market while you do your adventuring thing. Daggum: you've got a celestial army that doesn't need to eat or sleep...
This. This isn't a presumption, on my part, beyond just accepting outsider traits as being what they say they are.

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I think there are some faulty assumptions in some of the answers. 1) I seriously doubt there's an in-flight abort button somewhere. 2) Time of flight for most of these weapons will be substantially more than 3 minutes, so a 3 minute timeline means you can't simply destroy them at launch. You will be destroying them as they descend toward their targets, maybe even after MIRV warheads have deployed.
I also understood as part of the constraints that a) you didn't have unlimited time prior to the event to e.g., make simulacra, b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc. (which would also preclude time travel).

Tacticslion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I also understood as part of the constraints that a) you didn't have unlimited time prior to the event to e.g., make simulacra, b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc. (which would also preclude time travel).
Here's the problem, though: you're imposing limits the OP didn't.
For myself, I explicitly noted the problems with the initial set-up.
Here, I'll recount that bit:
I mean, if we're presupposing RAW, it's... weird.
Like, if I, as myself, suddenly gained *poof* 20 levels of wizard + "appropriate equipment" (and the baseline necessary stats to do such a thing) what does that mean, exactly?
Have I been presumed to always have been a wizard, just no custom magic items? Do I just spontaneously, lacking any history of wizardry, start as if I gained all the levels at once? Do I spend WBL?
Because that changes everything, and it does so with whatever scenario you place in front of us.
The easiest thing to point at is an infinite (or near enough to not care) army of simulacra that a wizard who's trying to "break the system" already has by this point.
With nothing but simulacrum and WBL, I can get (880,000/500 =) 1760 HD-worth of creatures.
Let's look at what the OP said, again.
As listed in the title; You have 30 rounds to save the world from complete destruction. The entire nuclear arsenal of the world, fifteen thousand nukes, have been launched, and is directed to burn the world in fire. All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess have been teleported with you.
If you do not save the earth, you cease to exist.
You only have to save 40% of the population.
-No Wishes (Edit: Or miracles, or similar abilities).
-You can cast spells on earth; After you finish casting spells, so can anyone else.
-After this, gods, the planes, all of it applies to earth suddenly.
-No custom magic items.
-It actually doesn't have to be wizard, but wizard seems most applicable.
-DSP materials is available. As is Spheres of Power.
-Otherwise, follow RAW. Abuse the rules in any way you can to save the world.If three minutes is not enough time, is 10? 30? What's the lowest amount of time you'd need.
Note this part:
All your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess have been teleported with you.
See that? That means the wizard (probably) "already exists" - s/he's 20th level, s/he has all "your possessions, your demiplane, and everything you possess" - everything that was once hers.
So, for my option, I literally just took my WBL at 20th level (880k), spent it all on simulacrum and waited. My reasoning for why I'd have 880k to spend on simulacrum is explained at the bottom - i.e. why it wasn't "I spent a bajillion years prepping for this exact thing" but rather "I happen to be a wizard with the simulacrum spell" (who used it to rather middling effect).
This isn't a wizard that's "prepared" for this specific eventuality. This is just... a wizard with simulacrum as a spell.
If there is no WBL time-constraint? Crap, dude. Just have moons-worth of coins and open the chain gate, point to it and missiles, yell something vaguely coherent, and let it the rest happen on its own exactly as written. No simulacrum or custom items needed.
The problem is that the scenario we're given so so very, very open-ended that it doesn't really mesh with coherence. Don't get me wrong, it's a great question and scenario, but it doesn't make sense on its own, because we're lacking the context.
What <insert caster class here>? (I used wizard because it's easy and it was the one the OP mentioned in the title.)
Who are they? (This will have a massive impact on how they handle a situation.)
What does "no custom items" mean? (What does "custom" mean in this case - can we make our own items, if they're pre-printed? If not, what are the limits? I chose a reasonable limit - wealth by level - to show that, sans custom items, it can be spent in non-traditional ways.)
I mean, the OP explicitly notes,
-Otherwise, follow RAW. Abuse the rules in any way you can to save the world.
... and if that's what we're doing, I assure you, that said wizards "possessions" would be far, far greater than a mere piddly 103 simulacra of gate archons.
But that's the absurdity - what seems like a reasonable and thought-filled exercise is mostly an exercise in "How absurd (for a non-pejorative absurdity) do you want it to get?"
I mean, you're a 20th level wizard, Harry. You've already "had time" for "stuff" to happen (though with a few weirdly arbitrary constraints).
I mean, heck, define "survive" - a viable "strat" would be letting the holocaust occur, then having a host of (chain-gated) celestials come in and eliminate the radiation (as noted above), fix the environment, and raise everyone from the dead.
It's a very straightforward (and cool) question, but it immediately brings a host of really, really weird issues along side it by the nature of the elements it chooses to interact with. :)

Tacticslion |

b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc.
Okay, here's another chain-gate, if this isn't an issue.
Grab an N/I number of candles of invocation with a lawful good alignment (Core Rulebook, any page). Follow the instructions I wrote in my first chain-gate post in this thread. ENJOY~! :D

Vagabond? |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I think there are some faulty assumptions in some of the answers. 1) I seriously doubt there's an in-flight abort button somewhere. 2) Time of flight for most of these weapons will be substantially more than 3 minutes, so a 3 minute timeline means you can't simply destroy them at launch. You will be destroying them as they descend toward their targets, maybe even after MIRV warheads have deployed.
I also understood as part of the constraints that a) you didn't have unlimited time prior to the event to e.g., make simulacra, b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc. (which would also preclude time travel).
1) You are correct; No abort button.
2) Indeed; They are in mid-flight, you'll have to stop them somehow. Maybe gate them when they land.a) You indeed, don't have unlimtied time to plan; You only have what a standard wizard has prepared to deal with threats that might assail him durring the day.
b) If you can bend WBL, you can do so.
c) Indeed; No creating magic items that don't already exsist; You can craft them.
As for the questions of who they are, and other such things, just go with the standard wizard, hidden on his demiplane.

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Charlie Bell wrote:b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc.Okay, here's another chain-gate, if this isn't an issue.
Grab an N/I number of candles of invocation with a lawful good alignment (Core Rulebook, any page). Follow the instructions I wrote in my first chain-gate post in this thread. ENJOY~! :D
You couldn't activate all the candles yourself in time, but your 163 followers +cohort could each gate-burn one. That'd give you enough of a head start on the power curve to get it done.

Avoron |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
True Round 1: I cast Planeshift to move myself to my Permanent Greater Demiplane with the "Timeless" quality in relation to Magic.
True Round 2: I cast Time Stop. Due to the "Timeless" quality of my Demi Plane the effect is permanent until I choose to remove it. The entire universe stands still, except for me.
Apparent Round 3-30: I realize I no longer have just 30 rounds in which to deal with this problem, and calm myself down by brewing up a nice hot cup of tea, since anything I carried with me at the casting of Time Stop was also affected and every wizard is prepared to prepare tea.
Apparent Round 31-??: Anything I want. I could choose to research a specific high level spell in order to handle the problem such as "Mass Call Object", in order to bring all of the missiles to my Demiplane where I can deal with them by merely petrifying them or transmuting them into something interesting like flora for my Demiplane.
True Round 3: I dispel my Time Stop effect and wait for the world to realize that it's entire stock of Nuclear weapons has effectively ceased to exist. I probably take steps to protect myself since apparently now everyone on Earth is going to realize that magic is a thing now, and things are going to go to hell in a hand basket no matter what I do anymore.
I'm guessing the rule prohibiting custom magic items would also have a problem with custom spells. But time stop in a timeless demiplane is still pure gold. At the very least, it would give you time to make whatever simulacrums you could possibly want. But the OP might not want you to use any outside help, even help that you create yourself. Luckily, there's a simpler way.
Billions of minions? Who needs billions of minions? A good wizard can do this all on their own.
Three minutes? Who needs three minutes? A good wizard can do this all in three seconds.
Rule 2: Winners Always Cheat, Cheaters Always Win
1. Appear in the world, suddenly aware of its imminent doom.
2. Cast time stop.
3. Cast plane shift to enter your private demiplane. Your time stop is now permanent until dispelled.
4. Sleep, preparing a ridiculous quantity of divination spells.
5. Use said ridiculous quantity of divination spells to determine the exact location of each missile.
6. Sleep, filling your high level spell slots with gate and polymorph any object.
7. Cast gate several times, opening gates right next to several of the missiles.
8. Cast polymorph any object several times, turning the missiles into tiny flecks of aluminum foil.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 as necessary, over the course of several years of subjective time.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:You couldn't activate all the candles yourself in time, but your 163 followers +cohort could each gate-burn one. That'd give you enough of a head start on the power curve to get it done.Charlie Bell wrote:b) WBL wasn't a constraint, and c) no custom magic items, spells, etc.Okay, here's another chain-gate, if this isn't an issue.
Grab an N/I number of candles of invocation with a lawful good alignment (Core Rulebook, any page). Follow the instructions I wrote in my first chain-gate post in this thread. ENJOY~! :D
This just kind of proves the point, exactly - there are so many different variants to this idea that it doesn't really matter.
I took it as without anything else: light it up, summon one or two; they gate in two+light a candle... as do you. And so on.
But with this, you don't even need to be a wizard, in this case, just any class with a few tindertwigs.

Renegadeshepherd |
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strayshift wrote:I find an alternate version of that reality and promote world peace, enchantment magic optional.If earth dies you permanently die. It's part of the premise. I believe it was to avoid any variant of "F these people. I'm leaving." On the part of the caster.
Yeah but I find it funny that you have to make such a condition in order for this almost demigod character to care.

Avoron |
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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Yeah but I find it funny that you have to make such a condition in order for this almost demigod character to care.strayshift wrote:I find an alternate version of that reality and promote world peace, enchantment magic optional.If earth dies you permanently die. It's part of the premise. I believe it was to avoid any variant of "F these people. I'm leaving." On the part of the caster.
You don't have to at all, if the almost demigod is actually a good person whose altruism motivates them to care about the preventable deaths of billions of sentient beings. It's only paragons of egocentric apathy - or deliberate malevolence - that require a more forceful motivation.

Kobold Catgirl |
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There are essentially 2 methods. 1) stopping the nukes, 2) protecting the targets.
1) 15,000 nukes / 30 rounds = 500 nukes per round. Impossible under given parameters.
There is gate. Enlist the hordes of Heaven or Hell to save the world. Use Simulacrums to put up gates all over to evacuate the populace.
I'm sure there's some way to cheat gravity to move the earth itself out of the nukes' path, or vice versa. I'm not clever enough to find it.
Alternatively, place a web of gates in front of the missiles. That depends on how close together they are, though. If you have to put up one gate per missile, barring solar shenanigans, you aren't going to be able to pull it off in time. But if the missiles are clustered a little bit...
I've enjoyed every single comment here except the ones where the more obstreperous among us feel the need to complain about the scenario itself. Personally, I think Tacticslion has some of the most entertaining solutions, but there's a lot of fun stuff here. It's funny what you come up with when you actually try.