![]() Milo v3 wrote:
Yes, although they don't come up often in my group honestly. In my home game my players enjoy playing a lot of the less common races (Kobolds, Gillmen, Changelings, Catfolk, etc). There also never was any event with a Dwarven or Gnomish PC causing issues, racist or not. The strix ban has since been lifted because that player was removed from the group. It was more to avoid a repeat incident then anything else. The only other races I've ever banned were Drow Nobles and Svirfneblin, simply because I thought their power level would be disruptive. Although that is a different issue entirely. ![]()
![]() I tend to ignore it for the most part after a few "incidents". One of these ended up with me having to ban Strix as a player race because one of my player's played a Strix gunslinger who was extremely racist against humans. Now I know that's part of the race's fluff to a degree and I think it would be fine if it was reserved for NPCS. Although they played to character with such an utter disdain for humanity that they were backstabbing the party. Trying to frame a party member for a crime they didn't commit to remove them from the party because they were "human". The part that I thought was the most ridiculous was that there wasn't a single human in the party yet that player with his Strix decided to act racist to all of the PCs. The party consisted of a Kitsune (who he was trying to frame), an Elf (who he described as close enough to human), a Slyph (of which that character knew and explained his heritage) and finally a Ifrit(They're bright red and their hair is fire, nuff said). If the end the Strix was retired under the grounds of arrested for slander along with the crimes he committed to frame the Kitsune and the party moved on. My opinion on it is that you need to know your players, like everything else in the game. Talk to them and if they can handle it maturely and it improves their fun then enjoy your grittier world. Otherwise racism can get out of hand very quickly if not nipped in the bud. As a side note, I no longer play with that Strix player and now things are so much more relaxed and fun. ![]()
![]() Why not give the bandits a trial if captured? Give them a chance to say their case and perhaps even repent to work with the kingdom. It could be a fun thing to roleplay if done right and helps to solve the alignment issues. Whether the trial is fair or not is up to the PCs, but it could be fun nonetheless. If found guilty either hang them or send them as prisoners to a major city (to be hanged). ![]()
![]() The encumbrance penalties do affect flight and with a poor maneuverability she won't be flying too well early on. I wouldn't restrict the flight too much though, part of the fun of a flying race is getting to fly. If suddenly they're always inside with no room to fly the player probably won't like that. Having times where it isn't too useful (Inside a cave) is fine as long as they do get the chance to soar and fight from the sky. One other thing to remember, both the Kasatha and Fluffigon's gear are made to be more expensive since they are non-standard shapes. That is a balancing mechanic to help keep races that have wings, extra arms, and so on in check. If you refer to the Armor for Unusual Creatures table in the Core book you will see that their armor will cost twice as much. One last thing, on the territory of the energy immunity, make the enemies smart and this isn't much of an issue. If they hit her with a fireball and she doesn't get hurt the evil mage isn't going to keep chucking fireballs. Have them try other elements, and if the party start to make long-term enemies those enemies will learn about her immunity for the future. ![]()
![]() For a permanent injury system I would look at the Skull and Shackles Player's guide, available for free download off this site. It features a table of random injuries that can result off of massive damage if the player fails a fort save. That's really the only RAW material on permanent injury, and in my experience it has worked rather well for past campaigns. ![]()
![]() Talk to this guy out of character. If the other player is threatening to kill your character and ruining your fun he's just being a jerk. Don't try and fight his character, I recommend you talk to him and everyone else as a group about why this is making the game less fun for you. Keep playing your character how you want. If he challenges your character just refuse and if he causes an issue about it then talk to everyone about why that isn't fun for you. ![]()
![]() I played a Gluttony (Necromancy) specialist Wizard with my group a few months ago in Rise of the Runelords. It has some hefty penalties but I thought it made a fun character to explore Thassilonian ruins with. I basically played it off that he had discovered an ancient text in the past that pointed him to the Thassilonian style of magic and to further his knowledge of this ancient style he ventured to find more ruins. This worked well also because the Player's Guide for this AP had the Scholar of the Ancients trait which helps center this studying of ancient knowledge as an option and core theme for the campaign. So roleplay-wise there are ways to work it and make it interesting. As for the Wizard option, Opposition Research, that is up to your GM, I would lean towards no though. The reason I say that is that the ability specifically states that it removes an Opposition school while Thassilionian Specialists rename the opposed school to Prohibited schools with differing abilities of them. Opposition Research:
By completing strenuous studies, you have broken through the mental barriers that made it hard for you to prepare spells from one of your opposition schools. Select one wizard opposition school; preparing spells of this school now only requires one spell slot of the appropriate level instead of two, and you no longer have the –4 Spellcraft penalty for crafting items from that school. You must be at least a 9th-level wizard to select this discovery. So strictly by RAW I'm pretty sure that doesn't work as Opposed and Prohibited schools are not the same thing. Also Opposition Research has to be taken at 9th lvl not 5th. Best of luck,
![]() You could perhaps ask your GM if you could use spells such as Obscuring Mist and just re-flavor them as sand and dust. That would probably be the easiest and simplest way to go about looking for dust cloud style concealment. As for Dervish Dancer, I'd be a decent alternative to Magus. The only issue is that there would be some wind focused spells such as Wind Blades, Gusting Sphere and even Gust of Wind that you wouldn't have access too as a straight Bard. With that being said the Dervish Dancer appears to have more of a focus on the swordplay then Magus which has a heavier magic focus. Mechanically I'm not sure what is more effective but I'd hazard a guess at Magus due to Spellstrike being a rather powerful melee ability. I'd really look between the two and see which suits your concept better. As for straight availability of the wind based spells Magus has more then Bard, but some people also prefer spontaneous casters (Bard) a good deal over prepared (Magus). One final thing I'd look at is the Djinni Bloodline for Sorcerer in Ultimate Magic. You could pick up some of the abilites using the Eldritch Heritage feat line to help add some of the Djinni flavor into your character. Now that would be a very feat heavy (And likely very "suboptimal") build, but it could be fun. Best of luck,
![]() I'd probably go with a magus and put a focus on taking wind spells such as Gust of Wind in addition to any damaging spells you want. You could also take the spell Windy Escape to allow for an immediate action dodge of one attack by turning into wind for a moment. That spell also works against critical hits BTW. ![]()
![]() Drezdock wrote:
Okay I'm gonna go at this in a list. 1. The issue with the chains dangling off your body is that you're not really wielding those. Now if the character was actively holding the chains/shackles ready to swing them at someone then that is wielding. If you were just wearing them and not ready to attack (Not necessarily attacking, just ready and able to attack), you weren't wielding them. Now that I'm pretty certain delves into RAI, but I'm not sure there is actually a RAW definition for wielding as it's assumed that most people just understand that. 2. Yes a multi-limbed character gets attacks with all its off-hands and its one main hand. It's explicitly written in the feat. Bolding by me. Multiweapon Fighting (Combat):
This multi-armed creature is skilled at making attacks with multiple weapons. Prerequisites: Dex 13, three or more hands.
3. Yes snapleaf has a pricing completely out of line with magic item pricing. It may have been intentional, but was likely one of the many idiosyncrasies that haven't been errata'd yet. But really, are invisibility and feather fall that game breaking? Since by the time someone can afford a snapleaf, roughly lvl 2-3, the party wizard can likely cast both spells. Now yes, it is usable permanently which is powerful, but it is for one utility spell and one non-damaging spell. Anyways, if someone has an issue with the item just ban it at your table. 4. The candles are supposed to be rare, if the GM doesn't want people to have them then just restrict them. That being said the price is actually right in line with what it's supposed to be.
The cost for a Single use, use-activated item is equal to Spell level × caster level × 50 gp.
9 X 17 X 50 = 7650gp Invocation Candle is 8,400 gp, which accounts for it's other abilites. Yes, it's cheaper, but it's also a 1 use item that is a more restricted usage of Gate since it is restricted to only one alignment of creatures. Really need an angel but you only have a CE candle? Well hopefully a demon will work instead. Also to consider is that they are major items so they should only be potentially available for sale in large cities. 5. I really don't understand this argument. Does Paizo really have to define death? This is a pretty universal concept that people should understand coming into the game. Plus you're already unconscious, staggered, and your soul is moving on to the afterlife. All those conditions really prevent a character from doing anything. 6. The last thing I have to say on "I dont understand how a person can clearly RAI one thing, and then completely disregard RAI on another with the basis of that decision being RAW". As my groups GM, sometimes I need to make a call away from the letter of the rules to keep the game going and keep people having fun. Sometimes when I have a player making arguments regarding how a rule should be interpreted and slowing the game down it's easier to go by RAW to keep playing. Anyways, that's my 2cp. ![]()
![]() I confess that the favorite character I ever played was a Kender Wizard that's sole purpose was to annoy other players after a previous character got killed as the result of PVP. I'll also confess that I've never played a character higher then 5th level. My group's home campaigns always broke up before hitting anything higher. Due to this I always build my characters to be as fun to play at first level as possible with little to no thought on higher level. ![]()
![]() Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
That's the risk of intelligent undead. They're great until they get loose, then boy is your day gonna be bad. Until then If the spawn are ordered not to harm the necro the hierarchy works. It's one of those risk/reward necromancy situations in my opinion. So go for it, but when they're chewing your legs off... ![]()
![]() I think you need to investigate further, just because the baron is undead doesn't mean he's evil. Although there is magic to disguise alignments. If this vampire is the legitimate legal authority then as a paladin you need to respect that, that doesn't mean you need to trust him though. If you know the bandits are evil they should probably be the first priority as they are the most obvious threat to the village's safety. Afterwards you can figure out what, if anything, the baron is hiding. ![]()
![]() I like the Jailers Rings, those can make some interesting occurrences and roleplay(Who's the first to cut their finger off out of paranoia). To play a DMPC, good advice is to be a useful and interesting character but don't hog the spotlight. The focus should be the players, it's alright if the DMPC does some cool things some times but don't make them them the biggest badass around(Something I've had DMs do in the past). You also don't want the DMPC to just blend in the background. Now how big of a prison is this they're going to? Is it the Alcatraz of the area? If so the boat is probably gonna have at least 50-60 prisoners. Although probably only about half the guards. Does the prison deal with magic users often? There should be some stuff to contain mages, sure shackles help some but don't stop everything. In the long run, give them a chance to steal the ship, maybe convince some prisoners to help, but make it difficult. It is a prison break after all, and don't afraid to actually send them to prison I could see that being really fun if run right. I would really give the players a chance to think about how to escape, or even if they're going to. Anyways, I would definitely get some solid ideas about the prison, make a map of the boat(Even a quick paper and pencil sketch) and think of a few important inmates, both on the boat and in the prison and just see where the game goes. ![]()
![]() My group has only four standard bans: Drow, Druegar, Svirfneblin, and Strix. Mainly since undercommon races are a bit overpowered by our perspective, and they really don't fit in most above world campaigns. Strix are banned simply because people like to play humans in our group and we had a person play a strix once, that ended badly. The Strix character attempted pvp after the group broke a Kitsune member, no less out, of jail. Ended up killing the campaign right there. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
I know this is a bit late, but I have a question on this. Is it possible that a god could choose not give his clerics powers anymore? You know to make it seem like he died. Then get the Death Goddess to claim he died so he can go off a do something secretly. It's a classic fake out(with a bit of a twist) in numerous different stories. ![]()
![]() Have any of you played Wizardry Online? That's the kind of PVP consequences I think PF Online should have. What they have is A hard-edge(Possibly perma-death, although that is rare) and stealing people's items, but not what they have equipped. But what I expect is something similar to EVE where you lose basically everything yo had with you, but with that the market becomes so bloated with replacement goods that death loses it meaning except on a massive scale. That isn't by design but really people playing the needs of the market which is fair. In my mind to keep a PVP experience that is fun you need to keep some consequences that bite behind it. Making you actually want to inflict those consequences on the other guy and avoid them yourself. That's why I like the possible sting of perma-death, although others may not share my ideas. ![]()
![]() I hadn't seen anything around about prestige classes(Although I don't follow that closely), has there been any word about them? I know that PFO is planned to be more skill oriented like EVE but is there going to be anything like Prestige classes? I still love my Shadowdancer and such, I was wondering how feasible it would be to build a character like that. And to a further extent would it be possible to build say an Arcane Trickster with just base skills in PFO, such as take a few Rogue skills and some Wizard skills? ![]()
![]() It is possible to play one but you need to know your group first. Last time I played a necro, a base CN Plague patron Witch, my group of CN and LN adventuring buds decided to murder me in cold-blood after I killed a few enemies that had taken me captive. Afterwards, I animated them into Skeletons, the first and last Undead this character ever made, to give me some guys to cover my escape. When they found that out, they greeted me with a sword to the gut. The subject of necromancy makes some people's trigger fingers very itchy. ![]()
![]() Also if have a copy of Inner Sea Magic, you could read up on the rules for joining a magic school. I believe the Academe gives special bonuses to make golem crafting easier. Also, you can craft something even if you don't have the spells required by increasing the craft DC. Although I forget the exact amount. And also if you get a construct that can be affected bymagic iI'd definitely make sure you have mending prepared, that can help a TON with repair costs. ![]()
![]() I actually played a goblin barbarian in ROTR, on a play by post on these forums. I made him come from a separate tribe, that was opposed to the Thistletop Goblins. Most of the other tribes are jealous of their base and I imagine that goblin don't share a good relation with each other. Plus i figured that after my goblin "helped save the town" the townspeople might have be accepting enough to let him stay if he didn't cause trouble. Hope that idea helps some. ![]()
![]() I remember a section in ROTR including pornography::
While inside the Foxglove Manor the party(can possibly find) in one room pornography of a female party member that Aldern is obsessed with. Of course it had been drawn by hand. And furthermore, no doubt there is an industry for it. I mean prostitution is the one of the oldest professions. I'd say it probably just be novels or possibly paintings and drawings(Some of the classic Renaissance works, for example, could have been considered pornographic.)
![]() *sigh* Why did everyone have to post my ideas before I got on the thread. XD Well everything posted up so far looks really good, and Papa Chango I totally second that idea. It makes me think of the Bardic Masterpieces. I'll mark this thread and see if I can't come up with some more ideas, I guess great minds think alike. ![]()
![]() Alright, so my gaming group is planning on using the Hollow's Last Hope 3.5 module as a start to our next PF campaign. The thing we were wondering is whether by lore Falcon's Hollow, and furthermore Darkmoon Vale, were actually on Golarion. Of course we can house rule it if the town isn't but I'd like to know. Thanks. ![]()
![]() After much hard work I present you with:
Raorloud, Goblin Barbarian:
Raorloud Male Goblin BARBARIAN(True Primitive) 1 CN Small monsterous-humanoid Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Perception +4; Defense:
Speed: 30 ft. 20ft with armor.
I'll post a full background up later. Along with possibly an alias. I just want to know how this looks so far.