Meirril wrote: First, you can Empower any 7th level or lower spell. If the spell doesn't throw multiple dice it won't have any effect, but you can waste 2 spell levels on adding a Metamagical Feat to any spell if you want to. False, with the magical lineage trait you can apply the empower metamagic feat to any 8th level or lower spell, albeit just one at a time until you retrain it. Meirril wrote:
The caster level increase is part of the spell when it’s cast. So only spontaneous casters would get the most benefit from the interaction if it worked as stated in the OP. Let’s look at the magic missile example since that seems to be a goto.I’ll use a sorcerer with the orc bloodline for fun: Their magic missile now does 1d4+2, so when empowered it would be (1d4+2)*1.5 so anything between 4 – 9 damage per missile. Furthermore at level 15 when you have spell perfection added in, the empowered magic missile now deals 2d4+6, the new damage is now anything between 8 – 14 damage per missile. However a better example of a spell using the amount of work based on the caster level would be stone shape. The target of the spell: Target stone or stone object touched, up to 10 cu. ft. + 1 cu. ft./level. If the OP question worked as mentioned the work done would be (CL)*1.5 or if you had spell perfection (CL)*2. If we look at the CL 20 example, the targeted amount affected by stone shape is now: (29 - 32 cubic feet)*(1.5 or 2 depending). The target of stone shape is only affected by the caster level of the spell. Which the item combination has now made random. Meirril wrote:
The resonance ability affects the caster’s caster level. The caster level is then, as you say, needed to determine if you can cast the spell, which is why I used a level 20 caster as an example for the purpose of keeping the minimum caster level at 19, but that’s beside the point. The empower spell would not affect your d20 example, just like it doesn’t affect the number of magic missiles you get or the number of scorching rays someone would get.Sneak attack damage to the roll would however be affected by the empower metamagic feat, because it is a bonus to the damage variable and here is a quick link for you. You’d still have to qualify for the sneak attack however. Meirril wrote:
So now with prepared casters out of the running because they’d have to prepare the metamagic feat before the casting, the original question remains for spontaneous casters. I would argue that the caster level is indeed part of any spell you cast because it is needed for multiple variables based off of your caster level even if the spell description doesn’t explicitly say so. Ie: range, number of missiles, rays, damage dice, number or rerolls, ect.@Rajnish I would agree with you, but the variable happens at the time of casting, and I also couldn't find an official ruling or another thread that had something similar.
As the title suggests, can we make a static variable into a random variable? This is a thought experiment involving the empower metamagic feat, a wayfinder, an orange prism ioun stone, and the resonant power of the wayfinder ioun stone combination. Spoiler:
Empower Spell You can increase the power of your spells, causing them to deal more damage. Benefit: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those dice rolls. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. Level Increase: +2 (an empowered spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.) Orange Prism in a Wayfinder
Constant Variables of a Spell not normally modified by the empower feat:
Random variables of a spell normally modified by the empower feat:
With the addition of the resonant bonus of the orange prism ioun stone in the wayfinder, the caster level becomes a random variable. example: CL 20 + 1d4 -1 or CL 1d4+19. Would this then qualify the caster level of the spell to be modified by the empower spell feat due to it now being a random variable? If so, then that means this combination allows the use of the empower feat on any spell because they now all have a random variable. To reiterate the question: Does the resonate power of the orange prism ioun stone in a wayfinder cause the caster level to become a random variable that can be modified by the empower metamagic feat?
Ah, found it. Spell-Like Abilities: A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell. Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled. and Summon (sp): A creature with the summon ability can summon other specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster spell... The Balor and any other monster for that matter, would take the 1 round casting time when summoning, unless otherwise noted. SLA's have not really been updated since the creation of Spellbane, but based on their description... I would have to say they would be affected as if in an area where magic is suppressed or negated. For each specific spell of course. Magic Jar: If you are successful, your life force occupies the host body, and the host's life force is imprisoned in the magic jar. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.
...after some reading.. Vampires do indeed have souls, just like liches. Which means that Morin can magic jar creatures. Magic Jar vs Outsiders though, that's a tough one and has been debated many times. Outsiders for the most part are the physical manifestations of souls depending on which after-life they get. So I'll go with this, and say that Morin does take over the body, with the eremite as an unwilling passenger. Still being an undead, I'd say that he should retain the weaknesses of the vampire template. If we rule it that way, the dragon's hit and run tactics would be more viable or it could even try to miracle a spellbane v. spellbane. Just some extra thoughts on the matter.
WombattheDaniel wrote: Bump hoping that Shasf sees this. If the cohort is the crafter, I see no reason as to why the WBL would not be increased for you. After all, the cohort and the Character are very good friends, and he's still getting paid for his work. I would say that the crafter is making items at cost, buying materials as needed (such as scrolls for spell prereqs). Charging his good friend only 75% of the market value. As for combat, that is up to the player. Is the risk of death worth it for the cohort to help is friend or should he hang back and be prepared to fetch the body of his fallen comrade if something goes wrong? I had a build that used Leadership to fight, forcing all combats to go into mass combat rules. As for the new set of combat rules. Yes, I do think they could be used and possibly improved upon. Jobrandon, You have a good presentation. I'd like to know how the gate is still functional inside the portable hole? The tactics with the Balor, let's say he summons (standard action for him) a Vrolikai demon and you get hit with on average 6 negative levels (gaze, enervate, and quickened enervate). What will he do to counter or prevent this from happening? The tactics with the gold dragon might be a bit off, he would know what the Ermite is and is capable of. So, let's say the dragon wanted to do hit and run tactics using it's at will sunburst. It would draw out the fight to be sure and given the differences of the flight speed, what would Morin do? I'm still looking over the build, but it seems solid so far.
Hmm.... if leadership is allowed. Then this can be done at level 15, with copious amounts of followers and cohorts. But, we'll go to level 20. Class X 5 levels/Noble Scion 10 levels/Class Y 5 levels With its "Greater Leadership" ability, you now have a cohort of equal level. We now have countless Cohorts, Followers, and Servitors. With those we now have nigh-unlimited funds. Everyone will have extended Delay Poison or Neutralize Poison cast upon them, since according to the Technology Guide, radiation is a poison effect. Copious amounts of Resist Energy and Protection from Energy as well. Anyone that dies can be reincarnated or raised. or They all just cast Rebuke Technology. The "Legion" would have enough castings of the spell through scrolls or wands or personally casting the spell that the nuke assault will fail. or Using antitech field they can put themselves in the path of the nukes. They'll either detonate or fall harmlessly to the ground, either case. That'll be round one, during the nuke launches.
WombattheDaniel wrote: I have a request. I'd like to take this challenge but I want to face everything one-on-one. I don't think it's thematically fitting for there to be 2+ versions of the same monster in the same vicinity. How often do you run into a Shoggoth, let alone 8? In Porpentine's original Beastmass, he took everyone on alone. Now I'll admit that his rulings were questionable at times, but still, with this updated challenge, making a build that can take on Cthulhu by oneself should be the ultimate challenge. What's stopping me from creating a party with my character, a (freshly-updated and completely legal) Hexcrafter Magus, The Vaccuum, RAGELANCEPOUNCE and some sort of stupidly OP bard capable of buffing the crap out of his party members, each of us with Leadership and a Cohort? I don't think it fits the spirit of what the Beastmass was/is supposed to be. ` It's still a work in progress. When the multiple enemies was suggested, it was more or less to make the enemies be more in line with a CR 20ish challenge or higher. So in the spirit of the original Beastmass, the challenge is there. Present your build and tactics for the one on one fights in the locations where each monster will be found.
From the pfsrd for the trait: Quote: Comprehensive Education: Humans raised with skilled teachers draw upon vast swathes of knowledge gained over centuries of civilization. They gain all Knowledge skills as class skills, and they gain a +1 racial bonus on skill checks for each Knowledge skill that they gain as a class skill from their class levels. This racial trait replaces skilled. Source PCS:ISR What it does: -Gives all knowledge skills as class skills (agreed?)-For each knowledge skill granted by the class, the trait as written seems to give a cumulative +1 racial bonus on skill checks. (I say cumulative because of the wording in the ability: "for each") That's exactly as it is written. The bonus it gives is between 1 and 13. What it should have done is allow the character the ability to make knowledge skill checks untrained and/or apply half the number of class knowledge skills (min +1/max +6) to knowledge skill checks. As it is written, the ability is unbalanced from simply gaining an extra skill point. As intended, it is still unbalanced but works out better if it just applies to knowledge skill checks.
Now, Shoggoth can be a pain to fight if you're unprepared. But if the character's are optimized and chew through them pretty quickly it can be a bit boring. So I was thinking of making a unique one for a capstone villain. Unique Shoggoth:
Advanced Giant Shoggoth CN Gargantuan ooze (aquatic, unique) Init +13; Senses all-around vision, blindsight 60ft, darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +35 DEFENSE AC 37, touch 13, flat-footed 30 (+7 Dex, +24 natural, –4 size) hp 405 (23d8+322); fast healing 10 Fort +23, Ref +16, Will +17 DR 15/—; Immune blindness, charm effects, cold, deafness, ooze traits, sonic; Resist acid 30, electricity 30, fire 30; SR 35 OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee 4 slams +36 (3d8+21/19–20 plus grab) Space 20 ft.; Reach 35 ft. Special Attacks constrict (3d8+21), maddening cacophony, engulf (4d8+31 bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 acid damage, AC 25, hp 37), trample (4d10+21, DC 38) Spell-like Abilities (Divine) (CL 20th, Concentration +28) At-will — quickened dimension door, widened black tentacles 3/day — tsunami, whirlwind STATISTICS Str 52, Dex 28, Con 39, Int 9, Wis 26, Cha 17 Base Atk +17; CMB +42 (+47 grapple); CMD 61 (cannot be tripped) Feats Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Fortitude, Dimensional Agility, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Staggering Critical Skills Climb +29, Perception +35, Swim +29; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception Languages Aklo SQ amphibious SPECIAL ABILITIES All-Around Vision (Ex)
Maddening Cacophony (Su)
Engulf (Ex)
There are a few things different with this one, such as the addition of SLAs and a few changes to feat selection. There have also been additions in the form of templates, the advanced and giant template. I was not sure how items and oozes interact, so it didn't receive any. While robust, I still think it could be a challenge to a party of 18th - 20th level characters. Though the additional enemies may be necessary for the capstone fight, maybe advanced black puddings, advanced gibbering mouthers, or other shoggoth. Would this be too much for an average optimized party of 4 by itself (think classic party; cleric, wizard, fighter, rogue or divine, arcane, barbarian, slayer)? I was thinking of making the location be like Blackreach from Skyrim.. I think this link will help. (link is an screenshot from imigur and not my own).
It's a nice build, I've noticed a few things though: In beastmass, average rolls will dominate. With that in mind, the cloak of displacement (minor) will not really function, in actual play it may have some effect, for the challenge however, not so much. The Dragon Divination sticks will more than likely give the bonus to Reflex saves (and they all pick the same save as per their description). The monstrous physique spell only allows for monstrous humanoids and not magical beasts. Find ways to negate surprise rounds. (The Variant Multiclass system in Unchanined looks interesting) Looking through the build, you may want to find ways around energy drain and negative levels.
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote: Unfortunately Shasf, Dragons do everything possible to stay out of melee range of a melee combatant. It was the Kensai's bane, having to deal with goldie for that very reason. I had to use a bait and switch with very, very calculated distances for my melee combatant to get close enough. Yea, the only good news is, if it stops to buff after a single move action or use a breath weapon the fighter has a chance of catching it. Otherwise the fight with goldie is a loss even if I do switch to a ranged weapon (take off dragon bane from the scimitars; for wealth); the fighter would have a comp. lonbow (+1 str; +5 dragon bane, endless ammunition) just to attack it at range. The other options available require close range, non-mobile means (orb of storms) or the use of leadership to gain a dragon (CR +8 to determine cohort level). Using leadership, I think the solar dragon looks interesting. But it would be needed just for this one fight, just to get fighter close enough for melee range. While strafing it with arrows (ready action to shoot when goldie is about to cast a spell to disrupt his buffing abilities) Other than those tactics, unless it's possible to have an Orb of Gold Dragonkind to provoke goldie into melee range it's a difficult fight as is with the fighter. The other abuse is to use the Antagonize feat with Intimidate to provoke him into making a melee attack (Intimidate DC 46; characters would need a minimum bonus of +36). @Cap Darling: Thank you. ------------------------------ Any other suggestions of concerns would be appreciated.
andreww wrote:
When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body. *snip* Nothing about gear melding into giant or other humanoid forms. Unless there was an errata about that, then the shapechange is a bad route for this fighter. However you were discussing for the elemental form. I'd rather have everything meld into the body for this, then when the fighter moved and then changes as a free action back into a form that can use the items, the items unmeld and he tries to take out the dragon. That's my assumption anyways. @ElMustacho: Since they start 300 feet apart, Goldie would have to close the distance gap in some way before using the breath weapon (60ft cone).If he uses a greater dispel attempt against the fighter's shapechange ability (DC 31) versus his CL 15 (avg attempt 25), fails most of the time. The next item down the line would be the Linnorm's death curse If I'm reading this correctly. The next item down the line would be either be the +5 buckler or the +5 haramaki, due to the d20 results (3rd d20 results in a 9 as per the rules) goldie's dispel attempt results in a 24, one shy of dispelling. I do agree, the fight with Goldie can go many different ways. If he stayed at range and just strafed with his at will sunburst ability, he might win.
dragon fight again:
He can go buff first then come back: goldie: buff and move: 550 feet away fighter: run action 480 feet covered; 70 distance does goldie breath and move? 320 feet distance fighter double moves (run action) to be adjacent to goldie; if this qualifies for rapid assault then we attempt a full-round attack (-1 atk at highest bab, still have 1 slam attack at +39 (2d6+3)-does not get past DR. goldie: full attacks the fighter, if the fighter survives (still maintains a DR 5/-): fighter: transforms back into fighter giant form (gear unmelds) and full attacks the dragon, dropping him. If the dragon moves within 250 to use greater dispel magic and targets the elemental form from shapechange, then two move actions, failed attack, dragon does a full-round action to melee the fighter (deals 109 dmg on avg, fighter takes 30 less damage over all). If the dragon took a run action, the fighter wouldn't be able to keep up. The fight is dependent upon getting the dragon into melee range for the fighter. If this never happens within the remaining 15 minutes of shapechange, then the fighter loses hands down. @Cap. Darling: The fighter does have enough feat space to shift a few things around to continue to keep the item crafting feats and enough skill points left over to keep the [Craft] skills. After rereading the SLA faq, the illegal feat would be the arcane strike but we could replace it with hammer-the-gap instead to help keep the damage up and improve action economy (saves a swift action). Arcane strike is a flat: +5 dmg for all attacks
Over all, if all attacks hit, hammer the gap deals +14 damage less than arcane strike. The fighter deals enough damage, but that little bit extra always helps.
Rough fighter build, has about 80k gold left over. Some of the fights could have gone either way; the ancient gold dragon fight especially. If the dragon would have survived the first assault, he would have tried to withdraw and come back buffed (Pin Down would have prevented that movement) Fighter:
Bob McGurki Fighter (Mobile Archetype) 20 N Medium Human (Humanoid [Human]) Initiative +16; Senses darkvision 60ft, Perception +
Agility (Ex) At 2nd level, a mobile fighter gains a +1 bonus on saving throws made against effects that cause him to become paralyzed, slowed, or entangled. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
Leaping Attack (Ex) At 5th level, when a mobile fighter moves at least 5 feet prior to attacking, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th.
Rapid Attack (Ex) At 11th level, a mobile fighter can combine a full-attack action with a single move. He must forgo the attack at his highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during his movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Fleet Footed (Ex) At 15th level, the mobile fighter’s speed increases by 10 feet. He can take 10 on Acrobatics checks even while distracted or threatened, and can take 20 on an Acrobatics check once per day for every five fighter levels he possesses.
Armor Mastery (Ex) At 19th level, a fighter gains Damage Reduction 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield. Whirlwind Blitz (Ex) At 20th level, a mobile fighter can make a full-attack action as a standard action. He may also use the Whirlwind Attack feat as a standard action.
Demonic Obedience +4 vs Enchantment effects; charm person 3/day; your enchantment effects become harder to resist, +1 DC or +2 DC if the target is an intelligence creature that could be sexually attracted to you; shapechange 1/day. Foresight This spell grants you a powerful sixth sense in relation to yourself or another. Once foresight is cast, you receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the subject of the spell. You are never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, the spell gives you a general idea of what action you might take to best protect yourself and gives you a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves. This insight bonus is lost whenever you would lose a Dexterity bonus to AC. When another creature is the subject of the spell, you receive warnings about that creature. You must communicate what you learn to the other creature for the warning to be useful, and the creature can be caught unprepared in the absence of such a warning. Shouting a warning, yanking a person back, and even telepathically communicating (via an appropriate spell) can all be accomplished before some danger befalls the subject, provided you act on the warning without delay. The subject, however, does not gain the insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Shapechange
[spoiler=Shoggoth Fight] Shoggoth’s Initiative: +11 = Avg result of 21 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 = Avg result of 26 [u]Fighter’s Turn[/u]
30ft between the two now [u]Shoggoth’s turn[/u]
Fighter on avg wins the fight; deals 27.5 dmg on average per hit—17.5 avg dmg after Shoggoth’s DR: Full attack from the fighter deals 122.5 dmg on average. Fighter wins within 5 rounds on average. --results favorable--
Balor’s Fight:
Foresight negates surprise round of Balor; Balor’s Initiative: +11 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter goes 1st on average. Fighter uses free action to change from Ocean Giant form to Fire Giant form (+1 Atk, -1 AC) to reduce squeezing penalties, then one more free action to activate boots of speed (+1 Atk, AC, and Reflex saves). Then uses swift action to activate arcane strike and then uses a standard action to perform a full attack action against the Balor (AC 36) on average all attacks hit, three attacks from the scimitars are crits. All scimitar attacks hit: 1d8 + 32 + 2d6
Balor takes 435 damage per round on average; Balor activates death throws (Ref 36 for half), fighter eats 50 unholy damage (Ref save avg 32). ----Results unfavorable----
Pit Fiend’s Fight:
Pit Fiend’s Initiative: +13 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter goes 1st on average. Fighter uses free action to activate boots of speed (+1 Atk, AC, and Reflex saves). Then uses swift action to activate arcane strike and then uses a standard action to perform a full attack action against the Pit Fiend (AC 38) on average all attacks hit, three attacks from the scimitars are crits. All scimitar attacks hit: 1d8 + 32 + 2d6
----Results Favorable----
Tarn Linnorm’s Fight:
Foresight disrupts surprise round Tarn Linnorm’s Initiative: +12 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter goes 1st on average. Fighter uses free action to activate boots of speed (+1 Atk, AC, and Reflex saves). Then uses swift action to activate arcane strike and then uses a standard action to perform a full attack action against the Linnorm (AC 36) on average all attacks hit, three attacks from the scimitars are crits. All scimitar attacks hit: 1d8 + 32 + 2d6
----Results Unfavorable----
Ancient Gold Dragon’s Fight:
Foresight disrupts surprise round Dragon’s Initiative: +12 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter goes 1st on average. Fighter uses scroll of greater heroism on self (+3 atk, +4 saves, skill checks, immune to fear, +11 temp hp) as a standard action. Move action to re-equip scimitar. Free action to shapechange into a Huge Air Elemental for fly speed. Dragon’s turn: Wearily moves closer (250ft) and unleashes it’s breath weapon attack (20d10 dmg; avg 110 fire damage; Ref DC 31); fighter takes half damage from the attack. Fighter’s Turn: Move action to get closer, free action to change back into fire giant or other large giant; uses free action to activate boots of speed (+1 Atk, AC, and Reflex saves). Then uses swift action to activate arcane strike and then uses a standard action to perform a full attack action against the Dragon (AC 36) on average all attacks hit, three attacks from the scimitars are crits. All scimitar attacks hit: 1d8 + 32 + 2d6
----Results Unfavorable----
Solar’s Fight:
Solar’s Initiative: +9 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter’s Surprise round Fighter uses move-action combined with his rapid attack ability against the solar All scimitar attacks hit: 1d8 + 32 + 2d6
If the solar remains standing after the surprise round; the fighter gains another full attack against it. Certainly ensuring victory. ----Results Favorable----
Tarrasque’s Fight:
Tarrasque’s Initiative: +7 Fighter’s Initiative: +16 Fighter’s Surprise round (starts within 5 feet of the Tarrasque) Fighter uses move-action combined with his rapid attack ability against the Tarrasque; then follows up with another full attack on the regular rounds. -Rapid Attack Full Attack-
-Regular Full Attack-
After 5 minutes of beating on the Tarrasque; spends the remaining time in the form of a troll to regenerate lost hp; healing spells won’t help because the Fighter is cursed. ----Results Favorable----
Not a very good trick over all, just winning initiative and beating creatures with a standard action for the most part.
Bob McGurki Fighter (Mobile Archetype) 20 N Medium Human (Humanoid [Human]) Initiative +13; Senses Perception +
Agility (Ex) At 2nd level, a mobile fighter gains a +1 bonus on saving throws made against effects that cause him to become paralyzed, slowed, or entangled. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
Leaping Attack (Ex) At 5th level, when a mobile fighter moves at least 5 feet prior to attacking, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th.
Rapid Attack (Ex) At 11th level, a mobile fighter can combine a full-attack action with a single move. He must forgo the attack at his highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during his movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Fleet Footed (Ex) At 15th level, the mobile fighter’s speed increases by 10 feet. He can take 10 on Acrobatics checks even while distracted or threatened, and can take 20 on an Acrobatics check once per day for every five fighter levels he possesses.
Armor Mastery (Ex) At 19th level, a fighter gains Damage Reduction 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield. Whirlwind Blitz (Ex) At 20th level, a mobile fighter can make a full-attack action as a standard action. He may also use the Whirlwind Attack feat as a standard action.
Demonic Obedience +4 vs Enchantment effects; charm person 3/day; your enchantment effects become harder to resist, +1 DC or +2 DC if the target is an intelligence creature that could be sexually attracted to you; shapechange 1/day. Foresight This spell grants you a powerful sixth sense in relation to yourself or another. Once foresight is cast, you receive instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the subject of the spell. You are never surprised or flat-footed. In addition, the spell gives you a general idea of what action you might take to best protect yourself and gives you a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves. This insight bonus is lost whenever you would lose a Dexterity bonus to AC. When another creature is the subject of the spell, you receive warnings about that creature. You must communicate what you learn to the other creature for the warning to be useful, and the creature can be caught unprepared in the absence of such a warning. Shouting a warning, yanking a person back, and even telepathically communicating (via an appropriate spell) can all be accomplished before some danger befalls the subject, provided you act on the warning without delay. The subject, however, does not gain the insight bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Shapechange
Combats: Shoggoth Fight Shoggoth’s Initiative: +11 = Avg result of 21 Fighter’s Initiative: +13 = Avg result of 23 Fighter’s Turn
50ft between the two now Shoggoth’s turn
Shoggoth: 333hp/234hp
Shoggoth can deal an avg of 25.5 dmg per attack/20.5 dmg after DR is applied or 84 dmg a round; but also heals 10hp/rnd
Fighter dies in 4 rounds at this level of completion --results unfavorable--
Sangerine wrote:
Rereading the ability, I do agree with you. I've come to think of it as a modified pounce ability, but doesn't require charging the target. With the capstone ability removing the penalty of losing one attack.
I'm going to have to do another fighter build for this: Mobile Fight Archetype:
Rapid Attack (Ex):
At 11th level, a mobile fighter can combine a full-attack action with a single move. He must forgo the attack at his highest bonus but may take the remaining attacks at any point during his movement. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. This ability replaces armor training 3. Whirlwind Blitz (Ex):
At 20th level, a mobile fighter can make a full-attack action as a standard action. He may also use the Whirlwind Attack feat as a standard action. This ability replaces weapon mastery. We have one ability where we can full attack as a standard action and one with a move-action (-1 attack at highest bab). Obviously a dex based build with two-weapon fighting tree for the concept. Normally we'd be getting: +20/+15/+10/+5; with two-weapon fighting tree we now have: +18/+13/+8/+3 and +18/+13/+8 - add haste or speed weapons for one or two more attacks and we have a total of: 8 - 9 attacks a round, we can now double that with the mobile fighter archetype.
FrodoOf9Fingers wrote:
The use of Air Bubble may work. Cast a permanent version on a spike or two in the arrow slits and it keeps water out while still allowing you to fire underwater. There are also these other spells: cloak of winds mixed with calm air, water breathing. But a modified Life Bubble may be the best bet for what you're looking for. You could also use these for your crew. For the other part of having force walls, planar binding might be an option if you want some of these hanging around. Constructs, these might be something to consider and you could modify these
SPACEBALL12345 wrote:
While interesting, let's get you a higher CL using ratfolk because of their swarming ability. They start small -> reduce person, they are now tiny: That's 8 ratfolk a square -> Cast a communal fly spell or similar: You now have 16 ratfolk per square. Even more absurd is that they now use their favored class bonus to increase the range of their scar hex. (albeit 20ft or so). That'll add in a few more.
With a 5ft sphere we can have a total of: 7 squares -> 16 ratfolk a square (tiny sized occupies same square as witch) -> 132 ratfolks aiding the original witch. Going from there, you may not need a very big space to get the desired effect. ElMustacho wrote: The fight would last the same time. Given that I roll 22d6 (avg of 77) 14 times, for a total of 1078 of sneak attack, on average I would still deal 1078/4+349 = 618 damage. He's not dead but he's unconscious. If he somehow resisted all the sneak attack, then he will survive a round with 1 hp, how lucky. Blast shadows are nice, but Stalker could just do not care about the concealment and one-round them with 14 attacks. The 1hp remaining could be a game changer, Pit Fiend escapes to heal (5ft step, greater teleport) comes back with a large bag of flour (or whatever else) to coat the room and possibly Stalker. Again, this is not likely. So the pit fiend does lose still.
Bob Bob Bob wrote: ...well, since there's no way you can actually get a scroll of Reach Mass Suffocate, that would be the first problem. Since the range is close you have an absolute maximum number of Legions who can be in range, it's not an infinite number, that's the second problem. Honestly, you're probably better off with an infinite number of archers crit-fishing. Instead of suffocate, we could give them CL 20 scrolls of energy drain? On average each one would cause 5 negative levels. So they just need to land a few spells: Shoggoth: 5 spells (avg of 11 Legionnaires needed)
Avg result vs SR: 31 (fails on average; has only a 25% chance of succeeding). Finding ways to improve casting vs SR required. Elves, +2 vs SR, spell penetration +2 vs SR, greater spell penetration +2 vs SR. New Avg vs SR: 31 - 10+20+6 = 36, we succeed 55% of the time.
ElMustacho wrote:
If you changed your celestial obedience to Tanagaar, you could get even more damage: +3d6 sneak attack and +2 per sneak attack die rolled. For a total of +28d6 plus 56 per hit instead of just the +22d6. That's an extra 77 average damage per hit. Spend 36k on scrolls of mind blank (assuming you take 1 day to level up each time). However mundane methods of gathering information might still be valid/viable for the Pit Fiend. Up until the point it can no longer gather information on Stalker, what if it acquired a protective item with heavy fortification. While I still believe the fight would go to Stalker, it would just take longer is all. Though during this time it's creating these with it's bought time. Still being defeated in the end, just thought of it adding a different twist to an old fight. As for Thanos - Let's go with the pit fiend instead of the balor. How is he going to kill the devil? I'm rereading between the two builds, I will look again, but I'm not seeing how he's getting past the regeneration, besides beating him senseless. Looking at the darkskull item engulfing his heart, if it is replacing the muscle, Thanos would have to be exceedingly cautious around anti-magic areas?
Okay, thank you for the reply. It's just a little weird wording in the ability. Where is says other witch class abilities. So that is why I asked. There is another class that modified the class features of a previously selected class. I will admit that if spellcasting is increased twice with the winter witch prc, that would be extremely broken. The spirit of the wording does seem to imply that it is not meant for the spellcasting side of the witch, just the other special features. Where as, the rule as it is written could be interpreted as that it counts twice. This does get me thinking that the ability could add to the free spells gained at each level for the witch however instead of increasing the actual CL or spells/day feature.
Kaouse wrote:
Summon (Sp): A creature with the summon ability can summon other specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster spell, but it usually has only a limited chance of success (as specified in the creature’s entry). Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A creature summoned in this way cannot use any spells or spell-like abilities that require material components costing more than 1 gp unless those components are supplied, nor can it use its own summon ability for 1 hour. An appropriate spell level is given for each summoning ability for purposes of Will saves, caster level checks, and concentration checks. No experience points are awarded for defeating summoned monsters.The monsters summon spells acts as summon monster spell. So based on that, you could possibly spell sunder them.
I haven't seen anything recent on the class ability in question - Found here and the update and below Winter Witchcraft:
Levels of the winter witch prestige class stack with witch levels for determining when she learns new hexes, the effect of her hexes and other witch class abilities (including archetype abilities), the abilities of her witch's familiar, and the level at which she can select major hexes or grand hexes. The class itself raises the caster level every level except the first one. My rules questions are as thus: If a class has access to spellcasting, is it a class feature or a separate ability for that class? If spellcasting from a class is a class feature, does winter witchcraft also increase it as per the wording of the ability? If spellcasting is a class ability, would it be treated separately from other features that the winter witchcraft ability modifies? ---------- I've seen more threads on the winter witchcraft ability focus on hexes than the spellcasting aspect. Witch 5/Winter Witch 2 = CL 6 or
is my question in a nut shell.
Cap. Darling wrote: What you do is stuff that can happen in game not before game. Before the game start you have the resources the book says and not what ever you claim you could have made playing the roulette. It is fine that you think different, we can agree to disagree. I see your point with that. Counter argument:
With your point in mind - "you only start with the resources the book says" - so that's 880,000 gold pieces and with whatever your class states (ie: wizards start with their spellbook). Here's the GM's guidelines (The GM because he's the OP): "So here is my challenge: can any of you build a 20th level character of any class, race and archetype combo to triumph over these seven beasts with only one rest period? Builds must be 20 point buy but can include any feat, spell, item, trait etc from anything published by Paizo. Builds should be as descriptively full as possible as per the linked example." Back to your point though and your GM fiat: Step 5 of character creation, buying equipment, on page 15 of the Core Rule Book states this at the end of the paragraph:
With those in mind: Would you buy magic items with your starting gold, even though the GM never explicitly said you could or would you spend on mundane equipment because that is what the book allows? That is an extreme case, I know. As for not being able to have all the wealth that I said Legion has. The GM is allowing us any combination of paizo published material. That means that the options available to players under GM consent presented in the Ultimate Campaign book, such as investments, kingdom building, ect are fair game. He never gives a time limit to start the challenge, just that we finish the challenge in a 48 hour period (or one resting cycle) once we start it. If it doesn't work for you, make your own challenge and post the rules as well as a build using your rules to complete the challenge. @ElMustacho - You may want to include more scrolls of divine favor since the duration is 10 rounds. For combat, the creatures still might get a Perception check to notice the presence of an invisible creature. The pit fiend also has foreknowledge of your character, what if it wished for a permanent anti-magic room and was waiting for your arrival? or the room to be in super-natural darkness? Otherwise, I like the build and concept.
Cap. Darling wrote: You dont need to go on. Your basic undestanding of what can be done with out DM Fiat seems to be so far from mine that in a wonder we can even communicate. Happy gaming. I've already gone over the DM Fiat issue earlier. I have not seen any expansion upon your beliefs of what can or cannot be done with the rules given from the OP or from the Zen archer monk that inspired beastmass. I am sorry that you cannot communicate these concerns with me so I can address them in a more proper fashion. Happy gaming. Bob Bob Bob wrote:
If monsters do gain EXP, they will get it at the end of the encounter and only up to a certain point. Their not really free sacks of xp, they are sacks of meat with exp attached. IF the monsters had class levels then their CR would increase, if it was high enough to out heal the damage done, they may not gain any xp at all or enough to advance to the next level. The horde shifts its wealth to the ones actually fighting so while their numbers would be finite, their wealth would be great. As discussed in the resources and money of legion. "After asking for aid (asking for 3,500) from good friends (diplomacy check 53 for a few weeks), the diplomacy for giving lengthy, complicated, dangerous aid with a +10 Cha mod would have a DC of 30 for helpful npcs. We will use the 100,032 number, getting a total of 325,104,000 gp. We’ll invest 1/3 of that in banking ventures because it’s the safest one with the best chance for average results. So we invest 108,368,000 and on average we will see a 2% return each year and for the first year we see 2,167,360 gp returned." With that level of wealth, we now have a very well equipped horde - see one of legion build. Hmm, I suppose on the other side, Legion could bank roll the monsters and equip them. Before I posted the fights I wanted to address the concerns with Legion's concept.
Cap. Darling wrote:
I hope this clears up some of the rules - for wealth and resources. Breaking down Legion’s Resources Part 1:
Leadership (general feat):
Ring of the Ecclesiarch: double the number of followers – who are zealously devoted to the wearer Greater leadership (Noble Scion) Ability to attract cohorts of equal level, that the PC gets to recruit – so undesirable cohorts are weeded out and desirable candidates are welcomed.
Breaking down Legion’s Resources Part 2:
Diplomacy check: We’ll say that the cohorts and their followers are indifferent at best so we need a DC 30 diplomacy check to improve their attitude towards us. We have 20 ranks in diplomacy, a favored class bonus of +3, and a modifier of +10 so our total becomes +43. We take 10 for a total result of 53 We have no raised their attitudes from indifferent to friendly. We continue to do this for a while, becoming very good friends with everyone. Then we make a request for aid, not much mind you, just half of their latest affluent bonus (total 7,500gp) so we’ll receive 3,250 gp from each cohort. Now using the investment rules found in ultimate campaign: We will use the 100,032 number, getting a total of 325,104,000 gp. We’ll invest 1/3 of that in banking ventures because it’s the safest one with the best chance for average results. So we invest 108,368,000 and on average we will see a 2% return each year and for the first year we see 2,167,360 gp returned. Alternatively if you just want the PC’s wealth, we’ll say that the original Legion was a ghoran bard 10/noble scion 10 who invested in military crafting (5% returns) – The investments we made over a period of 100 years including any taxes (representing a 4% return rather than 5%) – The initial investment was made with 641,250gp and after 100 years of returns the PC now has $32,386,298.02 to spend. We’ll turn half of that into Build Points so now we have 4,048 of those to make a kingdom and further increase out wealth and resources.
As for miracles not being able to grant templates, let's take a quick look at what miracles can do. Now on to miracles:
Spell Description You don't so much cast a miracle as request one. You state what you would like to have happen and request that your deity (or the power you pray to for spells) intercede. A miracle can do any of the following things. Duplicate any cleric spell of 8th level or lower.
Alternatively, a cleric can make a very powerful request. Casting such a miracle costs the cleric 25,000 gp in powdered diamond because of the powerful divine energies involved. Examples of especially powerful miracles of this sort could include the following: Swinging the tide of a battle in your favor by raising fallen allies to continue fighting.
In any event, a request that is out of line with the deity's (or alignment's) nature is refused. A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as normal, but the save DCs are as for a 9th-level spell. When a miracle spell duplicates a spell with a material component that costs more than 100 gp, you must provide that component. For the templates we need to find deities with corresponding alignments/natures, then we can ask for their favor in granting us what we desire. Miracle is better than wish in this regard because the wording of the spell does not state that it perverts what is asked for. For the young template we need a deity that is chaotic or neutral, areas of concern might be time, beauty, knowledge, chaos, and maybe immortality. Urgathoa might be possible since we wish to prolong life to increase our gluttony for greed. Ydersius and Aesdurath might work because immortality falls within their areas of concern. Ealdeez might work with regression falling within its area of concern. Arshae might grant the young template to keep physical beauty alive (but not reduce age). So we do have a few options for deities who might grant the template due to a very powerful request with miracle. As for the Advanced template, I believe any deity with their area or areas of concern for physical power, conquest, war, battle, and or pursuits to find perfection in both mind and body might grant it. Let's take a look at the templates:
Young template: Size decrease by one category; AC reduce natural armor by –2 (minimum +0); Attacks decrease damage dice by 1 step; Ability Scores –4 Strength, –4 Con, +4 size bonus to Dex. Advanced template:Rebuild Rules: AC increase natural armor by +2; Ability Scores +4 to all ability scores (except Int scores of 2 or less) The young template's effects can be reproduced using the following spells: reduce person, bestow curse (for the penalties to Str and Con, and to NA). The advanced template's effects can be reproduced using the following spells: bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, and bark skin. some of these effects can be combined within the rules for words of power to have the same benefit as a casting a level 8 cleric spell or maybe even a 7th level equivalent. The examples given for powerful miracles allow quite a range of power effects. Multiple breath of life/raise dead/resurrection/true resurrection/reincarnate spells being used on all your fallen allies, so on and so forth. If any effect could not be duplicated by a spell of combination of spells, with or without metamagic, then I would say that the miracle fails. I have shown a combination of spells that simulate each template, so I will argue that the miracles for templates would be okay for this challenge, in actual games, only if the other players and the gm were okay with it and also being cheesy. Magic item upgrades and custom magic items, slot changes are all covered in the numerous materials available on the srd as well as in the hard cover copies (or the pdf files). if the question arises of how did you meet the entry requirements for the class - Special: Must have been granted noble rights, be part of the aristocracy, or have been born, married, or adopted into a noble family. In the Sargava book, you can buy noble rights and become part of the aristocracy. There are also a few traits that give you a back story of being part of disgraced nobility or even being adopted into a noble family. If there are any other concerns about rules not backing something up for Legion, I would like to know which areas are not being backed up by any rule so I can research and address them or send Legion packing.
Ipslore the Red wrote: On the topic of the "deaths" of the vrolikai and the balor at Bardicus' hands in the first scenario, I don't really think Rule of Cool is an acceptable basis for the Beastmass, it being heavily subjective and possibly abused. I do agree with you. So I expanded the fight with the Balor having him summon the Vrolikai demon anyway. Using the tree token during the fight would cause the balor and the other demon to be squeezing during the fight and giving the bard a slight increase to AC and Reflex saves (I will have to find that rule on trees and cover). On average, Bardicus still wins in the end with a few more resources spent.
SPACEBALL12345 wrote: Can we combine legion with the coven and scar witch hex abilities for a near infinite caster level? No, this would still be finite unless there is a way to transfer the bonuses granted by aid another along the chain to the primary caster. However it would be asburdly high if you use small sized humanoids and then used permanent reduce person on them. The caster level bonus would then be as high as the number of creatures in the area -1. Halflings may be best since they have feats to increase the bonuses granted with aid another actions. @ Cap. Darling - But it's a made build, if you would like the other 100,031 builds, I will be happy to send them to your inbox. @Roger Stonebow - I do agree with you, but it's showing off different tricks that characters can use in beastmass. Such as a high ac to not be hit, ways to deflect/dodge attacks that could hit, showing that martial characters can be just as viable as casters at higher levels (albeit more gear dependent), absurdly high initiative, among a few others. So far Beastmass has seen: zen archer monk - the reason for beastmass
a familiar - if there are all taken on all at once I suppose the new challenge should be, what other tricks can be used in beastmass successfully?
For the cheese of an endless loop build, because of the Noble Scion prc. We ignore wealth restrictions, achieve stat increases through the use of miracle (young and advanced templates) - otherwise custom race. As it was also requested of me to make a few more builds involving the noble scion prc, I can copy paste the same build multiple times and change a skill rank or a feat to represent diversity (however incredibly minute that diversity may be). [copy and paste for desired result]. The Build: One of Legion:
Cheesy Roguedrick the Not So Noble Rogue
Rogue 10/Noble Scion 10 N Young (template) Advanced (template) Small Azlanti Human (Humanoid [Human]) Initiative +37; Senses blind sense 30ft (only detects intelligent creatures that are susceptible to mind-affecting effects), see in darkness, true seeing 120ft, Perception +33
other rules Ultimate campaign rules about additional training, retraining, and getting the most from your stats (such as training for full hp and extra languages depending on intelligence)
Trick 1: Just drain the enemy of HP - not efficient
I guess these aren't even really tricks, just an overview. This is meant to be a cheesy build, for fun. I'll run the numbers against the Beastmass and see what I can come up with for a nasty wish spell and other tactics to shut him down. Besides stating that he is way way over budget, money and other resources are not an issue to Legion, pooled collective and all.
Dhampir's are immune to the effects of negative levels because of their racial ability: Resist Level Drain (Ex):
A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw. But can still be killed by having enough negative levels accumulated. Though with ignoring the effects of the negative levels it would be a lot easier to deal with them with the one resting period allowed in the challenge. ------------------ As for the Balor's summon, for the harder fight - rule it as a standard action. For the easier fight - rule it as a 1 round action as per the summon monster spell.
Summon (Sp): A creature with the summon ability can summon other specific creatures of its kind much as though casting a summon monster spell, but it usually has only a limited chance of success (as specified in the creature’s entry). Roll d%: On a failure, no creature answers the summons. Summoned creatures automatically return whence they came after 1 hour. A creature summoned in this way cannot use any spells or spell-like abilities that require material components costing more than 1 gp unless those components are supplied, nor can it use its own summon ability for 1 hour. An appropriate spell level is given for each summoning ability for purposes of Will saves, caster level checks, and concentration checks. No experience points are awarded for defeating summoned monsters.
Cap. Darling wrote: i dont think the summon Spell like is a standart action. It claims to mimic a Spell with one round casting time. There was a debate about that last year because of multiple wordings that were not updated. on one hand from the combat actions section: Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Using a spell-like ability works like casting a spell in that it requires concentration and provokes attacks of opportunity. Spell-like abilities can be disrupted. If your concentration is broken, the attempt to use the ability fails, but the attempt counts as if you had used the ability. The casting time of a spell-like ability is 1 standard action, unless the ability description notes otherwise. on the other hand from the Magic/Spells section: A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell. [edit] then from the universal monster rules: A spell-like ability usually has a limit on how often it can be used. A constant spell-like ability or one that can be used at will has no use limit; unless otherwise stated, a creature can only use a constant spell-like ability on itself. Reactivating a constant spell-like ability is a swift action. Using all other spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted otherwise, and doing so provokes attacks of opportunity. It is possible to make a concentration check to use a spell-like ability defensively and avoid provoking an attack of opportunity, just as when casting a spell. A spell-like ability can be disrupted just as a spell can be. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled. bolded for emphasis.
Kaouse wrote:
Your build can still be viable, you just need a way to negate the surprise round from the Balor or it can get some serious hurt in. [edit] Look into the quick block buckler and maybe a ring of continuation and a scroll of foresight if you can spare the skill points on Use Magic Device. The scroll itself will grant you 170 minutes of protection, the ring lets you have the buff for 24 hours though.
Kaouse wrote:
Some bad news, I did a little more digging on energy drain. Energy Drain:
This attack saps a living opponent’s vital energy and happens automatically when a melee or ranged attack hits. Each successful energy drain bestows one or more negative levels (the creature’s description specifies how many). If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a critical hit, it bestows twice the listed number of negative levels. Unless otherwise specified in the creature’s description, a draining creature gains 5 temporary hit points for each negative level it bestows on an opponent. These temporary hit points last for a maximum of 1 hour. Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell such as restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the draining creature’s racial HD + the draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent. A separate saving throw is required for each negative level. Notable FAQ:
Does a creature struck by an attack with energy drain get an initial saving throw at the time of the attack or only 24 hours later to try and remove it?
Unless the monster or effect description SPECIFICALLY SAYS you get an initial saving throw... you don't get an initial saving throw. Effects that grant initial saving throws against an energy drain effect are pretty rare. I actually can't think of any that are in the rules right now, in fact. Demon, Vrolikai's Ability:
Black Flame Knives (Su)
A vrolikai can manifest daggers made of crystallized black flames in each of its four hands as a free action. These weapons function as +1 daggers that bestow one permanent negative level on a successful hit. A DC 27 Fortitude negates the negative level, although on a critical hit, no save is allowed. The save DC is Charisma-based. The Demon's ability does not specifically say that the target gets an initial saving throw. So that's 1 to 7 negative levels if the attacks hit.
This is from the special ability section of the corebook and the srd: "A creature with temporary negative levels receives a new saving throw to remove the negative level each day. The DC of this save is the same as the effect that caused the negative levels." This can be taken a few ways: 1) You make the save against the negative levels at the start of the new day.
IF the save fails, then the temporary negative level, becomes permanent (this was taken out of Pathfinder from what I can see). Otherwise you keep making the save at the start of each new day to remove a negative level. Whether or not the wording means for a single negative level per save or the total accumulated negative levels is up to you I suppose. ---------------- If you go with the rod of absorption, remember it has to be in hand if you want it to negate targeted spells at you. Weapon cords have been used in the past with it, but have since been nerfed a little bit by moving weapon cords from a swift action to a move action. So that is doable.
Kaouse wrote:
The Balor fight might prove rather difficult for you if the SLA - Summon Monster is a standard action. If it is a standard action - It may summon the Demon, Vrolikai. It is a nasty piece of work. IF your AC is terrible, it could do some serious damage. Not HP wise, but negative level wise. Balor gets a surprise round - Summons the Demon, Vrolikai.
Regular turn comes up: Barbarian has 9 negative levels in this scenario, all level dependent effects are reduced by 9 levels, making him almost effectively level 11. Does he destroy the Demon, Vrolikai or go after the Demon, Balor? This is just one possible scenario that the Balor could do.
depending on your Barbs initiative, things could get messy if the Solar goes first detects the barbarian and then plane shifts to buff itself and return. if the barb wins initiative, after the surprise round, the solar shouldn't be much of an issue. It's the regeneration that the solar has that may be an issue or a minor inconvenience.
Kaouse wrote: Are all the enemies in Beastmass Outsiders? If so, I'll probably replace that Guardian ability with Outsider-Bane. This should create an effective +9 enhancement with Furious being added in. That means that the boost from Courageous goes up by 1 to a +4 (no net loss in saves, for that matter). All other facets of said Barbarian would also receive a moderate boost. Not all the enemies are outsiders. Shoggoth: ooze Balor: chaotic, evil outsider Pit Fiend: lawful, evil outsider Tarn Linnorm: dragon Ancient Gold Dragon: dragon Solar Angel: good outsider Tarrasque: magical beast A bane weapon would allow some minor extra damage and to hit and increase your enhancement bonus to +6 if using a +4 weapon to allow you to bypass epic DR
Cap. Darling wrote: this is sad and misundestood in Many ways IMOP. There is not full build and there is nothing clever in suggesting you can take the advanced template with a micracle, that is just trolling in a thread like this. I am done with your attempt, your failed. I was giving very strict readings, though feel free to extrapolate what you mean exactly. If you're referring to my argument about buying items within a settlement, here is the link. I was giving a strict reading of item availability. Again on item availability: In a metropolis, you may have on average access to 7 major magical items, 10 medium magic items, all minor magic items with the 75% chance of a specific one with the cost of 16,000gp or less. Currently, there are only a handful of ways around this limitation of purchasing power. One such way is available to rogues: Black Market Connections. Loosening my reading of adept-woodwrights posts of GM adjudication and the OPs outline of what is available to the contestants. Because now we see that medium and major magic items requires a fair degree of GM adjudication, they shouldn't be available choices for characters. So characters have only a very limited selection of items to choose from now if they are purchasing them and not crafting the item themselves. Unless they have access to abilities that allow them greater allowances. I will also point out, that it is never stated where characters are acquiring their items. If people are crafting their own items, where are they getting the crafting materials. I will assume, that the assumptions were that characters just have access to the items no questions asked. Until now, where are they getting their items exactly? ------------------ To address the miracle spell, in addition to it duplicating spell effects we have: Spoiler:
Alternatively, a cleric can make a very powerful request. Casting such a miracle costs the cleric 25,000 gp in powdered diamond because of the powerful divine energies involved. Examples of especially powerful miracles of this sort could include the following:
Swinging the tide of a battle in your favor by raising fallen allies to continue fighting.
Adding a template or two would be within the realm of powerful requests. It is also better than wish, because miracle does not have this wording: "You may try to use a wish to produce greater effects than these, but doing so is dangerous. (The wish may pervert your intent into a literal but undesirable fulfillment or only a partial fulfillment, at the GM's discretion.)" Nothing clever, just a straight forward power increase that is full of cheese. What's even cheesier is that if it is mentioned that an entity can be raised to deity status through having enough people worshiping them, then Legion can become even greater cheese. The preliminary showing of Legion was just that, showing a few of the different possibilities that could be within Legion. Those lists were before the ARG and ACG came out. As for a full build I am working on one using a rogue as a base class: Spoiler:
Roguedrick the Noble Rogue
Rogue 10/Noble Scion 10 N Young (template) Advanced (template) Small Azlanti Human (Humanoid [Human]) Initiative +; Senses Perception +
affluent, greater leadership, aristocratic erudition, prestigious influence, regional expertise (the shadow kingdoms), dilettante studies (dilettante warrior (2) +2 on attack and damage rolls), servitor, peerless partician
other rules Ultimate campaign rules about additional training, retraining, and getting the most from your stats (such as training for full hp and extra languages depending on intelligence)
This build will be getting even cheesier with nidalese shadow piercings, magical tattoos, and of course making slotted items into slotless items since wealth is of no object what with all the donations. We now even have access to super technology.
Rogar Stonebow wrote: I'm sorry, but I have a hard time getting around an infinite number of followers being a build to be considered. That to me isn't a build. That is an army and not valid in my opinion. Still within the rules that the OP gave however. As mentioned before, anything that paizo publishes or published for pathfinder is fair game. To address Adept_woodwright and is premise for stand-alone: "refer to a concept that does not require outside influence to be successful." It is GM discretion of what items are found in random loot, what is available to purchase. Strictly speaking of course. Well yes, the books have it, but the entire game requires outside influence (aka the GM), to function. Even if someone tries playing the game by themselves, they are the GM and thus their own outside influence determining what happens and what may happen in their game. Correct me if I am wrong on this. So you have basically a character with 880,000 gp that they cannot spend because whatever items the character wishes to buy, may not be available due to the fact that item availability is subject to GM adjudication. This is an very strict reading of your point. Yes, I present a limitless combo-loop for wealth, bodies, and other resources. Is it viable, yes. Is it reasonable, no. Will it ever be in a PFS game, never. Does it look good on paper, yes but very tedious. This is a preliminary of Legion:
1st set:
Alchemist 5/Noble Scion 10/Alchemist 5 Antipaladin 5/Noble Scion 10/Antipaladin 5 Barbarian 5/Noble Scion 10/Barbarian 5 Bard 5/Noble Scion 10/Bard 5 Cavalier 5/Noble Scion 10/Cavalier 5 Cleric 5/Noble Scion 10/ Druid 5/Noble Scion 10/Druid 5 Fighter 5/Noble Scion 10/Fighter 5 Gunslinger 5/Noble Scion 10/Gunslinger 5 Inquisitor 5/Noble Scion 10/Inquisitor 5 Magus 5/Noble Scion 10/Magus 5 Monk 5/Noble Scion 10/Monk 5 Ninja 5/Noble Scion 10/Ninja 5 Oracle 5/Noble Scion 10/Oracle 5 Paladin 5/Noble Scion 10/Paladin 5 Ranger 5/Noble Scion 10/Ranger 5 Rogue 5/Noble Scion 10/Rogue 5 Samurai 5/Noble Scion 10/Samurai 5 Sorcerer 5/Noble Scion 10/Sorcerer 5 Summoner 5/Noble Scion 10/Summoner 5 Witch 5/Noble Scion 10/Witch 5 Wizard 5/Noble Scion 10/Wizard 5 Bard, Magus, Sorcerer, Witch, or Wizard 1/Barbarian, Fighter, Ranger, Samurai 6/Arcane Archer 3/Noble Scion 10 Alchemist (vivisectionist), Ninja, or Rogue 3/Wizard 3 or Bard, Magus, or Sorcerer 4/Arcane Trickster 4 or 3/Noble Scion 10 Any Class 5/Noble Scion 10 or Assassin 5/Assassin 5 or Noble Scion 10 Bard, Magus, Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 5 or Noble Scion 10/Noble Scion 10 or Dragon Disciple 5 Medium BAB Class 9/Duelist 1/Noble Scion 10 Medium BAB Class 4/Full BAB Class 3/Duelist 3/Noble Scion 10 Full BAB Class 6/Duelist 4/Noble Scion 10 Bard or Magus 7, or Sorcerer 6, or Witch or Wizard 5/Barbarian, Cavalier, Fighter, Gunslinger, Paladin, Ranger, or Samurai 1/Eldritch Knight 2, 3, or 4/Noble Scion 10 Sorcerer, Witch or Wizard 7/Loremaster 3/Noble Scion 10 Sorcerer or Magus 4, or Wizard or Witch 3/Cleric or Druid 3, or Inquisitor or Oracle 4/Mystic Theurge 2, 3, or 4/Noble Scion 10 Any class 5/Pathfinder Chronicler 5 or Noble Scion 10/Noble Scion 10 or Pathfinder Chronicler 5 Any class 5/Shadow Dancer 5 or Noble Scion 10/Noble Scion 10 or Shadow Dancer 5 Other PRCs:
Agent of the Grave Arcane Savant Battle Herald Bloodmage Brightness Seeker Brother of the Seal Darkfire Adept Group Leader Mage of the Third Eye Celestial Knight Champion of the Enlightened Chevalier Coastal Pirate Collegiate Arcanist Crimson Assassin Cyphermage Daivrat Dark Delver Deep Sea Pirate Demoniac Diabolist Dissident of Dawn Divine Assessor Divine Scion Envoy of Balance Evangelist Exalted Field Agent Furious Guardian Genie Binder Golden Legionnaire Grand Marshal Gray Warden Green Faith Acolyte Guild Agent Guild Poisoner Halfling Opportunist Harrower Hell Knight Commander Hell Knight Enforcer Holy Vindicator Horizon Walker Inheritor's Crusader Justiciar Lantern Bearer Liberator Lion Blade Living Monolith Low Templar Mammoth Rider Master Chymist Master Spy Mystery Cultist False Priest Natural Alchemist Nature Warden Pain Taster Pit Fighter Planes Walker Purity Legion Enforcer Rage Prophet Master of Storms Sanctified Prophet Sentinel Sleepless Detective Soul Warden Souleater Spherewalker Stalwart Defender Steel Falcon Student of War Sun Seeker Swordlord Tattooed Mystic Umbral Agent Veiled Illusionist Winter Witch There are a great deal of combinations of classes that can be made. Some combinations may be more viable than others, but within Legion they work together. For cheese, let's select Azlanti Humans for everything great about humans plus the +2 to all ability scores. Changing a 1st level feat to qualify for any race related prerequisite. Throw on two miracles for two templates in this order: Young template, then the Advanced template. So all the modifiers together come out to be:
Miracles are better for templates because they encompass a broader spectrum of uses, just select the deity/belief system needed for desired results. Here are the end modifiers for the ability scores, with out level adjustments; this includes the big 6 for items and the ability books: Str +13, Dex +20, Con +13, Int +17, Wis +17, Cha +17 Legion isn't for everyone, it's sole purpose is a thought experiment for making a limitless loop. If that isn't enough cheese, throw in a reduce person spell to make them tiny and into a swarm. As long as Paizo keeps publishing material for Pathfinder: Legion will continue to grow that much more versatile. Again, Legion is a thought experiment. Not something for actual play, just like this challenge.
Lawful GM wrote:
That may be the assumption, but Legion is still within the rules of the contest. Since the OP did request the builds use: Builds must be 20 point buy but can include any feat, spell, item, trait etc from anything published by Paizo. Since any feat combo can be used: Leadership and its effects are viable.
Now with the other rule about race combo and published material by paizo, we can add in Mythic ranks, custom races and classes because of the race build rules found in the ARG and the class building guidelines found in the ACG. -------------------------------- When Adept_Woodwright mentions Stand-Alone builds, I believe the post means that a single Player Character with no one or thing else that tags along. If this is true, then the OP means that while any combination is viable, we cannot allow things like npcs into the mix. NPCs include animal companions, summoned monsters, called monsters, eidolons, npc classes, non-player characters with pc classes, and such. Some of these are gained by class abilities however and can be argued to be PC controlled. Less work for the DM. Given that assumption, I would like to know exactly what stand alone means now.
Cap. Darling wrote:
Ah, so you read it as not adjusting the table itself, just what level of cohort you have access to and never going past the table. The way I read it as adjusting the table to allow up to the same level of PC. In either case, Legion itself comes online at level 15. So starting at level 15 and up to a max of level 17 in your reading. Legion becomes limitless. In my reading, we can have limitless level 20s. Either way, Legion is still limitless as far as leadership is concerned.
Cap. Darling wrote:
Greater Leadership (Ex) At 2nd level, a noble scion gains the Leadership feat as a bonus feat. He can recruit a cohort up to one level lower than himself. At 10th level, he can recruit a cohort of the same level as himself. I didn't know I was ignoring the rules for leadership when this clearly spelled it out. Sorry for the facetious remark, but that is why we take the noble scion class so we have have cohorts the same level as the "PC" As for GM love, all the builds presented in this thought exercise that is Beastmass, require a high level of it. You know, random loot, selling said loot, making loot, so on and so forth.
Cap. Darling wrote:
Depending on how people wish to rule it, yes. Because Legion is Legion and talking is a free action, recruitment can be "Hey, want to join up with us?" -- "Sure." --- chain is reconnected. Did I also mention that due to the Noble Scion's level 19 servitor (lvl 19 npc guy) - Legion now has even more wealth? Base Legion - 880,000 gp
Now since Legion is recruiting his Cohorts - They will have PC level wealth because Legion does not recruit anyone less. The cohorts that have npc level wealth become servitors instead. Legion's followers (168 per Cohort) donates money to the group. So, Legion now has an unlimited source of income, bodies, and other resources that we can use to build the character. So now that we have wealth established among other things, Legion's main "PC" does not have to be present during any battle, as per the fight rules. However I will make a mock up of one to show off this extra cheese 12 cheese wheel of cheese.