The Monkey's Treefort

Off-Topic Discussions

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Breakfast rolls

Cheese and Bacon

:::makes gurgling noises:::

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Hey, I'm back in publication.

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Cows on the Concourse today!

And people say Madison isn't a cow town. :-)

"Prove me wrong children! Prove. Me. Wrong."- Seymour Skinner, Principal.

Scarab Sages

Ragadolf wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
....tentacle porn....
Thanks for the reminder. Now I know what'll be haunting my nightmares tonight. I almost had the images scrubbed from my brain.

What are you talking about???

<quick Google Search. With the Safeties off.>



Welcome to my nightmare, yeah

Welcome to my breakdown
I hope I didn't scare you
That's just the way we are
When we come down


After a quick 2-3 hr nap, time to run a few errands and take the pups for a stroll. Then maybe back to bed to relax.

And I have to remember to sign up for Adobe CC today at some point

I get to drive a bus to from Woods Hole to Cambridge on Wednesday

We'll be waiting, punk

Silver Crusade

F&!&ing incompetent mechanics. I've been having exhaust work done all year, and I keep having to go back for something else that isn't right with it. I kept going back to the same mechanic, because I didn't want to shell out money to someone new when the old mechanic would drop the price if it was related to his earlier work.

Today I broke the cycle, sucked it up, and took it to a new mechanic. (It helped that the old mechanic wouldn't even return my calls anymore.) The new mechanic put it up on a lift and actually showed me what a s%+#-show my exhaust system is right now. The muffler isn't even in the right position.

No new parts are needed, so they are just charging labor to put everything where it I supposed to be. And they're doing it on the spot on a Saturday, which I needed since I will be driving all over the place this week and needed it fixed.

Silver Crusade

I suppose I could take the old shop to small claims court, but it would be tough to get a judgment on something like that, and even if I did the bill to fix it all is less than $200 so it's hardly worth it. I might console myself by leaving some scathing online reviews here and there.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:

F%*@ing incompetent mechanics. I've been having exhaust work done all year, and I keep having to go back for something else that isn't right with it. I kept going back to the same mechanic, because I didn't want to shell out money to someone new when the old mechanic would drop the price if it was related to his earlier work.

Today I broke the cycle, sucked it up, and took it to a new mechanic. (It helped that the old mechanic wouldn't even return my calls anymore.) The new mechanic put it up on a lift and actually showed me what a s*&!-show my exhaust system is right now. The muffler isn't even in the right position.

No new parts are needed, so they are just charging labor to put everything where it I supposed to be. And they're doing it on the spot on a Saturday, which I needed since I will be driving all over the place this week and needed it fixed.

I've become very careful about vehicle mechanics. Many of them are just looking for a quick fix, and don't seem to care about quality of work, or delving too deeply into a problem.

Case in point: I was having windshield wiper issues. My code reader didn't indicate a problem, but a quick internet search gave me a pretty good idea what the problem was (wiper module motor was bad). I took it to the place I'd been having work done at, and they didn't bother to listen to my explanation. They just replaced the steering column switch. That helped...for a while. Second time, they replaced the same thing, but it took them all day. After that, I brought it to the local Chevy dealership, explained what the problem was, and what I thought needed to be fixed. They fixed exactly what I said and the problem was solved.

Now that the PE is out of my way, and I've got more free time to focus on these things, I'll probably start doing some of the more basic work (oil changes and such) myself. For more involved repairs/replacements, I'll just bring it to the dealership.

Scarab Sages

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Celestial Healer wrote:
I suppose I could take the old shop to small claims court, but it would be tough to get a judgment on something like that, and even if I did the bill to fix it all is less than $200 so it's hardly worth it. I might console myself by leaving some scathing online reviews here and there.

If the bad review venue is open to you, that's what I'd go with. Denying a company the chance to screw someone else over, while at the same time costing them money, is definitely worth it.

Scarab Sages

One piece of advice I always like to give wrt car problems. Invest in a code reader, or digital diagnostic tool. Pretty much every car made for the last decade or two has a computer, and there are many issues which can crop up that have some form of error code associated with them. And most diagnostic tools are pretty user friendly. Plus, it always helps if you can go into a repair shop and give them a specific likely cause - if they're competent and honest enough to listen to you.

Also, along with a good Google search, there are many Youtube videos which can show you step-by-step how to do some repairs. That bit of how to saved me a lot of time and money when a relay controlling my headlights went bad. All I had to do was buy a new relay, unplug the old one, and plug in the new one.

Yeah crooked (Or incompetent) mechanics are the bane of my existence.

And I've had them from itty-bitty one man shops all the way to dealerships.

When I find a competent mechanic,I stick with him. And I never give a bad mechanic a chance to hose me twice. :P

It's a LONG time since I sold auto parts (BAck in my mis-spent youth, when my dad said I needed a summer job. In JR high.) :P
But I sold auto parts for 10(+?) years, and became a competent shade tree mechanic. However that was back when each car had a paper manual you could buy that showed you how to do EVERYthing to fix that particular car. You could rebuild the engine with those directions. I don't even think they sell those anymore?

And now the cars are SO complicated and computer-chip driven, I can't work on them anymore.

SOme cars they even deliberately made it difficult to get to the oil pan and filter, so you'd have to bring it into the dealership to get the oil changed. :P

I don't do mechanical. So I'm SOL on cars. It's why I buy Toyota and go to the dealership. It sucks pricewise, but they will listen. Plus, my Corolla has 130K on it, much of it hard in-town miles, and it starts reliably no matter what.

Scarab Sages

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Ragadolf wrote:
And now the cars are SO complicated and computer-chip driven, I can't work on them anymore.

I'll put on my engineer hat here and say: Yes and No. They are more complicated in that so much of the process of what goes on is computer controlled or monitored. Cars are as fined-tuned and sensored out the wazoo as the designers can possibly make them, trying to get as much efficiency out of the performance as possible. But the basic design and operational process of the engine is still pretty straight forward.

Ragadolf wrote:
SOme cars they even deliberately made it difficult to get to the oil pan and filter, so you'd have to bring it into the dealership to get the oil changed. :P

Not just some, but pretty much all cars these days have an element of difficulty about what might once have been simple to do. The reasons for this are two fold: (1) you're trying to jam a lot more in the way of electronics, sensors, and extra gadgets into the vehicle without grossly increasing the size, and (2) the deliberate increase to complexity of design for things like oil pans/filters, headlights, drive belts, etc. That way, less folk are working on the cars themselves, instead bringing it into the dealership or a repair shop. I don't think it's necessarily done with malice, but the product of years of increasing interest in people having someone else do it so they don't have to worry about it.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I don't do mechanical. So I'm SOL on cars. It's why I buy Toyota and go to the dealership. It sucks pricewise, but they will listen. Plus, my Corolla has 130K on it, much of it hard in-town miles, and it starts reliably no matter what.

For several years now, I haven't been as mechanical as I used to be. I'm trying to change that, but sometimes it's simply more convenient to let someone else do it.

Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I don't do mechanical. So I'm SOL on cars. It's why I buy Toyota and go to the dealership. It sucks pricewise, but they will listen. Plus, my Corolla has 130K on it, much of it hard in-town miles, and it starts reliably no matter what.
For several years now, I haven't been as mechanical as I used to be. I'm trying to change that, but sometimes it's simply more convenient to let someone else do it.

Oh yes, I know. Agree with what you said above. I'm sure that making it such that one must be a contortionist in order to get his/her arm up and through the maze of pipes, hoses, and engine parts just to barely be able to reach the oil filter was not done out of malice.

Out of GREED I think, but not malice. :)
It is definitely easier to let someone else do it these days. (And sadly, I do take it to the oil change places these days instead of doing it myself.)

But the COST, <shudder> I'm seriously considering breaking out my old tools and just sucking it up and doing it myself. :/

Parts stores like Auto Zone (don't know about Pep Boys) have code readers and will pull codes for you for free. I go to one garage consistently, and they'll read and reset codes on a drop-in basis. It's great if you can find a garage you trust. Luck, CH.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
....tentacle porn....
Thanks for the reminder. Now I know what'll be haunting my nightmares tonight. I almost had the images scrubbed from my brain.

nightmares? Why would something so wonderful be seen as a nightmare?

Ragadolf wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
....tentacle porn....
Thanks for the reminder. Now I know what'll be haunting my nightmares tonight. I almost had the images scrubbed from my brain.

What are you talking about???

<quick Google Search. With the Safeties off.>



seeing so much awesome at once can be hard on the eyes, yes.

ROM, Space Knight wrote:
Hey, I'm back in publication.

we'll see how good you are...

ROM, Space Knight wrote:
Hey, I'm back in publication.

I liked the recent space knights comic, although I wasn't thrilled with what they did in the comic world itself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

F&@&ing incompetent mechanics. I've been having exhaust work done all year, and I keep having to go back for something else that isn't right with it. I kept going back to the same mechanic, because I didn't want to shell out money to someone new when the old mechanic would drop the price if it was related to his earlier work.

Today I broke the cycle, sucked it up, and took it to a new mechanic. (It helped that the old mechanic wouldn't even return my calls anymore.) The new mechanic put it up on a lift and actually showed me what a s~@#-show my exhaust system is right now. The muffler isn't even in the right position.

No new parts are needed, so they are just charging labor to put everything where it I supposed to be. And they're doing it on the spot on a Saturday, which I needed since I will be driving all over the place this week and needed it fixed.

would word that pomme frite is back help?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I found a Korean BBQ with bubble tea in Plymouth! (Yes that Plymouth-it's become a much more cosmopolitan place since they stopped wearing buckle shoes). I need to go try it out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wonder if there's a buckle shoe app...

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

F&@&ing incompetent mechanics. I've been having exhaust work done all year, and I keep having to go back for something else that isn't right with it. I kept going back to the same mechanic, because I didn't want to shell out money to someone new when the old mechanic would drop the price if it was related to his earlier work.

Today I broke the cycle, sucked it up, and took it to a new mechanic. (It helped that the old mechanic wouldn't even return my calls anymore.) The new mechanic put it up on a lift and actually showed me what a s~@#-show my exhaust system is right now. The muffler isn't even in the right position.

No new parts are needed, so they are just charging labor to put everything where it I supposed to be. And they're doing it on the spot on a Saturday, which I needed since I will be driving all over the place this week and needed it fixed.

would word that pomme frite is back help?

Poutine always helps.

When are we going?

Amazon Prime has Legion of Superheroes on it. I forgot just how fun of a show it was.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

F&@&ing incompetent mechanics. I've been having exhaust work done all year, and I keep having to go back for something else that isn't right with it. I kept going back to the same mechanic, because I didn't want to shell out money to someone new when the old mechanic would drop the price if it was related to his earlier work.

Today I broke the cycle, sucked it up, and took it to a new mechanic. (It helped that the old mechanic wouldn't even return my calls anymore.) The new mechanic put it up on a lift and actually showed me what a s~@#-show my exhaust system is right now. The muffler isn't even in the right position.

No new parts are needed, so they are just charging labor to put everything where it I supposed to be. And they're doing it on the spot on a Saturday, which I needed since I will be driving all over the place this week and needed it fixed.

would word that pomme frite is back help?

Poutine always helps.

When are we going?

approximately 2 weeks.

Watching this @345 am in a dark parking lot

Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
would word that pomme frite is back help?

Poutine always helps.

When are we going?

approximately 2 weeks.

Since you both are the resident NYCers, where are your top places in the city to get a good slice (or entire) pizza? Is Sicilian-style considered heresy?

Started the morning by snapping myself in the eye with my bra.

Don't ask.

Treppa wrote:

Started the morning by snapping myself in the eye with my bra.

Don't ask.

{offers fresh cup of coffee}


Yes I realize it is 4pm EST, but it's 0dark30 to my weirded-out brain

Time to get up and get some things accomplished

RPG Superstar 2012

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
taig wrote:


I hope the PaizoCon fun went well

RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It did. I had a good time and talked to quite a few people I only ever talk to online.

I'm looking forward to our time at GenCon

1 person marked this as a favorite.


You are too early. I haven't finished my blog post for today yet...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Zyizzack The Stickyfinger. The multiverse biggest greatest thief! He says so himself, so it must be true!

Treppa wrote:

Started the morning by snapping myself in the eye with my bra.

Don't ask.

..I really want to know more.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
would word that pomme frite is back help?

Poutine always helps.

When are we going?

approximately 2 weeks.
Since you both are the resident NYCers, where are your top places in the city to get a good slice (or entire) pizza? Is Sicilian-style considered heresy?

ray's off of st.marks place. In manhattan that is. In Brooklyn, spumoni gardens. Which is Sicilian.

Another long night. I'm hoping to have a decent morning today. I need to get some stuff done.

Last shift for this week at the hospital though. Barring getting called in. So just the bus driving until Saturday.

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