Air Your Grievances

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Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DM Livgin wrote:
Ocular migraines are the delayed blast fireball of headaches. They show up, interfere in your reading, and let you know that in an hour your will be in a world of pain.

It was also fairly terrifying to suddenly realize I had a blindspot.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
DM Livgin wrote:
Ocular migraines are the delayed blast fireball of headaches. They show up, interfere in your reading, and let you know that in an hour your will be in a world of pain.
It was also fairly terrifying to suddenly realize I had a blindspot.

Equally terrifying is when it's all the red and all you can see is the red.

Not as in anger, but this reddish haze that's impossible to see through until the pain passes.

Silver Crusade

TriOmegaZero wrote:
DM Livgin wrote:
Ocular migraines are the delayed blast fireball of headaches. They show up, interfere in your reading, and let you know that in an hour your will be in a world of pain.
It was also fairly terrifying to suddenly realize I had a blindspot.

That was the scary part the first time I had one of these. It started in my right eye, which is my good eye. I thought something was wrong with that eye, and since my left eye is nearly worthless, that would make me very nearly blind if the right eye problem had stuck around. But then it shifted to the left eye, and my right eye got better right away, which just confused me at the time.

I don't get the extreme pain that most people get from migraines, though. Just the occasional ocular problems, light sensitivity, slight nausea, and sometimes a minor headache. Given what I've heard from people with real migraine headaches, I consider myself lucky for the lack of pain.

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TOZ wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
Kind of makes me want to do a word check, of the CRB, to see if the word "surrender" is even in there.
Once, in reference to intelligent items forcing their bearers to surrender to an opponent. (Because that's the only way a PC will give up, unwillingly.)

Admittedly, I've seen players of PCs who were unconscious, in the negatives, dying, tell the player of the single remaining standing but clearly outclassed PC to keep fighting when the overwhelming opponents offered the chance to surrender and tend to fallen comrades.

There are some players who will never, ever, give up. And if their PCs die, they'll fight to prove it never happened. Forever.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
DM Livgin wrote:
Ocular migraines are the delayed blast fireball of headaches. They show up, interfere in your reading, and let you know that in an hour your will be in a world of pain.
It was also fairly terrifying to suddenly realize I had a blindspot.

Equally terrifying is when it's all the red and all you can see is the red.

Not as in anger, but this reddish haze that's impossible to see through until the pain passes.

Yikes, I've never heard of that. Sounds exceptionally unpleasant.

Wrong John Silver wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
Kind of makes me want to do a word check, of the CRB, to see if the word "surrender" is even in there.
Once, in reference to intelligent items forcing their bearers to surrender to an opponent. (Because that's the only way a PC will give up, unwillingly.)

Admittedly, I've seen players of PCs who were unconscious, in the negatives, dying, tell the player of the single remaining standing but clearly outclassed PC to keep fighting when the overwhelming opponents offered the chance to surrender and tend to fallen comrades.

There are some players who will never, ever, give up. And if their PCs die, they'll fight to prove it never happened. Forever.

I'll tell folks to GTFO if it's looking grim and my character is 'down'.

'Better alive and a coward with a chance to succeed than dead and no chance.'

So far, though, folks have managed to pull it out after that.

It's important to know when to pull out.

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Sissyl wrote:
It's important to know when to pull out.

Yea, even if it ends you up in another kind of sticky situation...

wait, what is happening in here.....

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Fromper wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
I tried to sell stuff on Ebay once. My account got hacked, some tool ran up a huge bill, and I had to cancel my account and block Ebay from my Email and change the password. My sister was able to sell the copy of Vampire Dark Ages, finally.
You're password wasn't 12345, was it?

Never. Not even 54321. I can almost hear lots of people rushing to change their passwords.:)

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I have a friend who is a good DM, but has houseruled Pathfinder so heavily that it almost feels like a different system. We don't get to play that often but when we do I feel lost, because I generally use enjoy RAW.

Some house rules are fine, especially to blanket fiat stuff that doesn't make sense (it takes 10 rounds to take off a chain shirt?), but there comes a time when it's too much.

I have 2 pages of very simple houserules, most of which won't take effect until we begin our next campaign in a few months. I don't want to drop them into the my existing one, because that would certainly change a lot of things now and confuse everyone.

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My grievance today is about the weather, not gaming. It's been raining a LOT here in Arkansas since this past weekend, with many areas flooding and being evacuated. Fortunately my town isn't one of them, and my grievance is really petty compared to things like that. But I'm going to see Alice Cooper in concert tonight and I dread standing in line to get inside the venue (even though I have advance tickets) because I loathe getting wet.

Petty grievance over.

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Yeah the rain is getting old Cal.

My greivance for today:

Why do people love to spend there time complaining about how bad things are to the very people who enjoy them and then derogatorily talk down to them for defending their preferences. That and people who just swap to veiled insult when they don't actually have an argument. I love the rules forums but would love and ignore feature lately with all the mind readers we have suddenly developed.

People who doesn't have an argument often insults ot yells as a way to hide their lack of reasons.
Insults are more derogatory to those who say them than to those who receive them, so I tend to just ignore the insults and don't be offended. Most time. I don't usually engage. But when I do it I don't know when to disengage.

I don't like getting into arguments either because as a non native speaker I am always at disadvantage as I cannot defend my position well enough.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

My grievance today is about the weather, not gaming. It's been raining a LOT here in Arkansas since this past weekend, with many areas flooding and being evacuated. Fortunately my town isn't one of them, and my grievance is really petty compared to things like that. But I'm going to see Alice Cooper in concert tonight and I dread standing in line to get inside the venue (even though I have advance tickets) because I loathe getting wet.

Petty grievance over.

What are you? A cat?

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

My grievance today is about the weather, not gaming. It's been raining a LOT here in Arkansas since this past weekend, with many areas flooding and being evacuated. Fortunately my town isn't one of them, and my grievance is really petty compared to things like that. But I'm going to see Alice Cooper in concert tonight and I dread standing in line to get inside the venue (even though I have advance tickets) because I loathe getting wet.

Petty grievance over.

What are you? A cat?

My grievance is I don't have the start up money to sell souvenir umbrellas outside venues when it rains.

I like getting wet when it rains.
That might be slightly related with me having the flu right now, but I'd rather blame the crazy weather for it.

Orville Redenbacher wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

My grievance today is about the weather, not gaming. It's been raining a LOT here in Arkansas since this past weekend, with many areas flooding and being evacuated. Fortunately my town isn't one of them, and my grievance is really petty compared to things like that. But I'm going to see Alice Cooper in concert tonight and I dread standing in line to get inside the venue (even though I have advance tickets) because I loathe getting wet.

Petty grievance over.

What are you? A cat?

No, but I can identify with

Silver Crusade

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My grievance right now is my job. Don't have time to go further into detail, but if my manager's boss comes near me again today, I might just punch him in the face.

Fromper wrote:
My grievance right now is my job. Don't have time to go further into detail, but if my manager's boss comes near me again today, I might just punch him in the face.

I completely understand the job related pains.

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try and keep your cool, punching one's supervisor is NOT a good way to resign

Fromper wrote:
Dire Elf wrote:

My grievances today would be the following:

...and that there are still people in certain religious groups who think that playing RPGs will lead to devil worship or demonic possession.
Wait. You mean I can't get the power of Beelzebub to rule the world by playing this? That's the only reason I've been playing these childish games for all these years!

Tell me about it. I'm still waiting for the promised "intense occult training" to start so that I can learn real magic!

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I still sometimes yell:

Blackleaf NOOOOO!!!

with no apparent provocation.

(Maybe that should be in "Embarrassing Gaming Confessions") didn't have to do that!

Silver Crusade

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Klorox wrote:
try and keep your cool, punching one's supervisor is NOT a good way to resign

Yeah, that might have been a slight exaggeration. I might tell him to go f*** himself, but I wouldn't actually punch him. I've never punched anyone in my life.

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quibblemuch wrote:

I still sometimes yell:

Blackleaf NOOOOO!!!

with no apparent provocation.

(Maybe that should be in "Embarrassing Gaming Confessions")

Leave my mom out of this!

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Speaking of "Blackleaf noooooo" -- my grievance today is my own stupidity that got a great character killed. I could have just given the raging barbarian the sword after he dropped me from full HP to 0 in the first round of single combat (over said sword). But nooooo, I had to be all like "Well, it's not so bad, I'll just get my cleric to heal me and the rest of the party to jump him and I'm sure I'll roll a crit here and that'll take him down!"


Classic rookie mistake. And the worst part is that the sword had nothing to do with what we were looking for. I just got all caught up in the murderhoboism of "I'm holding it, it must be worth dying for."

Gah. So. Dumb!

Alright. Shula Rule. Shake it off and move on.

Peshka nooooooo...

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I'm sorry that you lost your character. I feel ridiculously attached to mine and always have a bad time when one of them dies... even if it's resurrected later! I always spend hours overthinking what could I have done to avoid it or what do I need to do to keep it from happening later. I am a very obsessive and controlling person for that kind of things. Not good.

But well... sh*t happens. I feel your loss, and I really mean it.

Thanks! I think I'm more irked that it was my own dumbness than losing the character--I don't mind a character dying if it makes for a good story or if it is really what they would do. But for my own greedy murderhobo arrogance? Bah!

And she only had that one more encounter before hitting second level! I guess that's like the PFS equivalent of having two days to retirement in a cop movie where you're NOT being played by Clint Eastwood. :)

Oh well. We did win the fight in the end. Go team!

Owwwww... Still 1st level hurts! I hate losing a character before having time to develope it or explore it enough. Specially because I never felt really comfortable recycling characters.

I think my inability to cope with character loss has also something to do with feeling dumb for not being able to avoid it.

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I've learned not to get too attached to my characters, as I always fall for any chance to be a Big god-damned Hero*.
That said, it always a bummer not to get to see, what your character could have become, which is probably why I tend to be very lenient about the death of characters in my games.

*Hero doesn't in this instance mean being a Good guy, it means being driven solely by the rule of cool.

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That is unless a player, and or character, annoys me!

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I had over fifty characters die in first and second edition.

At least nowadays you don't have to worry about getting "toad" on the table for Reincarnate.

I began playing in less combat oriented settings so I didn't learn that lesson until later.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I had over fifty characters die in first and second edition.

At least nowadays you don't have to worry about getting "toad" on the table for Reincarnate.

Well, sure, First edition... back then, a too-firm handshake could kill a first level character. I still mourn the loss of my halfling Wheezo Wimpgrip, who perished while greeting the party fighter during the tavern introduction scene... good times*, good times*.

*they were terrible times.

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I started playing D&D in 3.X
It's funny that I am considered a veteran roleplayer at my town (at my 32 years old) but here I often feel like I am a newbie xD

I had a character, rolled four eighteens, a 17, and a 3. So I make my first Paladin, with an intelligence of 3, gets stabbed in the back when he stopped off for a drink going to get his first job.

Big dumb ox never even got to swing his Halberd!

Silver Crusade

GMing PFS yesterday, the toughest monster of the adventure rolled snake eyes on a pair of d20s while attacking the party warpriest. That was my one and only chance to scare the party with a fight that wasn't pathetically easy (season 0 adventure with stupidly easy combats), and I failed to hit in epic fashion. At least we all got a good laugh out of it. This is why I always roll out in the open.

I felt bad for the GM because he felt so bad for killing my character. I assured him that she had it coming, that it was bad play on my part and that he did everything right as a GM. "There's no cure for stupid," as a doctor I know likes to say.

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Well there is a cure...

*Laughs maniacally*

The Exchange

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Natural Selection has a cure for stupid.

Sadly, we seem to be interfering with the selection process by protecting stupid people more and more.

It's like we feel overly guilty for all the dodo birds and carrier pigeons we wiped out so now we want to keep,big dumb things alive.

Sadly, then we have to deal,with the big dumb things. They tend to make really stupid decisions which get themselves or,others hurt and then complain loudly so the laws change to "protect them form their own stupidity" some more. Which often leaves those people who weren't stupid in a worse situation. Frustrates me no end!

We had a case here in Australia where a guy broke in to a convenience store at night, through the roof. He fell, landing badly and then glass from the roof fell on him and did nasty stuff to him. He then sued the store for the injuries he received ....and won! So now stores have to,follow,ridiculous levels of safety protocols to maintain insurance. All Because some moron fell through a sky light while,trying to steal,cigarettes!


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Wrath wrote:

Natural Selection has a cure for stupid.

Sadly, we seem to be interfering with the selection process by protecting stupid people more and more.

[citation needed]

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quibblemuch wrote:
Wrath wrote:

Natural Selection has a cure for stupid.

Sadly, we seem to be interfering with the selection process by protecting stupid people more and more.

[citation needed]

Linked to the proof.

A friend from out of town is coming down and asked if we could play Cards Against Humanity. I've never played but would love to, but no one in my group has ANY interest in playing. All they want is PF, period.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
A friend from out of town is coming down and asked if we could play Cards Against Humanity. I've never played but would love to, but no one in my group has ANY interest in playing. All they want is PF, period.

Clearly you haven't cowed your regular players into submission through years of GM abuse. Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Have you pointed out that their characters might be on the line? Not saying they'll get eaten by grues if they don't humor the GM this once, but not saying they won't get eaten by grues, if you catch my drift... grues happen, you know...


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've had groups like that. Just have to form secondary groups of the people who are interested in board games.

To be fair, I don't blame my group for wanting to only play 3.5, because it takes so long to get to a story resolution. Any gamedays spent on other games means that resolution is still that much farther away, and like my group, may never be reached due to real life getting in the way.

I do need more grues hanging around..

Part of the issue is it's Mother's Day weekend, and 5 players will be out of town, but all but one said they had no interest. My group is 4 people, with occasional "guest players" that sometimes brings the group up to 8. But I have other friends I've contacted about it, and they just blew the invitation off with excuses of "I don't know how to play" to "I think it's a horrible game and offensive". sigh...

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I used to enjoy playing card games, until a highly competitive player appeared. He couldn't win Dalindra or me, so he cheated. Dalindra always realized he was cheating so he couldn't play unfair against him. I never realize when I'm being cheated so he started cheating to me all the time and then laughing at me when I lost. I lost interest in playing card games with my group since then.

I also liked strategic games and other people in my group liked games that depend mostly on luck. I never found the latter specially funny.

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My grievance today is that people take advantage of James Jacob's kindness in having a question and answer thread. He's had people use his answers as inappropriate fuel for bad internet arguments and it's burned him out. This is why we can't have nice things. I feel sorry for the guy because it's really great he is engaged with the fans. It sucks it comes back to bite him.

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