How does your bard inspire courage?

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I think Bards are fun RP. I've played a lot of games in which the bard will simply sing/play during battle and say "I inspire courage." Though that's nice and all, I've seen people really have fun with the RP aspect of Bards. A friend of mine and I were just discussing her character (she's a courtesan Diva) and she said her character would inspire courage by having epic t&&%. LMAO.

I also once played a bard who was a dwarven opera singer. We were able to get through a through a tough encounter with a devil by having my character walk into the chamber where the demon was guarding a scroll. I introduced myself for his entertainment pleasure, then broke into an epic song (using fascinate.) Then the shadow dancer crept along the wall and grabbed the scroll. Once he was safely out of the room, I bowed and walked out.

I've also seen a bard who was a master of insults. He played the lute in combat and simply made fun of the enemies to their faces.

I think my favorite ones I've seen have actually been oratory-based - there's a bard in one of my PbP games that brings in snippets of poetry/plays for his performance, and it's neat. I also imagine some bards' oratory is more drill sergeant-style shouting. :)

I currently have an oratory bard in the campaign that I'm running who, if he has an audience, will set up a podium (likely a barrel to stand on since he's a halfling) and he John Madden style narrates the battles for anyone who may be listening.

There was a boatswain in one of our games with 'oratory', so to speak...

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I've had a traditional bard who sang, usually something like Men of Harlech (sometimes with re-written lyrics for the situation) or The Mary Ellen Carter or even Rolling Down to Old Maui. One of my fond moments at the table was when I started Old Maui and the rest of the table joined in. I didn't know they even knew the words.

When I play a bard with perform(oratory), they'll recite things such as Shakespear's "Once more unto the breach" or "Win one for the Gipper" or Aragorn's "A day may come ..." speech at the Black Gate.

I've also had a bugler (perform(wind)) who mostly stuck to traditional bugle calls such as "To Arms" or the much more famous "Charge".

My current bard has perform(comedy), so he's basically an insult comic. Although when the rest of the group puts words in his mouth, it's more Monty Python than I imagine ("Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberrys"). In a recent fight, the enemy cleric cast enlarge person on herself, so I told her that spell makes her butt look fat.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

We have just concluded our Jade Regent camapign where I've played a bard, and he always used Perform (comedy) to tell jokes to inspire the party.

The Exchange

A true master of the Arts does not restrict oneself to a single form. I will use interpretive dance when appropriate, my prodigious musical abilities when that is best. I will insult louts or, when circumstances cause us to fight foes worthy of respect, I will subtly encourage my comrades while casting no aspersions on my foes

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Mayim - Dance mostly, but when she sings she prefers Taldan battle anthems and other ways to offend Kelishites.

Miroslav - Oratory. Motivational speeches and telling tales. Of course I use 'bad Russian accent' with him to add it to the humor at the table.

My core bard is a half orc, and I use Foghorn Leggorn's voice for him, so it's oratory again. "Boy! I say boy! Hit that there goblin harder! Put your back into it son!"

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I had a kitsune Arcane Duelist bard with no ranks in any Perform skills, but would initiate Inspire Courage with a howl (which I would actually do aloud at the table) before charging in with his rapier.

My bards say, "Fighter better!"

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Half Orc Bard with a Great Axe. He sang death metal style vocals while chopping people up and beating his chest. My GM allowed the Axe to also function as a guitar for when I did a non-combat performance. Of course it sounded like an electric guitar.

I had a bard who went battle herald. For the perform(oratory) as it was, I simply quoted all the ridiculous things school sports teachers had shouted during lessons. It was both carthatic and only encouraged by a bull-rushing character.

Bakenellan wrote:
There was a boatswain in one of our games with 'oratory', so to speak...

Oh boats will give you a "oratory" alright... especially after you forgot to paint the foc'sle... again...

Heavy metal power ballads.

Giving practical tactical advice via Message whispers. (He prefers to never speak out loud where a whisper would suffice.)

By removing the Bard's own pants.

Maori Hakka style ...

Whistling in the dark obviously, though I don't know if it's singing or wind.

I like to flavor bards as not actually inspiring anything at all, but their performance instead simply becoming a special kind of limited resource "duration:concentration"-ish spell that makes people more courageous by direct magic manipulation.

I.e. another flavor of wizard, but underneath using the same bard mechanics.

Because the whole singing thing is rather ridiculous IMHO, for my characters. But bards still have great mechanics.

I have two bards on the go at the moment. One is a halfling who sings inspiring classical opera and the other is a PFS bard who orates heroic tales of lore.

I play something from Les Miserables. Or Kansas.

Crimeo wrote:

I like to flavor bards as not actually inspiring anything at all, but their performance instead simply becoming a special kind of limited resource "duration:concentration"-ish spell that makes people more courageous by direct magic manipulation.

I.e. another flavor of wizard, but underneath using the same bard mechanics.

Because the whole singing thing is rather ridiculous IMHO, for my characters. But bards still have great mechanics.

... Even you can see right here, singing isn't remotely necessary? That's sort of a dead horse trope ...

By having him yell about things like "The heavens may forgive your sins, but I shall not!" while using horrible lip syncing.

And then he starts the wire-fu combat.

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Well, for one crazy time-travelling/dimension hopping game we did, my bard broke all the classic action movie or training montage songs. One fight, he does "The Touch" the next is "Eye of Tiger" and so on...

Should have come into the campaign right at the start acting arrogant and pretending to be a veteran badass and given them "I'll make a man out of you."

I had a bard who did Gungnam Style; sometimes Lo Pan Style:

He was a Paladin gestalt with that Tactician ability. His mount was a giant ape who also had perform dance.

Grand Lodge

My kitsune speaks in the most beautiful Sylvan voice.

Those that speak the language realize she is swearing a blue streak at the enemy.

My reciting Chrno's poem from Soul Eater...

It's not the most popular weapon, but I like to grab a Totem Spear and stab things with it to inspire others.

I've had in idea for a while of a Bard who worships the primal forces of Earth, Wind, and Fire. His bardic inspiration would involve getting his party to groove and boogie.

Grand Lodge

Mine whistles while she fights.

I have an issue with cracking bad puns all the time. Last AP the group begged me to play a Bard in the current one. After certain complications I eventually did. So my inspire courage is puns now and then during the game. It's assumed that my character is cracking puns as his performance, like the pebble that wanted to be a little bolder...;)

My current bard likes to sing songs from The Hobbit, the cartoon version from 1977. Sometimes I sing at the table, my staples are "Down, Down to Goblin Town" and "Where There's a Whip, There's a Way"

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My Bard inspires courage by simply being awesome.


The Exchange

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Kyrt - our current version is "I'll make a gob out of you." (WBG2 PBP). Surprisingly(or not), that wasn't from a bard :p

Grand Lodge

Jack, "Just Jack," was expelled from the dragon Mengkare's program in Hermea for various conduct generally unbecoming. He usually inspires courage among his friends and dread among his foes by "cursing eloquently."
Slimjim Son House Shady is a paladin of Shelyn and a bard exploring the Emerald Spire with his roadie named Alek Baldwin. He inspires courage with some Sellen River delta blues or some Pitax hip-hop moves.
Casters? Wands with two legs.
Fighters? Meat on a stick.
Bards rock. Literally.

Perform Wind with a kazoo. "I'll stop when our foe(s) are dead." Can't think of much stronger motivation.

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Who says Kazoo can't be awesome.

My only bard always sang this.

I've had in idea for a while of a Bard who worships the primal forces of Earth, Wind, and Fire. His bardic inspiration would involve getting his party to groove and boogie.

That is hilarious.

A Battle Herald who uses Drums and Oratory to play Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

As a pit percussionist who would undeniably be a Bard if converted into the Pathfinder system I've tried making Xylophones viable, but it just doesn't work unless you're a casting-focused bard who doesn't need to move.

LuniasM wrote:

A Battle Herald who uses Drums and Oratory to play Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

As a pit percussionist who would undeniably be a Bard if converted into the Pathfinder system I've tried making Xylophones viable, but it just doesn't work unless you're a casting-focused bard who doesn't need to move.

You can't wear a harness-mounted Xylophone in the same manner as a marching drummer?

Shadow Lodge

My Aasimar bard was "inspired" by Kurgess and Shelyn to bring an art that included both dance and oratory to Golorian that existed in other worlds.

She's a Cheerleader. I make up the cheers on the fly.

For her Dirge of Doom does she start acting like things are getting too serious with the enemies and make them think she wants them to settle down into an exclusive relationship?

Scarab Sages

How does MY Bard Inspire Courage?

He doesn't - he inspires the ambient darkness to jump out and attack you.

Scarab Sages

In PFS I had a friend whose bard use Perform(Oratory) His inspiration? "Constructive" criticism. He was an elf supremacist, so his 'inspiration' was like:

"Hey, you should do better. Nice hit, but he's still up, try to put him down next time. Oh, you shouldn't have missed, you should practice your aiming more. Try to be more elf-like."

We decided that it only worked because we wanted to get the combat over as quick as possible to shut him up.

Another friend was a Half-Orc Bard with an Int of 7. He was into pop music, and only sang things by LMFAO. He sang, but actually inspired by perform(dance)

"Everyday Krunk Shuffling!"
"Krunk Sexy and Krunk know it!"

Dark Archive

I had multiple bards that I performed original poetry to inspire courage, and one bard where I freestyle rapped all the time, another where I made up words that sounded good and sang them to the instrumental versions of popular songs(pretending I was speaking an ancient language nobody but I knew), a bard who just said in a monotone voice "Go get 'em or whatever," one that snapped, one that did tap dance, and one that screamed constantly.

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VampByDay wrote:

In PFS I had a friend whose bard use Perform(Oratory) His inspiration? "Constructive" criticism. He was an elf supremacist, so his 'inspiration' was like:

"Hey, you should do better. Nice hit, but he's still up, try to put him down next time. Oh, you shouldn't have missed, you should practice your aiming more. Try to be more elf-like."

We decided that it only worked because we wanted to get the combat over as quick as possible to shut him up.

Are you sure this is a bard? Are you sure it isn't a skald instead?

A skald whose words drive people into a rage?


Dethklok - Murmaider
Dethklok - Awaken (MustaKrakish)

And for Song of Marching:
Ivan Rebroff - Cossack Patrol

Shadow Lodge

kyrt-ryder wrote:
For her Dirge of Doom does she start acting like things are getting too serious with the enemies and make them think she wants them to settle down into an exclusive relationship?

She's only third level but--

U-G--LY spells ugly!
That's right your ugly!
Ugly in your face and ugly in your mind!
You're so ugly if you'd be so kind to die!
Pharasma would see you, and run away in fright!
Oh yes you're ugly! So ugly!


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