Ah, mediocre item joke item vs. DQ-worthy backstory item, we meet again.
Hmm...there's an item similar to mine. Same base mechanic, different flavor and effect. I like it.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
That is a first. Not a weapon, but a weapon power.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Item makes you blind and not blind.
Haha. I love when I get the same pair but switched right to left. I assume that means that they are relatively equal in voting and now need to be paired against one another more frequently to determine a winner.
I saw one of those as well Frumple. I was equally surprised.
And that item has a very suggestive name, oh my!
Frumple wrote: That is a first. Not a weapon, but a weapon power. I noticed that one too.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Lee wrote: On the third, it opens its beak and releases a swarm of flaming, vampiric tarantulas." Note to self: a swarm of flaming, vampiric tarantulas would be freaking amazing!
3 people marked this as a favorite.
READ *headdesk* THE *headdesk* RULES *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk*
Okay, I'm done for today. Bye all.
Waldoes? Really? A Heinlein fan I'm guessing!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vrecknidj wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: On the third, it opens its beak and releases a swarm of flaming, vampiric tarantulas." Note to self: a swarm of flaming, vampiric tarantulas would be freaking amazing! Agreed, but they shouldn't be one of the powers of a music-themed magical canary construct.
Molechaser wrote: Frumple wrote: That is a first. Not a weapon, but a weapon power. I noticed that one too. I got it twice.
Jeff Lee wrote: READ *headdesk* THE *headdesk* RULES *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* "The rules are more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." - The creators of a distressing number of things I've read today.
chaoseffect wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: READ *headdesk* THE *headdesk* RULES *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* "The rules are more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." - The creators of a distressing number of things I've read today. Where's Captain Teague when we need him. Gotta punish those filthy applicants that can't stick to the Superstara Codex. The Code is the law after all.
Posting to confirm Star Voter status... Star Voter status confirmed.
blood vs slavery
i guess blood wins
please tell me who ever is this item for? oh you do
How many "tap against something to attune for minimal non-combat benefits" walking sticks are there I wonder?
michael patrick wrote: Haha. I love when I get the same pair but switched right to left. I assume that means that they are relatively equal in voting and now need to be paired against one another more frequently to determine a winner. I have that happen pretty often, I assumed it meant the server didn't record the vote the first time or something like that.
ummm there is no such bloodline in the srd :/
1 person marked this as a favorite.
*Sigh* Just had to submit an item for DQ for using non-PRD material. :-( It was an exciting and fun item too...
Ah well, better than an hour ago, saw an item that made me so mad I had to get up and stop voting. Blatant disrespect is something that should be punished.
quiver vs. scabbard. Fight!
Wait, WHAT is this called? As thematic as this might be, you had to call it 'that'? The name is enough to dissuade me from ever using it.
Okay so I like fantasy games, respect that and don't evoke modern life into my fantasy genre please and thank you.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Four times out of ten I got the same item, and voted against it every time until the last.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
more pro-tips Do not name your item an existing item except for a change of just one or sometimes 2 words... this applies to at least 3 items
"Wanna whole lotta blood,
Wanna whole lotta blood..." {cue Jimmy Page riffs}
Tripp Elliott wrote: Waldoes? Really? A Heinlein fan I'm guessing! Where's Waldoes?
Please learn the standard abbreviations for things. If I have to guess what your thing does because it uses a weird abbreviation, I'm probably voting it down.
...that's a trap, not a wondrous item.
walkie talkie item THE alcholic's favorite choice for the drinking game's 2013 edition (filgree was a close second)
Kobold Cleaver wrote: ...that's a trap, not a wondrous item. "IT'S A TRAP!" - Admiral Ackbar
I just realized one of the items I like will be DQd how sad...
I'm having flashbacks it's a marriage item!
Kobold Cleaver wrote: ...that's a trap, not a wondrous item. I'd be inclined to agree but that trap is missing a Perception DC and disable DC... so it's bad at being a trap
That submission was barely two lines of meaningless text.
Other item's pretty good though... Beyond having an insta-kill effect with no explanation as to how the target could resist the effect.
Oh good you fixed it, I saw an early draft of this thanks to the workshop thread and it was nowhere near this good... kudos.
Just saw my item, whoot
It's against a joke item... will try not to read into that.
I've just seen the first item that makes me think the crafter is a mage with the rare Brian Blessed form of Tourette's.
that is sadly, severely underpriced. still getting a vote for mojo
2014 meme vs 2015 meme winner 2014 meme
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Just saw my item.
Felt really bad about voting it up above the other because the other one was good too! But if I came into it blind, I think I still would have voted for mine.
I am going to have to meditate and reflect on this.
Came across a couple "jokey" items except, well, at least two of them would fit right at home at my home games. I like lighter tone stuff.
This may have been a decent item if it had uses per day instead of always on.
Also thinly veiled modern stuff as a magic items doesn't do it for me.
can't tell if the designer doesn't understand death and dying rules or is trolling the voters...
Wow...just why would you...nvm
People need to use permanency more in their crafting components...
I really hope that doesn't DQ that item.
Less mojo this year but better formatting overall.