Legends of Tomorrow


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Well it was the 80's

his brother however hmm how old was ray's brother?

Dark Archive

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
So where was Ray's brother? Or that alarm system just like the one at Vandal Savage's place?

It was odd that they would mention his brother Sidney in that very episode, and then make it seem like Ray was an only child, when they visited his childhood home.

Wow, I didn't even think about the new character's comic book name, Isis, and how it might not really fly in the current climate. And so, she's 'Z.' Meh.

I know someone at work who named her newborn daughter Isis a few years before the whole Islamic State stuff blew up, and she's just about sick of explaining to people that she didn't name her kid after a terrorist group. :)

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That is rough. I bet the Egyptian deity is upset about it too.

Osiris keeps telling me can't get Isis out of their room any more...

I wonder if it has been a factor in Rick Riordan limiting his use of the Kane siblings. Since magicians reference the goddess of magic a lot.

So Future 2042 is supposed to be a thing. Remember that the next time we see that image of the 2024 CCPN front page.

Regardless, at least now we know that Mallus is a thing, Rip is STILL a dick, and now Damien Dark is ready to be...second fiddle again?!

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But watch him chew that scenery. Is Neal McDonough Bismollian?

Sovereign Court

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I love Damien Darkh and his ability to eat all the scenery.

Indeed. That's definitely a plus. I just wonder if he'll settle for just being 'henchy' for a guy we know nothing about.

Sovereign Court

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Yeah I was fist pumping that one heavily.

That was a shock.

Almost as big as Sara not getting it on with a Queen. (Helen was queen of Sparta before she ran off to Troy. Side note: she was also an excuse. The war was about $. Troy controlled the other end of the Bosporus. Since Byzantium wasn't founded yet, they controlled trade into the Black Sea.)

Edit: That CGI set. And the timing. How well does the set resemble the movie one? (As a mega fan of the character, I refused to watch that movie.) Easily a shout out to promote the Justice League.

I know that was the biggest shocker for me too.

One minor thing. I think it originally said that firestorm choose the stronger body when he combined, but I guess that was pre them getting it down. IT was kind of weird seeing stein all firey.

I did learn something about hedy lamarr this episode.

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That's Hedly!

Nice choice Vanulf. :)

Yes it was nice to get an unknown reference in for an under appreciated woman.

Sovereign Court

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Lady invented Wifi

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Grodd is still a better criminal mastermind than DeVoe.

So, you got everyone back together. You are on the Waverider, and you are prepping for the final fight.

Why don't you hop over to Earth-38 for Clark and J'ohn; Earth-2 for Jessie; and Earth-3 for Jay?

Besides, budget.

This also would have been a good opportunity to reveal what happened to Ronnie. For multiple reasons.

hey, in the comics, after Stein and Jason Rusch's girlfriend were gone, Ronnie and Jason were Firestorm.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Actor availability may also have been a thing. As it was, they did fine. (Also it might have been foolish to bring over Clark, since he's a relative of Kara's and they might target him instead.


On Stein, I really really thought when Jax bonded with him for the last time, Stein would die and remain as the ghost in Jax's head, much as he was in Ronnie's in one or two of other continuities. Honestly thought otherwise it was bizarre to kill him off when they already seemed to have a solid plan for putting him on a bus.

Also I wasn't crying, YOU were crying.

Sovereign Court

Yeah I was chopping onions during that scene

Dark Archive

[speculation, not spoilers] I had speculated that if Stein and Jax ever separated for good, the Firestorm matrix could continue to exist independently of them, forming a new body for itself, that of Ronnie Raymond, who was somehow still 'alive' in some sort of quantum state within the matrix. But that would require the actor to be available and willing, and the writers to be willing to add another body to the already crowded crew of the Waverider. [/speculation, not spoilers]

Gosh, they really went nuts with the effects. Firestorm, Killer Frost making ice slides, etc., etc.

The fights were good. The FX were better than expected, but I still mourn the possible loss of a great B-lister/near A-lister in Firestorm.

Did kind of love everyone dogpiling Metalo

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Yeah that was probably the best fight of everything. I mean there's a guy that fights Superman for a living (and Supergirl) and he ends up fighting like 20 different super powers at once.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

It would be REALLLY irresponsible to have both Supergirl and Superman off planet at the same time.

Really liked the effects for the Ray. Plus one of the most comic accurate costumes they've had.

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Yeah Ray Terrill's costume was not only comic accurate, but it looked great too.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

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Citizen Cold & Ray kicking ass and taking names while openly adoring each other. I loved this.

Whole Crisis on Earth-X was such a hoot. Real stakes, really good emotional stuff that made me feel feelings I'm not ready talk about and kickin' superhero action.

Isis, Vixen & Killer Frost riding a ice bridge to NaziRider was so effing awesome.

So many characters, but everyone got some cool moments. Too bad some where missing the action (Kid Flash you were so cool in the first ep) but still, really good superhero tv. More of this please.

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That was another good moment in a better than average outing that made the last crossover seem...trite.

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Rosgakori: Yes, that was a good moment. Thoughtful of Overgirl to smash out the window and give them a way in.

I've been wondering when he was going to show up.
And, having changed nights this season already, Legends in changing again. And is coming back a month later. I thought they got a full season this year?

Either Mollus or Darkh is deliberately messing with their personal timelines.

And apparently Stein's house and family were virtually unchanged in alternate-92.

I just love how Constantine manages to find the Waverider on a random trip back to 2017 and sneak on board without anyone noticing.

That synchronicity is a nifty power to have.

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It's divination. It's way more useful than figuring out if an item is magic. ;)

Regardless, now we have Citizen Cold AND Constantine. That's a nice trade off for Firestorm....almost.

While I like JC better than any of the Legends, he doesn't play well with others and is only here for a wee bit before sodding off again.
Which, when you think about it, is good news for the Legends.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


It's divination. It's way more useful than figuring out if an item is magic. ;)

Regardless, now we have Citizen Cold AND Constantine. That's a nice trade off for Firestorm....almost.

Agreed. Constantine has the 'WIZARDS!!!!' excuse for anything they want him to do.

As for Firestorm? I was pretty annoyed with Jax this episode... until Constantine showed up. I had frankly forgotten he was going to be on this show, and he made everything better ^_^


Not sure it's an excuse so much as a way for the writers to explain things.

And yes John Constantine doesn't play well with others. But until we get Firestorm back or some how get something of his caliber (Captain Atom maybe?) it's kind of hard to see how they can do much more.

Especially against other magic people.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Not sure it's an excuse so much as a way for the writers to explain things.

And yes John Constantine doesn't play well with others. But until we get Firestorm back or some how get something of his caliber (Captain Atom maybe?) it's kind of hard to see how they can do much more.

Especially against other magic people.

OOooohhh yeah, I was so excited about Constantine I forgot all about Dahrk! That will be some fun stuff there.

As for working with a team?? The legends are a whole team made of people who aren't good in a group. Most of the Legends should still be a LITTLE concerned that Mick won't kill them all in their sleep some day.

phantom1592 wrote:

As for working with a team?? The legends are a whole team made of people who aren't good in a group. Most of the Legends should still be a LITTLE concerned that Mick won't kill them all in their sleep some day.

In Constantine's case it's not only being an abrasive loner jerk, it's the fact that his friends and companions have a disturbing tendency to die horrible deaths.

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If you could convert vandal savage over to a good guy and pair him up with John you'd have a perfect partner.
John: Hey van (he calls him Van) I need a blood sacrifice.
Savage: Again?

You know this is the part of the season where I start to lose interest in all the Cdoub shows except legends. All the others are now doing the depressing slow build up to the finale which will fix all the problems they've accrued. which is typically overly dark and depressing which wouldn't be so bad but its drawn across like 6 episodes. Legends manages not to make me miserable for the duration at least. Their character are so less drama. They remind me of a DnD party. diplomacy isn't working can we just beat it up?...and set it on fire..

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I just hope you read "and set it on fire" in rorys voice.

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You know those 40 toasters he got Barry and Iris were on a 'fire sale'...

Its back starting out with constantine. To quickly sum it up. In this episode mic whats to watch his football game but everyone else is pestering him..

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I felt the ending with what happened to the little girl was both inevitable and yet a seriously disappointing cop out. She accepted what waaaay to easoly--and the legends should have seen it coming.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I should have added that until the ending, I really enjoyed the episode. Nate was at a dosage level I could manage. Everyone else was good. Mick was amazing. John Constantine was a great guest star. Sara was awesome.

(Also, the second sentence of my above post should say, "She accepted what happened waaaay too easily..." my phone was not cooperating.)

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I had thought I'd read somewhere that Constantine would be around for more than 1 episode. If that's accurate, guess it won't be as a full member of the crew, but could show up again.

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Generally good but for one thing: I'm concerned that John gave the impression he just goes around performing exorcisms, like in that blasphemous movie. While he can do exorcisms, that's just one of the things he does, and not the most interesting. I'm surprised he even thought a Christian exorcism performed by him would work.

Other than that, he smoked, tried to drink, was snarky and seduced a lesbian: pretty accurate.


Eh. 95% John Constantine is better than 25% John Constantine that looked like he was dropped out of the Matrix.

I agree it was a little cop out for Nora to join up with Dad, but...it IS her Dad. So it's not a complete cop out. Plus if they HAD stopped Damien from being resurrected, THEN maybe they could have changed the timeline.


John's slated to do to two more episodes. What I'm curious about where Wally will join up and if the Speed Force can handle magic. Also I had doubts John would join the crew full time, mostly because he's not a team sort of guy. In any sense. If nothing else, maybe down the line, Legends will spin us off to Justice League Dark.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Bjorn, he technically seduced a bi woman. While Sara's been into women more than men for a while, she's definitely shown an interest in men before.

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Seduction? Come on, that was like a bad porno, with both characters delivering the line "Hey, we're alone in a supply closet. Let's bone!"

Leo left the ship. That's too bad, he was funny.

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