Legends of Tomorrow


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MMCJawa wrote:
Anyone else feel a bit saturated with CWverse shows? Somehow both Legends and Supergirl just made the whole thing too much for me. With the exception of Arrow this season, I keep feeling diminished enjoyment from watching them.

Legends didn't bother me too much... but Supergirl really seemed redundant this season. The whole 'one main hero surrounded by their team of quirky lesser heroes in their secret sci-fi base with the teenage quality love interests, the nerdy computer person, the tough and silent guy with the heart of gold and whatever other obvious parallels you want to draw between Team Arrow, Team Flash and now Team Supergirl...

That really hit me hard this season... Legends has it's own painfully stupid aspects... but I don't feel the 'Take the same team and throw different costumes on them' like I do with the other three. It still feels somewhat unique amongst this herd.


Probably because so far Firestorm hasn't had to fight in and around his ACTUAL weight class.

Also like you said, Supergirl should be fighting more powerful beings but it seems like they still want kitsch. Which I don't necessarily need. But we'll see how this season ends. I have...lowered expectations. But hopefully more Tyler Hoelin(sp) Superman will help.

MMCJawa wrote:
Anyone else feel a bit saturated with CWverse shows? Somehow both Legends and Supergirl just made the whole thing too much for me. With the exception of Arrow this season, I keep feeling diminished enjoyment from watching them.

And next season they add Black Lightning. I'm really hoping they split it up and run some during the other's hiatuses (like SHIELD/Agent Carter). Or at least spread them out over more nights. Tuesday nights (when everything airs) sucks.

They are spread out where I am: Mon-Supergirl, Tues-Flash/Legends, Weds-Arrow...

yeah...I am actually kind of happy Legends is done for the year and the shows are on temporary hiatus. While AoS and IZombie are also technically comic book shows, they have a much different feel from the CW shows and from each other.

Ramarren wrote:
They are spread out where I am: Mon-Supergirl, Tues-Flash/Legends, Weds-Arrow...

Legends and Flash on Tues isn't spread out. CW was very close to my having to drop Legends when they pulled that. Because I'm not dropping SHIELD, and I can only record two shows simultaneously. (x:57-X+1:03 and X+1:57-X+2:03 where X is a primetime hour are simultaneous.)

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
Ramarren wrote:
They are spread out where I am: Mon-Supergirl, Tues-Flash/Legends, Weds-Arrow...
Legends and Flash on Tues isn't spread out. CW was very close to my having to drop Legends when they pulled that. Because I'm not dropping SHIELD, and I can only record two shows simultaneously. (x:57-X+1:03 and X+1:57-X+2:03 where X is a primetime hour are simultaneous.)

Having shows on Mon, Tues, Wends, is pretty spread out. It used to be M/T/W/Th but Riverdale kind of screwed that up and legends lost it TH spot and was bumped to Tuesday..

Honestly I'm a little surprised they ARE as spread out as they are... They used to try to combine genre's and spinoffs on the same day. Things like Supernatural and Vampire Diaries... and then Vampire Diaries and the Originals back to back...

I think when Black Lightning shows up, we'll probably have that on Thursdays and move some other shows around.

But I do agree that having TWO CW/Arrowverse shows back to back can be stressful for those of watching other comic inspired shows.

I'm hoping Riverdale is a one season and done thing. It's really dragging something fierce and doesn't feel like it has the legs for a second season.


It might be. I dunno. I never thought One Tree Hill would last as long as it did...

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I read that Riverdale is planning a season two that could feature Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and possibly supernatural zombies from the other side of the river, making it more of a genre show, and following in the recent types of plots the comic has gone with.

Doesn't mean it will get renewed, but the showrunners are planning for a season 2 in a way which sounds like it wouldn't drag as much.

Joel, It might do that. But honestly I don't care. Right now this is the least important comic adaptation thingie I care about.

Does episode 11 of season 2 double as a 4th of July and Christmas episode?

Also, does the trend of them making bad decisions when it comes to when, where, and with whom they bed down with continue?


It's a trend yes and also yes.

Dark Archive

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The NPC wrote:
Also, does the trend of them making bad decisions when it comes to when, where, and with whom they bed down with continue?

Does not that make the team an accurate depiction of real life people, or am I just projecting?

My guess: little from column A little from column B

Set wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Also, does the trend of them making bad decisions when it comes to when, where, and with whom they bed down with continue?

Does not that make the team an accurate depiction of real life people, or am I just projecting?

Maybe, but do you go into high risk missions and decide to stop in the middle and get it on?

The NPC wrote:
Set wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Also, does the trend of them making bad decisions when it comes to when, where, and with whom they bed down with continue?

Does not that make the team an accurate depiction of real life people, or am I just projecting?

Maybe, but do you go into high risk missions and decide to stop in the middle and get it on?

When else do you get it ON? ;)

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yeh I'm with John on this one. Adrenaline fused On-ing is the way to go.

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Expanding on that idea I'd suggested earlier in the Arrow thread. Picture this:

A six week arc on all four shows:
Monday Night on Supergirl, Tom Cavanaugh guest stars as Team Quick invades National City.
Tuesday Night on the Flash, Central City comes under threat from Power Ring and Superwoman.
And on Legends, the Legends are stuck crossing dimensions, visiting alternate Earths (such as Atomic Age, or Age of Sail, or any other interesting elseworld). Their final destination is a world that makes Earth-2 under Zoom seem like a paradise. And they get captured by the Court of Owls. Their only hope is a 'suicidal' squad of heroes.
Thursday Night on Arrow, Tyler Hoechlin guest stars as Star City is at the mercy of Ultraman.

And in the final four episodes - an all week event, the DEO, Team Flash, Team Arrow and the Legends team up, against the Crime Syndicate of America.

They can't use Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, their supporting casts, or any member of the Suicide Squad because of the movies. But these aren't them. Also, the other three shows find themselves facing threats without explanation. Until Legends catches up, and the event that caused it all is revealed.


It's a pretty interesting idea having the Crime Syndicate. Not sure that's where they're going with that. But it would give each of the shows something to tie them together.

BTW apparently Rip Hunter is building a new set of Time Master only this time it's a Time BUREAU!

I saw that. And even he thinks that the team he put together are reckless and irresponsible.


Well after this latest screw up...he's not wrong!

Sovereign Court

Comic-con trailer

I love the thing about Titanic, I busted up my sides laughing

Dark Archive

Best of the WB trailers, so far. It had stuff from the past season, without being a clip-show recapping the last episode (like the Arrow trailer), and a decent amount of imagery from at least one future episode, to whet the appetite. A former Tantu totem user, to challenge Vixen? Someone, perhaps Vixen, saying 'Legends never die,' possibly ironically, since it's already been Chekov's-gunned that she's the Legend whose death would literally mess up time (which means that, for reasons of narrative drama, she's *got* to come close to death at least once...). The show continues to have slightly more characters than I'm happy with, but also to be the most fun of the WB DC shows. Perhaps that's part of it. With so many characters, including deliberate knuckleheads like Mick Rory, on the team, the Idiot Ball gets passed around a bit more, and it's less 'Oh Barry, you idiot.' every single episode, so no one person looks like a total dunce. :)

The Flash trailer was 'meh' (hey, let's resolve the big dramatic ending 5 minutes into the new season and squander the potential to use this time to focus on characters not-Barry!) and the Supergirl trailer was dire, IMO, showing practically nothing of what she'll face in the upcoming season.

I'm not even sure what's going on with Arrow. They are showing one of the characters that was left unconscious in a building *right next to a bomb* alive, while a bunch of the characters who were in the open, able to dash into the water, and nowhere near visible bombs, seem to be missing in action. I don't even know what the showrunners are thinking. Nobody watched Arrow to see Oliver, hero-Dad, or his ickle spawn, whose name I've forgotten, again.

I dunno if they sqaundered it. They didn't actually SHOW Barry so much as someone in a Flash outfit. It could be Wally from the Future. Maybe.

Arrow is confusing but I think the fact we have two Black Canaries (well one and dark half version) does make me wonder how THAT will play out. But yes William (Oliver's son) is clearly not a huge draw.

But mostly I agree that of the shows on CW, Legends has some serious stuff to contend with. I'm just not convinced it's JUST the Tantu user.
I mean maybe Per Degaton? We'll see I guess.

Hama wrote:
Comic-con trailer

Call out to Bwana Beast at 1:51?


He's in there! :) How much of an impact is unclear.

Legends of Tomorrow Loses Series Regular Victor Garber

Maybe now would be the time to bring Ronnie Raymond back from the void.

Maybe but I'm not convinced either of them is smarter than Stein....

Damn, my favorite character. :(

Yeah pretty much Bjorn. Oh well.

Sovereign Court

Broadway callin'

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Ok.... That was a fun premier. I love the new Time Bureau and I'm a huge fan of them addressing... pretty much everything I've complained about for 2 seasons.

I mean.. they can still screw things up horribly... but I'm curious to see where we go from here.

Dark Archive

Love Vixen's very brief appearance. That would be a pretty awesome power-up, if it's something that's going to remain (and not an indication that she's totally off the rails...)

Some of the comments from the Time Bureau people came across as a little on-the-nose with their snottiness, and it felt a little meta, as in the writers were telling us, the viewers, that we were idiots for liking these people and their periodic doofishness.

I don't know if it's just my eyes, but it seemed like the makeup people were not on the job. A couple of the actors (Caity and Franz) had some weird skin stuff going on. The camera would zoom in for a close-up and I'd be like, 'pull back, Porkins! You're too close!'


Blame the camera guys more than the makeup guys.

The comments I felt were the writers' way of talking to the critics about stuff that happened in the shows other season.

Too much of this episode annoyed me.
1) Why would Sara be working at Bed, Bath, and Beyond? And not with Team Arrow?
2) Ray Palmer is alive, and is Earth-1's equivalent to Bill Gates. So:
2a) How did he not get his company back from his brother?
2b) If he started with nothing originally, why is he in a job that exists just so he can be a butt monkey yet again?
3) The Waverider does not belong to the Time Bureau. It did belong to the Time Masters. Rip Hunter stole it. He passed the captaincy to Sara - which was confirmed at the end of the last episode. So the TB seized it, and is now claiming ownership illegally.
3a) They writers apparently had no plan for this season when they wrote the ending of last season.

Despite [censored] politics, I hated this premiere more than Supergirl.

BTW I hear an Arrowverse character, between shows, will be joining them.


Which strikes me as odd if this is a permanent arrangement. Not that I'm not excited to see him again, but John is pretty much the definition of a does-not-play-well-with-others protagonist. While this show is mostly clean and pleasant so the chances of any of the Legends being thrown under the bus to stop a demon are remote, he's still abrasive, annoyingly snarky and does not take orders well. And you just know he won't be allowed to smoke on screen now.

John Constantine is I think only showing up for a two part episode. Not the rest of the season.

And yeah...some of the set up here was kind of dumb. But then a lot of Legends is kind of dumb...

Alright yes I think John will just be a guest character, much like he was in Arrow.

As for Greenie's points:

1) My guess? Team Arrow doesn't need more Canaries and the fact Sara might just wanted to try her hand at being normal.

2) He gave the company to Felicity to run. When went into bankruptcy.
2b) My guess? He couldn't find an opening at Google.

3. True. and 3a) also true.

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I'm still upset constantine was cancelled on a cliff hanger.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm still upset constantine was cancelled on a cliff hanger.

Tell me about it.

The show had a kind of rocky but promising start but by the end it was excellent. Still annoyed by what they did to Chas, though.

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I'm just annoyed with NBC for giving us a show and then taking it away.

You're not supposed to be Fox, NBC!!! *shakes his fist*

Commenting as I watch:

So Metahumans are illegal in 2042. What does that have to do with Sara, Ray, and Mick?

"Prison Break? I'm in." lol

The anti-meta law is an aberration. If the law was enacted in 2021, then the Flash couldn't stop the Crisis in 2024 (as seen in the CCPN news article by Iris West-Allen).

So Isis was introduced to be a political statement. Not seeing a political statement. Which is a good thing.

That Aquakinetic. That's Mari's (Vixen 2)sister right? Ray referenced a previous expeirence with an Aquakinetic - which would be Vixen season 2. Didn't he see Mari's sister in that?

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Oh, and once again situation where Firestorm would come in handy and Dr. About to leave the show is no where near Jax.

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I know the Firestorm special effects are expensive to use too much, but the way they constantly keep Jax and Stein separated is ridiculously contrived. I'm kind of hoping when Victor Garber leaves they do the thing kind of like in the comics where Stein is physically destroyed and just in Jax's head all the time, and Jax can just be Firestorm whenever he wants to (of course then they'll have to find other silly reasons for him not to, but still). Garber can always record ADR elsewhere to be the voice in Jax's head.

Dark Archive

Frankly, I'd prefer if they just have Jax stop being Firestorm entirely if they can't afford the effects (or write challenges for a flying fireball-throwing transmuter). He's useful as the ship's mechanic, and it's not like Rory contributes much more than 'dude with a fire gun that mysteriously never burns anyone.'

Rather than deal with the eye-rolling contrivances as to why Firestorm won't be in this episode, I'd be fine with them just getting rid of the option entirely, and save the effects budget (and writing challenges) for why Nate can't 'get hard' this week or why Ray's suit isn't working or whatever. :/

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I'm actually with Set. If they can't make a heavy hitter like Firestorm useful or at least do more than blow things up, it's not really Firestorm.

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I agree I had hope when he started to transmute but they might as well get rid of him at this point. Which is sad really cause he was the main reason I was originally excited about the Legends.

So where was Ray's brother? Or that alarm system just like the one at Vandal Savage's place?

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