Argbadh Karambagya

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Organized Play Member. 472 posts (1,747 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 10 aliases.


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OK, I'm thinking of odd and complex, but I think the backstory works for what I understand of Strange Aeons...

Bexer Bonn, a young man hearing voices.

Crunch is a Synthesist Summoner/Bladebound-Spellblade Magus (Assuming the very class set doesn't actually set off a stroke, I can begin working on the crunchy bits.)

The short version of this is a young boy who was bonded with a piece of Numerian technology that manifests as a suit of baroque armor that whispers in his head. At level two he'll suddenly be manifesting a force blade in his off-hand, and at level three he'll find himself in sudden possession of an arcane sword that also tells him to do things...

Full Background:
Baron Arturo de Bonn traveled all across the Inner Sea Region as part of his duties as one of Taldor's ambassadors, shuttled from nation to nation to intervene in various diplomatic crises. His wife Dreana and son Bexerian traveled with him, providing his heir with exposure to a wide range of cultures at a young age.
That all ended in Bexerian's 12th year. During negotiations with the court of the Black Sovereign in Starfall, the Baron's suite was attacked by one of Numeria's Gearsmen. The Baron and Baroness were killed instantly, and Bexerian barely escaped, running in terror from the pursuing Gearsman.
His memories of the chase are faint, ending with him falling through a doorway in one of the corridors of Silvermount. There, in a room full of tiny flashing lights, he saw a strange device hanging within a column of light. His last memory was of a voice speaking in a strange language, and then darkness.
When Bexerian awoke, the room was dark but for a fading glow, by which he could see that the device had been implanted in his chest, only a small metal disc and a silvery squiggle showing. Confused, he struck at the device (which a voice in his mind called the 'Cyclo-Heart'). There was a sense of metal encasing him, and again he blacked out, awakening three days and fifty miles later.
Since then, Bexerian (now calling himself Bexer) can barely remember the last several years, except for images of the strange metal armor that encases him, and speaks in his head in a strange, cold voice, filling his head with things he can't possibly know.

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Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote:

Dwarves in Starfinder would likely find clean-shaven or close-cropped facial hair more conducive for ease of wearing helmeted space suits. Likewise, elves vs. long hair.

Edit: Perhaps going clean-shaven could also be a cultural signifier of deep mourning for the loss of their god Torag and their homeworld Golarion during The Gap?

Nope, Nope Nope :)

In any Starfinder game I ran, Dwarven suits would include a beard sleeve/hose that makes the beard part of the filtration system...

I think he's designed to be a cross between Elongated Man (Ralph Dibney, whitebread detective) and Plastic Man (Patrick O'Brian, ex-criminial on a redemption arc), particularly as they use Dibney's identity with O'Brian's hero name.

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Try this site. He discusses his process for making foam inserts, and includes a link for his cheap foam supplier.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
When Canon gets in the way of a story, ignore canon. Some nerd will no-prize a solution.

If you want to make a story without running afoul of canon, don't set it in an established franchise just to get a cheap boost in popularity.

Wisdom is also often used as a measure of Sanity in Pathfinder, and 'Mad Wizard' is a very common trope.

Wise people do not build deep dungeons with no bathrooms but with multiple deathtraps.

Wise people do not consider it a good idea to breed owls and bears, and then take the time and effort to make it possible.

Leave that wisdom stuff to the god botherers, wizards are more likely to operate on the 'hold my beer' principle.

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CucumberTree wrote:
mdt wrote:
Honestly Trawets, not sure if your character is survivable at this point. Your stats would be STR 2, Dex 7, End 4. That's 11 hit points within this system. And you'll be rocking penalties to your physical stats. You may want to consider retiring him and starting over.
You could always get a combat ready mobility scooter no cost! Our Medicare specialists are standing by to assist you! :)

mdt wrote:
Yes, but it's only the Leader caste that has +2 int. sport doesn't have any adjustments.

Got it. Sorry, Hazards of not having the full books and all :)

I was playing around with the online generator from your original post, and they list Droyne as having +2 INT. Is that the case in the books you are using?

Looks like you have the original GDW stuff. Classic, but significant differences from the Mongoose Traveller rules.

There is a free Introduction to Traveller rulebook available on RPGNow.. It only has a few careers, but covers the basic mechanics.

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trawets71 wrote:
Ok, this show my lack of world knowledge. I thought Solomani were those from Earth/Sol and therefore were the Imperium. So I don't know where I went wrong. I'll need some more information to figure out where I went wrong and what I want to do.

The world's fastest crash course in Traveller History off the top of my head...(which may have changed a bit in the most recent version of Traveller)

- A (very) long time ago an ancient race visited earth, took humans (and dogs) and spread them around to various points in the galaxy.
-Eventually on branch of these humans, the Vilani, created a start spanning empire, The First Imperium, which was decaying by the time...
-Humans from Earth discovered Jump Drive, met and warred with the First Imperium, and essentially conquered it, creating the Second Imperium.
-The imperial decay was too far gone, however, and the Second Imperium fell, causing a long night where worlds were separated again.
-Eventually, the Third Imperium rose up, still mostly run/populated by Vilani, but with more hybrid vigor than the First Imperium.
-Earthlings are now referred to as Solomani, and while technically conquered (and they're pissed about it), their polity is known as the Solomani Autonomous Region.

So Solomani can refer to 'racially descended from Terran Humans', but is more usually 'a citizen of the Solomani Autonomous Region/Solomani Sphere'.

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
I don't care about the preaching its the fact its always humans who are right and aliens who are in the wrong. Just once it would be nice if it went the opposite way. On the other hand, attributing moral dilemmas to aliens and not humans makes it easier to examine the behavior outside a human context. I get the value of that storytelling, I just think its a well beaten path at this point. Also, I agree with Cyrad that the writing has a lot of room for improvement.

Oddly, I didn't get the 'humans are right and aliens are wrong' vibe from this episode...I got 'both sides think they're right, and both sides have serious flaws in their arguments.'

This particular episode has engendered (see what I did there?) more discussions of the topic among my friends than most NextGen episodes managed, and I think of that as a sign of success.

I also agree, however, that the writing needs improvement. Comedic drama is a tightrope, and I'm hoping Orville can manage that balance.

This should be complete. If accepted, I may have a question or two about languages, but otherwise ready to go :)

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro , but he generally goes by Malt.
RACE : Droyne
GENDER : Alpha Male
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by Uskuraday oytrip that travels up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
Rank/Caste/Title : Sport
Rank/Caste/Title : Captain
Rank/Caste/Title : Baron
Pension : Cr10,000/yr
Bank Account : Cr13,750


STR 03 (-1)
DEX 09 (+1)
END 06 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 12 (+2)
SOC 12 (+2)

Astrogation 1
Computers 0
Engineer (M-Drive) 1
Flyer (Grav) 0
Gambler 1
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Language 0
Leadership 1
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Sensors 1
Tactics (Naval) 2
Vacc Suit 2
Zero-G 1

While he has nothing hanging over his head, it haunts Omaltdoy'tsart that he was seduced by success, and didn't throw over his career for one that involved more travel to different places.

Monofilament Blade, Heft -, Dmg 2d6 - .2kg
TL13 Cartridge Laser Pistol, Dmg 4d6, Magazine 14, with palm-lock security and HUD integration - 2.5kg
2 spare Laser Cartridges
Body Pressure Sleeve with Life Support Mask on belt clip - 1.5kg
Protec Suit, Protection 4, with Smart Fabric, Magnetic Boots, Computer/1 Weave and Hud Integration - 1kg
PRIS Goggles with Personal HUD - 1kg
1 Set of Bulkhead Patches
Survival Watch
Tool Laser
Personal multifunction Comm Unit (TL10) with HUD Integration
Aide Program

Term History:
Term 1: Unable to gain entry in the Imperial Navy, Omaltdoy'tsart instead submits himself to a draft lottery from several allied navies, and joins the Navy of The Commonality of Kedzudh, a Human/Vargr buffer state coreward of the Spinward Marches.
He enrolls in the Flight assignment, and after initial training is posted to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.
He is promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Ensign Yuftro moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to make credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion to Sublieutenant.

Term 3: Malt realizes he's not likely to be leaving his current service and begins thinking about life after the Navy. He joins a gambling circle, looking to build up his reserves for later on, but loses badly. Still, he learns to be better at the process, which will aid him later in life.

He doesn't ignore his primary career, however, and takes a stint as a fighter pilot, his low mass giving just a bit of an acceleration advantage. He also begins to study more specialized armors, thinking that he may need exoskeletal support as he ages.

Continuing his rapid rise through the ranks, he is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Term 4: Concentrating on once again on his career, Lieutenant Yuftro begins to cross-train in Engineering while continuing to advance his Flight skills. When his vessel is involved in repulsing a Vargr raid, Omaltdoy'tsart's small size makes him instrumental in getting into the guts of the drives for quick damage control.

This results in his promotion to Commander and a transfer to Bridge crew on the sole Capital ship in the area, where he begins studies of Naval Tactics, and dreams perhaps of commanding his own vessel

Term 5: Promoted to Captain, Omaltdoy'tsart leads a punitive raid against the home base of the Vargr raiders.

However, he begins to feel the effects of age creeping up on him, and having achieved his goal of command, Omaltdoy'tsart realizes it is time to once again become a wanderer, and see all that he can see before him time is over. Reluctantly, Captain Yuftro retires, looking back on a good career.

Born and raised on the Uskurv, a travelling asteroid shipyard inhabited by the Uskuraday oytrip, Omaltdoy'tsart, who had already begun to show signs of unseemly individuality, entered the Casting ceremony as usual in his 12th year. The Coyns were cast, and to no one's surprise Omaltdoy'tsart was cast as a Sport, maturing over the next year into the caste.
As is traditional for Sports among the Uskuraday, Omaltdoy'tsart left the oytrip just before him 18th year to roam among humaniti, planning to travel far and wide and reconnect with as many Droyne communities as possible. He attempted to join the Imperial Navy, but failed, and was instead recruited by the navy of the Commonality of Kedzudh, an Imperial client state.
He started in the navy as a courier, piloting a communications vessel back and forth to the Imperium, but rose through the ranks quickly, and was transferred into a local unit, first as a fighter pilot, and then as helmsman of the Aelghaez, the Commonality's sole capital ship after he played a significant role in repulsing an attack by Vargr Corsairs. Omaltdoy'tsart was placed on the fast track for command, and he was promoted to Captain and given command of his own vessel, the Thanoen, an assault cruiser.
Omaltdoy'tsart served with distinction as a Captain, leading a punitive raid against those same Corsairs, but it is at this point he realized he'd fallen into the trap of success. He had abandoned his original mission to travel.
With a bright career and the possibility of the Admiralty ahead of him, Captain Yuftro suddenly resigned.
Captain Yuftro is now gone, the only real reminders of his career his service pistol and blade. Now Malt travels across the Imperium, often working passage from place to place as a pilot or engineer. While quite capable of commanding a vessel, particularly in combat, he has not sought out that sort of position, as it would tie him down to a single vessel, and most vessels have established routes.

Malt has no great ambitions at this point except to travel. He is for the most part quiet and unassuming, looking to blend into the group while providing any of applicable expertise.

TBD. Easiest connections would involve anyone who had travelled in the Vargr extents or served in the Imperial Navy.

mdt wrote:
LOL, well, a Baron could make a Social check to get a free ride on the ship, especially since they won't be full, but by the same token, if he'd rather work they won't say no either. :)

I'm thinking Malt is just a little bit embarrassed about the whole 'Baron''s not normal for a Droyne. He'll pull it out if he has to, but otherwise he doesn't really discuss it.

Military Ranks make sense to him, but while he groks social mobility, it still seems bizarre; one does not just change Caste (he likely has real trouble with non-military Vargr, with their ridiculously fluid social structure).

Final Version:
NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro
RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport


Service History:

Term 1: Unable to gain entry in the Imperial Navy, Omaltdoy'tsart instead submits himself to a draft lottery from several allied navies, and joins the Navy of The Commonality of Kedzudh, a Human/Vargr buffer state coreward of the Spinward Marches.
He enrolls in the Flight assignment, and after initial training is posted to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.
He is promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Ensign Yuftro moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to make credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion to Sublieutenant.

Term 3: Malt realizes he's not likely to be leaving his current service and begins thinking about life after the Navy. He joins a gambling circle, looking to build up his reserves for later on, but loses badly. Still, he learns to be better at the process, which will aid him later in life.

He doesn't ignore his primary career, however, and takes a stint as a fighter pilot, his low mass giving just a bit of an acceleration advantage. He also begins to study more specialized armors, thinking that he may need exoskeletal support as he ages.

Continuing his rapid rise through the ranks, he is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Term 4: Concentrating on once again on his career, Lieutenant Yuftro begins to cross-train in Engineering while continuing to advance his Flight skills. When his vessel is involved in repulsing a Vargr raid, Omaltdoy'tsart's small size makes him instrumental in getting into the guts of the drives for quick damage control.

This results in his promotion to Commander and a transfer to Bridge crew on the sole Capital ship in the area, where he begins studies of Naval Tactics, and dreams perhaps of commanding his own vessel

Term 5: Promoted to Captain, Omaltdoy'tsart leads a punitive raid against the home base of the Vargr raiders.

However, he begins to feel the effects of age creeping up on him, and having achieved his goal of command, Omaltdoy'tsart realizes it is time to once again become a wanderer, and see all that he can see before him time is over. Reluctantly, Captain Yuftro retires, looking back on a good career.

Astrogation 1
Computers 0
Engineer (M-Drive) 1
Flyer (Grav) 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gambler 1
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Leadership 1
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Sensors 1
Tactics (Naval) 2
Vacc Suit 2
Zero-G 1

Rank: Retired Captain in the Commonality of Kedzudh. (5 Terms)
Mustering out Benefits:
- Cr55,000 (13,750 banked, 13,750 spent, balance lost)
- 1 LightClaw Class Laser sidearm with service insignia
- Baronial Holdings on Asugunkhodz, with an expected annual income of Cr10,000


00150 Monofilament Blade .2kg, Dmg 2d6, Heft -
03125 TL13 Cartridge Laser Pistol, 2.5kg, Dmg 4d6, Clip 14
-3000 (discounted from mustering benefit)
00100 -Hud Integration
00100 -Secured
00137 Additional Laser Cartridge (x2)
00350 Protec Suit - 1kg, Protection 4
01000 -Computer Weave (Computer 1 - TL11)
01000 -Smart Fabric
00000 -Magnetic Grapples
00100 -Hud Integration
00600 Body Pressure Sleeve, 1.5 kg
01000 Life Support Mask
00150 Set of Bulkhead Patches
01000 Survival Watch
00500 Tool Laser
03500 PRIS Goggles, 1kg
01500 -Personal HUD, TL11
00500 Personal multifunction Comm Unit (TL10)
00100 -Hud Integration
00250 -Aide Program
Total: Cr12,162, 6.2kg Presuming Cr188 'pin money', that leaves Cr1500 in Database Programs to fill out gear. (Repair Manuals, Star Charts)

Some gear notes. The Body Pressure Sleeve/Life Support Mask and Protec Suit are a 'ship uniform' for Malt. He likely had a full vacc suit as well, but it was destroyed in the crash.

I've tried to keep to gear that Malt would fine useful aboard a ship. While I suspect we may be planet-bound, Malt doesn't know that. Ship patches, for example, may be of limited utility on the ground...but he grew up on an asteroid, and spent most of his life on a ship...he's always going to carry ship patches stowed in a pocket somewhere.

Recent History:
If this doesn't work in context, feel free to skip it...
In the last several months, Omaltdoy'tsart has been wandering, taking short term jobs on various ships and working his way from place to place. He could live reasonably well on his stipend, but he has no interest in that...he likes to work.
And that's how he found himself using the nickname 'Malt', working as an Engineer/Mechanic on the Verdant Dawn, gearing up and rushing to a duty station as the alarms sound.

mdt wrote:

[dice=Other]1d6 +1 EDU or two ship shares

Using the DM on this one turns it into Weapon.

55,000 Credits

Bank : 13,750 C
Equipment : 13,750 C

Remainder : Lost (Due to how game is starting) Everyone cuts their starting cash in half.

That works for me. A few questions regarding equipment...

Central Catalog allows for purchase of items at 1 TL higher for +25% Cost. Is that an option?

I'm presuming my mustering out weapon is a baseline. If I pay the cost difference from mustering benefits, can I increase the cost to add various upgrades? (sights, etc.)

Can I add the monofilament option to a Blade, rather than a full monofilament sword? (Based on comparison, it looks like Cr150 if it is allowable)...I don't see Malt as a sword-wielder, but a ceremonial service weapon fits.

Once I know those, I'll get you an equipment list.

Hrm...Choices, Choices
Cash 1 = 5,000
Cash 2 = 50000

Total Cash : Cr55,000

Other 1 = +1 Int
Other 2 = +1 EDU
Other 3 = Two Ship Shares
Other 4 = +2 Soc Standing Look mom, I'm a Droyne Baron! :)

Let's not get greedy :). I'll put the final roll into 'Other', and I'll either use the +1 on that roll or the Cash 1 roll.

After that, it's just a matter of finalizing. Is there a comprehensive equipment list outside of the Intro Book? (I realize our equipment purchases may be somewhat limited, but I like to know the options).

nm, found it...Central Supply Catalog

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro
RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport



Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, Omaltdoy'tsart is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments, and after initial training is assigned to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.
He is promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Ensign Yuftro moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to make credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion to Sublieutenant.

Term 3: Malt realizes he 's not likely to be leaving his current service and begins thinking about life after the Navy. He joins a gambling circle, looking to build up his reserves for later on, but loses badly. Still he learns to be better at the process, which will aid him later in life.

He doesn't ignore his primary career, however, and takes a stint as a fighter pilot, his low mass giving just a bit of an acceleration advantage. He also begins to study more specialized armors, thinking that he may need exoskeletal support as he ages.

Continuing his rapid rise through the ranks, he is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Term 4: Concentrating on once again on his career Lieutenant Yuftro begins to cross-train in Engineering while continuing to advance his Flight skills. When his vessel is involved in repulsing a Vargr raid, Omaltdoy'tsart's small size makes him instrumental in getting into the guts of the drives for quick damage control.

This results in his promotion to Commander and a transfer to Bridge crew on the sole Capital ship in the area, where he begins studies of Naval Tactics, and dreams perhaps of commanding his own vessel

Term 5: Promoted to Captain, Omaltdoy'tsart leads a punitive raid against the home base of the Vargr raiders.

However, he begins to feel the effects of age creeping up on him, and having achieved his goal of command, Omaltdoy'tsart realizes it is time to once again become a wanderer, and see all that he can see before him time is over. Reluctantly, Captain Yuftro retires, looking back on a good career.

Astrogation 1
Computers 0
Engineer (M-Drive) 1
Flyer (Grav) 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gambler 1
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Leadership 1
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Sensors 1
Tactics (Naval) 2
Vacc Suit 2
Zero-G 1

Rank: Captain (Virtual Rank 6)
(+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll) - Special Assignment, Term 1
(-1 Benefit Roll) - Gambling Circle, Term 3
+1 DM to all Benefit Rolls due to Rank
+1 DM Additional to Cash benefits due to Gambler.
If I understand correctly, Malt will have 7 Benefit Rolls (5 for Terms, +3 for Rank, -1 for Gambling failure).
I'd like to take 2 rolls on the Cash Table, and 4 on the Other Table. If I hit 100,000 Cr in cash (both rolls 4+), I'll put the last in Other Benefits, otherwise roll as Cash.

If the Benefit DMs are not mandatory, then if one of the benefit rolls would result in TAS membership without the bonus, I'd like to take that. TAS membership fits the personality I have for Malt in my head.

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro
RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport


Service Record:
Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, Omaltdoy'tsart hero is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments, and after initial training is assigned to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.

He is promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Ensign Yuftro moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to make credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion to Sublieutenant.

Term 3: Malt realizes he 's not likely to be leaving his current service and begins thinking about life after the Navy. He joins a gambling circle, looking to build up his reserves for later on, but loses badly. Still he learns to be better at the process, which will aid him later in life.

He doesn't ignore his primary career, however, and takes a stint as a fighter pilot, his low mass giving just a bit of an acceleration advantage. He also begins to study more specialized armors, thinking that he may need exoskeletal support as he ages.

Continuing his rapid rise through the ranks, he is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Term 4: Concentrating on once again on his career Lieutenant Yuftro begins to cross-train in Engineering while continuing to advance his Flight skills. When his vessel is involved in repulsing a Vargr raid, Omaltdoy'tsart's small size makes him instrumental in getting into the guts of the drives for quick damage control.

This results in his promotion to Commander and a transfer to Bridge crew on the sole Capital ship in the area, where he begins studies of Naval Tactics, and dreams perhaps of commanding his own vessel.

Astrogation 1
Computers 0
Engineer (M-Drive) 1
Flyer (Grav) 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gambler 1
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Leadership 1
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Tactics (Naval) 2
Vacc Suit 2
Zero-G 1

Rank: Commander (Virtual Rank 5)
(+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll) - Special Assignment, Term 1
(-1 Benefit Roll) - Gambling Circle, Term 3

Omaltdoy'tsart will stay in the Navy for another term, bucking for command (preferably rolling on Personal Development).

Tectorman wrote:

Also, the robot. I took that character to be an alien in a robot-looking life-support suit, not a robot at all (though I only remember seeing him for a moment so maybe he was?).

I was, however, wondering about how those tracks on the sandy dunes even held up, considering it probably took them a fair amount of time and there was an approaching storm...

Pretty sure he's a robot. His face was pulsing the Red Alert indicator, and a still of the head showed a lighted label on the side with the name of the ship. (Could be he's just really enthusiastic :) )


NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro

RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport


Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, our hero is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments.

Special Assignment on board ship (+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll)
--Assigned to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.--

Promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Malt, moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to made credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion. (EVENT : You have the opportunity to abuse your position for profit. If you do so, gain an extra Benefit roll from this term. Refuse, and you get a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll.)

Promoted to Sublieutenant

Rank : 02, Sublieutenant (Virtual Rank 3)

Term 3: Malt realizes he 's not likely to be leaving his current service (i.e. not changing careers) and begins thinking about life after the Navy. He joins a gambling circle, looking to build up his reserves for later on.

He doesn't ignore his primary career, however, and takes a stint as a fighter pilot, his low mass giving just a bit of an acceleration advantage. He also begins to study more specialized armors, thinking that he may need exoskeletal support as he ages.

Continuing his rapid rise through the ranks, he is promoted to full Lieutenant.

Taking Gambler 1, and will try for the extra benefit roll (Total DM +2 if I am reading this correctly). *If* Malt succeeds on the Gambler roll, he will begin looking for anagathics as of next term.

The Intro book doesn't note any armor requiring more than Vacc Suit 1. If civilian exoskeletons exist, that's the sort of thing I'd be looking for (kind of like Battle Dress, but without the military applications, i.e. no heavy armor or attachment points for Plasma and Fusion Weapons)

Computers 0
Flyer 0 (Grav)
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gambler 1
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Leadership 1
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Vacc Suit 2
Zero-G 1

Rank 3, Lieutenant (Virtual Rank 4)

...ready for Term 4 once the Gambler roll is sorted.


NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro

RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport


Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, our hero is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments.

Special Assignment on board ship (+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll)
--Assigned to Courier duty as a backup pilot for a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.--

Promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Term 2: Continuing as a courier, Malt, moves from backup to primary pilot. He is approached to made credits on the side by carrying contraband, but refuses, duly reporting the incident and earning a promotion. (EVENT : You have the opportunity to abuse your position for profit. If you do so, gain an extra Benefit roll from this term. Refuse, and you get a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll.)

Promoted to Sublieutenant

Computers 0
Flyer 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Leadership 1
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Vacc Suit 1
Zero-G 1

Rank : 02, Sublieutenant (Virtual Rank 3)

Ready for a 3rd Term :)

Orville Redenbacher wrote:
Oh no women captains and robots!?

A fine thing in SF, just not in pre-TOS Star Trek (ignoring continuity takes me out of the moment, and reduces my enjoyment).

I saw the first episode...meh.

I can get around the different-looking Klingons, though I really see no reason not to use Movie/NextGen Klingons.

The higher-tech bridge also fair for an update. Though I wish it weren't higher tech than the NextGen bridge.

A little harder to get around the already established TOS canon that women were not *allowed* to be Starfleet captains at that point

Stupid? Yes. Sexist? Yes. But it was explicitly established. The difficulty in any prequel is in trying to keep true to the source. I can live with this one only because our society would make this a really unpalatable piece of history...but it strikes me as revisionist.

I can't forgive the robot on the bridge. It doesn't follow within the established continuity at *all*, and seems to be there for just cool factor.

...and that last part is likely the issue that drove me away from enjoying the episode. There were too many things added for cool/atmosphere that weren't sensible/justified.

Coffins on the outside of the vessel were an interesting cultural item that didn't detract from the plot...but open flames inside a starship? I don't buy it from even from Klingons. The captain's 'I made a Starfleet badge in the sand' that could be detected from orbit when the people could not was another example of 'added for cool factor, but ultimately nonsensical'.

mdt wrote:

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro

RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste - 5...Sport

Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, our hero is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments.

Special Assignment on board ship (+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll)
--Assigned to Courier duty piloting a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.--

Promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Computers 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Vacc Suit 1
Zero-G 1

You have the opportunity to abuse your position for profi t. If you do so, gain an extra Benefi t roll from this term. Refuse, and you get a +2 DM to your next Advancement roll.

Abuse position or not? Holding up rolls for decision.

The Navy is the closest thing Malt has to family right now; abusing the position would be unthinkable (+2 Advancement DM). Based on the assignment in prior term, and the continued Pilot skill, I expect he had the opportunity to smuggle contraband in the courier ship, and turned it down, likely turning in the person who made the offer.


NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro
RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)

Caste Sport

Caste - 5...Sport

Term 1: Unable to hack it in the Imperial Navy, our hero is instead drafted by a non-imperial but aligned Navy. He enrolls in the Flight assignments.

Special Assignment on board ship (+1 DM to 1 Benefit Roll)
--Assigned to Courier duty piloting a Scout Class vessel relaying dispatches and information back to Imperial forces as part of cooperation agreements.--

Promoted to Able Spacehand, and then Commissioned to Ensign.

Computers 0
Gun Combat (Energy Pistol) 0 (His STR really calls for very light weapons with no significant recoil)
Gunner (Turrets) 0
Language 0
Mechanic 1
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Spacecraft) 0
Vacc Suit 1
Zero-G 1

Rank : 01, Ensign

Omaltdoy'tsart will attempt another term in the local Navy, and if he does well will see if he can arrange a 'warm transfer' to Imperial Forces (figuring there will be more travel involved).

Ramarren wrote:

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro (In practice, most humans call him some variant of 'Malt', 'Malty' or occasionally 'Old Malt')

RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)
PROPOSED CHARACTER TYPE : By Preference, a Naval Pilot or Engineer (or possibly one cross-trained to the other)
My memory is that Droyne are also Psionic...though quietly so. Not sure how that would be handled rules-wise.

[dice=Caste]1d6...Sport. Ideal for a travelling Droyne

Caste - 5...Sport

As a small race, physically weak and not hugely hard (but quite dexterous) seems the way to go)

Background Skills: Computers 0, Language 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0

Those born into the Sport Caste on the Uskurv are generally encouraged to engage in their wanderlust, and travel the known worlds. They are expected during that time to make contact with any Droyne settlements or families they come across, and pick up any messages and/or stories they may have (in some ways acting the way a medieval troubadour would have, keeping a sense of community across vast distances).

I'm good with passing on Psionics entirely. If you don't mid making the roles, I'll go with that. My preference would be to start as an Imperial Pilot (using High Guard), and later transition into Engineering, taking some early Personal Development to try and push up my Endurance (as that directly affects how long I can reasonably stay in service).

I don't see Malt as the type to go through an Academy, he'd straight into service, hoping for shipboard assignments that mean travel.

NAME : Omaltdoy'tsart Yuftro (In practice, most humans call him some variant of 'Malt', 'Malty' or occasionally 'Old Malt')
RACE Droyne (Sport)
BIRTHWORLD : Born and raised on the Uskurv, an asteroid ship outfitted with Jump Drives inhabited by a Droyne clan that travelled up and down the Spinward Main offering ship maintenance and repair services.
('Homeworld' traits as Hi-Tech, Asteroid, Vacuum)
PROPOSED CHARACTER TYPE : By Preference, a Naval Pilot or Engineer (or possibly one cross-trained to the other)
My memory is that Droyne are also Psionic...though quietly so. Not sure how that would be handled rules-wise.

Stat Roll 1: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9
Stat Roll 2: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Stat Roll 3: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
Stat Roll 4: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11
Stat Roll 5: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10
Caste: 1d6 ⇒ 5...Sport. Ideal for a travelling Droyne

Net +1 for the 5 stats (assuming Caste doesn't count, so it's a go :)
As a small race, physically weak and not hugely hard (but quite dexterous) seems the way to go)

Background Skills: Computers 0, Language 0, Vacc Suit 0, Zero-G 0

Those born into the Sport Caste on the Uskurv are generally encouraged to engage in their wanderlust, and travel the known worlds. They are expected during that time to make contact with any Droyne settlements or families they come across, and pick up any messages and/or stories they may have (in some ways acting the way a medieval troubadour would have, keeping a sense of community across vast distances).

A Rakshasa is CR 10, and fits thematically (in particular, a Rakshasa would find commanding Angels to be very ironic).

Give it a few Bard levels, and its special abilities will complement them nicely. Disguised as a Human, it will be very difficult to determine what they are actually fighting.

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Asmodeus is the easy grab here. Outside of the 'law and order' items above, he holds the key for Rovagug's prison.

"Of course I venerate Asmodeus, as should you. Even if you do not agree with all of his views, understand that it is critical he have enough worshippers to have sufficient power to retain the key that keeps the most destructive force in creation locked away for all our sakes."

I'd recommend Coffee Cup (

Inexpensive, plenty of features and templates, a number of add-ons, etc. I've used it for years.

Not just Future Barry, Future Time Remnant Barry. When (lowercase) future Flash fights Savitar, he makes a series of time remnants and Savitar kills 'almost all of them'.

So here you have a time remnant Flash created as a disposable weapon, by a (at this point) pretty unstable Flash. He survives, but is presumably doomed as an aberration...might make him bitter.

I'm assuming he first spends a bit trying to outrun time wraiths/Black Flash, and goes faster than the costume can handle for a significant period of time, getting burnt.

The two Bad Movies I liked:
Hawk the Slayer
Sword and Sorcery schlock raised to a new level.

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death
I can't begin to describe this, except to say it was hilarious, and it shares roots with Apocalypse Now, as both were updates on the classic Heart of Darkness.

They are spread out where I am: Mon-Supergirl, Tues-Flash/Legends, Weds-Arrow...

I think the 'the specific trumps the general' which has been mentioned by the developers a number of times here.

How hit points are calculated is a general rule. Feats are more specific than that.

The text for familiars is even more specific: The familiar has half the master's total hit points. There is no modification for the familiar's CON, and there is no other indication that other things affect familiar hit points.

The Mauler's Endurance Feat explicitly (or more specifically, if you prefer) notes that it modifies a familiar's hit point.

I believe they call that the Core Rulebook (along with other rulebooks). Give the nice folks at Paizo some money so they can keep making product, and get a nice Hardcover (or a well-linked PDF you can print if you prefer to spend the time and ink).

Having now looked at the connections video, it's pretty close to what I want, close enough to likely put in it the 'buy' category if/when calendaring is settled.

Honestly a 'content marketplace' leaves me pretty cold...I can usually find or make what I want. But I know it's important to a number of people.

Tarlane wrote:


I'm just a casual realm works user and not an official voice for them in any sense, but I can say that the software is able to do all the NPC/organization/relationship type of things you mentioned above and it functions pretty smoothly.

That's good to hear...and it means that their feature descriptions woefully undersell the abilities of the product.

Is there a user manual available that would allow a potential buyer to understand the full capabilities of the product, or just in-line help links?

FWIW, neither this nor Realm Works does what I want in campaign management software. This is not a knock on either product, they may well work fine for most folks, but they don't fit my needs.

What do I want in Campaign Management software? (This is long...)
- Custom Calendaring - I want to be able to set up weeks/months/years that are custom length, with custom names. (10 days to the week, 3 weeks to the month, 2.75 weeks to the 'cycle', a very short renamed 'year', for example)...included here would be the ability to advance the campaign date by x days/weeks/years.

- Lunar tracking for up to 5 moons, each of which has it's own phases...I should be able to look up any given date, and know the phase each moon is in, as well as filtering for the next time several of the moons are in each phase.

- Tracking of other important dates, either one-shot or recurring

- NPC Tracking (system agnostic). Aside from basics about an NPC, I want to be able to document organizations they belong to, their friends, their enemies, their relatives, mentors, etc.

- Add the same ability for organizations, governments, religions, locations, etc.

- Creation of custom connections between the objects above. For example, I want to create a connection 'member of/member'. I apply that connection between an (N)PC and Organization, and now on the (N)PC I have a link 'member of <organization name> that goes to the organization...and on the entry for the Organization, I have a list of 'members' which links back to the (N)PCs with this connection.

--a further example, I may create a 'master/apprentice' or 'uncle/nephew' connection that can be applied between 2 (N)PCS, with the other descriptor applied to the second person...any given object should have the capacity for multiple connections, and two objects should have the ability to be connected more than once (for example, a Smith who has an Apprentice who is also his nephew).

- A Home and Current Location for any of these objects. Mostly these would apply to people, but a caravan or circus or theatre group might be in a different location than their 'Home'.

- Scheduling of location. If I have an NPC or Organization (such as a caravan) that has a regular route, I want to be able to set a start date and schedule (2 days in Location A, 4 days in transit, 1 week in location B, 2 days in transit, 1 day in Location C, 3 days in transit, Back to Location A and loop).

After all that, linking maps/sheets/other documents to any object or multiple objects is something I assume most current software already does.

Balkoth wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:
- Although its AC is good, it doesn't have a lot of HP. It starts with a Con of 9, so 7 HP at level 1.

Animal companions get 2 HD at level 1.

..Which is where 7HP comes from. Animal Companions don't get Max HP at first level like PCs. So 2d8 (a 4 and a 5, for 9) -2 (for Con) is 7HP

MMCJawa wrote:

Actually are we so sure Barry is responsible for Stein's daughter? Stein starting getting the memory flashbacks IIRC AFTER the 80's trip where he yelled at his younger self for not valuing his wife enough.

Flashpoint divergence begins...what when Barry is 8 or so? Stein's daughter looks about the same age or maybe even older than Barry. That means she would have been born pre-flashpoint timeline reset. I think it's going to turn out in the LoT episode that Stein himself caused that ripple, not Barry.

I'm not sure if it ever explicitly came up in the Series, but in the comics, Flashpoint didn't just change things going forward, it rippled up and down the timestream, making alterations well before Barry was born.

I agree, Curtis may not be quite the 'quick-create gadgeteer' that Cisco is, but he's already shown that he has significant intellect and the ability to create practical applications of technology.

Luthor's mom as head of Cadmus popped up in a prior episode, so it was no surprise. Doesn't particularly bother me one way or the other.

My only real gripe was dumb Kara. "Nice cage you got here, Nth metal even (liked that). I wonder how well these gaps stop heat vision from melting all your guns? Not at all? So sad"

As for Hank being Cyborg had to be. If they do it up right, Project Medusa should end up referring to the Eradicator.

I think they are setting up Curtis/Mr. Terrific for a realization that he just can't cut it without some enhancement.

In this most recent episode, not only was he beaten up (again), He fails/stumbles/looks stupid multiple times in the training sequences. At some point, he's got to say "I need to start using my brainpower" to himself. The man who essentially cured paralysis can certainly come up with some toys.

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I'd love it if Superboy arrives with a Legionnaire, and makes sure to warn Kara not to tell her Kal-el about it, as he gets his mind wiped after every Legion trip.

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In this case, 'some other manner' means speech or some other means of communication

I expect there will actually be the occasional Legion easter egg/member on the show. I just don't expect it to be anything remotely like Legion Version n (pick one).

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Little did you know that when they said members of the Legion would make an appearance, they meant The Newsboy Legion :)

My only real "Doh!" moment for this is that all Aliens are going to become American Citizens. Not Refugees, not Resident Aliens, Citizens.

Bit of a slap in the face for all the human "illegal aliens" (the term is outdated these days, but appropriate to the discussion).

If you'd like an electronic copy that is Community Use compliant, I have here.

The page itself shows a Kingmaker map mid to late game, but there is a link to a baseline map.

It also includes a .FCW file if you use Campaign Cartographer.