Ventnor |
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First off, I'm going to give a shout-out to this thread, whose format I'm shamelessly copying.
Much like the aforementioned thread, the point of this thread is to roll the dice and use the results as a basis for this exercise. The steps are simple:
1.) Roll 1d100 four times. Check the results on the table below.
2.) You should have gotten 1-4 classes.
3.) Make a short write-up of an organization. The organization should feature each of these classes in some way, shape, or form. They don't have to be the only classes that make up members of the organization, but they should be the 4 most prominent classes in the organization. If you get classes with mutually contradictory alignment restrictions (like Paladin & Antipaladin), you'll have to get creative.
And that's pretty much it!
1-3) Alchemist
4-6) Antipaladin
7-9) Arcanist
10-12) Barbarian
13-15) Bard
16-18) Bloodrager
19-21) Brawler
22-24) Cavalier
25-27) Cleric
28-30) Druid
31-33) Fighter
34-36) Gunslinger
37-39) Hunter
40-42) Inquisitor
43-45) Investigator
46-48) Magus
49-51) Monk
52-54) Ninja
55-57) Oracle
58-60) Paladin
61-63) Ranger
64-66) Rogue
67-69) Samurai
70-72) Shaman
73-75) Skald
76-78) Slayer
79-81) Sorcerer
82-84) Summoner
85-87) Swashbuckler
88-90) Warpriest
91-93) Witch
94-96) Wizard
97-100) Your choice

Ventnor |

I'll go first.
Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 6 = Antipaladin
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 55 = Oracle
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 83 = Summoner
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 92 = Witch
The Broken Cage are a particularly powerful cult dedicated to the release of Rovagug from his prison in the center of the world. Leading the cult are oracles who have been driven mad by revelations from the worldbreaker, and witches who have willingly allowed Rovagug (or other entities close to him) to become their patrons. The summoners in the cult continually try to summon more powerful spawn of Rovagug to destroy the world. Finally, a corps of antipaladins serves as bodyguards and shock troops for the spellcasting leaders of the cult.

The Mighty Kapow |

Class 1 = 65 Rogue
Class 2 = 4 antipaladin
Class 3 = 31 Fighter
Class 4 = 40 inquisitor
The Thistleluss family is a leading crime family in the area. Brutal and vindictive they control much of the city with money and violence.at the top resides Don Corlus a man who started off as an inquisitor. His right hand man is his brother Torren, a rogue with a knack for knowing all the dirty details of everyone's life. The two are always well guarded by a group of fighters known as the Shadows. When things get truly serious or an example needs to be made they call up the Twins, a pair of antipaladins that thrive on chaos. While Don Corlus does bad things he does so in the believe that it is for the betterment of the city.

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5- Antipaladin, 84- Summoner, 58-Paladin. 66-Rogue.
Antipaladin and Paladin this could be a challenge. Overactive is imagination go!
On the surface the Brotherhood of the Weeping Rose is an organization that offers camaraderie, comfort and understanding to weary paladins who need someone to turn to when the burden of their calling weighs heavily upon them. The truth is that the Brotherhood is a cover for a vile organization who uses networks of skilled operatives to erode the virtue of holy champions. The organization will stop at nothing to ensure a paladins fall or failing this death. Many of the fallen being directed pledge them self in service to abyssal masters and in service of the Cult of the Wilted Rose. Though much of the Wilted Roses work is done by rogues acting as spies, false confidants and information gathers its leader and her apprentices play a key role in the fall of warriors of virtue.
An Aasimir summoner with a black heart started the Wilted Rose and its Weeping Rose Facade. Her intent to prove the frailty and weakness of mortal hearts (The same hearts some say she felt failed her in a time of need). Her most ambitious and vile method (one she has taught many loyal summoners) is that with the right spells an Eidalon that resembles an angel can be used to confuse and drive holy warriors into acts of madness and murder under the falsehood of divine guidance from on high.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Nice work Ravenovf, and nice thread Ventnor. The Broken Cage follow expertly from your classes...
1d100 ⇒ 77 - Slayer
1d100 ⇒ 52 - Ninja
1d100 ⇒ 37 - Hunter
1d100 ⇒ 90 - Warpriest
Travelling in Harrier squads of five - [three Rampants (Slayer heavies), one Shade (Ninja (s)killscout) and one Primal (Hunter tracker with animal companion)] the operatives of the Silhouette Society report to their Shadow masters (war priest functionaries) for orders and spiritual instruction. A pragmatic mercenary cult dedicated to a mercantile god, the Silhouette Society provides heretic-return services to those faiths who have lost a member or seen a devotee stray, and want said member returned or eradicated with no questions asked.
Harriers are often taken from orphanages, slavers or refugees and examined to expertly determine their best fit for a Calling. Each Calling is divided monastically and trained both in exclusion from other Callings, and then in Harrier teams.
Rampants are trained to study foes quickly and dispatch even faster. Are fed a mild-intoxicant that improves their reflexes but dulls their wits slightly, except for suggestion - they remain blindly loyal to the Sundered Society.
Shades are trained to lead each squad, and give commands to Rampants and Primals. Carry suicide pills in case of emergency. Successful Shades go on to become multiclass warpriest/ninja Shadows.
Primals are bonded with [insert animal companion here] from an early age, and taught to provide advice and backup to Shades. Every Primal also carries a clause to sacrifice their animal companion and return to the Society if all other Harrier team-members are slain.
Animal companions, head deity and other details left vague for easy insert into any campaign…

Ventnor |
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Nice to see this thread getting some love!
Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 14 = Bard
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 76 = Slayer
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 88 = Summoner
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 30 = Druid
The Brady Brothers Traveling Circus is a fairly famous traveling act. At its head is Barrano Brady, bard extraordinaire and ringleader. His job is to get the crowd riled up and help the acts move along.
Among the more popular attractions are the animal tricks, the menagerie of horrors, and the clowns. The animals are all trained by Barkadan "Barky" Brady, a druid who occasionally will wildshape into an animal himself to help with the act. The menagerie of horrors is managed by the summoner Bortal Brady, who summons in horrible creatures for his act and finishes by calling in his eidolon, Fluffy, a creature which cannot be properly described. The clowns are headed by Brand Brady, who acts silly most of the time but is actually quite well-versed in the killing arts.
All members of the circus know how to defend themselves, of course. Brand teaches the clowns how to kill, Barky's animals can fight as well as act, Bortal can summon creatures (and the less said about Fluffy, the better), and Barrano's enchanting voice can make them all more effective in battle.
Of course, they'd much prefer to just entertain people. But with roads the way they are these days...

Mark Hoover |

Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 48
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 63
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 27
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 9
Magus, Ranger, Cleric, Arcanist
The Corpseward Corps
The grave waits for us all, and all are born to die. Some just need a reminder
Those who've been touched by death and undeath are often scarred by their experience. Some turn away in fear and others seek the solace of religion or drink to numb the pain. The rare few called to fight find their training in the Corpseward Corps
The Corps is unique in that, unlike many undead-hunting organizations they fight fire with fire. The magi in their ranks are all Blackblades with a unique means of awakening their weapons: soul binding.
The Corpse Hunter Rangers hunt for particularly powerful, sentient undead. These creatures are not initially destroyed. Instead a portion of their sentience is bound by Arcanists and Clerics into the Blackblades to be harnessed against the enemies of the Corpseward Corps.
The undead are bound to service in other ways as well. Some of the most powerful members of the organization are in fact sentient undead themselves. The clerics of the Corps are always neutral, employing their spells and sometimes their channeled energies to dominate the undead. The grunts of the Corps are skeletons, zombies and others from among the base undead impressed into service for the crime of their unlife.
Even the Corpse Hunters employ ghoulish beasts called Hounds (wolf with the Ghoul template applied). Its said that a plague spread through these animals and the rangers, rather than put them down now put them to use hunting others among the restless dead.
So if you've got festrogs running wild or packs of zombies on the loose; if the skeletal remains of your dead grandmamma just came calling for tea, have no fear. Soon you'll hear the sickly baying of the Hounds and the Corpseward Corps will not be far behind.

Shadow Knight 12 |
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First Class: 1d100 ⇒ 99Second Class: 1d100 ⇒ 28Third Class: 1d100 ⇒ 22Fourth Class: 1d100 ⇒ 89
Cavalier, Druid, Warpriest, My Choice (Witch).
The Order of the Thornwall.
The Order of the Thornwall was founded to protect the world from the corrupting dangers of aberrations and outsiders, and later shifted to also safeguard natural lands from pollution, dark magic and other forms of corruption and befoulment.
The Order has a military branch, represented by the Cavaliers. These brave women and men ride into battle atop all sorts of creatures, able to tame even monsters to serve as valiant steeds. The Dragonwall is an elite cadre of dragon-riding cavaliers, who serve as a strike team whenever a planar breach occurs.
There are several other branches occupied by the Warpriests, each branch dedicated to a different deity of nature, magic, protection, healing or the like. These branches are known as Congregations, and they are dispatched to support and assist the other members of the Order. The Last Line is a group of warpriests from different deities, united in their knowledge of terrain, protection and logistics. They are typically not on standing duty, but when summoned, they must drop whatever they are currently doing and race to the defence of whatever Order stronghold is being besieged.
Overseeing the general affairs of the Order are the Druids, who are dispatched to heal the land, provide wise counsel and restore the natural balance. They are typically found leading the Order strongholds and advancing their personal goals on the region. The Archdruid is the leader of the Order of the Thornwall, and she is bound by sacred oaths to remain at the headquarters of the Order at all times. She is the only one that may summon the Last Line, she commands the Dragonwall directly and she has knowledge of the most secret magical rituals and items that are kept within the headquarters' vaults. Only she is allowed to use those resources, whose tremendous destructive power must be saved for only the direst of emergencies.
And finally, operating as the Order's least visible members are the Witches. The witches are invaluable for their access to magic that not even the druids can muster, and their talents are often used for monitoring threats and performing covert actions for the sake of the order. Only the stealthiest and most intelligent witches are selected personally by the Archdruid to join the High Coven. These witches are under the Archdruid's personal command and undertake missions in her name.
In general, the Order of the Thornwall operates semi-openly, with the cavaliers and druids being the face of the Order, the warpriests acting in the background and the witches operating in secrecy. Depending on the current Archdruid, the Order may become more visible or fade into the shadows, they may be willing to sacrifice more or less innocents to prevent planar breaches and restore the purity of the land, and they may make concessions towards allowing cities to expand onto the wilds or adopt a more aggressive stance towards civilisation.

Kobold Catgirl |
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Ranger, Paladin, Inquisitor, Arcanist.
The Seekers of Foul Artifice—or the Cursesniffers, as they're more generally called—are not exactly "elite". Actually, a better word to describe them would be "scruffy". Cursesniffers are a scruffy, barely-funded order of vagrant do-gooders who do a job most people don't take very seriously. As it turns out, making a career out of finding and/or purchasing priceless magical treasures and smashing them to bits isn't especially profitable. Nor does it endear you to many magic-users.
In truth, the Cursesniffers perform a crucial duty. Though the agents are always thinly-spread, it is a Cursesniffer's solemn duty to track down dangerous magic items and artifacts and take them into custody before they can bring harm down upon innocents. When possible, the items are then destroyed. Otherwise, they are locked within a Cursesniffer vault and kept there indefinitely.
Inquisitors form the bulk of the Cursesniffer ranks, using shrewd detective work—and, when necessary, shrewd bartering skills—to track down berserking swords, cannibal rings, riot pipes, and even worse things. When the inquisitors fail, or when an especially powerful item risks falling into the wrong hands, the paladins and rangers are called in. Finally, the rare arcanists who agree to help the order are invaluable in identifying which items must be eliminated and which are fairly harmless (and could potentially even be sold to help pay the rent).
The head of the Cursesniffers is Aramiah Snout (LN tengu rogue 12), a shapeshifting tengu who hides his feathers well. Aramiah has seen the darkest lengths greed will take its followers, and he as a result has an intense distrust for magic items which can at times be downright frightening. Intelligent items, in particular, are a sure way to get his gander up. Aramiah lurks within a dirty old coffeeshop in a poor part of town, from which he conducts almost all his affairs, peering over his beaklike nose with contemptuous beady eyes as black as night.
It should be noted that while "Seeker of Foul Artifice" remains the official title for an agent, most of them just call themselves Cursesniffers outside of certain major ceremonies.
Aside from those classes listed, sunder-focused barbarians, investigators and rogues are not uncommon among the Cursesniffers.

Arcanemuses |
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Bard, Rogue, Fighter, Cleric
Academy of the Lash
This free-spirited martial school teaches the divine styles of whip combat inspired by the goddess, Calistra. All are welcome to attend classes for a reasonable fee, though many bow out due to self-inflicted injuries. Those who remain to embrace the weapon's unpredictable nature soon find themselves more attuned with the whips movements, learning that only when one "sets the whip free" can one control it. Prostitutes are never charged for lessons, as the sacred weapon is intended for their protection. Exceptionally beautiful or charming students are sometimes shown the "medicinal purposes" of whips in private back rooms.
The Academy is headed by a poly-triad of Elf clerics whose true genders are only known to themselves. These priests decide ultimately who teaches and who learns.
Currently, there are three whipmasters:
Whipmaster Hernix, a human fighter whose arm is supple and strong enough to dent full plate armor from 15ft away with his mithral-laced bullwhip.
Whipmistress Aizivee Oilteraw, an elven bard whose whipdance incorporates dramatic leaps and percussive snaps that render watchers speechless and attackers senseless.
Whipmaster Jez, a flamboyant halfling rogue who fancies himself a "Fencer of the Lash", for indeed his style resembles that of a rapier-wielding swashbuckler. With a flick of his wrist he can easily disarm or trip foes before they reach him.

The Doomkitten |
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1d100 ⇒ 12 Barbarian
1d100 ⇒ 6 Antipaladin
1d100 ⇒ 15 Bard
1d100 ⇒ 74 Skald
Cult of the Bloodcry
In one of the layers of the Abyss, one can always here screaming. Not just mundane screaming, but soul-sucking, sanity-draining screaming that comes from the anguish of the layer itself. Once a celestial city, it fell to the Abyss after its queen betrayed the Empyreal Lords, and spends eternity screeching in anguish at the fact that it has now turned to the darkness, when the city was originally a place a pure light and life.
There are a few on the Prime Material who can hear the screams of this former celestial city. Sometimes they channel it in primal rage; sometimes they yell it out to drive their companions to blind fury; and sometimes they become servants of the purest form to the Bloodcry, as the scream is referred to, devoting their entire lives to spreading its screeching evil throughout the realm.
Over a thousand years ago, during the Age of Brimstone, when the screech first made itself heard as the celestial city fell to the Abyss, these individuals who could channel the Bloodcry banded together with the sole purpose of making the scream heard to everyone on the planet.
Through nefarious schemes and sanity-draining tortures, this depraved bunch attempts to spread the unholy sound to all that they can. The Skalds and Bards are the most revered of the cult, as the "Screamheralds," (as they're called) can most easily give others the gift of the Bloodcry, although barbarians and antipaladins have their place in simply driving people insane with fear and horror, as to open their minds to the Bloodcry naturally.
The leader of the Cult currently is Screechbringer Jhakta, a tiefling skald who's unique telepathic abilities allow her to invade other people's minds with her blood-curdling scream. She brings the Bloodcry directly to the fear center of the brain, and doesn't make a sound while she's doing it. A sinister figure, she has orchestrated many schemes to further the Bloodcry.

Indagare |

16 Bloodrager: 73 Skald: 29 Druid: 97 Shaman - I choose you!
The order of the Greensward began after the world fell into chaos. The four that started the Greensward were the Skalds - keepers of lore and singers of battle songs and memory; the Shaman - capable of talking to and binding with the spirits that now wander the land freely; the Bloodrager - capable of mighty feats of strength that can be mixed with magic; Druid - longtime keepers of nature, only they can help deal with the forces of nature that have gone awry.
Though the Skalds, Shamans, Bloodragers, and Druids form the core of the Greensward, other classes can be found within it, most notably the Hunters (eager explorers of the wild), the Witch (once shunned, their powers are now welcome as further aid), the Arcanist (their natural talents and learning giving more magical might to the group), and the Investigator (leftovers from the previous age of civilization, their cunning comes in quite useful)
Since it was mentioned that other classes could be part of the organization (as long as they didn't steal center stage), I decided to roll another four classes for the support group. I got 91 - Witch, 39 - Hunter, 7 - Archanist, and 44 - Investigator.

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Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 48 Magus
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 52 Ninja
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 66 Rogue
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 81 Sorcerer
Cabal of the Slighted Hand
On the surface, this group is a simple mercenary group that will take any job as long as it pays. As such, it is favored by many nobles who wish for no connection with the killings of their enemies. However, this perception of the group is quite far from the truth.
In reality, the Cabal is led by a powerful sorcerer that manipulates it in the shadows to generate enough deaths to fuel an artifact powerful enough for reasons that only he and his top enforcers know. The sorcerer is unknown except for his enforcers, a scythe wielding magus who relays orders, and a ninja-rogue team that silence any leaks in the organization.

Midnight-Gamer |

The Gingerbread Club
Rolls: Rogue, Rogue (rolled twice consecutively), Bard, Witch
For generations, parents have frightened their misbehaved children with stories about "Agnus" the Witch of the Blackwood, who steals bad little boys and girls in the dark of night. These rumors and stories do have merit, because there really is an old witch, and she really does steal children.
A network of kidnappers, con-men, wealthy patrons, and corrupt officials, have formed a secret organization with the single goal of collecting children for the Witch of the Blackwood.
After being stolen away, the children are fed a steady diet of sweets until they are considerably fattened during captivity. When a desired weight is reached, Agnus delights in cooking the children alive in a number of ways. Most often, they are placed screaming, inside a giant brick oven and turned into delicious gingerbread cookies.
These cookies are infused with magic, and they literally give the gift of extra life for anyone who partakes.
The Gingerbread Club employs a large number of people, who are very, very well paid by societies elite for Agnus's cookies.

Mark Hoover |

Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 3 Alchemist
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 76 Slayer
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 84 Summoner
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 49 Monk
So I've got someone who mixes bombs and mutagens, a hybrid of thieves and rangers, a class that summons monsters and power from other worlds and mystic martial arts types. This has a real Mortal Kombat vibe...

Ventnor |
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Like I said, the 4 classes should be the most prominent part of your organization, but they don't need to be the only classes in your organization.
Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 98 = Your Choice (Hunter)
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 49 = Monk
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 28 = Druid
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 82 = Summoner
The Monastery of the Feral Soul is a large complex that can be found deep in the mountains. Inside of it, the various disciples go about their day contemplating the connection between man and beast and the larger mysteries of life that this connection helps unravel. There are three main sections of the monastery; the House of Emulation, the House of the Twinned Soul, and the House of the Great Beyond.
The House of Emulation is peopled by those who want to seek the feral spirits that live inside of their own bodies. The masters in the House of Emulation teach their students a variety of different fighting styles based off of the movement of animals. Most of these students of Master of Many Styles Monks, though several brawlers, fighters, and other practitioners of unarmed combat go there to learn the intricacies of the Crane Style, Tiger Style, Snapping Turtle Style, and more.
The House of the Twinned Soul teaches its students how to bond with various beasts, and how to use that bond to draw out their companions' true potential. Most of the students are Hunters and Druids, those with the closest connection with their animal companions. However, Rangers, Cavaliers, and others with animal companions come to learn at the feet of the Masters so that their bonds with their animal companions can be strengthened.
The House of the Great Beyond posits that bonds between man and beast can extend even beyond the planes. Most of the students here are summoners who eidolons take the form of animals and who prefer to summon celestial and fiendish animals rather than fiends or angels. The one kind of outsider that they do tend to commune with are agathions, whose bestial features intrigue the scholars of this house. Other students include the occasional conjurer wizard or occultist arcanist.
A great many adventurers have been trained within the halls of the Monastery of the Feral Spirit, and others still come to the Monastery for training by the masters who live there. As long as a potential student does not reject their animalistic side as inherently evil, they are not usually turned away.

Thanael |

Sub tables for prc or all multiclass combination.
Maybe a table for predominant race(s) or alignments too?
d100: 1d100 ⇒ 91 for a race to figure in on mikazes thread: 91. Aberration-based Humanoid (wildcard, make your own!)
Rolling two more:
d100: 1d100 ⇒ 80 Vampire
d100: 1d100 ⇒ 57 Troll
Better switch to ultimate campaigns background adopted sibling race table:
80: Human

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4d100 ⇒ (31, 76, 6, 47) = 160
Fighter, Slayer, Antipaladin, Magus
Requiem for the Fallen - An organization of outcasts who, despite being hated, love their fellow man. They use whatever powers available to them to fight the evils of the world. Their methods are often cruel, but the results undeniable. Divided into three known sects and one hidden sect, they hold a special (and perhaps ironic) hatred for those who willingly turn themselves over to evil.
The Aegis - Led primarily by Fighters, this group forms the shield of the three main sects. Focused on defensive techniques that even the most staunch critic shows respect to. When not part of an operation they spend most of their time acting as guards. This is the only sect of the Requiem that is not viewed with pure disdain by the majority of society.
The Sword - The slayers of the group, focused on direct and overt offense, but also intelligence gathering. No matter how clever the foe, or how well they hide, the sword always finds blood. When not part of an operation they frequently act as laborer-spies, helping various villages recover from the disasters that evil can bring.
The Crown - The sword and shield distract the rank and file, but the crown holds the true power. The Magi of the group use their intellect and magical capability to stay one step ahead of all foes seeking to destroy them. When a member of the crown does decide to join the fight it is because they believe it is already won, and they are almost invariably correct. Because of this, a Magi of the Crown drawing their sword is referred to as a requiem, an homage both to their skill and their organization overall. Less glamorously, The Crown also does the majority of the clerical work.
The Eternal Deception - As powerful as the three overt forces are, not all enemies can be fought so brazenly. The Eternal Deception is the antipaladin sect of the group. This group works largely independently of the other three due to their distasteful association with Daemons. However, their war against the Devils and Demons of the land warrant them an ironic place amongst their number. No-one is quite sure what Daemonic power is granting them their abilities, but whomever it is must surely be desperate. Their status as antipaladins is only occasionally cemented when a well-meaning beacon of good and hope begins to tread down the path paved with good intentions. Most members of this sect are Knights of the Sepulcher, leaving them somewhere between long-lived and immortal. There have a very low turnover.

kamenhero25 |
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Okay, I think I have something. Basing this in Golarion, because I've been looking at Jade Regent recently and got inspired.
House of the Spirits
The distant lands of Tian-Xia have always been a place of spiritual enlightenment. Legends speak of the powerful spirit beings and tiny local spirits that fill the land, spreading their power and ideals to the people of the lands. It is only the nature of mortals to try to understand the nature of these powers. The House of the Spirits is a massive temple complex built within the central mountains of Minkai, solely dedicated to the understanding and communion with the kami spirits that dwell within their lands.
Temple of Conjurers - Primarily made of Summoners this branch of the temple focuses on the summoning and binding of kami, uniting the power of the spirits with the power of man to create a single more powerful force.
Temple of Spiritualists - Primarily made up of Shamans this branch of the temply focuses on instead drawing the power of the kami into one's own body and using their gifts to command great powers.
Temple of Arcanists - Primarily made of Sorcerers this branch of the temple focuses on learning how the kami's gifts in the past have altered the magical power of those touched by their gifts, either by bloodlines or divine gifts, and granted blood lines of magic users great power.
Temple of Guardians - The Guardians are a strange group within the temple. Unlike the other groups, they are not devoted to arcane study or magical power, but to the use of martial force. They hone their skills to protect the peaceful spirits from outside harm and to destroy evil spirits, often chaotic oni, that would harm the land. In the past Samurai similar warriors were the primary members of this temple, but in recent years strange weapons shooting fire using black powder and spitting balls of metal began to filter in from Avistan and Garund. Now, Gunslingers wielding muskets are among the foremost Guardians, using modern technology to overwhelm and destroy evil.

Evan Tarlton |

Hmm... 57, 27, 100, 48, means Oracle, Cleric, My Choice, and Magus. I'll go with Arcanist.
The Fellowship of the Celestial Eye
The Celestial Eyes believe that all things can be known through studying the building blocks of reality. Some believe that the divine shall show them the way because gods and other immortal entities know more about the universe than any mortal. Others hold that the universe is best understood by focusing on the manipulation of its pure self and how those forces can be blended with other pursuits.

Thanael |

Taking an idea from this NPC builder thread: How about you connect your organization to the one of the poster above you. (or to some of the others too)

Shadow Knight 12 |

Oooh, I like the idea of connecting. All right, I'll write up a connection between my organisation and... The Monastery of the Feral Soul.
"Your Wisdom!" the priestess called, with a terrified grimace that looked at odds with her strong frame. "The diviners were right! A planar breach! Less than a week's travel from here!"
The Archdruid stiffened, and her face only showed the slightest trace of horrified disbelief. "Marshal the Dragonwall. Call in all members that can make it to the First Stronghold within a week."
"Right, away, Your Wisdom," the priestess replied with a bow before hurrying out of the room.
The Archdruid approached the stained glass window in her study. The First Stronghold was built around a massive oak tree, easily as big as a tower. The druids had carefully hollowed out rooms, stairs, doors and windows within the trunk of the tree, and then joined the branches with wooden archways and delicate spires. In the tallest of those spires resided the Archdruid's quarters, and she was afforded a view of the lands around the First Stronghold that few others could match.
She could sense it, far to the West. The unnatural feeling of reality being torn to form a portal between planes. It hurt, in a sympathetic way, like a wound in a loved one.
Days passed, as the Order of the Thornwall marshalled its forces to face the most dangerous planar breach they had ever encountered, a deliberate challenge from dark forces beyond reality, an assertion that they would not be denied their due influence over the Material Plane.
The Battle of a Thousand Screams, as it was later known, was a massacre. The Order was forced to retreat almost immediately, as sanity-rending monstrosities poured forth from the planar breach and easily overwhelmed even the Order's strongest magic. The Dragonwall, originally intended to deliver a mighty strike upon the planar incursion, had to be sacrificed to allow the bulk of the Order's forces to retreat safely. Only two of the glorious Dragonwall survived, one with his mind lost to the rending insanity of the planes.
As the Order set defensive lines to slow the aberrations' impending march upon the First Stronghold, they were forced to abandon their fortifications almost immediately. The power of their adversaries was too strong to bear, and with each retreat, more members of the Order fell. The moment when the Archdruid summoned the Last Line was probably the darkest moment in the Order's history.
Cornered, desperate and ready to take on their last stand, the Order desperately sent out messages to allies, seeking any who would help. Only one group was able to send help within a timely manner: the Monastery of the Feral Soul. It was thanks to their mastery of their animal forms and their precious knowledge of the outer planes that they were able to endure the aberrations' influence and join the Order in the fight.
"There is only one way to finish this," said the Grandmaster.
The Archdruid nodded. "I have made the preparations."
"My students will lead the charge, supported by yours; and together, you and I will deliver the Webs to the portal," he explained calmly. He was serene, unmoved even by a situation as dire as a planar breach.
"The Sacred Webs will seal the breach, provided we are able to reach it," she said, though it didn't take a keen eye to realise she was mostly reassuring herself. "One of the many treasures hidden deep within the earth beneath this tree." She turned to the stained glass window and gazed at the pulsing breach in the distance. "I was afraid I would have had to unleash the Orb of Annihilation."
"Nature will prevail," the Grandmaster stated simply. "It always has, and always will."
And indeed it did. With the Monastery's help, the Order was able to carve a path to the breach and seal it, cutting off any reinforcements and greatly diminishing the aberrations' strength.
From then on, the Order has subtly demonstrated its gratitude towards the Monastery of the Feral Soul, providing them with protection, counsel, dealing with troublesome students and advocating for them in legal affairs. The Archdruid and the Grandmaster correspond with each other to this day.

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Well, the one above me was already taken, so I'll go with The Fellowship of the Celestial Eye. I took a few liberties and assumed that they generally worked for the cause of good (in part because of the name).
This takes place after many hundreds of years of the operation of the Fellowship, and they've become rather complacent in their role.
"What do you mean, 'No'?" exasperated the priestess, "We have the same goals; with your power and planning with our foresight we could wipe out evil before it has the chance to fester."
The knight grumbled "I think you have mistaken our purpose, young one-".
"Young one!?" the preistess interrupted, "I am over 500 years old, I have seen empires rise and fall that lasted longer than your species even lives. How dare you show me such disrespect!"
An exasperated sigh escapes the knight's normally breathless lips, "You mistake me for what I appear to be. And that highlights my hesitation with your proposal." he grumbles on, "You claim to be all-seeing, but can't even see me for what I am. Your fellowship has changed beneath your very gaze yet you turn a blind eye to it, even support it in its misguided ways."
One of the priestess' guards begins to speak, but is interrupted "Priestess, perhaps we should consider lea-".
"If you are so adamantly against aiding our cause, then why did you agree to meet us?" the priestess demands.
"Because your people have destroyed more than you know. You have killed unarmed men, the redeemable, even children in their very cradles. Your actions have torn apart families, undermined the honest efforts of the government and the governed alike, and left the populace vulnerable. In short, in your efforts to eliminate the need to fear, you have managed only to erode hope itself." explains the knight.
The knight's sword, pulsing with abhorrent energy, is drawn from its sheathe. Its wielder announces "In short, young priestess, this is your Requiem..", he smiles, "But you already knew that, didn't you?"
And thus began the most epic fight of who outplanned whom since Death Note. Except with a lot more blood.

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I was working on a post and accidentally closed my tab. The roll function is lost so you'll have to trust me when I say I got:
Fighter, Swashbuckler, Paladin, Druid
Order of the Tempest
Mages both malevolent and negligent often create dangerous creatures - undead, aberrations, and more - that terrorize the innocent. Anton Bywater (halfling swashbuckler/paladin) devoted himself to destroying these creatures and bringing their creators to justice. The Order of the Tempest upholds that legacy.
Paladins and druids make up a significant portion of the order for philosophical reasons. Less spiritual members tend to pursue the fighter or swashbuckler classes in the course of emulating Aton's signature Tempest style, centered around disorientingly fast strikes of a scimitar (mechanically, Dervish Dance + the Disruptive feat line). However the Order also contains a smattering of other martial and divine classes, notably including those cavaliers who favour a swashbuckler-like fighting style. Though the Order does not formally condemn all arcane magic, many of its members hold broad enough grudges that such casters feel distinctly unwelcome.
That attitude is unfortunately reinforced by the current leader or First Sword of the Order, Teska Clearbrook (LN human fighter). Teska joined the order after the rest of her adventuring party was slain by a berserk flesh golem. In her tenure she has seen enough plagues and undead scourges started by power-mad cultists that she distrusts not just arcane magic, but divine magic in the hands of mortals. This has strained relations with the divine spellcasters within the order, most of whom would prefer the more moderate Rhen Faolain (NG half-elven urban druid). As First Sword, Teska wields Anton's weapon, a scimitar known as the Silver Tempest:
And for the daring champions:
Challenge: Whenever an order of the tempest cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells or spell-like abilities cast by the subject of his challenge. If the subject is an aberration, undead, or construct, he also gains a +2 bonus on saves against the subject's supernatural abilities.
Skills: An order of the tempest adds Spellcraft and Knowledge (arcana) to his class skill list. He receives a bonus equal to 1/2 his level when identifying aberrations, undead, and constructs.
Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the tempest gains the following abilities as he increases in level.
Forewarned Dodge (Ex)
At 2nd level, whenever an order of the tempest cavalier identifies a spell or spell-like ability as it's being cast, the cavalier gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves against that spell. In addition, when the cavalier uses a Knowledge skill to identify an aberration, undead, or construct and exceeds the DC by 5 or more, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves against that creature's supernatural abilities. The cavalier cannot benefit from this ability when wearing heavy armour. If the cavalier has panache, he may spend a point of panache to grant this bonus to an adjacent ally against one attack. This is a free action that can be taken outside the cavalier's turn.
Spell Interference (Ex)
At 8th level, an order of the tempest cavalier gains Disruptive as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He may use his cavalier level as a fighter level when qualifying for feats that have Disruptive as a prerequisite.
Defensive Knowledge (Ex)
At 15th level, an order of the tempest cavalier grants adjacent allies the defensive boons of his cavalier challenge. In addition, as an immediate action, a number of times per day equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier, the cavalier can allow an ally adjacent to him to reroll a single failed saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability from the target of his challenge (or supernatural ability if the target is an aberration, undead, or construct). The ally must be able to see and hear the cavalier in order to gain this reroll. If the cavalier has panache, as a free action he may spend a point of panache to increase the range at which he grants both these abilities to 10ft for one round.

Goth Guru |

Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 241d100 ⇒ 261d100 ⇒ 501d100 ⇒ 26
Cavalier, Cleric, Monk, and more Cleric
The Secret Republic was founded by the order of monks that believed slavery to be the bane of civilization. All members still believe this with a fervor. They have gathered to them like minded people, including Order of the Eagle cavaliers and clerics of like minded deities. Their underground railroad is very organized. It includes dojos, farms, churches, castles, and such. Any building they can acquire will be modified to have a cellar accessible only by a secret door.

Mr.Shades |
Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 541d100 ⇒ 581d100 ⇒ 961d100 ⇒ 54
Ninja, Paladin, Wizard...Ninja again (we need a rule for doubles)
BANG BANG! The door-frame rattled as the hooded figures knocked hard against it in the wet, early hours of the mourning. 'Or was it the last hours of the night?' mused Guanhi, as he awaited the arrival of the denizen of the shrine. He did not wait long.
"Hello? Who seeks wisdom at this ho-Oh. Hello Guanhi-xiahan. It is good to see you again and you brought a friend...who looks the worse for wear. Come in and I'll see to his care...Well what are you waiting for?" The old monk had opened the door and spoke so swiftly that Guanhi could barely blink before he was expected to answer.
"Nice to see you too Lee-laona," the tired paladin grinned as he addressed the tender of the shrine. "I'm just letting the lady go first. Hittami-nubi is quite exhausted. The general clearly did not treat her well whilst she was in his care...could you arrange an alternative?"
The Rebulican monk froze for a second, then returned the paladin's grin. "Odd...Hitami-wanbe was supposed to be clearing out the basement. Come child,let us get you settled in.
The Guild of Grace
On the surface it is a charitable organization (formed by the joint cooporation of a holy order and an arcane school) that receives much of it's support and funding from the aristocracy & the wealthier merchants at fundraisers. It is a group of paladins & wizards who perform relief effort, protection details and research other ways to improve the quality of life within the (kingdom/empire/confederacy/etc).
It is also working to overthrow the government.
The history of the Guild is a matter of public record; from the heroic efforts of Tema of the Chan & Kabul Skywarden during the War that formed it to the recent inauguration of Guildmaster Tsukune. What is more, the record is factual about matters involving the Guild. What is missing from the record, is when a lot of the research into the quality of life came back, it condemned the law of the land.
Traditionally, the Holy Order of Chan-Yu served as wandering protectors, magistrates and care-givers to the remote communities of the nation, as well as known trouble spots. By contrast, the Celestial School of Sorcery focuses more on researching ways to help people improve their lives, providing magical assistance & protections to areas in need and producing magical convinces. In times of crisis or great need, the two factions function freely as a single unit.
The Order, was never comfortable with the offical pro-slavery stance; it too often led to abuse, suffering and evil. When the School revealed that the practice was not only harmful to the slaves, but to the commoners and the surrounding nations, the Guildmaster at the time decided to act.
Calling upon both of the 'parent' organizations for extra resources, it went on a recruitment drive. Likewise it stepped up the orphanage program. As a final, unspoken measure, it began to train these new recruits according to a very different set of criteria. Thus, the 'Scorned Shinobi' were born.
So named by their detractors, (referred to within the Guild as the 'Quiet Keepers'), based on the revenge theory for their motivation in performing acts of 'terror & treason'. Truthfully, the duties of this branch is more espionage, sabotage & the rescue of political prisoners than the assassinations and violent attacks for which they are famed.
Despite these efforts, the Guild is not yet ready to move against the authorities. The three branches work well together, especially at the middle & higher levels where the Order and the School are aware of the Keepers, but they lack the numbers and the military training of the Army. (The Order of Chan-Yu does train together, but paladins are in high demand and therefore most perform their regular protection routes solo, resulting in a skilled warrior...who has difficulties co-ordinating with their fellows.)

KoolKobold |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 34 Gunslinger
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 40 Inquisitor
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 19 Brawler
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 19 Reroll as it was the same result
Class 4 reroll: 1d100 ⇒ 51 Monk
The Way of the Powder is an organization that primarily focuses on the physical body and the invention of guns, as well as techniques to either evade attacks from bullets or to create new bullets that could go through armor or magic. Their inquisitors are the organization's personal arrangement of bounty hunters-trained in the arts of the gunslinger's firearms and the monk's way of physical and spiritual perfection, these inquisitors hunt down those who wish to either use the organization for their own selfish desires and goals or those who wish to eradicate the existence of guns. The brawlers of this organization are usually new recruits that are training in the monk's fighting techniques, but some are also oddly the diplomats and negotiators of the organization.
I don't know what to do with double roll results, so I just rerolled; apologies if that is not what I was supposed to do.
I figured a double means more of that class than the others. Either that or higher class levels. Maybe both.
That could be true, but I just rerolled since nothing was said about doubles.

Mjolbeard89 |

Class 1: 1d100 ⇒ 95 Wizard
Class 2: 1d100 ⇒ 9 Arcanist
Class 3: 1d100 ⇒ 89 Warpriest
Class 4: 1d100 ⇒ 37 Hunter
So...some kind of arcane academy with warpriest's of Nethys (or the setting's respective deity of the arcane) as the defenders of the academy and hunters as their mobile force to attack rival groups. Sounds fun!

Brolof |

Magus, Slayer, my choice (Let's go with Cavalier), and more Slayer. Let's try my hand at this.
The Order of the Commoner is an order of knights and warriors dedicated to protecting the interests and rights of the common man. Founded by a simple militia man after a revolution that failed to meet its promises. It was his intent to create a force that would prevent rulers from abusing their subjects. They believe slavery to be a sin against sentience itself, and something that has to be squashed in its entirely. The entire aesthetic of the order is rough and plain, that of the common man. This is reflected in their
The Knights of the Commoner are the main face of the organization. Formed of cavaliers, they are the ones who surprisingly do the least work most of the time. This changes when the group moves to open combat however. The Knights form the hammer at those times, striking hard and fast, as most knights do during times of war.
The Freehands are the most varied group in the orde. It is mainly made of Slayers, though any who can wield a blade and have a good head on their shoulders can join. This makes them largest group of the order, and for good purpose. Freehand serve as guards, spies, trackers, bounty hunters, whatever is needed. The members are trained to act in small groups, and to be adaptable if need be. Though in times, the groups can be split up to make more unit like groups.
The final group, which is also the smallest, are the Shacklebreakers. Formed when the order first came into conflict with nations with slavery, the Breakers are a group of magi who form the spec ops of the order. Trained to be covert and armed with hanmers, they free slaves and lead them to safety, usually after the owner has had their head cracked open.
If only I was good at design, I tried to make a cavalier order to go with this. Also sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, I did this on my phone.

Natan Linggod 327 |
Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 97 Investigator (my choice)
Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 46 Magus
Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 94 Wizard
Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 55 Oracle
Sisterhood of Saint Jamus.
Despite the name, the Sisterhood is not a religious organisation. Rather it started as all female adventuring group, based in the small town of Saint Jamus. The group specialised in retrieval and rescue missions. With every member capable of magic in some way they excelled in using divination magic and oracular abilities in their tactics.
With success came fame and growth. They now number around 300 members. The Sisterhood, of which a quarter are in fact male; they retain the name out of tradition, now hire their services out to other organisations in need of investigative skills. Their charter runs the gamut from helping law enforcement solve crime to tracking down lost heirs to seeking out archaeological sites on behalf of universities.
As with the original group, the Sisterhood relies heavily on magic, in particular Divinations, on their missions. As a result, they are usually exceptionally well prepared for any eventuality.
When in the field, investigators usually take charge of the mission, while magi provide the muscle. The wizards and oracles rarely do field work. Instead spending their time doing background research and crafting any needed resources. When they do join a mission, it is usually because the mission requires greater spell casting than a magus can provide.
Occasionally, the oracles will receive a vision or divinatory revelation regarding the future of the Sisterhood, often with ramifications for the world at large. This usually results in the more experienced members of the Sisterhood putting aside their current endeavours to deal with the problem as one.

Brolof |

Oh. I forgot to connect mine with the one above it... Might as well connect it with the Sisterhood.
Knight Captain Lawrence resists the urge to run a hand down his face. He was hoping this would only take five minutes, but no, it's been well over an hour. "I've told all I know Sister, if you want more information I suggest heading back to my orders castle."
The Sister shook her head. "Our oracles saw that the relic was located here. It must be here. If you would just allow us to look among your men's belongings, just a quick scan of Detect Magic would tell us all we need to know."
Lawrence pulls a tight lipped smile. "Sister, I am not going to allow you to look through my men's belongings. I have spread word that you are seeking the artifact and are offering a reward, if it's among my men they will turn it over.
This was of course just a game. The Sister knew full and well that he had, or at least knew where there relic was. The game was trying to get him to admit it. Which he wasn't going to do. The relic was important to the Order's past, and powerful. It belonged in the hands of the Order, helping it. Not in some stuff vault at some university.
The Sister seems about to continue, and then stops, nodding. "Well, I suppose there is nothing more to be done then besides wait. I thank you for your time." She nods, and exits his office. As the door thus shud he rubs his face. That was stressful, she was a skilled speaker, almost got him to slip a few times. Pulling out a flask of Dwarven Black hidden under in a drawer, he takes a sip and shakes his head as it burns down.
Getting up shakily, he moves his chair and checks the lock on the small safe under his desk. 'Good, still sturdy.' He thinks, staggering up right and heading off to bed. As he exits the room, an almost unnoticeable gust of wind passes by.
Groaning and rubbing his face, Lawrence entered his office. Slumping into his chair, he nurses a mug of coffee for a few seconds. Remembering, he slides out of the chair and checks the floor safe, gasping slightly as he opens it. The relic was gone. He sighs, and stands, cracking his back. Walking out of the room, he signals one of the guards. "Go get me Freehand Yvarn, I got a job for him."

Goth Guru |

Magus, Slayer, my choice (Let's go with Cavalier), and more Slayer. Let's try my hand at this.
The Order of the Commoner is an order of knights and warriors dedicated to protecting the interests and rights of the common man. Founded by a simple militia man after a revolution that failed to meet its promises. It was his intent to create a force that would prevent rulers from abusing their subjects. They believe slavery to be a sin against sentience itself, and something that has to be squashed in its entirely. The entire aesthetic of the order is rough and plain, that of the common man. This is reflected in their
The Knights of the Commoner are the main face of the organization. Formed of cavaliers, they are the ones who surprisingly do the least work most of the time. This changes when the group moves to open combat however. The Knights form the hammer at those times, striking hard and fast, as most knights do during times of war.
The Freehands are the most varied group in the orde. It is mainly made of Slayers, though any who can wield a blade and have a good head on their shoulders can join. This makes them largest group of the order, and for good purpose. Freehand serve as guards, spies, trackers, bounty hunters, whatever is needed. The members are trained to act in small groups, and to be adaptable if need be. Though in times, the groups can be split up to make more unit like groups.
The final group, which is also the smallest, are the Shacklebreakers. Formed when the order first came into conflict with nations with slavery, the Breakers are a group of magi who form the spec ops of the order. Trained to be covert and armed with hanmers, they free slaves and lead them to safety, usually after the owner has had their head cracked open.
If only I was good at design, I tried to make a cavalier order to go with this. Also sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, I did this on my phone.
Order of the Eagle. Their mount is usually a wild creature, preferably a giant eagle. The often have feats like flyby attack. Class skill stealth for guerilla tactics. The feats for breaking things for chains and shackles. It's one of my homebrew ideas.