Mr.Shades's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.


How did it go?

Haven't finished reading starfinder yet, but I would like some tho ughts and opinions on the matter.

Certainly the 'Use Technology' skill did not carry on.

Equipment can play a large role in a campaign at times. Certain types of equipment have been put forth but the tools to allow GMs to make/create them can be lacking. Especially when it comes to the Gp cost (which can be used to measure relative power).

For example, the preparation rituals for preconstructioned spellbooks in Ultimate Magic don't explain where the pricing comes from. Considering that PCs can and do create their own spellbooks, this oversight feels a tad disappointing. Personally I combine the guidelines for crafting Wonderous items, Scrolls and dynamic magic items (representing discoveries and theorems of their creators).

On the other hand, I don't have a clue about the dungeon guides from the Dungeoneers Handbook. I just don't understand how they priced those. If anyone knows, please feel free to let me know.

Are there over forms of equipment or services that appear oddly priced in Pathfinder?

There are several monster qualities that aren't listed in the race builder in the ARG and the Srd.

Some of them are appropriate to certain concepts: tremorsense is the one on my mind lately.

Tremorsense (ex) feels like it should be an Advanced or even a Monstrous quality but I don't know how many points it should be worth.

Any advice would be appreciated. Feel free to put any qualities you want evaluated in this thread too.

Heck, I'll give it another go. I'll treat doubles as a re-roll

Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 851d100 ⇒ 331d100 ⇒ 971d100 ⇒ 65
Swashbuckler, Fighter, My Choice (I'll pick one of the Classes that aren't up there), Rouge...As for my choice, I think I'll take Vigilante.
That will give us some more skullduggery and leave a clear weakness in the organization: no magic!

Thus I shall introduce the Ralia Cartel.

It came to life in the Imperial Magocracy Colony of Vothedic, as a reaction against the tension between the local Magi-strates and the various nobility's miltia.

Thank You for trying.

It was such an strong image in my head, I forgot to check if the class already had the support for it.
I should have put forward a different class; like an Occultist wielding tribal fetishes as implements...

Give me a bit; that might also already exist.

Classes: 1d100 ⇒ 541d100 ⇒ 581d100 ⇒ 961d100 ⇒ 54
Ninja, Paladin, Wizard...Ninja again (we need a rule for doubles)

BANG BANG! The door-frame rattled as the hooded figures knocked hard against it in the wet, early hours of the mourning. 'Or was it the last hours of the night?' mused Guanhi, as he awaited the arrival of the denizen of the shrine. He did not wait long.

"Hello? Who seeks wisdom at this ho-Oh. Hello Guanhi-xiahan. It is good to see you again and you brought a friend...who looks the worse for wear. Come in and I'll see to his care...Well what are you waiting for?" The old monk had opened the door and spoke so swiftly that Guanhi could barely blink before he was expected to answer.

"Nice to see you too Lee-laona," the tired paladin grinned as he addressed the tender of the shrine. "I'm just letting the lady go first. Hittami-nubi is quite exhausted. The general clearly did not treat her well whilst she was in his care...could you arrange an alternative?"

The Rebulican monk froze for a second, then returned the paladin's grin. "Odd...Hitami-wanbe was supposed to be clearing out the basement. Come child,let us get you settled in.

The Guild of Grace
On the surface it is a charitable organization (formed by the joint cooporation of a holy order and an arcane school) that receives much of it's support and funding from the aristocracy & the wealthier merchants at fundraisers. It is a group of paladins & wizards who perform relief effort, protection details and research other ways to improve the quality of life within the (kingdom/empire/confederacy/etc).

It is also working to overthrow the government.

The history of the Guild is a matter of public record; from the heroic efforts of Tema of the Chan & Kabul Skywarden during the War that formed it to the recent inauguration of Guildmaster Tsukune. What is more, the record is factual about matters involving the Guild. What is missing from the record, is when a lot of the research into the quality of life came back, it condemned the law of the land.

Traditionally, the Holy Order of Chan-Yu served as wandering protectors, magistrates and care-givers to the remote communities of the nation, as well as known trouble spots. By contrast, the Celestial School of Sorcery focuses more on researching ways to help people improve their lives, providing magical assistance & protections to areas in need and producing magical convinces. In times of crisis or great need, the two factions function freely as a single unit.

The Order, was never comfortable with the offical pro-slavery stance; it too often led to abuse, suffering and evil. When the School revealed that the practice was not only harmful to the slaves, but to the commoners and the surrounding nations, the Guildmaster at the time decided to act.

Calling upon both of the 'parent' organizations for extra resources, it went on a recruitment drive. Likewise it stepped up the orphanage program. As a final, unspoken measure, it began to train these new recruits according to a very different set of criteria. Thus, the 'Scorned Shinobi' were born.

So named by their detractors, (referred to within the Guild as the 'Quiet Keepers'), based on the revenge theory for their motivation in performing acts of 'terror & treason'. Truthfully, the duties of this branch is more espionage, sabotage & the rescue of political prisoners than the assassinations and violent attacks for which they are famed.

Despite these efforts, the Guild is not yet ready to move against the authorities. The three branches work well together, especially at the middle & higher levels where the Order and the School are aware of the Keepers, but they lack the numbers and the military training of the Army. (The Order of Chan-Yu does train together, but paladins are in high demand and therefore most perform their regular protection routes solo, resulting in a skilled warrior...who has difficulties co-ordinating with their fellows.)

..sorry to add to the large load you have here but I have a couple of odd ideas rattling around in my skull...

Orc Cavalier not nessaricarily WORG RIDERS but there is something there.

Lizardfolk Witch

Half-Orc Vigilante protector/avenger in a world that hates and fears them.

Tiefling Summoner