Agent Carter


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Scarab Sages

Well, that could have gone better….

I was really hoping Wilkes would put together and actual containment suit. That might have been cool.

I loved his little talk with Whitney, how she was musing that the zero matter affected each of them differently. Not unlike the terrigen mists…..

Also – F*@@ YOU, WHITNEY! Why’d you have to be a b!#*% and shoot Anna in the gut like that? A f#+#ing leg wound would have done just as well.

Whitney and the Council – yeah, I was wondering when that would happen.

Vernon Masters is a dick, but it’s nice to see the actor back in villain mode.

That actress playing Dottie can be really f&~+ing creepy sometimes. I loved the scenes with her and Vernon, though. And then Whitney took her turn…..good to see she’s getting better control of her powers.

Interesting bit when Whitney told the Roxxon guy she needed the exact same material used in the first explosion.

Jack, my boy, I wish I could figure out who’s side you’re really on. You lied to Vernon Masters about viewing the video showing the zero matter experiment. You seem to be right along with him now, though. Maybe you’re just that good at being an undercover spy. Or maybe it’s taking you time to become an evil bastard. If you go good, I can fully see you being the first Director of SHIELD.

The mob guy is just f++#ing annoying. I really wish someone would end him.

Sovereign Court

The actress who portrays Dottie is stunning. And really knows how to do the creepy vibe. Still damn beautiful though.

Scarab Sages

Dottie is soooooooo creepy. Last season, she was just odd, but this season, every scene she's in, she steals with her super dooper creepiness.

I really love how this show, particularly in the last few weeks, has fully embraced its role as the zany Marvel TV show. Slapstick always has been and always will be great, and mixed with some of the more subtle jokes, its become a hilarious show. It's always taken itself a bit less than serious, but it seems as this season grinds on, they've jumped off into the deep end of action-comedy.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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Hey, somebody finally noticed Dr. Wilkes is black!

Seriously, for a series that misses no chance to portray period sexism, it seemed jarring that no one so much as batted an eye at a black super-scientist in the 1940s.

I'm interested to see if this zero matter stuff makes it into the MCU films, since it seems like a pretty big deal to get overlooked 70 years in the future.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They've mentioned it before, Ninja. Wilkes himself mentioned that he really didn't want to rat on Isodyne because they were the only group that wanted a black man in a position that would have been considered "whites only" in the 40s. And that guy who ran the donut shop certainly noticed Wilkes was black.

The racism is there. It's just not as front and center.

Sovereign Court

I must say I enjoyed the hell out of the

musical scene

Scarab Sages

Hama wrote:
I must say I enjoyed the hell out of the ** spoiler omitted **

Indeed. Normally, my dislike of such is intense. This time, for some reason, it left me amused.

Scarab Sages


Whitney Frost teaches Jason how to better control his powers, and he does pretty well at it, until it's time for him to escape Whitney's clutches. True, he had absorbed more zero matter, and was fast moving towards being critically unstable, but still....

I'd be pretty pissed at my employer if my beloved wife got shot and he doesn't even show up at the hospital. I guess the actor was busy.

I liked the gamma cannon. I wonder if, in the MCU, that device eventually inspired Bruce Banner?

I enjoyed the kitchen scene with the mob guy. It was interesting.

I wonder if the redacted file they thought was dirt on Peggy actually had something to do with her brother, Michael. It did just say "M. Carter", as I recall, so that could work. They might have been setting something up for a potential third season - with her brother alive and a bad guy.

Sovereign Court

Well what is Peggy's name?

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Margaret Elizabeth Carter

Sovereign Court

How does Peggy come from that?

Liberty's Edge

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Margaret > Marge > Meg > Meggy > Peggy

Isn't linguistic / etymological evolution grand?

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Peggy is a very common diminutive form of Margaret.

Liberty's Edge

I enjoyed it. Everything seemed to hang together well and the plotline was interesting. I also enjoyed the opening scene in all its weirdness.

Aberzombie wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Howard Stark is in South America consulting with another scientist. It's not clear that there's any way to get in touch with him, or that anyone tried.

Even if they did try, the whole thing with Mrs. Jarvis occurred over, what, two days? It might take that long or longer for them to reach him and him to get back.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:

Well, that could have gone better….

I was really hoping Wilkes would put together an actual containment suit. That might have been cool.

Or work with Stark to miniaturize the containment field generator into clothing, something that can cover the whole body... like a long hooded cloak. ;)
RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Any rumors on when ABC/Marvel is going to officially pull the plug?

Scarab Sages

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Not seen anything beyond atwell getting a regular job.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

archmagi1 wrote:
Not seen anything beyond atwell getting a regular job.

That's what I had heard. A bad sign for a Season Three in any case.

Sovereign Court

Howard Stark shooting a golf ball towards a zero matter black hole and misses.
"Jarvis what am I doing wrong?"
Jarvis approaches
"Sir, we're standing at the incomprehensible rip in time-space, use a 7-iron".

Dark Archive

Hama wrote:

Howard Stark shooting a golf ball towards a zero matter black hole and misses.

"Jarvis what am I doing wrong?"
Jarvis approaches
"Sir, we're standing at the incomprehensible rip in time-space, use a 7-iron".

I loved that line. Jarvis is very rarely the unflappable butler stereotype his comic book counterpart tends to be (much like Alfred, in that other comic book universe), but that line was perfect.

Scarab Sages

It was a cool episode, but that ending….

I’m indifferent to the death of Thompson, but I’m not thrilled that was the ending. Kind of wish they’d done a bit more.

My speculation as to the shooter is Michael Carter. The report he took, the one Thompson had retrieved for Vernon Masters, mentioned M. Carter. And, if I recall correctly, it mentioned some massacre and M. Carter being the only survivor. I’m betting her brother was the survivor, he’s been recruited by some enemy organization, and that’s the storyline they’ll go with if their ends up being a season three. My hope would be they’d make the brother Scorpio and bring in Zodiac as his allies.

Otherwise, I like the way they resolved things. There was a nice bit of humor, Howard being Howard, a cool plan, and gadgets.

I’m glad Dr. Wilkes survived and will be working for Howard.

I loved that last Whitney bit, with her in the asylum and her face all scarred up. That was kind of cool, and left the door open for her subsequent return. Maybe they could even bring her back in a flashback in one of the MCU movies.

Huzzah for Peggy and Sousa finally getting on with it.

All in all, I enjoyed this second season.

Scarab Sages

Set wrote:
Hama wrote:

Howard Stark shooting a golf ball towards a zero matter black hole and misses.

"Jarvis what am I doing wrong?"
Jarvis approaches
"Sir, we're standing at the incomprehensible rip in time-space, use a 7-iron".

I loved that line. Jarvis is very rarely the unflappable butler stereotype his comic book counterpart tends to be (much like Alfred, in that other comic book universe), but that line was perfect.

Indeed, that scene was excellent. Jarvis is awesome.

Good season finally but did add more questions. Questions we may not ever get answered if the show ends now.

Does anyone know what the ratings have been like this season?

Dragon78 wrote:
Does anyone know what the ratings have been like this season?

Here (ratings in right-most column)

Dark Archive

Variety Magazine article for the series to keep on trucking

Jarvis is by far my favorite part of this show. :D

Dark Archive

'Agent Carter' Canceled at ABC

Sovereign Court


That is very disappointing:(

I'm disappointed but not unexpected due the fact the ratings weren't great.

Scarab Sages

I cried.

I cursed.

I sighed with relief that the Final Blade had finally dropped. I was pretty much expecting Agent Carter to fail with a male audience. If Lynda Carter hadn't been showing so much skin, Wonder Woman would have met the same fate decades ago.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
I sighed with relief that the Final Blade had finally dropped. I was pretty much expecting Agent Carter to fail with a male audience. If Lynda Carter hadn't been showing so much skin, Wonder Woman would have met the same fate decades ago.

That may have made the difference with Supergirl.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
I sighed with relief that the Final Blade had finally dropped. I was pretty much expecting Agent Carter to fail with a male audience. If Lynda Carter hadn't been showing so much skin, Wonder Woman would have met the same fate decades ago.

Meh... I honestly didn't like the story very much. Female lead had little to do with it.

I watched both seasons, but by the second, I was getting pretty bored. I was really hoping for the show to be about Peggy and Howard starting SHIELD... and using all the fancy vintage gadgets that they showcased on AoS..

Agent Carter... was NOT that. It was more... Woman making it in a man's world... and less Black Widow/Alias/Buffy butt kicking super-spy show.

I really believe that one of the biggest strengths of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is the feeling that it is all connected. All the movies form together to make the avengers... Which connects to Coulson and SHIELD with crossovers galore... which ties in with Fisk's city rebuilding in Daredevil...

Agent Carter didn't really HAVE that. You could easily skip both seasons and not feel like you missed anything at all. I loved seeing the flashback in AoS with Peggy and the Howling Commandos finding that obelisk... and if the series was more of THAT, I think it would have done better.

But to sum it all up with 'not enough skin showing' is pretty shallow.

Liberty's Edge

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I watched both seasons but it really was a chore most of the time. The show's emphasis on 'girl power' rather than focusing on telling a good story really hamstrung it in the long term.

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This was possibly the best superhero(related) show on the air, at least after Constantine was axed.
I loved the supertech spy drama and thought it worked very well almost entirely independent of the larger MCU. I don't agree with phantom's position - there was plenty of super-spy stuff. Yes, there was a constant element of gender-inequality and Peggy's struggle against it but that's part of the time it's set in. Might as well complain that shows set in ancient Rome show slavery.

Scarab Sages

Yeah, I'm also in the "meh" category, even though I found the show to be entertaining.

This was the best show on television and it is sad that it is gone. The fact that its core audience doesn't watch TV anymore probably hurt it too much.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Loved this show. Not surprised at it being cancelled -- it lost viewers, and certainly the network airing its season 2 premiere against the State of the Union address and then confusingly doubling up certain episodes helped ensure that a lot of viewers dropped out even if they might have otherwise watched.

Ironically, even that said, while people lament "low ratings" its lowest ratings (about 2.35 million watching) were in fact better than, for example, "Arrow" is currently (most recent episode was 2.16 million) or "Legends of Tomorrow" (most recent episode 1.63 million), both of which are renewed. Now obviously, ABC has different ratings standards than the CW, and generally want higher viewership overall, whereas CW sticks with shows even they should have long after been sent to pasture. Even so, it's weird a show like "Arrow"--again, for one example--is considered successful or more widely watched when it actually isn't. Not trying to slam "Arrow" or any other show, just using that as an example of a superhero/comics-inspired show with similar ratings, and how we seem to judge different comics-inspired shows by different standards of "success." Now, Agent Carter's ratings certainly DROPPED--the first season premiered with 6.91 million viewers and averaged upwards of 4 million viewers, but that also goes back at least somewhat to network scheduling shenanigans. It's a shame that turned out the way it did, and it's hard not to wonder if it could have done better with better scheduling. (I do think personally Season 1 was also better than Season 2, but you can't ignore the other factors either.) (Ratings sources Wikipedia and

It does irk me the showrunners set up so many loose threads when I think they knew the likelihood of getting a third season was low and ended the series on the cliffhanger. The worst episode of Agent Carter by far was its season finale, with its utterly anticlimactic ending (the big bad just kind of meanders in and sort of defeats herself)--so much time was wasted, and so little closure was provided, and the writers let us down there. They also should have been moving more obviously toward founding SHIELD (I think they were laying seeds, but moving way too slowly on that front). The lack of closure for me hurts -- I want to know where Dottie ran off to (mind, I have a giant raging crush on Dottie--yes, I like'em crazy), I want to know who shot (spoiler), I want to know what is up with the M. Carter file and if it has to do with Peg's brother, I want to see Angie again in more than a dream sequence, and more importantly I want to know if Jarvis ever managed to get control of that flamingo. ;) And we will never resolve any of that and it drives me effing CRAZY.

The cast and characters were AMAZING too... I don't think there was anyone I disliked (well, Sousa has the personality of dry toast, but he was still a nice guy). So glad Hayley Atwell at least has already been cast in another series, but I want to see James D'arcy, Bridget Regan, Lyndsy Fonseca, Enver Gjokaj, etc. etc. (insert names of other awesome people I have left out here). And I will miss those fictional characters lots.... Peggy, we know her fate, and we sort of know Jarvis's (and they have their successors of a sort in Sharon and J.A.R.V.I.S. and by extension the Vision). And we'll probably still occasionally see Peg in flashbacks as long as Hayley Atwell's willing (I think she's second to Stan Lee in number of MCU cameos ;) ). The others we'll also, again, never get closure on. Argh!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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At least now she's free to be the next Dr. Who.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
At least now she's free to be the next Dr. Who.

She's starring in a new show called "Conviction" so that's unlikely at the moment, as awesome as it would be. :)

(FWIW she did a character voice in a Doctor Who Big Finish audio.)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DeathQuaker wrote:
and more importantly I want to know if Jarvis ever managed to get control of that flamingo. ;)

You were doomed to never get closure on that, as the show would almost certainly have moved back to NYC.

Sovereign Court

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Too bad. The second season wasn't great, but it was more entertaining than the 3rd season of AoS. I hope we still get to see the founding of Shield someday.

Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
At least now she's free to be the next Dr. Who.

Yes please!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Lord Fyre wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
and more importantly I want to know if Jarvis ever managed to get control of that flamingo. ;)
You were doomed to never get closure on that, as the show would almost certainly have moved back to NYC.

Well, obviously if that was the case, the answer would be "no" because it means Jarvis fled Bertram's habitat. :)

I loved the first season, but overall found the second season to be a bit weak and meandering. So kind don't see the cancellation as all that bad.

Norman Osborne wrote:
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
At least now she's free to be the next Dr. Who.
Yes please!

I don't think she'd take that much of a salary cut, if she can get better paying gigs in Hollywood.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

MMCJawa wrote:
I loved the first season, but overall found the second season to be a bit weak and meandering. So kind don't see the cancellation as all that bad.

... and due to their budget limitations, they weren't able to take full advantage of the 1940s Hollywood setting.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am SO sad. I loved this show.

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