Shiroi |
I've yet to see anyone actually give me a valid reason that Kinetic Fist doesn't allow most Style feats into play, TWF feats, Weapon Finesse, and even Crit Feats.
It adds the damage to the regular unarmed strike, as bonus damage dice. My Geo is running Snake Style, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, and a loose interpretation of Ride the Blast to bounce around the field entangling and earth slamming and getting attacks of opportunity left and right.
(The loose interpretation is that it doesn't say "which" square I would appear in if hitting with a melee attack. So every hit I can pick any adjacent space to the opponent I just tapped, letting me move around an enemy to hit the guy behind him, then go to the other side of that enemy to hit the guy behind him. So forth, if I get a few AoO's. In fact, I'd almost wish it was ruled to Provoke as a movement into their area, for that very reason.)
Panther Style was the other one I was interested in, because with DR up to ten a Geo can run through a crowd, hit everyone who misses him, shrug off any hits that make it through, and then still have as many as six attacks for the caster in the back line.

UsagiTaicho |

Hello! Unfortunately it doesn't look like I'll get to playtest this class, but I have a few wording suggestions.
Wild Talents - How about changing this to Katas? I feel like that's more in line with the general theme, doesn't step on any toes of previous wording, and fits the idea of the anime blasters and Avatar.
Infusions - Since this also steps on previous game terms, and the word's association with liquids and such, it doesn't fit right. How about just Fusions? Or Modifications. Or maybe Additives? Any way you slice it, Infusions just doesn't seem right.
And finally, Geokinesis! It just sounds better, and it's Greek as others have pointed out.
Otherwise it is a fantastic looking class, with just some minor word fixes and clarifications.

mplindustries |

After seeing that a kineticist wielding a bow or a gun is better than a kineticist actually blasting with the class powers, I wanted to check out whether kinetic blade/whip can compete with a greatsword or just slamming with kinetic form's natural attacks (probably with kinetic fist).
However, I realized that I don't think I really understand how kinetic weapon/whip work. I mean, I understand the actions involved, but not how it interacts with feats.
Kinetic blade becomes a weapon, but uh, does the weapon matter at all beyond "can I weapon finesse this?" If I make it a one hander, can I two hand it for better power attacking? Do I need to turn it into a weapon I am proficient in or will I take a penalty for making a non-simple weapon?
Can I make it into a weapon that I could throw, like a spear or dagger? If I can, kinetic blade is the way to go since I could free empower and vital strike at range.
Can I make it into a shield to bash with (and interact with shield slam type feats?). Would it provide an AC bonus? Same question on if I make it a Scizore? Can I make a weapon with special properties like disarm or a sap to deal nonlethal?
And what about kinetic whip? What weapon does it count as? Is it a whip? So, I can finesse it? If it is, would I need exotic weapon proficiency for it? It seems unlikely because the kinetic whip is a reach weapon sized for you, but a real whip hits 15'. Does it mimic a weapon at all? Can I finesse it? There are no core reach finesse weapons that I know of. Nor are their core reach weapons that are 1 handed--can I get increased power attack efficiency with it by two handing it? Can I pirahna strike with it?
Further, how does this stuff interact with weapon focus? Do I take weapon focus "Cold Blast?" Or say, "dagger" and then I only get the bonus when I make kinetic blade into a dagger? Or do I take Weapon Focus in "kinetic blade?" Same question about Kinetic Whip?

Shiroi |
So far no direct ruling on blade that I've seen, but whip is better described as elemental tentacle. It isn't a finesse weapon, it doesn't hit 15, and it's not a trip/disarm/nonlethal/in any other way odd weapon. I can assume blade is the same. It does, however, let you hit your normal range just fine in addition to the reach zone. Which means so far these don't interact with feats hardly at all.
I'm recommending making a talent that lets you select one fighting style when you take it, and take it again for more, from this list (unarmed/two weapon/two handed/finesse) with a reach talent that gives you the range bonus of whip as it stands. Or just add "reach weapon" to those styles above.
Now you can say "when using this style/form infusion you may treat this kinetic weapon as a generic weapon of this type for the purposes of feats." Or something close to that, basically not letting you use special weapons as your base type and not letting you take, say, axe only feats or anything weapon specific.

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How does the Allying weapon property interact with Kinetic Blade?
Can you use Kinetic Cover for horizontal planes or just vertical, or push one over? Can you stack the wall on top of another?
If the kinetic blade is a monk weapon can you flurry with it?
When putting on shroud of water can i encase myself in a block of ice and shatter it coming out in ice armor?
How and what can a kineticist retrain?

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With the ability to use Weapon Focus for the Kinetic Blast, Blade, or Whip. do you have to select a Weapon Focus for each, or does Weapon Focus (Kinetic Blast) covers all three?
For the Kinetic Blade creating a weapon, do you get the Weapon's Critical Threat Range/Multiplier, or is it just simply 20/x2 due to using the Kinetic Blast damage?

DomonKashu |
Finished a society session of The Confirmation with the aerokineticist using lightning blasts and kinetic blade. Seemed to do fine but being level one we didn't fight anything with resistance/immunity. only misses were when I rolled below 6 anyway. damage wise he seemed to hold his own just had issue getting things into range. Already planning on extended range at level 2.

Atarlost |
The fundamental problem here is the same as the investigator had: you're using a bad class as your comparison base.
The fighter is widely considered to be horribly underpowered when viewed holistically. The allegation that the Kineticist will have noncombat utility should not mean it needs to lose combat utility because the fighter should never have been allowed to see print with as little noncombat utility as it has.
When considering the existence of burn and the current necessity of using FTB to boost accuracy the kineticist should be massively outperforming the fighter archer because the fighter archer has a d10 hit die and the kineticist starts at d8, then effectively drops to d6 at level 3, goes down to the unprecedented in Pathfinder d4 at level 6, the completely unprecedented d2 at level 9, d0 at level 12 and goes into negative hit dice at level 15. Even if balance is abandoned past level 12 where society play stops the kineticist would need a d20 hit die to justify being only as offensively powerful as a fighter so long as burn exists in its current state.

alternis sol |
So far no direct ruling on blade that I've seen, but whip is better described as elemental tentacle. It isn't a finesse weapon, it doesn't hit 15, and it's not a trip/disarm/nonlethal/in any other way odd weapon. I can assume blade is the same. It does, however, let you hit your normal range just fine in addition to the reach zone.
kinetic blade is definitely finesse able see page 3 I currently can't copy & paste for some reason. kinetic whip says that it functions as kinetic blade with normal reach so it can also be finessed. power attack, and weapon focus work, things like agile while not work.
otherwise your correct the shape gives you nothing, the shape is purely for cool factor it is neither beneficial or adverse to the user.

ThePaulineIndex |
For the "Light Touch" Wild Talent it says it behaves as Magehand, but lists the max movement per round for the first increase as 30 feet per round. Magehand has 15 feet as a move action, meaning it is already 30 per round. Does that mean:
A) The playtest means per move action?
B) "Light Touch" cant be concentrated on and as a standard action moves as if using the move action after the standard action casting from Magehand?
C) Something else entirely.

Rageling |

How does the Allying weapon property interact with Kinetic Blade?
Can you use Kinetic Cover for horizontal planes or just vertical, or push one over? Can you stack the wall on top of another?
If the kinetic blade is a monk weapon can you flurry with it?
When putting on shroud of water can i encase myself in a block of ice and shatter it coming out in ice armor?
How and what can a kineticist retrain?
Kinetic Blade isn't an actual weapon, so it can't be enchanted to have any weapon mods (if that's what you meant by Allying?).
(EDIT: Looked it up. Good question! I'm guessing no, because it isn't an actual weapon, but it IS solid for a while... Very good question!)Kinda wondered too if it must be affixed to something, or if you could create like, a sheet above you.
Kinetic blade resembles an applicable weapon, but is not said weapon, and uses none of its mechanics. Not even with Aether. You use your blast damage, it's always 20/x2 (unless you have Imp Crit for your blast), and none of your weapon properties apply. I know this has been tagged at least a few times in the thread.
Unless you somehow found a way to make "Kinetic Blast" a Monk weapon - not simply LOOK like a monk weapon - then I'm going to go with no. I'm guessing this idea is why they created Kinetic fist.
As for retraining - never used it in any of my games (never had a need).
No idea, and I don't think it was covered previously, so good question!
With the ability to use Weapon Focus for the Kinetic Blast, Blade, or Whip. do you have to select a Weapon Focus for each, or does Weapon Focus (Kinetic Blast) covers all three?
For the Kinetic Blade creating a weapon, do you get the Weapon's Critical Threat Range/Multiplier, or is it just simply 20/x2 due to using the Kinetic Blast damage?
My understanding (per all the previous), is that a Kinetic Blast is a Kinetic Blast, and all Blade/Whip do, is shape or solidify it (hence the temporary nature). By this, weapon focus would I think apply to Blast/Blade/Whip, but I'm not 100% on Fist.
As for getting the created weapon's threat, as above, I can say with certainty: No.
It resembles such a weapon, but is still actually your blast made manifest.
Though (again as above), if you took Improved Crit: Kinetic Blast, it should in theory work for Blast/Blade/Whip.

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I set up a comparison at 10th level: my baseline aerokinetisist and the same build with either each point of burn granting +2 to-hit/+2 damage, Kinetic Bracers, or both modifications. DPR calculations are on the second page of each character.
Modified Burn + Kinetic Bracers
Either a modified burn or Kinetic Bracers renders the ranged accuracy problem non-existent With both a modified burn and access to Kinetic Bracers, optimization has room to move away from a focus on accuracy and shifts back towards CON. Re-visiting optimization with both changes would put ranged DPR around 51 using a physical attack and a peak DPR of about 62 making iterative attacks with a touch based Kinetic Blade.
Going NOVA and generating massive burn will, of course, generate a much higher theoretical maximum DPR, but only once or twice per day and cripple the Kineticist in the process.

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So if kinetic blade isn't the weapon what weapon focus do you take? Do you take weapon focus kinetic blast and it works with all variations? Do you take itwith specific blasts?
I assume that feats that apply to weapons like focus, spec or improved crit would not apply to a kinetic blade in the form of that weapon.

Heladriell |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

About defenses of the class:
I think it would be thematically appropriate to give this class evasion and uncanny dodge. The kineticist is focused on blasts, used to the dangerous manifestations of his element. To survive his upbringing, he must get really good really soon to get out of the way. Also, his attunement with the surrounding aspects of his element can warn him of incoming disruptions.

Shiroi |
Hmmm... I'm seeing huge potential for a Dip level in Monk. You take the Monk level first, actually, to get the bonus Wis to AC, Stunning Fist, and Unarmed Strike. Flurry is useless after not too long because it doesn't interact with Kinetic Fist since they both use a Full Action to activate. But that's okay, because a Human gets one bonus feat, and the Monk gets a bonus feat from a list of awesome stuff. Regular monk would give you Combat Reflexes for that, or maybe Dodge. I'd go Master of Many Styles though, because taking Snake Style at level 1, with Improved Unarmed Strike, and Two Weapon Fighting (from the human bonus feat) means that at level 2 you hit for 1D6 Bludgeoning (monk improved your damage die) +1D6 of chosen element or type, twice, at +0/+0, with a double attack of opportunity. Eventually, this reaches up to a LVL 12 character with a composite blast, entangling, and kinetic fist for talents, and Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Combat Reflexes, and all three Snake Style feats. Now I can take 2 burn to hit for 5D6+Str, at +8/+8/+3/+3 BAB (then add all the bonuses to hit for FtB, Str, and Amulet of Mighty Fists. I'm only looking at options, not fully building the character right this second.)
I now get a chance to entangle with every hit, hit four times normally, and get up to 2 attacks of opportunity if anyone misses me with a melee attack, with Dex times I can do so if need be. Proceeding from here, being Monk of Many Styles, I can add Panther and provoke attacks as I charge through the ranks. The real fun part here is choosing Earth for the DR to shrug off any hits, and rely on my Sense Motive Check for AC, or Shroud of Water, to make Sidewinder almost exclusively a prerequisite feat but give consistent AC. Since I have room at the end of my feat list for Skill Focus Sense Motive, and it's Class for Monk, and Wisdom (my AC stat) based, this is probably going to go Earth Bender style. Or, drop my Rare Metal and Magnetic infusions to do earth/ice instead of earth/earth, get the best of both worlds, and add chilling infusion to my options. Who can close gaps to the BACK line with RtB at Extended range, then pound his way back across the no mans land. At LvL 20, he's hitting 6 times, with Entangle, for 4D6 regular and 7D6 nova, and dishing harsh attacks of opportunity all over the place. Also, EBIV, +8 Str. Times 6+ hits.
Would anyone care to do a math crunch vs a mid-optimized melee build? I'd love to see where this stacks up, I'm thinking it'll come up short on damage but the 6+ chances to entangle and then root an enemy in place (in response to them missing an attack of opportunity on you while you happened to be running past them to hit something else, no less) is a reasonably nasty little addition.
The only thing you lose for this build is one Talent and the capstone, which I'm honestly not a huge fan of. It lets me take other choices for Talents, which I passed up on my way to get here. Might be more useful when there's more choices, I'll give it that, and it would let me temporarily get a different element to punish a resistant or immune creature, but for the most part I already picked what I wanted to run with.

kestral287 |
Honestly, two burn for 5D6+Str... does not really impress me. Your baseline of comparison is Kinetic Blade hitting at +9/+4 for 12D6+12+Con for the same two burn, or 6D6+1/2 Con hitting Touch AC. You've invested, discounting your Monk bonus feat, at least five feats (and probably Double Slice too). You're also much more MAD than the standard Kineticist, unless you shell out for an Agile AMoF (which means no Amulet of Natural Armor).
You do have the advantage of Snake Style, which is a big plus, but on those AoOs you don't get Kinetic Fist, so your damage output is limited there
And since it's twelfth level, the Kinetic Blade Kineticist is now a Medium Elemental who can teleport to melee after shooting you. You're a level behind on that front.
It's interesting, and it could work, but I'm not really sold on it yet.

alternis sol |
You do have the advantage of Snake Style, which is a big plus, but on those AoOs you don't get Kinetic Fist, so your damage output is limited there.
yes he would get the AoO if he already has kinetic fist up which we still don't know if you are unable summon outside of an attack action, assuming you can it is either a swift, free, or non action to summon the kinetic blade/fist/whip of which only kinetic blade can't be used with AoO because it has a duration of just your turn, fist and whip last until the start of your next turn. if they didn't intend for the kinetic fist to apply to AoO they probably would have shortened the duration to the end of your turn.

kestral287 |
kestral287 wrote:You do have the advantage of Snake Style, which is a big plus, but on those AoOs you don't get Kinetic Fist, so your damage output is limited there.yes he would get the AoO if he already has kinetic fist up which we still don't know if you are unable summon outside of an attack action, assuming you can it is either a swift, free, or non action to summon the kinetic blade/fist/whip of which only kinetic blade can't be used with AoO because it has a duration of just your turn, fist and whip last until the start of your next turn. if they didn't intend for the kinetic fist to apply to AoO they probably would have shortened the duration to the end of your turn.
Kinetic Fist can't be applied as part of an AoO, because an AoO is not an attack or full attack action. It's not a swift or free action, it's a subset of another action. I was wrong about how long it lasts though, so as long as you activated it the turn before you're good. That's not a given though (any time you need to shoot something...).
That said, I'm honestly not convinced it wouldn't apply to a Monk's Flurry. My understanding is that you can't apply two separate abilities with a wording akin to "as a full-attack action", so you can't combine, say, Magus Spell Combat and Monk Flurry of Blows. "As part of a full-attack action" is different wording though.

Shiroi |
A somewhat moot point unless you want a more 50/50 multiclass. First level flurry isn't even as good as regular non-twf attacking by any high level. You are correct on damage balancing out pretty low, I feel it's because of the near continuous string of status effects.
I'm not familiar with MAD and Agile AMoF. I'm not regular to the board yet. Mind extending those back out for me, so I can figure out what items/feats/play styles you're referring to?
Also, double slice for unarmed attacks is a built in class feature of the monk, under increased melee damage die, as monks striking unarmed do not have an "off hand" when making multiple attacks or flurries.
I could have read it wrong though.

Rynjin |

MAD = Multiple Attribute Dependent. It refers to a class that requires multiple separate attributes to function. In a Monk's case, they generally require a high Dex and Wis for AC to make up for their lack of armor, and Str for damage (which an Agile AoMF can mitigate), along with Con for survival.
Compare/Contrast SAD (Single Attribute Dependent) classes like a Wizard, who basically only needs Int; though a high Dex and Con is useful, it isn't necessary to function.
That's basically what it boils down to. MAD classes NEED higher attributes to function, while SAD classes only WANT higher attributes to be better. SAD classes function well with low Point Buy and get better with higher (slightly). MAD classes function poorly with low PB, and become functional with higher.
MAD classes are generally less powerful than SAD lasses, though not necessarily less balanced. Many SAD classes are considered too strong. A reasonable amount of MADness (like an Alchemist needing Int and Dex to function, or a Paladin needing Str or Dex, Charisma, and Con to be good) is great, and results in a balanced class. Too much MADness (Monk with Str/Dex/Wis/Con and Playtet Warpriest with Str/Dex/Wis/Con/Cha) results in a much less powerful class.
An Agile AoMF is simply an Amulet of Mighty Fists with the Agile weapon property.

Rynjin |

So Rynjin, what are you saying, do you want this class to be MAD or SAD?
I was just answering Shiroi's question.
But, reasonably MAD with better class features would be best. Dex/Con is just fine, though both are already great stats so it's not much of a detriment.
I think adding something like 3+Wis mod in free Burn a day, or recovering Wis mod in Burn every hour (preferred, it feels better) would add an element of beneficial MADness, however.
I have a bunch of ideas for how I'd rebuild the Kineticist from the ground up, but it feels like it would be weird (disrespectful?) to post them here.

kestral287 |
MAD = Multiple Attribute Dependent. Your build needs Dex (to hit at range), Con (to survive and to handle Kineticist class abilities), Str (to deal damage, though see AMoF), and Wis (for Sense Motive and AC if you choose not to wear armor). Generally more MAD = bad, the base Kineticist is currently one of the least-MAD classes out there since you only need two stats to handle literally everything (really, it's matched only by most full-casting classes and beaten by the Oracle and its Cha-to-everything abilities).
Agile AoMF = An Amulet of Mighty Fists with the Agile enhancement. This would grant you Dex-to-damage with your unarmed strikes, reducing your MAD issues by a bit since you can ignore strength again. However, the AoMF is notorious for being overpriced, and takes up your Neck slot, meaning you can't wear the extremely good Amulet of Natural Armor.
The BAB of your other classes is added to the Monk's Flurry, though you wouldn't get the extra off-hand attacks. So it's not necessarily useless, since your to-hit is mildly higher. That was more a out-of-curiosity thing though.
Status effects don't really pan out significantly better for your build. You're forcing more saves, but probably at a lower DC because your Con will be lower (see MAD, above). Additionally, using Entangled doesn't stop them from hurting you at all, though in a few levels you can switch to Staggered (at which point the build gets pretty nasty against single targets, but we're talking level 15).
You read the built-in Double Slice right. That was my slip, I'd only noticed the one under Flurry of Blows.

Shiroi |
Gotcha. I know the concepts of MAD and SAD, just haven't heard terms for them. Call me self taught. I've also never seen anyone put abilities on the AoMF, I thought it was a flat enhancement bonus. Been ages since I ran a monk and he was one of my first characters, far from optimized. Agile makes Str unnecessary though, so it'd be a dex/con build with moderate wisdom. Wisdom being high for it at that point would be mostly about the saves, with AC boost being icing, since the AC would be either the sense motive check or include the very helpful Shroud.
Side note, since the ammy so completely makes your fists a Magic weapon, how does it interact with Magus arcana point enhancements? Can I have a +5 ammy and drop 4 enchants on it for a multielementally fisted monk? I've been wondering for a while what kind of nonsense a Kensai/Monk could pull, having 3 stats to AC and no particular need for str.

Matrix Dragon |

So, I love this class in theory. I loved the 3.5 Warlock, but I greatly prefer this implementation of the mechanics.
However, I have a major concern:
This is a class designed for blasting and, uh, it's kind of bad at it. I saw Mark say it shouldn't outdo a Fighter archer, and while I would prefer they were not quite so far behind, I understand and respect that, since, in theory, the Kineticist has some interesting non-combat tricks and utility.However, the accuracy is so bad on these blasts and the damage not nearly high enough, that I had to run a test. Would a Kineticist be better off with a Bow than their physical blasts? Would they be better off with a pistol than their energy touch blasts?
I find it very worrying that the kineticst right now can do more damage with a bow rather than by using its class abilities. It is probably safe to assume that once it gets some items that benefit the blast though, that it will probably get better.

alternis sol |
Kinetic Fist can't be applied as part of an AoO, because an AoO is not an attack or full attack action. It's not a swift or free action, it's a subset of another action. I was wrong about how long it lasts though, so as long as you activated it the turn before you're good. That's not a given though (any time you need to shoot something...).
That said, I'm honestly not convinced it wouldn't apply to a Monk's Flurry. My understanding is that you can't apply two separate abilities with a wording akin to "as a full-attack action", so you can't combine, say, Magus Spell Combat and Monk Flurry of Blows. "As part of a full-attack action" is different wording though.
I'm honestly against it only be activated as part of an attack/full attack because that severely limits what we can do with it, and I have no idea about the Monk's flurry and kinetic fist.

Mark Seifter Designer |

mplindustries wrote:I find it very worrying that the kineticst right now can do more damage with a bow rather than by using its class abilities. It is probably safe to assume that once it gets some items that benefit the blast though, that it will probably get better.So, I love this class in theory. I loved the 3.5 Warlock, but I greatly prefer this implementation of the mechanics.
However, I have a major concern:
This is a class designed for blasting and, uh, it's kind of bad at it. I saw Mark say it shouldn't outdo a Fighter archer, and while I would prefer they were not quite so far behind, I understand and respect that, since, in theory, the Kineticist has some interesting non-combat tricks and utility.However, the accuracy is so bad on these blasts and the damage not nearly high enough, that I had to run a test. Would a Kineticist be better off with a Bow than their physical blasts? Would they be better off with a pistol than their energy touch blasts?
It's also fair to say that in that example the blast kineticist had many unspent feat slots, did not take Weapon Focus despite having those feat slots, and based on my own math, likely either the blast kineticist was not adding feel the burn to hit and damage or the bow one was adding it (it only applies to blast as written).

mplindustries |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's also fair to say that in that example the blast kineticist had many unspent feat slots, did not take Weapon Focus despite having those feat slots, and based on my own math, likely either the blast kineticist was not adding feel the burn to hit and damage or the bow one was adding it (it only applies to blast as written).
I cannot figure out how to apply Weapon Focus. Do you take it in "Kinetic Blast?" A specific one, like "Cold Blast?" A form like "Kinetic Blade?" What's the actual "weapon" called?
And yes, there were unspent feats because I could not figure out any that actually helped the kineticist's blasts (clearly, staples like Rapid Shot and Many Shot don't help). I would love clarification on which ones could help.
The maths were:
8 (BAB) + 7 (Dex) + 4 (+4 magic weapon) + 1 (Weapon Focus) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) - 3 (Deadly Aim) - 2 (Rapid Shot) = +16 to hit
1d8 (base weapon) + 4 (Str) + 6 (Deadly Aim) + 4 (magic weapon) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) = 1d8+15 damage
The Physical Blaster definitely had Feel the Burn:
8 (BAB) + 7 (Dex) + 3 (Feel the Burn) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) - 3 (Deadly Aim) = +16 to hit
6d6+6 (base weapon) + 6 (Con) + 6 (Deadly Aim) + 3 (Feel the Burn) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) = 6d6+22 damage
If Weapon Focus applies (however you apply it), then the physical blaster crits 3.25% of the time and lands a regular hit 61.75% of the time. That's 44.02125 DPR, which is still lower than the bow (which pulled 46.02).
Honestly, I don't want this to be true. I really like the kineticist! What feats will apply to the blast that will help here?

Mark Seifter Designer |

Mark Seifter wrote:It's also fair to say that in that example the blast kineticist had many unspent feat slots, did not take Weapon Focus despite having those feat slots, and based on my own math, likely either the blast kineticist was not adding feel the burn to hit and damage or the bow one was adding it (it only applies to blast as written).I cannot figure out how to apply Weapon Focus. Do you take it in "Kinetic Blast?" A specific one, like "Cold Blast?" A form like "Kinetic Blade?" What's the actual "weapon" called?
And yes, there were unspent feats because I could not figure out any that actually helped the kineticist's blasts (clearly, staples like Rapid Shot and Many Shot don't help). I would love clarification on which ones could help.
The maths were:
8 (BAB) + 7 (Dex) + 4 (+4 magic weapon) + 1 (Weapon Focus) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) - 3 (Deadly Aim) - 2 (Rapid Shot) = +16 to hit1d8 (base weapon) + 4 (Str) + 6 (Deadly Aim) + 4 (magic weapon) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) = 1d8+15 damage
The Physical Blaster definitely had Feel the Burn:
8 (BAB) + 7 (Dex) + 3 (Feel the Burn) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) - 3 (Deadly Aim) = +16 to hit
6d6+6 (base weapon) + 6 (Con) + 6 (Deadly Aim) + 3 (Feel the Burn) + 1 (Point Blank Shot) = 6d6+22 damage
If Weapon Focus applies (however you apply it), then the physical blaster crits 3.25% of the time and lands a regular hit 61.75% of the time. That's 44.02125 DPR, which is still lower than the bow (which pulled 46.02).
Honestly, I don't want this to be true. I really like the kineticist! What feats will apply to the blast that will help here?
Hmm, what about Empowering with a move action (EDIT: Looks like you did). Is Deadly Aim improving or decreasing your damage load? With 8 BAB, I suppose you can have Improved Critical too, at the least. Those crits hurt bad!
EDIT: Also, it's fair to say that the archer had a +4 weapon, and the blaster thus would have 32,000 more gold lying around. That's not chump change at level 11 (in fact, it's almost half of all WBL). That much enhancement is actually what brought me to think there might be a missing FtB.

graystone |

EDIT: Also, it's fair to say that the archer had a +4 weapon, and the blaster thus would have 32,000 more gold lying around. That's not chump change at level 11 (in fact, it's almost half of all WBL). That much enhancement is actually what brought me to think there might be a missing FtB.
That is one of the issues with higher level playtests. About the only items that help the ones that boost the actual stats and Bracers of Falcon's Aim. There just isn't much that adds to the blasts at the moment.

mplindustries |

Hmm, what about Empowering with a move action (EDIT: Looks like you did). Is Deadly Aim improving or decreasing your damage load? With 8 BAB, I suppose you can have Improved Critical too, at the least. Those crits hurt bad!
EDIT: Also, it's fair to say that the archer had a +4 weapon, and the blaster thus would have 32,000 more gold lying around. That's not chump change at level 11 (in fact, it's almost half of all WBL). That much enhancement is actually what brought me to think there might be a missing FtB.
Yeah, there's a lot of money on the Kinetcist, but none of it helps their blasts. That's why I mentioned probably needing Blast-specific items. And I didn't do Improved Critical for the same reason I didn't do Weapon Focus--what is the name of the weapon I'm using? Still, even if that eeks out another few DPR (2.09625 to be exact), it's only just barely beating the bow. Shouldn't the blast be more than a fraction better?
Again, I don't want to be hostile here--I want the class to be great. I love what you've done with it. I just think the specific numbers need tweaking.
Not using Deadly Aim and including Weapon Focus and Improved Crit, the blaster has +20 to hit and deals 6d6+16 damage (empowered to 55.5 average). That's a 8% crit rate, and 72% regular hit for 48.84 DPR. So, better. By 2.82. Am I crazy for expecting/wanting it to be much better than that?
Edit: And the Gun still beats it! (since the touch attacks are all basically auto-hits because of the awkward way touch AC doesn't really scale) The issue there is that guns can break the rule about Deadly Aim applying (allowing them to trade excess accuracy for damage), while the touch blasts have no recourse for the extra to hit.
Edit 2: 32k out of 82k is 39%. I could be wrong, but I view a +4 weapon as a huge priority for any kind of striker, because of the DR issues--well worth the price tag. Plus, weapons cost twice as much as armor, so it make sense to put more of your budget towards weapons.
Edit 3: I could have also given the archer Improved Critical instead of Clustered Shots (since it only fails to bypass alignments and epic with a +4). I don't want to keep recalculating though. I feel like I've shown feat and item support are just about required for higher level playtesting.

Rynjin |

Better, with a caveat that it is forked over hard by DR and Elemental resistances...so not better.
Rynjin, I would prefer Int or Cha over Wis for extra burn but to each there own. Well any ideas you come up with will be fine, I don't see how that would be disrespectful unless your being mean about it or something like that.
I chose Wis for 2 reasons:
1.) Shores up the weak Will save.
2.) Seems a better flavor for the class. It's more a sense, or a feeling, rather than force of personality or sheer intelligence.

Zwordsman |
random thought that might help with all the dpr comparison stuff
Assuming you know, is it safe to assume there will be some "item" like a magic weapon or Amy of might blows, or the wraps of mighty fist like item in the final product?
If people can assume there is a magic item like that (even if we don't know the cost and just kinda guess around the above items costs) it might help people figure out how it looks with it..
or if there just plain won't be that'd also be pretty good to know.
Obviously doesn't have to spoil an ydetails just kind a "yeah there will be an option" so people can include that in thoughts.
I almost wish that if you chose a prestige class that increases spells per day that it would instead increase the blasts as per those levels..
I would love Arcane Trickster like concept for my TKer. I wonder if there will be any prestige class like stuff?
sidenote being
When does the actual book come out? At some point my old group might start up again so I'm eyeballing these but if it'll be a while then I'll make a sorcy probably..

Lord Rahl08 |
So I have seen several people say that Mark's perspective is off because Skull's & Shackles is a low AC adventure, at least for the first two books. I went through and compared the AC, both touch and regular, of the first two books of Skull's and of Iron Gods. For book one Iron Gods comes out to be about 1 point of AC higher the Skull's for both touch and regular. For the second books Skull's is 1 higher on AC but 1 lower on touch.
These numbers don't take into account that in book 1 of Skull's there are no creatures with elemental resistances or DR. In Iron Gods there are 5 resistances, 14 immunities, and 15 instances of DR. This would definitely have an impact of the kineticist's effectiveness.

Dragon78 |

That is why I think you should get to choose witch mental stat has an effect for the class. First of all it would be the first class that lets you choose, well without archetypes. Second it would open up a much wider range of builds and personality traits. Third, since people have different tastes and ideals, it would satisfy different needs and wants of the individual.

CWheezy |
TL/DR: Gunslingers are far better ranged attackers than archers are.
Hi! This is false because archers are better from 1-12, and then are better than gunslingers when they have to fight farther than 20 feet away.
Misfire is BRUTAL, especially when you have to use alchemical cartridges and you have a 15% auto fail chance. Not being able to full attack for a turn is really harsh and why the archer pulls ahead

Shiroi |
In theory, you could have all three mental stats do something different for the class, nothing necessary to make the class function but enough to make your choice of mental stat to focus in a character flavor option. One adds to AC, one to DMG, one to Hit, or a certain number of abilities per day situation. "Use elemental fist, as a monk of your level, equal to your wis times a day" "use a spell of x level from the sorcerer bloodline spell list associated with your element your int times a day" and "use a (insert some buff stuff, maybe bardic performances) cha times a day". This would leave the official casting stat as con, which I feel is somewhat necessary for the class, but give you a reason to invest in mental stats as well.
An alternative is to give you the burn pool so many people desperately want (I disagree with the need myself, but that's a dev call) by giving you a burn buffer equal to your "highest mental attribute". Then you can specialize and justify it however you want.

Heladriell |

Tried today some duels with my friends to test the kineticist against other classes. We did a 25p buy with the hydro (the strongest of them in the current version), at 5th, 10th and 15th levels. The classes fought against were: fighter, sorcerer, oracle and ninja. All fights started in normal ground, 30tf. apart. The results:
-Against the fighter: At 5th level it was a quick fight, the archer fighter had 2 shots each round and dealt pretty decent damage with his +1 flaming composite longbow. At 10th and 15th the gap increased as the fighter got more attacks and a better bow.
-Against the sorcerer: At 5th level the sorcerer used Hideous Laughter and the fight pretty much ended. The pattern continued on 10th and 15th levels. Save of suck Will spells almost always take the kineticist down, and protection from energy spells can make his job hard.
-The ninja: He got invisible every time he could, and sneak attack damage eroded the kineticist hp. We assumed that water blast created a wet surface around the point of the blast and allowed the kineticist to use watersense. He got one blast and the ninja slipped away. The pattern continued at 10th and 15th, the kineticist created a slick area around him and used cover, but the action economy favored the ninja.
-The oracle got into melee and could keep beating the kineticist all day. Ample protection spell selection and healing, aligned with good weapon selection (battle oracle) made him very superior. At higher levels the difference increased, showing the greater gap in power.
So, what we noticed: The kineticist cannot compete in a single fight against a full caster. His will save takes him down and spells have a great range of options. His accuracy wasn't the greatest problem. His lack of defenses against spells was. His action economy is lacking too, he needs swift and immediate actions.
Against non-casters he lacks power to out damage them and to counter tactics. Spending a standard action to create cover just delayed the fight in one round. Mobility didn't help. By the time he could fly through ice path, every one could do it through items or spells.

kestral287 |
I echo Alan's question. What was the Kineticist spending his money on?
Sort of curious how the archer-fighter at level 15 dealt with the elemental that teleported into his face after the first shot.
Versus Sorcerer is no surprise. Arcane casters will curbstomp basically any class in a duel situation when they have no reason to not lead with Hold Person or the like.
Versus Ninja is also no surprise, you put a stealth character against a target with no anti-stealth abilities and yes, the walking target loses.
Versus Oracle is a surprise because I'm not sure why the Kineticist wasn't beating right back with his better weapon.

Rageling |

Did you give the Kineticist equal access to items?
I'm guessing even if they didn't, it gives a lot more misc. item room.
For example, the (Combat Type of Choice) invests in a +7 equivalent weapon. Great for them.You, on the other hand, could get a belt for +6 Con/Dex with 8k to spare from the same amount.
So if kinetic blade isn't the weapon what weapon focus do you take? Do you take weapon focus kinetic blast and it works with all variations? Do you take itwith specific blasts?
I assume that feats that apply to weapons like focus, spec or improved crit would not apply to a kinetic blade in the form of that weapon.
Well, my statement hasn't been corrected by anyone yet, so I'm guessing my assessment was right:
Kinetic Blade + Kinetic Whip are just shaped blasts (Form infusion). Per the description, they take the form, but regardless of what weapon they emulate (or enhance in the case of TKs), the representative item is meaningless beyond flavor: "You form a weapon using your kinesis ... of pure energy or elemental matter ... The weapon deals the same damage as your Kinetic Blast's damage, and interacts with AC and Spell Resistance as normal for a blast of its type."The Kinetic Blade or Whip - as pushed by text and driven by the fact that you're using a FORM infusion - IS your blast.
You do not have an actual weapon. You have a blast. That you're using like a weapon.
Weapon Focus: Whip wouldn't apply, because while it acts like a whip, it is actually your kinetic blast you are condensing and shaping for an alternative use. Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast would apply to anything where-in you're using your Kinetic Blast's stats (Interacting with AC/DR/SR), regardless of form - the sole exception of which is Kinetic Fist, because it specifically relies on your Unarmed Strikes / Natural Weapons, much like the Flaming or Shocking weapon properties, but stronger (Kinetic Fist also specifically says it ignores SR and receives none of your blast damage modifiers such as Con).