DomonKashu's page
Organized Play Member. 26 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.
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Where do I start, I guess party comp, I have a four player party of an elf Wizard(divination), human Alchemist(Grenadier), half-elf Druid(fire domain), and a dwarf Druid(earth domain).
Festival and Fire
Looking for a clarification.
I know that the lesser power for Divination says the familiar gets that schools bonus to init. But does This apply to all schools? Does my familiar get a bonus on the damage of the cantrip he gets to cast from my evocation school?
Our LGS is just getting ready to run our first Core session next weekend and I am trying to get a few things cleared up. I apologize if any of these are answered further back in this thread but at nearly 1000 posts i just can't read through them all.
1. If something is in the core book but relisted elsewhere with a modified description/effect/stat which should I use?
2. Just for clarification this means we don't have favored class bonuses?
3. With Clerics are we allowed to choose a diety outside of the core book if the domains are both from the core book but no core deity has both?
Later. Especially if its just a week or two, it's not like we're being asked to wait till march or something. Beats thinking it will go one way then going another. That and now that the playtest is over I'm back to leveling my bard for a while, I'll come back to my kineticist later.
Artanthos wrote: DomonKashu wrote: There is a rather large difference between building something like that, where they have completely neglected their classes role/abilities, and someone who just doesn't feel like playing as an elemental all the time, or someone who wants to try a different set up but is still trying to make something useful. A fair number of different builds have been posted using a variety of play styles. The only thing all the effective builds have had in common is intelligent usage of Burn. But almost all of them are relying on Elemental Body. If that is the only "intelligent usage of Burn" the class has then there is a problem. And arguing about Charismatic Barbarians as if that was the same as simply not wanting to be an elemental all day every day can come off as dismissive of people who would want to not be a cookie cutter character and build there own. This is why my friends and I stopped playing 4th-ed and having read over 5th will probably not be playing much of that either, when there is one good choice and a lot of bad ones the class suffers.
Artanthos wrote: Tels wrote:
Quote: Have you stopped to consider the trade off of Burn when you're not playing in the most optimal way possible!?!?! How much sympathy would you have for a charisma focused barbarian who complained about low DPR? How much sympathy for an archer that failed to take precise shot?
As a player you make the choices that define your character. Some of those choices are more functional than others. There is a rather large difference between building something like that, where they have completely neglected their classes role/abilities, and someone who just doesn't feel like playing as an elemental all the time, or someone who wants to try a different set up but is still trying to make something useful.
My observations thus far;
So having only played at levels 1-3 (still grinding along in PFS) may influence this but I haven't seen a terrible lack in power. Though to be fair we all tend to intentionally avoid the super optimized builds because at least for us there isn't much fun in using that level of power.
My electrokineticist has been doing fine, though a bit more damage would be nice, preferably as a straight number instead of more dice since he only really seems to suffer when the damage dice go south.
Accuracy wise he seems good, though I haven't rolled much in the 7-13 range on the d20 so that may be an illusion. As for Burn, I don't get the problem people have had with it, it is resource management in a similar vein to the sorcerer or oracle, when you start running low it may be time to rest. FtB is there to help you stay even as you use Burn to power up defenses and blasts, again low level but I haven't found it "mandatory" to have it active all the time.
Having items for the class would be helpful in testing him though. As it stands my utility is boosted from buying random kits and tools to either use myself or hand to whoever has the best chance of making it already. This is likely to be the first time in 5 PFS characters I'll buy a bag of holding.
Looking for clarification, the element blasts are "Psychic" correct? not Arcane or Divine? Had this issue come up because of the various trait/feats/etc that early levels can pick up to give SR or save bonuses against specifically divine or arcane effects.
Mark, is there going to be or could there be a feat similar to the Deft Shootist feat, or even Shot on the Run?
Finished a society session of The Confirmation with the aerokineticist using lightning blasts and kinetic blade. Seemed to do fine but being level one we didn't fight anything with resistance/immunity. only misses were when I rolled below 6 anyway. damage wise he seemed to hold his own just had issue getting things into range. Already planning on extended range at level 2.
Trscroggs wrote: I have a number of questions about the Kineticist. I apologize if these questions have been asked before; I just want them clarified in one place before I play the class in a PFS game.
1. Does a Kineticist have free access to both simple blasts for their Focus? My take on the reading is “no”, they have to select one, but reading some of the forum posts makes me question this.
1a. If the answer is no; how can the Kineticist get access to their other simple blast so they can overcome what the other blast cannot?
2. Are both simple blasts types (physical and magical) Ranged Touch Attacks?
3. A sentence in the Kinetic Blast section mentions that all Kinetic Blasts count as magical for overcoming DR. I’m assuming that this means the physical blasts are magic for the purpose of overcoming DR/Magic but have to face DR normally otherwise. Am I correct?
3a. It seems silly, but just to be sure: Do magical Kinetic Blasts ignore DR?
1. No they only get one of them.
1a. Expanded element at 7th level. Right before the composite blasts in the pdf. you would just choose your original element again and take the other blast instead of choosing for a different element.
2. the energy blasts hit touch the physical blasts hit normal AC
3. Yes that is how that works.
3a. the energy blasts ignore all DR but would be stopped by energy resistance/immunity.
would Shot on the Run work for the blasts? If so then maybe range would need to build toward being mobile instead going gun turret. Might not be the "best" option but another route to try. when the archer has to move his damage goes below the blasts damage.
Tels wrote: DomonKashu wrote: Leaving expanded element as an option instead of mandatory is better IMO. It may be the best option from a power stand point but when we get more talents to choose from some players may want to take them instead at 7th and maybe not pick up expanded till later.
I look at it like Natural Spell for the Druid, yeah you probably should take it as soon as possible but if you really want to try something different have fun.
What about an automatic Expanded Element, with the option to take a Wild Talent instead?
Like, Expanded Element at 6, 12, and 18, but you can choose to, instead, take an additional Wild Talent of your choice. Taking expanded element or a wild talent would be what we have now anyway.
However, getting it earlier is a good idea, I suggested level 6 instead of 7 a couple pages ago.
Still holding out hope we get more early choices as it stands other than water they have to take universal powers just to fill out their choices for levels 1-4.
Leaving expanded element as an option instead of mandatory is better IMO. It may be the best option from a power stand point but when we get more talents to choose from some players may want to take them instead at 7th and maybe not pick up expanded till later.
I look at it like Natural Spell for the Druid, yeah you probably should take it as soon as possible but if you really want to try something different have fun.
Is there a ruling on air's reach about lightning blast? It mentions "air blasts and wild talents" does that mean the blast named Air blast or does it mean blasts from the air element. If it is the later than lightning gets knocked down to only having 1 ability they can take for from their element's list. Hoping there are more talents overall in the final version as it stands water gets the lion's share of options and a lot of them come at low levels.
The Game Master wrote: Tels wrote: The Game Master wrote: So, I finally made a character to playtest for this class.
And I gotta say...
This is really the closest you can get to playing a character from the DBZ universe.
I can see my character charging blasts to reduce burn (akin to Kamehameha or even spirit bomb), yelling "FRIEEEEZAAA!", and using ride the blast to imitate their charged dashes.
Especially with Kinetic Fist.
All we need now is some scouters, green plant people, and monkey tails.
Scouters (can be mimic'd in Pathfinder via a lens that is a use-activated Arcane Sight)
Green Men (use it on an elf).
Monkey Tails. See... now I HAVE to play in a DBZ campaign. xD Monkey tails-Vanera
Are there more composite blasts to come in the final version? As it stands the energy blasts have none together nor do earth/cold earth/lightning or water/air.
well if the ability to retrain your talents is added then rare metal lets you get through earlier then just swap it out later. you would need to be 12th level to get through Adamantine this way but only 6th with rare metal.
so here's what I put together. certainly open for changes but I think the overall build should work well. What do you think?
Built using PFS rules
Don the Human Aerokinectists
Cha 7
Friend in every town
HP=13(with FCB)
AC=17(chain shirt)
Electric Blast 30/120 range
+3 to hit/1d6+2
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot (human)
Knowledges (local and nature)-5=Int + 1 rank
Perception-5=Wis+1 Rank
Stealth-7=dex+1 Rank
Extended range
Level 2 gain Air's Reach
Level 3 Feat Dodge
Level 4 Up Dex/gain Air Cushion
Level 5 Feat Mobility
Level 6 gain Wings of Air
Level 7 Feat Shot on the Run/gain expanded element Water
Not going to worry about equipment along the way since what gold you have and what you can buy/find are going to vary game to game.
Insain Dragoon wrote: DomonKashu wrote: Class making no, but close melee can't do anything to you archery has trouble hitting you through an increasingly high miss chance and spellcasters need at least a medium range spell to do anything, while you can just blast away. My point was even without feats/items its well on its way. If they can beat out the archer in a shootout and still have all there other powers than what is the point in being an archer since they are pretty much a one trick pony. Your conjectures are not based on any sort of optimization and it's obvious. I personally have not made an archer since moving to pathfinder a year and a half ago because one of our players always makes one, same with a wizard, and I honestly enjoy the "5th man" classes. That being said they seem to need a lot of feats to function and all he can do is shoot stuff.
Class making no, but close melee can't do anything to you archery has trouble hitting you through an increasingly high miss chance and spellcasters need at least a medium range spell to do anything, while you can just blast away. My point was even without feats/items its well on its way. If they can beat out the archer in a shootout and still have all there other powers than what is the point in being an archer since they are pretty much a one trick pony.
I'm not certain the class really needs to out DPR archers/fighters whatever. The aerokinetist can by 6th level fly all day and have a range or 240 with a miss chance for incoming arrows and such, at that point you have inevitibilty against most enemies. Water has enough utility powers that they aren't forced to just blast away they can throw up cover or heal instead. The archer may out damage them but you can have other things to do.
Mark Seifter wrote: DomonKashu wrote: Should Flame Shield have the Fire element instead of Air like it does now? Or is it supposed to be for people who went air and picked up the fire defense power?
Also just theorycrafting for now till I get to try him on Saturday in PFS but the touch blasts just seem a lot better than the non touch ones. the 1/2 con is going to mean less as you level and the +1 per die just isn't worth targeting AC. I guess the talents for the different blasts might make up for it but that's hard to tell at the moment.
Finally would the powers I've been considering all have 0 burn, but not being able to use that to get to feel the burn seems really bad. I was wondering if adding a basic talent at first level would work, say for 1 burn you can add 1/2 your level (min 1) to the attack roll. If you use your move and no other effects it's a free boost to hit, otherwise its more risk/reward when you really need to hit your target.
You can always put burn in your defense to feel the burn! Right, after spending 2 or 3 hours going over the talents and planning out a build, erasing and starting again I forgot you could burn up defenses, though that makes it sound like a bad thing. Really looking forward to the feats/archetypes/FCB for these guys.
I would agree that an extra two skill points and maybe some social skills could help in out of combat situations. and getting expanded element at 6th instead of 7th would be nice since 5-6 is where immunity to elements starts to show up on more monsters, yeah there are a few lower than that but the odds are against it. Resistance aren't that big a deal unless they are really high. At 1st level you can go over resist 5 and the fighter is going to struggle against DR 5/(not the weapon s/he has).
Should Flame Shield have the Fire element instead of Air like it does now? Or is it supposed to be for people who went air and picked up the fire defense power?
Also just theorycrafting for now till I get to try him on Saturday in PFS but the touch blasts just seem a lot better than the non touch ones. the 1/2 con is going to mean less as you level and the +1 per die just isn't worth targeting AC. I guess the talents for the different blasts might make up for it but that's hard to tell at the moment.
Finally would the powers I've been considering all have 0 burn, but not being able to use that to get to feel the burn seems really bad. I was wondering if adding a basic talent at first level would work, say for 1 burn you can add 1/2 your level (min 1) to the attack roll. If you use your move and no other effects it's a free boost to hit, otherwise its more risk/reward when you really need to hit your target.
Sorry to necro but wouldn't the primal bloodline be better than orc? Same boost to damage but you don't get the light sensitivity.
Are the "of the Society" traits legal for PFS play and if so what books have they been printed in? I've been trying to find them but I can't really afford to be buying all the $5-$10 books and guides just to find a few traits.
Sorry to necro this, but just started to run into this in our local game.
Would limiting how many of the same "free action" a player can take fix this? Wouldn't screw over most players but keeps things from getting a little to silly. Especially with the weapon cords, sure they may be able to cram in a bullet or two with the other gun swinging from your wrist but 5-6?