Ruan Mirukova

Cao Phen's page

1,401 posts. Organized Play character for Vu Huynh.

Full Name

Cao Phen




Monk of the Sacred Mountain 4







Special Abilities

AC Bonus (Ex), Flurry of Blows (Ex), Stunning Fist (Ex)






Tian Xia





Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Cao Phen

Prestige Award: 14/18
Human Monk of the Sacred Mountain 4
Favored Class (Monk): +1 HP per Level

Ability Points:
STR: 16 (14 Base + 2 Racial Trait) - Mod: 3
DEX: 14 (14 Base) - Mod: 2
CON: 18 (18 Base) - Mod: 4
INT: 7 (7 Base) - Mod: -2
WIS: 14 (14 Base) - Mod: 2
CHA: 7 (7 Base) - Mod: -2

HP: 47 (8 Base + 15 ((Level 4 - 1) x5) + 16 (4 CON Mod x4) + 4 Favored Class (Monk x4)
+ 4 (Toughness Feat))
DR: 0
Speed: 40 ft. (30 Base + 10 Enhancement (Fast Movement Feat))
Initiative: 2 (2 DEX Mod)

Skills (4 Base - 2 INT Mod):
Acrobatics: 9 (3 Rank + 3 Bonus (Class Skill) + 2 DEX Mod + 1 Competence (Ioun Stone))
Perception: 9 (3 Rank + 3 Bonus (Class Skill) + 2 WIS Mod +1 Competence (Ioun Stone))

Racial Traits:
Bonus Feat: Bonus Feat
Heart of the Streets: +1 Racial Bonus on Reflex saves and a +1 Dodge Bonus to AC when adjacent to at least two other allies. (Replaces Skilled Trait) (Advanced Race Guide)

Bonus Traits:
Campaign - Lantern Lodge - Weapon Style - Monk Weapon Proficiency (Rope Dart)
Social - Adopted (Halfling) - Helpful: +2 Bonus on Aid Another (Halflings of Golarion)
Religion (Additional Traits) - Defensive Strategist (Torag) - Never Flat-Footed (Faiths of Purity)
Regional (Additional Traits) - Quain Martial Artist (Quain) - +1 Trait Damage with Unarmed Strikes (Dragon Empires Primer)

Class Feats:
Weapon Proficiency (Monk)
AC Bonus: WIS Bonus added to AC and CMD
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Strike: Can make unarmed strikes with hands full, Full STR Bonus applies to unarmed damage rolls
Stunning Fist: Normal Damage + Stun (DC 10 + 1/2 level + WIS)
[Stun: Drops Held Items, No Action, -2 AC, no DEX Bonus]
Crane Style (Standard Bonus Feat): -2 Penalty instead of -4 when fighting Defensively, +1 to Dodge AC when fighting Defensively (Ultimate Combat)
Dodge (Monk Bonus Feat): +1 to Dodge AC
Additional Traits (Human Bonus Feat): Two Extra Traits
Iron Monk: Toughness - +3 HP, +1 HP for levels above 3; +1 Natural Armor
Deflect Arrows: Deflect First Attack from a Ranged Weapon per Round
Fast Movement: +10 Land Speed (Enhancement)
Maneuver Training: Use Monk Level for CMB
Still Mind: +2 Save against Enchantment Spells and Effects
Belier's Bite: Unarmed Strikes deal 1d4 Bleed Damage
Bastion Stance: If starts and ends turn in same space, cannot be knocked prone or forcibly moved until the start of next turn, except by mind-affecting or teleportation effects.
Ki Pool (1/2 CL + WIS Mod): If 1 Ki Point is still available, Unarmed Strikes are treated as magic weapons.
Can spend 1 Ki Point to:
- Increase speed by 20 feet for 1 round
- +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
- Make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack

Unarmed: 1d8+4 x2 Bludgeoning + 1d4 Bleed
Mithral Rope Dart: 1d4 x2 Piercing, 20 ft Range, Blocking, Distraction, Monk
Cold Iron Rope Dart: 1d4 x2 Piercing, 20 ft Range, Blocking, Distraction, Monk

Mithral Rope Dart (250g)
Cloak of Resistance (+1 Enhancement Bonus to All Saves) (1000g)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (2 Prestige Award) - 36/50 Charges
Reinforced Scarf (10g) - DC 24 STR
Robe of Infinite Twine (1000g)
- Make 30 ft. Twine or 10 ft. Hemp Rope per Round
- Immediate Action to make 150 ft. Twine or 50 ft. Hemp Rope, Broken Condition
Whetstone (+1 to Damage roll for First Strike) (2c)
Wayfinder (Cast Light at will, +2 to Survival Checks) (250g) - Discounted from 500g for Pathfinder Society
Silk Rope 50ft (10g) - DC 24 STR
Chain 10ft (30g) - DC 26 STR
Masterwork Manacles (50g) - DC 35 Escape Artist, DC 28 STR
Hammer (5s)
Piton x8 (8s)
Caltrops (1g)
Backpack (2g)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4/6) (300g)
Potion of Mage Armor (2/3) (150g)
Ioun Torch (Ioun Stone with Continual Flame) (75g)
- Resonant Powers - Read Magic - 1/day for 10 minutes.
Incandescent Blue Ioun Stone, Cracked (Perception) (200g) - +1 Bonus (Competence) to WIS Skill
Deep Red Ioun Stone, Cracked (Acrobatics) (200g) - +1 Bonus (Competence) to DEX Skill
(Ioun Stone - Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets)
Jade Wayfinder (Cast Guidance at will as a Standard Action instead of Light) (2 Prestige Award)
Incense (2c)
Potion of Mage Armor (0/1) (Scenario 3-2)
Tangleburn Bag (1/1) (Scenario 3-16)
Masterwork Tools (50g)
Courtier's Outfit (80g)
Cold Iron Rope Dart (2g)

Sold Gear:
Cold Iron Rope Dart (2g)
Barbed Vest (10g)
Cleats (5g)

Starting GP:
150g (Level 1)
11606g (1251g + 502g + 1904g + 504g + 1849g + 524g + 1287g + 1278g + 1257g + 1250g) (Pathfinder Quest Completion)
Sold Gear: 8g
Total: 11764g
Purchases: 3664g 3s 4c
Paid Services: 117g 2s
Current Money: 7982g 4s 6c


Before Entering the Environment, use the Whetstone on the Mithral Rope Dart to increase the Damage done for the First Attack by +1.

Cold Iron/Mithral Rope Dart:
Attack Roll: +5(6) Bonus (+2 DEX Mod + (1 Enhancement (Mithral)) + 3 Base Attack Bonus)
Damage Roll: 1d4+3 (+3 STR Mod) Piercing, 20ft
Blocking (+1 Shield AC when Fighting Defensively), Distracting (+2 to Bluff for Feints)

Mithral Rope Dart Flurry of Blows:
Attack Roll: +4(5) Bonus (+2 DEX Mod + (1 Enhancement (Mithral)) + 2 Flurry of Blows)
Damage Roll: 1d4+3 (+3 STR Mod) x2 Piercing, 20ft
Blocking (+1 Shield AC when Fighting Defensively), Distracting (+2 to Bluff for Feints)

Mithral Rope Dart (Fighting Defensively):
Attack Roll: +3(4) Bonus (+2 DEX Mod + (1 Enhancement (Mithral)) - 2 Fighting Defensively
+ 3 Base Attack Bonus)
Damage Roll: 1d4+3 (+3 STR Mod) Piercing, 20ft
Blocking (+1 Shield AC when Fighting Defensively), Distracting (+2 to Bluff for Feints)

Mithral Rope Dart Flurry of Blows (Fighting Defensively):
Attack Roll: +3 Bonus (+2 DEX Mod + 1 Enhancement (Mithral) - 2 Fighting Defensively
+ 2 Flurry of Blows)
Damage Roll: 1d4+3 (+3 STR Mod) x2 Piercing, 20ft
Blocking (+1 Shield AC when Fighting Defensively), Distracting (+2 to Bluff for Feints)

Unarmed Strike:
Attack Roll: +6 Bonus (+3 STR Mod + 3 Base Attack Bonus)
Damage Roll: 1d8+4 (+3 STR Mod + 1 Trait (Quain Martial Artist)) Bludgeoning/Magic
+ 1d4 Bleed (Belier's Bite)

Flurry of Blows:
Attack Roll: +5 Bonus (+3 STR Mod + 2 Flurry of Blows)
Damage Roll: 1d8+4 (+3 STR Mod + 1 Trait (Quain Martial Artist)) x2 Bludgeoning/Magic
+ 1d4 Bleed (Belier's Bite)

Unarmed Strike (Fighting Defensively):
Attack Roll: +4 Bonus (+3 STR Mod - 2 Fighting Defensively + 3 Base Attack Bonus)
Damage Roll: 1d8+4 (+3 STR Mod + 1 Trait (Quain Martial Artist)) Bludgeoning/Magic
+ 1d4 Bleed (Belier's Bite)

Flurry of Blows (Fighting Defensively):
Attack Roll: +3 Bonus (+3 STR Mod - 2 Fighting Defensively + 2 Flurry of Blows)
Damage Roll: 1d8+4 (+3 STR Mod + 1 Trait (Quain Martial Artist)) x2 Bludgeoning/Magic
+ 1d4 Bleed (Belier's Bite)


AC: 17+1 (10 + 2 DEX Mod + 2 WIS Mod + 1 Dodge (Dodge Feat) + 1 Natural (Iron Monk Feat)
+ 1 (AC Bonus))
Touch: 16+1 (10 + 2 DEX Mod + 2 WIS Mod + 1 Dodge (Dodge Feat) + 1 (AC Bonus))
Flat-Footed: 14* (10 + 2 WIS Mod + 1 Natural (Iron Monk Feat) + 1 (AC Bonus))
Fighting Defensively: 22+1 ((10 + 2 DEX Mod + 2 WIS Mod + 1 Dodge (Dodge Feat)
+ 2 Dodge (Fighting Defensively) + 1 Dodge (Crane Style Feat) + 1 Shield (Rope Dart)
+ 1 Natural (Iron Monk Feat) + 1 Dodge (Acrobatics) + 1 (AC Bonus))
Note: If next to two companions, add another +1 Dodge AC to total (Heart of the Streets Trait).
*Never Flat-Footed (Defensive Strategist Trait).

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: 9 (4 Base + 4 CON Mod + 1 Enhancement (Cloak of Resistance))
Reflex: 7+1 (4 Base + 2 DEX Mod + 1 Enhancement (Cloak of Resistance))
Will: 7 (4 Base + 2 WIS Mod + 1 Enhancement (Cloak of Resistance))
Note: If Adjacent to 2 Allies, + 1 Racial to Reflex Saves (Heart of the Streets Trait)

Base Attack Bonus: 3
Spell Resistance: 0
CMB: 7 (4 (Monk Level 4) + 3 STR Mod)
CMD: 21+1+4 (10 + 3 BAB + 3 STR Mod + 2 DEX Mod + 2 WIS Mod
+ 1 Dodge (Dodge Feat))
Note: If Adjacent to 2 Allies, + 1 Dodge to CMD (Heart of the Streets Trait)
If Fighting Defensively, + 4 Dodge to CMD (+ 2 Fighting Defensively, + 1 Crane Style. +1 Acrobatics)