![]() Yeah, loosen the threads on a throw is the only 100% way (and still needs to be within 30ft), because it treats you as having thrown the object. It's a really niche circumstance either way, and one of those thoughts that plage me once it burrows in. Thank you both for your quick responses. My head is a Ganzi birthing ground. ![]()
![]() I've gotten myself into a bit of an argument about this combination, and am looking for other voices to chime in with thoughts. There are essentially two interaction questions, and they both default back to: "would you get the 1d8 sneak attack, or the 1d4?" Scenario 1:
The first, is that Knife Master applies to a generally category of weapon forms. This argument is admittedly weak. The second, is that Kinetic Blade works different for Aether kineticists. Hell, Aether kinetics work super different in lots of ways. An Aether kinetic does not make a form of energy. It specifically says it transfers the power to your held item. So what if that held item is a dagger? You wouldn't get the dagger's threat range or anything, but TK Kinetic Blade relies on the item. I can't shake the feeling that this specific scenario would let you get your 1d8 instead of 1d4. Scenario 2:
You can hit for full blast damage.
The latter let's you actually take advantage of the items properties, specifically, but you treat it as thrown (no blast damage but you can use CON instead of STR for the thrown damage). I'm less washy here.
Is this wrong? Some people say yes.
So really, the huge hangup is over how TK Blast interacts with Kinetic Blade, specifically. Would it be 1d8, or 1d4 Sneak Attack? TK does not behave like other blasts.
Because of these, I'd say a KB when you're holding a dagger as the recepient, you're empowering, not forming, so you'd get the 1d8. What does the greater community think? Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Hey all! Looking for some help with scouting and/or memory. We're looking to do an in person game for the first time since the Panda, and I've been trying to find my character sheets to print out on Cardstock. (Old HDD died) I was able to find HappyCampers sheets again (GM was hoping to use the class specific sheets), but I'm only finding the Core and APG classes, but we've got a Shaman and a Kineticist. I feel like those (ACG & OA HappyCamper sheets) existed as well, but I'm not finding them anywhere. Do they exist, or am I mistaken?
Any help finding the others would be greatly appreciated!
![]() Subscribed to Dragon Magazine for over a year, and loved Paizo through that. One day, I was using a less than reputable website to find a D&D 3.5 resource I had apparently lost, and saw: "Pathfinder DnD 3.75 pdf" and was like... Wait, what? Knowing nothing of it (it had literally JUST came out), curiosity got the better of me. After scrolling through the first 50 or so pages...
Within 30 minutes of stumbling upon the Pathfinder Core Rulebook for the first time, on accident, I was on Amazon ordering a copy. I didn't need to read more of that shady data. I could wait til it was in my hands! Never turned back. Been with PF ever since, and still run 1e for friends and even some 2e for a few conventions, but as an always GM, the sad fact is that I only got to actually play non NPC characters a handful of times in all of 1e's lifespan, and most of those were short lived, so I still very much want to be a player in 1e to this day. LOL ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
Aye, that was actually the very reason for the first thought; "The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level."In zero place does it say the Cavalier's melee attack has to be with a weapon. So it still works with like, Chill Touch or Shocking Grasp and the like. Just not something so external as Spiritual Weapon / Ally. ![]()
![]() A fair assessment, but still I'm uncertain. Indeed I had considered your quoted text. However, the conclusion I came to was for weapon-specific feats (Weapon Focus/Spec) and things like Power Attack and the like, which are actually combat actions. Challenge is not something you keep activating. It's an ability more than say Vital Strike. It's a broad buff that doesn't care for what type of weapon or distance from foe, but rather form of attack, and it applies for the entirety of combat on all applicable actions. Spells that you generate are considered in all ways attacks made by you (see things like Invisibility and Sanctuary which Spiritual Weapon would break). Also, to support that the quoted text is not a blanket application;
That feat is a broad application - for the spell - vs a specific application regarding the type of weapon or special action, which I believe the quoted text is meant to address. Whereas Challenge simply applies to any of your attacks in Melee, and that it would likewise apply to Chill Touch and Shocking Grasp, keeps me on the fence. [EDIT1: Also, Challenge does not effect the weapon (such as a Magus's Arcane Pool) as the line of text addresses - but rather YOU and by proxy the spell attack that belongs to you] [EDIT2: Thinking more, Challenge says: "The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge." - meaning that it does not actually modify the weapon as is prohibited above, but rather the outcome. The spell is your attack, and the attack is performed in melee. I'm still leaning yes -- but I'm thinking it might be up to the GM really.] ![]()
![]() Good day, fellow Pathfinder's! Had an idea that I believe works a certain way, but there's a seed of doubt, so I figured I should reach out to y'all! Cavalier Challenge adds your Cavalier level to your melee damage rolls. What if you had the ability to cast Spiritual Weapon through multiclassing or the like? Would you add +Cavalier level to the Spiritual Weapon's damage? I'm thinking yes because...
I'm pretty sure you add challenge damage to it.
Super neat and very specific situation.
![]() Paralysis sucks for sure. You can do purely mental stuff.
But what I'm curious about...
I know there are several rare and situational things. Was curious if there were any for this. Show me what you got!
Thanks! ![]()
![]() Ryze Kuja wrote:
Here in, however, is the actual reason for the argument; Acid Arrow
Storm of Blades
Acid Arrow (and spells like it) all reference that it creates the ammunition, which you are then responsible for attacking with, hence the AoO. You'll note that NONE of them have a Target entry, as Storm of Blades does. Storm of Blades does not have an Effect entry referencing the blades it creates, like Acid Arrow and similar spells, and has a Target entry, unlike any of the spells used as a reference to apply their AoO standard to this spell. Targeted Spells require only that you be able to target them, and the spell handles the rest. Thats been par for pretty much the entire history of Pathfinder, and even back into 3x. This one just happens to require you to make the rolls. I'm sure there are other spells that follow this format, that clearly would not provoke. If it followed Acid Arrow (or Scorching Ray) logic, it would have;
![]() While I agree with your logic...
"You make a ranged attack roll [for] each sword" Emphasis FOR and not WITH.
Pathfinder recognize the difference between "for" and "with" over it's history. Attacking with a (thing) might provoke.
You are not attacking.
Note that not one spell that I can think of off the top ofmy head, that requires a ranged attack roll, even lists a target. They tend reference the ammunition. (Double checked Acid Arrow and Scorching Ray to verify - and it holds) The target is "one creature."
Scorching Ray clearly does, by wording.
I argue it is different intentionally, and by design.
My schism is the illogical: FOR vs. WITH EDIT: Note that even I have an ounce of doubt here, but I'm fairly confident in my assessment. That doubt is eating at me though. ![]()
![]() Short and simple; When using the spell Storm of Blades, do you provoke Attacks of Opportunity? I am in disagreement over this. You make the rolls using your stats, but you yourself are not actually throwing or directing them like a ray or anything. In fact, it says they are magically propelled. Would you draw an AoO for the attacks made with this spell?
Based on the nature of the spell, I say nay. ![]()
![]() I'm running a local game that is using Mythic (they're on the cusp of 4th tier), but none of them are the Heirophant path (weird party setup: UCRogue/Swashbuckler/PhantomBlade, Alchemist/BookInquisitor, PureUCMonk, Shifter). However, this is my first time through Mythic as a player, so I'm paying even closer attention to what I'm picking up. That all makes proper sense to me, and is sort of what I was leaning. Thanks for your insight Belafon! It is truly helpful. ![]()
![]() Pretty straight-forward question with no obvious answer;
To recap the text,
Alternatively, you can expend two uses of mythic power on a dead creature that would have the ability to magically heal itself if it were alive (such as a dead cleric with a prepared cure light wounds spell) in order to trigger the most powerful healing magic it knows or has prepared. If this brings the creature's hit points above its death threshold, it returns to life." I added a line break in there because the question comes in two parts. (Three actually) First is - it says you can use healing from a spell or effect or item as a Free Action.
The Second is - You can burn 2 Mythic to have them heal themselves with something. This clearly implies that the free action actually triggers the casting/healing/etc. Because you can't perform the free action while they cast something while dead. Literally impossible. That seems pretty straight forward, honestly, with one exception... What is the range at which you can trigger this? It doesn't list anything. Sight? Touch? Close? Long? This is a hugely important detail left missing. The Third (bonus round) question is...
The biggest reason for which this is a hangup, would be the fact that it's clearly listed as a FREE action. Even if your own isn't Free (playing it as a rider on another Standard), that would be a Free action to possibly return multiple allies from the grave in a round... which is totally mythic bad-arse... but it strikes me as being stupid powerful (even for Mythic) as a thing you can take at Tier 1. ![]()
![]() Beyond the basics...
Are there any other ways to expand the list that a non-gnome Magus can draw from? Particularly, I'm thinking Merciful, but things like Conductive could be great too. If they had a feat equivalent to Expanded Metakinesis, that would be nice. ![]()
![]() Standard choice: Evil Outsiders. Do you just inflict the same damage as you would otherwise heal? Straight up? As if they were undead? Further, what if you have a Variant Channeling? Would this allow you to tactical nuke a specific type with the inflict effect debuff of an alternative channeling, without needing to actually channel negative energy? ![]()
![]() I feel like this question would be a "hell no" for a standard feat, but mythic gets weird, and the wording leaves room for interpretation. Mythic Vital Strike reads;
Let's say it's just Vital Strike (basic), and your total base +damage is +10 for math's sake. Normal Greatsword would be 2d6+10.
Mythic says you multiply the total bonus by the dice.
Again, I'd argue that's a Case A. ...if it weren't Mythic.
Thoughts? ...and with what to back it?
![]() One of them reads:
The other reads:
I get the logic of them overlapping, rather than doubling.
My train is thinking back on it is that it works like Vital Strike does regarding a critical hit. You wouldn't double the double, but rather up the multiplier by one. But there's this nagging bit in the back of my head telling me I was wrong, and that it doubles the double... but I can't for the life of me find the precedent for that. No friggin clue what happened to that bookmark. ![]()
![]() I'm having a lot of trouble finding something I swear I had read before. Psychic magic. In particular, the Emotion descriptor. I remember reading in some clarification that if your character was not in control of themselves, could not think or act on their own, that you could not cast. But upon re-reading the rules, they seem to be SPECIFICALLY about the Emotion descriptor spells. How the hell would a Shaken effect shut you down, but not a DOMINATE effect? That has to, right? Despite not being an "Emotion Descriptor Spell" - it's still a Mind Effect that denies you control. I swear this was clarified somewhere, and cannot for the life of me find it now. Any clarification (or help finding said clarification) would be greatly appreciated! ![]()
![]() So, I know Pathbuilder isn't official software or anything, but I did notice something interesting that I wanted to confirm. Shaman class progression indicates that they get the major effect from their spirit at 20. However, the effect is actually under the Spirit itself (making the Level 20 note redundant/confusing). According to the app... you can just choose a capstone and lose nothing as a Shaman - just like a Wizard or Cleric - as the only actual thing gained at 20 is actually a byproduct of (and contained within) an earlier scaling ability. Is that correct? Most people think Shaman need all the help they can get, and it looks like this is how it works, so I'm cautiously optimistic. ![]()
![]() After a lengthy conversation about this with a friend, we are still at odds. They think you use your class CL and treat it exactly as the spell, but were left without an easy solution when I mentioned the ways to get Channel (and thus Channeled Revival) without ever having a Caster Level (such as the Warrior of Holy Light archetype for Paladin). I'm probably wrong here, I still think they work in tandem for the following reasons, and I truly welcome actual discourse on this; - If it works as the spell, what is the CL?
This one's bothering me. I'm pretty sure these two were meant to be symbiotic. Also, using Channel provides lower results, making their duality even more reasonable.
![]() Everything mechanically says it should. People might argue that it does not, as it functions "as if" you had cast Breath of Life. Examples. Channeled Revival says:
Reviving Channel says:
If the ally that's dead is say, at -50 HP, would they be put at zero before the Breath of Life equivalent effect? It is still healing caused by your Channel Energy ability, after all, regardless of what spell function it replicates, and it will only alter one target. Everything is laid out in a way that I think the answer is "Yes" - but there's always room for debate, and I've found nothing to support either direction. Followup Question:
This is important, because while it says "like Breath of Life" - it makes zero mention of you using your actual level as the Caster Level of Breath of Life, thus failing to define what the actual healing bonus would be (inclining me to believe you would only heal what is normal for your Channel, making the combo of these two far more reasonable/valuable) Thanks for humoring me! ![]()
![]() So here's a weird question.
Presuming a Kitsune would go 9-tails as a Magus... Is there a way, should they for some reason want to, for them to use their racial SLA as part of Spell Combat? I'm thinking no. BUT! There are Arcana for using staves of wands with it. So maybe? Also, there's Broad Study...
Weird weird thoughts. ![]()
![]() Good afternoon my fellows! I have a few questions about the spell Shadowfade (from the Heroes of the Darklands supplement). The spell is "Illusion (Shadow)"
My question is, how does this interact with other spells? A few in particular. 1&2) SEE INVISIBILITY & INVISIBILITY PURGE
If either of those worked against Shadowfade, why would it even exist vs. reg Invisibility?
Both are 1min/Lv, both are broken by hostile actions.
My takeaway: Invisibility requires See Invis, Invis Purge and/or True Seeing to pierce. Shadowfade cannot be beaten by See Invis or Invis Purge, but even the cantrip Light or a simple torch can screw it up, let alone some stronger light producing spell or effect. How do you all feel about this?
![]() I am saddened by the lack of answers after 9 days, and myself have the same inquiry. I've been reading and re-reading this for nearly two hours... This is the conclusion I've reached (and if anyone has proof to the contrary, please provide!) Action: Standard (all wild talents are unless specified otherwise, and this isn't) Range: Determined by the effect generated. Example: "An area with a radius of CR × 10 feet becomes utterly dark, as if from a deeper darkness spell." which leads me to think it's argument 2, as it says "an area" - implying the area can be decided. There are two arguments to be made;
EDIT: Actually, the more I think about it, your max blast range makes the most sense. It clearly should not be "any area that you can see" - as that defies all other abilities, and doesn't even list a range boost talent as a requirement. I'm standing by: "Created up to as far away as you could target with your blast" sorta range The duration is either instantaneous, or specified by the effect.
Further, the list presented is generic. Even calls itself a sample.
That's my two coppers, and the result of hours. Heh ![]()
![]() Righty right right. The part that made me think it works, us that you add the enhancement bonus to the attack roll, and the other things are enhancement equivalent, hence the "If you'd add one, why not the other?" (Shame too - the idea of a having an acid spell drop a die of fire for a burn, or d6 cold on a ray of enfeeblement are thematically great, and don't seem to break anything) Parallel thought...
![]() I'm surprised my searches haven't seemed to yield (in the first several Google pages) amnanswer to a thought I had - and the ability entry doesn't really cover it. Slinger lets you fire the gun OR cast a spell THROUGH the gun. Pretty straight forward. Spell gains weapon's enhance to hit. Cool.
Mage Bullets let's you burn a spell to boost that enhancement, or add special qualities. This is where my question enters. If you give the gun a special property, say, Shock... Would the spell cast/fired _through_ the gun gain that +1d6 Electric? The firearm boosts your crit multiplier (if one gun), and uses it's +hit for this to-hit. Stands to reason the spell would gain it too, right? At least, I believe the spell would IF the spell cast through it requires an attack roll, considering a ranged weapon imparts its bonus on anything fired out of it. I don't think it would apply to burning hands or fireball (no attack roll), but Scorching Ray perhaps? I find it odd that the text does not specifically cover this as an absolute yes or no. I as a long-time GM have been bouncing this idea in my head all day. I feel it's reasonable and plausible, but it bugs me to not have an official yes or no. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() As the title says... Is this power actually useless? I love the class, but once I re-read this entry, I face-palmed. Based on invested mental focus, it increases your effective caster level for Conjuration Spells measure in rounds-per-level, for the purposes of duration only. At a glance, that sounds great!
There... aren't any? Correction. By level 10, there's ONE: Major Creation.
Literally everything else I'm seeing before that.is measure in 1-minute, 10-minute, 1-hour, or 2-hour increments. What am I missing here? I have to be missing something here. ![]()
![]() G.Arcantos wrote:
Totally understandable! My current game, we have a person that has been playing for 5 or so years now, and he's running a Geokinetic... but... he's still stumbling through playing it and needing to recheck things. This is largely because he's usually not bothering to learn anything about it when we're not sitting at the table - but he's a father of two, so I completely understand his limited ability (though I do poke him for not using the off-week as we're every-other). Either way - glad you found something that works! ![]()
![]() Ahh, Samsaran... The race almost every caster player I know wants to be. Huh. SRD tricked me, I guess. That, and my own eyes.
Faith Magic would be interesting for an EK of the same theory. I'm not sure where the Magaambyan Archetype is from, but I did check the PrC, though it seems to only give the GOOD domain itself - though still neat. So unfortunately, it will need to be GM fiat - though I'm certain my group(s) would be OK with it. I'll probably stay completely Warpriest and seek permission due to omission. Looking to be a NG Warpriest of Erastil, Community & Good blessings, Archery/Vital Strike with Combat Advice and limited heal/buff at distance with Greater Status. A very "we are each other's strength" type. Thanks! ![]()
![]() QuidEst wrote: Kineticist. To use weapons, go with aether for the element- you can launch those toothpicks hard enough to break through doors eventually, or just launch nearby boulders. Once you hit level seven (moreso level 11), you'll be doing less damage than other elements, but until then, it's good. Oh man - go Geokinetic, and max out Disguise! Get enough burn, and you can pretend to be an Ioun Stone on another player! I know, I know, it's ludicrous - but I just had to share that image. That being said... Yeah, I think Kineticist might be a great option either way, as the damage doesn't rely on size, and could give you an interesting mix of things. Telekinetic would give lots of amusing options, though Geo would provide a variety of damage types and defenses. Though personally, I'd go with with either Air or Void. A super small gravity manipulator sounds like a lot of fun - but I'd have to resist naming them Singularity, or Sing to their friends. ![]()
![]() Good day, Pathfinders! I've got a few ideas rolling around my head, but I'm having trouble gluing them together, so-to-say.
Rather than detail the would-be character, let me layout my goal. Trying to access Sacred Weapon & Domain Spells - in a non-3P way. Ideally, I'd love to stay Full20 on the Warpriest, so if anyone knows of a way to access Domain Spells as one, that would be great! Their blessings are nice, but Greater Status can only be obtained via the Community domain (as far as I know), and that spell is PERFECT for the concept. I know that most GM would be willing to let you take it anyway, considering how isolated it is, but I'm trying to find a BTB way. I know that Fighters can get Sacred Weapon damage scaling through alternate Weapon Training options, but that wouldn't kick in until 9th, and even with an Eldritch Knight-eque option for Divine Caster, access to the magic would take a long time. That got me thinking of other options/combinations that may fit the character well, so as a bonus inquiry: Anyone have a summary of classes/archetypes that can take a Domain? ![]()
![]() I'm guessing feat-wise...
As a 7th level character, your blast would be 4d6.
I like the flavor of this talent, but feel it's more painful to use than Kinetic Blade. (losing 2/3 your blast damage).
As for equipment... Amulet of Mighty Fists or Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes?
That's my at-a-glance suggestion. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know. Belt of Physical Might +2 (STR/CON) (10k - Total 22k-26k) -- More HP, more hit/damage. Cloak of Resistance +2 (4k -- total 26k-30k) Chain Shirt +2 (4k -- Total 30k-34k -- +1 if Amulet of Mighty Fists) Ring of Protection +1 (2k -- Would be 32k with Wrap, less with +1 Mighty Fists). Assuming the wrap, you'd have AC 19 (18 with Amulet) before possible defensive buffs.
That's my at-a-glance suggestion. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know.
![]() OK, so this might seem weird to some people, but quite often a character concept will hit me while I'm listening to music.
Today's offender? -- "The Pretender" by Infected Mushroom (a Foo Fighters cover), off their 2012 album Army of Mushrooms. (check it on YouTube if curious)
Just doing other stuff, this song rolls onto my playlist. ...and into my mind, rolls a BA Magma Kineticist. Very tanky. Very up-close-and-personal.
OK brain - Challenge Accepted! But how to do it?
So considering the character, let's assume stats 14/14/16/10/10/10 (20pt buy) BEFORE racial anything. Human seems like the understandably standard choice. Stats 14/14/18/10/10/10.
Figure 8th Level for the full initial effect.
Feats/Talents Etc by Level:
1st) Weapon Focus: Blast, Element (Earth), Talent: Kinetic Blade
2nd) Talent: Extended Range 3rd) Toughness 4th) CON +1, Talent: Kinetic Cover 5th) Point Blank Shot, Infusion Spec: Form, Metakinesis: Empower 6th) Talent: Impale 7th) Extra Talent: Entangle, Talent: Expanded Element (Fire) 8th) CON +1, Infusion Spec: Substance, Talent: Expanded Defense (Fire)(with intent to get Ride the Blast for crazy gap close) Humoring a Hobgoblin named "Shard" with, with Intimidate alternate racial, and average WBL...
Shard, the Hobgoblin Geothermal Kineticist:
Blast/Blade Breakdown:
Earth Blast: Up to 120ft (0 Burn), +11[+13] (4d6+10[+12])
Earth Blade: Melee only (0 Burn), +10/+5[+12/+7] (4d6+10[+12]) with an extra +4 hit if flanking. Fire Blast: Up to 120ft (0 Burn), +11[+13] vs. Touch (4d6+3[+5]) Fire Blade: Melee only (0 Burn), +10/+5[+12/+7] (4d6+3[+5]) with an extra +4 hit if flanking. Magma Blast: Up to 120ft (2 Burn), +11[+13] (8d6+14[+16]) Magma Blade (How cool is that?!): Melee Only (2 Burn), +10/+5[+12/+7] (8d6+14[+16]) with an extra +4 hit if flanking. ([]s are with Feel the Burn +2. None of these account for Point Blank.) Impale: +12[+14] to hit a 30ft line for 4d6+10[12]. Costs 1 burn (0 with Gather) Earth Blast can entangle for 0 burn with a gather, Magma can entangle for 2 burn with a gather.
A (melee type) with 18 STR up to 20 with a belt, a +2 Greatsword, and both Weapon Focus feats as well as weapon spec, would have +18/+13 to hit for 2d6+12 or +15/+10 to hit for 2d6+21 with Power Attack. Considering the semi-morphic nature of the Kineticist's options, I feel like these are acceptable differences. Fighter Max, Power Attack: +15/+10 for 23-33 (1 hit) or 46-66 (2 hits)
Doesn't sound super impressive, but does sound good enough, and when you take into account the defenses... While it would be pretty awesome to have hybrid elemental forms (such as magma), and/or the ability to treat the "form" as basically an boosted sense of Feel the Burn's visual rather than turning into an elemental (such as with Bracers of Falcon's Aim), I'm digging the Earth/Fire defense together. Far as I can tell, there's nothing saying you can't have both defenses up at once - they just take their respective actions, so two turns.
Thematically, you'd look like you were rocking Magma Armor. I don't think this character is optimal at all... but damn do I love the feel! This is the part where I ask for feedback on the thought.
What would you change? What would you add?
![]() Regarding OP's "Everything Burns" (all potential Pyros want something like this!);
Specifically, I was thinking of a means that would not (under normal circumstances) be able to pair with Pure Flame.
What I spun was:
Drawing from the very origin of flame, your blasts take on a metaphysical quality, becoming far more intense than nature would allow. Seeming more maroon or even violet in color, these blasts flicker with an eerie light that illustrates well their unnatural state.
Also, while I'm here, I'll throw out couple that I really just want for flavor... "Aether Juggling"
With finer manipulation of aether, you are able to strike more precisely. When using your Telekinetic Blast to throw a magical weapon, your blast benefits from any enhancement bonuses the weapon may have, as well as special qualities it may possess. You do not gain the weapon's base damage, nor it's threat range or critical hit multiplier. If this weapon has the Returning property, and was held before being used for this blast, it returns to you as normal for a Returning weapon. "Aether Dancing"
By using a weapon as the focus for your Telekinetic Blast, the weapon can be further "animated" to fight in your stead at a distance. This Substance infusion allows you to use the full attack action with a blast infused weapon, at a maximum range equal to that of your blast (including any Form infusions that increase range). This blast acts in all other ways like Aether Juggling, except non-proficiency penalties apply when a weapon is used in this manner. (I'm sure any of these could use some re-wording, but you get the ideas) ![]()
![]() My last post in this thread was fearful of the outcome and somewhat emotion driven.
I am (probably) just going to sit back and see where it goes after this post, to avoid more of my previous. As a final hurrah, my compiled suggestions/thoughts: 1) They should get Weapon Focus: Blast for free at first. Not a single respectable Kinetic will pass on this, so why make them burn a feat for it? 2) The ability for each Kineticist to effectively shape their element entirely (as in First Sculptor but with greater capacity for misc. flavor) feels like a must. 3) Would be nice if Aether users could get a Substance Infusion that let them use the thrown item's properties for damage at least (if not hit) and misc effects, boosted by the kinetic force - probably not threat range though, because throwing Scimitar would become brutal. Could make for some interesting use of the "Returning" property, add a lot of flavor, and give them a little something it feels like they're lacking in comparison. 4) Aether - Kinetic Haul: Hits one target for standard blast damage despite weight/size of object thrown... It just doesn't sit right with me. This conflicting data makes me twitch. Mark Seifter - I have total faith in you that this will become the class you (and many others) want it to be. I'm bowing out for now.
![]() There are two conclusions I have reached so far via this class and this thread (beside liking it):
This is just my opinion based interpretation. I just hope people can be reasonable, and let the limitation exist. It must.
![]() AlanDG2 wrote: Did you give the Kineticist equal access to items? I'm guessing even if they didn't, it gives a lot more misc. item room. For example, the (Combat Type of Choice) invests in a +7 equivalent weapon. Great for them.You, on the other hand, could get a belt for +6 Con/Dex with 8k to spare from the same amount. Taenia wrote:
Well, my statement hasn't been corrected by anyone yet, so I'm guessing my assessment was right: Kinetic Blade + Kinetic Whip are just shaped blasts (Form infusion). Per the description, they take the form, but regardless of what weapon they emulate (or enhance in the case of TKs), the representative item is meaningless beyond flavor: "You form a weapon using your kinesis ... of pure energy or elemental matter ... The weapon deals the same damage as your Kinetic Blast's damage, and interacts with AC and Spell Resistance as normal for a blast of its type."The Kinetic Blade or Whip - as pushed by text and driven by the fact that you're using a FORM infusion - IS your blast.
Weapon Focus: Whip wouldn't apply, because while it acts like a whip, it is actually your kinetic blast you are condensing and shaping for an alternative use. Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast would apply to anything where-in you're using your Kinetic Blast's stats (Interacting with AC/DR/SR), regardless of form - the sole exception of which is Kinetic Fist, because it specifically relies on your Unarmed Strikes / Natural Weapons, much like the Flaming or Shocking weapon properties, but stronger (Kinetic Fist also specifically says it ignores SR and receives none of your blast damage modifiers such as Con). ![]()
![]() Taenia wrote:
Kinetic Blade isn't an actual weapon, so it can't be enchanted to have any weapon mods (if that's what you meant by Allying?). (EDIT: Looked it up. Good question! I'm guessing no, because it isn't an actual weapon, but it IS solid for a while... Very good question!)Kinda wondered too if it must be affixed to something, or if you could create like, a sheet above you. Kinetic blade resembles an applicable weapon, but is not said weapon, and uses none of its mechanics. Not even with Aether. You use your blast damage, it's always 20/x2 (unless you have Imp Crit for your blast), and none of your weapon properties apply. I know this has been tagged at least a few times in the thread. Unless you somehow found a way to make "Kinetic Blast" a Monk weapon - not simply LOOK like a monk weapon - then I'm going to go with no. I'm guessing this idea is why they created Kinetic fist. As for retraining - never used it in any of my games (never had a need).
Cao Phen wrote:
My understanding (per all the previous), is that a Kinetic Blast is a Kinetic Blast, and all Blade/Whip do, is shape or solidify it (hence the temporary nature). By this, weapon focus would I think apply to Blast/Blade/Whip, but I'm not 100% on Fist. As for getting the created weapon's threat, as above, I can say with certainty: No.
![]() graystone wrote:
Huh. Apparently in my edit for wording, I pulled that part. The reason I used the whole "by increasing the burn cost of a kinetic blast" was to make it so the move action could eat that point.If you made the second one a "normal" action...? Like a standard action? I'm not entirely sure what you mean.
I think allowing them to boost their to-hit and cut a defense cost in the same round would be entirely too good. Cao Phen wrote: How would the Feat, Endure Pain, would work with Burn? Already answered, but I was thinking, maybe I'm wrong on how I interpret the non-lethal? How I read the non-lethal from burn, it's tracked like damage, but isn't actual damage. You just sort of receive a buffer. More a sense of drain, rather than a smash to the face.On a side, I kinda like Flagellant being an evil-inclined feat structure. Can help build a better Kineticist villain... Heh heh heh. |