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The group I'm running for used a different set of rules for point buy in that they could choose a different race such as Aasimar but they took a hit to their ability point buy. So one of my players has an android gunslinger, the android is a 16 Race point race from advanced race guide so he only got a 14 point buy. Humans being a 10 RP got a 20 point buy. However playing an ifrit 6RP doesn't yield a 24 point buy.
All that said we have a very Guardians of the Galaxy esque group and I'm sure we aren't the only ones.
Female Ifrit Sorcerer gonna be Sorcerer/Swashbuckler
Androgynous Half-Plant barbarian (ended up being a 19 RP custom race)
Female android gunslinger/ranger
Male Sylph shaman
Male human inquisitor

mikeawmids |

Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.
Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.
Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.
Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.

Crustypeanut |

My group are still making their characters, but I'm currently getting ready to run a solo-test of the adventure on my own while I wait to see how things play.
In that sense, my party consists of:
Android Arcanist
Human Pistolero Gunslinger
Human Cleric of Brigh
Human Mutation Warrior Fighter
The Arcanist is aiming to be a Technomancer, while the Cleric of Brigh took the Black Powder Inquisition and will seek to get a two-handed firearm for ranged support. Thus only one 'true' melee right now, barring the occasional summon.

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Ran our first session tonight with a party that consisted of:
A female Kellid skald, from Torch
A female half-elf silver-dragon bloodline bloodrager, from Torch
A female pistolero from Absalom
A male android card caster magus
and a deaf female Kellid stargazer oracle
2 have the local ties trait, 3 have the stargazer trait.
We're a Roll20 group so it'll be 'whoever can make it' that night, as we'll play every other Thursday night. Our two other players who couldn't come are intending to play some kind of shaman (still has to make her sheet) and a human inquisitor (sacred huntsman).
Finished Part 1 & 2, party is about 3/4th of the way to level 2.

OmNomNid |

Let's see, I currently have-
- A male human sorcerer with the Arcane bloodline.
- A female kitsune oracle with the blackhands curse (their Mystery escapes me at the moment).
- A male magus (eldritch scion) with the Elemental[Air] bloodline.
-A aasimar[half-archon, I think] marksman [kaigun]
I also might have a player rolling a time thief, though no race decided yet.
We played last night for the first time and had a blast.

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My party:
Female Kellid Seeker/Wildblooded Sorcerer, Sylvan Bloodline (Me)
Male Garuda-Blooded Aasimar (Tengu base form) Pistolero Gunslinger
Male Orc Barbarian
Male Chelaxian Life Oracle
Male Dwarf Warpriest of Gorum (Allowed by the GM to take the Iron Priest Cleric Archetype, since he has all the class features needed to swap.)

Hobgoblin Shogun |
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Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.
Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.
Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.
Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.
Are you just crazy lenient with the stuff you allow? Also, how could a android not know he's a android. "Naw, I just never sleep cause I'm a badass. And these 'tattoos' are to show how much I HATE androids. So that's why I look like one."

Angry Cow |
mikeawmids wrote:Are you just crazy lenient with the stuff you allow? Also, how could a android not know he's a android. "Naw, I just never sleep cause I'm a badass. And these 'tattoos' are to show how much I HATE androids. So that's why I look like one."Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.
Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.
Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.
Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.
Judging by those entries, I am guessing his group style is loose on rules and high on humorous antics. Some people love everything to be over the top. Honestly, its not nearly as out of place in Numeria as it might normally be in Pathfinder.
My group:
Human Inquisitor of Abadar- He has a special tech-focused inquisition that got him no respect in Mendev. Now he seems to be unintentionally playing up this "bad inquisitor" angle by failing every single Sense Motive roll despite his impressive bonus.
Human Gunslinger- He has both the Techslinger and Guntank archetypes, so I just call him the Techtank.
Half Orc Air Elemental Bloodrager- Ventured all the way from Belkzan because he heard of these mysterious "robits" that could offer him a challenge. Thus far they have disappointed him and his 1d12+10+1d6e greataxe swings.

moon glum RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
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Yule 42: android gunslinger with a 'West World' demeanor. Tries to bond with robots.
Singe: ratfolk rogue and hoarder. Seeks to hoard technological artifacts.
Ivan: Dwarf warpriest. He has temporarily turned aside from his quest for vengeance against a one armed drow that sullied the name of his clan in order to help the town of Torch.
Ivan-Ho: Dwarf barbarian, companion to Ivan. He has been rendered very foolish, uncharismatic, and stupid after a fierce blow to the head from a giant. He is like Drax the Destroyer in his inability to understand metaphor, or even simile.
Wolfstrom: Teifling Druid. Hates technology. Has claws.

samuraixsithlord |
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I always make my characters run characters thematically appropriate for the adventure path. My current group is composed of:
An Android Sorcerer with the Nanite bloodline. I've given Androids a homebrew rule that gives them +2 CHA in regards to spells when they take the Nanite Bloodline (Like Tiefling's and the Infernal Bloodline).
A Kellid Barbarian/Fighter who uses an Energy Sword.
A Dwarf Gunslinger who uses plasma pistols.
a Female Human Cleric of Brigh from Alkenstar.

Oliver Veyrac |

The group I'm running for used a different set of rules for point buy in that they could choose a different race such as Aasimar but they took a hit to their ability point buy. So one of my players has an android gunslinger, the android is a 16 Race point race from advanced race guide so he only got a 14 point buy. Humans being a 10 RP got a 20 point buy. However playing an ifrit 6RP doesn't yield a 24 point buy.
All that said we have a very Guardians of the Galaxy esque group and I'm sure we aren't the only ones.
Female Ifrit Sorcerer gonna be Sorcerer/Swashbuckler
Androgynous Half-Plant barbarian (ended up being a 19 RP custom race)
Female android gunslinger/ranger
Male Sylph shaman
Male human inquisitor
I modified the android for a test using the following to fully match the flavor with the mechanics:
Advanced Android (16 RP)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma (0 RP)
Base Speed 30 ft. (0RP)
Languages (0 RP)
Emotionless (-1 RP)
Androids have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.
Constructed : (2 RP)
For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), androids count as both humanoids and constructs. Androids gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. Androids can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to fear effects and all emotion-based effects
Nanite Inhabited (This covers most of the flavor stuff for the androids in the ecology section) : This is 10 RP (Use Plant as Base)
Plants have the low-light vision racial trait.
Plants are immune to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
Plants are immune to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from this activity. This means that a plant creature can sleep in order to regain spells, but sleep is not required to survive or stay in good health.
Nanite Surge (3 RP)
An android’s body is infused with nanites. Once per day as an immediate action, an android can cause her nanites to surge, granting a bonus equal to 3 + the android’s character level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made. When an android uses this power, her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch in illumination for 1 round.
Darkvision 60 Feet (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Numerian |

mana wasted human mutation warrior fighter, a local, drinks any weird elixir he gets
the rest are from other worlds and planes
human technologist (3rd party class) from Sigil, sent from his planar sect to gather info about a device they bought
augmented vercite steel hound investigator, hired by the technologist, member of the Etherfarers (planar organization)
half-giant psychic warrior, has some swordsage powers, alien mercenary, genetically engineered
angel-kin oracle of heavens, descended from a solar

Brain in a Jar |

My group consists of the following.
CG Male Kitsune [1st Arcanist]
An archaeologist who lives in torch and specializes in technology.
Worships Desna
CG Male Deep Gnome [1st Heavens Shaman]
A wandering stargazer who travels with his Owl, Cosmo.
Worships Desna
LG Male Half-Elf [1st Sword Saint Samurai]
Traveled from Tian Xi to seek out answers to his heritage. Has a deep hatred for robots [Robot Slayer]

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Human Rogue (Gunthar) - worked as an apprentice to a Technic League enforcer, found out how terrible the League is, killed his mentor (and their android servant) by throwing them both into the flame in Torch before the recent troubles. Is now haunted by the android's spirit, and on the run from the League.
Human Barbarian (Granden) - Kellid tribesman, hates robots, drank some Numerian fluids and gained the ability to staunch bloodflow. Took the Numerian liberator archetype.
Elf Oracle (Celesara) - originally born on Castrovel, but her parents took her through the aiudara at a young age, imparting cosmic awareness upon her. Acts as a healer, but is incredibly interested in Numerian ruins due to her otherworldly origins.
Android Wizard (MEAM) - created by robots do be a skinjob assassin, something went wrong with her programming. She only remembers her designation (Metal Elementalist Android Mage), and chose this as her name. She now hunts robots. Still very young. (Player doesn't know it yet, but something happened to her during her Renewal, and this is what she believes is her origin. Haven't quite decided what the "truth" will be yet.)
Android Swashbuckler (Killswitch) - by day, a rather unimpressive Torch guardsman named Daneel Milesteen; by night, Killswitch, scourge of the underworld. Someone needs to take a stand against the Technic League, and Killswitch is that man.

Crustypeanut |
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My party consists of:
Groog Blacktusk - Orc Barbarian
Straight Shootin' Hoots Magaw - Tengu Aasimar Pistolero Gunslinger
"Bonnie" Wilhelm Mad'lo - Human Oracle of Life
Vallan Ironson - Dwarf Warpriest of Gorum
Dahlia the Exile - Human Sylvan Wildblooded Sorcereress
--Snow, the White Tiger Companion of Dahlia

Lady Ladile |

Not playing this with my RL group but I did just get accepted to a PbP here on the forums. Looks like we've got:
Male Tiefling Barbarian (Breaker archetype)
Female Human Slayer (Kellid background)
Female Human Warpriest (Pharasma)
Female Human Summoner
Female Gnome Cleric (Brigh)
Female Human Arcanist

Pendagast |

Not playing this with my RL group but I did just get accepted to a PbP here on the forums. Looks like we've got:
Male Tiefling Barbarian (Breaker archetype)
Female Human Slayer (Kellid background)
Female Human Warpriest (Pharasma)
Female Human Summoner
Female Gnome Cleric (Brigh)
Female Human Arcanist
Sounds like a devilishly handsome barbarian with his harem?

Toothless Bites |

Just started running this as my first Gming experiance ever! So far the party has managed to clear all the way to the Skulks(and intimidate the crap out of them) without much issue.
The party consists of:
Dhampir Magus who was kidnapped alongside Val and taken under Khonnir's wing.
Half-Orc Daring Cavalier who is seeking enough glory to be a full member of the Order of Flame.
Ifrit Flame Oracle who is drawn there by the famous violet flames.
And a Human Investigator who is Batman.

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For some reason our party decided everyone needed to be based off a superhero or villain. It may have been me since I saw the card caster archetype and, along with everyone else, thought of Gambit.
Chance Descartes (Gambit): Human Magus (card caster, staff magus)/Monk (weapon master)
Loop Daheed (Dead Pool): Human Gunslinger (pistolero)
Gorrath (Hulk): Orc brawler/barbarian
Farstider (The Flash): Human Barbarian with TONS of Fleet feats.
Basil Lachance (Splinter): Ratfolk rogue
Thor (Thor): Aasimar Warpriest
Nick Fury (Nick Fury): Human Gunslinger
Denny Colt (The Spirit): Human Investigator
As you can see it is very light on casters and imagination based on a few of the character names. There was talk of the player changing Nick Fury to Dr Strange. We'll see.
So far the AP has been a challenge with the GM upping the bad guys by 50% and giving them max hp. Chance, Farstider, and Basil all have gone unconscious in multiple fights. Chance just got to 2nd level cuz of being a gambler and rolling a Nat 20 on the skill check.

Ulfunnar |

2 Dwarf Brothers - Runeforger(Cleric of Torag) and Foehammer(Fighter)
Both with the Skymetal Smith trait
Male Dwarf Barbarian who hates the Technic League
Female Human Witch
Female Kellid Brawler1/Shaman
They contemplated not returning to town until they completed the adventure, but two ghelarn at the entrance to the habitat module shut down that plan, and Hetuath put the fear of Zyphus into them. On the third expedition, they made it to the Science deck, and the Runeforger (who rolled a 1 for 2nd level hp) wanted to go back and rest after the first Cure spell was used. That gave me a chuckle.

Mr. Bubbles |

Android Wild-blooded Sorcerer who fancies melding her magic with technology.
Hot-headed Human Gunslinger girl with prosthetics and a (now dead) Android caretaker.
Half-Elven Shaman with a star fox familiar that maintains an air of mystery and grace even though she's actually pretty normal.
Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) who is actually a Russian conscript that got shunted into Golarion following the events in Reign of Winter. In a twist of fate it is discovered Androffan is strikingly similar to Russian, which allows the guy to communicate with the Sorcerer (who also knows Androffan.)

poiuyt |

Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.
Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.
Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.
Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.
This is one of the few AP where stuff from comic books, cartoons, manga, anime, video games, etc, are kinda easy to fit...
Is this in person, PbP, online tabletop, etc?

poiuyt |

Lady Ladile wrote:Sounds like a devilishly handsome barbarian with his harem?Not playing this with my RL group but I did just get accepted to a PbP here on the forums. Looks like we've got:
Male Tiefling Barbarian (Breaker archetype)
Female Human Slayer (Kellid background)
Female Human Warpriest (Pharasma)
Female Human Summoner
Female Gnome Cleric (Brigh)
Female Human Arcanist
The Iconic lineup of many recent AP (including this one)

mikeawmids |

mikeawmids wrote:Are you just crazy lenient with the stuff you allow? Also, how could a android not know he's a android. "Naw, I just never sleep cause I'm a badass. And these 'tattoos' are to show how much I HATE androids. So that's why I look like one."Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.
Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.
Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.
Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.
I run the adventure paths using Savage Worlds, so I can be lenient with pulpy character concepts like the ones the players came up with. :D
I had to create my own racial template for androids and neither of the two issues you raised in your post got a great amount of consideration. I'll hand wave them if they come up in game. Not ALL androids have the glowing tattoos and androids power down at night, which could be mistake for sleep. I mean, how do you know your sleeping properly, in comparison to anyone else, you've got no frame of refernce by which to judge that what you do is weird. Unless you sleep in a tree or something. I think the guy playing the android was thinking along the lines of the Terminator movies when he came up with the concept. He has been dropping Schwazzenger (?) quotes. The rest of the group now know he's an android, but he refuses to acknoledge that face, even after they showed him his own metallic guts. :D

Kazar Shen |

My party is mostly very experienced roleplayers, but not so much with Pazio products, so its pretty standard fare..
Rob Greymore, Human Oracle of Battle. Sofar, mostly AC
Hayd Jerkel, Human Alchemist. Regularly does more damage to PCs than NPCs
Karsa Orlong, Human Savage Technologist (Barbarian). Likes to charge with his Lucern Hammer.
Tool Brightiron, Dwarven Blight Druid. Likes to get hit alot.
Sartoris, Human Archivist (Bard). Only one that knows whats going on.
Aiasha, Catfolk Rogue. Only female, also a bit scary and purrs whenever something dies.

JohnnyfiveUnAlive |

Just started running this and so far we have:
Gnome seeker with impossible bloodline (other adopted son of Khonnir)
Android clone master alchemist (stargazer)
Human spellslinger (archaeologist)
Human Pharasman cleric (secretly a cleric of Asmodeus seeing how the Church could muscle in on Technic League)
Last player wanted to be a synthesist, but I shot that down. Now he's thinking Orc cleric with the animal domain (he's envisioning a savage orc riding a dinosaur).

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I've got an interesting party gathered this time, much much smaller then the tables i ran for Wrath at only four players.
Female Sylph Cleric of Gozreh
gender-neutral Willow Treant Sapling Druid of Gozreh and Monk
Female Strix Fighter
Male Suli Cleric of Gozreh, our only Technologist so far.
Its been interesting, that Strix wanted to kill every human in torch, but settled on being against the Technic league.
The party is just fixing to head back down into the engineering level, Working on adding mythic components to that battle. Players and me want to try this as a Mythic Campaign, they are all four the cores of my former wrath tables.

Pale Jester |

I'm GMing for a group that consists of Data, The Predator, Kamina and the unholy lovechild of Tyler Durden and Harley Quinn.
What this roughly translates to:
-LN Female Android Techslinger who wants to learn emotion.
-N Male Android Slayer, "brother" of the first Android, much more interested in Kellid honour culture than tech and people's feelings.
-CG Male Kellid Bloodrager (Fire Elemental Bloodline), a skymetal smith/Shōnen protagonist who used his budding skills to forge a sweet pair of glasses.
-CE Female Tiefling Alchemist, a witty sociopath with a love of high-explosives and political anarchism.

Vlad Koroboff |

My party is more or less testing Path of War,and consists of:
NG Female Human Stalker,hailing from Alkenstar Rangers,made-up recon unit.
N Female Tian Human Alchemist,which ended up in Alkenstar as an aftermatch of unfinished as of now Jade Regent campaign.
N Male Half-Giant Warder,one of the descendants of original Zentradi that survived the crash.
And Val.Because we can't have a party without smart,annoying kid.

Mawgrim |

My group is starting this one tomorrow, and the party consists of:
* N male android brawler (steel-breaker archetype), Against the Technic League trait
* CG female changeling warpriest of Cayden Cailean, Local Ties trait
* CN male orc bloodrager with the aberrant bloodline Against the Technic League trait
* N male ratfolk arcanist (white mage archetype), Local Ties trait
* CG male ratfolk investigator (steel hound archetype), Stargazer trait and so far the only Technologist of the party
Because they all wanted to try the classes from the Advanced Class Guide, I'm also in the process of rebuilding some of the NPCs and enemies with the ACG classes as appropriate.

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- CN male half-elf arcanist/crossblooded sorcerer with Technologist feat
- CG male human brawler with a shield (Khonnir's adopted son)
- LG male half-elf holy tactician paladin of Ragathiel
- NG female aasimar life oracle of Sarenrae (Khonnir's adopted daughter)
- NG neutrois half-orc blight druid with Fire domain (village idiot)
- CG male human primalist bloodrager of Sarenrae (missionary)
- Honorary mention for "Phylla," a plant friend who we've placated with red meat

Wiggz |

Howdy. I'm just curious to see what people are playing as a group. Thanks.
Gnome Master Summoner with a special summoning list that only includes constructs and a flying eidolon mount.
Gnome Grenadier Alchemist, brother to the Summoner
Human Invulnerable Rager & Urban Barbarian
Female Human Zen Archer / Shadowdancer

Nitro-13 |

My group refuses to write up characters till we finish my skulls and shackles game but as of right now we have a rough outline of a party
*Grizwald Gunnison: Dwarven Inquisitor of Brigh and blunderbuss wielding guntank
*Ricksum Dawkis:half elf Andoran Bounty hunter who rides a Roc, He has been planned as almost any build that supports him, yet to be finalized.
*Unamed Android magus/technomancer
* Vincent Rattigan: Ratfolk techslinger
*And finaly Krieg from borderlands with a pet skagg with no clue how to build either of them.
So the party gets more vague the longer the list gets.

Pendagast |

Aaron Scott 139 wrote:Howdy. I'm just curious to see what people are playing as a group. Thanks.Gnome Master Summoner with a special summoning list that only includes constructs and a flying eidolon mount.
Gnome Grenadier Alchemist, brother to the Summoner
Human Invulnerable Rager & Urban Barbarian
Female Human Zen Archer / Shadowdancer
WHAT…you didn't convince everyone in your party to play ALL gnomes??

Pendagast |

My group refuses to write up characters till we finish my skulls and shackles game but as of right now we have a rough outline of a party
*Grizwald Gunnison: Dwarven Inquisitor of Brigh and blunderbuss wielding guntank
*Ricksum Dawkis:half elf Andoran Bounty hunter who rides a Roc, He has been planned as almost any build that supports him, yet to be finalized.
*Unamed Android magus/technomancer
* Vincent Rattigan: Ratfolk techslinger
*And finaly Krieg from borderlands with a pet skagg with no clue how to build either of them.So the party gets more vague the longer the list gets.
To build Krieg front he borderlands with his pet skag, I would suggest using a mad dog barbarian, rules for this can be found in the Player Companion: Animal Archive.
for an animal close to a skag (the class calls it a WAR BEAST) use a Thylacine or a Wolf.

Pale Jester |

*And finaly Krieg from borderlands with a pet skagg with no clue how to build either of them.
Mad Dog seems like the right way to go if you need the animal companion (though the late acquisition of Rage makes it feel iffy to me, especially starting at level 1).
Alternatively, if the player is willing to ditch the skag or use it just as a pet rather than a companion, I once had tons of fun with a Bloodrager Krieg. The GM was running a Dark Sun game with Pathfinder rules and a heavy Borderlands influence. Although it might not be the purest translation of the character, I found the Bloodrager's access to evocation and other shenanigans well represented a lot of his fire/explosion-based skills.

Wiggz |

Wiggz wrote:WHAT…you didn't convince everyone in your party to play ALL gnomes??Aaron Scott 139 wrote:Howdy. I'm just curious to see what people are playing as a group. Thanks.Gnome Master Summoner with a special summoning list that only includes constructs and a flying eidolon mount.
Gnome Grenadier Alchemist, brother to the Summoner
Human Invulnerable Rager & Urban Barbarian
Female Human Zen Archer / Shadowdancer
Actually, the two gnomes were made by the same player who couldn't decide which he wanted to run - then we added a fourth player who happily took one off his hands.

MannyGoblin |

Quote:*And finaly Krieg from borderlands with a pet skagg with no clue how to build either of them.Mad Dog seems like the right way to go if you need the animal companion (though the late acquisition of Rage makes it feel iffy to me, especially starting at level 1).
Alternatively, if the player is willing to ditch the skag or use it just as a pet rather than a companion, I once had tons of fun with a Bloodrager Krieg. The GM was running a Dark Sun game with Pathfinder rules and a heavy Borderlands influence. Although it might not be the purest translation of the character, I found the Bloodrager's access to evocation and other shenanigans well represented a lot of his fire/explosion-based skills.
Tiny Tina as a grenadier alchemist. :)

Nitro-13 |

Quote:*And finaly Krieg from borderlands with a pet skagg with no clue how to build either of them.Mad Dog seems like the right way to go if you need the animal companion (though the late acquisition of Rage makes it feel iffy to me, especially starting at level 1).
Alternatively, if the player is willing to ditch the skag or use it just as a pet rather than a companion, I once had tons of fun with a Bloodrager Krieg. The GM was running a Dark Sun game with Pathfinder rules and a heavy Borderlands influence. Although it might not be the purest translation of the character, I found the Bloodrager's access to evocation and other shenanigans well represented a lot of his fire/explosion-based skills.
I actually suggested mad dog to him myself ,and he did run a Krieg inspired bloodrager during the playtest. but alas he wont entertain any theory-crafting until we are done with skulls and shackles.
And the funny part is it'll take him hours if not days to build a new character which is why I want him to build it now since we always waste time during at least 2 sessions watching him write down feats and equipment.

JohnnyfiveUnAlive |
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Sixth and final player has submitted a nameless fighter with no backstory or traits. I have posted this to his entry on our character roster to remind him to rectify that oversight:
Generic Fighter #203 has a backstory. He can also be described in a manner that tells other sight-based creatures what he looks like. Funny story, one time, a thing happened. That was good times. He appears to dislike robots because reasons. It is for certain that he has a two handed sword. It was acquired through reasons (see backstory).
Generic Fighter #203 has traits. There are two. They are different. They are formed of many distinct linguistic constructs that will inform those that decipher them what sounds to make with their air holes so that, then all the construct-sounds are made in the correct sequence, words are formed.
Player Secret:
Generic Fighter #203 has a few things in his backstory that he prefers not be revealed to other players, for role play purposes.
The other players are now mercilessly heckling him, and he is putting something together.
EDIT he also neglected an image for his character and since there is no description, he has this: