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Aye, such a 'dead' giveaway. But come on, that'd be awesome.
Oh Definitely, especially since portals between Golorian and earth already exist, and could be used by accident. And what happened after... Potential cults to the saviour sent by the book, with the mantra 'shop smart, shop s.mart', heroes training in the school of 'the boomstick', the possibilities are almost endless...

Arturius Fischer |

No way he's a Paladin. Not at all. He's neither Lawful, nor Good. I mean, he does Good things now and then, but he does far more selfish, downright Evil things now and then too. "Yeah, of course I said the words, now send me home!" *looks over shoulder to make sure evil Undead army is not right behind him*
Core only? Ranger with Undead and Evil Outsider as favored enemies. More than Core? Gunslinger + Ranger, or use of an archetype of one that shares the other's abilities. He's great against those foes, but only average against mundanes or normal critters.

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Funniest character I've built is a gnomish summoner who thinks his eidolon is a tank. The gnome has a strength of 5, but rides right into combat hooting and hollering while swinging a gnome hook-hammer. He's a blast to play; doesn't disrupt the game the way some summoners will since I keep my character and eidolon together all the time and limit my spells to boosting my 'tank'.

Trigger Loaded |
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-Barberella "Barbie" Goldberg: A former "paris hilton" type, she was cut of by her parents for her rage problems, and became an adventurer to pay for her habits. Known as "Barbie the barbarian"
I remember a fantasy comic series that featured Barbara the Barbarian. Described as "Beautiful as a rose, and twice as smart."
Tengu two-handed fighter, vital strike feat chain, wields an earth breaker and wears red robes with gold trimming.
Heh, pretty clever. Went over my head at first as well.
Reading that makes me want to stat Kirby, but I'm not sure how to stat what is essentially a Chaotic Good Cosmic Horror. Ooze creature that gets specific bonuses against Great Old Ones and other cosmic entities? (Seriously, Kirby's faced off with the incarnation of nightmares, and the primal essence of pure evil.)
A human vivisectionist chirurgeon alchemist with the spontaneous healing discovery, a focus on the cure x wounds series of extracts, a repeating crossbow and this magic item:
I've had an urge to make a CE Alchemist obsessed with learning about life and death (He adventures with the group because he gets to witness a LOT of death, and take part in it as well), rather heavily based on the Medic.
A young human rogue with a unique bracer of polymorphing (technological artifact) that allows him to change into variant forms of existing creatures
"It started when an alien device did what it did..."
I remember in 3.5 trying to figure out something based on the Master Thrower Prestige class. For Pathfinder, what I would be looking for is:
*Turtle-based PC race.
**If no Turtle-based, lizard based with Shell Armour. (Perhaps organic-style breastplate, or even hide. Either way, gives appearance of shell.)
*Combat feats and otherwise to focus on thrown weapons. Specifically throwing hammers.
For non-pop cultural reference character ideas, I once contemplated the idea of a character for a one-shot being a Summoner whose eidolon is his 'waifu' girlfriend, picking all the bad anime/weeaboo stereotypes to pack into a girlfriend he made himself. (Including Tsundere, of course.)
The catch I had was that Summoners need charisma for their primary stat, and I think it'd be quite clear that this sweaty-palmed loser has no charisma to speak of. I was considering getting around it through making him actually quite charismatic and talkative... to anything not human or other primary race. Dragons and extraplanar beings he can hold conversations with. But trying to talk to humans just confuses and scares him.
My other comedic character ideas came about with the thought of an all-monster party consisting of castoffs from various dungeon monsters. Such would include:
* Goblin invulnerable rager barbarian. (Invincible Id)
* Harpy Huntress. (Shaman, perhaps? I need to review the class to really judge. Joke being this harpy has a horrid singing voice, so had to get by through other means)
But my favourite was a Will-O-Wisp bard called Flash Brightmantle, with a focus on puns.
The joke revolves around Will-O-Wisp diet. The ecology article in Dragon Magazine back in the day stated that Wisps fed on methane from swamps, and human anguish. This is why they lure people to their deaths in swamps, so they could feed on the anguish of their imminent deaths.
So my thought was a Will-O-Wisp that lures a party into a swamp, but a snide pun by one guy makes the group forget their misery to collectively groan. And the anguish caused by the groan is intoxicating. It's a flavour the Will-O-Wisp has never had before. It's filling, and unlike his previous diet, didn't require him to kill anybody.
So he learns to be a bard, learning language so he can make bad puns constantly, and feed on the anguish his lame puns cause people.

Arturius Fischer |

The joke revolves around Will-O-Wisp diet. The ecology article in Dragon Magazine back in the day stated that Wisps fed on methane from swamps, and human anguish. This is why they lure people to their deaths in swamps, so they could feed on the anguish of their imminent deaths.
So.... fart jokes? Maybe he's the group cook and adds extra beans? You know, for the methane needed for his sustenance?

Trigger Loaded |

So.... fart jokes? Maybe he's the group cook and adds extra beans? You know, for the methane needed for his sustenance?
How can he be the cook? Will'o'wisps don't have hands. (And I just checked. Aside from bumping up against things with a 1 Strength or zapping it, they really can't interact with their environment.)
I figured he just goes to the outhouse for the physical nutrition. And while fart jokes can be unpleasant, there's something primal about the headsmacking caused by truly bad puns that strikes me as being intoxicating to those that feed on emotions.

Arturius Fischer |

How can he be the cook? Will'o'wisps don't have hands. (And I just checked. Aside from bumping up against things with a 1 Strength or zapping it, they really can't interact with their environment.)
Because in worlds with magic, Mage Hand and Prestidigitation are a thing, and both are on the Bard list.
I figured he just goes to the outhouse for the physical nutrition. And while fart jokes can be unpleasant, there's something primal about the headsmacking caused by truly bad puns that strikes me as being intoxicating to those that feed on emotions.
Now he sounds like a pervy anime character sneaking off to follow people whenever they poo.
The puns I see more as 'dessert' than a main course, but that works too.
Trigger Loaded |
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Because in worlds with magic, Mage Hand and Prestidigitation are a thing, and both are on the Bard list.
Ahh, yes, Mage Hand was an idea for fine manipulation. Though it depends on the DM if Str 1 and perfect manuverability is enough to count as somatic components for casting spells. Otherwise, Still spell metamagic a cantrip just to cook.
Seems like too much work, especially since, having no taste buds as we understand them, he'd have little to no concept of what makes good food for those four-limbed folks.
Now he sounds like a pervy anime character sneaking off to follow people whenever they poo.
The puns I see more as 'dessert' than a main course, but that works too.
Not the concept I was going for, but I can see why it'd seem like that.
As for puns, again not what I'd go for, but if you want to have Flash in your games, go right ahead and change him up however you wish.
I remember an old Dungeon magazine article that had a Azer chef, who used his own body to cook things to perfection.

Lady Ladile |
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A goblin bard or skald based loosely off the character El Kabong - El Gobbong! Unfortunately I've yet to find a good way for a musical instrument to double as a weapon beyond asking for GM house rule shenanigans. So for now I'll settle for a goblin skald with the Herald of the Horn archetype >:)

Wei Ji the Learner |
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A goblin bard or skald based loosely off the character El Kabong - El Gobbong! Unfortunately I've yet to find a good way for a musical instrument to double as a weapon beyond asking for GM house rule shenanigans. So for now I'll settle for a goblin skald with the Herald of the Horn archetype >:)
Get a double weapon.
Turn one end of the weapon into musical instrument.

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A bunch of fighters consisting of:
-N female human fighter (savage fighter) 13/Bloodrager 3 with the aberrant bloodline) and the ability to make bite attacks as a creature of 2 size categories larger as natural attacks due to an aberrant graft attached to her head.
-A CN female human brawler 11/bard 2 with a unique hat that allows her to make slam attacks as a creature of 3 size categories higher with a reach of 15ft. and occasionally makes use of Blade Boots.
-A CN young female human gunslinger 17 with the cannon and blasting critical abilities of a Cannon Golem.
-A LN female human gunslinger 6/fighter 11 with a Mwk revolver and a unique +4 flaming sword-cane pistol that does not need to be drawn in order to make melee attacks and instantly reloads
-A CN female cat lord variant juju zombie human brawler 9 with the ability to make attacks with a reach of 10ft., immunity to vorpal effects and the ability to remove her head and use it as a ranged weapon that deals 1d8+4 slashing or piercing damage with a crit range of 19-20/X2
-A CE broken soul female tiefling (kytonspawn) fighter 9/brawler 1 with a fly speed of 20ft.(clumsy), the ability to deal 1d8 bleed damage to a creature grappling her and a giant bladed wheel grafted on to her that allows her to make attacks once per round that target a 10ft. radius around her and deal 1d10+10 slashing damage with a crit range of 18-20/X4.
-A CE female human alchemist (vivesectionist) 16 who uses multiple poisons and possesses a full BAB
-An Advanced CE Eldritch Doppelganger cleric 6 of Nyarlothotep
-A CE eldritch Jiang-Shi female human fighter 13 who has the traits who possesses all beneficial ooze traits and can make slam attacks as a creature 2 size categories bigger than her with a reach of 25ft.
-A N unique advanced giant awakened brass golem bard 12 with the ability to make ranged attacks that deal 10d8 sonic damage in a 30ft. cone or 15ft. burst but lacking the brass falchion ability.
-A CN female human bard 6/summoner 6/kineticist (blood kineticist) 7 with many connections to forgotten Osiriani deities
-A N male human brawler 16 who focuses on improvised weapons

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A guy who's just a hero for fun: LG male Human Unchained Monk 20/Champion 10 who has infinite uses per day of Quivering Palm and counts as a colossal creature for the purpose of determining unarmed damage and instantly bypass all DR and regeneration with his unarmed strikes.
His cyborg companion/roommate: CN male Human Gunslinger (techslinger) 3/Brawler 17/Champion 6 (with the following Cybertech Implants: 2 Cybernetic Arms, Dermal Plating Mark V, Cyberfiber Muscles Mark V, Thoraic Nanite Chamber Mark III, Wirejack Tendons Mark III, Cybernetic Eyes, 2 Cybernetic Legs, Implanted Weaponry [Grenade Launcher, Maxim M1910 Machine Gun (despite not being light or one handed weapons, exception was made)],Biofilter).

Mjolbeard89 |

Dwarf Gendarme Cavalier with an undersized mount (Don Quixote)
Halfling Spiritualist with a Medium sized Phantrom (George and Lennie from Of Mice and Men)
Elf Monk of the Four Winds who fire punches crap and runs around really fast (Captain Falcon)
Half-Orc Witch with Prehensile Beard (Hipster witch)
Mesmerist/Hospitaler Paladin (Coach-like figure who either heals or tells allies to "Walk it off" (for temp hp) randomly)

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This is actually the current party of an all-out evil game I'm playing.
A wizard who made a deal with fey so he could have a contingency plan that allowed him to be resurrected as a fey by having his head thrown into a rosebush or other minorly painful natural object (his stats are technically: CE Advanced Giant Wood-Giantblood Bramble Twigjack Phytokineticist 10)
A shapeshifting dolphin Fey serial killer who moonlights as an assassin and has the power to put people to sleep before killing them with a garrote (her stats are technically: CE Advanced Bard Dream Encantado Slayer 3/Mesmerist 1/Assassin 1)
A microscopic nanobot with a huge hand that he drags around and hits stuff with (his stats are technically: N Advanced Young Transforming Gearsman Brawler (Steelbreaker) 8/Vigilante 3)

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equinoxmaster wrote:Snowflame: CN male human Psychic (Psychedelia Discipline) 8/Warpriest (Champion of the Faith) of Cocaine 5/Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) 2/Brawler 1/Barbarian 2Mightn't Sorcerer of Sleep be a better choice? Cocaine's no psychedelic - much more like pesh.
yeah that should work better

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I want to play a human or half-elf fighter adopted by dwarves. I want to specialize in the Dorn-Dergar.
(I know, I know. A human adopted by dwarves would basically be Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson, but with 20 point buy, I can't get 20 CHA, 20 STR and reasonably high WIS.)
My husband is currently running an elf who was adopted by dwarves in our group's Kingmaker AP. He has a weird relationship with my PC, an elf cleric who grew up "normal" and doesn't understand this elf who won't act like an elf.
(PS - I want to play Cheery Littlebottom someday, and not tell anyone if my dwarf is male or female.)

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Not necessarily funny, but still an homage (too much time playing retro JRPGs):
I'm working on a Hellknight Armiger who will be a void kineticist focusing on negative energy blasts, switch-hitting with a sword, and taking proficiency feats to get heavy armor, and qualify for levels in the Hellknight PRC.