This was an entire party win. My sylph shaman, a half-elf warpriest, a human investigator, and a ratfolk swashbuckler reach a tower in a city of the dead. There's a mound of bodies being used as a wall around the tower. While climbing over it, the warpriest, just for good measure, channels energy through it. Nothing happens. So we continue on. After reaching the top of the tower, we meet the centipede necromancer who is currently residing in the city. We are supposed to retrieve a relic that is a family heiroom for our King.
We start by speaking with the necromancer, he's really not that bad of a guy. He doesn't know what chalice we're talking about and wants us to just leave. (He was waiting to be found by bigger and badder parties than our group because of all the loot he's acquired.) So the ratfolk keeps him talking and our investigator slips off to, you guessed it..., investigate. He goes invisible and slinks to the door at the back of the necromancer's study. It's locked, so he pickpockets the necromancer and gets inside.
He finds the chalice tossed to the side on a pile. But he finds so much more. And he proceeds to loot all of it. All the while our rascally ratfolk is running the necromancer around in circles in pointless conversation. He's getting really frustrated with us and kicks us out just as our investigator finishes up. We run down the stairs because the necromancer is going to notice his missing stuff soon.
We hear him yell from up above and we happen to be next to windows on the staircase. We see that pile of bodies from earlier start to form into a ginormous human centipede thing. The investigator drops focused bombs on it and does massive damage to it. But the kicker is, the thing just barely dies because of the channel energy that our warpriest did through it earlier.
The necromancer jumps from the window to meet us at the bottom, but my sylph casts feather fall on him. As he slowly floats to the ground, the ratfolk, who has a wingsuit, flies at him landing a crit on a bullrush. The investigator throws another bomb, and then my familiar, which is a bird, flies over to land an inflict critical wounds. Th ratfolk has landed by this point and she is standing under the slowly falling necromancer, rapier pointed to the sky, with the intention of skewering him. But she crits, so he ends up sliced in two on either side of the now bloody little ratfolk.
Poor guy was robbed and then dead before he hit the ground. Our DM was flabbergasted at the entire encounter. It was great.