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just a funny trap idea
I prefer the delectable chocolate that, when popped in one's mouth, sends steel bolts springing out through your cheeks!
A ditzy sylph air sorceress- a powerful spell-caster, though somewhat air-headed, if you know what I mean. (~_^)
Charisma has come to represent inner strength and what Aleister Crowley would have called "thelema", by the way, so a "ditzy" Sorcerer ought to be impossible - an air mage would simply consider the term "air-head" to have a completely different meaning (more like "my mind is as vast and free as the open sky"), and would be flummoxed if they heard it used as some kind of insult (yes, these thoughts have passed through my mind).

Suthuri |

Suthuri wrote:Charisma has come to represent inner strength and what Aleister Crowley would have called "thelema", by the way, so a "ditzy" Sorcerer ought to be impossible - an air mage would simply consider the term "air-head" to have a completely different meaning (more like "my mind is as vast and free as the open sky"), and would be flummoxed if they heard it used as some kind of insult (yes, these thoughts have passed through my mind).
A ditzy sylph air sorceress- a powerful spell-caster, though somewhat air-headed, if you know what I mean. (~_^)
You make an interesting point, and you may very well be right. However, I offer this: if a ditz is a scatter brained, unperceptive, perhaps impulsive person, for me, the traits of someone who is ditzy implies more a lack of wisdom than a lack of charisma.
Someone could be disorganized, aloof, lack common sense but still have a great force of personality. Since sorcerers only depend on that instinctive force to manifest the magic of their bloodline, not wisdom, it should indeed be possible to have a ditzy sorceress or sorcerer!
While I disagree with your assertion that a ditzy sorceress is impossible, I do agree that our friendly air-headed sylph would completely misunderstand someone's meaning if that someone were to call her an "air-head". Rather than recognizing it as a criticism of her aloofness and scatter-brained-ness, she would probably assume it has to with her magical heritage. (Low wisdom, no sense motive xD). In response to the comment she would be so flummoxed, she would have to roll her eyes, and say, "well yeah, I'm a sylph. Everyone knows that! Oh, and that's like, an offensive term for our people, btw! Gosh."

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You make an interesting point, and you may very well be right. However, I offer this: if a ditz is a scatter brained, unperceptive, perhaps impulsive person, for me, the traits of someone who is ditzy implies more a lack of wisdom than a lack of charisma.
This is all mostly just semantics, of course, but what you describe there sounds more like "absent-minded professor" than "ditz" which, to me, basically means the sort of person who could never be a Player Character of any sort (and for whom no mental score is above 12 at most). We all know the type - the kind of worthless person that we kind of hoped would magically cease to exist once we escaped high school, but that the corporate media sadistically shoves down our throats and insists on calling "celebrities" even though there's nothing about them worthy of celebrating.
Charles the Tramp - a CG Rogue/Sorcerer (Impossible Bloodline?)/Arcane Trickster who favors the quarterstaff and whose magic focuses on things like disguise, confusion, escaping disaster (while possibly leaving some disaster behind for those who would pursue him), and implausible modes and directions of locomotion. Oh, and he knows a special animate bread spell!

DM Under The Bridge |

Well not all celebrities are bad without merit. Some do a lot of good with the spotlight and their coin.
Anyway, another funny character idea I had. Thinking of starting the Loren rpg, and the starting choices got me thinking.
So this will work if there is an elf or half elf in the party, to give the rp some traction. The char is a ranger or fighter or melee spellcaster. They are an elf, but they were captured by slavers over 60 years ago. Since then, they have been put to work cleaning, washing and tidying. A small little house slave. They went through about three masters this way, always cleaning and looking after the house, maturing oh so slowly. They have entirely forgotten elven culture and the elven language. They only speak the tongue of their masters and probably can't write. The most recent heir to the family though, notices that their servant has grown into quite the physically strong adult. Some years of training later, they are put to work as a caravan guard. Basic sword and board, perhaps with a temple sword. They are totally loyal and know nothing else outside servitude.
While a promising student (at over 100 years old) with a strong body used to hardship, the caravan was ambushed. In their eagerness to protect their master, they rushed off to defeat a bandit archer (this relates to a samurai story on what is more loyal, to win or to protect). They were triumphant against the lone archer, rendering them unconscious, but the caravan fell and the master was killed. He ate all the sneak attack, from all sides. The slave soldier faced the choice of stay and die or flee, and they chose to flee. They wander into a town or settlement after rough trekking for days. They are freed by circumstance after having not been free for over 60 years, and thoroughly assimilated to life as a human servant. Think of them as a confused free unsullied.
Now what do they do? Well they are going to join an adventuring group of course! They are also still technically property of a family, although the head of the family just died and they aren't aware the elf is alive.
They know very little about the world. They begin with fighting ability and domestic skills (profession: maid, profession: valet, profession: cook, craft: sewing, stealth (to quietly follow and wait on their masters), no knowledge of any kind, as knowledge is dangerous. If ranger they have been trained to fight a specific enemy, and generally pursue non-lethal options (there is trauma of a lot of blood in their past).
Feats, they definitely should be tough and with endurance (they have never had a day off in their life), could also go great fort. If ranger they will get into two weapon fighting with weapon and shield. Could get into shield feats. Also thinking temple sword to bind weapons and that feat to do subdual on no penalty. This char does not like to kill, they are not a murderhobo.
If a cleric or the like, they have been raised into worship of a human god, and have no understanding of the elven pantheon.
So this char will be very unusual, potentially quite fun and will have plenty of rp opportunities with elves and non-elves alike.

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Well not all celebrities are bad without merit. Some do a lot of good with the spotlight and their coin.
I didn't say anything at all to the contrary - when I think of a "celebrity," I think of someone who's rich and famous because they deserve to be, literally, someone worthy of being celebrated for some reason, hence the term. I was referring to "people" whose names should have no reason to appear anywhere more noteworthy than their high school yearbooks, yet which in recent years have been referred to as "celebrities," perhaps some corporate dirtbag said, "See this piece of shit? I can totally make people devour this piece of shit if I shove it down their throat with enough money behind it!"
This is just another one of the many important lessons the waking world so desperately needs to learn that I see encoded in fantasy adventure gaming: An "adventurer" can be any number of types of people: Good, Evil, Neutral, Lawful, Chaotic, aristocrat, peasant, bourgeois, strong, weak, stupid, smart, meek, mesmerizing...but there is something about each and every one of them that marks them as a person of superior quality. It's ineffable, and any and all attempts to date to isolate this "spark" have resulted in misery and degradation, but it's nonetheless unmistakable - the closest I've seen anything get to encapsulating this phenomenon is the difference between "P-rated" and "ords" in TORG.
We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Thread, with:
Erwin Steffansson: A level 20 Ranger of some obscure Archetype that gives him the Paladin's Aura of Courage class feature, and whose magic must be Charisma-based somehow, because the guy seems to have a Wisdom of 7.

haruhiko88 |

With the tech guide out and having a video recorder there has got to be a way to make a few polaroid images of people. Have a celebrity bard take a lot, number them and keep track of them on paper. Give a few to your sneaky type and have him memorize the number on the back so he can sneak off and glue them to walls with sovereign glue. Now the tricky part. 2nd level bard spell called Enter Image, and just use that whenever you want to spy on people.

Kobold Catgirl |
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Suthuri wrote:This is all mostly just semantics, of course, but what you describe there sounds more like "absent-minded professor" than "ditz" which, to me, basically means the sort of person who could never be a Player Character of any sort (and for whom no mental score is above 12 at most). We all know the type - the kind of worthless person that we kind of hoped would magically cease to exist once we escaped high school, but that the corporate media sadistically shoves down our throats and insists on calling "celebrities" even though there's nothing about them worthy of celebrating.
You make an interesting point, and you may very well be right. However, I offer this: if a ditz is a scatter brained, unperceptive, perhaps impulsive person, for me, the traits of someone who is ditzy implies more a lack of wisdom than a lack of charisma.
I'd say the difference is this: Charisma gives you the ability to stand up for yourself. Wisdom gives you interest in doing so. So, a low-wis, high-cha sorcerer could be vacant and scatterbrained. She would never really understand the subtleties surrounding her—but if she ever worked out that something called for her intervention, watch out, 'cause she'd let you know it.
A great example of a high-charisma ditz is (here we go...) the hyperactive party pony, Pinkie Pie. Pinkie is exuberant and has very strong personal magnetism, but tends not to really have any clue what's going on, leading to her sometimes making the situation worse. She's charismatic, but pretty ditzy.
Okay, pony talk is over. You guys can come back in now.
A Summoner/Investigator with the spell mentioned above, a set of marvelous paints, a set of Diminutive awakened animated objects imported from Galt, a Wisdom of 5, and of course a quadrapedal eidolon that takes the form of a blue puppy.
I thought we were talking about Dora for a moment. She sure ain't good at finding things on her own.

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A great example of a high-charisma ditz is (here we go...) the hyperactive party pony, Pinkie Pie. Pinkie is exuberant and has very strong personal magnetism, but tends not to really have any clue what's going on, leading to her sometimes making the situation worse. She's charismatic, but pretty ditzy.
Okay, pony talk is over. You guys can come back in now.
Not at all my understanding of the word "ditz" - I've never seen My Little Pony, but my understanding is that Pinkie Pie might be more akin to a misunderstood genius (like Freakazoid, or Grobnar from Neverwinter Nights 2).

Kobold Catgirl |

Debateable, but not mutually exclusive...
Anyways, high Intelligence or no, her status as "the low Wisdom teammate" is indisputable.

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The problem with that site is that it seems to cram any number of distinct definitions of the word "ditz" (as evidenced by the array of examples they cite) together and present them as though they're all of a kind, or deserve to be treated as such. It rather profoundly bothers me.

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A legitimate point, although I have a feeling Google Define is the sort of source that tries to be so broad and aloof that it's not good at accurately capturing words and concepts like this. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, a turd as foul - it's the concepts and realities that matter, but sloppy language can lead to those things being betrayed with all-too-substantial consequences.

UnArcaneElection |

Surprised that no one on this thread has taken inspiration from politicians yet. One only need to some of the recent occupants of the higher offices in this land, and some of the aspirants thereof . . . and a fair number of them are ditzes, too.
On the other hand, maybe that's too depressing for this thread . . . .

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Personally, I favor adopting, adapting, and improving the Courtier class from 3.0's Rokugan Campaign Setting (p. 33-36) if we want politician PCs.
Also, here's a character concept I've had for a while: A 3.5 Swashbuckler/Lasher who's so committed to the way of the whip that he's voluntarily amputated both his hands and had them replaced with whip prostheses, which, such is his monster-high Dexterity and Charisma, he can do most things with more adroitly than most people can do with their natural hands; he is otherwise an Errol Flynnish badass fop who enjoys doing things like instigating tavern brawls by slapping a bar wench's ass from the other side of the room.

UnArcaneElection |
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Actually, now that the Advanced Class Guide is out, how about a height-challenged Catfolk (or, for that matter, an Awakened Permanently Anthromorphic cat) Swashbuckler? Puss in Boots.

UnArcaneElection |

Okay, here's another one, that could simultaneously be a funny character concept and a seriously playable character: Barbarian (Breaker archetype)with dip in Oracle (any Mystery, but Metal and Stone are best) with Wrecker curse, either adding Improved Unarmed Strike or using a race that has natural weapons, proceeding into Rage Prophet with the build favoring melee combat over spells. This gets you Wreck-It Ralph.

KahnyaGnorc |
silly and tending to forget things
eccentrically silly, giddy, or inane
High Charisma, Low Wisdom sounds about right for those definitions.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |

Catnip the Barbarian (Catfolk beast totem barbarian). A greataxe wielding genki girl who loves the wilderness and everything about the wilderness and strong tough barbarian warriors and hunting monsters and the thrill of the hunt and badass wild cats and the call of the wild and everything about it.
She was born and raised in the city and doesn't know the first thing about the wilderness. She has no ranks in Knowledge Nature, Survival, or Perception (and has the oblivious trait drawback, because she's kind of an airhead). She's more than a little bit stupid, and mostly gets by on the fact that she can at least scream really loud and then hit things. She's both way too good natured and too naive for her own good, and often gets into trouble because she feels like she should help people but doesn't accurately analyse the full situation.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |

Catnip the Barbarian (Catfolk beast totem barbarian). A greataxe wielding genki girl who loves the wilderness and everything about the wilderness and strong tough barbarian warriors and hunting monsters and the thrill of the hunt and badass wild cats and the call of the wild and everything about it.
She was born and raised in the city and doesn't know the first thing about the wilderness. She has no ranks in Knowledge Nature, Survival, or Perception (and has the oblivious trait drawback, because she's kind of an airhead). She's more than a little bit stupid, and mostly gets by on the fact that she can at least scream really loud and then hit things. She's both way too good natured and too naive for her own good, and often gets into trouble because she feels like she should help people but doesn't accurately analyse the full situation.
I have a better idea. She has full ranks in Survival, but has no actual knowledge or competency in the subject. She succeeds out of sheer luck, and usually by accident.

Vincent Takeda |

Bard ninja. Singing the songs of sneakyness.
Something along the lines of 'the hall of the mountain king' from peer gynt
Excellent lyrics to that one by the way, though they have no relation to how appropriate the song is for bard ninjas.
Lyrics are quite similar to the Tolkein 'roast em toast em stick em in a pot'...

Larkos |

Bard ninja. Singing the songs of sneakyness.
Something along the lines of 'the hall of the mountain king' from peer gynt
Excellent lyrics to that one by the way, though they have no relation to how appropriate the song is for bard ninjas.
Lyrics are quite similar to the Tolkein 'roast em toast em stick em in a pot'...
I was in a group with a ninja that often sneak ahead in total stealth. He said he "clapped silently" so we'd know where he is. The GM just ignored him.

Muad'Dib |

Pro wrestling tag team brothers. tetori monk or brawler.
If they are fighting one opponent the other brother waits at the nearest corner stretching his arms to be tagged in. Any more than two opponents is considered a "royal rumble".
They have tragically low int and share a phobia of chairs when they are used as a weapon against them.
They always spend a round or two before and after combat yelling and flexing.
PS: I've played a variation of these in a super hero game to great amusement. We channeled a cross between Randy the Macho Man Savage and Rick Flair.

Artemis Moonstar |
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I once played a Gnome Oracle (Seer) of Dark Tapestry, who was usually "on a higher existence trip" (drugs) that believed he was nothing more than some character in a strange game of dice, paper, and miniature people! This led to both a more nihilistic view point, and the firm belief that should he die, he will be reincarnated into another being entirely....
I only had 1 character sheet at the time, and with how many games were randomly stopping after only three or four sessions (seemed like no one wanted to DM, this one only lasted 1 session!), I started having all of my characters since have horrible nightmares and hallucinations about being an insane gnome oracle who'd rave about all of reality is nothing more than some story game for childish human adults with too much time on their hands!
Naturally, only while with that group. Which became quite horrible after certain someones moved in. So, my fiance and I no longer game with them.

Liranys |

monk of the order of the force
all weapons treated as brilliant energy, use telekinesis by spending ki, alignment changes depending on how class is roleplayed, bonuses on combat manuvers
guess what i'm referencing
That guy from Mortal Combat? What was his name.. The lightening dude.