Favorite Pathfinder Villains? [Spoilers]

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

The world of Golarion has some memorable villains. From god-like wizards to mad queens to pirate kings, there is an incredibly rich roster of BBEGs to choose from. Out of all the APs (or modules), who is your favorite BBEG?

Hmm, i'll agree that paizo has some pretty memorable villains.

I think my two favorites overall were Illeosa and Nyrissa.


Ileosa was a fun villain and memorably evil, twisted. Also, the Gray Maidens and the plague doctors were another memorable group. Oh and how can I forget Laori (though sort of an ally)

Jade Regent:

Can't remember his name but the boss of Brinewall was a kooky character

Carrion Crown

If you mine the stuff here on the boards Adivion is another great villain for a campaign. Auren Vrood is another if used.

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Reign of Winter

Baba Yaga

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I don't have many publications so my sampling is limited.

I really liked Her Majesty's Expeditionary from Entombed with the Pharoahs (think that is the adventure; it was a 3.5 pre Pathfinder system).

They were so cool. Particularly the half-orc Fighter that was an alternate Fighter (basically his version traded feats for sneak attack damage). He had a Tower Shield that had a special hand crossbow that opened some kind of door on it when fired. Can't remember if it was repeating, but he got sneak attack damage when he used this.

Not sure if you really did rule-fu on it that it should have worked even then, but the idea of a sneaky Fighter that cheated like that...

Oh yeah, the Tower Shield was made to look like a sarcophagus lid.

My favorite?

The Skinsaw Man from RotRL

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thuldrin Kreed (Falcon's Hollow modules/A Guide to Darkmoon Vale) Maaaaaannnn, there is nobody able make players hate worse than a sadistic jerk with the backing of a major industrial institution so that you can't just off him without getting into trouble. And even then, you know you've made it when normally good and law-abiding PCs consider plots to assassinate him.

Dark Archive

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Ileosa gets my vote for best BBEG.

Curse of the Crimson Throne:

She got the most screen-time and was highly-involved in things from the beginning to the end of the campaign. She had numerous memorable groups working for her: the plague doctors, the Gray Maidens, the Red Mantis, her devil associates. She also had the benefit of her campaign containing what I consider Paizo's best AP adventure (Seven Days to the Grave) and its best dungeon-crawl (Castle Scarwall). Edge of Anarchy, Seven Days to the Grave, and Escape from Old Korvosa helped cement her overall role and had the proper buildup of her as a villain, and Crown of Fangs managed to deliver on being a satisfying conclusion against her.

There's several other villains, Nyrissa for instance, that I think *could* have been contenders for the title if they'd been more integrated with their respective campaigns, but Ileosa takes the cake with her combination of high campaign-integration and consistently high quality.

I like Jhavhul of Legacy of Fire, because he's not the MWAHAHAH WORLD DOMINATION kind of villain. He's just really in love, and doesn't really care about Golarion.

Scarab Sages

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For pure character backstory and RP value when facing off against the characters, I liked Nualia quite a bit. She is hateful, but a character that garners quite a bit of

I ran RotRL for two different groups, one was larger and more powerful and they were tasked by an angel of Sarenrae with capturing her and redeeming her. They hated her because she fought so viciously and had a big fight to decide whether to kill her. The other group I left the story alone and they killed her, but had a big discussion about whether to try to bring her back and redeem her since they found her diary so compelling. I found it interesting that she could evoke hate and sympathy with seemingly equal measure when played as he is characterized in the book.

For pure unadulterated fun to RP vs the players as a GM, I nominate the world's most annoying human, Grigori from Kingmaker.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Jhuvaal of Legacy of Fire. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a love story.

Silver Crusade

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Sheila Heidmarch

King Mokknokk from Legacy of Fire. He actually came up in a random conversation with a friend of mine today.

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Lord Gadigan wrote:

Ileosa gets my vote for best BBEG.

** CotCT spoiler omitted **

Man, I really friggin' want them to do an Anniversary Edition of that after reading your summary. I would love to run that for my group.

Sovereign Court

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Justice Ironbriar, With Queen Ileosa being a close second.

I think a lot of DMs recognize the wasted potential of Ironbriar as written in RotRL and have used him as a more nefarious and politically cunning opponent. I did, and he made for an awesome foil, constantly forcing the PCs to doubt their motives, their allies and the depths of the conspiracy in Magnimar.

He and Ileosa are the best kinds of villains, powerful and well connected in ways that make the PCs seem like dangerous vigilantes at best, degenerate murders at worst, if they treat them like hack n' slack enemies.

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Not really a Pathfinder villain, but I have always had a soft spot for Filge from The Whispering Cairn (Age of Worms).


Rasputin. We continued to wail on his body after death because we had heard that several previous deaths hadn't stuck, and we're meta.
Our third fight with him ended in a kitten that thought it was a kitten. We were going to present kitten Rasputin to Baba Yaga when we freed her.
Then our GM was going over the treasure we found and realized that plenty of it was currently polymorphed as a kitten.

Que small sack and a bucket of water. We were true murder-hobos.

Pathfinder Venture-Captain Drendel Dreng. An annoying quest giver. The opportunity to kill him in one PFS scenario was so much fun.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
Lord Gadigan wrote:

Ileosa gets my vote for best BBEG.

** CotCT spoiler omitted **

Man, I really friggin' want them to do an Anniversary Edition of that after reading your summary. I would love to run that for my group.


Savage Tide

Vanthus Vanderboren, he didn't have a whole lot of screen time, but the party hated him from the second adventure onwards (especially when they picked up the whole predatorial vibe towards his sister). The battle for Farshore was a great set piece as was the abyssal prison (for the second showdown). Another truly great bastard players love to hate.

Silver Crusade

Add another vote for

Adivion Adrissant, from Carrion Crown. The man was such a magnificent bastard. In fact there's an entire thread in the Carrion Crown subforum that's devoted to making him a stronger presence throughout the entire AP, with input from the character's creator Brandon Hodge as well as F. Wesley Schneider (who also posted in the same subforum more details on the Adrissant family history).

The Exchange

Curse of the crimson throne

Gaedron Lamb.he's the whole reason the group forms. He's on of the best starts to an AP I've ever read and run. Having read the AP traits and then running the initial scenes, my players hated that guy.

Legacy of Fire

the pact masters. Two of my players had the slave background for that one, and returning to that city was terrifying for the whole group as I really played the pact masters up as completely and totally dominating and willing to re enslave them for the slightest infringement. Their actions in the city in destroying some places including slavers and other businesses considered legitimate had them on the wrong side of the pact masters right up until they got sucked into the portal. Good times

Not Golarion, but still Paizo. Age of worms.

man! there are so many from this one. We had a recurring sorceror villain from one of the earlier modules who kept coming back with a burning vengeance for the group. He resurrected the black dragon from the tomb attack and rode him into combat for his final encounter with the party before being killed by our cleric. Kyuss' worm creatures all through the book horrified my players for all the sick stuff they did to both NPCs they liked and for the stuff they could do to the players characters. We played that one as evil PCs working for a god that Kyuss was trying to replace, and we still had enemies that we hate to this day. Best. Campaign I've ever run to be honest.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4; Contributor; Publisher, Legendary Games

Grigori from Kingmaker!

Also, Vanthus from Savage Tide. Hated that guy.

Jason Nelson wrote:

Grigori from Kingmaker!

Also, Vanthus from Savage Tide. Hated that guy.

Aww man, my players hated Vanthus too! Rowyn survived her first encounter and she and Vanthus became a dynamic villainous duo throughout the adventure path. Good times!

Nualia. Once my players learned everything about he back-story they were not to happy with some villagers.

Jason Nelson wrote:

Grigori from Kingmaker!

Also, Vanthus from Savage Tide. Hated that guy.

We hated Grigori. He was actually annoying instead of fun and as a party we basically ignored his whole plotline. Our GM killed him off behind the scenes as an assassination plot initiated by our ruler.

The Giant Owlbear in Kingmaker

Silver Crusade Contributor

Dotting for future novel-length post.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I kinda liked the possibilities of Neferuset, although as she was actually integrated into the campaign, I wasn't too hot on.

If I ever ran Mummy's Mask, I'd have her get beaten, escape, and then run a sequel campaign around her.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I haven't ran any Adventure paths yet, and Dragon's Demand didn't have any really memorable villains in it for my group except for some poor Nameless straight from the Bestiary Kobold that the party barbarian could never hit and decided to leave After following the party for 2 more rooms and being ignored while trying to stab them, it walked away disappointed...

Now in PFS I've had more memorable villains. My party spent most of Season 5 believing Temel Passad was the main villain of the Pathfinder Society. I can't really explain why they thought this but nothing ruffled their feathers more than someone they considered a mortal enemy that they couldn't actually attack. And in one case they actually tried taking the face off one of their main villains convinced it was Passad in a rubber mask...

But my personal favorite villain was:

Vengeance at the Sundered Crag

Tancred Desimire, but not just because how he was written. My PFS group started half way through season 5 but I decided to try and run the whole thing as much as possible but when I learned of Tancred and a larger story arc with him I decided to throw in a few older scenarios to introduce him. Afterwards any time the party ran into his minions in other scenarios, just before they were attacked, one of the bad guys would whisper "Tancred Desimire sends his regards." At least 4 seperate scenarios.

When they finally got their chance to go after him, they were told to bring him back alive. Half the party wasn't going to let that be an option.... They wanted blood and Tancred didn't have enough to spill as far as they were concerned. But when they made it to the watch tower, they decided to try and fiddle with the inside doors and the party's Tengu cleric that managed to speak almost every language needed this season, turned out not to be able to speak Dwarven and activated the tower's self destruct.

When the tower starting to rumble a little, Tancred yells from the top of the tower "What the heck did you do!" Thus began a very memorable fight. Combat on multiple levels, a powerful wizard and minions, a dungeon that was in the middle of self-destructing, and a long overdue moment of vengeance. In the end I sort of avoided using some of his spells since we were well past the 5.5 hour mark. But it was the perfect fight on so many levels and it wasn't just some random villain you come across, the players knew who they were after, they were tried of his stuff and it was personnel. I do hope to try and set something up again like that

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on

Grigori from Kingmaker definitely will live on in my players memories long after the details of the combats with many villains have faded.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I want me some more aboleths!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
fine_young_misanthrope wrote:
I want me some more aboleths!

don't we all?

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Sheila Heidmarch

Wait. What?

Haladir wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Sheila Heidmarch
Wait. What?

I\ would make an interesting twist, that she's actually getting the PCs to do her dirty work of gathering all 7 Shards for her. Note that her pathfinderwiki.com entry has her down as Lawful Neutral, not Good.

Also,judging from several PbPs I have followed in the early stages (*) she seems to know suspiciously much about these Shards.

(*) This AP, like Wrath of the Righteous, seems to be cursed, thus requiring multiple attempts to get one that can be followed for more than a short time, but it does amplify the circumstantial evidence that she knows way more than she's letting on.

Grand Lodge

Chalfon Dalsine

For the end of season two for PFS, this BBEG magus brought the fear of the gods into the surprised party members.

Gaedren Lamb

Dude....he feeds kids to crocodiles.


With the stats given to him as pregen, could possibly account for more assisted PC deaths than any true villain.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

She wasn't so much a BBEG, but jeez I had a lot of fun running the Pale Stranger in the Black Keep of the Asylum Stone in Shattered Star Adventure Path.



When the party originally encountered her in the stables she accused them of stealing her horse 'Buckeye' and started blasting away at them with her pistols.

During the battle the Dwarven warrior made his DC 30 Diplomacy check and convinced her that 'Buckeye' had wandered away, so she sheathed her guns and strode out into the Black Forrest to find her beloved horse.

Not long afterwards the party retreated out of the Black Keep and headed back to Kaer Maga to rest and replenish. When they came back a couple of days later, they made their way through the Keep to a room with 3 Morghs in it. I'd also decided that the Pale Stranger, upon not finder her horse, had returned to the Keep and was wallowing in the undead healing waters that the Morghs were frolicking in.

The party lured the Morghs out of the pool and into the main hall beyond. As the fight raged, to their horror they heard a raspy voice call out 'BUCKEYE!'

As the last of the Morghs fell the same Dwarven warrior decided to rush into the room with the Pale Stranger, only to be hit by a Ruinous Shot, which became a confirmed critical (times 4 modifier and 3 critical cards). Only the hapless Dwarf's high constitution saved him from certain death (he was well into the negatives).

Eventually the rest of the party was able to overcame the Pale Stranger and the Dwarf survived, but it was certainly a near run thing and, more importantly, it was an encounter that was enjoyed by all.


Silver Crusade Contributor

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Honorable Mentions:

I haven't run these adventures yet, so these villains are mentioned more for their potential.

Karzoug - the OG BBEG.

The Kreeg ogres - so memorably depraved.

Queen Ileosa - I love her so much. Not that "spoiled girl drunk on tyrannical power" speaks to me or my GMing at all...

The Jade Regent - I really like his backstory and the mechanics of having to break up the alliances between the Regent and his allies.

First-King Xin - I like the aesthetic of a villain who's as much victim as menace. That, and Thassilon. I like Thassilon. I just wish I liked Shattered Star more...

Unity - the idea of a divine AI had me from the start, and one with the aesthetic of a "benevolent" angel is too much to ignore.

Council of Thieves:

Chammady Drovenge - It's so nice to be able to set up a villain in the early books. She might seem sweet... until the knives come out. My campaign took a turn for the villainous itself, and Chammady is currently romancing one of the PCs (in a "seduced minion" kind of way). I also like the eleventh-hour change of allegiance that the Path provides.

Ilnerik Sivanshin - Ilnerik has one of my favorite traits in a villain: attention-seeking. His story (told in Book 3's flashbacks) shows him craving recognition, to the extent that he steals the Totemrix and flees the city. Between this and his bardic training, as well as my performer-heavy party, I played him up as slightly divaish. As a villain with a blend of recognition-seeking and hubris, he could appear to PCs, monologue, and believably let them escape.

Ilnerik's children - Much like their master, I did a little customization on the vampires. I set up the Mazeflesh Man as a serial killer who vanished from prison 30 years ago, having him stalk an armiger PC on occasion to menace her. Since I had a PC with ties to the cult of the Skinsaw Man, Father Jair became that PC's lost father, thought lost to Hellknights. And Jerusen became a tiefling from a surviving Jistkan cult - the rest of whom became the enslaved tunnel rats in the Spiral. Jerusen in particular (thanks to a set of siccatite gauntlets) had a nasty tactic for a vampire - if you won't let her into your home, she'll burn it down and wait you out.

Carrion Crown:

The Splatter Man - I started running Carrion Crown the week I received Book 1 on the strength of the Five Prisoners (although the campaign outline cinched it - see below). The Splatter Man's madness and bizarre aesthetic made him especially impressive.

Radvir Giovanni - I have a fondness for cute vampire boys, apparently. Don't judge me. Oh, and scout rogues with Spring Attack. Also that. I went whole hog on the Vampire Underground, including generating several additional vampires and a few red herrings to compensate for the party's divination strength. I played up Radvir as an only-feed-when-necessary type who plyed the group with gifts, and since the party had both a traditional Varisian priestess of Desna and an (NPC) paladin with a fondness for cute Varisian boys, played up his innocent facade and his former faith of Desna. Of course, the old holy symbol he gave the priestess was a polymorphed tyrant's mark for the Way to scry on, and he ended up abducting and draining the paladin out at the abbey, but... nobody's perfect.

Adivion Adrissant - For all that I've praised everyone else, I knew from the moment I read the outline for Carrion Crown that I had to run it. To quote:

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
"He’s this bored genius who had everything and could have been anything—a revolutionary, an archmage, a king—but nothing interested him. The whole world bored him because he was good at everything. He’s that kind of guy everyone hates, both because he acts self-superior, and worse, because he might be right to act that way. He’s this arrogant bastard who’s so confident in his own genius that he thinks the only person who might even be able to understand him is a megalomaniacal undead archmage with delusions of godhood. And so he gets an idea."

He already knows your plan, because he's smarter than you. He can hold you off while sipping wine and looking disinterested, because he's a better fighter than you. He has a counter for your spell already prepared, because he's more magically skilled than you. Adivion Adrissant is better than you.

(Fortunately, despite their awesome theme and fanatic drive, the majority of the Whispering Way are both cartoonishly villainous and marginally competent. And since nobody else wants a new Whispering Tyrant, Adrissant has to rely on them. Good for Golarion, bad for him.)

King Merlokrep from Crown of the Kobold King.

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WotR: Xanthir Vang

I played up Xanthir Vang's weirdness through his minions. The Party read his minion's memories and realized that many of the not demonic minions were pressured into their acts w/ horrific torture (such as eating out their eyes and regenerating them). Add also that he was the most resourceful of the villains the party faced who was not a demon lord or relative thereof, and that I made him the orphaned Archmage's uncle. Lastly he hurt the party the most not by targeting them, but by slipping out his own base after preparing to have his minions ambush the party, and then murdering as many of their friends and allies back home and leaving taunting letters initialed:
X (Seipa Snake Sigil) V (Explosive Runes)

S&S : Barnabas Herrigan

Just got done with the first module but he's a powerful but now servile pirate captain respected throughout the Shackles and the primary face of the BBEG through the whole adventure... AND HE HAS NO SENSE MOTIVE MODIFIER! The whole trip the party was able to pass their shenanigans off on Plugg and the "Plugletts" because they were just canny enough to phrase their lies just right and rolled high bluff. Yet even while they fooled them time and time again, he was still fearsome and ruthless enough that they knew they were playing games with a hungry tiger

Early Osirion Modules: Her Magistrix's Expeditionary

Having competed with the party the whole time only to find the Vienstone pyramid too tough for them, the party had to (after a brief and one sided battle where only the Scepter died) ally with them to survive. Shockingly the party and the expeditionary worked well together and were both able to just barely escape the pyramid as it was fading back to it's demiplane. The party also managed to leave them stranded in the desert and make off with the majority of the loot.
Which made it really awkward when they returned as allies of convenience in the Pact Stone Pyramid, and ended up turning on them at the last second and killing the party's wizard and monk in the process and escaping with a fair amount of the treasure themselves. It was nice to see my players humbled by a party of resourceful NPCs for a change.

Homebrew game, CHR: Ehrimun

A Ghoul diplomat in the Classic Horror's Revisited and a fairly rounded Necromancer, he served as a dangerous enemy when my players took it upon themselves to disrupt a massive shipment of slaves being paraded through Geb to Namret Narkota. He personally slighted each PC in the party and killed two of them in the process, served as a constant barrier to their progress and forcing them to make contingency plans as he dynamically adapted to their actions. The best part was that he was a 14thlvl GHOUL neromancer. The entire time the players thought he was a lich or some other high and mighty undead, only to find that they were being countered at every turn by the same type of monster they were swatting in graveyards and sewers at lvl1 (although to be fair he did have 14lvls of Necromancer)

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Also to add an amendment to my previous post, Karzoug, because his evil and depravity is what started Pathfinderz great Adventure Paths series.

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Mokmurian from RotRL. I expanded his role greatly and wrote some cut scenes that revealed something of his nature, the end result being my PCs feared and hated him. It made assaulting his fortress all the more memorable.

+1 more for


Also a couple votes, because of back story if not screen time,for Kingmaker's

Stag Lord and Irovetti

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


[Shattered Star spoiler]

Ogonthunn. We traipsed around half that palace with her before our investigator (who had true seeing up) finally made her Will save against the repeated suggestions that there was nothing to see here, move along. We actually maintained a very tenuous alliance with her throughout that whole book, but she left us with a sense of impeding doom. When is she gonna come back to claim what she lent to us? Who knows?

Jade Regent:

Kikonu. That freaking bird. That guy.

Somewhat tangentially related to Shattered Star, but in Magnimar: Aeryn Darvengian. GM worked not one, but two side-quest incidents involving him into our Shattered Star game. He gave the entire party crawly unpleasant feelings in their stomachs. 20 game years later, the memory of that guy STILL haunts the mystic theurge who finally killed him. The whole party hated him with the fire of a thousand suns (though as a player, it was great).

I always thought the sorcerer from "Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale" would be a fun character to act out as GM. I love how he's a crotchety old man whose motivation is basically "get off my lawn!"

Silver Crusade

Since this thread got necro'd, I thought I'd throw out some love/hate for the AP line's latest BBEG, Barzillai Thrune. A psyche so screwed up, it took 6 books to fully detail his insanity.

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