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Hey Mark, i was looking at the synergist archetype for witch and i was wondering, if you were to change it to make it more compatible with Beast-Bonded what would you do with the issue of the 8th level hex?

BigP4nda wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Berinor wrote:
BigP4nda wrote:

I figured a question such as this could be easily dealt with here rather than tacking on yet another thread to these forums.

When Bleed damage states that it doesn't stack with itself or with other bleed abilities. Is it regarding the entire bleed damage, or only the lingering bleed damage? For instance, if I had the Bleed Attack rogue talent and made a full-attack of sneak attacks (3 attacks lets say with 5d6 SA) Would I deal 5 points of Bleed damage that round with them taking 5 points every round, or would I deal 15 points of bleed damage that round, with them taking 5 points every other round?

Am I misunderstanding bleed? I had thought there wasn't any "initial" vs "ongoing", it was all ongoing.
it is all ongoing, there is no initial damage.
When you deal bleed damage they take it when you attack and then again on their turn every subsequent round. Right?

I'm pretty sure it's only on subsequent rounds.

Scarab Sages

Bleed damage does no damage at the time of the wound, it does damage on the person's turn. That can be in the same round if they haven't acted yet, or next round if they have.

Silver Crusade

Mark I am creating a strong jaw collar for my animal companion it is a constant effect when equipped. I have priced it at 15000 gp.
do you think that is enough?

Spermy The Cat wrote:

Three questions:

1. Does a Strangler's choke damage change with size? A d4 for small, a d8 for large?

2. A Gulch Gunner can, while expending a grit, burn someone with their firearm, dealing an extra d6 fire damage for its attack. Do you have to expend a grit for cumulative attacks? Say you have three attacks for a full round, do you only have to expend a grit once for three fire bursts, or three for three?

3. Same question, but with a Pistolero's Up Close an' Deadly.

Another question. Can a Trox grapple someone, and on their next turn, burrow underground with the grappled dude?

Shadow Lodge

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Take changelings. With a Con penalty and irrelevant bonuses, the base changeling race is arguably the worst race in Pathfinder that doesn't have an Intelligence penalty at being a witch (I suppose a +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Con or +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Dex race might be out there that's worse, but I'm not aware of such a race off the top of my head). If it had a ridiculously powerful witch FCB, that would help, but then if some bozo such as me comes along and puts out an option to get Intelligence on changelings, suddenly now it's overpowered (in this case, I wouldn't have inserted that changeling ability if I knew that it had a stellar FCB, but sometimes it's hard to keep track of the compensatory rules elements in other sources).

It makes me happy that you used this as an example because I also noticed and was frustrated by the distance between the changeling's flavour suitability as witches and their mechanical aptitude - and I did houserule them an alternate trait giving them an Int bonus.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Mark Seifter wrote:
Take changelings. With a Con penalty and irrelevant bonuses, the base changeling race is arguably the worst race in Pathfinder that doesn't have an Intelligence penalty at being a witch (I suppose a +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Con or +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Dex race might be out there that's worse, but I'm not aware of such a race off the top of my head). If it had a ridiculously powerful witch FCB, that would help, but then if some bozo such as me comes along and puts out an option to get Intelligence on changelings, suddenly now it's overpowered (in this case, I wouldn't have inserted that changeling ability if I knew that it had a stellar FCB, but sometimes it's hard to keep track of the compensatory rules elements in other sources).

I never thought that particular FCB was overpowered - in fact, I'd pick skill points over it almost every time.

I can just buy scrolls to get new spells. Buying skill points is a little harder. ^_^

PS: the +2 Str/Cha, -2 Dex race just came out in Bestiary 5. Of course, they were here all along, even at the highest levels of government. ;)


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Kalindlara wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Take changelings. With a Con penalty and irrelevant bonuses, the base changeling race is arguably the worst race in Pathfinder that doesn't have an Intelligence penalty at being a witch (I suppose a +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Con or +2 Str +2 Cha -2 Dex race might be out there that's worse, but I'm not aware of such a race off the top of my head). If it had a ridiculously powerful witch FCB, that would help, but then if some bozo such as me comes along and puts out an option to get Intelligence on changelings, suddenly now it's overpowered (in this case, I wouldn't have inserted that changeling ability if I knew that it had a stellar FCB, but sometimes it's hard to keep track of the compensatory rules elements in other sources).

I never thought that particular FCB was overpowered - in fact, I'd pick skill points over it almost every time.

I can just buy scrolls to get new spells. Buying skill points is a little harder. ^_^

PS: the +2 Str/Cha, -2 Dex race just came out in Bestiary 5. Of course, they were here all along, even at the highest levels of government. ;)

Oh, it's not, it's actually a pretty lousy FCB. The point is that if it had something crazy like +1/4 DC of all hexes to compensate, then if I came along and wrote the alternate racial ability in ISG without knowing that, it would be bad news.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I see. That makes way more sense. Thank you! ^_^

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Hey, Mark, with all the recent clarifications on spell-like abilities not counting as spells for prereqs (unless a specific name of spell is being mentioned), metamagic feats/rods specifically for spells, and in general caster level of spell-like abilities not counting as spellcasting levels, I'd like to ask about how feeblemind interacts with spell-like abilities.

PRD - Feeblemind wrote:
Target creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1. The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently. Still, it knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them. The subject remains in this state until a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of the feeblemind. A creature that can cast arcane spells, such as a sorcerer or a wizard, takes a –4 penalty on its saving throw.

Would someone suffering from feeblemind be unable to cast spell-like abilities (racial or class) when feeblemind says "unable to...cast spells"? My kineticist got feebleminded in a PFS scenario and I'd like to clarify the matter the next time that happens if he can still use kinetic blast or not to instinctively protect allies with blasts, such as the way a martial character might still instinctively use a weapon (would it be improvised or would they still be proficient) to protect allies?

Also, if a character is still able to cast spell-like abilities, do they need a minimum amount of Intelligence (or Charisma for some creatures I guess) to even be able to figure out how to?

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Have you been super busy recently?

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Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?

I was just about to ask that.

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Are you still waving your jeweled scepter about?

Does Wes have a bigger jeweled scepter?

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captain yesterday wrote:

Are you still waving your jeweled scepter about?

Does Wes have a bigger jeweled scepter?

Nope! I Disarmed the big jeweled scepter and took it for myself!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?

He met someone new. Sorry. It's not us; it's him.

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Xethik wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?
He met someone new. Sorry. It's not us; it's him.

No, the real problem is THEM! If they weren't around then things would go back to the way they used to be. He wouldn't be distracted anymore...

Shadow Lodge

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Oh, it's not, it's actually a pretty lousy FCB. The point is that if it had something crazy like +1/4 DC of all hexes to compensate, then if I came along and wrote the alternate racial ability in ISG without knowing that, it would be bad news.

Oh, wow. I hadn't seen that trait yet, and so I thought that post was a hypothetical "Mark Seifter would like to give Changelings an Int bonus" instead of "Mark Seifter has given Changelings an Int bonus." Double happy!

Was Hag Magic also you, or is there another person at Paizo giving Changelings some witchy goodness?


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FAQs for honor and justice!

FAQ wrote:

Paladin’s Detect Evil: Does a paladin need to spend a standard action to activate detect evil before spending a move action to concentrate on a single creature or item?

No, the first sentence is discrete from the rest of the ability, and offers an alternative option for using detect evil. A paladin can use the move action on a single creature or item in lieu of the standard action to activate a normal detect evil.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:

FAQs for honor and justice!

FAQ wrote:

Paladin’s Detect Evil: Does a paladin need to spend a standard action to activate detect evil before spending a move action to concentrate on a single creature or item?

No, the first sentence is discrete from the rest of the ability, and offers an alternative option for using detect evil. A paladin can use the move action on a single creature or item in lieu of the standard action to activate a normal detect evil.

Happy to be in the wrong about this one. Thanks, Mark!

Oh interesting, I didn't know this was in the queue.


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Chess Pwn wrote:
Oh interesting, I didn't know this was in the queue.

Yup, it actually had over 50 clicks in one place, but that's not counting the fact that it had a much older thread with nearly 50 that was erroneously marked answered in FAQ, among other things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:

FAQs for honor and justice!

FAQ wrote:

Paladin’s Detect Evil: Does a paladin need to spend a standard action to activate detect evil before spending a move action to concentrate on a single creature or item?

No, the first sentence is discrete from the rest of the ability, and offers an alternative option for using detect evil. A paladin can use the move action on a single creature or item in lieu of the standard action to activate a normal detect evil.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rynjin wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

FAQs for honor and justice!

FAQ wrote:

Paladin’s Detect Evil: Does a paladin need to spend a standard action to activate detect evil before spending a move action to concentrate on a single creature or item?

No, the first sentence is discrete from the rest of the ability, and offers an alternative option for using detect evil. A paladin can use the move action on a single creature or item in lieu of the standard action to activate a normal detect evil.


*ow ow ow ow kidding ow ow ow i hate flurry of blows owowowowowowowowowowowowowoowowow*

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Weirdo wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Oh, it's not, it's actually a pretty lousy FCB. The point is that if it had something crazy like +1/4 DC of all hexes to compensate, then if I came along and wrote the alternate racial ability in ISG without knowing that, it would be bad news.
Oh, wow. I hadn't seen that trait yet, and so I thought that post was a hypothetical "Mark Seifter would like to give Changelings an Int bonus" instead of "Mark Seifter has given Changelings an Int bonus." Double happy!

Yes, Witchborn is pretty nice. It makes Changelings a really viable option for the INT focused classes that I like to play (Magus, Occultist, Investigator, and Alchemist). With bonuses to both INT and CHA, I suspect they would be great for Arcanists, too.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
Weirdo wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Oh, it's not, it's actually a pretty lousy FCB. The point is that if it had something crazy like +1/4 DC of all hexes to compensate, then if I came along and wrote the alternate racial ability in ISG without knowing that, it would be bad news.
Oh, wow. I hadn't seen that trait yet, and so I thought that post was a hypothetical "Mark Seifter would like to give Changelings an Int bonus" instead of "Mark Seifter has given Changelings an Int bonus." Double happy!
Yes, Witchborn is pretty nice. It makes Changelings a really viable option for the INT focused classes that I like to play (Magus, Occultist, Investigator, and Alchemist). With bonuses to both INT and CHA, I suspect they would be great for Arcanists, too.

They work well for psychics, too; I think the abomination discipline is particularly thematic for a changeling, taking on aspects of their adult hag form.

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Mark, do you have a list of the top 3 FAQ's likely to be answered next?
If so do you mind sharing?

he does mind sharing. If we know what's on top we can go and FAQ it more to make third go to first, or first go from 75 to 200. Or we can try to band onto another that's not listed. Basically they don't want to skew the FAQ process. People will FAQ things other's FAQ.

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Also, they might change their mind or uncover an unexpected problem at the last moment. Then they run the risk of disappointing those who feel a specific FAQ is "imminent".

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Plus it would spoil the surprise. That's half the fun of FAQ Friday. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Plus it would spoil the surprise. That's half the fun of FAQ Friday. :)

The best part about FAQ Friday is even the people who write the FAQs don't know what we're getting, or when, until it goes up.

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Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?

On the latest blog entry, Erik Mona wrote that "It's been a crazy week here at Paizo as we put the final finishing touches on the Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue hardcover before sending it to the printer." I suspect that is a big reason we haven't heard much from Mark lately.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?
On the latest blog entry, Erik Mona wrote that "It's been a crazy week here at Paizo as we put the final finishing touches on the Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue hardcover before sending it to the printer." I suspect that is a big reason we haven't heard much from Mark lately.

Lies and deception. Mark is currently under siege by his coworkers who want his Big Jeweled Scepter. Rumor going around says that whomever collects all of Paizo's Big Jeweled Scepters gets the next payraise, but to do so, they must venture forth into the lairs of the currents masters of the scepters.

Basically, Mark is one of the BBEGs and his coworkers are the adventuring party.

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Chess Pwn wrote:
he does mind sharing. If we know what's on top we can go and FAQ it more to make third go to first, or first go from 75 to 200. Or we can try to band onto another that's not listed. Basically they don't want to skew the FAQ process. People will FAQ things other's FAQ.

He used to tell us before the FAQ's got put on hold a few month's ago. Do you have a post saying his position has changed?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Tels wrote:

Mark is currently under siege by his coworkers who want his Big [REDACTED]. Rumor going around says that whomever [REDACTED]s all of Paizo's Big [REDACTED]s gets the next [REDACTED], but to do so, they must venture forth into the lairs of the currents masters of the [REDACTED]s.

Basically, Mark is one of the [REDACTED]s and his coworkers are the [REDACTED].

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Tels wrote:

Mark is currently under siege by his coworkers who want his Big [REDACTED]. Rumor going around says that whomever [REDACTED]s all of Paizo's Big [REDACTED]s gets the next [REDACTED], but to do so, they must venture forth into the lairs of the currents masters of the [REDACTED]s.

Basically, Mark is one of the [REDACTED]s and his coworkers are the [REDACTED].

Pretty much :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Across the Paizo rules there are various ways multiple skill requirements appear that have the same base skill but different sub-skills (Crafts, Knowledges, Performs, Professions) when an "or" is included. Which is most correct?

a) Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, or Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks

b) Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), or Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks

c) Knowledge (arcana, planes, or religion) 3 ranks

d) _________

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when requirements are listed if it's like this
"Con 13; dwarf, half-orc, or orc." the ';' is used to separate the different requirements. So in this case it's con 13 no questions about it. And then the next requirement is one of the three races. Same for skills. If you have a specific one in mind I suggest creating a rule thread and asking it to not clutter this thread.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Double or nothing, Mark. I could use a signed copy of Unchained, too. I'll even raise the stakes. 48 hours. Sound good? Do not respond in 48 hours if you want to give me two signed copies of books you've worked on.

*Gets Excited*

Hey Mark! I was just curious if the ol' Harrowed Medium was still in hopeful planning to make an appearance at some point. I know it's a hard thing to find the right space for!

Since the damage isn't based on the weapon you create with it, why is kinetic blade limited to only creating light or one-handed weapons?

Would it not make sense to allow it to create two-handed weapons, purely for thematic reasons and just not allow it to count as a two-handed weapon?

Also, if you were creating a kineticist to run through say... Emerald Spire, what kind would you choose.

Hey Mark, with awaken and using Fighter or Barbarian for Eevee the Kineticist for the eeveelutions, a Druid could have Eevee, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon; when are we gonna get Espeon and Sylveon?

Tels wrote:
Hey Mark, with awaken and using Fighter or Barbarian for Eevee the Kineticist for the eeveelutions, a Druid could have Eevee, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon; when are we gonna get Espeon and Sylveon?

I thought Aether was Espeon.

The Mortonator wrote:
Tels wrote:
Hey Mark, with awaken and using Fighter or Barbarian for Eevee the Kineticist for the eeveelutions, a Druid could have Eevee, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon; when are we gonna get Espeon and Sylveon?
I thought Aether was Espeon.

And Sylveon is a bard.

The Mortonator wrote:
Tels wrote:
Hey Mark, with awaken and using Fighter or Barbarian for Eevee the Kineticist for the eeveelutions, a Druid could have Eevee, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon; when are we gonna get Espeon and Sylveon?
I thought Aether was Espeon.

Eh... not really. Espeon isn't really a telekenetic. Unfortunately, Espeon is more 'mental' with moves like Confusion, Psy Beam, and Psychic, rather than abilities to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Tels wrote:

Eh... not really. Espeon isn't really a telekenetic. Unfortunately, Espeon is more 'mental' with moves like Confusion, Psy Beam, and Psychic, rather than abilities to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Confusion and Psychic both are telekinetic attacks actually.

Confusion: "A weak telekinetic attack that may also leave the foe confused." "The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused." "The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused."
Psychic: "A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat." "The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target's Sp.Def stat." "The user launches a strong psychokinetic attack, lowering their enemy's Defense."

Milo v3 wrote:
Tels wrote:

Eh... not really. Espeon isn't really a telekenetic. Unfortunately, Espeon is more 'mental' with moves like Confusion, Psy Beam, and Psychic, rather than abilities to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Confusion and Psychic both are telekinetic attacks actually.

Confusion: "A weak telekinetic attack that may also leave the foe confused." "The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused." "The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused."
Psychic: "A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat." "The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target's Sp.Def stat." "The user launches a strong psychokinetic attack, lowering their enemy's Defense."

Yeah... I get the feeling they're using the term wrong.

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Tels wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
Tels wrote:

Eh... not really. Espeon isn't really a telekenetic. Unfortunately, Espeon is more 'mental' with moves like Confusion, Psy Beam, and Psychic, rather than abilities to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Confusion and Psychic both are telekinetic attacks actually.

Confusion: "A weak telekinetic attack that may also leave the foe confused." "The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused." "The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused."
Psychic: "A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat." "The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target's Sp.Def stat." "The user launches a strong psychokinetic attack, lowering their enemy's Defense."
Yeah... I get the feeling they're using the term wrong.

actually this is psychic and I remember confusion working similarly

christos gurd wrote:
Tels wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
Tels wrote:

Eh... not really. Espeon isn't really a telekenetic. Unfortunately, Espeon is more 'mental' with moves like Confusion, Psy Beam, and Psychic, rather than abilities to telekinetically manipulate objects.

Confusion and Psychic both are telekinetic attacks actually.

Confusion: "A weak telekinetic attack that may also leave the foe confused." "The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused." "The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused."
Psychic: "A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foe’s Sp. Def stat." "The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the target's Sp.Def stat." "The user launches a strong psychokinetic attack, lowering their enemy's Defense."
Yeah... I get the feeling they're using the term wrong.
actually this is psychic and I remember confusion working similarly

So.... using confusion let's Psyduck levitate people in the air, and hurl them hundreds of feet away? (blasting off again..... *twinkle*)

I don't buy it. I mean, if you guys want to think that hurling objects at people causes confusion or something, good on you, but I just don't see it.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Tels wrote:

So.... using confusion let's Psyduck levitate people in the air, and hurl them hundreds of feet away? (blasting off again..... *twinkle*)

I don't buy it. I mean, if you guys want to think that hurling objects at people causes confusion or something, good on you, but I just don't see it.

As an old-school Pokemon fan, the video games and the show treated a lot of things very differently.

An attack like Confusion wouldn't have looked very impressive in the show, as it would have basically just been a funny screen filter. So Psychic-types got more over-the-top visual attacks. Plus, the show was way more slapstick - especially where Team Rocket was concerned.

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