The Half-Dead City (GM Reference)

Mummy's Mask

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TerraZephyr wrote:
Riggler wrote:
TerraZephyr wrote:

I have a question about an ability of a creature in the first adventure

(and just in case)
** spoiler omitted **


Yeah, my group did end in a TPK with this critter. But that was because they lost one member to a trap that sprung in the middle of a fight just before-hand. And they decided to be-bop on down to where this guy was located with a party of 3. It was brutal.

That being said...this creature is not intelligent. And is programmed. I would rule that it evaluates creatures constantly. When it's weakness is present on a creature it will not consider that creature to be an enemy. It would re-evaluate whether or not that criteria was met on it's every turn, if not every second (free action).

Yeah, I thought about that option but didn't think that made a lot of sense...and yes I know it's folly to apply logic to a role-playing game sometimes but the ability states that those that attack it become targets, not for 1 round, just now they are targets. If it were only for 1 round it would actually be really easy to exploit and terribly easy to defeat, not making it much of a guardian at all.

I see what you are saying. There were plenty of VERY subtle clues before the encounter in regards to venturing into a holy place. Your party may have been lucky to have a follower of the proper deity in it. Mine did not and likely will not. They will get no clues from me on what they need to exploit the creature.

Keep in mind the exploit that your players may have the opportunity to use is the fact that of all the gods they could have chosen they happened to have a follower of the right god in this case with a holy symbol out. That's quite a bit of luck that more than makes up for bad die rolls if that's how they figure out how to exploit the guardian.

Adding Details in B26:
I would add here something:
- some skeletons (dead ones) that represent some of family members that hid here
- a haunt that keeps with the rest detailing that the mob caught them hiding and killed them

In my game I added the skeletons to B29, my players caught on.

Also I noticed that there are no details about the other groups second assignment (or the third for that matter).

Scarab Sages

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So back in session 2, when the group was bragging about their dungeon, I had the Scorched Hand make a big show of wanting the Sanctum (and willing to pay for it). When lottery pull #3 came around, I had Idorii dressed up like an acolyte eavesdropping the lottery assignments so the Hand would know who got the pull and where the Sanctum was at. They spotted her just as she took off, which made for some interesting RP with the ambush hirelings, including one of my PC's telling them to run back to the "Lady with the Hat" and tell her the price for not pissing on the altar went up to 30,000gp.

Liberty's Edge

archmagi1 wrote:

Round 8: Div fails to escape grapple. Oracle fills iron pot with water. Fighter pins the div into the water filled pot. Ranger sits on the pot. Div begins drowning.
Rounds 9-15: Div gives a futile attempt to escape the iron pot, to no success as the group gives 2 aid anothers to CMD and 1 to CMB until the thing gives up the ghost.

Achievement Unlocked: Drown something in the desert!

That was brilliant. Awesome thinking out of the box and the players totally deserved to be rewarded for that.

Question on another topic.

Is there any sort of clock running on how many days the party can spend on each tomb? Can they spend a week clearing each tomb, going home to rest after every single fight? Can they spend a month doing downtime activities between tombs? Is there any sort of ticking clock or can the group go as slow as they want?

Scarab Sages

The only real ticking clock is the Scorched Hand showing up to antagonize in the Erudite Eye, as well as the sneaking of Nebta just prior to the party's arrival. Its easy enough to put off them having to find the Erudite Eye for a while, especially if they're not eavesdropping on the lottery. As a GM I would *highly* discourage them leaving the dungeons after every fight.

The only downtime my party took through book 1 was 4 days of downtime to craft items between parts 2 and 3. They completed each of the other two dungeons in a single visit.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32

Samy wrote:


Question on another topic.

Is there any sort of clock running on how many days the party can spend on each tomb? Can they spend a week clearing each tomb, going home to rest after every single fight? Can they spend a month doing downtime activities between tombs? Is there any sort of ticking clock or can the group go as slow as they want?

There really is no clock, but I told my group straight up at the beginning that the longer they take to explore their assigned sites, the more the local market gets flooded with items from other groups, and therefore they may receive less gold for their efforts.

This also fits in with the auction that starts book-2, they'll probably want to have most of their 'erudite eye' loot for sale at the auction, becuase the local markets will probably not be paying much for items.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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Grumpus wrote:
Samy wrote:


Question on another topic.

Is there any sort of clock running on how many days the party can spend on each tomb? Can they spend a week clearing each tomb, going home to rest after every single fight? Can they spend a month doing downtime activities between tombs? Is there any sort of ticking clock or can the group go as slow as they want?

There really is no clock, but I told my group straight up at the beginning that the longer they take to explore their assigned sites, the more the local market gets flooded with items from other groups, and therefore they may receive less gold for their efforts.

This also fits in with the auction that starts book-2, they'll probably want to have most of their 'erudite eye' loot for sale at the auction, becuase the local markets will probably not be paying much for items.

I deliberately avoided a ticking clock. It seemed like an unnecessary constraint and I thought it might undercut the action of Chapter Two, however the crisis in that chapter might be presented. (Some chapters are written simultaneously)

The fact that there are many rules for the Necropolis, and none of them are really enforceable, is not meant to be lost on the PCs. In fact, that conflict is quite intentional. It sets up the expectation of a certain behavior but leaves the lingering doubt that it just might be 'alls fair in love and war". It also creates space for the GM to do what they feel is best.

Some people are enjoying that GM empowerment, some people feel the story does not engage them. The results are unclear but I encourage reviews of all kinds as long as they are sincere.

That said, I think Grumpus is spot on. It is what I did to my players. Frankly, sometimes you can just give the players a little hint and they'll move in the direction you want. The thought of less cash for goodies is a strong motivator and it dovetails perfectly with Chapter Two.

Liberty's Edge

Am I misunderstanding something about the aghash div in Erudite Eye?

Unlimited at-will bestow curse. +7 attack bonus (+9 with spectral hand) versus touch AC is pretty much auto-hit against all but Dex classes, and DC 16 Will save isn't peanuts at level 2-3. High HP and vulnerable pretty much only to cold spells and cold iron (of which the adventure has given a grand total of 5 crossbow bolts) means it's going to take a long while to whittle down. If the combat goes on for 8 rounds you're going to end up with a four person party that has -6 to two stats each. Permanent. No access to remove curse at this level either. Let's make sure to put the first two -6 curses on the Str of melee characters too, so they have no hope of penetrating the DR.

Seems really rough. How have parties managed this fight? Did you just buy cold iron weapons for the whole party from Wati shops? Did you live with the curses for the rest of the dungeon, or go back to the city for high level spellcaster remove curses? (Since there's a ticking clock during Erudite Eye.)

there is NO ticking clock as written:)

A single magic missile will destroy the spectral hand, and since its a standard action to summon another, you gain a turn to close in or attack when doing so.
But if you dont have it available (the AC is too high to hit it normally), i suggest casting protection from evil on the party, otherwise it's a really tough encounter.

IMO, the minor image at will (in the hands of a clever GM) is a bigger issue against your regular "hack&slash" group.

Scarab Sages

My group 2-rounded the Div, even with the DR, and that was while he attacked during the fight with the Roombah elemental thing.

Liberty's Edge

How the hell did you do that? Did you have four barbarians all with cold iron weapons??

Did you let your entire party attack him before he could act and cast either sandstorm or his minor images? The minor image of a wall is "real" if they fail their will check.

How about the gaze? The entire party made their saves? They should probably roll their save as soon as they see the div in combat, and once again every turn.

Dark Archive

Took the party I was running about 2hrs to kill the Div (+ his two allies from his summon ability), by the end most of the party had 2-3 curses on them so they had to leave and pay for remove curse.

Liberty's Edge

That was sort of my experience too, glad I wasn't the only one.

Scarab Sages

The Div sneaked up on the party in the second round of them fighting the Roombah, and nearly killed one PC by surprise. The two PC's that were on the correct side of the wall to see the Div made their saves, then proceeded to kill it quickly while the other half of the party was still fighting the Roombah. 2 claw attacks with sneak attack and a greatclub power attack for 2 rounds was sufficient to kill it, especially after it fizzled on its concentration check for bestow curse.

For comparisions:

Fighting the Necrophidius and the Scorched Hand simultaneously barely lasted 12 rounds. The Caryatid Columns made it six because of whiffs. Senemerek made it three, and the coffer corpse and graven guardian didn't get 2 actions.

Dark Archive

Why is your Div acting like a melee brute?

You are primarily a debuffer and should be kiting (using your at will DDoor) to get out of sight and then slap them with at least 3 curses (-6 ST, 50% chance not to act, -6 Con, - 6 Wisdom first if they have good saves), never allow the PC's to get a full attack until you have the advantage and then pressure them when they are weakened (they get quite a few free rounds to hit him with single attacks but if you cripple the frontliners you should last at least a couple of dozen rounds).

With his DR10/Cold Iron mooks occupying the low damage melee fighters (preferably people with natural attacks so they cant bypass the DR easily), you can easily make the fight seem much more impressive despite it actually being quite easy (and low risk) for the PCs.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am wondering if anyone has used a higher level Scorched Hand party? At the current levels four of these NPC's will go down in under four rounds against my current PC party of six. If so would you be willing to share and if you ran a higher level how did it go?

As a side note I get that The Scorched Hand isn't supposed to be a big challenge, and it could be a great opportunity for the party to feel heroic. Knowing my group they will be disappointed with the current stats and the subsequent fight. Thanks!

Maybe you could design 2 more Scorched Hands? As written, it was designed as a party of 4 vs 4 PCs. 2 more Hands should do the trick. You could choose the classes to complement your party.

Or have a couple of them wounded by undead and rise as undead a few rounds later. Maybe while the party is checking the bodies.

But don't raise the leader cause you will need her later...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Awesome AP. It's my first time GM'ing and I have to say that I picked a beauty to start it off, so congrats to all involved!

I am relatively new to the game (have only played one other AP before) so I was really nervous about my first attempt at being a GM when I don't even have a long experience playing Pathfinder!

However, the AP is well structured and I am enjoying running it so far! My players also seem to be enjoying it though I am lucky they're patient when I have a rules question before me that I am not sure of!

The first book was finished at the last session and we are now on to the first chapter of book 2.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Just an update, I added the Ahkhat in the hall leading to the chamber and Mad Dog Marnn to the Scorched Hand as a cavalier 2/ranger 2 on his dog. Having pushed straight through the Sanctum the PC's were somewhat wearied and used half their resources. It was a tense combat but much more thrilling than the Scorched Hand as they are written.

Liberty's Edge

Caderyn wrote:

Why is your Div acting like a melee brute?

You are primarily a debuffer and should be kiting (using your at will DDoor) to get out of sight and then slap them with at least 3 curses (-6 ST, 50% chance not to act, -6 Con, - 6 Wisdom first if they have good saves), never allow the PC's to get a full attack until you have the advantage and then pressure them when they are weakened (they get quite a few free rounds to hit him with single attacks but if you cripple the frontliners you should last at least a couple of dozen rounds).

With his DR10/Cold Iron mooks occupying the low damage melee fighters (preferably people with natural attacks so they cant bypass the DR easily), you can easily make the fight seem much more impressive despite it actually being quite easy (and low risk) for the PCs.

The risk here to the PCs is fairly low, but to the continuity of the AP itself? Very high. Chance of death is low, I'll grant you that, but the curses are permanent in duration. The cost to remove them is significant and the disruption to the AP "timer", such as it is, is also very significant as well. Food for thought.

We cover this design issue in detail in the most recent podcast review of this volume of the Mummy's Mask AP. The Div encounter is far and away the biggest potential pitfall in the Half-Dead City.

So I have a question regarding the animated dolls in the first dungeon. Do they take energy damage as objects, (1/2 after hardness) or regularly because they're animated?

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

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Devastation Bob wrote:
So I have a question regarding the animated dolls in the first dungeon. Do they take energy damage as objects, (1/2 after hardness) or regularly because they're animated?

Here's my answer from another thread:

The animated objects are constructs, so they are now creatures, not objects. As creatures, energy damage is not halved against them (in effect, becoming a creature trumps the normal object rules). So they take full damage from energy attacks (150% if they are vulnerable to that energy type), then hardness is applied. However, page 174 of the Core Rulebook states (under "Vulnerability to Certain Attacks") that "Certain attacks are especially successful against some objects.In such cases, attacks deal double their normal damage and my ignore the object's hardness."

Even though the animated objects are no longer "objects," I would still apply this rule about overcoming hardness to them in this adventure (but the 150% creature vulnerability trumps the double damage to an object part of the rule), as hardness can be quite difficult to overcome for low-level PCs. So if the PCs use fire against the warrior dolls, for example, it would deal 150% the normal damage, and ignore the hardness. Other energy damage would deal full damage which would ten be reduced by hardness, the same as for any other attack against it.

Steel_Wind wrote:
Caderyn wrote:

Why is your Div acting like a melee brute?

You are primarily a debuffer and should be kiting (using your at will DDoor) to get out of sight and then slap them with at least 3 curses (-6 ST, 50% chance not to act, -6 Con, - 6 Wisdom first if they have good saves), never allow the PC's to get a full attack until you have the advantage and then pressure them when they are weakened (they get quite a few free rounds to hit him with single attacks but if you cripple the frontliners you should last at least a couple of dozen rounds).

With his DR10/Cold Iron mooks occupying the low damage melee fighters (preferably people with natural attacks so they cant bypass the DR easily), you can easily make the fight seem much more impressive despite it actually being quite easy (and low risk) for the PCs.

The risk here to the PCs is fairly low, but to the continuity of the AP itself? Very high. Chance of death is low, I'll grant you that, but the curses are permanent in duration. The cost to remove them is significant and the disruption to the AP "timer", such as it is, is also very significant as well. Food for thought.

We cover this design issue in detail in the most recent podcast review of this volume of the Mummy's Mask AP. The Div encounter is far and away the biggest potential pitfall in the Half-Dead City.

First time listener to your podcast, and enjoyed it a lot. I'm getting ready to run Half-Dead City this coming weekend. The fix for the Aghash Div you come up with is great... I'm planning on using the planted wand. Thanks for pointing out the pitfalls before I walk into them with my campaign.

could someone recap what was said, its rather long and with two kids i dont have the time (i did try to listen to it, but had to give up rather quickly because of the kids)

captain yesterday wrote:
could someone recap what was said, its rather long and with two kids i dont have the time (i did try to listen to it, but had to give up rather quickly because of the kids)

On the Chronicles podcast, they suggested leaving a scroll of Remove Curse (or several) in the office area (B23) of the House of Pentheru, amidst the decaying books and scrolls. Provides the characters with the ability to recover after the Div without having to leave for healing they can't yet provide or afford. I'm going to plant a wand with five charges at the same location.

Scarab Sages

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So I am trying to come up with a good set of strategy for the Scorched Hands.
So I first added to Valeria's spell list Alarm, something she carries as a scroll they use when they are setting up a camp. Casting it to the north.
They also carry a chain and padlock, mainly to secure a site, but since this one lacked doors to lock they used it on the western gate.
Aside from these two significant changes to buy more time I believe the following strategy would be viable, but I would love suggestions from anyone else to make this a challenging encounter.

some of what I was thinking to do:

No Matter the approach the Scorched Hand will be aware of PCs. Either by the gate or by the Alarm spell placed in the northern hall by Velriana. Or the extra time by the padlock and chain on the door to the west.
Before combat
If the Players come from the north they will have just 3 rounds to prepare. Due to the alarm spell, Velriana had cast (from scroll) on the northern approach.

Picking a lock is a full round action and with a DC20 shouldn't be too hard. But it will give the Scorched hand 2 rounds.
To slow down any intruders, a simple lock (DC20) and good quality chain has also been applied to the western gate. Hard 10, HP 5, Break DC26.

Round 0
Aziz - Already has Mage Armor on. Will grease the area in front of the doors the pcs approach (1 casting, just enough to cover the whole front of the door) - they are hard corners so can't be diagonally avoided. Then Vanish his familiar (if coming from West - then MM from scroll if time permits). Then ready Flaming Sphere for breach.
His scorpion will move closer, along the wall ready to move in and attack a back field cleric.
Khelru will cast Bulls' Strength and Shield of Faith on Idorii. IF TIME permits he will even cast Bless. (+1 to Hit and Save vs. Fear) Then Effortless Armor (move increase to 30) Then Magic Weapon on his Quarterstaff (+1 to dmg as it is already MWK)
Velriana cast mirror image and uses a charge from wand of shield. If time permits and coming from West - will cast MM as that avoids the cover penalty of the Bronze Gate. Otherwise, Velriana will ready Ray of Enfeeblement on Frontline fighter

Round 1

Velriana's(Init 20) Ray of Enfeeblement will fire. ( +2 vs touch- Drain 1d6+2 STR, Fort DC15 for 1/2)
Idorii (INIT 21 - readied for Velriana’s spell to fire first) moves to engage any who crossed grease zone, if all fail she will toss weapons on those staying on other side. Or engage prone foe, because it is easier to kick them while they are down (+4 to attack).
Aziz (Init 12) Flaming Sphere goes off.(3d6 REFX 15 for half 3 rounds). His scorpion will move up on the group's cleric, hoping to force failed castings.
Scorpion(Init 12) will move to attack climbing the wall to get around the corner.
Khelru (Init 8) will Cast Spiritual weapon will focus it on a caster (note: if he loses line of sight, the weapon will return to him) +5 to hit, 1d8+1 dmg, lasts 3 rounds.

Round 2
Idorii attacks primary foe who threatens Velirana, scorpion is too small to provide a flank. Will stick with one foe until they are down.
Velriana will cast Scorching Ray on any obvious spell casters or anyone standing (no need to give herself the -4 to hit prone targets, or -2 on those in battle with Idorri) (4d6 vs. Touch AC)
Aziz will use move action to direct sphere and use standard action to cast force missile 1d4+1 auto hit on whomever is engaged with Idorii.
Khelru will heal by Readying for a wounded ally and staying mobile. Using CLW over channeling initially. If no one is injured will use hold person (DC 15 will negates). (Spiritual Weapon)

Round 3
So at this point it really depends on what is going on
Idorii will focus on a single foe until unconscious (they or her)
Velriana - if cornered will 5 foot back and cast from scroll warding weapon and then resume casting (warding weapons for 4 rounds means she doesn't have to cast defensively)
Otherwise Scorching Ray, then Acid Arrow, then Burning Hands, and lastly Magic Missle.
Has Glitterdust to deal with Invisible foes once aware of them.
Aziz - Force Missile and Flaming Sphere
Khelru - Heal (Spiritual Weapon)

Round 4:
Aziz Flaming Sphere is gone so he will stick to force missiles, again focusing fire on Idorri's target.
Khelru's Spiritual Weapon is gone, but he will be busy healing. If he gets a breather he will use Sun Metal on his staff. Afterwards he will use Hand of the Acolyte to hit ranged targets.

Things to be aware of, at this point the PCs will have create Pit. So need to be spread out. So have them all take cover behind different pillars (the four farthest from the entrance the PCs are entering from.) Expect Idorri to be primary target.

Trick to know: Grease give +10 to escape from grapple. Something Aziz is well aware of and will use to aid anyone hugged by the Monk.

Dark Archive

Try not to over think the encounter vs the Scorched hands they are a serious TPK threat, when I ran it the entire party except the oracle was unconcious in 4 rounds, as I had Idorii delay for people to be effected by glitterdust

Liberty's Edge

Agreed. There's a whole dungeon between the party and the Scorched Hand. The party may be totally depleted before the Scorched Hand fight, especially if they take on some of the optional encounters on the lower level. My party came literally just a few hit points from TPK, all but one person went down.

I looked for an errata thread for Half-Dead City but couldn't find one so I'm posting this question here.

In the statblock for Wati (PF #79, p. 63), it lists "sacred site" as one of Wati's settlement qualities. However sacred site isn't one of the listed qualities in the Game Mastery Guide.

My guess is that it's meant to be "holy site" for the temple of Pharasma but this quality increases the spell casting level of the settlement by +2.

Wati's spell casting level is 7th (base 6th + 1 for the pious quality) so either sacred site isn't holy site or Wati's spell casting level should be 9th.


Scarab Sages

@Caderyn and Samy - thanks for the input. I like the Glitterdust suggestion, and you do make a valid point about a whole dungeon between them and the PCs.

The reason I want a top notch challenge is the group I have is 6 players strong, and as far as player types go I have a tactician and a rules expert on the players side, who often times make short work of the encounters so far (They are technically +1 APL, but also I am more of a storyteller GM than a tactical GM - hence my quest for advice). So I want to give them a real challenge without having to level up the Scorched Hand.

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:

I looked for an errata thread for Half-Dead City but couldn't find one so I'm posting this question here.

In the statblock for Wati (PF #79, p. 63), it lists "sacred site" as one of Wati's settlement qualities. However sacred site isn't one of the listed qualities in the Game Mastery Guide.

My guess is that it's meant to be "holy site" for the temple of Pharasma but this quality increases the spell casting level of the settlement by +2.

Wati's spell casting level is 7th (base 6th + 1 for the pious quality) so either sacred site isn't holy site or Wati's spell casting level should be 9th.


Sacred site is a new settlement quality created for this adventure. Its rules are right at the bottom in the Notes section of the city stat block on page 63.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Corridor Dart Trap @ A4: the darts fire from east to west down the length of the corridor? And if so, where do the darts fire from?

Any and all help appreciated. Many thanks.

Scarab Sages

I had holes in the ceiling aimed at the other end of the hallway. The party ended up just bashing the ceiling into oblivion after three failed disable checks.

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

It was meant to fire darts from both sides of the corridor, both north to south and south to north. The spaces behind the walls on the north and south are where the darts come from.

The phrase "down the length of the hallway" in the trap's description refers to the concealed holes where the darts come from, though I can see why that might make it sound like the darts are being fired down the length of the hallway. In other words, the concealed holes run the length of the hallway, and the darts come from these holes, firing across the corridor's width.

ThreeCrows wrote:
Steel_Wind wrote:
Caderyn wrote:

Why is your Div acting like a melee brute?

You are primarily a debuffer and should be kiting (using your at will DDoor) to get out of sight and then slap them with at least 3 curses (-6 ST, 50% chance not to act, -6 Con, - 6 Wisdom first if they have good saves), never allow the PC's to get a full attack until you have the advantage and then pressure them when they are weakened (they get quite a few free rounds to hit him with single attacks but if you cripple the frontliners you should last at least a couple of dozen rounds).

With his DR10/Cold Iron mooks occupying the low damage melee fighters (preferably people with natural attacks so they cant bypass the DR easily), you can easily make the fight seem much more impressive despite it actually being quite easy (and low risk) for the PCs.

The risk here to the PCs is fairly low, but to the continuity of the AP itself? Very high. Chance of death is low, I'll grant you that, but the curses are permanent in duration. The cost to remove them is significant and the disruption to the AP "timer", such as it is, is also very significant as well. Food for thought.

We cover this design issue in detail in the most recent podcast review of this volume of the Mummy's Mask AP. The Div encounter is far and away the biggest potential pitfall in the Half-Dead City.

First time listener to your podcast, and enjoyed it a lot. I'm getting ready to run Half-Dead City this coming weekend. The fix for the Aghash Div you come up with is great... I'm planning on using the planted wand. Thanks for pointing out the pitfalls before I walk into them with my campaign.

I wanted to chime in here - that encounter was the only one my players hated - ended up with one cursed and a death (because one got bored and wandered off alone) - the dimension door really frustrated them. They eventually got him - but mostly because I decided that rather than have a table full of angry players I'd play him a bit stupid.

Rob McCreary wrote:

It was meant to fire darts from both sides of the corridor, both north to south and south to north. The spaces behind the walls on the north and south are where the darts come from.

The phrase "down the length of the hallway" in the trap's description refers to the concealed holes where the darts come from, though I can see why that might make it sound like the darts are being fired down the length of the hallway. In other words, the concealed holes run the length of the hallway, and the darts come from these holes, firing across the corridor's width.

Ahh...makes sense. Excellent and thank-you.

Talk about outstanding customer service!


archmagi1 wrote:
I had holes in the ceiling aimed at the other end of the hallway. The party ended up just bashing the ceiling into oblivion after three failed disable checks.

Creative thinking! Awesome.

Also - glad I wasn't the only one who had trouble with this one.



Scarab Sages

oh my party has failed almost every disable check in book 1 and 2, resulting in our trapper having serious mental issues

The Div frustrated my party as well. And left a couple of them cursed for a good amount of time. I made some purposeful strategic mistakes with the Div so the Dim Door was not so frustrating.

Silver Crusade

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Rather than fight the div, as my party has been having serious issues with DR, I added 4 ghouls drawn from acrid street to the ambush outside the erudite eye. The plan was for the ghpuls to slowly creep up on the players/thugs and go after anyone who was isolated. The fear in my players voices when they heard the screaming of an out of sight thug was great. I was immediately asked "where in the necropolis are we?" And when I showed them the map of Wati, one of the players immediately called for a truce and tried to get everyone into a group so they could retreat in good order. The plan worked well; two of the thugs became lunch out of sight of the PCs which effectively took two ghouls out of the fight, but the party was too spread out to gather quickly so they still fought two ghouls before fleeing (with a captive, no less. My players are pretty good).

Liberty's Edge

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I was expecting the DIV to be a problem with my party …. However first strike was a critical with an Adamantine Flail and knocked it unconscious … (using the crit deck)

Little anti climatic but the DIV had already had the surprise round and on its go it managed to curse the flail wielder so it made its presence known. The party was very wary about the temple afterwards …

My players are loving this adventure btw.



Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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A little bit of inspiration for the hallway trap. Obviously it doesn't work exactly the same way. My regrets on the unclear description.

Safe for work:

Here, and no, its not a rickroll

OYEH....OYEH....OYEH.....Greetings to you all from the realm of Osirion!!!

As a GM about to embark on the Mummy's Mask I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get my hands on a map for the city of Sothis. I think it would add some great flare and provide some fun while between adventures or while my PC's are out on subplots. I am really quite excited about starting this path and rather than start my players out in Wati I am going to start them out in Almas with them trying to book passage on a ship bound first for Absalom then to Sothis. If they don't make their diplomacy checks then it will be off to where the Caravan's pull into town to try and join up with a caravan to earn some money while en-route to Oppara.If they get on the ship then they will find something waiting not so pleasant in Absalom to start them off. Either way they will eventually find their way to Sothis which is why having a map will be helpful.

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

There's a map of Sothis (and maps of several other cities in Osirion as well) in Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs.

Silver Crusade

So once the party finds the mask and the undead threat is put down, will the grand mausoleum resume issuing claims? Could the party get a new claim if desired? I imagine the answers are yes, but the cult will come looking really soon...

Scarab Sages

The way I understood it was that the three claims were it for each group that survives or stays long enough to have three pulls in the lottery. If some groups still had claims left to plunder, I imagine they'll be honored after Book 2, but the PC's group has already hit all three of their claims by then.

I have a question about the second dungeon crawl exploration in the upstairs of the Pentheru Estate. Question in spoiler for those who don't want to read about a possible encounter.

Jim, nice adventure. A little help if you are still monitoring this thread.

Trap Question:

The trap in the hidden dresser says that after opening the lock, the trap can still be sprung unless the key is turned in the bottom of the chest. Does that mean the players would have to turn the chest over to see this, or would the Perception DC 25 be used as usual? It seems quite an ingenious trap to be defeated by saying I take 20 as by level two most disablers should have a +5 perception by then. Then they easily bypass the disable DC with the key.
The bronze chest is locked (hardness 9, hp 15, break DC 23, Disable Device DC 25). A key to the chest can be found in the ruins of Pentheru’s desk in area B23. The chest is also trapped, triggered once the chest is opened. When the top is lifted off the chest, a cocked crossbow mechanism rises upward at an angle and fires a poisoned bolt at the chest of the individual opening the chest. Unlocking the chest with the key does not disable the trap; it must be bypassed separately using a second lock concealed on the bottom of the chest, which the key from area B23 also opens.
POISONED BOLT TRAP CR 3 XP 800 Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset manual; Bypass hidden lock (Perception DC 25 to locate, Disable Device DC 30 or key to open) Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d8+1/19–20 plus black adder venom)

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