Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 337 posts (346 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 25 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Blindfold them so they can't target anything but themselves.
Heavy manacles and leg bindings so if they try short range teleportation they are still blindfolded and can't move.
Keep them on your spaceship, and have it floating in space so longer range teleportation won't work. Interact with them via robots (so they can't cast any mind magic through touch).
This doesn't stop them from casting, but it does stop them from escaping.
Unfortunately, I don't have enough players to run, so I'm cancelling. I'm guessing the unconventional time slot combined with the short notice killed it. I'm considering trying to run the adventures starting with Accursed Halls on a Friday/Monday evening (6pm EDT to 11pm) schedule. Would anyone be interested in playing with that schedule?
I'll be running Thornkeep in Core mode, levels 1-5 over the next week. We'll play from 9am to 2pm EDT each day, Monday through Friday. Thornkeep levels are:
The Accursed Halls (tier 1-2) (Replayable infinitely for level 1s!) Monday
The Forgotten Laboratory (tier 2-4) Tuesday
The Enigma Vaults (tier 3-5) Wednesday
The Dark Menagerie (tier 5-7) Thursday
Sanctum of a Lost Age (tier 6-8) Friday
No need to play every game, or use the same character for each game. If you do choose to play each game with the same character, you'll need to be level two, otherwise you'll be level 4 for The Dark Menagerie.
If interested, please e-mail me the following at tooalex [at} yahoo (dot| com:
Which levels you want to play (use the name of the level, please).
Player Name
Character Name
Important things I should know about your character
A token
Think of a huge creature as a collection of three 3x3 cubes stacked on top of each other. The fifteen foot reach is counted from the closest vertex to the target.
I would like to know if we can sell back shields at full value, so I can buy a buckler. I'd really rather not lose the approximately 2500 gp it would cost to swap (in addition to the point of AC!)
Because sometimes the scales just don't work. Had Smaug worn armor, Bard's arrow wouldn't have been so helpful.
Actually, in the book Smaug WAS wearing armor, made out of diamonds no less. But one of the scales had come loose at a really bad spot, which Bilbo noticed and told the dwarves of. A nearby thrush heard it, and told Bard of it (Bard was of the original line of Dale, and thus able to understand the thrush).
He intends to create a "separate group" so I'm guessing its not something he'd advertise or play in a public space.
As long as the players all agree to it, I don't see why it'd be a problem to do this. They aren't getting anything extra from the rewards, so the PCs will still be perfectly playable outside of this.
Of course, you could just not sanction it at all. I did that with a home group that I ran through Thornkeep. I didn't want to waste a bunch of time after each scenario with treasure, so I handed out chronicles at the end of each adventure with "Not valid for PFS play" written in sharpie at the top.
Let's look at two situations, one with RM and one without. The rumor is "person X is a secret cultist of Lamashtu"
With: everyone believes it, so everyone is effectively hostile to the target (maybe even those who would be okay with it, if only to maintain their covers). People avoid the person like the plague, the city watch makes excuses to search the person's home, he is targeted by vandals... The person may even be lynched!
Without rumormonger: Likely, everyone drops one step in attitude towards the target. People feel uneasy around the target. His friends might avoid him for a few weeks. People cross the street to avoid him. Guards keep a close eye on him when they see him.
So, I'm not seeing why rumormonger doesn't play nice with normal skill checks.
I was playing my time oracle in the Wayang fight. Dude hits me wwith slow and casts sleet storm, so I move 5 feet as a standard action. His AoEs wreck the rest of the party, though I make my saves and started the fight with resist fire and lightning. One PC dies to the AoEs, while a gunslinger does a ton of damage to the bad guy until he gets shut down by a windwall. I know I can tank the bad guy's damage, but I also know that I can't run due to my debuffs. So I shout to my remaining allies to flee, and use my Remove from Time ability on myself, since I didn't think my friends would abandon me. My friends run, but the gunslinger drops into the negatives (but stabilizes), and the barbarian/cleric gets dropped by a magic missile and doesn't stabilize. The Inquisitor is the only one to escape, as he cast invis on himself. A few rounds later I pop back into existence. Slow has ended, and I find the unconscious gunslinger in a small alcove. Just as I healed the 'slinger to consciousness, the wayang flies into the room. With both sides surprised, I win initiative and do the first thing that comes to mind: I grappled him, 10 str, no feats and all. I managed to hold him long enough for the gunslinger to get a single round of attacks in, and the Wayang went down.
Since the poison damage is instantaneous multiple cloudkills can never hit you while you are in the duration of the poison. This means that the DCs never increase other than by con loss making it harder to save down the road.
everyone should have a decent enough AC that they aren't hit by every iterative
Armor!?! What a silly soft-skinned pinky you are. A real Ulfen warrior needs no armor. My anger fuels me*.
* an AC of 1, yes 1, might scare most players, but 232 HP can make that issue much less important :-)
I'd guess that you have spent far less on clw/infernal healing than you would have on defense, but that MUST get tedious. I'm imagining 4 other pathfinders whacking you round after round with clw wands.
Expanded element is an automatic. At level 7 you pick an expanded element. Then at a higher level (can't remember which one off hand) you pick a second expanded element.
And how exactly does it delay your infusions? Expanded element is a separate choice from infusions after all. At level 7 you get an expanded element, a 2nd simple blast (depending on initial element and expanded element), and a composite blast. There is no utility or infusion choice at this level to begin with. Only an expanded element.
You wouldn't have gotten another infusion till 9th level anyway. Sure during the playtest you had to chose if you take an expanded element or infusion. But the released class doesn't have this choice.
If anything, it could be said to delay a utility talent since at level 8 you're likely grabbing expanded elemental defense. Which is done as a utility talent.
When you get expanded element, you have two options: expand into another element, or specialize in your own element. If you specialize in your own element, you get the other basic blast for your element, and an infusion.
He claimed you can not audit it. He would allow a normal continual flame, but not a hieghtened one unless you can do it yourself.
All you have to do is write directly on the chronicle you got it at "Acquired continual flame item heightened to lvl 4, cast by player John Doe PFS# 1234567-12." And have the GM sign it. Then show the disbelieving GM where on your ITS you paid for it. Perfectly auditable. I probably would disallow a heightened continual flame item myself if I didn't have the caster's name, PFS #, and the GM's signature.
This would require the Auditor to TRUST the player... And some people have a problem with that...
Actually, the GM would have to trust the GM who signed it that he had made sure that the caster had the requisite spells and feats.
He claimed you can not audit it. He would allow a normal continual flame, but not a hieghtened one unless you can do it yourself.
All you have to do is write directly on the chronicle you got it at "Acquired continual flame item heightened to lvl 4, cast by player John Doe PFS# 1234567-12." And have the GM sign it. Then show the disbelieving GM where on your ITS you paid for it. Perfectly auditable. I probably would disallow a heightened continual flame item myself if I didn't have the caster's name, PFS #, and the GM's signature.
I'd suggest switching from half-elf to human. An extra feat and skill point per level beats low-light vision, immunity to sleep and the save bonus, imo (especially since getting another feat makes taking Iron Will easier). If you swap to human, I'd also swap birthmark for the trait that adds +1 to will saves; +1 always beats +2 conditional most of the time. Here's my feat build for my reg mode lvl 9 standard human fighter:
L1: Improved Init, Weapon Focus, Toughness
2: Iron Will
3: Power Attack (you do 2d4+6; before lvl3 that should be plenty)
4: Weapon Spec
5: Blind-Fight (I put this on all of my melee characters, and have never regretted it)
6: Vital Strike
7: Dodge (don't forget that this applies to CMD as well, which your build excels at)
8: Greater Weapon Focus
9: Improved Crit (but since you wield a scythe, I'd take it before GWF)
I'd also recommend staying fighter until 9 for the additional plus 1 to hit/damage. If you want to leave at that point, it's up to you.
If you stay a half-elf, I'd drop Iron Will or Improved initiative.
Nosig, please don't include my sorcerer in your totals, as he died to a failed save to an assassin's death attack. He easily survived the damage from the attack, and you didn't include another person's death to phantasmal killer.
I didn't list the con scores on the other guys because they all had 16 dex, 14 con. So even dropping their con scores to 10 wouldn't be able to meaningfully increase their dex scores. And since the crux of your argument seems to be "higher dex is more important than con" I didn't include them, my bad.
Pathfinder play isn't a classic MMORG. You can't rely on a character to "hold aggro" to anywhere near the same degree. You can try to position yourself, and there are a few limited aggro directing effects, but thinking in terms of playing Pathfinder like WOW is a good way to a new character.
Well, yeah. My limited experience of trying to do the 'tank' type thing is that the GM deliberately moves everything away from the 'tank' unless the party is in 'fireball formation' and can't do that.
*Every* *single* *time*
Almost like there's an unspoken rule to target all the 'weak' characters at the table...
I find that happens when the tank makes their AC too high and their damage too low. Make yourself a more important threat (and watch your positioning!) and the GM will go after you more.
It doesn't help when the casters first turns tend to be very eyecatching. A moster will go after a fireball caster, healer or Save or Suck caster before they go after a buffer, or someone who only hurt one guy for a reasonable amount.
Lets see...
My support Cleric died in Waking Rune. Swapping his 12 dex and 16 con wouldn't have changed that.
My Alchemist died in a situation where the group (APL 5.5 playing up in a tier 3-7) fought 6 CR 6 creatures (3 were summons, not that we knew that) and due to the cramped quarters I provoked two attacks for every attack I made. My super high AC couldn't save me.
My Magus died to a fellow magus' shocking grasp crit (I got dominated). My super-high AC should have stopped it from confirming, but no such luck.
My Summoner got crit by a ghost, failed the fort save. I was already down a bit of hp from an earlier encounter, so took somewhere around 16d6 and died. This one was my fault because I spent several rounds trying to talk to the ghost before the ghost got fed up and attacked me. Later, I bought a jingasa.
My Sorcerer got death-attacked by an assassin and died (Failed the save AND the reroll with my at the time 4 stars!). Initiative roll was poor enough that swapping my 7 dex and 16 con and toughness for improved initiative still wouldn't have beaten the assassin on initiative.
My 16 dex, 16 con fighter survived being crit by a X4 trap a devious GM used a monster's ability to push me into. Not having toughness or having a slightly lower con would have killed me.
My Tank Alchemist with 12 dex and 16 con survived being crit by a X4 trap that took him from full hp to -2. If I had only had a 12 con I'd have been dead.
Watched an ally's summoner with a 10 con die to a slay living from full HP. He was in the right tier, just didn't have the HP. Dude survived when the GM later realized that we should have been playing with the 4-player adjustment and the monster that had slay living would have been removed.
Watched an ally's sorcerer with a 10 con die in the first round of the first encounter by an "AOE" that rolled average damage (for that AOE) with a reflex save DC of 31. The character was 8th level in a 7-8 scenario. He didn't make any tactical mistakes, but would have survived if he had put just a little more effort into his HP. My sorcerer (the same one who got death-attacked a few scenarios earlier) easily survived and D-Doored far enough from the party so the monster couldn't "AOE" him again, and I'd have taken that sorc with me if he'd have been alive.
If another PC dies at a table I'm at, I will almost certainly put up my fair share of gold to get the PC raised (the exception being if its a TPK), even on my characters that are complete jerks. But if you play poorly or ignore survivability I won't go any higher.
One of my players got taken over by a bonethief in my Eternal Darkness RPG (think horrible parasite monster that takes over a corpse); when he finally betrayed the party, it was a bloodbath - two pc deaths, and the PCs failed to stop the bad guys. No hurt feelings though - when I explained where the PC had been taken over, the players all understood. It also helped that I had already included bonethieves in the game by that point.
Animal Companions: ankylosaurus, aurochs, brachiosaurus, dire bat, dire rat, dolphin, elasmosaurus, electric eel, elephant/mastodon, frog, goblin dog, hyena, monitor lizard, moray eel, octopus, orca, pteranodon, rhinoceros, roc, squid, stegosaurus, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus; Familiars: all familiars listed on pages 131-133; Feats: none of the feats are legal for play for PCs, animal companions, or familiars unless specifically granted by another legal source; Other: all creatures in this book are legal for polymorph effects (including a druid's wild shape ability) within the boundaries of each spell or ability's parameters. All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill, except aboleth and drow sign language.
The issue isn't one of Additional Resources. The Additional Resources don't call out monsters as being summon-able at all. The issue is that a developer in a message board post said that we couldn't summon elementals outside of the main four. That means it applies to players and GMs alike, just like any other forum clarification.
I was under the impression that while the fine folks at Paizo do know and have a concrete answer for what happened to Aroden, they're never going to spill the beans...
Which I'm more than okay with.
In the end, that would be sad. I remember that article in the last Dragon Mag, where some D&D mysteries were revealed. In the end, nobody really did care anymore about them... Fun to read, yes, but didn't matter anymore.
Any chance they revealed what happened to the Eberron kingdom Cyre?
My party foiled an attempted theft of an artifact that makes infinite delicious fruit and are asked to find out who is trying to steal it.
So they open up a fruit stand, using the extraordinarily powerful artifact. They make a pretty significant amount of money, and eventually lure out more thieves.
What feats do you already have? What bloodline are you? It's hard to suggest things when you haven't told us what you already have.
I have put it in the spoiler part.
Avaron wrote:
An Ampoule of False Blood would allow you to keep your Int-based spellcasting and bloodline spells/bonus feats while swapping out your powers for those of the Abyssal bloodline.
Wow – I will take it :) Nice synergy with spell perfection :)
Avaron wrote:
I'd take Improved Initiative with the bloodline feat at 19th - that's always golden for a summoner.
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Quicken Spell should be one of your feats; it's that good.
I agree.
What last metamagic should I choose?
I am considering:
- piersing spell to have chance with overcoming spell resistance
- dazing spell to use with area of effect blasts
- heighten spell to use lower level debuffing spells
You lack a method of beating SR, so you should either focus on spells that don't allow it, or get a way to deal with SR. And remember that many of the high level summons have SR,so if you want to cast buffs on them you'll have to beat their SR. I suggest either spell penetration, or piercing spell. The question is, would you prefer a +2 always-on bonus, or a +5 bonus that costs an additional spell level and turns the spell into a full round action?
Resurrection requires a portion of the remains. Spectres are incorporeal. An incorporeal creature has no physical body. I call that True Resurrection land.
I think that when you turn into an incorporeal undead your soul leaves the body and becomes the undead, which means that you still have a body to resurrect. You would still need to kill the spectral you of course.
I've got a character that hands out what he calls "preparedness bags" to everyone he adventures with. They contain:
Cold Iron longspear
Silver light mace
Cold iron dagger
Light crossbow, 10 bolts cold iron, 10 bolts silver blanched
2 acid flasks
2 alchemist fires
Oil of bless weapon
Oil of magic weapon
A friend has asked if one could play Eyes with a character with 33.5 xp; would that be allowed? Otherwise she'll have to skip the end of Emerald Spir with her friends.
Mindchemist archetype Alchemists get double their int bonus to knowledge checks. Its kinda obscene; even if Alchemists don't get the greatest class skill list.
Pick up medium and Heavy armor by level 3. Maybe dip to get it? Also get Admantine heavy armor asap to stack with the Elemental Defense and use my burn pool to power up DR and Elemental overflow.
If shield is a problem grab lvl 1 rogue/lvl 1 cleric sneak attacking with wands of inflict light wounds.
Inflict and cure spells allow saving throws for half damage, which would count for half of the sneak attack damage as well. And at a save DC that a commoner has a 50% chance of making. Better would be a wand of shocking grasp or chill touch (changing out the multiclass to fit the new wand, of course)
To be honest, psychic scrolls sounds goofy to me anyway. I wish they had made a new item with the same price and function but more in keeping with the psychic theme -- some kind of crystal perhaps.
Crystals probably steps on Psionics too closely
Quite frankly, I'd be even happier barring psychics from the potion, scroll and wand mechanics entirely. They've already got the advantage of needing none of the classic three components for spellcasting. Introducing psychic scrolls, or having psychics using scrolls kind of ruins the distinction they have from the arcane and divine classes.
The fact that they can be shut down from 30 feet away with a simple intimidate check and that their concentration checks are at a dc ten higher unless they take a move action first are pretty strong limiters, imo. Its clearly better than having verbal and somatic components, but not that much better.
Yes I know, it's kind of cheesy, but I want to make one that is PFS legal. Is it possible to do it without taking the Beast Rider Cavalier archetype, or being a halfling/gnome?
Near as I can figure a druid's bear starts small and then become medium. if I'd want to ride him I'd have to be a small race and be level four. If I went Beast Rider I'd have to be level 7 before the bear is on the list.
Is there another way?
Alchemists do it with a bang.
Barbarians do it with extra vigor.
Bards do it on stage.
Cavaliers do it on horseback.
Clerics do it with blessings.
Druids do it in many forms.
Fighters do it in heavy armor.
Gunslingers do it at range.
Inquisitors do it to better surve their god.
Magi do it with both hands.
Monks do it while at peace.
Ninjas do it and then disappear.
Oracles do it even with a curse.
Paladins never do it with evil.
Rangers do it in the woods.
Rogues do it from behind.
Samurai do it with great honor.
Sorcerers do it spontaneously.
Summoners do it with their Eidalon.
Wizards do it after studying.
Witches do it in covens
Almost one year ago last Friday I played in my first PFS scenario. It was Midnight Mauler and was run by Eric Britain. I was grouped with a Half-Orc cleric of Pherasma, a halfling sorcerer, and two others, both of whom I've not play with since. I was playing a Half-Orc barbarian who was sent with the cleric and the sorcerer to help protect them from physical harm.
Today, Bark-Tarr has reached level 12. It's bitter/sweat moment. To look back over the last year. Of all the people I have met and the stories that I have to tell. A first for me in an RPG. Most of my home brew games never made it past 4th. I have fought goblins, elves, and dragons, and have even needed to bite my way out of a sea serpent's throat. I have been in games where I have been mostly useless and where Subtlety, Remedy, and Reason (the names of my Greatsword, Lucerne Hammer, and Naginata) have been the keys to survival. I have been scared that we were about to face a TPK and have eaten cookies as my actions. And now I face the Eyes of the Ten with hope and fear.
I want to thank all of the GMs that have run games for me, the players who have sat at a table with me, both groups putting up the antics of a character who's taken a few to many head shots with grace and the humor that was intended. I would like to thank those authors and rules checkers that made the games tough, fair, frustrating, and most of all fun. And while I have been the face of Brok-Tarr, a name known up here in Western Washington, it was my friend and roommate Kyle Elliott who was instrumental in the flesh and bones of the character sheet.
Thank you all,
Erik Bridge
TPO Brok-Tarr Level 12 Half-Orc Barbarian, Cheliax, Worshipper of Lord Oog-nay the God of Healing Brok-Tarr