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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 97 posts (105 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Ron Lundeen wrote:

I suppose Auberon spent his time doing whatever incredibly long-lived NPCs have done with their time: obsessing unhealthily over their plans. Or maybe spending a lot of time texting each other about it. "Hey, Rovagug, Auberon here. Still imprisoned, big guy? Ha ha. Still waiting on those genocide tips from ya, ya big ol' force of destruction."

More seriously, the tumbledown nature of the flooded tower is intentional (as is the fact that Auberon hasn't even been back to his mortal bedroom); it shows that Auberon thinks such concerns are so far beneath him that he doesn't even notice that they're missing/falling apart/wholly unused, etc. It demonstrates colossal arrogance. (Similarly, not going to the PCs right at first to say "how about a deal, kids" and instead requiring they fight their way right to his literal doorstep to get his attention is part of this same arrogance.)

Regarding how far his genocidal purge has gone, that's not as critical to the overall story, so it can be much larger if you think necessary to establish him as a genuine threat. Alternatively, have you ever heard of the aquatic elleshthu or nollenom races? No? It's because Auberon started with them, and wiped them out completely!

Ron, thank you for your thoughts on the inner workings of Auberon. Have you ever expanded upon your ideas of the ellleshthu? Or the nollenom races? I would enjoy hearing more about these.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
tet325 wrote:

Personally I use the online PDF to JPG converter from Smallpdf and then choosing the extract single images option. I think an offline solution might be Abode Acrobat Reader. On Abode Acrobat you select an image, right click, select copy image and then paste it somewhere. Hope that helps.

Thank-you, tet325, SmallPDF is exactly what I needed, what a helpful tool!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Wow! Great job!

Thanks, Adam!

Does anyone know of a way to access the NPC portraits that are part of the art work in the first two books of the adventure path?

My goal is to have an NPC card consisting of a brief description and portrait for every NPC listed in my original post. I think it will help my players connect better.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Corvus began a list of the NPCs in this adventure path in the Flooded Cathedral. I have been working on the same premise and made a compilation that starts in #122 The Lost Outpost and carries through to #123 The Flooded Cathedral.

To begin with there are 14 names given by Adam Daigle on page 3 of The Lost Outpost #121
• Antwyn Malros
• Carethet Maluis
• Frel Tanboor
• Gaege Murani
• Herbert Koors
• Hondrew Ghellen
• Kalcora Weems
• Kulena Sprads
• Machi Valenth
• Palodina Orbonth
• Sanch Celan
• Tesswyn Nalbocht
• Tipps Kreggan
• Ylatina Xo

Then we have the 10 named “Colonists and Expedition Members” listed from page 61 to page 69 in The Lost Outpost #121. (^ = replaced by a Faceless Stalker)
• Alba Divenvaar ^ (also found on p. 36 & 61, also in #122 p. 10, 11, 47, 53 & #123)
• Anya Sandstrider (also found on p. 37 & 62)
• Carver Hastings ^ (also found on p. 39,40, 43 & 63, plays a major role in #122 & #123)
• Eamon Caranth (also found on p. 15, 32 & 64, also #122 p. 53)
• Harcourt Carrolby (also found on p. 28, 37, 38, 39 & 65, portrait p. 37, also in #122 p.54,55)
• Kurvis Nurpico (also found on p. 15, 32, 38 & 66, also #122 p. 53)
• Luetin Calewick (also found on p. 38, 39 & 67, also #122 p. 13 side quest, p. 54 & 55)
• Lyra Heatherly (also found on p. 35, 36 & 67, colony’s cartographer, also #122 p. 6, 13 side quest)
• Perrell Beys (also found on p. 28 & 68, mentioned in #122 p. 6)
• Ramona Avandth (Leader of the Second Wave, ongoing role. Portrait on p. 8)
The page then states that there are “about six full time soldiers among the colonist” on p. 69, followed by their stat block.
• Six (unnamed colonial soldiers)
On page 69 it states: “There are 36 other colonists besides the PCs and the names NPCs. They include 8 farmers (some of whom belong to extended family), 11 carpenters, and 17 individuals with enough general skills to be assigned as needed. Faedwyr Trundlebrook (see p. 28) and Milo Cattendbury (see p. 35) are examples of Standard Colonists.”
• Faedwyr Trundlebrook (see p. 28 & 69)
• Milo Cattendbury (see p. 35, 36 & 69)

Now in order as found in The Lost Outpost #121
• Antona Sedgewick (see p. 28)
• Daib Joiner (see p. 32, also #122 p. 13 side quest)
• Geoff Tamor (see p. 32)
• Milo Cattenbury (see p. 35)
• Rayland Arkley (see p. 53-55, 58 & 59, leader of First Wave, possibly redeemed? For my game purposes I will keep him around.)
• Eliza Haniver (See p. 53-57, NPC foil who may be held prisoner or killed?)

NPCs introduced in Into the Shattered Continent #122 that were originally part of the Second Wave of colonists.
• Soran Vigaldo ^ (see p. 9-10)
• Medrinnah Harleau (see p. 9 & 10, teenage daughter of Sighra)
• Sighra Harleau (see p. 9, mother of Medrinnah, colonial soldier)
• Irvin Lourdein ^ (see p. 10, 11 & 12, farmer)
• Andvara Jeclair ^ (see p. 10 & 11, wealthy business woman, has family members?)
• Kereda Harper ^ (see p. 11)
• Eskelda Terredin (see p. 11, 12 & 54, weaver & 5th level adept (access to divine spells) “hedge witch” p. 12)

In Part 3: In the Grasp of Strangers, p.51 it states that, “The exact number (of faceless stalkers replacing colonists) is left indefinite, but there are at least as many faceless stalkers as are encountered in this section of the adventure.”
• 6 faceless stalkers in encounter M. Broken Masks
• Encounter N. Burning Ship Supply 4 faceless stalkers
• Encounter P. Thanaldhu’s Last Stand; Thanaldhu has replaced Carver, plus 4 faceless stalkers
At the end of encounter M. on page 53 it states that, “Many (faceless stalkers) simply assume their natural form and flee town, abandoning Thanaldhu and Onthooth.”

Ramona, Kurvis and Eamon are attempting to save colonists at the same time as the PCs deal with the final encounters. It doesn’t state that these three are in direct combat with faceless stalkers, just that they are trying to save colonists which could take the shape of healing, putting out fires, calming people down. Then there are the colonists in encounter O. Accusations! who are looking for faceless stalkers to fight. Again is doesn’t say that they are in combat with any intruders. So at least 15 faceless stalkers encountered (including Thanaldhu) and since many (which is defined as a majority, a greater number) faceless stalkers fled we can assume that at least 31 colonists have been replaced by the end of the adventure. More if we add numbers to the final encounters.

From the starting 50 colonists (suggested on page 61 of The Lost Oupost) there would be at least 24 left. The following named NPCs: Anya Sandstrider, Eamon Hasings, Harcourt Carrolby, Kurvis Nurpico, Luetin Calewick, Lyra Heatherly, Perrell Beys, Ramona Avandth, Medrinnah Harleau, Sighra Harleau, Eskelda Teridin, Antona Sedgewick, Daib Joiner, Geoff Tamor Milo Cattenbury, Rayland Arkley, and the carpenter, tanner, weaver, two famers and two colonial soldiers mentioned on pages 54-55 with Harcourt and Luetin. That’s 19 colonists and 3 of the colonial soldiers (counting Sighra as a soldier not a colonist). We still have an uncertain number of colonists who are members of Andvara Lecair’s family but we can safely assume at least a spouse and a child, for two more. If these members remain that brings us to 21.

Of the 31 colonists taken the named missing NPCs are Alba Divenvaar, Carver Hastings, Soran Vigaldo, Irvin Lourdein, Andvara Jeclair, Kereda Harper. We will find more names in The Flooded Cathedral when the party rescues prisoners.

When we open The Flooded Cathedral #122 we find “most of the colonists are busy burying bodies and repairing damages”. With fatalities our number of surviving colonists now goes down from 21 to at least 19 since bodies is plural. These could have been deaths during the attack or from wounds afterward. They could also be burying the bodies of the faceless stalkers, if we choose this route then are numbers don’t change.

Our first NPC is Cedwig Tanner on page 7, who wants to extract vengeance on the captive Thanaldhu for the loss of his family (suggesting more fatalities in the attack at the end of #122). Of the original 50 colonists we are now at 22.
We begin to get introduced to more NPCs with the investigation on page 8.
• Jacques Hughon (see p. 8, trapper)
• Colson Werton (see p. 8)
• Sandra Ganis ^ (see p. 8)
• Saymour Landis (see p. 8, & 9, former sailor)
If Jacques is the same tanner that was mentioned then we don’t need to add another colonist, and if we use Colson and Saymour as a carpenter or farmer that also does not raise our numbers. Otherwise we are now at 25.

Fast forward to page 49, “The colonists recently kidnapped by the faceless stalkers and all surviving settlers from the first wave of colonists to land at Talmador’s Bounty are currently being held in the cells.”

By encounter we find the following:
• D1, 8 mutated colonists
• D3, 1 colonist, 2 abhonimal colonists (First Wave colonists since the PCs don’t recognize these people)
o Armin (see p. 52-53)
o Jaram (see p. 52-53 abhominal)
o Celia (see p. 52-53, abhominal)
• D6, “Dozens of people cower in three cells.” P.55. “Of the original 60 colonists that arrived on the Liberty Herald (First Wave), 13 have died or were terribly mutated in Onthoths’s experiments, and a few more may have died in clashes between the PCs and colonists dominated by Onthooth.” (10 colonist from the previous encounters in D1 & D3. This leaves 37 alive from the first Wave, minus the 4 deceased members below, minus Eliza and Rayland, new total of First Wave survivors is 31). “All the colonists from the Second Wave who arrived with the PCs and were abducted by the faceless stalkers are still alive.” The ones who stand out are Carver Hastings, Alba Divenaar, Soran Vigaldo, Andvara Jeclair.including Irvin Lourdein, and Kereda Harper.

We know from the previous books that there were fatalities from the First Wave:
• Silas Weatherbee (see p.14 #121)
• Barnabus Braeton (see note on p. 21, also p. 49 #121)
• Edwin Fox (see p. 21 #121)
• Railo Lyonhart (see p. 25 #121)

Possible survivors who are named from the First Wave:
• Father Adran Felton (see p. 14, 16, 17 #121)
• Livvy Felton (see p. 16 & 17 #121)
• Una Hendrake (see p. 18 & 21 #121)
• Dulin (See note on p. 21)
• Farmer Levin (see p. 23, house has two bedrooms suggests two adults and children(?))

This leaves 6 named Frist Wave colonists of the surviving 31.

Second Wave count 28 named colonists, plus 14 from Adam’s initial introduction on page 3 of The Lost Outpost is 42 of the 50 colonists. With suggested fatalities the remaining 8 unnamed colonists, such as Sedwig Tanners family , could be written off at this point.

After the Flooded Cathedral it becomes less important for the PCs to rely on the NPCs.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Danny Atwood wrote:

Has anyone compiled a list of all the NPCs who were part of the Liberty's Herald expedition?

If anyone has a more complete list of the 60 or so original colonists, that would be helpful.

CorvusMask has compiled a helpful list. Go to Paizo Inc..

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am preparing to run this AP. All of the feedback and insights have been tremendously helpful. I have decided that I really like the idea of this being an expedition that the PC's need to apply for. Using the information I had read about the Mars-One initiative (to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars) I altered it to reflect the Bountiful Venture Companies process. It explained the three selection rounds and what it would take to be a candidate to be a colonist representing all free peoples of Andoran. I then asked each of the players to submit two characters for the adventure and I would review them and on day one of the game I would hand them which of their two characters had been chosen for the mission. I am holding onto the second character and may use them to be introduced in the next ships arrival as an NPC or have the secondary characters available in the event of a PC death. No need to explain how that character got there as they applied to join the expedition originally. I also think it might be fun to hand random secondary characters out to the players if there was a character death, they could play a character somebody else had created complete with back story.

Here's a snippet from the material I started to put together:
First Selection Round
Talmandor’s Bounty Second Wave started with 586 applicants. These 586 individuals filled out the application, which included a confirmation of their country of origin, and age. Additionally, each and every individual agreed to the legal terms and conditions of the Bountiful Venture Company, thereby officially agreeing to be part of the colonist selection program. The application procedure contained a number of hurdles that applicants had to overcome to show their commitment to the mission to Ancorato. The first was a payment of a small administration fee of 1 gold sail. These funds were used to pay The Spirit Council application management costs.

After completing the payment, applicants received access to the full application process, which included various steps divided into public and private components. The public component included submitting basic personal information, and a public testimonial in which they answered various questions about their motivations. The private component included a questionnaire consisting of open questions, a letter outlining the applicant’s motivation, along with personal information. Everyone had to complete the entire application in order to be reviewed as a candidate to move to the 2nd round. The total number of completed and submitted applications was 327.

Provided that all the steps were completed, the selection committee composed of representatives of The Spirit Council, the Andoran government and the Bountiful Venture Company reviewed the applications in order to select which applicants would proceed in the selection process. In the testimonials, the applicants answered various questions that addressed why they were applying, what kind of sense of humor they had, and why they would make a good Second Wave candidate. In the questionnaire, open questions were asked about how applicants handle difficult and stressful situations. This helped determine if the applicants seemed to understand what they were applying for and if they were sincere about settling on Mars. After the complete review, the Second Wave was left with 178 applicants from around the Inner Sea region, all vying for a place in Talmandor’s Bounty!

Second Selection Round
The 178 candidates then entered Round Two of the selection process. They were required to take a health and wellness exam conducted by practitioners from the Spirit Council. Among other things, the candidates were examined for good eyesight, general health, drug dependency, and range of motion and full function in all joints. Secondly, the candidates were required to make a publicly voiced statement before the People’s Council in Almas. This condition was implemented to confirm the candidates were willing to be open regarding their commitment to the mission. Additionally, after this phase of the selection process, all selection steps thereafter would be public. Of the 178 that entered Round Two selection, 86 candidates successfully completed these two steps and were invited for their Round Two candidate interview.

The Round Two candidate interview was a brief, carefully structured interview. The interviews were designed to screen out those who are less likely to fulfill our requirements. This interview included open questions and knowledge questions from material that candidates were required to study, including pages from the history of the Temple of Sun settlement, Talmador's Bounty First Wave and basic legends of Azlant.
The knowledge questions helped determine whether the candidate was a good learner, was able to retrieve and apply their knowledge (essential for Ancorato colonists), and was serious about the mission. The fact that the candidates had to study material also ensured that they really understood some of the dangers and risks involved in a mission so far from civilization. This involved memorizing numbers, such as how to calculate wind speeds, how much equipment is needed, and how to preserve water and food supplies.

The open interview questions helped determine the likelihood that they would be good team players – that is, to determine if they were really likely to put the team ahead of themselves. Finally, we asked a question that got people to reveal their real reasons for being part of Talmador’s Bounty. We were looking for people who really are sincere about settling on Ancorato for all free peoples.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

In the final showdown with Hakotep it suggests that he focuses his attacks on the person who has the mask wanting to reunite his ib, ba and ka. What happens if he does get the mask and reunites these things? I can't find anything in the book about it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

The description of Neferuset's chambers are reminiscent of Illithid. I am going to add an Ulitharid (noble Illithid) and possibly have it have it's own bodyguards, thinking grimlocks with monk levels. My party of six has not been challenged thus far in too many places and they will easily roll through several of the later encounters. They have already begun to speculate that the queen is the real power behind Hakotep once they found out she was an Oracle of The Dark Tapestry.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Last week my group attempted to teleport into the Akhumemnet. Two characters failed their save and were teleported into H8. Needless to say that two characters met an untimely demise wandering the halls of the Akhumemnet.

Last night the remaining party with two new recruits (also read as cannon fodder) entered the Akhumemnet wandering the ochre tunnels of solid acid fog. I have a party of six so I occasionally add a creature or encounter. I added a dread allip into the ochre passages (and don't forget about those greater dispel magic traps). As they rushed into the Hall of Final Vision to escape the acid halls one of the party members almost lost his eyes. As two Hanshepsu come down the Hall of Final Vision the parties cleric falls prey to the dread allips hypnosis and turns back into the ochre tunnels. Pretty suspenseful evening that tested the parties resourcefulness. They have used an abundant amount of resources and have only made it into the third chamber of the complex. They are feeling the pressure and each is wondering what they should prepare for their next character.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:

To progress the campaign, i would suggest to stay in the roots of the campaign. I dont' see how to properly had a "cult of Rovagug" element in the story.

I would suggest the follow:

0) give the pcs some space to enjoy themselves, being heroes and such. Sothis should become their new city of operations and the current pharaoh should have them as very trusty servants of allies.
1) make the pharaoh wife the true "power behind the throne" by making her a mummy lord too and a servant of some dread power (nyarlatothep works well for me). She could be the one pulling the string of the history by using the elemental powers of his husband bloodline to control the shory artifacts. Make here survive her first confrontation with the pcs and plot against them, gathering allies of his husband (the mega sphinx, or the lesser minions from the other pyramids).
2)put some thing of inner menace inside the pyramid of the sky pharaoh: maybe if the pyramid is deactivated, a powerful elemental force is released or a disaster may shock the entire orision. Or make it the pcs propriety and allow them to defend it against other factions (the pharaoh's wife, the cult of rovagug, the undeads from geb, a blue dragon that wishes to steal it has his throne to name some ...)
3) have the pyramid being usable to fly/go somewhere throught space and time (maybe it is needed to go to another planet, in the past or in the future) in order to oppose a dire treat (awakening of a rovagug's spawn, the coming of a kaiju), or possibly to hide it from the current powers that seeks it (surely Orision would use such a powerfull battle station against any close enemy neighbour)

Yes! You nailed the plot twist I am using with the Queen being the real power behind The Sky Pharaoh. She is after all an Oracle fo the Dark Tapestry. She is actually trying to regain control of the Shory technology. However in my story thread it is the Sacrosanct Order of the Blue Feather that has the knowledge she needs, she orders the Mythic Elder Sphinx (in the last book of the MMAP) to kidnap the governor of Tephu (and Ptemenib who is unfortunately is present during the abduction). The party needs to find where these two NPC's have been taken and need to utilize the series of gates in the Market of Souls. The clues among the "most civilized" layer of the dungeon complex that is the Pyramid of Kamaria require them to use the gates to get to the prison in the Darklands. Hence the need to interact with the Cult of Rovagug, they are not an essential over arcing plot element.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Claxon wrote:

So you want to force your PCs to be indebted to someone?

I can tell you if your players catch wind of this at all they will probably hate this. They could possibly choose to ignore whatever you do to mess with them.

That being said you need to find something that wont choose to ignore, and that is usually something that relates to the mechanics of their character, more specifically their gear.

Just be careful though. As a player it gets real old real quick when the GM messes with you by holding characters' friends/loved ones hostages or stealing characters' stuff to get you to go along with their story line.

I agree with you 110%, Claxon. I am trying to avoid the old cliche of stealing their belongings or messing with any personal relations. I don't see it working successfully and as a player not a fan of it myself. This BBG I am working on is supposed to be different, more evil mastermind.

My most recent concept since the original post is to have another NPC posing as the leader of the cult, only to have the real cult leader later save the PC's from the faux cult leader. After being saved and owing their allegiance to the real cult leader for saving them he reveals his true identity. Problem is it feels to clunky and doesn't mesh well with the rest of the story line I am developing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am developing a continuation of Mummy's Mask AP for my group. The adventure takes them into the Pyramid of Kamaria, specifically to the Market of Souls (see Dungeons of Golarion). I have decided that the Cult of Rovagug is managed by a Larabay (Bestiary 4, CR11) who is a megalomaniac that loves intrigue and orchestrating complex plans. He has stayed in power by playing power players on this level of the dungeon (and others) against each other. The story I am developing will have him fascinated by the PC's, they will be his greatest conquest ever, to the point that his obsession with them drives him to want to make them his friends. His position in a chaotic evil cult make it impossible for him to go about this in a conventional sense (he is chaotic neutral himself) without losing face or power. This adventure will focus heavily on role-playing and using rules from PF Ultimate Intrigue.

One of the angles I am struggling with is that one of his goals is to have the whole party indebted to him, without it being obvious that it was him who orchestrated the circumstance. It must look like the party is at this disposal to the rest of the denizens of this dungeon layer. At this time there are no "family" members that the PC's have to use against them, besides the thread of this story overlaps with the next in that they are searching for some kidnapped allies (who eventually are found being held in a dark elf/mind flayer prison in the 19th level installment I am writing) so I can't do more kidnapping.

Any and all thoughts or suggestions are welcome

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am developing a continuation of Mummy's Mask AP for my group. The adventure takes them into the Pyramid of Kamaria, specifically to the Market of Souls (see Dungeons of Golarion). I have decided that the Cult of Rovagug is managed by a Larabay (Bestiary 4, CR11) who is a megalomaniac that loves intrigue and orchestrating complex plans. He has stayed in power by playing power players on this level of the dungeon (and others) against each other. The story I am developing will have him fascinated by the PC's, they will be his greatest conquest ever, to the point that his obsession with them drives him to want to make them his friends. His position in a chaotic evil cult make it impossible for him to go about this in a conventional sense (he is chaotic neutral himself) without losing face or power. This adventure will focus heavily on role-playing and using rules from PF Ultimate Intrigue.

One of the angles I am struggling with is that one of his goals is to have the whole party indebted to him, without it being obvious that it was him who orchestrated the circumstance. It must look like the party is at this disposal to the rest of the denizens of this dungeon layer. At this time there are no "family" members that the PC's have to use against them, besides the thread of this story overlaps with the next in that they are searching for some kidnapped allies (who eventually are found being held in a dark elf/mind flayer prison in the 19th level installment I am writing) so I can't do more kidnapping.

Any and all thoughts or suggestions are welcome!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
TomParker wrote:

I'm looking at the encounters inside the Five Pointed Sun. How did you handle the fang keys? It sounds like as soon as they are removed the passage reconfigures, given the reflex save to make it through.

So how does anyone walk this passage without leaving the fang key inserted? Or is the other end of A6 essentially the same place you started but on a different level, so you can remove your key after traversing the passage. Seems like some weird dimensional stuff going on here.

My interpretation from the passage, "if the tunnel is traversed without a fang key, the passageway simply comes to a dead end after the explorer travels approximately 60 feet." is that when the PC's first get to the tunnel they find it a dead end.

Once they decipher the need for the fang keys (found on the Voices of the Sun)they can choose to place one key in any socket orienting the passageway in the determined direction.

As for the passage movement I interpreted that to mean if they were 60 feet into the passageway when it shifted then they would need to make the saves, otherwise standing in the entry would not require anything while the passageway further on re-configuring.

The PC's would need to exit each level by coming back through the Serpent's Path and then insert a different fang.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

My group has returned to The Parched Dunes after a break to play the first installment of Giant Slayer. They are a party of six, and only at level 9. I am running every encounter outlined in the parched dunes plus several "random" encounters like the Troubled Waters and Threshing Floor encounters from the Perilous Wastes at the back of the book (thank-you to the authors for great materials in addition to the adventure.)One of the random creatures the party fought were two advanced bullettes that had been crossed with the Shasalqu from the Half-Dead City bestiary (a lizard that transforms heat into cold)and I took the Living Sandstorm from the Bestiary for the Slave Trenches (party had to flee that encounter).

Looking forward to the Sightless Sphinx as it looks like it will be a real dungeon crawl of epic proportions. The size and randomness seems to be a big part of the tension of Part 3. How has everyone managed the mapping in this portion of the adventure? Have you made a player the party mapper old school style? Have you drawn out the entire map? Have you used tiles?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

In regards to getting permission to be in the libraries my group followed the rules up until the last day in The Vault of Hidden Wisdom. They were tired of Muminofrah and her childish behavior, and decided it was in their best interest to skip asking for permission to squeeze out the last bit of knowledge (hidden in the rotunda). As they came to the intersection past the pit trap a golden beam of light filled the area and there stood an Inevitable Zelekhut, chastising them for seeking forbidden knowledge and promising to send them back to the anarchic realms they serve. One knowledge the planes check later the group decided to immediately leave the library and go see Muminofrah.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

My group defeated Nebta and the paladin is now wearing the Mask. Treasure seems to be a little light for this installment so we will be taking the next game night to allow them to wrap up any loose ends, explore areas they have not, kill off any remaining undead.

Some thoughts so far:
-Revisit Shardizhad in her lair, trade out some of their jewels for more expensive magic items.
-Undead versions of the unfortunate adventuring parties who did not fair so well in the Necropolis exploration from the Half Dead City, having been raised by the ka pulse.
-Old Eye Taker (since he has the deathless quality meaning after they defeated him he rose again.
-The party has come to both loathe and fear festrogs, so I was thinking of an advanced unique festrog leading a pack of advanced festrogs.
-Forgotten Pharaoh cultists doing their best to recover the mask, perhaps a well equipped cell.

Does anyone have any suggestions other than just dolling out the appropriate treasure for their level?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Okay, here's a questions that has been bugging me. Nebta has been busy in the Sanctuary of the Goddess's Hand, which was originally "protected by a powerful hallow effect that prevented [Shepses] corpse from animating and Nebta has spent most of his time unweaving the holy magic that protected the priest's body, destroying the hallow effect."

I remembered a thread I read a while back that talked about the whole removal of hallowed vs unhallowed: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2kvsc?To-ununhallow-an-area#1

My question (Crystal Frasier or Rob McCreary) is how did Nebta manage such an act?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Grey Alchemist wrote:

What is the dimensions of the battlefield in the fight with Ajin Ra Baqa and his "dogs" in Event 4?

Knowing that Ajin's favorite tactic is to fight from the Wing, the dimensions of this battle should be supportive of his tactics.

I was thinking 50 x 50 x 30 high, as a congregation space within the Grand Mausoleum. But I wanted to see if I was missing something in the module.

When I ran this I had it take place on the steps of the Grand Mausoleum, I couldn't see this taking place inside.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am preparing for the Chariot Race and reading up on "vehicles" in the Ultimate Combat Guide pages 170-180. It states the following:
Driving Check: When a driver takes a driving action, she must make a driving check to determine the maneuverability and speed of the vehicle that round. The vehicle's propulsion determines what skill is used for the driving check. A driver can always make a Wisdom check in place of a driving check. The base DCs for all driving checks are DC 5 and DC 20. Use the lower DC when the driver is not in combat and the higher DC when the driver is in combat.
My question in regards to this race; can any character use a wisdom check in place of any of the other represented checks for these race cards? Or are the variant Chase Rules from GameMastery Guide somehow altering the drive check?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I put together a soundtrack for the half-way point, inspired by @Darthgaul original Grooveshark play list. This is comprised of Senmuth, Arcana, Hossam Ramzy and Philip Glass. Still has a desert feel, some Egyptian influence and some epic movie soundtrack feel to it.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Phineas where is your group in the AP? They have been to Tephu already?! That's pretty incredible.

I would use some NPC's like Sebti the Crocodile (or one of the other significant NPC's) to fill them in on some background info about the Plague of Madness. It truly holds no bearing on the final outcome of the AP.

The undead rising quickly becomes obvious that there is a source of great power emanating from the Necropolis, as the Church of Pharasma becomes involved. Your party should become so occupied with dealing with the uprising that they will have little time for anything else. Once they meet with Sebti, Pteminib and Nakht Shepses it will become clear what they must do.

Finally, I would ask if the players characters would actually think that way. If they are native Osirions then what is the line of thought that the character has. If they are not native then there is little chance they would go down that path. You have every right to question their actions and motivation.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

As Talos the Talon mentioned, knowledge skills play a incredibly significant role in this campaign.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

We are on the verge of Part 3 of Empty Graves and my players have said this is the best adventure they have played in for some years. They are committed to the story line and their characters. They love the mystery of the story line, the diverse NPC's and the unique feel that the writers have created.

It has been challenging for them, a very close TPK when they were at Windward Wends Oil Company and faced The Fading members, Bheg and the parties paladin was on the roof fighting Velriana in her revenant form. Needless to say a 5th level paladin has a hard time solo against a CR6 creature, especially when the dice are in the favor of the GM. Four other NPCs, no melee characters and things went bad quickly. I used Quasin who had established a relationship with the paladin early on to heal him and it balanced the scales.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I think your gut instinct is a good one. Velriana and her cohorts are going to suspect that the PC's might have been one step ahead of her. In my experience it is important that your players search the lower levels of the temple and perhaps have The Scorched Hand ambush them there, after the PC's have gotten past the guardian. Remember that Velriana is still controlling the Akhat unless the party finds the keystone.

Either way your party should have the chance to exact revenge on Velriana, her death is a fun component to an encounter in the next installment. In my campaign it even went so far as the temple of Nethys (a major religious influence in Osirion) considering the PC's to be criminals for invading the Temple and killing faithful servants of Nethys.

Good luck, and remember to have fun with it!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
PhineasGage wrote:

I found the multiple encounters listed sequentially (by necessity) but playing out in a non-sequential manner to be a bit confusing.

Add to this the red herrings, and I began to lose track of what the paths the PCs could take.

To make things a bit easier for myself, I created a visual map of the encounters. It's not super accurate and not always clear, but I know it's helping me understand connections between sites and encounters at a glance, rather than flipping around through the book, or scrolling through the pdf.

I've published the google docs Wati First Events, and Wati Second Events, in case others would like to use them or are interested in making something similar (since deciphering my own map could be tough if you didn't build it).

For me, it allows the PCs to have a non-linear approach to the problem, while allowing me to have a connected sequence of events quickly at hand!

Great charts Phin, thank-you for sharing!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Cintra Bristol wrote:
john wood wrote:
Is it possible for the PC's to narrow down the location of Nefra with two operating elegiac compasses? I am looking at the map of the Necropolis and it would seem that the small area two of the compasses would easily bisect right over the Temple.
Yes, I think this would work. However, if I remember correctly, there is only one elegiac compass that is possibly repairable, so the PCs will need to locate and obtain that one, and then fix it, to be able to do this.

You are right Cintra, my objective was to allow the party to follow their own path in the Necropolis. In the notes that lead up to Part 2 it is suggested "Don't be afraid to go off the beaten track, changing [things] to alternative strategies. Perhaps the PC's decide to repair enough elegiac compasses to triangulate the location, in which case the parts they need may be in the hands of the dark slayer, concealed in the Pyramid of Arithmetic Bliss or possessed by the undead revenant. Or they make a deal with the ghouls of Acrid Street, (etc.)"

Knowing my group I was prepared for them to go after all options in regards to the compasses, and they did. They have repaired one and are about to set out tonight on repairing the one at The Shiny Bauble. Once they get that up I am assuming it will be a b-line to the Sepulcher.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Is it possible for the PC's to narrow down the location of Nefra with two operating elegiac compasses? I am looking at the map of the Necropolis and it would seem that the small area two of the compasses would easily bisect right over the Temple.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Reviewing the options for "Continuing Campaign" and looking at Ulunat Stirsi outlined on pages 64 & 65. Under special attacks it lists disease but no indication in the stat block or description as to what that is. Any input availabile?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Just an update, I added the Ahkhat in the hall leading to the chamber and Mad Dog Marnn to the Scorched Hand as a cavalier 2/ranger 2 on his dog. Having pushed straight through the Sanctum the PC's were somewhat wearied and used half their resources. It was a tense combat but much more thrilling than the Scorched Hand as they are written.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am wondering if anyone has used a higher level Scorched Hand party? At the current levels four of these NPC's will go down in under four rounds against my current PC party of six. If so would you be willing to share and if you ran a higher level how did it go?

As a side note I get that The Scorched Hand isn't supposed to be a big challenge, and it could be a great opportunity for the party to feel heroic. Knowing my group they will be disappointed with the current stats and the subsequent fight. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

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Rob McCreaCrystalOTE="Crystal Frasier wrote:
john wood wrote:
I am looking for information on the raging shade on page 17. I understand that it is an advanced shadow, but not sure what raging has to do with it unless its just colorful descriptive text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
"Raging" is just a descriptive term; it's not a special class of monster.
What Crystal said: "Raging Shade" is more exciting than just saying "Advanced Shadow," even if that's all it is.

Thank-you so much Crystal and Rob, I often feel silly asking questions about things like this. Your quick responses are greatly appreciated, please don't ever think your work isn't significant to our community.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am looking for information on the raging shade on page 17. I understand that it is an advanced shadow, but not sure what raging has to do with it unless its just colorful descriptive text. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Jim Groves wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:
Small question: would pulling the gold leaf off of the tombs be considered desecration by the Church of Pharasma? Because I notice the module includes information on how much gold could be removed by doing this... but I'm not sure if that was considered desecrating the resting places.
That's a good question. I will give you my opinion, even though I wrote it and I deliberately made it vague. I don't think there is a correct answer, other than how the GM feels about. If confronted with it: I think the Church would cringe, make a face, and consider it a minor violation. I don't the Goddess herself would mete out any punishment or withhold spells over it—that doesn't mean she won't frown at the thought while sitting on her throne. I don't think the Ruby Prince would care at all.

How refreshing Jim Groves, to hear the response "I don't think there is a correct answer, other than how the GM feels about." One of the things lost in our more current/modern format of roleplaying is that there seems to be a rule for everything, and hence the arguments ensue.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I would have to say it's a tie so far between the encounter with Darl's party in LoLR and the first fight with Brazzamel in KoTR. I greatly buffed and optimized the red dragon.

I ran the encounter with Darl as suggested, at a moment when you're party might be at it's weakest. Not only had they spent much of their spells but the group seperated in the Den of Harrowdroth, and in wind walked Darl and his (in my opinion) coolest NPC party ever! Things turned ugly very quickly, without my using The Hand of Vecna to his utmost potential. Darl took all of the items for the required quest, plus pretty much all of the parties best gear, and left them alive. They had a whole new respect for Darl that lasts even now into 21st level when he still plays a major role.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
armnaxis wrote:
We'll see how that goes *evilgrin*

Well, how did it go? Must tell!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Well, Lich Loved it sounds like you handled the situation brilliantly. I have a group of rather savvy players, who are crafty about spell usage and creative about resources. I have not encountered the issues you have encountered with the use of etherealness or wind walk.

Which brings me to my point, as good as the writers are at Paizo they cannot prepare for every method players might use, even if it is basic core spells. Have I met with some similar circumstances in running AoW? Absolutely! Have the players tried "signature tactics"? Yes, but only for so long before the situation, environment, or bad guys adapt and create new obstacles (as you have so deftly done) to those tactics forcing them to change their approach.

Did Necrozyte survive? I hope so, such a cool dragon! If so then he can pass on information as to the groups tactics, perhaps even taunt the party about the fact that he "knows" their tactics. Suddenly dargons are casting wind gust or other spells that foil those well laid plans.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Turin the Mad wrote:

The Spell Compendium provides a great many nasty, nasty spells that Kyuss can make use of. One of these is Greater Consumptive Field. I would have Lashonna fire off a rod-extended time stop of her own, summoning vast hordes of low-hp mook times that are to remain at the upper edge of Kyuss' greater consumptive field. Get, say, 30 or so mooks flapping around in the air above Kyuss' noggin. Lashonna can also arrange - combined with gating in the much tougher critters that you have mentioned - to 'transport in' support critters such as various higher-end fiends, the cleric worm critters and so on.

Once Kyuss is able to act, have him zap the 30 'back ground' squid bats that are 'decorative' and not in the characters way with a quickened mass inflict of sufficient damage output as to insta-kill the lot. Slurp 30 critters' worth of bonuses from the greater consumptive field, THEN proceed to stomp on the characters. As other mini-onions buy the farm, Kyuss gets MORE bonuses. Anything that the characters slaughter while Kyuss benefits from that field is to Kyuss' benefit. If possible, have that field widened via another rod in a pocket. Combined with an anti-life shell he can pick and choose his melee targets, once he runs out of mass harms, implosions and the like to soften them up with. He and any allies should work to obliterate the support critters that the characters have - especially...

See, that's "optimizing" Kyuss! Being a rooky high level spell caster this seems a lot to keep track of, but highly effective. That could get ugly really fast. I will dig deeper into your suggestion and see what I can do with it, thank-you!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Rathendar wrote:
My only input (because groups vary extremely with 'typical' damage output, tactics and style) is that the astral/plane shift stuff should not be used because if i recall the whole purpose of Tensor/Manzorian etc etc operating in the background was to have all planar shifting and related effects not work for Kyuss and those who worship him which is what gives the PC's the chance to kill him in the first place. So astral contingency should be right out. I know the blessed angels can still teleport/etc because they don't worship Kyuss himself, but they were listed as a specific exception.

Thanks Rathendar for your input, I thought of that too. However in the module it leads me to believe that Manzorians dimensional lock only last one week, and "Once Kyuss emerges as a god, the effects of this spell quickly become meaningless. Certainly it'll help keep his other minions form calling upon aid or escaping."

I am going to play it that once Kyuss emerges that spell is null and void.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
armnaxis wrote:

Spell Immunity only works against spells that are SR=yes; so Spell Immunity: Greater Dispel Magic is out. Kyuss biggest fear should be Mordenkainen's Disjunction, anyways. That, and pesky adventurer's gear is seriously f*ed by antimagic field, centered on self. Remember, "artifacts and deities are unaffected by mortal magic such as this", so he still could use his divine blast, his artifacts, possibly his spells, and under very liberal interpretation even his buffs.

Also, he should be able to use miracle to good effect; for instance heal himself and allies from all afflictions or such. Or infest all in Alhaster at once, so that the PCs have only 2d4 rounds to prevent total desaster when the worms reach all brains...

If you want to keep his class level, hit dice, divine rank and such, but change spell selection, you are "optimizing" him instead of "adding things". In that case, you might want to look at feats, too. He qualifies for some very nice epic feats, such as spell stowaway (time stop) and/or Multispell. Epic Spellcasting is also nice, if you want to develop your own unique signature spell for him.

Good luck and have fun! Oh, and please post your vict... err, findings.

Doh! Thanks, everyone, for clarifying the Spell Immunity for me. We've been using it wrong.

I had contemplated the anti-magic field, and will keep that suggestion in mind. I REALLY like that evil idea of using Miracle to infest all of the brains in Alhaster!

I am committed to sticking with Kyuss being stripped due to the events the party put so much energy into. Besides, if he can tan their hides without his Divine "extras" then that makes him even more fierce-some.

Yes, optimizing him is my goal. Thanks for clarifying that. I am not a player/DM who uses spell casters very often or even very effectively. So this is a big learning curve. The more I delve into the use of things outside of the 3.5 PHB the more my head spins. So, I have tried to K.I.S.S. Keep It Silly Simple.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
armnaxis wrote:

I like gating in the wormdrakes. Good, flavorful beasts. The dream larva (epic monster from SRD) might suit your taste as well.

Do not forget to buff death ward! You don't want to fail on a nat 1 to destruction or slay living, and enervation might give you headaches otherwise.


As of right now the party believes Kyuss to be undead, I can say with confidence that they haven't prepared any negative energy spells. Is there any other reason you feel I should prepare for this alternative?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Lathiira wrote:
Kyuss looks like he's going to spend the whole fight on defense. There's some magic for support of his minions in there, but when is he going to actually kill the PCs? Nine rounds gives your party a lot of time to do in his minions and then turn around and focus on him if they have to. Sure, his defenses will be great, but when the PCs have a sphere of annihilation, even prismatic sphere isn't going to be enough to save you.

Thanks for your input. The nine rounds I have outlined are under Time Stop. The PCs won't be able to act for those nine rounds and Kyuss can't cast offensive spells in those nine rounds per the spell description. He will certainly go on the offensive once this opening salvo is done.

I am counting on that a Disjunctioned mage won't be focusing on the Sphere as much as his "Oh Sh*t!" response once all of his spells have been stripped. (And the rest of the party is losing their buffs.)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
wraithstrike wrote:

I am assuming they have the talisman of the sphere. If someone were to use Telekensis to remove the talisman and bring it over to Team Evil's side, things might get interesting, but if the holder of it has really high will saves then I would not worry about it that idea. I would however procure a rod of cancellation to get rid of the sphere itself.

If the party has 7 players and its only Kyuss and Lashonna then economy of actions still puts them in a lot of trouble. I would have some lesser bad guys there to even things out. They should not be BBEG level, but they should be enough of a threat that the party can't just ignore them. That stops the party from focusing fire on Lashonna or Kyuss because that is what I would do if I were a PC. I know you have Kyuss bringing in other monsters, but that means Lashonna is on her own for the time being. That is a waste of a really good ally.

Yup, they have the Talisman and the Sphere. I am very concerned about how this is going to play into the scene. I plan on having Lashonna working with her Pit Fiend and calling in at least three more Blessed Angels, one of them will be equipped with a rod of cancellation, (someone else on the boards use this idea and I like it.)

I am figuring the use of two Wormdrakes, a pit fiend, and the Blessed Angels will be enough to have the party needing to spread their resources. And if the need arises Darl can take advantage of the situation and turn on the party >:-)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I am playing in one week; the final showdown with Kyuss! Anyone who can tear down and rebuild my plans that would be great! I have 4 players/4 NPC's all 20+ level, with a sphere of annihilation, and the Hand of Vecna, using the core rule books and the Spell Compendium as books. Is there a better way to prepare Kyuss, RAW?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Wraithstrike, thank-you! The wall of force would have to come from somewhere. And since (I invoke the great name) James Jacobs has said, and I quote; "Kyuss can't cast spells out of the monolith." it would be difficult to reason the WoF in the final encounter. Thanks for saying things looked pretty tight for Kyuss thus far. I look forward to your more coherent response :)

Tip-Sniffer, Mr. Snorting, I agree about the splat books. However my group only uses the core books plus the Spell Compendium. My players are of the utmost quality (though they lack in quantity)and have up to this point played a VERY good game.

I hope you enjoy the arena half as much as we did. Part of me wishes the flavor of the game continued in this vein for the rest of the campaign. Another part of me truly appreciates the diversity the path offers. If you need any help with the arena or the adversaries I have saved everything I have done and found valuable from the boards, let me know I can forward you what I have.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

In case anyone is thinking, "Geez, is he trying to kill his players?" The answer is no. In the past I have thought that using an NPC to it's fullest potential would be somehow dangerous or result in TPK, they always seem to pull out of it. Or worse, they make it look way to easy.

If things start to go awry, and the party begins to crumble I have a back up plan. Prince Zeech sees his opportunity and comes to "save the day". By himself he won't add much to the fight but he could bring along his own "adventuring party" to solidify his position as sovereign ruler. I think this will add to the flavor of the final ecnounter with the Prince of Redhand at the end of the module.

Also, they have Darl there with them. He's not necessarily on thier side, afterall he is still a "BBG" in his own rights. So if the fight swings too far in the parties favor he could take advantage of the opportunity in his own right. Or converesely he could call in his old adventuring party from LoLR, most of them survived, if Kyuss kicks too much mortal a$$.

I just want an Epic fight with Kyuss, not the disappointment I have read about so many times on the boards.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I have read many threads that Kyuss was pretty much whooped. I have read some where the DM has changed or fudged Kyuss to make him better. My goal is to use him as written, change a few of his spells
and make him the worst nightmare any of the players have ever met.

So first things first Kyuss won't have to be alone since the party failed to destroy Lashonna ;) That is key to him surviving more than four rounds. The module as written has him taking two rounds to emerge from the monolith before he can take any actions. With events the party has taken the writers have had him stripped of his level 1 deity status and reduced to a 0 level deity. He would be left with 660 HP Dr 10 Epic (which the party is) His AC would be 38, Spell Resistance of 40 and saves in the 30's. No special immunity's to speak of. He's not undead, (which should take the party by surprise) he is an aberration, and definitely evil.

His spell casting abilities are great! If he can get them off. His attacks were nerfed so his attacks with a +5 vorpal unholy vicious executioner's mace, for a ECL 30, are +26/+21/+16/+11, come on! He's supposed to be a God!

I am going to allow him to have a metamagic rod of maximize.

My plan as it stands now are to have him cast a maximized (rod) Time Stop!
Round 1: Cast Shapechange. He would then Shapechange into a Chronotryn for duel actions.
Round 2: Gate in two Wormdrakes (from the tabernacle of worms (these things are 20HD, have greater dispel as a spell like ability and are pretty tough)). Prismatic Sphere. Quickened Spell Immunity, (30 levels = 7.5; one 8th lvl spell) against Greater Dispel Magic
Round 3: He casts a Contingency that goes off if he is ever unable to act for any reason. This Plane Shifts him to the Astral Plane. Maximized Spell Turning reflects 10 spell lvls back at caster. Quickened Displacement 50% miss chance.
Round 4: Unholy Aura; +4 deflection to AC +4 to resist bonus to saves for all creatures (wormdrakes, lashonna and balor) w/ in 20' radius. Time Stop, (again)
Round 5: Summon Monster I (100 ft down in spire) Fiendish Monstorous Spider, small. Misdirection; misdirect information from divination spells that reveal aruas (party mage's Arcane Sight) sees Kyuss as aforementioned spider.
Round 6: Phase Door on monolith as an escape route. Permanency on Phase Door.
Round 7: Obscure Object on Monolith hides it from party mage's Arcane Sight. Moment of Prescience; +25 on any roll. Quickened Shield
Round 8: Maximized Mirror Image eight images. Iron Body DR 15/adamantine +6 to STR -6 to DEX. Quickened Divine Agility, (Spell Compendium) +10 enhancement bonus to DEX
Round 9: Haste; Wish, self and all allies go top of intitiative order next round. Shapechange back to self, Quickened Harm.

Time Stop over. Kyuss uses Mordenkainen's Disjunction centered on party mage(s). All allies hit the remaining party members with targeted Greater Dispel Magic.

Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy...

The party has about 7 PC/NPC's all level 20 or higher. Very resourceful group. They have the Sphere of Annihilation, Darl Quethos with the Hand of Vecna and a I believe two wishes left to use. They will be coming at Kyuss fresh.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Almost two years later, but thank-you Pygon!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Thanks Jeremy! Yes, Filge survived. The list above is only the NPC's that have survived in my campaign.

Yes, Lashonna is a given. And I had completely forgotten that Celeste makes an appearance in STAP.
