
ThreeCrows's page

20 posts. Alias of Kay Barre.


Thank you thank you! Beautiful! I cannot tell you how much these have added to my campaign. Haven't gotten to play much (still in the first book, and running Masks of Nyarlathotep in CoC is taking much of my gaming time--plus job!) but my players love how gorgeous the maps are, and revealing rooms--instead of my usual drawing them on tactiles--is so much fun. I'm looking forward to printing/mounting/cutting out this set, too. Hope your game keeps you inspired to continue making them.

Huzzah! I am so excited you are finishing these! I'm just about finished with the first book. I'm hopping on PayPal now to show some love.

As a woman who started playing with the red box, I know there are plenty of women who do enjoy gaming. High school was the hardest time for me as a gamer. I could not get an invite to a game. I'd float by the table in the library where the boys were playing, and try to start a game related conversation. They'd answer, but never took a hint.

Luckily I met my husband in college as he was DMing a long home brew 2nd edition campaign. There were as many women as men in our ten-player party. We honeymooned at GenCon.

I'm running Mummy's Mask right now for a group with my husband, two sons, and two new players--both adult women. They mentioned WoW in conversation one day, so I told them about Pathfinder. Sometimes all it takes is an invite to the table.

My party just finished the Tomb of Akhentepi. After the bard ran straight into the first trap (poison darts down the hall) they became extremely cautious and managed to avoid most of the worst traps. They made some good combat choices (fire on the dolls, water on the sandling) but still struggled with the sarcophagus. Lots of fun!

Characters are:
Mahes Sekhem, human alchemist who believes he is the reincarnation of Sekhmet
Tara Hold, human wizard who is writing a pulp memoir
Andorrana Jones, human bard archaeologist played by my 10 year old son with age-appropriate impulse control, thus running straight into the first trap--he learned
Morrinth, Drow ranger, played by a first time player
Allerea Windrunner, human cleric, also a first time player

We haven't role played through the Tooth and Hookah encounter yet. I'm really looking forward to it, but I wanted the newbies to get a feel for exploration and combat before starting with a long talking bit.

What do you want to be the outcome? Continuity of gameplay, or continuing repercussions for the players?

If Deka was assassinated, it could either make it very difficult to obtain permission to enter the Vault of Hidden Wisdom (because with no mayor, the city is in an uproar and no administrative decisions are being made), or easier because a quickly appointed replacement may not have the same motive she does to prevent access. You could play it either way.

The same with an aide--they could be pro or con the PCs at your whim. It just depends on what your chosen path is.

Pulling this thread up from obscurity because there is good stuff here...

I'm just starting a Mummy's Mask campaign tomorrow. I feel pretty prepared, but there were still lots of helpful ideas above.

This will be the first time I'm using the GM D20 Pathfinder app. I liked that it was easy to import monsters from the Bestiaries, and that I could enter the PCs and track combat all in one place. We'll see how it works tomorrow.

I generally use the PFR on my iPad instead of dragging all the books out. I do save a list of bookmarks for all the monsters/spells etc. in the section of the AP I'm running.

I keep all my face cards/pawns/loot cards etc in order in card holders in a notebook. I've printed out maps, have them cut into rooms on foam core to go up as the party moves along. They are all labeled on the back in order. I use Map Packs for some other venues, and draw a few.

I also have a playlist on my iPad with music for each section, and notes in the AP so I don't forget to change the music.

captain yesterday wrote:
could someone recap what was said, its rather long and with two kids i dont have the time (i did try to listen to it, but had to give up rather quickly because of the kids)

On the Chronicles podcast, they suggested leaving a scroll of Remove Curse (or several) in the office area (B23) of the House of Pentheru, amidst the decaying books and scrolls. Provides the characters with the ability to recover after the Div without having to leave for healing they can't yet provide or afford. I'm going to plant a wand with five charges at the same location.

There's a good thread down below on this subject. I don't know how to do a link, but it's t-theme
The Anubis Gates which is mentioned is a fantastic book, though only peripherally Egyptian.

I'm just starting my campaign as well, and feel like I'm some months behind the conversation. I like to have the entire AP in hand--and I wish the pawns and face cards were out--before I start. But it seems like so much conversation happens when the first volume comes out. Glad a few others are just starting too!

bwatford wrote:

Well there is multiple ways I have seen it done.

1. I have seen the rooms and halls be cut out individual and placed down as the characters discover them. I believe when they did this however they mounted the cut out pieces on foamcore first.

Thank you so much! I mounted all the rooms on foamcore, and it looks amazing. It only took a couple of hours, and I used less than one full piece of foamcore, so it wasn't too expensive. This Sunday is my first session, and I can't wait for the big reveal. I hope you are still planning on producing maps for the rest of the AP? I'm happy to donate again for the next batch!

I love these and already donated! Question:

If you use tabletop maps like these, how do you deal with secret doors, etc? Even using paper to reveal each room, won't it be obvious that there is something behind that wall?

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I like crows. Crows are smart. They use tools.

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Matt Thomason wrote:

Yes, but a new (rewritten with clarifications and fixes, and maybe even re-done classes) edition of the rulebook, not a new version of the game.

So, because of what the majority tend to think because of the way it's been done with D&D over the years, that's a "no" in this particular vote.

I would love a fixed and revised edition of the Core Rule books that didn't make major changes, but made the bloat easier to manage. All the feats and traits in one place! All the possible classes together, maybe tweaked a bit. Again with spells, etc. Sort of an advanced version of the beginner's box.

I know that I'm probably not the perfect Paizo customer... I tend to like simplicity, but I played 3.5 for so long (and 2.0 before it) that Pathfinder was a natural progression for me. I stay for the APs and I LOVE all the support materials--pawns and maps and minis and cards. It's all so pretty! Must have all the shiny things!

But I really am just bogged down in too many new rules. I voted yes, but for a new encyclopedic and well organized core book with updates, not a rules overhaul.

Steel_Wind wrote:
Caderyn wrote:

Why is your Div acting like a melee brute?

You are primarily a debuffer and should be kiting (using your at will DDoor) to get out of sight and then slap them with at least 3 curses (-6 ST, 50% chance not to act, -6 Con, - 6 Wisdom first if they have good saves), never allow the PC's to get a full attack until you have the advantage and then pressure them when they are weakened (they get quite a few free rounds to hit him with single attacks but if you cripple the frontliners you should last at least a couple of dozen rounds).

With his DR10/Cold Iron mooks occupying the low damage melee fighters (preferably people with natural attacks so they cant bypass the DR easily), you can easily make the fight seem much more impressive despite it actually being quite easy (and low risk) for the PCs.

The risk here to the PCs is fairly low, but to the continuity of the AP itself? Very high. Chance of death is low, I'll grant you that, but the curses are permanent in duration. The cost to remove them is significant and the disruption to the AP "timer", such as it is, is also very significant as well. Food for thought.

We cover this design issue in detail in the most recent podcast review of this volume of the Mummy's Mask AP. The Div encounter is far and away the biggest potential pitfall in the Half-Dead City.

First time listener to your podcast, and enjoyed it a lot. I'm getting ready to run Half-Dead City this coming weekend. The fix for the Aghash Div you come up with is great... I'm planning on using the planted wand. Thanks for pointing out the pitfalls before I walk into them with my campaign.

Jan Schattling wrote:

The german Band "Erdenstern" has made some Background CDs, one of them named "Into the Gold".

It is really great for the AP.
You can listen into it:

Thanks for the heads up on Erdenstern! I'm getting ready to run Mummy's Mask, and this music is perfect. Plus their other albums are great as well. Into the Red for battle music, Into the White for Reign of Winter., and so many more. Wonderful!

I've thought about buying the Desert Ruins flip map for my upcoming campaign, but It seems to have limited replay ability. I already have a collection of map packs and I'm planning on using the taverns, shops, market, etc for the smaller city encounters. For the big set-pieces, I use Tact-Tiles, which have seen a lot of use in our home in the last ten years or so. I pre-draw the maps and reveal them a tile or two at a time. They were out of production forever, but there is a Kickstarter right now for a new run.

Goblin Squad Member

I imagined something like a large Campaign Coin... With a Goblin on it.

Goblin Squad Member

I had a great time watching the money roll in... Especially nice to hang out with some gamers, especially when my family went to sleep. i could only do $50, but it still felt like a shared victory.

aka Kay B.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been following this thread interestedly for a while, so I guess it is my chance to jump in.

Yes, GMs make all the difference. One who is flexible and role-playing oriented would make or break an attempt to role-play a redemptive scenario. No matter what is "written", it is your game, so play it like you want. I'm planning on running Skull & Shackles, despite my misgivings with walking the "evil" line, but I sure want someone to try to save Isabella.

However, I have to chime in with the OP that I would love to see more included redemptive themes as well. One of the things I have loved about Pathfinder adventures is that there have been many scripted ways to succeed without kill-kill-killing everything in sight. I haven't read or run all the APs (my husband calls some, I call others), but I like the alternative game mechanics that pop up in many adventures.

A good romantic subplot or two would be fun as well... very traditional narrative trope, to turn to good because you find true love.

Or would it just be too uncomfortable for most men (and I'm assuming most players are men) to role-play? I don't think my friends would have a problem with it at all. Speaking of which, this thread seemed to have more female input than most I read, going by names and comments at least.

I just picked up two boxes of the Hero's Hoard and Relics of War on sale, so I'm looking to fill out missing cards. Anyone still trading?

HH wants: 107, 104, 96, 82, 67, 57, 46, 39, 38, 37, 31, 30, 12, 11, 7, 4, 1

HH trades: 3, 5, 20, 22, 25, 28, 33, 41, 42, 44, 47, 49, 51, 53, 56, 58, 64, 66, 69, 83, 84, 88, 89, 97, 101, 105, 106

HH foils to trade: 110, 108, 107, 106, 101, 69, 64, 39, 28, 24, 10, 4

RoW wants: 93, 76, 38, 18, 13, 10, 6, 2, 1

RoW trades: 98, 91, 87, 86, 75, 70, 62, 59, 56, 54, 52, 47, 45, 41, 37, 33, 11, 9, 4

RoW foils to trade: 97, 89, 78, 58, 55, 53, 46, 38, 34, 30, 16, 2

You can reach me at PastrKay at aol dot com.

Full Name

Octavia Delphina




Rogue (Knife Fighter) or Soulknife (If allowed)






LE or LN

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Octavia 'Tavi' Delphina


“First of all, drop that ‘honor’ nonsense that you hear in the bardic songs. Fighting is about violence and killing, hopefully killing the other guy before he kills you. Especially in a close fight, those are the most personal form of death one can deal. Looking into a man’s eye and watching the life fade, while his life-blood pumps over your hand. Now girl, I know you’ve been in scrapes and maybe even killed a man or two, that counts for naught right now,” with that he opened the chest against the wall and pulled out what looked like a bundle of sticks.

“Let’s see how good you are toe-to-toe shall we,” he smirked and tossed two my way. I snatched them out of the air and am amazed at their weight. The purpose seems obvious now, these are practice ‘swords’ meant to teach without wounding. While still getting my grip settled I close the distance in a matter of moments. I double thrust low, one blade at waist height and the other at chest height, and get close enough that there is no way he can parry with his own blades. Then he simply isn’t there. One moment I have him and the next I’m on my face with the taste of blood in my mouth and a new bruise on my hip. I look back to see him casually standing there, grinning down at me.

“Nice move. Cleverly done, and with good speed. However you telegraph to anyone watching. You flick your eyes toward the target and you balance is horrible when lunging. Again.” I lift myself off the ground with just my arms, while I kick out with both feet, attempting to tangle my new Master, but he easily steps out of it and lands clean blow into my open abdomen, stealing all my breath.


I gather myself and get up. This time I take my time and we circle each other waiting, I see nothing, no opening, no hole in his footwork, nothing. With a gamble I toss one blade at him and rush in with the other. Quick as lightning he catches my blade upon his own, spins in a full circle, and tosses it back at me. It’s all I can do to raise my arm to protect my eyes and my own blade smashes into my nose. Blood fountains out as I fall back.

“Again, nicely tried but never willingly give up a weapon without first knowing that you can win without it,” he tosses me a cloth from his pocket. I vainly try to stem the flow of blood. He shakes his head, and kneels in front of me. He touches my nose and closes his eyes. There is a flash of pain and then nothing. He stands up and wipes a trickle of blood from his own nose. I gently reach up and touch mine, it’s almost fully healed, no blood, no pain. I look up in amazement. He looks down at his own blood upon his hand. Finally meeting my eye he nods.

“The way of the blade is not the only thing I will teach you, girl.” With that he assumes a ready stance and beckons me forward. A dozen more times I come at him, each time knocked, flipped, or slammed back with no gain and only a new bruise to show for my effort. Finally I toss my sticks down.

“This is pointless. There is no way I can stand up to you in an even fight!” I exclaim. He smiles at me with genuine mirth in his eyes.

“Thus you have learned the first lesson. Unless forced by circumstance, never fight fair. Now, pick up your blades and never drop them again unless death steals the strength from your limbs.” The tone in which that statement was leveled gave no doubt that this man had, and would again, kill anyone who got in his path.

The summer faded into bruise filled days, and mentally taxing nights. My days were filled with bouts and lessons, seemingly endless lessons. At first they were short, a few furious seconds. Gradually they become longer and longer. Weapons changed, from practice swords, to real. From Short blades to long swords, two-handers, maces, hammers, picks, axes both large and small, bows, hand to hand. Each had its own set of lessons for fighting with, and mostly, against. Soon the lean gutter-rat was gone and a lean alley cat stood in her place. More troubling than the days though, were the nights. Questions, always there were questions. Some seemed pointless at first. About my past, my parents, the streets. I’ve always had a quick mind but soon it was a weapon I could wield as easily as any sword. While my Master would, at times, go easy on my body, he held no such qualms upon my mind.

"The thief who cannot learn is one who cannot win” was a common phrase. I had always has a sense of coming danger, a sixth-sense as it were, during those night we turned it from sporadic guess work into something I could use. The more my mind grew the more I knew it wasn’t just luck or some divine favor, but something inside me that I could control. One night, while working on my budding powers my Master stopped me and forced me to look into his eyes.

“Remember this night, and these words. Never tell of your training. Never reveal your powers to anyone. There are those out there that fear and revile our ways. Some are jealous, some do not understand. A wizard may work for decades to achieve what you have in a single summer. Should your power be discovered, play it off as magic, something arcane, or as some tool about you. No one must learn of us here, all I promise they will come. Do you understand me girl?” I thought on what he had said, of all that he had taught and shown me and made a vow to myself. Should anyone come for him, they would have to go through me to get there. I nodded to my Master, both within and from with-out.

Four years passed like a golden summer. Then came new lessons such as disappearing in a crowd, and watching those who were supposed to be watching me. Then came the work, I learned more about thieving than I thought there was to know. In a city this size there was no end to the jobs we could pull, from bedlam in High Town, to shilling at the Docks. At the start I would just shadow or look out, but soon enough he was the one watching me, covering my back. Eventually I was taking jobs on my own name, and at time competing against my Master for the prize. For three months I spent wallowing away in the Pit, my punishment for failing to detect a guard before he detected me. That time taught me all I needed to know about the wrong end of my trade and the most important lesson of all, never get caught. Memories of that time still to this day keep me awake at night.

One moonless night, while gearing up for a job in High Town, I heard my Master call me, both with my ears and my mind. I turned, still half-dressed from long ago had there ceased to be any barriers between us. Never would we lie as lovers, but nor would I hide from him. In he walked, carrying the blackwood chest from his bed. Never in all my years with him had he opened it, although at times I could feel him thinking about it, running his hand across its smooth, featureless lid. Tonight would be different I gathered, tonight everything would change.

“Tonight you become Someone. Kneel,” he said. By the way he said Someone I knew it was important. I knelt in front of him, breath caught in my chest.

“I am Alonso Delphina, former Raven Master of the Nightwings. From this night forward you are my Talon. Gone is the girl, tonight to kneel as Octavia n’Delphina, the Raven’s Talon. Do you swear to hold true to the teachings of Ga’Ight as I have taught them?”

“I so swear.”

“Do you swear to answer the Call of Aid when summoned, to leave no mark of your passing and to always keep to the Ways?”

“I do so swear.”

“Finally, do you swear to let no one, be it man or woman, elf or dwarf, willingly into your mind, to betray our secrets and our lives?”

“I do so swear.”

“Then rise, Tavi, my Talon. Rise and receive your Mark and your Heraldry,” with that I rise and meet his eyes. Alonso, my Master for five years not knowing his name or purpose. From his side he lifts a dark ring-like object.

“This is a Mark of Ruling, granted only to those of Talon rank. There are only four others in existence, but be wary should you meet one as they will surely try to kill you. For only with a Mark of the Talon from a fallen foe can one challenge for the Rite of Master. These,” he gestures and the trunk at his feet opens to reveal a set of leathers. Black as nights, stitched with red so deep it too is nearly black. Upon the left sleeve is a silvery blue stitching of a raven in full flight. Donning them is the high point of my life, and the greatest honor I have ever attained. Below is a scabbard, also in black, also with a raven in flight stitched in slivery blue across it.

“The sword belonging to that scabbard was lost to me long ago when I left the Nightwings. It was my Mark of Raven, and was taken when I left. I give you these now, as our time has come to an end. Tonight marks the twenty-seventh year since I left, and my time has come to return. I am proud to have you call me Master, young Tavi. Never again will I train another, for never again will I meet a soul so mirroring my own. Please, do not seek me out. If you must learn more, seek out Ga’vet. As one last favor to me, please do not leave this house tonight. Meditate upon what you have learned and reflect on all that has passed. I assure you this is not our final passing, but for now it must be a parting. Fare well, May your eyes find easy prey and your wings always find the breeze.” With that, and a sad smile, Alonso bows and exits my tiny room, then our tiny house, and my life is all the more empty.

Back story Explained:
I know there are a couple things in my back story that are not typical so I will attempt to address them here. The Nightwings are guild from my home game. They are a small, ancient, old-blood guild of assassins. I make mention of a power I am developing, this is a throw to psionics, as we used them in my game. Most PbP games do not allow psionics so this can be ignored if disallowed.


Female Halfling Rogue (Knife Master) 1 | [Lawful Neutral]

Hit Points
HP 14

12 (+1)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)

Initiative +3 = 3 [Dex]


SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Acrobatics* +5 = DEX 3+0+0+2 [halfling]
Appraise +5 = INT 1+2+3
Bluff +1 = CHA 1+0+0
Climb* +3 = STR 1+0+0+2 [halfling]
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Diplomacy +1 = CHA 1+0+0
Disable Device*† +7 = DEX 3+2+3
Disguise +5 = CHA 1+2+3
Escape Artist* +3 = DEX 3+0+0
Fly* +3 = DEX 3+0+0
Handle Animal† +1 = CHA 1+0+0
Heal +2 = WIS 2+0+0
Intimidate +1 = CHA 1+0+0
K (Arcana)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Dungeoneering)† +5 = INT 1+2+3
K (Engineering)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Geography)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (History)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Local)† +5 = INT 1+2+3
K (Nature)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nobility)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Planes)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Religion)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Linguistics† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Perception +8 = WIS 2+2+3+2 [halfling]
Perform (Dance) +5 = CHA 1+2+3
Perform +1 = CHA 1+0+0
Profession† +2 = WIS 2+0+0
Profession† +2 = WIS 2+0+0
Ride +3 = DEX 3+0+0
Sense Motive +6 = WIS 2+1+3
Sleight of Hand*† +7 = DEX 3+2+3
Spellcraft† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Stealth* +11 = DEX 3+2+3+4 [Small]
Survival +2 = WIS 2+0+0
Swim* +1 = STR 1+0+0
Use Magic Device† +1 = CHA 1+0+0

* Armor Check Penalty -2

Bands of Ruling, Talon.
'Dress' Leathers, mw, black with blue/silver stitching.
Dagger x5
Comp Short Bow (+1)
Chain shirt

Base Speed [ 20 (4 sq.) ]

AC [18] = 10 + 4 [Chain Shirt] +3 [Dex] +1 [Small Size]
Touch AC [14] Flat-Footed [15]

Base Attack Bonus +1
Basic Melee Attack +5
Basic Ranged Attack +5

Fortitude Save +2 = 0 [base] +1 [Con] + 1 [Halfling Luck]
Reflex Save +7 = 2 [base] +3 [Dex] + 1 [Halfling Luck]
Will Save +3 = 0 [base] +2 [Wis] + 1 [Halfling Luck]

CMB +1 = 1 [BAB] +1 [Str] -1 [size]
CMD +14 = 1 [BAB] +1 [Str] +3 [Dex] -1 [size] + 10

Weapon Finesse

Rogue Talents
Minor Magical Trick - Acid Splash 3/day


Fencer: You trained with blades for long hours as a youth, either taking lessons in the genteel art of fencing from tutors paid for by your parents or by being taken under the wing of a disenfranchised fencer who may have turned to a life of crime. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attacks of opportunity made with daggers, swords, and similar bladed weapons.

Shadow Child: Westcrown has long suffered under a
peculiar curse, a blight that rises every night, bringing with
it fell beasts that hunt the shadows. No one can say from
whence these night-horrors come—though some blame
the mysterious wizards of Nidal, other claim that it’s some
curse laid by fallen Aroden, while still others suggest some
shadowy mastermind manipulates an ebon brood from
the depths of Westcrown’s northern ruins. Whatever the
case, the people of Westcrown have long feared the night,
but not you. You’re goal is to reclaim the darkness from
the beasts that hide within. You’ve acclimated yourself to
the dark, and thus act with greater precision in the shadow
than most. When attacking targets in areas of dim light,
you do not suffer the standard 20% miss chance on attack
rolls for being in the poorly lit area.

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 32lbs.
Medium Load: 65lbs.
Heavy Load: 98lbs.
Lift Over Head: 98lbs.
Lift Off Ground: 195lbs.
Push or Drag: 488lbs.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven.
1 Bonus Language (Int)

Special Abilities
Fearless: +2 to saves vs. fear (stacks with Halfling Luck)
Halfling Luck: +1 to all saving throws
Keen Senses: +2 Perception
Sure-footed: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb
Weapon Familiarity: slings. Any weapon with 'halfling' in its name is treated as a martial weapon.
Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin

Sneak Attack +1d8 +1d8 per 2/levels

Experience Points 0


1- Always wait for someone bigger to charge in first. Hold/Hide till they do.
2- Stealth around to flank Primary Target. Mage -> Archers -> Other Casters - > Everyone else.
3- If not stealth then always (if able) attack from flanking.
4- If out of reach take cover/hide.
5- If Hp drops hp below 1/4, withdraw and hide till healed.


Loot found: