>>Apologize to *Chris Lambertz* for ALL your Misdeeds Here!<<

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Silver Crusade

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I'm sorry for being a far s*%!tier person than most people think.

I'm sorry for ruining things for other people.

I'm almost sorry for ever coming to these boards, after all the things I keep f$&~ing up.

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Perhaps, you're hanging around the wrong places.

I've always found your opinion astute, for what it's worth. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Thanks, but you really haven't seen my bad side I guess.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Hey now, as a professional rubit, I can tell you that self-doubt really sucks, but don't get yourself down about that kinda stuff. Everyone has less-than-awesome moments—be kind to yourself :)

Silver Crusade

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
Hey now, as a professional rubit, I can tell you that self-doubt really sucks, but don't get yourself down about that kinda stuff. Everyone has less-than-awesome moments—be kind to yourself :)

Thanks, I'd like to, it's what everyone keeps telling me, and I believe them, I believe you.

But it just keeps happening. And keeps. And keeps.

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Listen to the tooth fairy, she has all my wisdom teeth.


Scarab Sages

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I'm sorry I took one of Captain Yesterday's wisdom teeth.

Silver Crusade

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captain yesterday wrote:

Listen to the tooth fairy, she has all my wisdom teeth.



I am. I'm trying to, anyway.

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You made me smile Chris.

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Conservative Anklebiter wrote:
You made me smile Chris.

That's a feint to drop your AC so it is easier to steal a tooth. ;)

Community & Digital Content Director

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Removed a post. At the risk of crossing the streams: I still don't quite understand this thread, but please do not bring drama from other threads to the weird-and-confusing-but-flattering threads that exist in Off-Topic Discussions. If you've got questions about a moderation decision, take it to Website Feedback or community@paizo.com.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Removed a post. At the risk of crossing the streams: I still don't quite understand this thread, but please do not bring drama from other threads to the weird-and-confusing-but-flattering threads that exist in Off-Topic Discussions. If you've got questions about a moderation decision, take it to Website Feedback or community@paizo.com.

Hugs Chris for no reason. Hurts self on spiky robot parts.

Sorry! Sorry! Didn't mean to bleed on you!

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Rysky wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Listen to the tooth fairy, she has all my wisdom teeth.



I am. I'm trying to, anyway.

You're a champ, Rysky.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)

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Tammy can hug Chris, she hasn't bled in centuries.

Silver Crusade

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Limeylongears wrote:
Rysky wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Listen to the tooth fairy, she has all my wisdom teeth.



I am. I'm trying to, anyway.

You're a champ, Rysky.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)

That a lot harder when that anyone is me.

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Rysky wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Rysky wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Listen to the tooth fairy, she has all my wisdom teeth.



I am. I'm trying to, anyway.

You're a champ, Rysky.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise :)

That a lot harder when that anyone is me.

That I understand, my mind is kinda "jumpy", this is my 4th paizo account, got the previous 3 closed... getting and staying stable can be hard.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Chris Lambertz wrote:
I still don't quite understand this thread,.

My take: we collectively realise you're an awesome person and make the messageboards a much better place to be (even though we occasionally cross the line and make you work harder cleaning up our mess).

Silver Crusade

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Steve Geddes wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
I still don't quite understand this thread,.
My take: we collectively realise you're an awesome person and make the messageboards a much better place to be (even though we occasionally cross the line and make you work harder cleaning up our mess).

^ This.

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Thanks again, and apologies again, for this and the associated emails.

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It helps to find a voice, I think I'd gotten my forum rights suspended early and I found out I was more popular cracking jokes.

You can blame Nobodyshome for all the aliases. :-)

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I apologize for eating all those cookies yesterday, thus invalidating all of that effort I put into working out.

I thought this thread should be used for things like this, but what do I know, it is my first post here. Not that there isn't plenty of things I could apologize for.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

It helps to find a voice, I think I'd gotten my forum rights suspended early and I found out I was more popular cracking jokes.

You can blame Nobodyshome for all the aliases. :-)

You CAN blame me, but it sure wasn't my fault. CY started before I was around to pester him!

Of course, it's better to blame Cosmo. He seems to be getting lonely in his thread...

And I'm sorry that CY is derailing your thread again, Chris. I blame his aliases entirely...

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The planted seed that grew the tree.

I honestly hadn't thought about having ALL THE MOST aliases until that moment. :-D

But yes, you can blame the aliases, once you have a hundred there's no going back.

Edit: By the way, already a third of the way there.

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I'm sorry I can't bring my fresh garden veggies to the Paizo offices, but it's a two thousand mile commute. :-(

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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm sorry I can't bring my fresh garden veggies to the Paizo offices, but it's a two thousand mile commute. :-(



I hapologise to Chris for Halias henvy, and bare calves, sah!

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Thanks agains.

I apologize for over-apologizing.

Crossposted in AMA threads: it's a Paizopaloozaganza!



Super-serious series of questions*:

* Nnnnnnope.

If you could have 1d4 ⇒ 2 different super-powers, what would they be and why?
(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 2 = 16 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) + 1 = 8 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you CR: 1d30 ⇒ 12 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels and mythic tiers on top! What are you?! (Other than "awesome" - naturally.)

Equipment is a non-issue (like adjunct super-powers; what you need to do <X> is assumed). Also note that any significant others can be brought with you.

"Official" and "Pre-published" are loose terms, but general expect something that has a solid publishing company and identifiable map/world/conceits behind it (like WotC for Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Dark Sun, Greyhawk, etc; or Green Ronin for Blue Rose, but not "True20"; or Paizo for Golarion, or the Maelstrom, or the upcoming Starfinder; but not "the Bestiaries" or "the Planes" or things like that - basically things that people can find and nerd out about with you). Similarly, if it has a solid AP out for it, that, too, is acceptable (like Legendary Planet; or any of Paizo's APs). It should probably be a d20 variant, but it can be whatever you like of those many variants (True20, Blue Rose, Paizo, 3.5, 3rd; etc.). That said, if a Homebrew or otherwise "weak" entry just needs to be there due to compelling reasons... okay. Similarly other systems. Let us know why! Computer and video game translations of such (Neverwinter Nights and/or expansions/sequels; PFO; etc) are acceptable as interpretations as well.

Similarly, for comics, it needs to be superheroes that people can reasonsonably be expected to come across - "that one I made up with my cousin as a kid" is an awesome answer, and worth noting and why, but prrrrooooobabaly isn't the best choice, unless it's just so powerful that you've GOT to. In which case: sure, but bring us along for the ride! Related, the super need not come from one of the "big two" in comics, so long as the people and world is both recognizes me and accessible - choosing The Incredibles world is valid (and awesome), as is Spawn (blech); you're not just limited to Marvel or DC. Similarly "standard" powers need not apply - so long as it is clearly communicable, it's fine (even if all the field specifics aren't clear, that's okay - knowing you're powered by our yellow star is fine; you don't need to know this, but it's acceptable if you do).

Finally, presume you have the basics necessary for a happy life. Your spouse, best friend, and so on, can all be considered to "come with you" (should they choose to do so) wherever it is that you go.

Oh, and one more thing: if you lived through a Legend of Zelda (as one of the Links); which would it be, and why?

Thanks! Enjoy!

Sorry for spamming the AMA threads! ... sort of!

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Chris Lambertz wrote:
I still don't quite understand this thread

Inspired by the reply of Mikaze to a post of mine (where I said that chris will have a lot of work to do after all the post made in the weekend in the warpriest playtest thread and Mikaze said that he will have to apologize to Crhis for participating in the whole mess) this thread is Intended to be a place to make some jokes and post funny stuff, a la blame Cosmo thread.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I knew better than to respond to that challenge. Sorry.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I consider this thread a place to admit my faults and pledge to be a better person.

I'm sorry I responded to the fallacious back-and-forth. Logic is a tool, not an argument.

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On behalf of many people, I apologize to Chris and the rest of the staff, that the first thing uppon getting back from GenCon is countless hours of moderating the forums.

Community & Digital Content Director

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O.o I've never been asked questions! This certainly is a turn of the unexpected! Be aware that I am *not* the most rules-savvy Paizo person to ask gaming-style questions, so I'm answering to my best ability here. Expect lots of disclaimers.

Tacticslion wrote:

If you could have 1d4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?

(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

Laser eyes (because duh >.>)

Some minor form of super-fast self-healing (for personal reasons, I do a lot of running/lifting and being out for an injury sucks)
Glitter cannon (also, because duh <.<)
Calm emotions (is this a thing? In general I honestly have the best intentioned wishes for people, and often find myself in situations where I wish I could do more, but cannot)

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2+1 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

Goodness this one's hard because I'm not up on superheroes and this answer will be comprised of my favorites that I can think of at this given time. First, the MC Bat Commander (because he's super rad and anti-negativity helmet). Second, Steven Universe (because I am pretty much Steven in personality IRL). Third, Elastigirl (because she's sharp as a tack and strong as heck).

I'm going to go with Marvel because the movies I've enjoyed take place there. I'd prefer this universe though :)

On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6+2 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?

Fighter! Witch! Almost exclusively because those are my favorite classes to play. I'd also likely be a gnome.

Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3+1 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.)

Honestly, probably straight up Guardian.

Yet another query: you monster. Specifically, you [dice=CR]d30 (or less) monster! Which are you?! ... and would this have been your first choice? If not, which would be?

Any Leshy we've published. I'm a sucker for things that are adorable.

But the wheels of fate-time have spun again, and your everything has been transposed into that of someone else! You've just become a prepublished NPC from an official source! Which prepublished NPC is it?

I'm cheating and picking Enora. You can't stop me!

What campaign setting do you run around in? Why?

Argh, so difficult as I've only got familiarity with 2-3 settings. I really like Golarion, and am also very much enjoying an Edge of the Empire Game right now.

As a final thing: blend any and/or all of the above questions into a single ginormous question: an optional blend of a prepublished NPC, monster, and some superheroes all walk into a bar... and out comes you, as a gestalt of those guys, the race you choose, some extra superpowers, and have extra class levels...

I have become super-ultra-sayan-gem-fusion-Aquacadet-princess. Sekritly just a rubit still tho.

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Did you take our teeth, from an evolutionary standpoint I mean.

Chris Lambertz wrote:

O.o I've never been asked questions! This certainly is a turn of the unexpected! Be aware that I am *not* the most rules-savvy Paizo person to ask gaming-style questions, so I'm answering to my best ability here. Expect lots of disclaimers.

Tacticslion wrote:

If you could have 1d4 different super-powers, what would they be and why?

(Assume corollary powers required to make a given power work are part of it; i.e. Since you'd need super tensile strength/durability to, you know, not-die when you made use of your super-strength power, you get them both when you say "super strength" as a singular option.)

Laser eyes (because duh >.>)

Some minor form of super-fast self-healing (for personal reasons, I do a lot of running/lifting and being out for an injury sucks)
Glitter cannon (also, because duh <.<)
Calm emotions (is this a thing? In general I honestly have the best intentioned wishes for people, and often find myself in situations where I wish I could do more, but cannot)

If, instead, you could be a gestalt of 1d2+1 super heroes, who would you gestalt to be yourself? Why? Which comic universe would you run around in? Would you prefer to be in that one, or this one?

Goodness this one's hard because I'm not up on superheroes and this answer will be comprised of my favorites that I can think of at this given time. First, the MC Bat Commander (because he's super rad and anti-negativity helmet). Second, Steven Universe (because I am pretty much Steven in personality IRL). Third, Elastigirl (because she's sharp as a tack and strong as heck).

I'm going to go with Marvel because the movies I've enjoyed take place there. I'd prefer this universe though :)

On the other hand: BAM! You just gained 3d6+2 levels in a Pathfinder class (or classes)! Which class(es) do you pick, and why? Incidentally, if you could spontaneously switch races, would you? And if so, to which?
Fighter! Witch! Almost exclusively because those are my favorite classes to play. I'd...

Thanks! It's always cool to hear what people like and why (and where that intersects with my own interests or diverges)! So awesome! Sounds like a fun set of suggestions!

And, to be more on-theme with this thread: I apologize if I overburdened you with with questions or otherwise did something difficult! Hope it was at least a little fun!

(Also, I saw no cheating, and I heart Stephen, too, for similar reasons to yourself!)

Grand Lodge

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Hey Chris, I'm sorry if I contributed in any way to the 'grar' in the pregen discussion.


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Putting a 'blanket' apology here if my posts have been a bit 'grar' of late.

Trying to play it cool and be nice is VERY HARD sometimes.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Trying to play it cool and be nice is VERY HARD sometimes.

Your (and my) face can be hard sometimes!

This... this was a beak-pun. I... apologize, and will add it to my list of sins.

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The Dark Seer wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Trying to play it cool and be nice is VERY HARD sometimes.

Your (and my) face can be hard sometimes!

This... this was a beak-pun. I... apologize, and will add it to my list of sins.

I have faith you're not just parroting an apology, and hope you toucan behave yourselves. >;)


Liberty's Edge

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Owl Pacino, Vrock Star wrote:
The Dark Seer wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Trying to play it cool and be nice is VERY HARD sometimes.

Your (and my) face can be hard sometimes!

This... this was a beak-pun. I... apologize, and will add it to my list of sins.

I have faith you're not just parroting an apology, and hope you toucan behave yourselves. >;)


Steven Seagull disapproves. Owl leave now.

Community & Digital Content Director

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lucky7 wrote:
Owl Pacino, Vrock Star wrote:
The Dark Seer wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Trying to play it cool and be nice is VERY HARD sometimes.

Your (and my) face can be hard sometimes!

This... this was a beak-pun. I... apologize, and will add it to my list of sins.

I have faith you're not just parroting an apology, and hope you toucan behave yourselves. >;)


Steven Seagull disapproves. Owl leave now.


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D-Daggummit, I love these forums so much. I do not apologize for this.

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I apologize for my intent of designing more homebrew monsters, and me hoping they will have chance of dealing some hurt, before they die.

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I apologize for certain stuff, the cosmos (not the Cosmo) knows which.

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He knows, I tell Cosmo everything.

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I should have figured...meh, its fine, Cosmo should enjoy the knowledge, for I do not, and that is what Cosmo loves best, the regrets and follies of mortals.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm sorry I'm browsing the new avatars instead of doing what else I should be doing.

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KingOfAnything wrote:
I'm sorry I'm browsing the new avatars instead of doing what else I should be doing.

Me too.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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I gave them a brief pass. ^_^

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