Advanced Class Guide Iconics

Product Discussion

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Cthulhudrew wrote:
A cat with a human face and a furry quadruped body? mean like a sphinx?

'Cause I would be down for that.

Liberty's Edge

Just received my latest order from Paizo and it got an ad for GenCon with what looked suspiciously like new iconics :

- A very Hulk-like male green skin (I guess Half-Orc) that could be a Bloodrager (or maybe a Brawler)

- A blond human (or similar) male playing a string instrument that made me think of a realistic/serious Elan (of OOTS fame) but with a goatee and who might be a Skald

- A tan-skinned redhead female human who looks like an arcane caster (Arcanist ?) with like a hundred rings at her belt (to replenish her pool maybe)

- A blond human or elf female with the classical archer Ranger look. My guess is Slayer since I do not see a companion nearby.

Of course I could also be 100% wrong about these new (to me at least) characters ;-P

Liberty's Edge

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The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...

Dark Archive

The black raven wrote:

Just received my latest order from Paizo and it got an ad for GenCon with what looked suspiciously like new iconics :

- A very Hulk-like male green skin (I guess Half-Orc) that could be a Bloodrager (or maybe a Brawler)

- A blond human (or similar) male playing a string instrument that made me think of a realistic/serious Elan (of OOTS fame) but with a goatee and who might be a Skald

- A tan-skinned redhead female human who looks like an arcane caster (Arcanist ?) with like a hundred rings at her belt (to replenish her pool maybe)

- A blond human or elf female with the classical archer Ranger look. My guess is Slayer since I do not see a companion nearby.

Of course I could also be 100% wrong about these new (to me at least) characters ;-P

Honestly dont think those are the new iconics just a general add for Gencon I think.

Dark Archive

Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...

Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.

Liberty's Edge

What I would want, or what anyone of us would want, is probably too late to make any difference by now, I'm guessing.

But just for posterity's sake...

I would really like to see a little bit of representation outside the core races. Aasimar and tiefling, in specific. Geniekin and drow have a lot of history too, and dhampir and catfolk are personal favorites. I'm not saying these need to be the majority or anything, but with the amount of iconics we're going to be deluged with, it would be really nice to see at least one tiefling and one, say, ifrit or something. The rest could all be core races.

I also agree that filling out the missing gender/core race combinations like female halfling and female dwarf should be a big priority.

What with the greatsword and all I wouldn't be surprised if that's him. And if that is him, then I am super excited. I'm getting a very Planet Hulk vibe from his art.

Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...

Good catch! I know that Jason Bulmahn has said that the warpriest is going to be a male half-orc, so this would indeed appear to be him.

Liberty's Edge

Kevin Mack wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...
Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.

Looks female to me.... but I admit I can't be certain. Half-elf does look right, though.

Shisumo wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...
Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.
Looks female to me.... but I admit I can't be certain. Half-elf does look right, though.

I agree, it looks female. Notice that below her rapier arm there is a slight bulge which may indicate breasts. Also the depiction of the legs is very feminine so my guess is female.

Also, notice the Half-Orc has scrolls on his belt. Definitely a Warpriest.

Silver Crusade

Tels wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...
Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.
Looks female to me.... but I admit I can't be certain. Half-elf does look right, though.
I agree, it looks female. Notice that below her rapier arm there is a slight bulge which may indicate breasts. Also the depiction of the legs is very feminine so my guess is female.

Hmmm...we don't have an intersexed iconic yet...

still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling

I really want a male Half-Orc iconic.

I also really want him to be hot. We've got a surplus of ugly half-orc guys, give us eye candy.

Mikaze wrote:
Tels wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...
Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.
Looks female to me.... but I admit I can't be certain. Half-elf does look right, though.
I agree, it looks female. Notice that below her rapier arm there is a slight bulge which may indicate breasts. Also the depiction of the legs is very feminine so my guess is female.

Hmmm...we don't have an intersexed iconic yet...

still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling

a male iconic whom dresses like a female would be awesome. something akin to a trope inspired by Japanese theater, were some men, raised to play female roles, would be forced to live their lives as if they were female until they reached adulthood and would often be coerced to join Kabuki theatre.

not every Kabuki actor did this, just the ones that were offered by their parents in their youth to play the female role.

could make a nice investigator.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mikaze wrote:
Tels wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
The Free RPG Day module also seems to show the warpriest and swashbuckler iconics...
Just me or does the swashbuckler look male? also seems to be half elf If I'm not mistaken.
Looks female to me.... but I admit I can't be certain. Half-elf does look right, though.
I agree, it looks female. Notice that below her rapier arm there is a slight bulge which may indicate breasts. Also the depiction of the legs is very feminine so my guess is female.

Hmmm...we don't have an intersexed iconic yet...

still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling

A tiefling who can teleport with a sound effect of "Bamf"!

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I want to know who I have to seduce to get a changeling iconic...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Snark Victory wrote:
I want to know who I have to seduce to get a changeling iconic...

Probably a hag.

From the Department of Expectation Management...

...chances of ANY of these new iconics being of any other race than one of the core 7 races (dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, or human) is pretty much zero.

And that's the scoop on that.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Umbral Reaver wrote:

The iconics should be interesting races like aboleth, mu spores and gelatinous cubes.

Humanoid races are boring. If I wanted to be a humanoid, I'd just go outside.

Speak for yourself. if your human characters are boring it's because you didn't put in the effort to make them interesting. I've been meeting humans for over half a century and they still surprise me.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cori Marie wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling
A tiefling who can teleport with a sound effect of "Bamf"!

Be still my heart.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mikaze wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling
A tiefling who can teleport with a sound effect of "Bamf"!
Be still my heart.

That's actually the description of my cohort in WotR

Mikaze wrote:

Personally, I'm pulling for each of these groups getting an iconic, but maybe we could see some from outside the core races show up too? C'mon, a WAR-styled tiefling*, aasimar*, or tengu iconic could be cool.

*As long as their range in appearance from Blood of ____ was kept in mind!

I'd love to get at least one tiefling - so long as it's anything other than the standard-issue reddish skin + horns. Especially the unibrow horns. It would hopefully encourage amateur artists to introduce more variety in their tieflings, which would let me have more variety in the art that I use to represent my characters.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What if they all are from the PFS Boon races? (And a tengu)

I spy a half orc wielding a greatsword, looks like the warpriest does indeed worship Gorum

We need more Evil Iconics.

Paizo Employee Developer

Mikaze wrote:

Hmmm...we don't have an intersexed iconic yet...

still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling

Says who? You don't know the conversations that have gone on behind closed doors.

Mark Moreland wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

Hmmm...we don't have an intersexed iconic yet...

still holding out hope she's secretly a tiefling

Says who? You don't know the conversations that have gone on behind closed doors.

Intersex/Hermaphrodite iconic when?

Crossdressing iconic when?

(more) Evil iconic when?

Authors avatars when?

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yea, I'm pretty sure I've heard that one of the iconics was trans.


Cheapy wrote:

yea, I'm pretty sure I've heard that one of the iconics was trans.


It seems likely that it's Damiel who is the trans one (assuming there is indeed only one trans iconic), considering that his fascination with the transmutation aspects of alchemy and changing from one thing into another culminates in an outright obsession with something he calls 'the change'.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

At this point, all I want is more iconics with a BEARD. Only 2 have any form of facial hair. A dwarf (Harsk) and an old man (Ezren). The iconics need more epic beard among them. I can see the hunter looking kinda "mountain man" like, since the other 3 nature-y classes are female (barbarian and druid) or a dwarf (ranger).

Really hoping for more beards.

Adjule wrote:

At this point, all I want is more iconics with a BEARD. Only 2 have any form of facial hair. A dwarf (Harsk) and an old man (Ezren). The iconics need more epic beard among them. I can see the hunter looking kinda "mountain man" like, since the other 3 nature-y classes are female (barbarian and druid) or a dwarf (ranger).

Really hoping for more beards.

Dwarves invented beards.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Adjule wrote:

At this point, all I want is more iconics with a BEARD. Only 2 have any form of facial hair. A dwarf (Harsk) and an old man (Ezren). The iconics need more epic beard among them. I can see the hunter looking kinda "mountain man" like, since the other 3 nature-y classes are female (barbarian and druid) or a dwarf (ranger).

Really hoping for more beards.

Balazar also has a beard, I thought.

Getting more might be tough, as several races canonically don't grow beards. 50% of iconics are female, and can't have beards right there. Elves, halflings, and half-elves also aren't going to have beards. Dwarf males will, obviously but so far that's just Harsk. I'm sure half-orcs can grow beards, but that's less appealing from an artistic point of view, because a beard obscures their distinctive orc-like features: tusks, jawline, and green/grey skin.

Fortunately, iconics skew toward human, and human males can and do have beards. I guess we get to see what the art department comes up with.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Never fear. More beards are on the way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Never fear. More beards are on the way.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Never fear. More beards are on the way.

Great news indeed! Would help expand cosplay choices (for cosplaying as iconics that others can easily recognize) for if/when I can ever obtain funds for PaizoCon attendance. Of course, if I can get the moneys, it more than likely means the beard is gone as the employment world hates the beard.

But, more iconics with beards is always a good thing.

Also, @Ross: Not sure about Golarion half-elves, but those from other worlds could grow them due to their human heritage (Tanis Half-Elven from Dragonlance is the biggest one that comes to mind). Of course, it could be half-elves of Golarion can't, but I haven't read much about them so don't know. More of a half-orc fan when it comes to human/other crossbreeds.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

My belief, and I have no citation, so please correct me if I'm wrong, is half-elves can grow facial hair but are highly unlikely to have a full beard.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

We generally don't illustrate bearded half-elves. It's possible... but basically only if we have a situation where art can't be changed before printing happens.

Please Ulfen Bloodrager! Or Ulfen anything!

Liberty's Edge

How about bearded half-orcs, James? I don't recall ever seeing one

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Paladinosaur wrote:
How about bearded half-orcs, James? I don't recall ever seeing one

Half-orcs can have beards.

*sigh*I so wanted the iconic arcanist to be a half-orc that actually came from a stable home.

Sovereign Court

5 people marked this as a favorite.
christos gurd wrote:
*sigh*I so wanted the iconic arcanist to be a half-orc that actually came from a stable home.

you mean... was born of two hard working half-orcs earning their keep in a law-abiding way....... or raised by a well-established single male human wizard who should not have taken that shortcut through that female orc university during frosh week?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The second, much more fun option.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
christos gurd wrote:
The second, much more fun option.

How do you know the first option wasn't more fun?

On Amazon the Advanced class guide has 2 things on its cover.

A magical dude who looks wizardy (arcanist) and what seems to be an abyssal bloodline Bloodrager.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Insain Dragoon wrote:

On Amazon the Advanced class guide has 2 things on its cover.

A magical dude who looks wizardy (arcanist) and what seems to be an abyssal bloodline Bloodrager.

That cover image is a mockup and doesn't reflect the final art (or the iconics).

Ahh dang, that bloodrager looked so cool too.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Insain Dragoon wrote:
Ahh dang, that bloodrager looked so cool too.

I don't recall the original source of that piece of artwork, but it pictures Prestige Class iconics from the Core Rulebook. It's the iconic Dragon Disciple* and the iconic Mystic Theurge trying to kill each other.

*Red dragon, clearly

Incidentally a Bloodrager and Dragon disciple would look similar lol.

Female halfling bloodrager please!!!

And or of course Kobold bloodrager!

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