SunsetPsychosis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Human Arcane sorcerer, possibly with the Sage bloodline. Stack as much primary casting stat as possible (spells/day). Gifted Adept and Wayang Spellhunter for Magic Missile.
1st level feats are Toppling Spell and Spontaneous Metafocus (Magic Missile).
Metamagic is your friend. Toppling spell, Elemental Spell (cold) + Rime Spell, Echoing spell, Quickened spell. You're not going to be doing much damage, but it will be consistent damage. Tack on as many extra debuffs as you can via metamagic.
You could also do one of those janky Crossblooded Orc/Draconic sorcerers and rely on Elemental Spell to qualify your missiles for the extra dice.

SunsetPsychosis |

Also, check out
this thread
This talks about converting the Force Missile Mage, a 3.5 PrC from the Dragon Compendium that was all about Magic Missile.

Icyshadow |

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Did they rule that Elemental Spell affects the descriptor now?
Elemental Spell (Metamagic)
You can manipulate the elemental nature of your spells.
Benefit: Choose one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. You may replace a spell's normal damage with that energy type or split the spell's damage, so that half is of that energy type and half is of its normal type. An elemental spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you must choose a different energy type.
Rime Spell (Metamagic)
Creatures damaged by your spells with the cold descriptor become entangled.
Benefit: The frost of your cold spell clings to the target, impeding it for a short time. A rime spell causes creatures that takes cold damage from the spell to become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the original level of the spell.
This feat only affects spells with the cold descriptor. A rime spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.
An admixture wizard can do it:
Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Claxon |

I don't believe that Magic Missile is a valid option because it is a force spell (has the force descriptor) and force isn't typically consider an element.
The way Admixture wizrd is written he most certainly can't do it because it is not an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage.

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You might also take a look at the The Battle Scion from Kobold Press.
One of the archetypes, the Force Blaster, is all about this type of thing!

Rory |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Giblet the human Wizard (Evocation Specialist)
S: 10 D: 14 C: 14 I: 18 W: 10 Ch: 10 (20pt human)
- Evocation
- Admixture Subschool
- Divination and Enchantment as oppossed schools
- Magical Lineage Magic Missile (-1 metamagic effective level)
- Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
- Spell Focus Evocation (wizard 1 - PFS)
- Toppling Spell (human)
- Spell Specialization Magic Missile (1st)
- Empower Spell (3rd)
- Heighten Spell (wizard 5)
- Preferred Spell (5th)
- Dazing Spell (7th)
- Quicken Spell (9th)
At 1st level, you are casting Magic Missile for 2d4+3 damage with a +7 CMB chance to trip foes.
At 3rd level, cast Empowered Magic Missiles dealing 3d4+3 * 150% + 1 damage.
At 5th level, never memorize another magic missile ever again. You can spontaneously cast them at this point. Instead, memorize spells as a "god wizard" or any other flavor to suit.

Kolokotroni |

How do you feel about 3rd party material? The Kobold Press Battle Scion has an archetype called the force blaster which specializes in using a scaling magic missile like ability called force blast. It however is only a 4 level caster (with full bab and heavy armor though).
If I wanted to specialize in magic missiles, I'd use that.

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Why not choose "Gifted Adept" in place of reactionary. Then you are +3 CL with spell spec and adept. This way you get your damage bump at every even level (thus making it more scaled with average weapon damage for non cheese monkey builds).
At level 8 (when having both is invalidated completely) swap your spell from MM to some other spell for SPell Spec. Yes your trait is no longer valid at level 9..but that is at the point when your character only has 3 levels out of 11 to play still...8 levels is a decent run for a trait.
At level 8 you might swap your spell spec to the spells Battering Blast or Force Punch as they kinda still fit the description of this character idea...Additionally with the Battering Blast and Force Punch spells you can add a lesser rod of Intensify spell and it work on them (thus the extra 2 levels from your spell spec last all the way through level 11, max norm for PFS).
Also for level 4 spells telekinetic charge kinda fit the bill for this as a master manipulator of force (since sometimes, your MM just won't cut it; IE Spell resistence/Shield)
Giblet the human Wizard (Evocation Specialist)
S: 10 D: 14 C: 14 I: 18 W: 10 Ch: 10 (20pt human)
- Evocation
- Admixture Subschool
- Divination and Enchantment as oppossed schoolsTraits:
- Magical Lineage Magic Missile (-1 metamagic effective level)
- Reactionary (+2 Initiative)Feats:
- Spell Focus Evocation (wizard 1 - PFS)
- Toppling Spell (human)
- Spell Specialization Magic Missile (1st)
- Empower Spell (3rd)
- Heighten Spell (wizard 5)
- Preferred Spell (5th)
- Dazing Spell (7th)
- Quicken Spell (9th)At 1st level, you are casting Magic Missile for 2d4+3 damage with a +7 CMB chance to trip foes.
At 3rd level, cast Empowered Magic Missiles dealing 3d4+3 * 150% + 1 damage.
At 5th level, never memorize another magic missile ever again. You can spontaneously cast them at this point. Instead, memorize spells as a "god wizard" or any other flavor to suit.

Rory |
Why not choose "Gifted Adept" in place of reactionary. Then you are +3 CL with spell spec and adept...
At level 8 (when having both is invalidated completely) swap your spell from MM to some other spell for SPell Spec...
Also for level 4 spells telekinetic charge kinda fit the bill for this as a master manipulator of force (since sometimes, your MM just won't cut it; IE Spell resistence/Shield)
You can't have both the Gifted Adept and the Magical Lineage trait. You can substitute Magical Lineage for Wayang Spellhunter though to net the effect you mentioned.Spell Specialization gives +2 casting levels, which equals +1 missile, +2 to penetrate Spell Resistance, and +2 CMB when tripping foes. When losing, or not utilizing, these benefits, it makes sense to swap Spell Specialization to some other spell. This could make sense as early as 4th or 6th level with the advent of bigger blasting spells.
For the instances you run into the Shield spell defense, recall that at 5th level and above, you have zero spells memorized as Magic Missile. The Shield spell does not shut down the build at all.

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For the instances you run into the Shield spell defense, recall that at 5th level and above, you have zero spells memorized as Magic Missile. The Shield spell does not shut down the build at all.
This is completely wrong. Preferred Spell lets you cast the spell spontaneously, but you are still casting magic missile. Shield blocks attacks from magic missle. It does not matter if you are casting from a prepared slot, a scroll, a wand, or spontaneously from preferred spell, it will block any magic missile cast at a person protected by it.

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Thanks, forgot about them both being the same group. But same end effect with Wayang.
I wouldn't swap it until 8th myself as battering blast requires a ranged touch (average wizard only has a +3 to +6 depending on dex, so not high enough to be comfortable with always hitting, MM still auto hits and at level 6 and 7 your still getting your 5th missile early; also Battering blast says Ref Partial, but then doesn't say why so DM variance could happen on that). Force Punch requires a melee touch, so I wouldn't be putting that as my main bag for most wizards.
Shfish wrote:Why not choose "Gifted Adept" in place of reactionary. Then you are +3 CL with spell spec and adept...
At level 8 (when having both is invalidated completely) swap your spell from MM to some other spell for SPell Spec...
Also for level 4 spells telekinetic charge kinda fit the bill for this as a master manipulator of force (since sometimes, your MM just won't cut it; IE Spell resistence/Shield)
You can't have both the Gifted Adept and the Magical Lineage trait. You can substitute Magical Lineage for Wayang Spellhunter though to net the effect you mentioned.Spell Specialization gives +2 casting levels, which equals +1 missile, +2 to penetrate Spell Resistance, and +2 CMB when tripping foes. When losing, or not utilizing, these benefits, it makes sense to swap Spell Specialization to some other spell. This could make sense as early as 4th or 6th level with the advent of bigger blasting spells.
For the instances you run into the Shield spell defense, recall that at 5th level and above, you have zero spells memorized as Magic Missile. The Shield spell does not shut down the build at all.

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He means you have other spells actually prepped..so if they have shield, you just cast your normal spells, not MM...I don't think he meant you get around shield..you just aren't using MM at that point but another actual spell.
Rory wrote:This is completely wrong. Preferred Spell lets you cast the spell spontaneously, but you are still casting magic missile. Shield blocks attacks from magic missle. It does not matter if you are casting from a prepared slot, a scroll, a wand, or spontaneously from preferred spell, it will block any magic missile cast at a person protected by it.
For the instances you run into the Shield spell defense, recall that at 5th level and above, you have zero spells memorized as Magic Missile. The Shield spell does not shut down the build at all.

Adamantine Dragon |

Shield isn't the only way to negate magic missile. There are magic items that do the same thing. Brooches and Ioun stones come to mind. Most of my higher level builds have a means to combat magic missile since they are cheap and effective.
If you really want to go after this build you should talk to the GM because it will be very easy to metagame against the build. To me the value of magic spells is versatility so I've never really had any desire to go for a single-concept spellcasting build. That's what martial characters are for.

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You would have to give up something in the build that is not easily given up. As a wizard you get spell focus free (PFS) so swapping out for the free varisian tattoo by doing sorcerer is not really a boon. A sorcerer also cannot choose to use a higher level slot for a lower level spell without heighten spell, and that makes it a full round action. So you are either not taking spell spec (which requires spell focus evo) or toppling spell at 1st level. It then has a trickle down effect on the feat chain, pushing everything back a level. If you had a FREE feat you could get somehow, then its a good feat to stack in as it applies to all EVO; but for standard PFS play this would not be viable.
Of course, if you built this for home play you don't start with spell focus anyway (unless your DM is nice) so it would make the sorcerer build more viable then.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Varisian Tattoo feat (or Tattooed Sorcerer archetype that gets it for free at level 1). It gives +1 CL on one school of magic, so assuming you do evocation, you'll get an extra missile one level sooner. Also boosts your CMB for Toppling.

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He means you have other spells actually prepped..so if they have shield, you just cast your normal spells, not MM...I don't think he meant you get around shield..you just aren't using MM at that point but another actual spell.
Ok, that makes more sense. Shield does shut down your specialization focus in this build though, making you rely on any other prepared spells that you don't have your bonuses on.

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Well only up to level 8 when you might swap it out for another spell anyway. Honestly less than 5% of your enemies in PFS (since this build assumes that) have shield or broaches. In a home game, unless your DM is building encounters COMPELETLY around you, they don't have them either. In any AP you don't have much. If its fully homebrew, unless your on some huge overarching campaign where the enemies hear about your specific fighting style and know your coming, it would be huge DM (insert inappropriate word) of your character JUST to make you less effective. Honestly, this build is not a true "damage" dealing build. Yes you auto hit, yes you do more dice earleir, but you still won't fully scale compared to even a normal blaster wizard (more accurate and consistent though)
Shfish wrote:Ok, that makes more sense. Shield does shut down your specialization focus in this build though, making you rely on any other prepared spells that you don't have your bonuses on.He means you have other spells actually prepped..so if they have shield, you just cast your normal spells, not MM...I don't think he meant you get around shield..you just aren't using MM at that point but another actual spell.

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How do you feel about 3rd party material? The Kobold Press Battle Scion has an archetype called the force blaster which specializes in using a scaling magic missile like ability called force blast. It however is only a 4 level caster (with full bab and heavy armor though).
If I wanted to specialize in magic missiles, I'd use that.
Hey, great idea! ;)

Rory |
Honestly, this build is not a true "damage" dealing build. Yes you auto hit, yes you do more dice earleir, but you still won't fully scale compared to even a normal blaster wizard (more accurate and consistent though)
This is absolutely correct.
The build is not driven to be a "damage" build. It is more of a "control" build. Versatility is an important part of the build and comes to life at level 5 (which you defended for me, thank you). That said, you can still deal decent damage as Spell Focus, Empower Spell, Quicken Spell, and Spell Specialization go a long ways to creating a blaster.
- Swap Spell Specialization to Fireball at level 6
- Pick up a metamagic rod of Selective Spell
- Develop a maniacal laugh
- Blast away for 8d6+3 fire/cold/electric/acid damage with a DC 18+ save

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You can't have both the Gifted Adept and the Magical Lineage trait. You can substitute Magical Lineage for Wayang Spellhunter though to net the effect you mentioned
Sorry for the slight necro on this thread.
One can take both the Magical Lineage (Magic Missile) and Wayang Spellhunter (Fireball) traits to allow more versatility to this build right?
One can also take Intensify Spell to get a few more levels of utility out of each of these spells.

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Also, check out
this threadThis talks about converting the Force Missile Mage, a 3.5 PrC from the Dragon Compendium that was all about Magic Missile.
Yep, and it was awesome. I did wiz/sorc with the prc that combined prepared with spont,and fmm. She didnt do massive amounts of damage, but she constantly did damage

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Magic Missile Master? I'd make a wizard[evoker]1/Magus[myrmidarch]4+. The evoker power lets you get an additional 3+INT magic missile attacks, and Ranged Spellstrike From magus. Then, I'd use heighten spell to have as many prepared as possible, take weapon training longbow. If something has shield cast on them, then I shoot them with an arrow.

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Magic Missiles don't do enough damage to do well against incorps, especially at higher levels.
You want damage, you grab a wand of Ectoplasmic Spell or whatever it is that lets you hit incorps, and blast them with Scorching Ray while they cry for mommy.
Without Force Missile Mage and Arcane Thesis, MM builds really aren't as viable in PF. You're missing the extra two missiles FMM provides, the way it punches through shield spells, and the ability to alter magic missile damage to any element to take advantage of weaknesses.
Arcane Thesis giving -1 to ALL metas affecting magic missile could make it one of the highest damage dealing spells in the game as you kept stacking metas onto it. I believed I made a build that could get a thousand damage out of magic missiles in one round...take that, Great Wyrm Red Dragon!
The option to hit multiple targets with status saves is nice, but level 1 spells don't scale well, and so MM gets outgrown since it can't keep up on damage over saves, and then you've wasted those traits.

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With a bit of preparation, Mnemonic Enhancer would reeeeally aid this build. Just prep ME in all your 4th level slots an hour or so before you rest for eight, use it to prep as many Magic Missles as you can (3 per ME casting), rest then prepare your spells and refreshed 4th level slots as normal with the floating ME magic missle slots lasting the remaining 16 or so hours of the 24 ME provides.

Ravingdork |

With a bit of preparation, Mnemonic Enhancer would reeeeally aid this build. Just prep ME in all your 4th level slots an hour or so before you rest for eight, use it to prep as many Magic Missles as you can (3 per ME casting), rest then prepare your spells and refreshed 4th level slots as normal with the floating ME magic missle slots lasting the remaining 16 or so hours of the 24 ME provides.
And if you have Spell Perfection, which triggers when the spell is CAST, you can spontaneously apply a free metamagic feat you know to said extra missile preparations. :D

Eigengrau |
MrRetsej wrote:With a bit of preparation, Mnemonic Enhancer would reeeeally aid this build. Just prep ME in all your 4th level slots an hour or so before you rest for eight, use it to prep as many Magic Missles as you can (3 per ME casting), rest then prepare your spells and refreshed 4th level slots as normal with the floating ME magic missle slots lasting the remaining 16 or so hours of the 24 ME provides.And if you have Spell Perfection, which triggers when the spell is CAST, you can spontaneously apply a free metamagic feat you know to said extra missile preparations. :D

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If the GM decides to build an enemy specifically designed to counter YOU, I'm sure the rest of the party will be happy to laugh and kick its teeth in for you.
It's a shame that you can't use a Ring of Counterspells to counter enemy Shield spells. But yes, you will want anti-Shield tech. Dispel Magic will do just fine once you make it to 3rd-level spells.
I wish there were a way to search the PRD (or SRD) for all spells with the Force descriptior...

Poldaran |