![]() Dawnflower Anchorite (9/10 casting; can progress channel energy, domains, animal companion, etc). Evangelist advances all Cleric class features 9/10, plus faster Obedience benefits Stargazer full spell progression; domains progression (and 3rd domain); channel progression with The Mother's arcana; other fun stuff Keep in mind that Souldrinker will be changing when it is reprinted in the upcoming Book of the Damned in September. The Energy Drain ability will be significantly different... ![]()
![]() As Java Man says, the rules state you "share your mount's space during combat." That pretty much answers all your questions. 1) You occupy all the mount's squares. 2) You aren't any specific height, you occupy all the mount's squares. 3) You have 5' reach from any/all of your mount's squares. You get a +1 to attacks, for higher ground, on any Large or smaller unmounted combatant in melee. 4) It works just fine. ![]()
![]() Saldiven wrote:
Sadly, you cannot. Both template can be applied to "any living creature." Regardless of which template you apply first, it turns the creature Undead, and thus not a legal target for the other template. As a DM, you could do whatever you want, but normally the templates cannot be combined. ![]()
![]() Spellstrike, itself, isn't any kind of action. It simply allows you to use a weapon attack to deliver a touch spell. This can be the "free" touch when casting, or an attempt to touch later while holding the charge. Since the ring is a standard action to use, you would have to cast the spell and hold the charge, then use the ring to make a melee attack in the next round, delivering the spell with the attack. But that is because casting the spell is either an action in its own right, or as part of the full round action for Spell Combat, so you can't also use a Standard action to activate the ring in the same round. But on subsequent rounds, it would work just fine to delivery the spell at range with a melee attack. ![]()
![]() doc the grey wrote:
Actually, that's a good point. I don't know of any Vermin type moths/butterflies. Not Paizo published at least. Such a shame. There is the Star Monarch, but it is a Magical Beast... The Sideromancer wrote:
That seems like a great suggestion! Giant Mosquito I don't remember the template mentioning any innate connection to fey, I thought that was just an element of the OP's character, but maybe I am not remembering something... Once thing I think is interesting is that the template works with any Vermin. So while insects/arachnids are the first thing that jumps to mind, other creatures that are Vermin type are also options. Werecrab
![]() Vermin Tamer Cavalier (Heroes of the Darklands) Quote:
![]() PossibleCabbage wrote: that Witch archetype that has to sleep on a pile of treasure inherently don't really travel well, It's 1,950 gp worth of treasure at 20th level. You can carry it as a single gem stone. It isn't even enough to cast Raise Dead. In fact, I thought it would be a cool idea to make a "Leprechaun" character as a Gnome Wyrmwitch with a "pot" of holding for his hoard. ![]()
![]() Sphynx wrote: Seems a good TWF really requires a Fighter (or tempered paladin) because my calculations say I won't be doing any damage against anything with DR... Tried building a slayer, that I really like, but his damage is terrible without specialization and penetrating... Well, TWF works best when you are adding something to your damage for each hit. This can be Sneak Attack, Weapon Training/Spec, Smite, etc. I would suggest an alternative option that could work is Cavalier. With Challenge, you are adding your class level to the damage of each hit. This can further be enhanced with the order specific bonus to attack or damage. While you can only Challenge so many times per day, Order of the Flame or the Chain Challenge feat do a lot to keep the effect in play. ![]()
![]() mdt wrote:
There is also the Tauric base form from Cohorts and Companions for a third option to achieve the same idea. Or even Serpentine with [Limbs] x 3 for Legs, Legs, Arms. Why couldn't you put Mount on a Tauric base form? For that matter, I can easily see a Biped mount (various dinosaur/bird forms, like riding a velociraptor or ostrich). Especially once they get bigger (a Huge Biped Eidolon based a on T-Rex). ![]()
![]() Agree with Chess Pwn and Murdock. The "or similar class feature" covers abilities that work like Animal Companion, but with a different name (like Lunar Oracle's Primal Companion, Mammoth Rider's Steed, etc). It would not apply to any Familiar granting ability as those are not similar to Animal Companion. ![]()
![]() Thomas Seitz wrote: Not sure about wizards, but druids joining a coven would be kind of neat. or else Shamans. ?? Shamans can already join covens. As for Wizards, they already get so close. There is a Wizard archetype to have a Witch Patron, multiple Wizard archetypes to store spells in your Familiar, and a Wizard archetype that lets them gain Shaman Spirit Hexes. Just no way to get the Hex coven specifically. A 1 level dip isn't too onerous, so if they don't add an option it's not the end of the world, I just think it would be nice. Especially since only Wizards (and Arcanists, but it doesn't help in this case) can take Arcane Discoveries. Which allows Truename so you can have a Night Hag buddy. I guess that would be a great option instead, add a Greater or Grand Hex to access an Arcane Discovery. ![]()
![]() Scrapper wrote:
linktified! ![]()
![]() Hmmm....
I guess I would go with B/D. The podspawned just continue to go about their lives like before, but with no bodythief to propagate more. At some point, they may be able to grow a new bodythief from a seed recovered from the destroyed bodythief. Or your idea that the oldest podspawn could evolve into a bodythief. Maybe a new bodythief will naturally be drawn to the location of an established colony of podspawned. We don't have any information about bodythief reproduction, so it's not clear if they come from podspawned or seeds or what. But they are plants so either option makes sense. ![]()
![]() I don't know, I can't think of any wiggle-room or loopholes here.... Polymorph subschool wrote: In addition, other spells that change your size have no effect on you while you are under the effects of a polymorph spell. So no spell, [Polymorph] or otherwise, can change your size while under the effects of a [Polymorph] spell. So no combining Form of the Dragon with any spell that increases size. There is no general rule printed that non-[Polymorph] size increases don't stack, but every size altering spell I can find includes the text that they don't stack with other magical size changes. And of course, you have this FAQ that does kinda codify that size changes don't stack (though it references "rules on size changes" which don't actually exist anywhere). FAQ wrote:
From a very strict reading of the rules, you could argue that a non-spell size increase could stack with a [Polymorph] effect. ![]()
![]() Oddman80 wrote:
Sorry, but no. The table doesn't make sense. By the rules, a PC Blood Hag is a 8th level character. But the same Blood Hag is a 16th level cohort. That is ridiculous. A level 16 Tiefling Magus is a 16th level cohort, and also 16th level as a PC. There is no defense for the Monster Cohort rules. But, if we are discussing RAW (such as Awaken not increasing CR) then we also must acknowledge the RAW that Monster Cohorts use the table, not the Monster as PC rules. ![]()
![]() Lady-J wrote: that table is all kinds of wonky and is a terrible source for level judgement there's no way in hell that those creatures are worth the levels they are assigned many of which are about 5 levels to high on their given "level of cohort" especially when compared to classes who can get them as companions as class features lets take the babau as an example its treated by that list as a level 11 cohort which means an character would need to be level 13 to get it as a cohort were as an anti paladin gets it at level 9 which would make it a level 7 cohort but using monsters as pc rules it should be a level 6 cohort and monsters as pc are way more flushed out rules than some arbitrary chart that laughably attempts to give none conventional creatures as cohorts but screws it up royally like a cr 8 creature as a level 18 cohort like wth is that While I very much agree with you, RAW you don't use the Monsters As PCs rules when determining the equivalent level of a monstrous cohort. As you note, a CR 8 Blood Hag is given a cohort level equivalent of 16(!).
I think that you should probably ignore this bit of RAW, but then I would also say to ignore the RAW that the extra HD from Awaken wouldn't affect the level of the gorilla too. ![]()
![]() Lady-J wrote: they are not the same bloodline as they give you different abilities they may come from the same lineage but are different, the wording of the feat was ment to prevent sorcerers from trading out abilities with archetypes and getting them back with the feat If Aberrant (Sorc) must match Aberrant (BR) when multiclassing, I don't see why it wouldn't also match (and therefore be prohibited) when taking Eldritch Heritage. But that is why I said "questionable" rather than "not allowed." ![]()
![]() Green Smashomancer wrote: Worth noting is that a successful grapple automatically pulls a creature towards you. Not necessarily the case with Greater Whip Mastery It's written kinda strangely. "Rather" would indicate you replace the normal rule, but adjacent is still "within your whip's reach" so I guess you could still decide to pull them adjacent.... Maybe? Lady-J wrote: bloodrager with aberrant bloodline and eldritch heritage aberrant bloodline I think that's questionable, as Eldritch Heritage say Quote: This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have You could argue that Bloodrager Aberrant is different from Sorcerer Aberrant, but then I think you run up against the text in Bloodline that says Quote: If the bloodrager takes levels in another class that grants a bloodline, the bloodlines must be the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of the classes must change. Which certainly implies that Aberrant is the same, regardless of the class you are receiving it from. ![]()
![]() The whole "person from long ago preserved as a statue" is a pretty well established trope. Quote: In some works, petrification may also be used as a magical equivalent of Human Popsicle by simply turning a person into stone and wait after a certain amount of time has passed to unpetrify him or her. Your body can't physically age if it's turned to stone.
![]() Raynulf wrote:
Since we're sharing totally anecdotal stories, the group I have played with since college (so 14 years or so) has had multiple people take Leadership and the player built and ran the cohort, and its never been a problem. Reasonable limitations on cohorts make sense. But then, most DM's put reasonable limitations on PC creation too, so it's not a special rule for cohorts. As for a player with a cohort being a time hog, its no different than the druid with an animal companion, or summoner with eidolon, or wizard who casts summoning spells. Everyone should be courteous of their fellow players' time. ![]()
![]() Hook Fighter feat, from the new Adventurer's Armory 2 Treat a grappling hook as a heavy pick (including no penalty for improvised weapon). Can use as a melee weapon or as "whip type" weapon out to 15 ft (but don't threaten). Changing from melee to whip is a move action. You must be proficient with whips to use it this way. You can Reposition an enemy, pulling them closer to you (as the Reposition combat maneuver). Basically, Roadhog the feat Prereq: BAB +1, and that's it :) ![]()
![]() Alaric23 wrote:
The feat works just fine. SN can't exceed half your character level. Not class level. So Wizard 2/Rogue 1. Take feat, feat add 1d6 SN (3/2= 1.5 rounded up to 2, so max 2d6 SN). Level to Wizard 3. Enter Arcane Trickster. ![]()
![]() Dαedαlus wrote: because Empower would only tack on an extra +1.5d6, rounded down to +1d6, That's not how that works. If you Maximized and Empowered the Awaken spell, you would have an Intelligence of 18 + (3d6/2). You would roll all 3d6, then halve the sum, and add that to the 18. So the average would be 10.5, for an increase of 5.25 (rounded to 5), or 23. Where did you get 24 before Empowering? 3d6 Maximized is 18. ![]()
![]() PossibleCabbage wrote:
To me, the better option to improve the balance would be to stat more of the demigods of the lesser represented alignments. Protean Lords, Primal Inevitables, Psychopomp Ushers, etc. The cause of the imbalance is a focus so far on certain types of outsiders, and can be corrected by providing information about the most powerful of other types. Keep Nocticula CE. ![]()
![]() Calth wrote:
I am fine with using Martial Arts Master for Martial Versatility, as long as the weapon group was Monk weapons. Martial Versatility basically says "apply X feat to Y weapon group" so it still a feat that applies to the weapon rather than to the chosen feat. But that's just my reading. But FCT applies feats to natural weapons, which aren't unarmed strikes or monk weapons. So that wouldn't work. ![]()
![]() Bard-Sader wrote:
Yes, totally serious. Personally, I really, really hope they never actually make Nocticula a CN goddess. But that's me.