Shfish's page
Organized Play Member. 541 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.
I know it is not official, but I threw a mock up of your player's character in Hero-Lab to see how their programming views it. In the programs view they players con is replaced with the eidolon's con, so anything that would change the characters con is changing the con value he is currently using. When I toggled on the rage it did indeed raise the current con to 27, and it added 26 hp. However, in the tracked resources it did not change the "temp hp" of the eidolon. So before raging if his temp hp is 102 and 190 real, his temp stays at 102 and real would raise to 216. So it looks like option 2: he adds 26 temp hp to his personal HP and his temp hp from eidolon stays unchanged, and he can maintain the power suit longer and be healed those extra 26 hp as appropriate.
Now with a con of 27 I do hope he has die hard feat to stay up if he really gets wholloped :) If he gets down to under 10 personal hp and the eidolon is already at 1, anything that knocked him raging unconcious would instant kill him...with die hard he would at least get one round to apply "broken arrow" tactics :)
Ok I see your lack of insight comes from a lack of understanding of actions.
Actions as defined in PF are listed conveniently under the combat section "Action Types". You will notice that opportunity attacks is not listed in this section. There are move, standard, full-round, free, swift, immediate action, no action.
An attack of opportunity is not defined as an action of any type, in fact its not an action in its terminology. It is a free attack, full stop, end of thought, no further description on what it is.
Free actions say "when performing actions normally".
AoO's are not defined as actions, therefore no you still cannot do this.
To further ensure Undone has it 100% clear that free actions are on your turn (general rule) lets look at rage feats (specific rules that modify general rules for that item only). Since his issue is with being able to rage its best to keep that argument there for him to get it clear.
1. Bear's Balance (Harrow Handbook): enter a rage when you fail a will save vs fear. Shows exception to general rule of on your turn.
2. Furious Guardian-Alert Guardian ability (Inner Sea Combat): Allows you to enter rage as immediate action, even when flatfooted etc. Shows exception to general rule of on your turn.
3. Savage Intuition (Blood of the Moon): Allows you to enter a rage the moment combat begins without using an action. Shows exception to general rule of on your turn.
I'm sure there may be more very specific examples of other times when entering a rage outside of your turn also changes its action, but that's what a fairly quick perusal of a search engine produced.
So with specific examples of Rage related abilities that call out a change in the ability to use the action of raging from being free actions to "x", it further supports the position that free actions are generally on your turn. If it was not, then all 3 of these would have been completely useless feats.
Now add that to the clarification of the summoner, the other points I and others have given you, there is nothing left for you to discuss about your position. It has been invalidated.
My mistake on the drawing ammo, I misread the "knocking an arrow" to be the drawing too...
However, my original point about the default for free actions being on your turn only stands. It is entirely in the text of the free actions. In its wording on page 188 it says "you can perform in a turn". Your turn is a specific time. During initiative your turn is when you can make standard/full actions. When its not your turn, you cannot do free actions except when allowed otherwise with specific citation.
Loading an arrow is "not an action". It hasn't been a free action for the entirety of official published Pathfinder as far as I know, so your point is without substance.
What you are trying to connect is a flawed interpretation of different rules rolled into a single FAQ's wording. Specifically snap shot is available for any ranged attack, not just bows. However, unless you can reload a crossbow etc with a free action you would not be able to use it with snapshot unless it was already loaded. The FAQ clarifies that if your ranged weapon can be reloaded with a free action it then allows for you to use it for AoOs if you have combat reflexes.
As for bows, since its a non-action to load, you do it as a part of any action that lets you attack with the bow. So snapshot allows any bow user with combat reflexes to make all of them as able without the FAQ needed. The FAQ is only for non-bows.
1. Don't use one feat with specific language to justify something that has a general rule.
2. General rule as found in crb: free action can be taken when you can perform other actions. Implies your turn but is iffy enough to cause trouble.
3. Clarification of general rule in the general rule: speaking-says you can do this free action even when it's not your turn. This solidifies the the implication that normally free actions can only happen on your turn.
4. Snap shot specifies an exception. Exceptions do not redefine the general only applies in a narrow sense.
5. GM makes decision on how limiting free actions are. Since an AoO is not your turn they must decide on how to view that.
Why bastard sword?
Check sawtooth saber ...feat cost is same but counts as light when twf...I think that will do what you want better.
I know that isn't the same weapon and all but that is about the best your going to do I think.
The "many attacks" natural attacker is one of the few builds that truly finds the feat Vital Strike useful in its own way. With DR that you have no way to ignore, getting 1 big hit in is better than many smaller hits.
Now the main issue you will face right now is you said your level 7 which means you need to wait till level 8 to swap any feats (off my memory I think you can only retrain at level time, but I may be wrong). So you could consider the Vital Strike option and since its BAB 6 req, when you rebuild you use your current abilities to qualify. Alternately Eldtich Claws also requires BAB 6 if you think the magic+silver would get you more ooomph. Additionally the Angelic Flesh:Steel option mentioned above does the CI.
Honestly the answer to this problem lies at the heart of the problem with playing the game with a 1 dimensional character: You are not flexible. I say this, and I know it comes off as harsh, but that is the problem and its yours. YOU have to think of creative ways to be useful with such a build in such a circumstance. I have some 1 dimensional PFS characters and I start getting super creative when I hit those snags. In your case, dude...your still a stinking druid! Cast some spells man, summon some monsters that do energy damage, etc. Want to still melee? Well hopefully you actually built your guy to be good in melee and the wildshaping just improves it and not makes it a big arse hammer with adamantine on it or something (based on prof of course) and beat it down!. These are just some ways to find yourself useful. Other ways is you snag some good buff scrolls and when you can't do anything useful you consider making your allies more useful, or your AC.
To add some perspective, I have a character who is played as having a vow of nonviolence that damages enemies (choice on my part) and is a master manipulator (sorc with high DC mind screw spells). His only power lies in his ability to force the enemy to at least not act effectively. When I hit points where I can't use such spells due to immunity to mind effecting spells, I of course use my 2 buffs spells on the party...but after that I have some wands/scrolls that have useful non-violent options as my back up. I also look for terrain features and see if there is a way to exploit that to aid my allies or hinder my foes. Heck, I've gone in and grappled an enemy caster before (choosing to not deal the damage on successfull checks).
You need to do the same kind of thinking. As it sounds like season 6 is the antithesis of the natural attack beasts that dominated in season 4&5 (eidolon/ACs/druids with holy amulets!) in certain areas those same players are going to have to start getting very creative.
blackbloodtroll wrote: Why not Gunslinger? If your GM is willing BBTs point is valid. Also it works well as a replacement to my earlier suggestion. Rapid reload puts the shots as many a round as you want. If you are a Tiefling rogue rifelman with sniper goggles you could be doing some mean hits...getting touch flatfooted AC within 80ft is not bad :).
What level will you be able to start at? Starting level and wealth can change advise drastically as some builds don't come on line until later.
An example would be:
Tiefling Rogue (sniper archtype has some nice parts) (maybe mixed with crossbowman) with the feat Fiendish Darkness for extra darkness SLAs. Purchase Sniper Goggles and you can get SA from any distance.
The earliest this can come online is level 7 by normal wealth by level if you GM allows you to sink all your money in 1 item, otherwise level 9 by the general rule of no more than 1/2 your wealth on a single item.
Basic build idea is you pick a spot that is safe for you. Let your party move up with light sources to allow you to spot the enemy. Hunker down in your spot. If you are in a visible location use your darkness (which you can see through) and begin sniping. Since you should be considered to have concealment for all attacks this allows for using a bow. I know your concept was stealth shoot stealth but this gives your basic concept. This also allows the ability to not put all your eggs in 1 basket. Yes the xbow fighter allows for one big punch, but a miss is a miss. If you do a full attack with all getting SA you get a little less per hit but better odds.
So a build out would look like: Tiefling Rogue 7 Using Bows 20 Dex
1. Point Blank
3. Precise Shot
5. Rapid Shot
7. Fiendish Darkness
Rogue Talent: Only one I would suggest is powerful sneak to up the output minimum a little. You might go with weapon focus bow for greater accuracy.
Trait: Blade of the society gives a +1 damage on SA
Unbuffed attack rolls would be MW/+1 shortbow +12 (14 while invis, +1 w/in 30ft, -2 rapid shot) vs flatfooted AC. With various buffs that can reasonably ratchet up fairly fast. Each hit is 5d6+1(trait)+X(enhancements +buffs) with 4d6 being min 2 on the rolls.
The level 9 build ups the weapon to a +3 weapon (adaptive if you have a str bonus), add Deadly Aim feat.
Ishpumalibu wrote: My suggestion is to make him psionic, make him talk about how weak those who use the crutch of magic are, and how his strength comes from his mind. One problem emerges when the DM does as you suggest. In the psionics guide it suggests 2 models for the GM to use. Magic and psionics are essentially the same and mimic each other or the are distinctly different and are not interchangeable. The first method means the AMF still blocks psionics. The second does not.
This is a problem if the GM makes a char specifically designed to exploit the second method so too can the players and wreck a much greater damage than the GM planned to provide.
Bigdaddyjug wrote: Artanthos wrote: I am curious how many people remember this part of the spell while at the game table.
Quote: A creature whose type is different from the caster's receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw, because humor doesn't “translate” well.
I decided to go the serpentice/impossible crossblooded route. This means I will treat constructs, animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids as if they were humanoids for the purposes of any mind-affecting spell. This means the spells work and no +4 to their save. I had to choose 2 of impossible, undead, and serpentine bloodlines. As Ragoz said, impossible is hard to pass up with season 6 coming, and I'd wager that we see more animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids combined than corporeal humanoid undead.
Also, the impossible bloodline level 3 power means a free Spell Focus feat, so that's very nice.
Plus, I seem to remember a magical item that allows you to use enchantments on undead, so I can always pick that up to fill out the repertoire. Actually you could wear the ampule of false blood. If you are wearing it at the start of the adventure you are considered to be done with the initial wearing of it. So I would pick my main 2 bloodlines as the least two likely ones and the ampule as the most likely. If you get past the boiler plate info you can take of the ampule if you are fairly sure it won't be needed.
Alternatively you could make the ampule the least likely but do the same scenario.
taldanrebel2187 wrote: You can change everything but race. Check the organized play guide page 10. You can retrain feats or spells or class or anything else. Agreed, it's OP... They'll likely cap it eventually :P Actually Taldan if you had been paying attention to the many debates when they made the decision they acknowledged the danger of it being the very thing this thread has been about; however, they also acknowledged that the benefit far outweighed the risk due to the large enough number of characters built but the theory vs the impact the actual build left too many people with level 1 characters that retired early etc. Additionally there were many new players to the PFS system who ran into similar problems and walked away from the system since they had no legitimate recourse to fix what turned out to be bad designs. And no, its not OP..if one builds a character specifically of the ability to 'game' the system, then that is what it is..but for the average player they would only change maybe 1-3 items or if they did do a complete rebuild they would not be doing it to have gamed the system but because it wasn't working.
Now I realize that my above statements don't jive with my earlier partaking in this thread, but for me its a matter of a thought exercise that's fun, not something I actually do. If I make an overpowered character its either completely thought out to be bad or accidentally works out to be that good.
TriOmegaZero wrote: Kurthnaga wrote: You can't actually be banned from Society as far as I know... It has happened. And building broken characters isn't the reason either...
The problem with the catskin leather and celestial is outside of GM fiat, specific armors with enhancement bonuses may not be upgraded (ie PFS). Thus those have an ending curve of usefulness.
A funny one...just cause it really screws with the whole party...the AC sorcerer :). Halfling: Dex +5, Mage Armor +4 (potion), Shield +4(spell), size +1. Really this can be incorporated with the above build for damage too. Halfing would be 24 AC in combat and do 3d4+3 burning hands vs a human with 23 AC and 5d4+5 burning hands. The one down side is your cha is lower so you won't have the higher DC to spells... *shrug*
Player:My guy in robes walks up to the big baddy and begins wiggling his fingers.
DM: The mob attacks *rolls 22* Man I think your about to take a dirt nap!
Player: ...Miss...Now burning hands *rolls 5d4* Ok thats 16 damage if he fails his save.
DM: ....Ok, you win *hands out certs and walks away*
Generally speaking it depends on what you want to cheese weasel on it.
1. Tank: Four mirror armor is the cheapest +6AC item there is. Have +2 Dex. Take Tiefling and armor of the pit feat. Assuming you want to be combat effective too then use a heavy wooden shield. Taking fighter as your class go with either dodge or shield focus. Net AC 23 (25 if you do tower shield and don't care about hitting).
2. HP: Already been hashed further up.
3. Melee Damage: Barbarian for general rounds of buttkicking. Really any strength boosting race is good but if you are not killing stuff in one hit and didn't move then half-orc with toothy would be good. Weapon: Nodachi crits on a 18-20 and is standard martial as of the printing of Ultimate Equipment. Of course power attack, with a 20 str, your looking at 1d10+13 with a reasonable chance of critting.
4. Ranged Damage: Human fighter. Dex 20, point blank shot, precise shot, deadly aim. Since when you rebuild your character you can swap out gear at full value you could get a composite str bow after your first cert to help cover the hump. @1st level I would be tempted to say do throwing axes if you have a strength bonus. Pure cheese could see S 16, D 20, C 14, 7 for the rest. With throwing axes you would be doing 1d6+3 (so 4-9 vs 1-8 bow). Then after the 1st adventure grab a str +3 comp longow bor 1d8+3.
The magic damage has already been hashed out above :).
Imbicatus wrote: Claxon wrote:
Aside from those mentioned, I know of no more. And realistically, the succubus' profane gift is a risky proposition. As a GM, I would have the succubus remove the gift at a moment when you need it most.
That's why you kill/petrify the succubus immediately after getting the profane gift. They can't remove it if they are dead or otherwise incapable of taking actions.
It's not a tactic I would ever employ, but that is the usual plan. Umm no. Read planar binding, once the task is done they instantly go back to their plane. You get one service. As soon as it has given the gift it has completed its service. Poof gone. It's next action is to do 2d6 points of cha drain, which doesn't heal naturally. Sure pull this out at a PFS table, and watch the drama unfold. There is no way to back stop a protection on this. I would love a wizard with a low cha to do this...average cha of 8...good chance he is in a coma now.
Also book of nine swords..came out towards the end of 3.5 and has sword sage and a few other classes. You might find that more helpful to multiclass into since you are already commited to a created character.
Malwing wrote: Shfish wrote: Considering almost all 3pp stuff is off balance, I would restrict it to stuff found on the PRD, d20pfsrd, and archives of nethys. It sounds like you have those materials and honestly that provides a HUGE selection of stuff. I can't agree. I don't approve of everything on as balanced work, and I've come across plenty of good third party work. Also I personally read through and vetted everything before I allow it. My useless PDF folder is actually pretty small. Then there are the materials that are purposely off balance in an unbalanced class' favor. Your not getting my point. You asked how to share your stuff, I answered from my understanding of legality. Obviously we can't prevent you from doing a dropbox sharing, but it likely isn't legal unless the publisher put something in their page about it. I then suggested restricting it stuff they can get on the PRD sites so that they can have access to the material you share that is also on those sites. If you choose to ignore that option, its your choice. If you choose to share it via fileshare, its your choice and consequences.
This is an advice forum, you have been advised.
But my point about 3PP being off balance still stands. A majority of the options that are 3PP allows for those with moderate+ system mastery to create even more broken combinations than are capable from official product (and those can be bad enough as is).
Considering almost all 3pp stuff is off balance, I would restrict it to stuff found on the PRD, d20pfsrd, and archives of nethys. It sounds like you have those materials and honestly that provides a HUGE selection of stuff.
Rylden wrote: Not a bad idea Shfish, but Magus with Bladebound type gets a intelligent sword. You can also take Magus Arcana Eldritch Athame (Su)to alt the shape of your weapon completely, and have weapon pro in the new weapon regardless of what you make. Kensai allows for no armor pro, but Int to armor. Dimension door and the dervish feats would allow for the Flashstep abilities that many have. To many things from Magus to ignore it as a great start to this character concept. Umm I'm guessing you didn't look at the class I indicated. Let me list some things for you to specifically look at and read and then tell it doesn't fit better. Again, magus isn't the answer. (Cause you don't cast dim door as an immediate action)
Go do and search for soulknife. Click on the list for blade skills. Look at the following:
Alter blade (can be done with a feat too)
Combat Slide (flash step sort of, reads as a 5ft step and there are ways to add to that)
Mental Power [goes with gifted blade archtype](Dimension Slide, for longer 'flash step' moves at higher level)
Additionally if you wanted to give the character some Kido abilities (keeping in mind the char you mentioning isn't that much) then the archtype Gifted Blade does that.
There is of course more things than I listed that might fit that character more. He is more rogue like than others, and gets that from the Soulknife blade skills. While for some of the bleach characters the Magus would work well enough because of the destructive power they can have adds to it, this particular character is not served well by it. You are trying to use a very square peg to fit into a round hole sir. While this may not be the perfect circle, with some wiggling I believe it will go in.
No we assumed right. Player options are also considered campaign options and therefore campaign material dude.
Again, for the 3PP stuff much of it is on the d20 site if its one of the contributing authors. As for the official Paizo prods it's on various SRD sites as well, to include their own.
Now, my answer about distribution is based on Paizo. If you are using a 3pp you need to read the legal info on its first few pages.
Actually there is no need to share the files with them. If you the GM own the copy and are saying that as long as you own the material they may use it, then for research purposes they can use either the Nethys or D20pfsrd sites to figure out what they want to choose. During the game they are going to be using hand written sheets anyway or can tell you the items they want printed off for reference during the game (a much smaller printing cost as most players will use 4-10 pages of paper). Additionally if they have tablets/laptops/smartphones they can save the paper and use those for reference purposes.
As far as I remember the copyright says distribution is not OK, not just if you are selling it. When you buy the PDF, its for your personal use only. As the GM that means you can say that's what you allow in your game and they are referencing your books, not taking a copy. When you Dropbox them, you violate the terms.
Actually drop the Magus altogether. Realistically you should go with Soulknife (Psionics)
1. Your weapon is a mindblade (so more like their weapons). As you progress you have the ability to transform it into specific weapons and there is a feat that allows you to change its shape. This fits the overall theme of the characters switching between weapon release forms.
2. Psychic strike can be skinned to sort of look like the "special" attacks that can be done with the weapons.
3. Blade Skills allows you to customize many of the powers you use with it.
Overall this allows for a character that doesn't use magic but has some magic like abilities.
In case you don't believe me linky []Orcs of Golarion[/url].
Also if you look on additional resources tab you will see the resource and the trait are legal.
Orcs of Golorian is a paizo prod
Religion: Battlefield Caster (only +1 but something)
Racial: (Half-orc) Unbreakable Hate (use adopted to get it if not half-orc)
Do you have a link to that? There are hundreds of posts to pour through depending on how you word the search...and it's not an FAQ item (I had checked there)
So if a summoner has dim door, can I use the clause in share spells that says I can cast a spell with a target of "you" as a touch spell on my eidolon and thereby making him the focus of the dim door instead of me?
Basic scenario is I have 5 players who need to be moved. Round 1 I cast using share spells and have the eidolon grab two while I touch him and bamph. Round 2 I cast again grabbing two more and bamph. Now all 5 of us are where we need.
Legitimate reading of the rules?
avr wrote: OK, here's the druid I was suggesting, in a little more detail.
Garuda-blooded Aasimar
STR 12
DEX 14 +2 racial
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 16 +2 racial
Traits: Trap Finder, one that makes stealth a class skill.
Plains Druid archetype, Monkey domain
Druid 1 Familiar, Monkey Athletics, Two-Weapon Fighting
Druid 2 Plains Traveler
Druid 3 Run Like the Wind, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Druid 4 Savanna Ambush
Druid 5 Dampen Presence
Druid 6 Ranged Legerdemain, Wild Shape
Druid 7 Improved Familiar
Max Acrobatics, Disable Device, Stealth & Perception; use your favored class bonus to get at least one rank of Survival for verisimilitude. You can beat people up with a shillelagh'ed quarterstaff from level 1, you're an expert acrobat & you get various bonuses to stealth in natural surroundings (especially but not exclusively plains). When you get an improved familiar which can speak your familiar can use wands for that burst damage.
i.e. trickster without the PrC.
I had not seen the Trap Finder trait I have a reason to buy people of hte sands...
Arksangiel wrote: So, first build:
Theologian 1 (Fire) (Cleric CL = HD from here forward)
Umm why would your CL = HD? Magical Knack only gets back 2 CL, the theologian only applies to the domain stuff.
Kids Track. that go with Beginner's Box Demos
I ran my nephews through these 4 adventures along with the Beginners box and now we play PFS scenarios with them. If you are wanting to home game stuff you can do the 4 adventures along with their associated lesson you will get a good intro on how the basic mechanics work. If you are not using the Beginners Box then you will have to do a little cross referencing with the Bestiary but it still would be a good start.
But yes, no matter how you start, it takes them a while to get through. After the beginners box and the 4 scenarios (we had them for some weekends, took like 4 or 5 altogether to get all 5 things done) we started them on PFS. So far only one adventure has been a problem on their speed and inexperience (it was timed) but we also tend to only have one of them at a table unless both of us are there to take one under our wing.
Suma3da wrote: Xethik wrote: I really like the Grey Warden/Grey Gardener PrC. As a heads up, last time I recommended it I was told it was not PFS legal. Not sure if this is the case still. Yea, the problem with Grey Gardener in PFS was the entry requirement. Having to publicly execute someone can be disruptive of the party and be viewed as "evil". In PFS all role play reqs are considered fulfilled.
blackbloodtroll wrote: Darkleaf Cloth is an option. It does not change the category though.
Is this for a home game or a PFS character?
Gwiber wrote: Trip, Attack of Opportunity
When the “target” Rises from Prone; an Attack of Opportunity is provoked from those adjacent.
Can the attacker use a trip action as his attack of opp to try and keep the target down?
If yes some kind of C&P ruling would be nice.
Future reference: read FAQ before posting questions. You get an answer sooner if one has been made for the issue at hand.
Trip FAQ
Direct him to this thread with the others. He is wrong. If he doesn't like it, he doesn't have to GM for PFS. If the VC doesn't like it, he can by all means resign.
More likely though they just misunderstand the rules (a VC shouldn't but.....) and just need correcting.
BigNorseWolf wrote: Its the organized* play for the game , as well as the in universe justification for this weeks adventu... ermm... organization of gentleman explorers dedicated to knowledge.
In a nut shell, they are a series of 4 hour scenarios of various levels. You could be excivating an osirion tomb 1 week, attending a high society dinner party the next, and navigating the vast mawangi expense the week after.
Play 1 with a character, get a chronicle sheet that shows you played the game, some gold, and some XP. Get 3 xp. level up, wash rinse repeat. The games get reported to Paizo.
The nice thing about it is you can play your character(s) anywhere. I can go to a friendly local gaming store, play Grognack the barbarian, go to a con meet some new people and still be Grognack, then go on vacation and find somewhere to play.. still as grognack. You meet new gamers, and you don't have the same DM all the time. You can swap out players/dms every week so one person doesn't get stuck dm..erm.. everyone can experience the joy of DMing.
Its 20 point buy (so someone's little brother doesn't show up with the strait 18s they rolled "fair and square")
No magic item creation (because downtime is hard to track and doubling your WBL is just nuts)
A few things are banned. Synthesist summoners, undead lords, master summoners, and vivisectionists come to mind but on the whole the campaign is amazingly inclusive.
*disorganized? :)
Definitely more inclusive than its near sister campaign Living Greyhawk. One if the advantages he is hinting at is a much more flexible commitment for you the player. One big problem home games have is commitment or lack of each week or so; with this you can fill in games when you want as long as you have others willing.
Eigengrau wrote: Guess someone could always get a spell tattoo of Shield then. True, as most combats end in less than a minute, 100 gp to shut down a one trick pony is not a bad investment for the fighter type.
Nefreet wrote: If an Archetype gives you no mechanical benefit until, say, 4th level, there is no difference in deciding to take that Archetype at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. Official raw says level 1. PFS has a house rule of what you said.
Reynard_the_fox wrote: Don't forget Empower Spell, Intensify Spell, and Maximized Spell. You can also substitute Magical Lineage for Metamagic Master if your GM doesn't like Dragon Empires stuff.
The Evocation School for wizard gives you +1/2 level to damage on evocation spells, and I think fits the flavor perfectly. Alternately, the Orc bloodline gives you +1 damage per die rolled, which I think is pretty close in terms of total damage. Force damage is definitely not elemental damage, so most of the damage-boosting sorcerer bloodlines don't apply.
I think there might be a prestige class out there somewhere that focuses heavily on Magic Missile... EDIT: yup, Force Missile Mage, that's the one.
Oh, and since Magic Missile strikes unerringly unless the foe has total cover or total concealment, using partial cover/concealment to your advantage might be good. I think a battlefield control Evocation wizard would do you pretty well. Make sure you grab Dispel Magic, cause otherwise when people start hearing there's a magic missile master in the area and everyone starts drinking Potions of Shield, you'll be in serious trouble. :p
....reread potion creation rules dude, no personal spells....
Do you know the difference between solid barrier and not solid barrier? A solid barrier in game terms has always meant permanent features of the room IE walls, doors, trees etc. Those items provide total cover if the situation allows for it (as per the rules you quoted).
Your right, there is nothing that says that creatures can't provide total cover...which doesn't mean they do either. If the rules were intended to allow for that, then it would have been spelled out. As it is, they actually took the time to say they provide soft cover because without it they wouldn't provide any cover or as per DM fiat they would provide total cover. By giving a rule like this they have taken the ambiguity out of it for a group wanting to run by RAW.
So Ssyvan, if as you say your group wants to run by already have it. YOU keep trying to ADD interpretations. DONT. Not if you are wanting to run by RAW. All a PC does is adds soft cover, all soft cover does is add a +4 to the enemies AC. Full stop. End of effect. Done.
...Did you read the pathfinder society character creation guide?
Long it completely.
Short answer to get you going you keep the gear you have. If you had any remaining gold left you would add it to the 20 day job and 511 gained.
Akerlof wrote: Diminutive Titan wrote:
Shfish wrote:
I know the argument for the Exalted PRC maybe doing it if you are already a MT, but I need to steer out of gray areas.
What do you mean?
It's the Evangelist PRC, actually. From the 2nd through 10th level, the Evangelist advances all your aligned class's class features (except HD, BAB, Saves and Skill points, I think) by 1 level each time you level. So an Evangelist 5/Summoner 5 would have an Eidolon, spellcasting, and Summon Monster SLAs equivalent to a Summoner 9.
Take that feature and make your aligned class Mystic Theurge. Say you go early entry and become Cleric 1/Wizard 2/MT 7/Evangelist 10. With Mystic Theurge as your aligned class, what effective level would it be? Some people have argued that it would be 16, with the only advancement being in your Cleric and Wizard spellcasting levels. They use the Beyond 20th Level rules to support this.
Others disagree, holding that since prestige classes have a very specifically limited number of levels available, there is no way to advance beyond that cap. So your effective MT level is 10.
Unless there has been a ruling or FAQ in the last week, I think it's still the GM's call officially. Exactly. I am currently playing an early entry MT and was looking beyond as I am currently level 9...looking as to what I would need to do to continue that didn't require DM ruling.
Is there any prestige class that gives a +1 to two spellcasting classes like the MT does? I have been looking through the various one on the web, but don't know if I missed something.
I know in 3.5 there was the Arcane Hierophant, but its easier if I go with official paizo material.
I know the argument for the Exalted PRC maybe doing it if you are already a MT, but I need to steer out of gray areas.
Deadmanwalking wrote: There are not a lot of traps in WotR...a dedicated trap guy isn't likely to be necessary.
My recommendation remains Ranger as above. Maybe going into Trickster eventually, since that seems an unlikely Path for any of the above listed characters, and is pretty fun and effective, IMO.
Umm while not every encounter area has traps, there are several in each major section, so your advice is not accurate in the sense of any AP...there are enough of those plus secret doors that a dedicated trapper ranger is perfectly good to give it without giving up ranged prowess.
Rerednaw wrote: The Angelblooded(Angelkin) is also good due to the Alter Self SLA (make yourself small, +1 to hit from siz, +2 dex, ranged weapons still do normal-sized damage).
Wrong. If your size changes so does your weapon size categories that you have to follow. As a bow is a two handed weapon you can't use a med bow with a small character. Also as per the polymorph rules alter self usually changes the size of your gear to be appropriate, so now you do small weapon damage and not the other.
As I am currently playing this let me give non spoiler advice:
You need range!!! Do a ranger with favored enemy evil outsider, you will know by level 5 tieflings as well, the level 10+ I have no advice on other than keep evil outsider your highest.
But, unless your cleric is going melee and planning for higher defense, you need to make sure your ranger is capable of switch hitting at least a little.
Are Aasimar variant bloods allowed? If so go Garuda blood aasimar for darkvision and dex and wis boost.
As a secondary to a ranger (they get lots of skills which is why I do them first) consider the bow based paladin. They can be more effective than ranger vs evil and can do some major boosts to hit and damage. I would still do Aasimar but would go Azata instead.
If you don't have any idea if a rogue will be joining the mix and the bard isn't trap capable, go ranger with the trapper archetype to get magical trap finding as a rogue.
Now Mythic: you are likely to either want the champion or maybe the trickster paths. I'd go champion. Along the way you want to snag abilities that allow you to ignore DR. I believe there is one or two that allow full attacks to ignore, but they are higher level. What you do want is to look at the mythic versions to deadly aim and rapid shot...they are nice.
Also if you do champion you might want the champion campaign trait: it gets a boost when you hit mythic.
But the debate about killing someone because they detect as evil is a long hard debate. To kill someone outright as a paladin you should never do it because they detect as evil, but because their actions are evil (like attacking you, a "holy" warrior). This advice comes from PFS rule 0: if it's gray, expect table variation, therefore run the most restrictive course.
All of the role-play element requirements of feats and PRCs are considered fullfilled in PFS. That is the generic answer you need to run with man.
Now, if an adventure takes longer than 1 day, you could start running into issues, but I would point them to the default rule and move on.
As I don't have inner sea gods, is this feat allowed in the additional options page?