>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the following scenario:

Finds sloth "no" reaction gif.

Cannot decide if this goes in the Sloths pictures folder or the No reaction gifs folder.


Put in one folder, then add a link to them in the other folder?

Silver Crusade

Chris Lambertz wrote:

I blame Cosmo for the following scenario:

Finds sloth "no" reaction gif.

Cannot decide if this goes in the Sloths pictures folder or the No reaction gifs folder.


Link us the picture?

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I blame Cosmo because I don't need a reason >:)

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I blame Cosmo because I didn't get home from work last night until 9PM.

The Exchange

My daughter turned 18 yesterday. She is no longer my "little girl". I blame Cosmo for the seemingly overnight progression of time.

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I am wondering if I can blame cosmo for things that happened to other people who don't know about Cosmo....for instance...

I Blame Cosmo for a friend of my whoses car once spontaneously combusted.

Is that OK with the rules or should we only blame cosmo for personal stuff and great historical events?

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Just because one doesn't know Cosmo is behind events, doesn't mean he isn't behind the events.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
John Kretzer wrote:

I am wondering if I can blame cosmo for things that happened to other people who don't know about Cosmo....for instance...

I Blame Cosmo for a friend of my whoses car once spontaneously combusted.

Is that OK with the rules or should we only blame cosmo for personal stuff and great historical events?

I blame Cosmo for John Kretzer's indecisiveness in the face of the great calamity that is Cosmo.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'll just leave this here.

I think we all know exactly who is to blame.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

"No one", in this case, means "Cosmo".

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Cosmo wrote:
"No one", in this case, means "Cosmo".

Wait, does this mean you are the "Not Me" that Billy Keane keeps blaming for all the Family mishaps?

I just realized, Cosmo has one hell of a stealth score. All those episodes of Family Matters and no one caught Cosmo inflicting all those mishaps on Steve Urkel.

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I blame Cosmo for the "Apologize to Chris Lambertz for All of your misdeeds here" topic being nearly forgotten.

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I blame Cosmo for my seeming tendency to kill or weaken threads I post in. This isn't even an exaggeration. Things have consistently died when I write on them... you bastard.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I blame Cosmo for wanting to secretly encourage everyone to let the >>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<< thread die after Captain Sakhbet's last post. I am not an evil person by nature, so that impulse had to come from someone truly EVIL...

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I blame Cosmo for inducing Feros' evil compulsions. Truly, he is a master of discord.

EDIT: You've really done it now, Cosmo, you villainous fiend.

I blame you for running out of avocado for my blt Dx

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I got so fascinated by the book I was reading that when the bird started singing outside, I looked up and did a classic double-take when I realized that, yes, that actually was Rosy-fingered Dawn peeping through the windows. Okay, fine so far: I was (and still am) re-reading The Way of Kings so I have everything straight in my head before I try to tackle Words of Radiance. Then I had to stand up, and I'd been sitting in one position for so long that my back had turned into something completely non-Euclidean. And the ibuprofen was aaall the way across the room. I blame Cosmo because, try as I may, I cannot manage to teleport one teensy little bottle of ibuprofen just a few measly feet. Honestly, Cosmo, is it too much to ask?

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I blame Cosmo for the Tuesday malaise.

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I blame Cosmo and the Poodle Lords for Wednesday not being Hump Day for most of us.


As I was driving on Monday, I had yet more occasions to rage impotently at my fellow commuters for turning into rubberneckers (or "Looky Lous" as Mamma Slaad calls them) when passing even the most minor of accidents or commotions. This morning, after my second cup of coffee, I had a Moment of Clarity when it dawned on me I do the same Cos'damned thing when I click on a link that I know will be/become a superheated troll-filled grarfest. The knowledge deeply shamed me.

Therefore, instead of resolving to become a better slaad, I blame Cosmo for my listening to my self-insight and for being ashamed of my baser motivations.

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I blame Cosmo for knocking out power in my town for ~8 hours last night.

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SnowJade wrote:
I got so fascinated by the book I was reading that when the bird started singing outside, I looked up and did a classic double-take when I realized that, yes, that actually was Rosy-fingered Dawn peeping through the windows. Okay, fine so far: I was (and still am) re-reading The Way of Kings so I have everything straight in my head before I try to tackle Words of Radiance. Then I had to stand up, and I'd been sitting in one position for so long that my back had turned into something completely non-Euclidean. And the ibuprofen was aaall the way across the room. I blame Cosmo because, try as I may, I cannot manage to teleport one teensy little bottle of ibuprofen just a few measly feet. Honestly, Cosmo, is it too much to ask?

That happen to me alot...though I have learned to change my position from time to time.

I Blame Cosmo the fact there is not going to be alot of RPGs I am in this week.

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Randarak wrote:

I blame Cosmo for getting me sick with a sinus infection for most of this week, making me miss my Tuesday night game, and potentially making me miss my Friday night game, of which I am GM.

Weaponized bacteria dude?! That's low, even for you.

I am blaming Cosmo for the exact same thing again, a mere 10 weeks later. I fell for it again!!!

Of course, you realize, this means war.

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I blame Cosmo just for the sake of blaming Cosmo!

Randarak wrote:
Randarak wrote:

I blame Cosmo for getting me sick with a sinus infection for most of this week, making me miss my Tuesday night game, and potentially making me miss my Friday night game, of which I am GM.

Weaponized bacteria dude?! That's low, even for you.

I am blaming Cosmo for the exact same thing again, a mere 10 weeks later. I fell for it again!!!

Of course, you realize, this means war.

You already lost.

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When I kick pinkskins in the knees and scream "THIS. IS. PAIZO!!!", I blame Cosmo that I keep forgetting to cast create pit first.

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Tels wrote:
Randarak wrote:
Randarak wrote:

I blame Cosmo for getting me sick with a sinus infection for most of this week, making me miss my Tuesday night game, and potentially making me miss my Friday night game, of which I am GM.

Weaponized bacteria dude?! That's low, even for you.

I am blaming Cosmo for the exact same thing again, a mere 10 weeks later. I fell for it again!!!

Of course, you realize, this means war.

You already lost.

I blame Cosmo for Randarak just now accidentally wishing himself into the Daffy role in Duck Amuck.

Silver Crusade

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I should be sleeping right now but... Dark Souls 2 is calling me...

Curse you Cosmo!

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I blame Cosmo for kobolds not being a playable race in PFS. It's because he's jealous of how handsome we are.

I also blame him because, considering how he's apparently all-powerful, he's probably the reason the universe exists. I blame Cosmo for cosmos.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I also blame him because, considering how he's apparently all-powerful, he's probably the reason the universe exists. I blame Cosmo for cosmos.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." ~ Douglas Adams

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I Blame Cosmo for my friends failure to answear e-mails or reply to yahoo groups.

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I blame Cosmo for Jason and Wes not answering their topics more.

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I blame Cosmo for all the Clown jokes/comments in the How To Scare James Jacobs thread.

Guy St-Amant wrote:

I blame Cosmo for all the Clown jokes/comments in the How To Scare James Jacobs thread.

So the entire thread then?

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I blame Cosmo because my car has a leak in it's fuel tank. I'm sure it's just a way for Cosmo to both mess with my car and to slowly steal fuel out of it for himself.

I also blame Cosmo that I don't really have enough money to easily fix it, and thus will have to put up with it a while longer.

Dark Archive

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It's Cosmo's fault that I have seventeen right socks and only fourteen left socks (and it's also Cosmo's fault that the number of socks I own is not evenly divisible by my number of feet...).

Set wrote:

It's Cosmo's fault that I have seventeen right socks and only fourteen left socks (and it's also Cosmo's fault that the number of socks I own is not evenly divisible by my number of feet...).

I used have this problem (obviously it a old Cosmo trick). My solution was to buy solid white socks.

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John Kretzer wrote:
Set wrote:

It's Cosmo's fault that I have seventeen right socks and only fourteen left socks (and it's also Cosmo's fault that the number of socks I own is not evenly divisible by my number of feet...).

I used have this problem (obviously it a old Cosmo trick). My solution was to buy solid white socks.

I do this and I still have this problem because my family steals my socks. I have the largest feet in my family, but I have to buy brand new socks almost once a month because they keep getting stolen.

I blame Cosmo.

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Set wrote:
It's Cosmo's fault that I have seventeen right socks and only fourteen left socks (and it's also Cosmo's fault that the number of socks I own is not evenly divisible by my number of feet...).

OK, you should pick one that's longer, tie it in a knot, and cut off the end with the toe just below the knot. Viola! You now have a regular-toed but shortened one and a makeshift one with a knot-end at the toe-end.

By pick one, I mean a sock, not a leg.

Although, that knot is probably gonna painfully smash your toes when you wear shoes...

OK, when you next level up (or when you can retrain), you should instead take the Racial Heritage (ziphryn) feat and then grab ziphryn's ability to float above the ground.

Although, while flumph DNA would be neat, you'd also be part gnome and grow to rely on Internet grar/conflict to stave off Bleaching...

OK, instead take the Racial Heritage (halfling) feat for nifty tricksy calloused hobbitses feetses.

Although, hobbitses still treat d4s and Lego as caltrops, and you still have to watch out for bubble gum and doge poopsies and hot sidewalks...

ARRRRRRRRRRGH! This Cosmo's fault for being the Mammon of socks and making both of my brain cells hurt!

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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:

Although, hobbitses still treat d4s and Lego as caltrops, and you still have to watch out for bubble gum and doge poopsies and hot sidewalks...

I blame Cosmo for doge poopsies, which brings back bad memories of my time in Venice. Why can't he go in the canals like everybody else?!

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Set wrote:

It's Cosmo's fault that I have seventeen right socks and only fourteen left socks (and it's also Cosmo's fault that the number of socks I own is not evenly divisible by my number of feet...).

I blame Cosmo because he purposely designs dryers so less socks somehow come out of them than go in. Where they go is a mystery only he knows.

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Speaking of, I can find about 6 black kneesocks... and none of them are the same length! I can't find one single complete pair of black kneesocks/over-knee socks. And yes, it's only the black ones that are a problem. What the hell is your problem with black socks, Cosmo?

I also blame Cosmo for me being so indecisive that I had to go ask the forum for opinions on my level-up choices.

Dark Archive

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Thymus Vulgaris wrote:
Speaking of, I can find about 6 black kneesocks... and none of them are the same length!

I blame Cosmo for using Thymus' black socks as swing-lines during his nightly adventures through Gotham, and leaving them all stretched out at different lengths, depending on the weight of the person he was rescuing / bad-guy he was dangling from a roof-top.

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I blame Llewyn Cosmo for having folk song earworms stuck in my head.

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I blame Cosmo for not having any faith in me.

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I blame Cosmo for my body's need for food for curtailing my purchase of a new very-badly desired 3PP RPG PDF by a favorite author.

I also blame Cosmo for my body not producing plasma that I could regularly sell off by the pint. Yes, that's the intended link. I blame Cosmo for you doubting my intention.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I blame Cosmo for the monster nor'easter about to hit Atlantic Canada. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Cosmo for my dibs being removed from a dying thread.

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I blame Cosmo for the terrible day at work I just had.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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I blame Cosmo for immediately thinking of his avatar while listening to this song.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Liz Courts wrote:
I blame Cosmo for immediately thinking of his avatar while listening to this song.

Quoting so that I may favorite this TWICE...

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