>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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See, I have a system!

I chaperone choir trips for a group that consistently ranks in the top 10% in the state.

And I insist that THEY sing along with the radio.

Works for me!

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NobodysHome wrote:

See, I have a system!

I chaperone choir trips for a group that consistently ranks in the top 10% in the state.

And I insist that THEY sing along with the radio.

Works for me!

And while I'm at it, I blame Cosmo that:

(1) I thought I was posting to FaWtL
(2) I am both overjoyed and disappointed that I am not naked.

Curse you Cosmo, confusing me about my own nakedness!

Rysky wrote:

I Blame Cosmo for Amby being adorable.

I will also agree with this...

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo that I let an embarrassing secret slip out last night. I like to sing along with songs, but I am a terrible singer. So, for the last couple years, when a song comes on the radio in the car and I am alone, I will often sing along. But I'm not fond of the sound of my voice, so I don't really sing along with the songs... I meow along with the songs*. Pretty much any noise a human can imitate of a cat. It amuses me (I am often easily amused by dumb things), and it works surprising well with certain singers, like Axel Rose of classic-era Guns 'N Roses.

Earlier yesterday, I was meowing/caterwauling along with GnR's "Sweet Child o' Mine" on the drive home. Not unusual for me. Last night, I stopped by my sister's house to catch her up on dad. Normally, when they sit outside on their porch winding down after dinner, they have their radio playing. (Yeah, you already know where this is going.) So, she and I are alone on the porch, she's just finished talking to me, "Sweet Child" comes on the radio, and right when Axel goes into the first chorus...

...without consciously thinking I start meowing along. Not loud, softly, like about at the same audible level most people would hum along. I notice she gives me strange look, but she waits for about another 20 seconds before she interrupts and asks me "What the hell? Are you meowing like a cat?!"

What I would not have done, even if I'd thought about it in time, is put my hands on my hips and said, "Well, what other type of miaowing do you expect me to do?!"

I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

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Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

Well since this the Blame Cosmo thread I would say blame Cosmo.

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Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

Why not both?

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

Hmmmm...Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats sung entirely to meows...


Uuhgh. I Blame Cosmo for the entire concept entering my sleep deprived brain.

Feros wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

Hmmmm...Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats sung entirely to meows...


That would be a vast, vast improvement, IMO.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Limeylongears wrote:
Feros wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
I'm confused. Should I blame Cosmo or Ambrosia Slaad for my sudden urge on the musical/feline crossover front?

Hmmmm...Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats sung entirely to meows...


That would be a vast, vast improvement, IMO.

Well of course. But even still...

I Blame Cosmo that it might be an improvement and still make me question my sanity.

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I blame Cosmo for the fact that I never question my own insanity...

Let the meows flow through you Feros...

Meoww, meowww, rowwww, rooowwwww, meowww CATS!!!!!!!!!

(ok, Cats all in cat calls just sounds like my house when someone opens a metal can and our cats hear it...I don't even have to pay for that)

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I pretty much hate all musicals, even cringing at musical episodes of TV shows I normally enjoy. But... I am quite fond of the DVD version of the Cats musical. (8-yro me crushing on Jemima/Veerle Casteleyn probably has something to do with it.) I blame Cosmo for my horrible taste in Broadway productions.

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I also hate musicals, but mostly because I know I can do it better.


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I Blame Cosmo that the batteries in my Roku remote control died last night and that we did not have any batteries of the proper size in the house.

John Kretzer wrote:
I Blame Cosmo that the batteries in my Roku remote control died last night and that we did not have any batteries of the proper size in the house.

Just wait... you'll find that some small creature in your house knocked batteries of the proper size under a sofa of the proper size!

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I blame Cosmo that I'm not smart enough to backronym STARBUCKS into something TARDIS-sounding.

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I also blame Cosmo for blow up fights that leave family members not speaking to one another.

Silver Crusade

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I blame Cosmo that I'm not smart enough to backronym STARBUCKS into something TARDIS-sounding.

Spatially Transcendent Anachronistic Rover, Bringing Us Cosmic Kerfuffle Solutions?

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I blame Cosmo for only realising today that I was confusing 'We Like To Party (or 'The Vengabus is Coming') by the Vengaboys with 'Boom Boom Boom', also by the Vengaboys. Worse, I'd been singing the words of 'We Like To Party' to the tune of 'Boom Boom Boom', and I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to forgive myself.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I also blame Cosmo for blow up fights that leave family members not speaking to one another.

I Blame Cosmo for blow up fights between family members and they still 'speak'* to one another.

*: Read 'speak' as yell.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for indoor rain. I came home yesterday to find water pouring out of our bathroom light fixture; apparently the apartment upstairs had their toilet tank burst, and they didn't notice. The plumber turned off their water, but it still took almost 24 hours to stop dripping. Once they get that fixed, we'll need an electrician, as the light shorted out (which I learned when I turned it on upon hearing the water, not able to see in the dark room where it was coming from. I'm very lucky to have not electrocuted myself...). Silly Cosmo, rain is for outdoors!

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Alanya wrote:
I blame Cosmo for indoor rain. I came home yesterday to find water pouring out of our bathroom light fixture; apparently the apartment upstairs had their toilet tank burst, and they didn't notice. The plumber turned off their water, but it still took almost 24 hours to stop dripping. Once they get that fixed, we'll need an electrician, as the light shorted out (which I learned when I turned it on upon hearing the water, not able to see in the dark room where it was coming from. I'm very lucky to have not electrocuted myself...). Silly Cosmo, rain is for outdoors!

Mayhem is Mayhem! The God of Mayhem doesn't care about that Indoors vs Outdoors thing.

I blame Cosmo people forget that all the time...

Going back to hunting Poppets.

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Let me explain the above...

I Blame Cosmo that my two sisters are up visiting from Florida...and they had to bring their dogs. We flat out told them not too...but they just told us they were bringing the dogs. Now Floyd is held up in my room (he even was in his panic room{under my bed} this morning...and the other one is held up in the basement.

I Blame Cosmo because this makes me reluctant to go out as Floyd is very stressed out.

John Kretzer wrote:

Let me explain the above...

I Blame Cosmo that my two sisters are up visiting from Florida...and they had to bring their dogs. We flat out told them not too...but they just told us they were bringing the dogs. Now Floyd is held up in my room (he even was in his panic room{under my bed} this morning...and the other one is held up in the basement.

I Blame Cosmo because this makes me reluctant to go out as Floyd is very stressed out.

You need to learn how to inforce the "my house, my rules" thing.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for green bean casseroles.

My aunt insists on bringing them to family dinners (Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.). She, bless her heart, tries really hard to make them good, with mushroom soup and chunks of portabello and bacon and some crunchy stringy stuff on the top that I never see anywhere else but on top of green bean casseroles.

But, at the end of the day, if she made a casserole with mushroom soup and chunks of portabello and bacon *without* green beans in it, it would be so much better. She's just dressing up the pig. Only it's not a pig, the pig is actually dressing up something else that's even less appealing, so this metaphor has failed spectacularly. Anyway.

Green beans just ruin everything. Even bacon. That's on you, Cosmo!

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Guy St-Amant wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Let me explain the above...

I Blame Cosmo that my two sisters are up visiting from Florida...and they had to bring their dogs. We flat out told them not too...but they just told us they were bringing the dogs. Now Floyd is held up in my room (he even was in his panic room{under my bed} this morning...and the other one is held up in the basement.

I Blame Cosmo because this makes me reluctant to go out as Floyd is very stressed out.

You need to learn how to inforce the "my house, my rules" thing.

Unfortunately it is not my house...my parents need to learn that.

John Kretzer wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Let me explain the above...

I Blame Cosmo that my two sisters are up visiting from Florida...and they had to bring their dogs. We flat out told them not too...but they just told us they were bringing the dogs. Now Floyd is held up in my room (he even was in his panic room{under my bed} this morning...and the other one is held up in the basement.

I Blame Cosmo because this makes me reluctant to go out as Floyd is very stressed out.

You need to learn how to inforce the "my house, my rules" thing.
Unfortunately it is not my house...my parents need to learn that.

You still live with your parents?

Maybe you should start blaming Karma...

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Set wrote:

I blame Cosmo for green bean casseroles.

My aunt insists on bringing them to family dinners (Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.). She, bless her heart, tries really hard to make them good, with mushroom soup and chunks of portabello and bacon and some crunchy stringy stuff on the top that I never see anywhere else but on top of green bean casseroles.

But, at the end of the day, if she made a casserole with mushroom soup and chunks of portabello and bacon *without* green beans in it, it would be so much better. She's just dressing up the pig. Only it's not a pig, the pig is actually dressing up something else that's even less appealing, so this metaphor has failed spectacularly. Anyway.

Green beans just ruin everything. Even bacon. That's on you, Cosmo!

The crunchy stringy stuff on top is fried onions.

Portabellos + mushroom soup + bacon would probably be real good if she swapped out the green beans for tater tots (frozen) or hashbrowns. Mix in some shredded cheese and top the whole casserole with fried onions (or French's fried jalapenos) and bake for deliciousness.

I blame Cosmo for Set's green bean misery.

I also blame Cosmo for canned asparagus.

Dark Archive

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Slaadish Chef wrote:
I also blame Cosmo for canned asparagus.

Ooh, I love asparagus. And Brussel sprouts.

But I can't eat them, because the smell (both when I eat them, and, uh, later...) offends everyone else in the house, including the dog.

For which Cosmo is to blame, obvs.

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Oh, I like asparagus too (and brussel sprouts), particularly when grilled. But not canned asparagus. Hate canned asparagus.

Asparagus should never be in a can or boiled. Grilled or steamed are however AWESOME (grilled with a little squeeze of lemon and some butter, YES PLEASE!)

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I blame Cosmo for how fraught relationships are.
It's irritating that that is also part of their attraction.

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I blame Cosmo for the multi-car accident that held me in 5 mph traffic this morning and made my 15 minute commute into a 45 minute one, gas is not free you know. Cosmo!!!

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I Blame Cosmo for the heavy rains that caused large amounts of traffic.

I Blame Cosmo that allergies I have not really suffered in over a decade decided to kick in.

Both combining to make use a sick day today.

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Blame forever be pointed unto His Vehemence, for we now have a cosmonastery that we may make use of in order to further articulate and precise our blames.

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I blame Cosmo that cosmonastery sounds like all the nasty things a cruel and unfeeling universe will do to you.

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I blame Cosmo that the ban on political threads means there's no good place on the boards for the gloating I'm oh so keen to get on to.

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Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

Oh my goodness! You're still alive!??!?!?

I thought we were just railing at the wind these last 2 months!

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo is still alive.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

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NobodysHome wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

Oh my goodness! You're still alive!??!?!?

I thought we were just railing at the wind these last 2 months!

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo is still alive.

I read every single one of these posts. You can tell by the favorites.

Cosmo wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

Oh my goodness! You're still alive!??!?!?

I thought we were just railing at the wind these last 2 months!

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo is still alive.

I read every single one of these posts. You can tell by the favorites.

Oh, c'mon. Just take a look at TacticsLion. I think he was replaced by a "favoritebot" a couple of years ago...

EDIT: Speaking of which, where is the man? I thought he was on every thread, favoriting everything like some kind of super-being. Is Cosmo really powerful enough to repel even TacticsLion's favoriting? Time to go harass someone...

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I Blame Cosmo that I now suspect others of being replaced by favoritebots!



Paizo Employee Sales Associate

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

Oh my goodness! You're still alive!??!?!?

I thought we were just railing at the wind these last 2 months!

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo is still alive.

I read every single one of these posts. You can tell by the favorites.

Oh, c'mon. Just take a look at TacticsLion. I think he was replaced by a "favoritebot" a couple of years ago...

EDIT: Speaking of which, where is the man? I thought he was on every thread, favoriting everything like some kind of super-being. Is Cosmo really powerful enough to repel even TacticsLion's favoriting? Time to go harass someone...

I am discriminating in my favoriting. I don't favorite everything. I have a method.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I blame Cosmo that he didn't favorite this post. Or, if he did, I blame Cosmo that he made me wrong.

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I am Blame Cosmo that the only thing I can think of do to special for my vacation is to get drunk alone...sigh. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cosmo wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Substitute all the political-y bits with the names of items of farm machinery, or perhaps common Swedish birds.

Or just post it in Swedish.

OR... just take it one of the million other places on the internet where it is not specifically disallowed. :)

Oh my goodness! You're still alive!??!?!?

I thought we were just railing at the wind these last 2 months!

I blame Cosmo that Cosmo is still alive.

I read every single one of these posts. You can tell by the favorites.

So not-favoriting one is a deliberate snub then?


Cosmo wrote:
I am discriminating in my favoriting. I don't favorite everything. I have a method.


Your fault for me not reading the full thread then, I guess.

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