Shasf |

Unfortunately Shasf, Dragons do everything possible to stay out of melee range of a melee combatant. It was the Kensai's bane, having to deal with goldie for that very reason. I had to use a bait and switch with very, very calculated distances for my melee combatant to get close enough.
Yea, the only good news is, if it stops to buff after a single move action or use a breath weapon the fighter has a chance of catching it. Otherwise the fight with goldie is a loss even if I do switch to a ranged weapon (take off dragon bane from the scimitars; for wealth); the fighter would have a comp. lonbow (+1 str; +5 dragon bane, endless ammunition) just to attack it at range.
The other options available require close range, non-mobile means (orb of storms) or the use of leadership to gain a dragon (CR +8 to determine cohort level). Using leadership, I think the solar dragon looks interesting.
But it would be needed just for this one fight, just to get fighter close enough for melee range. While strafing it with arrows (ready action to shoot when goldie is about to cast a spell to disrupt his buffing abilities)
Other than those tactics, unless it's possible to have an Orb of Gold Dragonkind to provoke goldie into melee range it's a difficult fight as is with the fighter. The other abuse is to use the Antagonize feat with Intimidate to provoke him into making a melee attack (Intimidate DC 46; characters would need a minimum bonus of +36).
@Cap Darling: Thank you.
Any other suggestions of concerns would be appreciated.

ElMustacho |

Another (anti)hero attempts the Beatsmass!
Male human antipaladin 20
CE Medium outsider(native)
Init +19; Senses Perception -1
Aura: aura of cowardice, aura of depravity, aura of despair, aura of evil, aura of sin, aura of vengeance
AC 41, touch 17, flat-footed 38 (+14 armor, +5 deflection, +1 Dex, +2 insight, +1 dodge, +11 natural armor, -1 size)
hp 288 (20d10+197) +20
Fort +39, Ref +33, Will +30, evasion, +2 vs. negative energy, negative levels, ability damage or ability drain, immune to electricity, fire
DR 10/good
Speed 40 foot, fly 90 foot
Power Attack always on
Melee: scythe +1 (bane (beastmass)/conductive) (two handed) +39/+33/+28/+23/+18 ((two handed) 2d6+ 39+2d6/x4) (Actually, he has a scythe for every kind of monster met during the beastmass; he just switches them outside combat)
Space: 10 foot by 10 foot, reach 15 foot.
Special Attacks: channel negative energy (10d6, DC 30), dazed, frightened, shaken, stunned
Innate Spell-Like Abilities: righteous might ( DC , 1/day) Class Spell-Like Abilities: detect good (at will)Magic Item Spell-Like Abilities: fly (at will), restoration (lesser) (1/Day) Antipaladin Spells Prepared (CL 17th, concentration +30):
4th—unholy sword UM (3), eyes of void
3rd—deadly juggernaut UC (2), dispel magic (2)
2nd—litany of eloquence UC (5) (DC 22)
1st—death knell (DC 21), litany of weakness UC (5) (DC 21)
Str 28, Dex 20, Con 26, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 30
Base: Atk +20; CMB +26; CMD 46
Feats: Ability Focus (Corrupting touch) Combat Reflexes, Furious Focus, Improved Initiative, Necromantic Affinity, Noble Scion, Power Attack, Fiendskin, Maleficum, Mask of Virtue, Soulless Gaze
Skills Acrobatics +0 , Acrobatics (Jump) -4 , Escape Artist +0 , Fly +20 , Intimidate +37 , Ride +0 , Stealth +0
Traits dangerously curious, killer
Languages Common
SQ aura of cowardice, aura of depravity, aura of despair, aura of evil, aura of sin, aura of vengeance, bonus feat, cruelty, detect good, enhance weapon, humanoid traits, plague bringer, scion of war, skilled, smite good, touch of corruption, unholy champion, unholy resilience
Combat Gear scroll (foresight/wizard/20th/arcane/major), scroll (haste/wizard/20th/arcane/medium) (7), scroll (contingent action/wizard/3rd/arcane/minor), scroll (frightful aspect/wizard/20th/arcane/major), scroll (heroism (greater)), scroll (winds of vengeance/wizard/20th/arcane/major), scroll (7) (anticipate peril/wizard/5th/arcane/minor), scroll (long arm/wizard/20th/arcane/minor); Other Gear full plate +5 (unrighteous), scythe +1 (bane (outsiders (good))/conductive), scythe +1 (bane (dragons)/conductive), scythe +1 (bane (magical beasts)/conductive), scythe +1 (bane (oozes)/conductive), scythe +1 (bane (outsiders (evil))/conductive), amulet of natural armor +5, headband of aerial agility (cha) +6, bracers of the merciful knight(antipaladin version), ring of protection +5, ring of evasion, belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of resistance +5, boots of speed, portable hole, portable hole, manual of bodily health (+1), manual of gainful exercise (+1), manual of quickness of action (+1), tome of leadership and influence (+4), cyclops helm (2), 76,335 gp
Aura of Cowardice (Su): You radiate a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet to take a -4 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of you. This ability functions only while you remain conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
Aura of Depravity (Su): You gain DR 5/good. Each enemy within 10 feet takes a -4 penalty on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability functions only while you remain conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
Aura of Despair (Su): Enemies within 10 feet of you take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This penalty does not stack with the penalty from aura of cowardice. This ability functions only while you remain conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
Aura of Evil (Ex)
Aura of Sin (Su): Your weapons are treated as evil-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Any attack made against an enemy within 10 feet of your is treated as evil-aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This ability functions only while you remain conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead.
Aura of Vengeance (Su): You can expend two uses of your Smite Good ability to grant the ability to smite good to all allies within 10 feet, using your bonuses. Allies must use this Smite Good ability by the start of your next turn, and the bonuses last for 1 minute. Using this ability is a free action. Good creatures gain no benefit from this ability.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Channel Negative Energy (Su): You can unleash a wave of negative energy. You must choose to deal 10d6 points of negative energy damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures of 10d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 30 Will save to halve the damage. Using this ability consumes two uses of your touch of corruption ability.
Cruelty: At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, an antipaladin can select one cruelty. Each cruelty adds an effect to the antipaladin's touch of corruption ability. Whenever the antipaladin uses touch of corruption to deal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effect from one of the cruelties possessed by the antipaladin. This choice is made when the touch is used. The target receives a Fortitude save to avoid this cruelty. If the save is successful, the target takes the damage as normal, but not the effects of the cruelty. The DC of this save is 32.
Dangerously Curious: You have always been intrigued by magic, possibly because you were the child of a magician or priest. You often snuck into your parent's laboratory or shrine to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and often caused quite a bit of damage and headaches for your parent as a result. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
Dazed (Su): Whenever you use Touch of Corruption to deal damage to one target, the target is also dazed for 1 round.
Detect Good (Sp): At will, you can use Detect Good, as the spell. You can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, you do not detect good in any other object or individual within range.
Enhance Weapon Your fiendish boon allows you to enhance your weapon as a standard action by calling upon the aid of a fiendish spirit for 20 minutes. When called, the spirit causes the weapon to shed unholy light as a torch. This spirit grants the weapon a +6 enhancement bonus. This bonus can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or they can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: flaming, keen, vicious (+1), anarchic, flaming burst, unholy, wounding (+2), speed (+3), and vorpal (+5). Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's cost. These bonuses are added to any properties the weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. The bonus and properties granted by the spirit are determined when the spirit is called and cannot be changed until the spirit is called again. The fiendish spirit imparts no bonuses if the weapon is held by anyone other than you but resumes giving bonuses if returned to you. These bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon. You can use this ability 4 times per day. If a weapon bonded with a fiendish spirit is destroyed, you lose the use of this ability for 30 days, or until you gains a level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, you take a -1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls.
Frightened (Su): Whenever you use Touch of Corruption to deal damage to one target, the target is also frightened for 10 rounds.
Humanoid Traits (Ex): Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Killer: You made your first kill at a very young age and found the task of war or murder to your liking. You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus.
Plague Bringer (Ex): The powers of darkness make you a beacon of corruption and disease. You do not take any damage or from diseases. You can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but You are otherwise immune to their effects.
Scion of War: You use your Charisma modifier to adjust Initiative checks instead of your Dexterity modifier.
Shaken (Su): Whenever you use Touch of Corruption to deal damage to one target, the target is also shaken for 20 rounds.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Smite Good: (Su) You can call out to the dark powers to crush the forces of good 7 times per day. As a swift action, you choose one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, you add +10 to your attack rolls and +20 on all damage rolls made against the target of your smite. If the target of Smite Good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to +40. Regardless of the target, Smite Good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. In addition, while Smite Good is in effect, you gains a +10 deflection bonus to your AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If you target a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect. The Smite Good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time you rest and regain your uses of this ability.
Stunned: (Su) Whenever you use Touch of Corruption to deal damage to one target, the target is also stunned for 5 rounds.
Touch of Corruption: (Su) You surrounds your hand with a fiendish flame, causing terrible wounds to open on those you touch. You can use this ability 22 times per day. As a touch attack, you can cause 12d6 points of damage. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, you can use this power to heal undead creatures, restoring 12d6 hit points. This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature.
Unholy Champion: (Su) You are a conduit for the might of the dark powers. Your DR increases to 10/good. Whenever you use Smite Good and successfully strike a good outsider, the outsider is also subject to a Banishment at caster level 0 (you weapon and unholy symbol automatically count as objects that the subject hates). After the Banishment effect and the damage from the attack is resolved, the smite immediately ends. In addition, whenever you channel negative energy or use touch of corruption to damage a creature, you deal the maximum possible amount.
Unholy Resilience: (Su) At 2nd level, an antipaladin gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
Soulless Gaze:You gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks. When you demoralize a creatures more than once using Intimidate, you can create stronger fear conditions rather than increasing the duration of the shaken condition.You can use Intimidate to demoralize opponents as a swift action.
Mask of Virtue: Benefit: Those who try to learn your true alignment find it hidden or receive a false result. Depending on the number of damnation feats you possess, spells or special abilities that would normally reveal your alignment return a vague or incorrect result. If this feat disguises your alignment, you can use either your true alignment or the false one when using magic items with alignment prerequisites.The spell or special ability returns an inconclusive result. Upon gaining this power, choose an alignment within one step of your actual alignment. Your alignment is always revealed as being that false alignment. Upon gaining this power, choose an alignment within two steps of your actual alignment. Your alignment is always revealed as being this false alignment. You immediately know when someone is attempting to use a spell or special ability to learn your alignment. You learn the name and alignment of the creature using the effect. Additionally, you can choose any alignment as the result returned by the spell or ability. (Alignment selected: Chaotic Evil. Just because).
Maleficium: Add 2 to the DCs of all saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor that you cast. When you apply a metamagic feat to a spell with the evil descriptor, that spell takes up a spell slot 1 level lower than normal (to a minimum of 1 level above the spell’s actual level).Treat your caster level as being 2 higher for all level-dependent effects of spells with the evil descriptor that you cast.
Ability Focus (Corrupting touch)
Eyes of Void-> see in supernatural darkness.
Anticipate Peril->+5 to initiative.
Deadly Juggernaut-> cumulating bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, strength checks and strength based skill, as well as DR/- on each kill.
(Eventually) Unholy Sword -> weapon get +5 and the unholy property, suppressing the standard powers.
Foresight -> Never surprised, +2 to AC and reflex saves.
Heroism, Greater -> +4 to hit, saves, skill checks, immunity to fear, +20 temporary hit point.
Haste -> Extra attack at maximum bonus, +1 to hit, AC and reflex saves, +30 foot on movements.
Winds of Vengeance-> fly speed of 60 foot (perfect), immune to ranged weapon, breath weapon and gases, all of this works also underwater.
Frightful Aspect-> Large size, +6 to strength, +4 to constitution, +6 to natural armor, SR 20, aura of 30 foot radius of shaken (no save).
Long Arm-> +5 foot to reach.
Shoggoth Easy one, beating initiative Pain charges to the ooze (adjacent), conducting a dazing corrupting touch (fails the save) for 135 damage. Swift action to demoralize, inside aura of cowardice, now he's also frightened. Next round he full attacks, the first attack being a conducted corrupting touch. The shoggoth reaches -50 (more or less) hp and dies. Deadly Juggernaut rises to +1. Scythe is changed, and unholy sword is applied.
Balor Pain demoralizes the demon (4 round) and full attacks. Damage dealt: 196. This puts the demon in a state of fright, and he must run. In his turn, since his teleport is prohibited by beastmass rules, the balor runs 360 foot away, eating a AoO for 49 damage. Pain follows him, running at 360 foot to him, demoralizing him again (3 rounds added). Read again the last 3 sentences until the balor is dead. Death Throes are evaded. Deadly Juggernaut rises to +2. Scythe is not changed, and unholy sword is reapplied.
Pit Fiend Pain full attacks, with the first 3 attack being conducting stunning corrupted touch. By rules, the third save is a 9(dice)+24(fortitude)-2(shaken)=31. Corrupting touch has a save of 32, and the devil is stunned for 5 rounds. After being stunned even the last attacks hit, for 250+72*3 = 466. Dead. Deadly Juggernaut rises to +3. Scythe is changed, and unholy sword is applied.
Tarn Linnorm As before, but the damage is 470. Save against curse. Deadly Juggernaut rises to +4. Scythe is changed, and Enhance weapon (+4, anarchic) is applied. The scroll of contingent action is read, triggered by the word "Die!" when spoken by Pain, triggering an attack.
Gold Dragon, Ancient Goldie sees Pain first, but no surprise round. Pain runs to him activating smite good, and when he's adjacent he says "Die", then the contingency triggers the attack, threatening then confirming a crit, electing a 20 the attack roll (cyclops helm). This instakills the dragon, with 448 average damage. Scythe is changed, and Enhance weapon (+4, unholy) is applied. Pain also changes his helm with the other copy. Deadly Juggernaut rises and caps at +5.
Solar Pain charges the angel, threatening then confirming a crit, electing a 20 the attack roll (cyclops helm). This instakills the angel, with 452 average damage. Scythe is changed, and Enhance weapon (+4, wounding(it wont help)) is applied.
Tarrasque Pain full attacks, with the first 4 attack being conducting stunning corrupted touch. The Tarrasque passes the DC, but 536 damage is enough to drop him. This allows the last attack to hit, dealing another 62 damage. On the tarrasque turn, he regenerates to -33 hp. Pain full attacks again. Then he leaves, saying:"This is not my problem anymore, I'm gonna let him kill whatever he's capable of."
So... that works?

ElMustacho |

I'm not sure but I think instant kills aren't a part of pathfinder...
Edit: It's a variant rule, which I'm not sure if it works, but you also have to roll two 20's then confirm.
It's an instakill for sheer damage, as neither the dragon neither the solar can stand 400+ damage.
For crits, this item allows me to choose the result of a single die. Natural 20 is automatic.

Cap. Darling |

Another (anti)hero attempts the Beatsmass!
** spoiler omitted **...
You have lost of buffs up that only have 1 min pr level duration. How do you make sure all is ready when you start a figth? And good find on the helmet. A little underpriced that item is:) but for this game it is a great find.

ElMustacho |

I just Think if you have several buff rounds so should they. and if you scare them wont they just run away?
Edit: notice i May mis somthing that is clear to others. But it Does seem like you spend a lot of gold on scroll buffs.
If they run, I have the time to buff!
Yeah, that's a lot of gold. But of course, Pain is optimized enough to never suffer a point of damage. We could detract the money of all the constitution bonuses.
Cap. Darling |

Cap. Darling wrote:I just Think if you have several buff rounds so should they. and if you scare them wont they just run away?
Edit: notice i May mis somthing that is clear to others. But it Does seem like you spend a lot of gold on scroll buffs.If they run, I have the time to buff!
Yeah, that's a lot of gold. But of course, Pain is optimized enough to never suffer a point of damage. We could detract the money of all the constitution bonuses.
but assuming they run. Pehaps the gold dragon fly away. Do you catch up before it can regain its senses and buff up and will it help it to buff up?

ElMustacho |

Ok, let's do this.
Dragon sees Pain at 500 foot, but Pain starts first.
Pain reads a new scroll of Winds of Vengeance, clicks his boot for a round of haste and moves 90 foot ahead.
Goldie presumably buffs with mage armor, shield, shield of faith, prayer, dispel evil or haste, then moves 250(or 280) foot to Pain.
Pain hastes again, charges to the dragon at 180 foot of distance (enough to get adjacent), eats an AoO for some but irrelevant damage, swift action demoralizes the dragon, conducting a stunning corrupting touch. Save is 23(save)+10(beastmass)-2(shaken)-2(aura of despair, which I funnily forgot everywhere)=29, where Goldie needs a 32. He's stunned for 5 rounds. 5 full attacks later it should be dead.

ElMustacho |

Ok, let's do that again.
We have shapechange and we are a dragon; we become it at the start of the previous turn.
Hastened run action to the dragon which, by perception, is 500 foot away before the action, and 0 foot away later. I shapechange then into something with wings, arms and 10 foot reach. Also swift action demoralize.
The dragon can cast a spell, move or full attack. In the first two cases the dragon eats a stunning AoO. In the latter, it is stunned by the first attack of the following full attack. Concentration DC are high enough to prevent 5th or higher spells. If somehow the weapon isn't usable, Pain switches to a touch attack.

ElMustacho |

Consider it bought and used, instead of Frightful Aspect (just for this fight). I have left a good amount of gold. It's a long time buff so that is good. If it isn't, for some reasons, during the first round we cast shapechange, turn into an earth elemental and then we earthglide some meters below, where we can't be targeted by anything. We move where we won't be found (800 foot should be enough), we rise from the earth, shapechange into a giant and start buff. If we are found, we just revert to a earth elemental and repeat. When we are ready, we change shape into a dragon, find (or be found by) Goldie and wait a round. Since we prepped a Contingent action, we run (up to 600 foot now) to the dragon, smite good or demoralize, shapechange into a giant and declare ended the turn. In dragon's turn we trigger the contingency and we kill it, before he does anything.

kestral287 |
Decided to have fun with this.
Back during the Occult Playtest Kineticists kind of got laughed at.
Well, now they're laughing at you.
Hobgoblin Kineticist 20
Air Elemental Form
Str: 7
Dex: 18+2+6+4 (level)+4 (wish)+4 (Elemental Body II)=38
Con: 16+2 (race)+6 (Belt)+1 (level)+5 (wish)=30
Int: 10
Wis: 10+6 (headband)+4 (wish)=20
Cha: 7
Senses: Darkvision 60’, +33 Perception
Initiative: +21
Movement: land 30’, Fly 60’ (Perfect)
Skills: +45 Fly, +41 Stealth, +33 Perception
HP: 293 [120 nonlethal damage]
Burn: 5 [Max 13; see “Burn” below]
AC: 10+14 (Dex)+3 (natural) +5 (natural enhancement) +5 (deflection) +1 (insight) +2 (luck) +12 (armor)=52
CMD: 30
Fort: +30
Ref: +34
Will: +19
(Ranged 480’ OR Melee Vital Strike for x3 damage, Caster Level 21; +8 vs. SR. -1 to hit with melee due to Bracers of Falcon's Aim being included in default math):
+38 Empowered Electric Blast (15D6+16 Electric)
+38 Empowered Cold Blast (15D6+16 Cold)
+38 Empowered Air Blast (15D6+39 Bludgeoning) [x2 range]
+38 Empowered Blizzard Blast (15D6+39 Piercing; 15D6+15 Cold) [x2 range, 1 Burn]
+38 Empowered Thunderstorm Blast (15D6+39 Bludgeoning; 15D6+15 Electric) [x2 range, 1 Burn]
Water Elemental Form
Str: 7
Dex: 18+2+6+4 (level)+4 (wish) =34
Con: 16+2 (race)+6 (Belt)+1 (level)+5 (wish) +4 (Elemental Body II)=34
Int: 10
Wis: 10+6 (headband)+4 (wish)=20
Cha: 7
Senses: Darkvision 60’, +33 Perception
Initiative: +19
Movement: Land 30’, Swim 60’
Skills: +35 Fly, +39 Stealth, +33 Perception
HP: 333 [120 nonlethal damage]
Burn: 5 [Max 15; see “Burn” below]
AC: 10+5 (natural) +5 (natural enhancement) +5 (deflection) +1 (insight) +2 (luck) +12 (armor)
Fort: 32
Ref: 32
Will: 19
(Ranged 480’ OR Melee Vital Strike for x3 damage, Caster Level 21; +8 vs. SR. -1 to hit with melee due to Bracers of Falcon's Aim being included in default math):
+36 Empowered Electric Blast (15D6+18 Cold)
+36 Empowered Cold Blast (15D6+18 Cold)
+36 Empowered Air Blast (15D6+42 Bludgeoning) [x2 range]
+36 Empowered Blizzard Blast (15D6+42 Piercing; 15D6+15 Cold) [x2 range, 1 Burn]
+36 Empowered Thunderstorm Blast (15D6+42 Bludgeoning; 15D6+15 Electric) [x2 range, 1 Burn]
Traits: Reactionary, Muscle of the Society
1: Elemental Focus (Hydrokineticist), Cold Blast, Kinetic Healer, Spell Penetration
2: Shroud of Water, Extended Range
3: Feel the Burn +1, Greater Spell Penetration
4: Kinetic Blade
5: Infusion Specialization (Form), Metakinesis (Empower), Weapon Finesse
6: Feel the Burn +2, Kinetic Whip
7: Expanded Element: Air Blast, Improved Initiative
8: Infusion Specialization (Form), Extreme Range
9: Feel the Burn +3, Metakinesis (Maximize), Vital Strike
10: Kinetic Form
11: Infusion Specialization (Substance), Combat Reflexes
12: Feel the Burn +4, Ride the Blast
13: Metakinesis (Quicken), Extra Traits: Fate’s Favored & Highlander
14: Infusion Specialization (Substance), Air’s Reach
15: Composite Specialization, Feel the Burn +5, Expanded Element: Electric Blast, Improved Vital Strike
16: Kinetic Form, Greater
17: Infusion Specialization (Substance), Metakinesis (Double), Weapon Focus (Kinetic Blast)
18: Feel the Burn +6, Shimmering Image
19: Metakinetic Master (Empower)
20: Omnikinesis, Chilling Infusion
Items (127,500 gp remaining)
Belt of Physical Might +6 (Dex/Con)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6
13 Wishes
Ring of Protection +5
Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Cloak of Resistance +5
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Bracers of Falcon’s Aim
Otherworldly Kimono
Dusty Rose Prism
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism
Pale Green Prism
Orange Prism
All Ioun Stones are implanted
Arashi wakes up every morning and activates Shroud of Ice for an Armor bonus of +12, alongside Shimmering Mirage, and uses Greater Kinetic Form to shift into a Medium Air Elemental—though he’ll switch to Water as appropriate. All of this takes 5 Burn. With his first (real) action of the irst fight each day he’ll use a Blast that requires Burn. Hence, all numbers assume at least 6 Burn.
Arashi is a sneaky fellow, and happens to benefit from Concealment 100% of the time. As such, he is constantly using Stealth.
Arashi has a caster level vs. SR of +29. By Beastmass rules he can be expected to beat any SR up to 39, which is higher than any present. As such, SR is only noted against the Tarrasque.
Polymorph Rules
Arashi lives his life under one form of Elemental Body or another. This means that he relies exclusively on items with constant bonuses, as his gear is all but permanently melded into his body. Thus his items are effectively immune to being Sundered or targeted with Dispel Magic, but he can't activate any non-constant abilities that they may have. This blocks the Jingasa's critical-negation ability and the Kimono's Maze ability, unless his Kinetic Form is dispelled.
With a mere +30 to hit, the Shoggoth can’t do a thing to Arashi. Arashi (as a Water Elemental) wins initiative, retreats 60’, and uses an Empowered Air Blast. AC33 isn’t even remotely an issue, and the Shoggoth loses 82.5 HP to the swing. Its best option is to charge, closing range to 30’—if it only moves 60’, Arashi can kite it at will. The Cacophony is easily saved, and Arashi gets serious. Move action to approach, then an Empowered Thunderstorm Whip via Vital Strike. After defenses, that hits for 440 damage against 260.5 HP. Dead.
Arashi surfaces, shifts to an Air Elemental, and moves on.
6 Burn, 0 damage
This one was tricky. It gets a surprise round, but what to do with it…
An attack can hurt, but it can’t put Arashi down. Arashi’s flat-footed AC is 38, so it can land a hit with the longsword for 32 damage.
Implosion isn’t doing a thing to; Arashi passes the fort save on a 2. Fire Storm hurts a bit, 35 damage with the save, but that save is a given. Arashi only just squeaks by the save on Dominate Monster, but a save is a save. Greater Dispel Magic can hit his Kinetic Form, but that only knocks off +2 to hit/AC/initiative/Reflex, none of which is a difference maker—and that’s if it lands; it misses on a 10 (20+10 vs. 21+11). It can summon help, but the help needs to be able to swing the fight on its own. I haven’t found anything that can—at most, this can distract Arashi for a round, but if it can’t find something under its own power to threaten Arashi now, another round won’t help it.
Combat maneuvers are pretty much off the table. Ring of Freedom of Movement prevents grapple, and Kinetic Form itself prevents Sunder by absorbing the items into Arashi’s body—he doesn’t use weapons, armor, or a shield, so there’s no item that needs to be kept external.
The best attack strategy I can figure for it is Fire Storm. If it lands that and survives the next round, Arashi is within Power Word: Stun range. Note that this is under the understanding that you can’t take swift actions in the surprise round. If you can, the Balor can secure a kill by firing a Quickened Telekinesis to bash Arashi with a boulder (it barely hits, at +28 versus Arashi’s flat-footed AC of 38, but barely still counts), then go into Power Word Stun, then mop up. However, Arashi still has cash remaining, and a simple masterwork buckler negates the concern completely. Alternately, if Arashi is prone, that will grant +4 AC versus ranged attacks, so the TK would miss.
So, Fire Storm. Arashi lands the save but still takes 10D6, or 35 damage. He wins initiative, and needs to end the Balor now. He’ll spend his move action to gather energy, and then Vital Strike an Empowered Blizzard Whip. The Blizard loses 25 damage to DR and Cold Resistance, but that still leaves 452 damage—more than enough to secure the kill. Arashi saves against the death throes but still eats 50 damage.
Burn: 6
Damage: 85
HP: 208-120 nonlethal
This one is short and brutal, because it has to be. The Pit Fiend cannot be allowed a turn. Fortunately, Arashi takes the first move. He flies forward to range with his move action, accepts a point of burn, and uses Vital Strike with an Empowered Thunderstorm Whip. Fifteen damage is lost to DR, which leaves 462 damage. The Pit Fiend goes down.
Burn: 7
Damage: 85
HP: 188-120 nonlethal
At this point, Arashi will rest. Before he sleeps he uses Kinetic Healer four times, bringing his Burn up to 11 but dropping the damage taken to five, which he’ll sleep off.
The Linnorm gets the surprise round and spits at Arashi for ninety-nine damage—he makes the save easily, and makes the save on the poison just as easily next round.
Arashi wants no part of the Linnorm up close on its own terms. None at all. This could mean that he goes for a quick kill with a Blizzard Whip, but it’s early in the day and Arashi is annoyed. He’s going to sting the Linnorm to death.
Arashi turns his back on the beast and sites a rock some four hundred feet distant from the Linnorm. He aims an Air Blast at it and fires, using Ride the Blast to pull himself along. 400’ teleport at-will. 960’ is his maximum range, but he wants the Linnorm to be able to see him.
The Linnorm can still see him and gives chase—it doesn’t have any other real options. However, Arashi can effectively kite it, retreating 60’ each round and throwing an Air Blast at it. Whenever it would begin its turn 320’ or less away from Arashi, Arashi Rides The Blast away again and repeats the technique.
Since Arashi has no problem functioning underwater there’s no real escape for the Linnorm, and Arashi doesn’t have any real problems hitting anyway. It takes six shots with this method, but that’s doable, and he makes the save versus the Death Curse.
Or he could simply close and Vital Strike for a kill, but where’s the fun in that?
After the fight he’ll use Kinetic Healer once, just to get his Feel the Burn maxed.
Burn: 6
Damage: 79
HP: 214-120 nonlethal
Arashi gets the drop on the Gold no problem. His Stealth beats its Perception outright, so Arashi isn’t detected until he moves into Blindsense range. Meanwhile his Perception is good enough to spot it 310’ away.
The Gold Dragon is much nastier than the Tarn Linnorm fought previously. Simply kiting it to death isn’t a realistic option, since it’s a caster. Teleport and Greater Dispel Magic aren’t exactly fun for an aerial engagement either.
So Arashi goes for the throat, quick and brutal. With his surprise round he unleashes an Empowered Cold Blast and Rides the Blast in; now he’s directly in front of the Gold Dragon, and he just slapped it for 88 damage. There’s a DC 26 Fort save vs. Staggered in there too, but the dragon passes it easily. On his turn he gathers energy, then makes a Blizzard Blast to put the Gold down.
Burn: 6
Damage: 79
HP: 214-120 nonlethal
This fight isn’t very different from the fight against the Gold Dragon. Arashi has the surprise round and can’t afford to let the Solar have a turn. He fires an Air Blast and Ride the Blast in. On his next turn, he takes the move action to accept a point of Burn and Vital Strikes a Thunderstorm Whip. The Solar dies messily.
Burn: 6
Damage: 79
HP: 214-120 nonlethal
100’ away and Arashi gets the surprise round? He flies straight up on his first action, then straight up again on his second and fires an Air Blast.
Air Blasts don’t deal with SR and are hitting at +37—Arashi only misses on a two. Meanwhile, he can easily float outside of the Tarrasque’s reach, and its spines only hit on a natural 20.
Each shot does 79.5 damage after DR, so he’ll take a while—but Arashi has nothing but time. If the Tarrasque tries to run, Arashi can use Ride the Blast to hunt it down.
He could go for melee range to speed things up, but that runs the risk of the Tarrasque trying something fancy like a combat maneuver (not that I can think of any way for that to become all that dangerous, but on principle Arashi likes to do things the easy way). He could also use move action + Blizzard Blast to bring his damage up by about 50%, should the Tarrasque act in some way that Arashi can freely stay in one spot and bombard it. Or go for both, Vital Strike Blizzard Whips, to drop the Tarrasque in a mere two turns. One turn if he feels the urge to go nuclear with his Burn; a Quickened Empowered Air Blast with Ride the Blast -> move action gather energy -> Vital Strike Empowered Maximized Blizzard Whip is more than enough to bring the Tarrasque down. Arashi beats it down to an arbitrarily large amount of negative HP.
Sadly, we know that the release Kineticist is going to work rather differently so Arashi won't be able to stand atop the Beastmass forever. But the Tarrasque will always remember the day it was broken by a hobgoblin wielding nothing but air.

Avoron |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |
I stumbled across this thread a while back, and I decided to go up against the Beastmass in the most ridiculous and original way I could find. After some meandering, I settled on a Bewildering Koan/Drunken Ki build, to lock down the mighty opponents by drinking alcohol and asking meaningless questions. So all he really needs is super high Bluff and initiative bonuses - along with Megan, a helpful shadow. While I was actually making him, however, he gained so many peculiar dips and character choices that he ended up with a conglomeration of interesting abilities, most of which never come into play during the actual Beastmass. Anyway, here he is.
Male venerable gnome bard (street performer) 7/inquisitor (heretic) of iomedae 2/monk (drunken master, qinggong) 4/nature oracle 1/paladin (sacred shield) of iomedae 2/shadowdancer 3/diviner wizard 1
LG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +46; Senses darkvision, low-light vision, Perception +38
AC 54, touch 44, flat-footed 41, (+14 Cha, +11 Wis, +8 armor, +5 deflection, +2 natural, +1 insight, +2 monk)
hp 191 (17d8+2d10+1d6+100)
Fort +41
Ref +35
Will +54
Defensive Abilities illusion resistance, well-versed, ac bonus, evasion, nature’s whispers, legalistic, divine grace, bastion of good, uncanny dodge,
Speed 30 ft, fly 40 ft with broom
Melee cestus +39/+34/+29 (1d3+16) 19-20/x2
cestus flurry of blows +37/+37/+32/+27 (1d3+16) 19-20/x2
Special Attacks bardic performance (disappearing act, distraction, fascinate, harmless performer, suggestion) (DC 27, 37/day), judgement 1/day, flurry of blows, ki strike, Stunning Fist (DC 33, 9/day)
Bard/Inquisitor/Oracle/Wizard Spells Known/Prepared (CL 7th/2nd/1st/1st, concentration +21/+13/+15/+2)
It really doesn’t matter.
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 16, Wis 32, Cha 38
Base Atk +13; CMB +15; CMD 52
Feats Additional Traits, Bewildering Koan, Casual Illusionist, Combat Reflexes (monk bonus), Craft Wondrous Item, Deceitful, Dodge (monk bonus), Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike (monk bonus), Mobility, Noble Scion of War, Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus), Skill Focus (bluff), Stunning Fist (monk bonus), Voice of the Sibyl
Rogue Talents Ninja Trick (Forgotten Trick)
Traits Alien Origins, Fate’s Favored, Pragmatic Activator, Reactionary
Skills Bluff +85, Disguise +49, Linguistics +28, Perception +38, Perform (dance) +41, Perform (oratory) +44, Stealth +43 (he also has a rank in each Knowledge skill and a few other things, plus some other minor bonuses here and there, but they don't matter and I'm too lazy to calculate them)
Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Boggard, Catfolk, Celestial, Common, Cyclops, Dark Folk, Draconic, Dwarven, D’ziriak, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Grippli, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Necril, Orc, Protean, Sphynx, Strix, Sylvan, Tengu, Terran, Treant, Undercommon, Vanaran, Vegepygmy, Vishkanya, Wayang, 9 other
Special Qualities obsessive, gnome magic, weapon familiarity, gift of tongues, versatile performance, gladhandling, streetwise, quick change, pageant of the peacock, seize the initiative 14/day, stern gaze, cunning initiative, detect alignment, track, lore of escape, hide tracks, fast movement, maneuver training, ki pool (13 points), drunken ki, barkskin, legalistic, aura of good, detect evil, lay on hands, hide in plain sight, shadow illusion 1/day, summon shadow, forwarned, prescience 4/day, arcane bond (hare familiar)
Combat Gear scroll of extended widened globe of tranquil water (in wrist sheath), wand of dimension door (in wrist sheath)
Other Gear +5 dueling guided ki intensifying cold iron cestus, belt of physical perfection +6, bracers of armor +8, broom of flying, circlet of persuasion, cloak of resistance +5, cyclops helm (in haversack), dusty rose prism ioun stone, flask of endless sake (in glove), flawed pale green prism ioun stone, glove of storing, handy haversack, headband of mental superiority +6, mantle of immortality, masterwork bluff tool, monk’s robe, mulberry pentacle ioun stone, pearl of the sirines (set in rod handle), periapt of proof against poison, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +5, rod of absorption (held), sandals of quick reaction, spring-loaded wrist sheath x2, stone of good luck, tome of leadership and influence (expended), tome of understanding (expended)
The strength of this build lies in the feat Bewildering Koan, which has been clarified by Sean K Reynolds.
Bewildering Koan allows Ferdinand to spend a ki point as a swift action to make an opponent lose their next turn, provided he wins a Bluff check opposed by their Sense Motive check. When combined with Drunken Ki, this allows him to potentially lock down opponents indefinitely by drinking to gain temporary ki immediately after he spends it. Causing opponents to lose their turns prevents them from doing almost anything, with a few exceptions such as immediate actions, attacks of opportunity, speaking, and hovering. And while they are immobilized, his shadow companion Megan can make short work of them.
This strategy is specially tailored to the Beastmass, because it is only entirely effective against single opponents that can understand a language. Against multiple enemies, Ferdinand must rely on his wand of dimension door to escape, although he has invested a few levels to obtain not-too-shabby defensive statistics.
Apart from pondering unanswerable questions, one of Ferdinand's main hobbies is magic item crafting. He uses Pageant of the Peacock and his Cyclops Helm to obtain over 100 on every item he attempts, and has built up an impressive collection.
When Ferdinand first hears rumors of the Beastmass, he spends the next week or so pondering it and making the relevant Knowledge checks with Pageant of the Peacock and his Cyclops Helm. He now knows more than he would ever need to about all of the monsters he will be facing, although he doesn't do much about this knowledge other than buying his scroll and brushing up on subjunctive verb forms in Aklo.
As you might expect from an alcoholic gnome philosopher with an unlimited supply of sake, Ferdinand drinks quite frequently, refreshing his barkskin as necessary throughout the day and having a temporary ki point available at all times.
On the morning of the Beastmass, Ferdinand sets out like a happy little adventuring gnome. On his right hand, he is wearing his cestus, his glove of storing (which contains his flask of endless sake, already activated), and one of his spring-loaded wrist sheathes (which contains his wand of dimension door, in case the unthinkable happens and he runs into multiple creatures at once). With his left, he wears his other spring-loaded wrist sheath with his scroll in it and holds his rod of absorption.
Megan, his faithful shadow companion, follows along. His slightly less faithful rabbit familiar meanders about in the same general direction, casually chewing on appealing plants.
Ferdinand and Megan decide to go for a swim. Ferdinand, being a mere mortal, grips tightly to the pearl of the sirines set into the handle of his rod. Megan, being incorporeal and unbreathing, floats along without a care in the world.
Suddenly, an immense mound of black slime thunders forward out of the murk, eyes and mouths and even stranger things forming in its heaving bulk. Ferdinand wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock as a move action, making an insanely high knowledge check to make sure that it's actually a shoggoth, and gaining a bonus on Bluff checks just in case it recently became a whole lot more insightful. He uses Bewildering Koan as a swift action, asking an impossible question in Aklo and easily succeeding on Bluff (as he does in all of the fights). He then retrieves his flask from his glove as a free action, drinks as a standard action to regain a temporary ki point, and stores it again as a free action.
He can continue this each round, using Bewildering Koan and drinking, keeping the shoggoth completely unable to act. Meanwhile, Megan approaches, ignoring the shoggoths non-magical attacks of opportunity. She uses her preferred (okay, only) combat strategy of attacking with her touch attack (hitting on a 2) and chipping away at the shoggoth's strength until it becomes an immobile blob.
Ferdinand can finish it off.
Tired from all that swimming and ooze-slaying, Ferdinand and Megan sit down in a cozy, deserted coffee shop with an absurdly tall ceiling.
Suddenly, a winged fiend bursts through the window, its horned head and fanged visage presenting the perfection of the demonic form, fire spurting from its flesh. Ferdinand hijacks the surprise round with his diviner ability and wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock with the move action from his sandals and makes a knowledge check. He then uses Bewildering Koan to ask an unanswerable question in Abyssal and follows up with Drunken Ki to gain a temporary ki point. Each turn he inquires and drinks, keeping the balor immobilized.
Megan takes a couple of 5-foot steps to get up to the balor and begins attacking him with her touch attack, hitting on a 5. This triggers the balor's flaming body, but it deals half damage, so Megan only ends up taking about 15 damage before the balor collapses into unconsciousness from the strength damage.
Ferdinand can finish it off, saving against the death throes on a 2. He takes no damage if he saves, and he survives either way.
The fight with the balor has ruined Ferdinand's appetite, so he and Megan head into a nearby abandoned warehouse with for some peace and quiet.
Suddenly, they realize that they are not alone. A pair of gigantic, flame-seared wings and eyes smoldering like embers give the towering devil in the room with them a truly horrific appearance. Ferdinand wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock and makes a knowledge check. He then uses Bewildering Koan to ask an unanswerable question in Infernal and follows up with Drunken Ki to gain a temporary ki point. Each turn he inquires and drinks, keeping the pit fiend immobilized.
Megan approaches the pit fiend underground and pops up next to it. She begins attacking it with her touch attack, hitting on a 3 and eventually knocking it unconscious with Strength damage.
Ferdinand can finish it off.
Ferdinand decides that maybe buildings are a bad place for him today, so he heads with Megan to the edge of a nearby tarn to admire the moon.
Suddenly, he hears a loud thump and snaps out of his sky appreciation just in time to notice a nightmarishly huge, snake-like dragon with two equally fearsome heads land a short distance away from him. Its twin jaws seethe with acid and poison. Ferdinand hijacks the surprise round with his diviner ability and wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock with the move action from his sandals and makes a knowledge check. He then uses Bewildering Koan to ask an unanswerable question in Draconic and follows up with Drunken Ki to gain a temporary ki point. Each turn he inquires and drinks, keeping the linnorm immobilized.
Megan approaches the linnorm underground and pops up next to it. She begins attacking it with her touch attack, hitting on a 2 and eventually knocking it unconscious with Strength damage.
Ferdinand can finish it off, saving against the death curse on a 2.
Ferdinand gives up on trying to make the best of this day and just heads to the middle of a field, waiting for something else to happen.
Suddenly, a dragon appears off in the distance. Wow. Didn't see that one coming. Golden scales cover the body of this majestic dragon, and a regal crest of horns arches backward above wise and piercing eyes. Ferdinand hijacks the surprise round with his diviner ability and wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock with the move action from his sandals and makes a knowledge check. He then uses Bewildering Koan to ask an unanswerable question in Draconic (despite the distance, the dragon makes its Perception check on a 1 to hear a shouting gnome) and follows up with Drunken Ki to gain a temporary ki point. Each turn he inquires and drinks, keeping the dragon immobilized. It stays in the air until it fails a hover check, at which point it falls to the ground rather comically.
Megan flies toward the dragon, 5-foot stepping once she gets into its reach. Once adjacent, she attacks with her touch attack, hitting it on a 2 and sapping away its mighty strength until it loses consciousness.
Ferdinand can finish it off, but chooses not to because he's a nice little paladin who doesn't go around killing paragons of goodness.
Ferdinand and Megan walk into a garden to admire some chrysanthemums.
Suddenly, an angel casually and obliviously descends from the sky to eat a strawberry. This towering humanoid creature has shining topaz eyes, metallic skin, and three pairs of white wings. Ferdinand gets a surprise round and wins initiative.
Ferdinand uses Pageant of the Peacock with the move action from his sandals and makes a knowledge check. He then uses Bewildering Koan to ask an unanswerable question in Celestial and follows up with Drunken Ki to gain a temporary ki point. Each turn he inquires and drinks, keeping the solar immobilized.
Megan approaches the angel underground and pops up next to it. She begins attacking it with her touch attack, hitting on a 2 and eventually knocking it unconscious with Strength damage.
Ferdinand leaves the solar alive as well, thinking its probably a good idea to avoid falling on a day like today. You know how it is these days - you kill one little angel and everyone starts making a fuss.
This time, Ferdinand is ready. There is nothing sudden about the appearance of the tarrasque - this immense reptilian beast towers over the surroundings like a dinosaur, all teeth and horns and claws and thrashing spiked tail. Ferdinand gets a surprise round and wins initiative, starting 65 feet away.
In his surprise round, Ferdinand switches his rod over to his right hand and triggers his left spring-loaded wrist sheath as a swift action, drawing his scroll of extended widened globe of tranquil water. He then uses Pageant of the Peacock with the move action from his sandals and activates the scroll with his standard action, relying on Pageant to get an insane result with Use Magic Device (an intelligence-based skill for him). A 40-ft. radius sphere of water bubbles outward from Ferdinand, and he grips his pearl in the handle of his rod tightly. He 5-foot steps toward the tarrasque.
In the first round of combat, he uses Bewildering Koan as a swift action to ask an unanswerable question in Aklo (it's not mind-affecting, and the tarrasque isn't immune to Bluff), drinks as a standard action, and 5-foot steps toward the tarrasque. He repeats this each round, 5-foot stepping closer until he is adjacent. Megan follows along for moral support; her attacks have no affect on the tarrasque.
The two forces stand at an apparent impasse, the tarrasque unable to act and the gnome unable to do anything about the tarrasque besides ask it question after question that shakes its very grasp on the nature of reality. But there is one more important fact: all of them are surrounded by water. A tarrasque can hold its breath for a long time (almost 8 minutes before it even has to check), but Ferdinand can philosophize for longer. Regeneration does not protect it from drowning, and even as the last breaths escape from its lungs, it can do nothing but lament at the absurdity of the situation.
As the tarrasque, slayer of kingdoms, fades helplessly out of existence, one phrase, one last question, rings cruelly in its ears.
"How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?"
There is no response.

alexd1976 |

http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2nix8?Zen-and-the-Art-of-Monk-Maintenance-A-Gui de
In the linked thread, the OP demonstrates how a 20th level Zen Archer Quiggong Monk is able to defeat a Shoggoth, Balor, Pit Fiend, Tarn Linnorm, Ancient Gold Dragon, Solar Angel and the Tarrasque in succession with only one rest period to regain abillities, Ki etc.
He then proceeds to ask if any other class could triumph over it as his Zen Archer could.
So here is my challenge: can any of you build a 20th level character of any class, race and archetype combo to triumph over these seven beasts with only one rest period?
Builds must be 20 point buy but can include any feat, spell, item, trait etc from anything published by Paizo.
Builds should be as descriptively full as possible as per the linked example.
These are the fight rules regarding dice rolls
Fight Rules : no one flees for good - the pride of classdom and the Bestiary are at stake. Single d20s always result in 10, multiple d20s (like full attacks) go 10-11-9, 10-9-11, and repeat. Threats kick in when the percentages from hits (not misses) build up to 60% within or over rounds (eg. 12 basic /20x2 hits would offer one threat and confirmation). Strictly mathematically speaking, multiple 20x2 threats don’t produce exact 5% threat chances, apparently, but for a game guide I reckon a flat 5% per pip will do. If there’s a decisive close call I’ll flag it. Rough but simple.
End QuoteTerrain rules for combats.
Shoggoth: Underwater, normal light levels, 90 feet apart, everyone has normal concealment beyond 20 feet, no surprise round.
Balor: 10 feet by 10 feet candle lit room, 100 feet high, 10 feet apart, Balor has foreknowledge of character's abilities and gets surprise round.
Pit Fiend: 60 feet by 60 feet dark room, 60 feet high, 50 feet apart, Pit Fiend has foreknowledge of character's abilities, no surprise round.
Tarn Linnorm: Moon lit Tarn, 50 feet apart, Linnorm gets surprise round.
Ancient Gold Dragon: Open...
This is easy. You said any race. Pick, oh I dunno, cthulu or something as the race, slap the existing Monk build on it, boom.
Also, ten mythic tiers. What do I win?

customizing till the end |

I think a brawler/master of many styles monk could beat beastmass.
Possibly one of those scout rogue builds... Scouts charge+cornugon smash+ shatter defences+ INSANELY HIGH INTIMIDATE DC= Lot's of damage. And use leadership to get a gunslinger for startling shot spamming...
Or a mysticc theurge magus who uses spellstrike+ 4 helms of the cyclops+ harm+ Keen scimitar for INSANE damage
75(assuming they make their save)*4= 300. Yell THIS IS SPARTA NOW! And that's without adding your weapon attack damage. We're talking pretty low BAB so about 80 damage ( Probably much more) And if they fail their save that's 600+normal attack damage... Ouch.
Also, an alternate challenge: 4 LV20 (no mythic ranks) PCs have to take on Pazuzu, that CR30 Empyreal lord guy, Kaiju, mogaru, and CThulu at once. EPIC TEAM BaTTLE!

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To the antipaladin guy,
Starting to read through your char, cool concept!
I don't think you are able to use evasion. Ring of evasion grants the evasion abiltiy, which only works in a certain condition:
Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor
You do not meet this condition as I assume the +14 armor bonus comes from Full Plate +5.
So I would assume you have the ability, but can't use it unless you remove your armor.I see somewhat frequent errors in these characters (IE the Jimmy the Cleric build stacked a +2 wisdom Ioun stone with a headband, which doesn't stack) but yours happens to be the first time I've caught one within a short time of it actually being posted, so nothing personal!
Pretty sure the cyclops helm is designed to be used only within the Emerald Spire adventure, so of course it's gonna break encounters outside of that. But if the rules say allow it (I didn't see any equipment rules in the OP, for some reason) go for it I guess.

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To the antipaladin guy,
Starting to read through your char, cool concept!I don't think you are able to use evasion. Ring of evasion grants the evasion abiltiy, which only works in a certain condition:
Evasion wrote:Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor
Wierd, you posted the description of Evasion from the Rogue class feature. Why did you choose that one over the Ranger one?
Evasion (Ex): When he reaches 9th level, a ranger can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the ranger is wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. A helpless ranger does not gain the benefit of evasion.
What about a Plains Druid?
Evasion (Ex): At 13th level, a plains druid gains evasion when wearing light or no armor and carrying a light load. This functions as the rogue ability of the same name. This ability replaces a thousand faces.
Or an Eidolon/Animal Companion's Evasion perhaps? This one doesn't mention armor or barding, but Animal Companions certainly can and do wear barding all the time.
Evasion (Ex): If an eidolon/Animal Companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Weird, they are all worded differently. So which do we use? Or do we use none of them?
But hey, Ring of Evasion was from 3rd right? When evasion only came in the flavor of Light or No Armor (even for the Ranger)? Except the Evasion special ability talked about talked about those restrictions.
Evasion And Improved Evasion
These extraordinary abilities allow the target of an area attack to leap or twist out of the way. Rogues and monks have evasion and improved evasion as class features, but certain other creatures have these abilities, too.If subjected to an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, a character with evasion takes no damage on a successful save.
As with a Reflex save for any creature, a character must have room to move in order to evade. A bound character or one squeezing through an area cannot use evasion.
As with a Reflex save for any creature, evasion is a reflexive ability. The character need not know that the attack is coming to use evasion.
Rogues and monks cannot use evasion in medium or heavy armor. Some creatures with the evasion ability as an innate quality do not have this limitation.
Improved evasion is like evasion, except that even on a failed saving throw the character takes only half damage.
TLDR: The Ring doesn't mention any armor restrictions, nor states "like the rogue/ranger/monk class feature of the same name", so it in fact has no armor restrictions. Restricting it to only work with certain armor types is a houserule.

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Just saw the thread was active again and figured it was in relation to the last posted concept. Oops!
I certainly see your argument, but working in all conditions makes the item vastly undervalued considering a ring of energy resist greater is 44K and a ring of evasion would be way better than that.
That said you make a very good RAW argument.

Avoron |
Also, an alternate challenge: 4 LV20 (no mythic ranks) PCs have to take on Pazuzu, that CR30 Empyreal lord guy, Kaiju, mogaru, and CThulu at once. EPIC TEAM BaTTLE!
Ferdinand and his other three identical quadruplets could defeat them fairly easily by winning initiative and immobilizing all enemies with Bewildering Koan and Drunken Ki. Two of the gnomes can use their scrolls of extended widened globe of tranquil water to drown Pazuzu and Cernunnos. The others can keep the remaining two from doing anything, and when the first two gnomes are finished with their drowning they can use a wand of Major Creation to suffocate Mogaru.
Cthulu has his whole immortality thing, but he still needs to sleep, so the gnomes can just take shifts drinking and asking impossible questions until he collapses from exhaustion.

customizing till the end |

Ah, great Idea, but I would rule 4 DIFFERENT! PCs. ( Must have a different class, stats, basic build idea etc.)
Personally I think a master summoner would really shine here, as he could restrict movement.
Also a scout rogue with an intimidate build.
And a cleric/magus for harm
And a gunslinger, cause why not.

customizing till the end |

Also, bewildering koan specifies "loses it's next ACTION" Not loses it's next TURN. So what about quickened spells?
P.S if we are going to be serious about this... Meagre starts 1,200 feet away from the PCs, Cthulu starts 2,000 feet in the air above the PCs, Pazuzu is slightly above Cthulu, and Cernunnos starts 1,000 feet away from the PCs, his bow ready. Terrain: flat grassy plain.
PPS: Demon Lords VS great old ones VS Empyreal lords VS kaiju VS common sense. Who would win?

45ur4 |

Here's my submission too!
Basically an Elemental Ascetic Pyrokineticist using fists (insipired by this), because I really love unarmed fight and fire too, so why not?
Here's the build of
kineticist elemental ascetic
primary element Fire
human (no feat, +2 DEX & WIS)
Traits fate's favored, firebrand
1 weapon finesse
5 snapping turtle style
9 pummeling style
13 combat style master
17 pummeling charge
VMC monk (KI pool 10, improved evasion, unarmed strike)
_Utility Wild Talent
1 basic pyrokinesis
2 skilled kineticist
4 fire sculptor
6 greater skilled kineticist (stealth)
8 heat adaptation
10 kinetic form
12 ride the blast
14 spark of life
16 firesight
18 smoke storm
20 reverse shift
1 draining infusion
3 burning infusion
11 flash infusion
17 unraveling infusion
19 eruption
_Expanded Element
7 flame jet*
15 greater flame jet*
air cushion
wings of air
book DEX +5 137.5
book WIS +5 137.5
belt +6 DEX&CON 90 BELT
bracers of armor +8 64 WRISTS
gamboge nodule 54
ring of protection +5 50 RING 1
pale green prism 30
flawed pale green prism 28
cloak of resistance +5 25 SHOULDER
luckstone 20
AOMF (agile, menacing) 16 NECK
monk's robe 13 BODY
ring of chameleon 12.7 RING 2
boots of speed 12 FEET
unfettered shirt 10 CHEST
pliant gloves 10 HANDS
scroll of permanency 8.625
jingasa of the fortunate soldier 5 HEAD
eyes of the eagle 2.5 EYES
scroll of greater magic fang CL 20 1.5
level 1 stats: 7 18 12 7 17 7
final stats: 7 36 18 11 30 7
activated: haste, kineticform, light, omnikinesis
internal buffer 3 points used
AC 55 10 + 13 + 15 + 5 + 1 + 8 - 2 + 3 + 2
base dex wis def has arm siz dod luck
CMD 64 10 + 15 + 13 - 2 + 15 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2
base bab dex str wis def has siz dod luck
hit +35 15 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 13 - 2 + 1
bab weap comp exEl has dex siz mor
init +18 13 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1
dex luck comp mor tra
fort +25 12 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4
bas res luck comp mor con
refl +35 12 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 13
bas res luck comp mor has dex
will +25 6 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 10
bas res luck comp mor wis
damage 6d8 + 13 + 5 (unarmed)
siz dex weap
HP 170 20d8 + 20 + 80 - 20
cls fav con burn
===Kinetic Fist
Note: always empowered
hit +36
dam 6d8 + 5d6 + 19
dam 6d8 + 10d6 + 19 (1 burn)
standard powerful fist (2) + kinetic fist (0) + flash infusion (4) - 6 infusion specialization
debuff powerful fist (2) + kinetic fist (0) + unraveling infusion (4) - 6 infusion specialization
form 33 10 + 9 + 13 + 1
sub 30 10 + 9 + 10 + 1
util 21+ 10 + 10 + 1 + spell level
UMD +25 20 + 3 - 2 + 2 + 1 + 1
rank cls cha luck comp mor
percep +41 20 + 3 + 10 + 2 + 5 + 1
rank cls wis luck comp mor
stealth +51 20 + 3 + 13 + 2 + 10 + 1 - 8 + 10
rank cls dex luck comp mor siz wld
Kplanes +27 20 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1
rank cls luck comp mor
Note on Omnikinesis
This is used mainly to gain Wings of Air, which can serve better than Flame Jet.
Pugno D. Brace waits
shoggoth takes the only action possible: charge, but has no chances to win against CMD nor hittin Pugno D. Brace AC
Pugno D. Brace sits and waits for the soggoth, as a prepared action he moves to get enemy in reach, then fullattacks (conc to cast fire underwater always succeedes)
balor gets surprise round
if balor uses dispel, but less than half of Pugno D. Brace are dispelled. Kinetic form can be reactivated on next turn at will
if balor summons, it takes too much long
if balor tries telekinesis or any spell, Pugno D. Brace can easily succed at any ST
if balor attacks, it needs a critical to hit Pugno D. Brace, that, even with vorpal sword, can be negated once a day by jingasa
Pugno D. Brace wins initiative
charge, 8 attackshits, total damage 368, RD applies once, on its turn the pitfiend regenerates and wakes up. Anew pitfiend shows up (it was created with devil shaping during downtime), Pugno D. Brace activates his ring
PF1 is badly injured, it could be killed by the PF2 betraying him
PF1 is in Pugno D. Brace's reach, so getting an AoO will drop him down, its strategy can be defensive
most of the spells are not worth casting, because of Pugno D. Brace ST. Poison and fever of the bite are better choice, but precision is not high enough to hit Pugno D. Brace AC.
One PitFiend could casts dispel magic greater, but its CL 18 is unlikely to penetrate the DC of 31 (32 for fire effects) of Pugno D. Brace.
Wish is the most desireable action here:
to lower Pugno D. Brace ST and cast hold monster, then the PF2 CdG him. But Pugno D. Brace frees him on his turn
All in all, it drives toward Pugno D. Brace's favor
linnorm gets surprise round
if charges with bite & PA, hits 42 damage
if charges with tail, it could grab him and Pugno D. Brace would be impossibilitated to use any spell-like ability. On next turn Pugno D. Braces can activate his shirt. But, attack roll to hit with its tail is too low even when charging against surpised Pugno D. Brace...
if linnorm moves and starts a grapple, it automatically succeeds and does constrict damage. On his turn Pugno D. Brace frees him with object
if linnorm uses breath weapon, Pugno D. Brace evades it easily negating damage
on his turn Pugno D. Brace, fullattacks, dodges an AoO to get in reach, and kills the beast which is unprotected against fire
Pugno D. Brace starts first, sneaks to the dragon thanks to his +56 bonus, near enough for a charge (60 feet with boots of speed activated plus his reach, 15 feet, still outside dragon's blindsense). He activates Reverse Shift to become invisible and go near the dragon and then ceases concentration to charge with Pummeling charge.
Pugno D. Brace wins initiative and doublefullattacks the dragon, which is immune to fire but still succumbs to rough physical damage.
as ancient gold dragon, but solar have higher AC, so gets hit only 5 times. Solar is low resistant to fire though. Double full-attack and solar is down
same tactics as solar and ancient gold dragon. Tarrasque has chances to survive, but on his turn he can only:
fullattack, with nearly all attacks failing to hit (Pugno D. Brace AC 55)
or swallow, doing a bit of damage, but Pugno D. Brace can flurry on his turn and kill the monster inside his belly

45ur4 |

Pugno D. Brace deals only 5d6 fire damage per unarmed strike, the rest of the damage is physical, so he is still doing 6d8 damage (2d10 for the unarmed strike damage of a monk of level 18 for VMC monk plus 4 levels for the robes of the monk, this increased by two sizes for Kinetic Form) + 19 (dexterity plus weapon enhancement plus 1 damage for having chosen Fire twice for Expanded Element). When using pummeling charge he can make his flurry, for a total of 6 six attacks, with two extra attacks thanks to haste and using a KI point, resulting in:
6d8 (average, 27) + 19 = 46 damage per attack
46 * 8 attacks - 15 DR (applied only once, thx to Pummeling Style) = 353 total damage.
The Balor is down on his next turn (retreat is not an option in this challenge), while the balor does not have any real option to do anything (per the post).
Same goes for the Pit Fiend (which may fail the ST against blindness of the Flashing Infusion) and the Goldie (here Pugno D. Brace has the edge because he gets the surprise round and then wins initiative).

Dòmhnall Cinàed |

Alright, presenting The Vacuum. He's pretty damn squishy, but as best I can tell he can take down each of the big bads, one after another, with absolutely no rest, even assuming all of the bad guys get 15s on their rolls, and he gets 5s. He took some work, and there were several places where I may have made mistakes, so please give feedback. This might not be entirely in the spirit of the competition, but I think by the RAW of this challenge, The Vacuum succeeds.
** spoiler omitted **...
You are missing a 3rd metamagic feat in order to qualify for Spell Perfection.
I suggest you change Varisian Tattoo and Bloatmage Initiate for Spell Specialization (Suffocation, Mass) and take Persistent Spell/Piercing Spell as the missing metamagic feat.

Avoron |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Very observant, but about three years too late.
I just found a flaw in The Vacuum, he's got Spell Perfection with only 2 metamagic feats D:
This seemed very problematic at first, but actually he can just dump Greater Spell Penetration and still be able to hit through the tarrasque's SR on a 4, grabbing, I don't know, Piercing Spell or something with his 7th level feat.

4mb4r4b4 |

Anyway I cannot understand how she can reach a DC of 47 for her spell.
She has:
10 (base bonus for DC) +
9 (spell level) +
15 (INT 40) +
2 (Spell Focus doubled from Spell Percfection) +
2 (Greater Spell doubled from Spell Percfection) +
2 (Diviner Foretell (Su) ability) =
40 DC (and only in 30 ft.) - Tarrasque will fail on a 8.
What am I missing in order to reach the DC 47 Jehova declared in the build?

4mb4r4b4 |

In 30 ft. the DC is in fact 42 having the School Power from Greater Eldritch Heritage, 40 if far more than 30 ft. from the target.
I'm still far from the DC 47...
Then there is a problem with the Dragon:
Jehova wrote:"The dragon likely wins the initiative, but it doesn't matter. With his Reach Spell, The Vacuum can suck the air out of it at 300 ft., which he does, using his Arcane Bond to save a spell."
But the Arcane Bond says: "A bonded object can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. [...] This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities."
So, she cannot cast a Reach Mass Suffocation with his Arcane Bond.

Mashallah |

Mr. Railgun, a level 20 fighter, humbly enters the challenge.
He's a human Learned Duelist Fighter with Oracle VMC.
STR 17
DEX 22
CON 18
INT 24
WIS 16
Init +20, 38 AC, +21 fort, +17 ref, +19 will
Pragmatic Activator
1 - Deadly Aim, Improved Initiative
5 - Advanced Weapon Training (Trained Throw)
9 - Combat Expertise
13 - Cut from the Air
17 - Undersized Mount
Fighter bonus feats:
2 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aklys)
4 - Combat Reflexes
6 - Vital Strike
8 - Ricochet Toss
10 - Advanced Weapon Training (Armed Bravery)
12 - Improved Vital Strike
14 - Smash from the Air
16 - Greater Vital Strike
18 - Advanced Weapon Training (Trained Initiative)
20 - Advanced Weapon Training (Focused Weapon)
Ring of Revelation (Weapon Mastery) bonus feats:
Weapon Focus (Aklys)
Greater Weapon Focus (Aklys)
Improved Critical (Aklys)
Lame curse
Battle Mistery
War Sight
Battlefield Clarity
Dunno what to take for third, all the choices are bad
Acrobatics +26
Knowledge (Arcana) +27
Knowledge (Nature) +27
Knowledge (Planes) +27
Knowledge (Religion) +27
Perception +26
Ride +29
Stealth +30
UMD +27
Knowledges are sufficient to know all the necessary stuff, I think.
Gloves of Dueling
7x Cyclops Helm (7 is his lucky number)
Belt of +6 to everything
Headband of +6 int +6 wis
Cloak +5
Ring +5
Ring of Revelation
Necklace +5
Permanencied Enlarge Person
Adamantine Gargantuan +5 Dueling Aklys
Sandals of Quick Reaction
+5 Storm Giant Hide Armor
10 Scrolls of Gate
Combat Trained Griffon
Wand of Infernal Healing
Wand of Celestial Healing
Total: 668415gp
Strategy: vital strike throw aklys at enemies (focused weapon +size mods) with flash of insight (one helmet per enemy, swapping after each), due to automatically confirmed criticals from capstone deal 36d8+106 damage, maximised, or, in simpler terms, 394 as a standard action.
Mr. Railgun was enjoying a trip on a boat through a lake, as, suddenly, something crashed his boat and he saw a Shoggoth right in front of him.
He decisively wins initiative, and throws the Aklys at the Shoggoth. Nat 20 negates all the penalties for throwing underwater, so it hits, and the Shoggoth is dead.
Ah g@+ d*%n it. The forum just deleted my post, I only had the above backed up. Thus, the following will be much less detailed as I really don't want to write all that again, especially since it's 3:07 here right now.
Railgun hijacks the surprise round Balor is dead in one hit, Railgun eats the 100 damage from death throes.
Pit Fiend is dead in one hit, finished off with Celestial Healing.
This one is a joke.
Finally some difficulties. Mr. Railgun hijacks surprise round (the dragon is still visible from 300ft away, so the ability can be used), uses his griffon to fly up, and throws the Aklys. The Dragon falls.
Dead in one hit and defiled with Infernal Healing to finish off.
And this is the interesting bit, since Tarrasque has too much HP to kill in one hit. Railgun uses the surprise round to assume Giant Form and thus Gargantuan size (I think it stacks with the permanent Enlarge Person), getting 12d8 damage in the process. The initiative is easily won, meaning Railgun gets to deal 72d8+118 damage, maximised to 694, bringing Tarrasque to almost -200 HP. The only thing left is to Gate the thing to the elemental plane of water so it drowns.